Roblox story but the main character has a brain | She wants to use money to buy love but he loves me

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please be a Jay yes that means I could have Jacob I really hope it's him complete any tasks given to you to find out your soul mate's name oh well that will make it easier I guess I'll go see what everyone got hey guys oh wow look who finally showed up oh uh sorry I was just getting my soulmate letter and I got Jay nobody asked what you got lamout Victoria don't be rude she's just saying well I got a and Alex Gotti so we think we got each other obviously we don't know for sure yet but we hope a congrats guys and I got Jacob I'm so happy oh what nothing what did you think you got Jacob or something he's not the only person beginning with Jay you know plus why would he even like you I feel so bad for whoever your soulmate is they're stuck with someone like you Victoria she's just kidding calm down whatever we won't even know until we do the asks everyone will be given 10 tasks once all tasks are completed your soulmate's name will be public wait what oh no what's wrong babe ah nothing I'm gonna do my tasks guys Saya no point saying bye no one's going to miss you what is your problem today Victoria maybe the fact that Val thinks she can come over here and try steal Jacob you know she probably didn't even get Jay she's definitely just faking her letter to steal him right guys oh ugh what am I gonna do about the names going public they'll see that I didn't get a j and I'm the one who lied I know I just won't do the tasks Valerie doesn't deserve Jacob I do well I guess I'll just wait until they're all done with the tasks alright let's see you must complete 10 tasks to unlock your soulmate's name well it's only 10 so it's not that bad what's my first task oh that should be easy Valerie plays him too and completes the rest of her tasks finally I can see who it is um so it was him I guess Victoria was wrong I need to go tell him congrats guys I knew you'd be soul mates it's gonna be really awkward when Val and Victoria join I'm sure it'll be okay hopefully Victoria will understand I don't think she will did you see how badly she was treating Val earlier she's gonna go crazy when she sees that Valerie's your soul mate uh Hey guys oh Valerie hey so I guess it turns out we are soul mates yeah oh my God hey Jacob oh hi Vic where's your soul mate oh I did the tests but it isn't showing up we're soul mates though I knew it huh what are you talking about me and Val did our tasks and found out we're soul mates wait oh were you trying to lie you didn't think that through did you no no I swear I'm not lying I did all my tasks and I'm your soulmate Jacob I bet Valerie hacked or something and changed the names please believe me I knew you hated me Val but I never thought you'd do something like this what the hell please just believe me Jacob she's a liar and a hacker this is the worst lie you've ever told Victoria yeah well how would you even know I'm lying because of how you were treating Val earlier it's clear that you don't like her for whatever reason I feel so bad for not standing up for her yeah we should have done something I'm sorry Valerie don't worry just shut up and listen to me fine yeah I did lie but it's only because I deserve you more Jacob I'd be so much better for you I'd buy you Robux and give you money every day way better than what Valerie could do she's poor just look at her just stop I'm not going to leave Val because you offered to buy me Robux and plus I can buy my own anyways it's not even about money anyways of course it is why do you think I asked you for stuff all the time Jacob so you've been using him wait no I you know what just have him you're acting like I can't do better I'm gonna do my tasks and find my real soul mate and he's gonna be a million times better than you okay well you go do that then everyone that has not completed their tasks has now received three warnings your accounts will now be permanently deleted wait what no this isn't fair well you've had 12 hours to do them and they were really easy wait please ill do them now player has been deleted wow I really didn't know she was like that I know it was so Random she was literally fine the other day well it's okay now she's gone and none of us are like that right I hope not they all lived happily please be easy what what this is going to be so hard well better start now hey Kristen oh haha hold on if I have to break her heart that means I have to make her fall for me to write this is going to be mad hard Nathan yeah were you away from keyboard no I was just thinking about how gorgeous you are what does he like me he's going to make this easier yes thank you haha of course um would you like to play something sure a few weeks later do I like her do I like her ever since I got this test I've been I don't know it's hard to explain I have to keep on with my task anyway I'll confess to her hope she likes me back he acts different towards me now I hope he likes me I would be done with my task and maybe we could both build a relationship together he's texting Kristen hey what's up well there's something I want to tell you sure what is it well I like you Kristen you're just so kind beautiful and funny and many other things so would you like to be my girlfriend of course so my god I've liked you for so long system your task has been completed oh my God yes she had a crush on me before this testing she could have been heartbroken by now hey love I need to do something I'm sorry I'll be back bye how am I going to break her heart I'll have to wait like two months so she can get more serious about the relationship I'm so happy I love him so much I hope we last maybe I can cheat on her he's definitely going to be the best boyfriend ever I have to complete my task but I don't want to hurt her I would do it to someone else if she wasn't the only friend I have I hope she forgives me babe hey wanna play I was about to ask you that but sure let's play okay join me two months later I couldn't find anyone I'll just tell her that I'm cheating on her I'm not though of course babe baby hey there's something I need to tell you what is it I'm cheating what please forgive me her name is Ellie and we've been dating for one month and a half are you serious how could you you've been cheating on me since we started dating wrong two weeks after starting dating I'm going to regret this so much I hate this dumb task I hate you wait what you cheated on me you played with my feelings I was just a joke to you you definitely didn't like me a bit but but nothing just leave you broke my heart I hope you're happy now I'm sorry leave system your task has been completed ugh I hate this whole task thingy why did it have to be that I'm so dumb I love her so much I can't believe I lost her ABC to be in my GC me girl and me please I have no friends we can tell Bru haha what's y'all names Georgia mine's Reggie I'm Kristen one month later she won't answer my texts she must be ghosting me I don't know it's been a month you know what Imma tell her the truth hey Kristen he's texting again girls Nathan is texting me again again you should talk to him he texts you every day right at least tell him to stop or something fine I didn't cheat on you quit lying I'm not lying Kristen I promise you were the only friend I had well yeah but Ellie is not real I invented her yeah sure why AI the task the task yeah everyone got a task w-h-a-d yeah I don't know what yours was but mine was having to break your heart mine was making you fall in love with me did you complete it yeah see I love you Kristen your task wouldn't be completed if I didn't I love you Kristen please forgive me I forgive you I'm sorry for ignoring you for so long I was upset and mad I'm sorry maybe we can be friends if you want yes please okay I'll add you to the GC I need to tell them though okay the G scene what if there's a buoyant what if they like each other girls me and Nathan are friends again what what happened he never actually cheated on me he made it up why would he do that he had to because of his task oh that makes sense can I add him Cherie yup Nathan has been added oh there's is no boy hey girls hey hi Nathan these two are Reggie and Georgia and this is Nathan yeah okay let's play three months later Kristen w-h-a-t hi hey I wanted to tell you something really important what is it well actually I want to ask you something would you please be my girlfriend I know I ruined everything the first time but I promise this would not happen ever again I really love you um of course my love I never stopped loving you it was hard since you texted me every day thank God you don't know how much I love you me more let's tell the girls okay girls what me and Kristen are dating now damn bro it was about time happy for you too y'all better not do cringe stuff here Rue thanks Reggie Reggie Reggie what the hell you want these two are dating ew cringe oh my god oh well hey wanna play door let's play okay join me the hell is that would I rather lose my girlfriend or best friend why did I have to get this options I'll choose my best friend he didn't talk to me anymore [Music] um I'll go text my girlfriend hey babe oh he huh what is this what do you mean you can't see it no I can only see you oh well it says would you rather date your boyfriend or your dream boy what are you going to pick dream boy of course oh I'm sorry I love you but I want to date my dream boy so I'm not it no I'm sorry okay I love you you can no longer chat was this user haha I'm so stupid but I know he wouldn't choose me either we haven't talked in three months another one I guess I'll choose the ten thousand I don't want a girlfriend anymore okay LOL I'll just go play he joined starhood hey you wanna join my GC um sure okay I'll add you right now wait what's your name it's Thomas okay my is Charlotte but you can call me Charlie I'll add you now Charlie has added Thomas wait wait Sebastian huh you know him Thomas yeah he's my best friend well he was oh who are you Thomas I'm sorry but I don't remember you what how he had to choose between forgetting about his boy best friend or us oh makes sense what's your name Simone nice to meet you I'm sorry if it hurts you that seebest chose us instead of choosing you don't worry our friendship fell apart and I chose my girlfriend over him oh would you like to add her yeah we want to meet her sorry but that can't happen why not she chose to be with her dream boy instead of me I'm sorry that must really hurt I'm sorry too I'm also sorry it's okay guys I guess it happened for a reason wanna play yeah all right Cherie they play for a few hours that was so fun I know we should do that again some other time yes guys would you like to meet my girlfriend you have one bro yeah you can add her is that okay with you Thomas of course yeah add her okay seebus has added Jenny Thomas huh she's your girlfriend yeah since when Dante two months oh I have to go this is weird I feel like something is happening he'll go check on Thomas guys I'll be back well that was weird yeah Thomas are you okay what happened it's nothing Charlie come on Thomas you can trust me well Jenny is my ex what I know and they've been dating for two months and it was two months ago when seba stopped talking to me and me and Jenny broke up today so that means yeah my own friend betrayed me I can't believe they would do something like that and hide it from me for two entire months I'm so sorry Thomas you must feel really bad just know I'm going to be by your side thank you Charlie I don't think I want to be friends with sebis anymore why not if he betrayed his best friend I'm sure he wouldn't mind doing the same to Simone and I oh well if that's what you want I'm sorry for ruining your friendship with sebis don't be you didn't ruin anything let's go back to the GC I want to tell see this okay and sebis Charlie you just interrupted Jenny I'm sorry Simone but I don't care sebis I don't want to be your friend anymore what what did I do huh would you rather remember your boy best friend or not I'm okay good you remember now remember what what you did to Thomas Charlie what's happening you'll know soon stop this no why would you do this to Thomas because how could you betray him like that sebis I didn't it's not my fault he trusted you and you did this to him you betrayed your own friend so what he didn't deserve her and what if he didn't she was still his girlfriend you should have respected their relationship Simone are you really on their side yeah Charlie doesn't lie and it's true you betrayed him if you betrayed your best friend I know you would do the same to us exactly what I said I don't want to be your friend anymore see this me neither just leave sebis you too Jenny okay lamou I hate you so much Thomas I hate you to see this I'm so sorry about all of this Thomas me too don't be girls thanks for being by my side of course yes wanna play yes join me at least I have you baby about that I'm breaking up with you you're not my dream boy I'll always love you though bro dream boy the hell yes I got what I deserve LOL guys the chat is kinda boring well we can play something nah wouldn't be fun without Kelly oh well who cares she isn't online right now let's just play I'm gonna go wake her up Kelly Kelly I Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly ah what finally you're online please join the GC it's not fun without you okay lamel Kelly and Nicole have joined the chat hey guys hey Arya what um nothing well now she's here can we play something sure what do you want to play Brookhaven oh my God who was talking to you why are you always trying to control everything just go back offline no one wants you here oh Arya what the hell what do you have against her she has done nothing to you seriously she acts like she owns the place and you guys think that she's so great just admit it you'd rather hang out with her who you've known for six months than me who you've known for three years you guys always leave me out because of her leave you out I can't believe you just said that imagine how you made Kelly feel saying all that stuff to her we're sorry you feel that way but that doesn't mean you can be rude to Kelly for no reason exactly it's not her fault we find her less boring than you what I'm going to see if she's okay Arya has left the chat I can't believe he just said that to me it's all her fault she's stolen my friends from me it's like I just faded away ever since she joined what's so special about her that I don't have I need her gone what can I even do they'll never kick her I don't even want to go back after what just happened they probably Hate Me Now oh um hey Arya uh hi what were you just talking about who hates you Nicole and Sam why do you care you probably do too just leave me alone Arya I saw the chats about out what Sam said to you and now I understand why you were being rude to me I'm sorry if you feel like I stole your friends I wasn't trying to I'll leave if you want me to it doesn't matter I don't want to go back there anymore goodbye Kelly maybe we could be friends then I don't really want to go back there either after I saw Sam say that to you and since you don't maybe we could be friends well it's up to you ofc I know you probably don't like me still eh okay fine I guess it wasn't really your fault really I didn't think you'd say yes so what should we do about Nicole and Sam should we tell them we're leaving I guess there you are Kelly I wondered where you went lol so I have something to tell you you can rejoin the chat now because I've blocked Arya from joining again what well actually we have something to tell you huh we Arya yeah well we wanted to say that we're leaving you so you don't need to block me wait what lamal Arya is this some kind of joke let's go come on Kelly um no it's not a joke the stuff you said to her was not something you say to your friend which is obvious I shouldn't be telling you this what well the stuff she said to you wasn't right either she has a reason for what she said and I forgive her but you're taking this to bar now so just go oh my God you two deserve each other ugh finally well what about Nicole I guess we could add her and tell her too but she'll probably just say the same thing Arya has added Nicole oh my God Arya I'm so glad you added me Sam blocked you from the chat and he wouldn't let me add you so I couldn't tell you that I'm sorry for what he said and I'm really sorry for what I said we were leaving you out I hope you can forgive me really yeah wow uh I guess I can forgive you atleast you didn't join and do what Sam just did did what did Sam just do Kane looking for me and told me about how he blocked Arya and stuff LOL hey Kelly are you two like friends now yep that's great so can we all be like our old group without Samo FC yep I didn't forgive you for nothing lol ahaha
Channel: Janna Zikk
Views: 1,118,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sand Story, SATISFYING KINETIC, Texttospeech, Text To Speech Roblox Story, Roblox story but the main character has a brain, Janna Zikk
Id: -7jZOKmJaWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 02 2023
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