Roblox Players Who Mysteriously Died

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when a Roblox account disappears forever normally you would think it's a person who grew up doesn't enjoy Roblox anymore and decided to quit turns out some accounts of stories that are far more serious what is this game Charlie one warning guys don't add her I'm warning you let's hit play all right what is this game Charlie won and that's literally it it's just her profile who is game Charlie one though wait what is this another one the story about game Charlie one missing child we're about to figure all of this out who is game Charlie one apparently it's some missing girl 121 that was recent Charlie a girl named Charlie play Roblox all day just like me one day she met a Roblox a Roblox slender started talking for days for talking every day these started dating okay great they dated four around a month it wasn't probably wrong what Slender asked Charlie and he gets real this is online but it wasn't Charlie instead of Charlie she started panicking throblox community and the start of 21. some people said that they caught Charlie spamming help in the chat I never heard new soft Charlie afternoon okay I think we will never hear anything no we're gonna hear something cause I'm gonna investigate it well it says is stay safe out there we need to figure this out now okay I am scared to do this but we need to do this game Charlie won let's look this up on people apparently it's a Roblox account that still exists in these accounts of missing people only get crazier later we need to see if this is real let's hit search okay oh my gosh there's actually a real account game Charlie won in the profile picture is completely gone I'm gonna investigate everything such as the last time she was online if this is an actual real story and you can see if you go to the next Pages there are so many game Charlie ones it's not just one of them there are seven pages and even more okay but going back to page number one let's go to her profile right now here we go okay this is the accountant I'm about to tell all of you if this is real her profile is gone her about page is completely gone and if you scroll down she would join Roblox in 2020 apparently she went missing in 2021 let's look her up and see the last time she was online big army we need to do some investigating but before we do that if we go to our Creations game Charlie one's Place unable to verify that you have access to this experience please try again later that is the creepiest thing I've ever seen when was she online last is this a real story okay I am nervous to do this all we're gonna do is type under account game Charlie one in there she is the profile is gone but this site allows you to see the last time someone played Roblox so if we click on it right now last online two years ago it fully matches up 2021 that is the same date inside of the story itself what makes things even crazier apparently her parents made Roblox accounts let's see what they said I'm about to blow your mind all you have to do is type in game Charlie one underscore Dad it's just like this and let's hit people okay there are so many of them this is the official real one apparently but you could see there's so many one there's so many game Charlie one dads let's go to the profile help me find my daughter please is this real is this fake they joined on March 16 2021 this is fully lining up and if you go to the Creations okay we can visit this place I don't know what's going to be inside of this place maybe we're gonna get some more clues is this a real story guys comment down below but I'm pretty petrified right now okay we are loading in and it's just a default Roblox place with nothing else but are there any clues it doesn't look like there's anything out of the ordinary on the night of March 24th 2021 she disappeared from her house without a trace there was no evidence at all that actually confirmed she got missing or what gets even crazier apparently this Roblox account right here was able to find her in real life and there it is every blocksington it only has 12 followers it joined Roblox last year but the about page is content deleted how did this account find her and what did this message say we might never know but this video only gets crazier when I talk to you about the story of Louie Louie was the normal player normal Lux player in 2016 to one year she just changed her caption to this that's sorry English I am Polish I am not the original owner of the luhey account what unfortunately she passed away on the 16th of December 2017. I'm simply here to Ark up my account passed away on the 16th of December 2017. I am simply here to Archive this account and I do not have any information on any of her games beside that that's actually so sad I cannot tell you who I am for my privacy thank you for your understanding by the way she created her first game ever it's called My dollhouse Louie was the Mysteries account ever we need to do some investigating all we're gonna do is type in l-o-u-h-i and search for her and people and there she is okay this Tick Tock is a few years old and if we go to the profile and it says the exact same thing I'm going to be extremely sad and we're gonna see the last time she was online as well three two one oh my gosh the exact same message she joined Roblox in 2016. everything is lining up but is there more mystery to this my dollhouse with half a million visits What secrets hide inside of this game I have a feeling we're gonna figure something out okay we are inside the Roblox game itself of a player who apparently passed away Nick Army I'm a little scared to do this oh this is creepy it adds so much more creepiness knowing what happened to this Roblox player if this is real guys okay there's one doll two dolls there's a kitchen a Mona Lisa I don't know if you can open anything up there's another doll a lamp everything seems very normal it doesn't really seem like there's any creepy Easter eggs or anything like that it almost seems like this player was a real person who actually passed away a very normal Roblox player and that this video is completely real there's one more doll with a normal smiley face but is it real let's see the last time she was online okay here we go I am nervous l-o-u-h-i and there she is right there when was the last time she was online please say it was like a week ago or something like that just to prove it's fake three two one last online four years ago this is one of the saddest videos I've ever made because these seem like two very real stories subscribe for more Nick Army please stay safe because it clearly seems like on Roblox if you aren't careful you could be brought into some pretty harmful situations
Channel: NicsterV
Views: 41,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox
Id: 5xvSx45psic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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