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hello i am robot trainer just kidding i'm wearing a power suit because today in minecraft we are doing hunters versus speed runners but we are wearing power suits like this one wow basically we can shoot plasma cannons and we can fly it's really cool it's jelly's job to mine this trophy with a diamond pickaxe and if he doesn't then he wins but if me and josh kill him then we win also it's officially the very last day that you're going to be able to pick up all of this cool merchandise and also this one that i'm wearing and of course if you want some discount on the store use code launch at the checkout so if you want some of this limited edition merchandise make sure you go to and let's get right into the video ladies and gentlemen whoa i am the speed runner and i have a beautiful power suit what are you doing is that the plasma [Music] cannon bye bye all right i think we waited long enough for jelly i just want to say this josh i'm definitely the coolest looking robot okay what all right see you later okay we'll go colliding robots oh don't fall josh no we're in a power suit oh sorry i'm a power suit all right so it seems that we've got a smithy wait i have a question for you josh what do power suit wearing people eat that's a good like am i gonna need these carry i guess i'll take them wait um carrots huh you found carrots yeah yeah up here look i knew you were gonna go with that bomb so i went for this one wait there's a zombie josh to see if he got any josh let's try out the power fist on this zombie out here uh i'm just gonna kill that guy i'm gonna try my full power fist one shot josh raise the ground as well it's really good and we're still gonna need tools we've got someone to hunt you know oh but we need tools josh i know oh yeah by the way the fist allows us to craft a bit so you don't need to make a crafting tape yeah yeah it has a crafting table and everything like that but i guess we'll make a basic uh i can't believe we're transformers but i need a pickaxe i mean you know yeah i mean we've only got a little fist to shoot like things we could shoot plasma cannons we shouldn't need this josh okay which way is he oh this way in this direction um oh wait wait wait wait wait man i can't believe it almost forgot something josh no no no you know what i'm actually want to be involved in your boat though i don't know if i can forgive myself for forgetting this i'm already gone i can't see or hear you well you don't have to you don't have to care about it all i know is that i finally did it oh look who needs a boat now huh josh look who needs a boat i don't need a boat there's literally so much water here look crana what do i look like i need a boat i guess you don't really but i just flew over the other side my point still stands that the bolt was a good decision okay oh look at smart guy we're coming for you jeff i'm not really there yet but i'll join you very soon i don't really care oh that was very rude okay this way and jump and fly yeah you made a cool tower jelly but we used it we used it for our own advantage buddy no flashback cannon flashback yeah it's really not that hot jelly wait wait do you see him he's like over here somewhere josh oh he's down there i see him but you do yeah wait no that's you yeah he actually managed to escape me oh i see him he's right here he's right here get him wait wait where yo crater how are you so yeah what's up buddy okay he hurts he hurts i need your help oh wait that was crazy can you flashback can you guys sprint because i'm so slow what do you mean yeah of course we can sprint dude why not what wait what do you mean you can't sprint i don't know i'm really slow yeah i mean we go the same speed yeah we're not really that that quick either oh wait a minute oh no wait josh we need to stop him we need to stop him right now wait no no keep him down there keep him down there where is he he's just hiding jelly oh why is he using an ax you are powerful um oh the axe is stronger i think stronger than a power piston hey josh hey what he made me blow up down here i uh i no josh stop what are you doing are you trying to kill me josh why would you do this hey it's your favorite transformer guy huh was there anything good in there yeah i got a golden apple which is actually really good really yeah anyway you want to continue hunting this jelly guy off i was gonna chase off timber if he uh if that's how easy it is to kill each other yeah that we both do it yeah we should probably yeah i mean he can kill us just as easily as you just killed me although i did just have 20 tnt blow up in my face because of jelly this guy man this guy oh wait is that oh yeah this is me dude i'm yellow remember okay yeah yeah yeah yeah jelly's green i'm yellow oh i see him i see him he's building a tower again he is so so slow how are we not gonna catch up to him when he keeps building a tower up out of the village seriously you guys are here already what it takes you too long to build things really why are you wasting your time building towers when you can just fly yeah you can just keep riding you didn't think it hide up no you don't just jump and then nearly next to you and you didn't i didn't build a tower just jump and press shift jelly you just jump and do it this guy i swear he's blocked the door okay he's going down he's going down break away in he's there he's there blow it up blow it all up he's in a hole now what is he gonna do oh no how is he not dead is he down there is he down there josh i think so i don't want to go down there no i don't want to be the one i oh you could be the one jelly chili i don't know where he is he's hiding isn't he you go down and investigate okay is he down there i'm blind i'm blind is he down there right now what see him uh oh that's creepy do you think he left i think he must have dug somewhere he's this way huh okay let's keep going did he sneak around us can you believe too quick seriously i have no idea even how you're how you're so quick because you're really bad at flying yeah we just run and fly jelly that's all we're doing keep your eyes peeled he's around here somewhere i'm looking i like how he blames his suit by the way jelly's like there's got to be something wrong with my suit it's a plastic jelly move right we have the exact same suits okay there's nothing wrong jesse's this way i guess you need a boat time we're gonna fly over it uh it's the thought that counts i guess i mean you never know when you need a boat josh we might we might cross an ocean at one point in this video and if we do then you're gonna be happy you know okay let's see how far i can get do you think jelly thought about having a boat i don't think so no but he also has a power suit which you know we can't swim at least i'm having a little bit of boat time in my video okay well i'm just going to continue you do your thing whatever that is um how far away do you think he is from the trophy like we got to be pretty close because we're moving really fast we've definitely been doing a lot of chasing yeah oh there you are hello josh he's right here he's right here oh i see him get him get up what's up jelly catch this plasma cannon loser hey jelly how close do we do the trophy yeah yeah how close are we yeah you have a compass what do you mean jelly tell me where it is wait where did he go he's silly how are you so quick off in front of him how did that happen catch catch this jelly i'm literally a bug why do i need to have a trophy that's a mile away wait maybe it's underground have you thought about that jelly yeah i can still see it's in front of me he doesn't have iron do you okay he just said it's in front of him he just said it's in front of him okay josh josh let's fly ahead yeah yeah yeah i'm not even going to shoot at him let's just troll the trolls oh i see it wait down here down here no no it'll be in the direction you don't think it's down here it's probably in the direction of the road but the road could be leading to the cave josh the road ended where it is it isn't the cave i told you guys it's that cave oh there he is there's jelly he's got to go down he's going down there we need torches we need torches i can't see anything i don't see anything either [Applause] where are my i'm in love i'm in love with it i literally can't see a thing guys the suit's protecting me though a few moments later josh there you are i got lost wait where's jelly jelly's on fire jelly's on fire ah take these cannons boy oh that's smart josh i like that come on i see it i see i'm right on this sound right on the sail i'm gonna fly do you have a diamond pickaxe yes no no get him josh shoot plastic trophy shoot plasma at the trophy it might break in i don't have to break it you can only break it with a diamond pickaxe oh come on oh well jelly down power suits are lame ended i just got him right in front of the trophy yo look at this trophy josh it's ours i can't believe it wait can i break with this no we literally can't actually yes we actually did it i'm really proud of us and i would just like to say thank you to everybody for believing in us check out these two videos if you want to see some more stuff from me
Channel: Crainer
Views: 922,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PG, Child Friendly, Kid Friendly, Family Friendly, Funny Moments, Slogoman, Jelly, Crainer, Slogo, Minecraft, CrainerMC
Id: PG-ToygRsNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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