Roblox Daycare 2 But I Become The MONSTER

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what's up guys it's gravy and i'm here with gravy koala man hi hi what's up and yeah today we're doing daycare because i did promise you guys another video and i thought it would be cool if we bring koala man with us because you guys love koala man go subscribe to his channel like subscribe okay so which which bus you want you want to go on this bus right on this one let's go you want to go this one okay let's go okay and i got a special game pass koala i'm not going to tell you what it is but i got this game pass and yeah i'm just i'm just going to tell you might be scared i'm sorry if i scare you but if you guys enjoyed this smash the like button and subscribe if you guys are new and you start co-grading you guys by roblox yeah okay let's do this daycare too oh koala i'm one okay so koala oh my game pass yes i'm not gonna tell you what it is uh guys so we're thinking about koala really wants us to play fall guys you guys want to see that in our channels comment down below if you guys want to see fall guys welcome to the daycare koala are you ready for this adventure it's it's not scary at all okay there's nothing there's nothing to be scared hey everyone you finally arrived hi sarah hi my name is sarah and i'm very happy to welcome you all to the new daycare let's head inside it's cold out here oh welcome inside feel free to go around and explore there's a soccer field where's the soccer field right here outside outside let's play me against you oh wait koala are you sure you want to call this hello play okay you want to go with me against you yeah okay but i'ma do they you know they're afraid of me we don't they call me the soccer field they call me a sword you know why you know why because i got a sword yes yes you want to try to get a sword this one oh my goodness no no no okay all right i'm going to go you can try to score on me okay okay all right come on dude can you do this no no no no no that's not fair how is it not fair i'm just standing here it's so heavy okay how about this house team i can only move a little bit okay i'll only move i'll only move one time [Laughter] oh who would like to play game of soccer okay we're playing soccer okay so should we you want to be in the same team or opposite team yes yeah yeah yeah let's do the same thing okay oh dude it's my this is my friend dude i should just add him dude i don't know how he's always in my game but i'll send him a friend request let's assign team let's turn into teams so he's he's uh he's uh okay let's be honest blue blue okay blue we'll go blue oh team is full oh i i went to blue though so you're gonna be in the opposite team yeah yeah he's my he's a he's my friend he's a purple he's not a dog he's a wolf he's a purple wolf let's do this okay let's do this you're getting your own koala you're gonna get on dude guys comment down below cara koala no no no no no no no no dude what are you doing what are you doing [Music] yes yes yes yes yes yes oh yes he has a tie it's a tie no get the ball get the ball from him no no no no no oh oh dude you guys are winning i have to stop him come on dude this guy's supposed to be my friend no go go go go go come back koala no please no call us please no uh how's it going come on come on oh wait there we go no it's kind of time no congratulations congratulations gg koala you're better than me in soccer but we are we all we all knew this already in real life it's true oh the hungry yeah me too what are we going to eat what are we going to eat nutritious for you there's a fish where oh nemo he's right here we found them we found nemo look this is the fit this is my favorite tv channel there's a coin here if you want it oh also i know a secret so if you move this painting i think there's like a thing behind it but i don't know how to move it okay so what do you want to eat do you want our eggshell you want a pizza okay let's get a pizza all right let's eat the pizza i'll be by the way it's poisoned ah did you eat it that's okay i'll eat it too i'm just joking at that point oh come here where are you oh all i heard is you go crazy what is that sound dude why are so many rich people on our server look this guy is a this guy has another rich hat oh it's coming from the tv oh come here grab the sword quick quick come here oh i don't have this come here come here grab it it's right here can you grab it or is there no sword there you're my friend oh there's no sword here okay okay how about this if this lands pick a number pick a number three okay oh it's starting never mind we'll do it later two one what does happen the tv is happening what breaking news there's a global pandemic please stay inside okay that sounds kind of true yesterday a daycare has been attacked by a big monster reporter says the children have managed to escape however the monster is still on the loose beware as the monster is followed by his loyal minions oh dude if you see the monster report it to the police immediately paula i have a if you if if the monster comes for you just yell taco bell and the monster will stop following you okay okay just yell taco bell oh no the power turned off it's the monster oh oh come here by the way let's do the number uh we'll actually do later with the letter we're going to die he needs a doughnut to kill the monster a donut yeah no no the field trip video oh yeah yeah we just known it it's stronger than rocket launcher yeah but yeah if the monster comes for you just yell taco bell yeah that's like i don't know i don't know why it works it's like voice chat okay so all right where did sarah go um does anyone hear that i don't hear any hear what what are we what are we hearing oh my gosh oh hey what is that outside it's the monster monster oh it's the monster you kick your face i have water oh he's disappearing oh that's you you're famous phew it has gone away oh koala this is the secret okay so i'm the monster i'm the monster say the secret word i'm gonna destroy you say the secret word no no no no say the secret word i'm going to kill you koala you can't do this i'm going to kill you i teleported where are you oh my goodness hey hey don't cheat hey hey oh i teleported away cuz i killed the stupid thingy hey come here koala say the secret word or you're gonna perish you're really lonely you better say the secret war did you forget what it was did you forget the secret word did you forget it's taco bell how do you forget okay i'm coming for you if you don't say it i'm gonna come get you where are you where are you hiding i don't know why you're hiding dude hey hey hey you guys you better be scared of me dude are you hiding in the bathroom i think you're hiding the bathroom you're hiding in the bathroom oh okay oh it's it's gone there's nothing left there we go i switched the power back on oh where are you dude where'd you hide i don't know come out from where you are we were being attacked i bet you're in the bathroom no yep hi attacked by who the monster no not the cat the monster hey you didn't say the secret the monster from gravy catman hey you didn't say the secret word now you lost half your hp okay get get this water bottle you can heal in this water bottle and then drink it and you can heal i'm sure the news weren't serious about that they were very serious the monster is actually in here i am the monster so that was a surprise koala i am now i'm the monster in this game so i'm to come after you unless you yell taco bell you better care because i'm covered koala balloon oh let's go upstairs stop fooling around there's nothing to worry about you need to go to sleep now come the elevator let's go upstairs bye goodbye i hate your bedrooms yeah we gotta go to sleep come here though i know i have a place where you can get a candy bar to heal you we got i think it's over here oh right here there's a soda oh where'd you go did you go to the bedroom yeah oh well you don't want the soda i can hear you oh okay where are you oh yeah yeah come on whoa what's all of this oh dude there's a there's a that's it from breaking that's the mask from breaking dude oh yeah oh there's multiple drawers oh come here let's get the soda come here quick we got 18 seconds before we have to go to sleep oh here quality come here oh my goodness grab this grab this grab this yes i got it okay i'm gonna grab it too okay let's go to sleep we got three seconds oh yeah oh i was gonna make it i almost didn't make it i'm laughing at your laugh oh what is that oh what is he doing dude i don't have anything he's building a computer oh he's he's building a gaming setup caller good morning everybody oh there's another there's a candy bar over here and it's a hat yeah so the more the more stuff you grab like you can heal dude there's so much there's an apple here too dude grab the apple okay oh my god you are so done i'm gonna destroy you me what did i do come to the elevator okay let's race downstairs i'll take the elevator bye wait how did you get in it closed you cheated i smell pancakes oh look there's another candy bar over here in case you ate yours oh you can grab that pancakes once you finish your pancakes oh i forgot to read how i'm supposed once you finish your pancakes you can go and okay i got play pancake yeah me too look at this come here i'm gonna i'm gonna stay with my friend i'm not gonna stay with you because i'm trying i'm trying to destroy you because i'm actually the monster oh i gotta use the bathroom oh no okay i'll be back i finished eating okay i'm gonna go to the bathroom then those pancakes went through me real good okay i gotta use the bathroom be right back guys ah yes that felt better okay okay uh yay have fun everyone okay let's go play something yay play time oh oh the numbers the numbers pick a number pick a number pick a number okay okay three i pick two so let's flip both whoever wins gets a thousand robux okay again again three and two uh no no it's on the side of nothing no look at my screen it's on the side no i gotta flip again that it was no it wasn't it was on the side wait doesn't mean you win 2000 robux no my robux is gone okay fine you can have it you can have all the robux where's everybody i'm outside putting myself on a trampoline i'm here just sad that i love lost look at me i just lost 2000 robux i'm sad i guess i'll sit here in my litter box i made a castle joke's on you koala this is actually my litter box that you were playing in how long are we going to play i was about to say how long are we going to play for guys we need to talk about the monster which attacked us early it's going to be coming guys no it's not me don't don't believe him where could i have gone and what if it's still here it is still here it's me it's literally me i'm still here people die here only one person is dying tonight are you kids are you kids still talking about that silly monster yes we think that oh oh it's time koala you're dead spit cat the monster is back quality all the hostility towards me i haven't done anything towards you i haven't tried to kill you one time okay all the minions yes rise my minions look the minions are breaking in rise omg are they real they are real yes they are real you're getting wrecked i hear footsteps oh they're coming are you okay i got a flashlight okay i got a flashlight okay quick run to the elevator i'm already here okay let's go to the elevator this is like this is like charlie and the chocolate factory over close the door before sarah comes in i think sarah's bad luck okay but can i tell you something every time sarah leaves the monster shows up so am i the monster or sarah the monster you omg it's the monster it's the monster koala look i'm right here carl it can't be me what is it doing it's like car calling going down i'm gonna aim it at you close the stupid elevator it's shooting electricity why don't we close the elevator close the elevator guys oh it shot the elevator it shut the elevator oh we're falling no this is bad we're falling we're falling i think there's a plane coming through my house or something we're falling down oh where are we what the heck is this i don't know it's like a dark room is everyone okay yeah i'm okay okay destroy the cat do you still have a can you guess any food to heal yeah what is this place you should probably heal because you didn't need to what is this cr what this place is so creepy how do we get out of here hang on where is sarah i didn't want to tell you but look at the shot the chat oh what the i i don't on my chat it's not even what happened in the chat the monster must have taken her oh yeah the monster took sarah where's sarah let's go to the end of this creepy hallway do they know i'm the monster is that what happened no at least i have a flashlight here point the flashlight at the monster it's this guy right here it's you koala it's you don't hit me with that sword oh we're falling oh what was that we fell into a cave oh no we fell right into a mine shaft oh we fell into a mine trap we need to get out of here koala what are we gonna do the sure the cat can we maybe we can climb back up maybe we can climb back up oh we can go right here where oh oh okay i'm coming wait for me guys no way for me uh these boulders are blocking the path yeah we can't go through it the boulders how do we break to the boulders what if we go this way we need okay let's stop being made to me okay i was the monster one time okay i'm not the monster anymore you can't be mean to me grab the pickaxe stop being mean koala i was the monster only one time wow a minecart dude it's like minecraft right now i know you know we should play again minecraft i kind of miss it yeah i miss minecraft i still remember that episode that we quit minecraft it was literally the day that you found diamonds that was the day we quit let's go dude one time i was playing this and someone had like a rocket car a rocket like minecart i don't know how they did it it's none of the game i don't know maybe it's like a vip game pass or something yeah but someone had it uh we should be very close to getting out of here now yeah oh dude this guy's the monster koala it's not me this guy's the monster look look at his tail look at his tail wow look at his tail this guy right here look at his tail you see his tail no the guy literally the guy with the tail right now that's in front of us that i'm looking at he has like a monster tail but look at this guy's face look at his tail dude look at his face right here my face oh no not yours oh those guys with the cat in his head why dude there's two people with cats oh yeah you're right so who's the monster you it's either him or him it's definitely not me oh no the rocks are falling and it looks like we got to go we had the forest lava we need to get out of here quickly it tells us to go quickly but then we can't go okay let's let's don't don't die koala let's go and and we made it okay i'm i'm safe are you okay okay let's go did we lose anybody i don't know oh it's only us and the rich people ah daddy jumped off jumped off did you see that he jumped no no oh he came back he came back dude it's only us and the rich people left i know we finally made it out to a forest okay let's go i fell down i was trying to sleep here where are you guys in a spooky forest you see the bear traps there's a bear in here i keep saying there's a bear here oh i got an umbrella by the way i got an umbrella is it gonna rain um maybe i don't know but let's just say you don't have an umbrella and i do we should follow this path it will lead us somewhere yeah you're going to need this umbrella i'm just going to tell you that right now you better go under the trees or something okay i'll save you come on hurry up hurry up koala run cola cola you bump the game pass you cheated you're a roblox spender how dare you i can't believe you but we all have an umbrella this is so funny we literally all have umbrellas oh look at my soda you see these um these are the beans right here healthy beans if you grab that you'll heal you see around here yeah but you see the healthy beans next to the tent i'm not going there no no you can grab it you can grab it hover your mouth to it no you can grab it and it will heal you it's healthy beans i don't i don't think the rainbow off anytime soon oh i think we're gonna sleep here yeah okay i don't like these tens i wish it was like a zipper i would never sleep in this tent i have to have a test like a bear coming in yeah and we don't even have a door finally the rain has stopped guys why is the campfire here with nobody around oh who is the person it seems like someone else was here did you get these beans by the way to heal no uh but not too long ago what if they know where sarah is guys forget about sarah can we just forget about sarah like i don't like sarah why does everybody like sara in this game i hate sarah sarah's my rival yep you're right it's freezing out here oh we gotta light up this campfire if it's freezing hey let's put the monster inside there's some axes on the tree stomp should we use them to gather some logs and re-light the campfire that's a good idea koala quality why are you responding to yourself carl okay let's go get some trees you're the one talking why would you say yet let's get some trees here okay grab this okay got it let me grab this okay i got one there you go i helped i helped i did something look at this just just roll it over here yeah just roll it ah there you go there you go the campfire oh i still have one wait i still have one i guess i'll keep it i guess i'll keep it the campfire is done oh dude let's jump on the fire oh no that's gonna hurt dude why would you do that sit around oh yeah get away from the fire it's gonna burn you koala let's just watch it from here just watch the campfire from here look how majestic it is no no don't go near it holla don't go near it i told you not to go near it just just revive just for that oh my goodness quickly get back into the tent i told you not to go near it i said let's watch the campfire from here oh did you see the lighting outside yeah at least you got yeah you got your health back oh i got a candy bar i'm gonna eat it they're getting really late yeah we're gonna sleep here well i'm gonna go to your tent i'm gonna sleep with you okay i'm scared good night i'm scared i'm scared koala can i stay here nope all right fine i'm gonna go with my friends bye oh everybody's there yeah except for you you're not allowed to come here get out of here this is our tent no you wanted to stay by yourself [Music] oh it's a wolf wolf eat the koala he's very tasty i hear a wolf yeah wolf get the koala we can't let it eat us of course guys i have a plan okay so we don't have to outrun the wolf we just have to outrun koala okay guys attack the world attack the wolf get him oh i got him i got him that's right wolf you're not part of the cat nation only cat's allowed and sometimes koalas and sometimes purple wolves but that guy was an evil wolf so he's not allowed oh okay let's get out of here we need to get out of here let's try to find our way out of this forest goodbye the city must be at the end of the path do you see me running yeah goodbye everybody i don't know how i did that find your way out of the forest okay koala this is when you make a decision i'm gonna ask you for your choice do you want to go inside the cave or cross the bridge uh so there's a dark there's a dark cave over there that we can go to or we can go to a broken bridge it's up to you either one i don't know okay maybe we'll let them vote so this is the bridge you feel safe crossing this if you don't we can corrupt if we don't we can go to the we can go to the cave there's two endings look i found the bridge we can cross oh dude he did a backflip how dude did you see that you did a backflip are you sure it doesn't look very safe to me how do they do a backflip don't be scared quality you know you're not scared of the bridge don't be scared i'll lead us on the force okay let's not cross the bridge then click no okay okay we won't cross the bridge all right we'll go we'll avoid the bridge you're right this bridge will probably break if we go on it yeah koala you're yeah i am right thank you thank you for agreeing with me clawland look behind us we can go down this path instead i can see the city's buildings behind the cave oh yeah we could see the city i think i'm getting sick from all the rain and stuff dude my friend is like gone i'm trying to give him an apple here eat this apple here take this apple hey sir sir take this apple here mr purple wolf this is for you here eat this eat this it'll heal you uh let's go inside here eat this eat this for you yes take this it's for you eat it it'll heal you eat it yes eat it eat it okay we're going what is this this is not the city oh what is this place guys i got a piece of log i can save us this place is so cool and creepy dude look at this sword wow let's check out my sword koala check out my sword dude look at this you like the sword dude no check out that you can grab one right there the monster has a home oh this is oh quality you want to heal grab these crystals they'll heal you i will fall down grab the crystal right here this is gonna heal you you can eat these you know this is actually a real life thing you can actually eat rocks it's called candy rocks and it's a rock that you can actually eat oh what is happening it's collapsing oh the monster omg it's the monster there he is guys there he is come here oh who who do we have here it's gravy quality it's all his fault it's all his fault great quality chose the bridge take him instead of us take koala instead of us i've been looking for you and didn't expect to find you here you are very lucky to be here as you get to see me perform my plan corrupt society i didn't even read the last part i'll take a screenshot of the monster i don't even read the last part corrupt society you can't do that yeah you can't corrupt society oh by the way if you need more just keeping the crystal it's too late my plan has already begun to take place oh do you remember when he was doing the machine oh that's what he was doing it was corrupting the society where that turns out the internet yeah look see all the electricity went out the girls film she's filming a tick tock and now now it's a different kind of tick tock it's a really all the monsters are everywhere the world is now ruined we need to save the world only one person can save the world gravy koala man in a world in a world devastated by minions with no internet and tick tock has been banned by trump only one person nay one koala has the guts to save the world this summer in the blockbuster of the century gravy koala man into the underworld with his psychic cat that's amazing yeah all right let's see if you can handle my minions oh we're fighting him i'm not even listening dude tell that dog to stop trying to come in your house dude there's no dogs here yeah they better not be dogs there my minions yeah we destroyed your minions you got no chance yeah my minions they are worthless looks like i'll have to finish you off myself i'll take you down oh don't step on that don't do the bro wait would this umbrella help oh like guys the umbrella doesn't work the umbrella i got an apple i'm eating on my food oh run this way quiet color run this way quick quick run oh no no run this way run this way come here call me and trust me trust me i'm gonna run the lava the lava yeah stay up here stay up here we'll be okay that girl's gonna die i'll be okay dude yeah he's she's almost gone oh what is he's almost gone look the chains they look weak okay attack the chains which one we're going for this one yeah okay attack the chains so i think we're gonna we gotta break the chains and then you'll fall into lava yeah okay let's break this and then we got okay we got one we just need to get a few more and he's gone i'll dodge it that's a dodger dodger does it go to the bridge um let's experiment this let's see oh it does it does whoa did you see that oh he did a wave he did a wave oh climb where's the thing oh oh oh google fast fast come up here i made it no that guy's gonna die no wait how how did he do that dude this guy's a magician come here come here come here destroy destroy oh i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming oh it's the other one it's the other one i think it has a green how did the guy do that that was so amazing that was so cool okay we got two yeah i think we need one more see he's being held up by two of them you dodged these oh oh okay i'm running run run run oh wait our friend died i'll dodge those watch out koala i'm gonna drink my soda you have any more food left if you don't food grab the crystal you see this crystal you can grab it you get food i'm gonna grab it too oh koala run run no no no no i have an idea come here come here i have a strategy come here up here oh koala run i made it dude the guy is gonna go away how does he climb that look how he climbs it he climbs it all the way up yes we're gonna do it we're gonna destroy him now two more yeah two more the chains look weak okay i'm gonna go for this one oh yeah it's this one quickly break the chains and we're gonna break these down yes yes go fast go fast i'm trying i'm trying yes yes yeah he found the lava go bad what if he's fireproof oh oh he's fireproof well i told you it's fireproof we need water yeah that would be a good idea we need water someone give us water oh rain start raining he's zapping the whole world i think oh we will call it we won the fight so he's turning the world back to normal because he promised if we beat him he'll be returning back tick tock is normal again oh ramp guys tick tock is back that car is gone there was a car over there it disappeared we did it we did it take out your umbrella we gotta mourn we gotta mourn all the people that we died we'll miss you forever we'll tell your parents that you your sacrifice wasn't in vain is sarah here yeah where's sarah oh my thank goodness you were all safe sarah you abandoned us you're supposed to be the adult here we defeated the monster where did you go sarah the monster what did you do to the monster yeah she was a monster not me of course there's a lot to explain oh there's a lot to explain let's head inside and i'll tell you all about it no i don't want to yeah sarah was a monster we did it we did it so we got we got the good ending so if we crossed the bridge that would have been the bad ending oh and it's it's very crazy too oh but we did it that was pretty fun right yeah guys if you enjoyed this smash like button subscribe guys and do make sure you check out our merch we got some cool merch down below and yeah i will see you guys in the next one goodbye goodbye
Channel: Gravycatman
Views: 9,429,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gravycatman, roblox, gameplay, let's play, no swearing, no cursing, commentary, playthrough, gaming, video games, lets play, funny moments, grumpygravy, roblox roleplay, game, roblox channel, robux, Roblox games, lets play roblox, simulator, roblox simulator, cat, roblox biggest, scary larry, break in, roblox break in, roblox scary game, roblox camping, roblox camping game, story game, scary larry game, roblox horror game, piggy, daycare, daycare 2, roblox daycare, daycare new ending
Id: 4G98_0eTQjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 17sec (1937 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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