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hey everyone it's your friend thick noodles and a welcome back at to roblox we're today we're trying the hardest roblox obby ever made called the tower oh now before we get to it guys please do like the video if you want to say why is this going the time going down so fast I don't even know what's happening please do like the vid if you want more roblox on my channel let's see if we can get this thing up to 5,000 likes and also guys if you're buying robux please do enter my Creator code us star code noodles and let's get started now I know I said tower of belem people be like yo there's a swear word man well can't be oh geez see look already felt I can't wait wait what just why did it okay we'll start again can be if used in certain contexts but at this contract it actually isn't shimmy flare ball if it were roblox would not allow that to be the name of the game and also like if you think about it right when you're in church they say that right you know that so you know there's heaven and there sell so you can you can say that I just don't want to say it like if I fall I'll be like God you know and then sit okay okay you know that's that's bad alright so I gotta jump acro goodness here we go hook well that was terrible hmm so yeah this is a tough hobby and I'm going to fail a lot get frustrated a lot and probably not succeed at all but I haven't oof yet so that just say that person just moved oh wait should I go that way then is it the same as the same right so it doesn't matter okay we go there we go yeah okay you got it see that's the oh geez I can't say uh okay so that's like part of it is like you got to keep it's like it's like it's kind of like Minecraft oh geez ah ah now I I jump right onto that stupid bar so yeah you just level 24 will my on 0-0 but a lot ain't good yeah some of the jumps and things are about momentum right so you want to like just keep it moving like that like that and stuff there we go bom-bom-bom bom-bom hey there we go okay so yeah that's a little bit better I look more like experienced like that up you idiot - show it off oh there's Pro tires maybe I should do those too though do the see that the other thing that annoys or is bothering me is this stupid timer because like I don't know how wait let's look up what oh I can't I can't look oh I can't see anything right here let's look oh dude is so far there's like no chance I'm doing this right oh I think I understand what the like 2x and 4x thing was it's like based on how many people have beaten it so far probably so like if it once one person beats it maybe it speeds up 2 X 2 and then like when like ooh 3 people beat it then it goes to like x 4 I don't know okay now we don't walk so close dude yeah spiked up examinable okay the other thing is guys what oh okay well you can't go that way so yeah you there are no checkpoints how close can you get don't what are you talking about ah well I hate that you know this is sort of like I mean in some ways it's like getting over it with a Bennett fatty but in roblox except for it getting over at like you could make a mistake and then like sort of redeem yourself a little bit like like not oh jeez not necessarily go all the way to the bottom but like this it's like well I mean I guess I could technically land on like fall down and land on a platform that I've already been to but if you hit any of these yellow things you just die instantly let's try that oh jeez I don't wait honey yeah this guy's like a kangaroo man huh huh okay he went oh you gotta go oh geez you kidding me man whoa huh huh huh huh I've done it I've done it scattered okay I got no chance now oh dude I almost wait what wait wait wait I what did I do here I think I went the wrong way yeah there was no oh dude dude dude dude come on oh dude oh dude come on I mean am I in I'm not even sure now come on I'm doing so well dude look this come on I'm up I'm up how do we get up from here do we just like yeah nah you gotta be wait is it the same one or a toad no it's randomized what is what is that like a weird snakey block or something all right let's check this out but what on earth watch how are we oh well that is in a bat look at how many people keep failing on that thing man all right so do you even land on it okay there it is it's it's stationary somewhat oh my god I feel good I feel good I feel good let's go guys come on Oh trees they got smile yeah oh oh oh that is not that bad actually it was not shaking like it was it's like spinning these are really far apart oh my what bro come on man huh no huh huh they getting bigger they're getting bigger they get bigger yeah yeah hey I wish these were checkpoints but I think that's oh okay that red is really well-hidden dude all these tested to be sure you can actually do them cuz like I ain't so sure on all of these okay oh I made it okay what do we got hard boy what are these like named like are they named after other players okay I'm watching you see this person okay grab that okay I'll try wait I can't I can't why can't I grab it okay now what what is that a is that like a thing you can okay alright that's fun Oh huh wait a second we can hit that then what okay how much we're all like halfway up what hi hi but do we have to go there and then PO cheese alright here we go huh no that went too far oh you can't no you know what I should have been zooming out a little further I think that might oh no that's a little bit too far like I think it helps just a little ah no yeah whoa what happened to you I mean I've seen some noobs in my days but like that like cuz like you know I'm talking about like the noob like the yellow and blue noob I'm not saying that you're like not good at roblox I'm just I need I can't see that person but that is quite the look I gotta say okay how do these people okay I was gonna say how these people so fast and they actually I can make it every time no oh no look at this it was the other people say say I did it all on my own oh jeez now this okay if I did this okay I'm okay here we go what are we what are we doing what we're doing uh oh it's over here yeah no yeah I'm lagging to like I am I'm like really good at obvious so it's the lag that's doing it guys yes so much lag ah come on look huh okay there I made it this is hold it ball oh I hate this one man dude okay maybe I need to get in closer or something I don't know what the deal is oh okay let's just walk along I don't like what look at that no dude what's he doing okay so this is a ladder thing we don't actually need to like oh we do okay I was gonna say we don't need a climate but we do okay yeah No ah okay sure there you go we'll just stand on the edge here I'll wait for the screen shot go ahead I'm also scared so you're welcome okay let's try not to screw this up okay okay cool so just a little bit just go slow just go slow okay I made it yes I have defeated the stupid rings the what the insult this is super insulting what am i how do you can you can you can you go oh dude okay oh oh my head hold on okay my headphones fell oh dude I didn't even notice this on the side let's go try you know what I hate this one this one's really hard let's try he eats fat baboons let's try the tower of helper load um okay it's so much more peaceful over here guys so what what oh my okay now now what now what are you oh well there's that okay starting again I don't right there okay this okay so let's see let's follow the noobs which way is the right way to go cuz like nobody's going this way should I go this way oh this this is a like a little let's go oh dude what am i doing oh yeah let's do this I wanted to do I want to do what they're doing yeah like this so that way I don't have to worry about going over those like yeah all right now what's everybody waiting for up here huh okay the agents escape why is oh okay we're waiting yeah we're going let's go what do we what wait what okay oh no dude stupid so yeah well look at that that's a look alright I'll take a different route this time so wait oh you can just go on these bridges and then what what do I do here Oh cuz you can catch the bridges on the side like that okay that one's not bad either that's a really easy one I like that one let's do more of those okay so I'm gonna go on the right hand side and I got it you gotta jump early wait how did you how did you do that okay here we go oh no whoa okay alright here we go wait why is it going down it should be going up what's oh geez I'm very confused here and jump no that's right there on the edge man buddy we gotta like okay hold on I can't say cuz of the stupid oh oh look at this wait am i getting up to levels Oh what did I get oh oh wait a sec dude what no more kill parts wait is it just increases your speed reduces gravity does this last forever like what a fight so now whoa wait but I don't see anybody oh do they have these things or am I like the only new abusing them what wait what what what why did that one did I go and just kill that guy you're not supposed to okay I think you're just supposed to like oh I see okay so we don't want to land on those okay I got it so how long does this gravity coil last does it last forever cuz that makes things a little bit hot dude a little bit no oh my goodness how did they do that oh oh there was it there was like okay a kill spot right there Oh what how is it oh he can change it whoa whoa dude don't what are you oh my goodness what are you doing how am I gonna get on there oh come on I completely missed that ah here we go we got a new one uh where do we go up alright there's always a clock okay so we got spiked up what do we got here let's see Bob okay well oh oh okay so that the the gravity coil oh man I kind of wish I hadn't wasted it it only ahh so only lasts for that level and then man that makes your purchase Wow a lot of people died that makes your purchases become kind of worthless because I don't even know how I got those coins or whatever oh yeah I've done this one actually done that and I did it again I done it again yes I'm unstoppable okay this guy's like truly unstoppable blah Wow I lost my headphones again hold on alright alright relax calm down guys I really think that this video I am NOT going to complete a single stupid level because like I suck at Arby's and this hobby is like the hardest ever made okay yup I got it okay now did they all move nope okay and go okay holy cow what is happening here okay oh oh that was close guys super close okay oh oh come on why is this one so small and why is it yeah I did it yes bridges by scripter ash trash that's I'm gonna call you it's a script trash oh dude this is a hard job oh so we're supposed to go like this oh dude really uh-huh dude why my soul zoomed out yeah okay get up close but not too close okay look at this guy look at this guy Oh huh yes wait I bet that top you guys look look look right here look I'm the highest person Oh for now and then I'm a fault and then all right huh huh huh huh hold on let's let's take another look-see at this okay these are really small and they're very difficult to see because of the I went from best to worst you guys oh my goodness what wait where'd they go where that person oh my goodness there's a new one what even is that oh wow they think they got some moves too all right let's just okay yeah huh why I can't even see what we gotta go what what what are you supposed to do here like you just go huh ah did I made it around that part anyway okay come on these are really close together so it makes the jumping oh okay I don't like this well I did I can't no no no guys you could you're making this hard for me it's hard enough as it is okay yeah all right oh no not that holy cow okay what this is the worst no this obstacle is insane man yo I cannot like right I know you guys are good at this but you're making me worse I can't see anything huh Oh guys like stop yeah in my face no I lost my that's the third time I think that's a record for losing my headphones okay huh I got it I did it snake : one okay what kind of snake we talking about here this oh okay this one is not all okay I thought we're gonna have to I thought we got oh well I actually don't ah no oh okay okay wait wait where we at where we at which way is it let's try this again oh no it's x - no ha dude we got to go quick man Wow how are you so much faster than me oh come on a little bit too fast all right look at it I like these long oh come on time 16 what's that about bro come on no oh yeah I got 100 - yo I guess there are like so many good people that like come on now what wait what's oh I was like what's dragging them okay there's like a little spinny thing here okay but whatever this is not anything oh my goodness I almost missed it completely okay whoa wait wait oh you got it oh why didn't I not say God I like ah oh this one now what oh you gotta jump on it again okay okay and then you got to jump over to there alright jump oh I almost missed okay now what did I actually go up I'm on the same spot at before now why didn't you grab you idiot oh my goodness I remember this kid this is Dan's original skin on roblox that's crazy I had completely forgotten what that even looked like until now okay get invincibility okay are you are you telling me to do that what is which one is invincibility okay 500 I think it lasts per round and like 500 like I don't think I'm ever getting there so oh wait why can't i ha why wait do I have to like have one of those gravity boosters to like jump that high cuz like oh my god is like it doesn't seem like I can jump high enough right no I keep bouncing off though okay so the oh man this one's are really high jump though you know what all of these you have to like sort of like get a double jump out of it like give up ditto oh geez I love it alright at least some of you guys and let's add it up like not not that but you I look at all the people at level zero so a lot of people here are probably playing this for the very first time so they can suffer the pain along with me at least alright we're gonna even one more around let's see how this one goes here we go all right where we going up here we got the corner catches oh and this sounds good wait why can't I climb this oh you don't even have to jump right you just walk up it there we go okay cool oh I love this one this one's great this is really good I like this one a lot I don't of what is that okay then we climb up this okay oh my oh my oh my oh my okay this is cool I actually like this one there I like oh no what oh this is gonna be so hard with all the people cuz like you can't really see wha I love this one this is my favorite obstacle in this entire game one because like it's not that hard but two it's just like it's cool like these little stupid jumps oh wow how did I do that okay okay no I don't like this but I made it it's the purse snake here we go I don't like not being able to zoom out and see oh this thing remember we played it like a little old okay yo you guys gotta stop that it's good as I remember it was like shaking before yeah hey I got fifty what do I do with that do it if I just wait here does that mean I get to keep the 50 or oh my goodness you'll be careful bro so like the left half of these blocks is bad dude it's all blending in to which I don't wait wait don't okay my hands sweat and get out of here he's gonna ah I jump here yep okay I wasn't sure if I should jump there or if I should oh now it switches oh this sucks okay what it goes back and forth this is horrible I mean at least it makes it somewhat obvious up don't go too far I don't like this yo look who I am yo the eyes I've ever gotten okay doesn't mean I'm gonna beat it get to the teal get to the tail I did it look how high I'm 88 so does that mean I actually get those or do I have to stay up here what do we got we got mo we've done this okay we've done this we can do this alright no pressure there's tons of pressure Who am I kidding but it has been done it has been done for it is possible except my hands are sweaty like I'm shaking there we go okay now this is oh yeah this is the this is the last one okay uh-huh I don't like this huh huh yo okay hold on JAMA hands unstable pathway what does that exactly mean wait a second guys if I can get oh no I know okay I would say like okay all right what what is this dude what even okay yeah you do do it do it do it all right you show me okay this dude is like jumping like backwards and stuff cuz he's like a maniac oh dude I don't like this uh-huh these are these are so bad dude guys I'm like my heart is actually beating fast I had a heart rate monitor my heart rate would be so incredibly high right now oh where am i okay I'm up pretty high oh dude this a long jump huh ah what what did I just do it did I just do it yo I'd be would oh this guy I'm not making any jumps bro wait Jets yo do we go out what do we do this is hey dude huh do we go through yeah okay what does it do what do we do we do we I can't oh okay that's what increases at the four yes yes I did it I actually did it I don't beat the tower of the hill made it all the way to heaven in the Tower of hell let's see what happens do I get those yes yes I'm done I'm cutting it right here and no video and the video I won I'm not even gonna try yes using circle noodles that you can buy a robots that is correct Oh guys I need to take a break my heads are shaking my my palms are sweaty I can't believe I did it I didn't think it was possible there you go guys it is possible wait did I get level one yes I'm now level one one skill skill point wait a minute what do we got fourth witness is that what our skill points I don't want to sit would you use the skill points for man Oh what is this dude I don't want to use them but oh look increase it reduces gravity yo so these are permanent upgrades right increases speed increases size oh wow so this makes things a lot easier right I think I would use so I just used it so now oh haha so you guys want me to play this some more and unlock some more upgrades and abilities so if someone's got a 100 there's a reason they can zoom through it well also cuz a good eye Department what do you guys want to play it let me know by clicking the like button also if you're new here subscribe for more videos like this and don't forget to tap the Bell I'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching out of course noodle I'm
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 1,622,228
Rating: 4.8951597 out of 5
Keywords: fan choice friday, gameplay, let's play, funny, commentary, playthrough, gaming, new, video games, lets play, hilarious, funny moments, game, funny game, kid gaming, family games, app game, roblox channel, thinknoodles, think noodles, youtube thinknoodles, roblox, roblox obby, roblox tower of hell, tower of hell, obby
Id: kP5iuXEN8Fs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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