ROBLOX KITTY the IMPOSTOR! Chapter 6: The Amazing World of Gumball (FGTeeV w/ Among Us Skins)

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what the wait there's an imposter among us dead body report report [Music] what's up everybody hey show up to tv daddy derpy bacon and meg chad look at that oh shoot today finally be back in kitty kitty finally this is sean i'm lex how's everyone doing today i'm doing good i'm doing fine yeah nice but we are sorry because we are so late six and seven are out but we're just doing six in today's video yeah and we're gonna do easy like always i'm doing hard i smell chap and now for some very fast call to actions please consider using star code fgtv when you buy robux follow us on twitter fgtv and don't forget to download your free copy of guzy now available on ios and android okay here we go what is this wall we're in a gym oh whoa that's me class class i'm a vampire where are we students are reminded that they are prohibited from entering the school gay rage gary oh look at this event dude i said it wasn't me oh that one's colored wait the other one was like whoa oh wait whoa whoa whoa we gotta get to the basement that's so cool okay i must find a way to get there maybe there is something to help me to escape yes all right oh i'm running gentlemen oh watch out so you get kitty so look at my beautiful among this character this is so whoa this literally goes outside wait we're going outside look how cool all right guys let's skip school today we're skipping school okay wait everything's boarded up guys i found red plier thingies red pliers oh dude look at this roomy oh wait is this a plank i don't think i can get any planks up in here wait daddy yeah i have the red um thingy my bobby and the red wire goes i'm not sure where the thingamabobby is so you have to be a little more clearer than that i get the plier thingy oh wait right here you did it oh guys i found a little uh little obstacle course okay so i just did the red door well guys check this out i'm i'm just doing the poopy oh look at you dang this looks suspect let's we're not going there wait guys are these the vents i don't know what that is i think those were the colors of the vents i found yellow screwdrivers yellow screwdriver yeah oh dude i think i need a white screwdriver right here that stinks imagine if you're the imposter you cannot go in a vent unless you have a screwdriver oh oh kitty oh hi team are you kidding all right go i found green pliers i have a plague and i'm definitely afraid of the planks because usually they get stuck in my neck that's why you have to chew them really well guys i'm in the vents wait how'd you get to a vent imposter upstairs he really like defeating this whole level without us where's kitty i haven't seen her uh upstairs oh right there where i don't see it right there oh there it is what does she have in your hand a lamp post oh snap was it behind me that that scared me wait does anyone have lockpick okay wait no daddy runs the lamp thingy's almost touching you i don't know what you're talking about but there's cleanup in aisle three i just peep your own flow oh hold up wait wait wait wait wait wait please please please please please please please please what i didn't press e you're crazy oh red screwdriver i've seen the ditch kitty well i don't know what you said but keep it to yourself e e look not working e okay all right i just found a secret little thing back here and it seems pointless oh blue screwdriver where was their event with the blue screwdriver oh lockpick it's um in the other you go to the vet though one of the vents and it leads to another oh is this the the the wire that you cut yeah that's not a vent i was gonna make a joke about doing wires in among us and then i died i couldn't see thank god that i'm not a ghost hey fiji fiji what's up buddy oh up here me okay i'm following drizz with his four slots i only have three wait shoot yeah get me oh kitty's gonna get you oh my gosh yes guys we just unlocked the fit come in here okay okay okay oh red i have that red wait i just i just got it i just finished wait you had red screwdrivers i didn't know the garage was the ending where's the garage wait we beat this wait did anyone wait where is it oh wait look wait would you go right here wait wait what we can't escape until we check the houses is it a secret ending how did you escape chase and we didn't even crowbar hold on look we didn't even do this yeah we only have three minutes to get to let me in we always do wait that's the thing the thing the thing what thing the thing wait wait wait is there a different exit maybe we can escape somewhere different than what chase did what's in this what's in this nothing so far chase is escaping and we're still unnecessarily playing oh gosh we have to wait you go try the vent real quick i am i am all right i'm gonna check in here oh wait what's this is this open no oh yeah it does nothing's in here what this is what's the point of this okay i don't know if i'm gonna make it go wait wait all right i'm dropping this i need to be faster yes i dropped my dead weight so what is this wait we need a re oh wait wait red key wait where did you find that i'm ah kitty okay kitty i'm unleashed kitty wait bro that was for nothing wait what do you mean that just goes outside okay i'm hopping in the vent waking can he come in the vent i don't think no don't go in there there's no reason wait i need to get to the exit wait this is where you just were oh my gosh wait you made it in that vent to get a white key just to get a red key just to get outside where we already were yes quick guys we only have a minute coming this way this way left up here wait this is so pointless yeah up here this is it guys all right we're escaping i hopped inside the vent blue's imposter oh no that was just like i beat the game like four minutes ago yeah that's so confusing what's the point of the red did we get a glitch so this is it how much down there i'm not doing that okay and escape wow that was easy that was like first try what badge awarded wait come on what are you doing here do not even dream about it you gotta imposter calm down i just wanted to escape wait what the heck is that what's up squidward i know that you wait is that the dude from uh uh powerpuff girls the little thing oh no rover is getting out of control now next this movie wait what we can go inside that little screen that was it next up is spooby whoa i just got a lot of cheese wow do we dare try seven or no this is gonna be a long video i don't know why don't we try one time only can we beat seven there's no way there's probably no way yeah mansion it's a mansion how will we beat a mansion dude how did we beat that so fast no no i have no idea the imposters are about to take over the manchester yes yeah let's all use their communication skills to do communication and skilly things good good job you're looking at each other like you wanna drive like nah man you could judge yourself if you want to escape from here you want to escape from oh that goes you have to deliver five tributes why does it look like we're best buds like why is kitty not like yeah jabbing oh they're mine it's always the mouse hurting kids no i know it's like the imposter definitely jab kitty okay oh my oh oh boy oh boy yeah i don't know what this is so cool all right this is actually really cool it's spooky wait there's no way we can escape this there's no way this is scary like in the dark guys this is where he was in the trailer oh is there anything in dude there and my flashlight is litty this is so cool i'm in the mansion is that where we're supposed to go ah wait i think kitty can't go in it must be a vampire kitty's a vampire vampires can't go in your house unless you invite them in you're not allowed kitty you broke vampire code they gave us 14 minutes 14 that's how you know it's tough yeah we haven't found a single item oh somebody's caught already oh my goodness dude there's literally dead bodies here this map takes so long people die trying to beat it we just started they're not gonna beat it dude you think we're gonna be in fact i think it's a good choice if we just give up yeah all right imposter manches take it over not really kitty just lost track wait there's an imposter among us dead body report report kitty died kitty died two dead bodies oh no kitty's a ghost another dead body another dead body even is spooky wait are you dracula oh gosh guys someone saved me this dude looks like he's thirsty i want to shove your blood no just stay away from me oh me do you have a bat what are you doing i don't know if you don't have a pick get away it's literally you're teasing us me and lex have a bath wait why do you guys have bats we don't know sean stay away they have kirona [Music] hey guys i kind of joined the club oh hey lex hey all right guys i think green is suss we should vote him out yeah oh we got him wrong we destroyed green all right guys there ain't no way well i think it was worth it it was really cool look i'm actually excited for chapter seven that's it for today guys thank you so much thanks for watching literally thank you so much for watching this video it wasn't as exciting as the minecraft kitty but like but it was still a little litty and everybody little i'm sure you will dracula what is happening peace out people lip balm come on sean vent come on dude wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait report
Channel: FGTeeV
Views: 10,710,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fgteev, fgteev youtube, youtube fgteev, fgteev gaming, fgteev minecraft, fgteev roblox, family gaming, gameplay, ape chase, fgteev ape chase, fgteev skit
Id: R49TUnjL0Ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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