Robo-Bevel Tool for Strip Building Small Boats

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hi I'm Nick Schade at Guillemot Kayaks. I'd like to introduce to you my new tool called the Robo-Bevel. it's a tool for strip building boats. Most people associate strip building boats with coving bead strips and cove and bead strips are a great way to get a reasonably tight joint very quickly and easily. However I've found on tight radius stations that sometimes a cove and bead will pop out. They look tight when you first put it together but when you go to sand it you might end up opening up a gap. What I found works better, it took a little longer but it worked better was to bevel each strip. So, I would place a strip down on the form, secure it in place and then the next strip on I would bevel the edge so it fit tightly against the existing strip, and the way I do that is I dri-fit it, look at the gap, and then plane away that gap until I got a tight fit and in the process of doing that I tended to end up over compensating and making the bevel so it was a little open at the back, that assured to tight seam at the front but on the inside it might be a little bit open, not too big a deal but I felt I could do better and I thought about it for a long time. I thought there must be a way to run a plane down the strip after it's installed to square up that top edge of the strip so it's square to the form so if i put up a new strip it will make perfectly with that beveled edge i kept thinking about this i thought there must be a way but i couldn't really think of something until i came across a tool made by veritas it's a miniature shoulder plane. it's the cutest little thing you know it almost looks like a toy but it's made exactly like they make their full-size shoulder planes it's gotta just a depth it sharpens up really well it's got a nice steel on the blade on and it is a quarter inch wide so it's perfect for strips so I thought about it some more I made a couple prototypes I wanted something that would help guide this little plane down that top edge of the strip without the plane having to balance it there can't really hold this thing so small so i made this what i call the Robo bevel and basically what it is is a tool that pulls a little soul or playing with rare earth magnets in place along a fence with a curved foot I ended up putting magnets on both sides so you could flip it around and go both directions and it's been working great for me if built a couple boats with it now and then really pleased with how it works you take the tool you lay it up against the forms type down against the strip you run it down the length of the strip and keep rotating the tool as the forms change and that will automatically square up that top edge of the strip with the form it goes very quickly it's very precision on the tool guides you down the strip you don't fall off and it really works great the precision of it makes it so it only takes a couple passes you keep running it down the strip until such point as the blade is kind of girl across full width of the existing strip if you're interested in a robo bevel they're available on my website now that's a great little tool and I think you'll like it thank you
Channel: Nick Schade
Views: 59,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: robobevel, robo-bevel, strip building, strip plank, strip built, hand tool, wood strip, cedar strip, small boat, woodworking, boatbuilding, wood working, boat building, cedar, kayak building, canoe building, hand made, automatic, bevel, rabbet plane, shoulder plane, veritas, lee valley tools, mini, miniature, mahogany, rare earth, magnet
Id: KJPmhu4ZezM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 51sec (231 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2017
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