Roblox Life Simulator with GravyKoalaMan

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what's up guys it's gravy and i'm with gravy koala man and we are playing we are growing up on roblox kid though get on the merry-go-round oh spin it and spin flip oh my god wait paul i have an idea go go click help click help and there's a thing called says fly like cupid grab that yeah buy that for roblox look you can fly oh you can shoot an arrow dude quail i can kill you wait koala you're gonna fall in love wait quality you're gonna fall in love with me because i'm gonna hit you with this arrow come here i fell all right oh dude it's our birthday let's go to our house let's go to their house all right let's go oh yeah what is up gravy koala man are you ready do you want to come to my party oh my goodness where are you you're like licking the wall dude it's her birthday bro i'm on top let me get a present let me get a present oh i got a basketball me too all right come on come on let's try it let's see what this is better than let's see what that's better yo come outside come outside quick someone left a a bike you want to steal it yo steal that mic steal his bike run away run away run hurry up all right while you steal it i'm gonna pretend that uh that you're in here oh i shot i made a shot dude come back here so you can make this shot in the basket i already scored it like 10 points already all right guys if i hit this shot you have to uh smash the like button okay cool oh there you go guys you have to hit the like button that was like you have to create 10 accounts and leave a like yeah if you make this you have to create 10 accounts leave a like did you get it i don't know if i did i don't know i think i did forget that guys oh i did it behind it all right let's go oh oh oh i made it from here all right go from there oh okay if i make this you guys have to use star code gray if you want to buy robux oh no way no way that actually make oh my god i made it again all right let's go to our next mission so good shot you're thirsty go to the blocks in aid all right i'm gonna fly there later i'm gonna fly to blocks and aid come on dude dude you know we're only six years old and we can already fly yeah we're like birds open the fridge and grab a gatorade for a speed boost oh dude that's all wait can we fly super fast i think so we can fly super fast dude it's our party again it's our birthday dude yep it's our birthday again we can dance wait wait wait let's do slash e dance oh oh oh it's our birthday it's her birthday oh oh it's our birthday oh someone else's we got a kitty balloons let's go to um let's go on the trampoline let's go on the trampoline okay all right let's go right here okay trampoline come on wait why what are we going trampoline with a cat the poor the poor cat is gonna die we're gonna kill the cat time for school go to room 101 all right let's fly there paula can i copy your homework i kind of forgot to do my homework can i copy your homework okay i'm not letting you dude come on oh my god sue had 48 penguins she found 18 more how much does he have oh my god 48 plus 19 is um oh my god it's um um i don't know it's a 28 i'm gonna put 28. it was 28 i was right did you put 28 i put 28. i don't even remember yeah i play like 60 something yeah me too again me too i just put 60. i'm joking what did i get oh i got a bike too it's in the garage all right let's go um okay grab it wait call it don't scream because i think that's what's happening with the mic every time you scream it messes up the mic okay ride your bike follow the arrow jump over the curbs okay let's go i follow me oh my graphics is messed up i fixed it all right come on follow me there is a carnival look at this oh my goodness dude we can go to the carnival wait later we'll go to the carnival oh my god i missed it are you kidding me i missed the arrow dude wait wait can i can i actually get off the bike and go voila i can get off the bike and go my i can just fly later koala layer bye get in your face in the ground for me bye i know i was doing that you can fly you get off the bike look at this i'm flying there dude right here yeah and then now we go to the top of the little park which i already got there because i can fly and now it's my birthday what do you think we're gonna get for uh today's present um maybe a kangaroo dude today is like a birthday month every day is our birthday don't you wish it was a thing like is your birthday month and then every day oh just your birthday every single day that month you would get a present that would be the best thing ever yeah okay so we got a dragon and we go on a trampoline awesome let's find your back up wait boomer why can i read that i keep saying bamba wrote i can't remember guys i got my bamboo all right i got my bamboo roo here all right carla come on it's in the closet you don't see the bamboo roof right here call it in here right here let's grab it yeah grab it right there just walk in front of it dark block on top of it oh my god i got it yeah let's go don't you know how vampire works no all right so now we got the front yard we got toss and catch it all right oh look at your date crawl at your dates well it's your girlfriend look at her she's like gravy clara man where are you take me on a date all right let's throw this and catch it all right how am i gonna catch this click skye oh you gotta click the sky to catch it so you gotta catch it you gotta catch it no no you gotta cat you gotta throw it and then run for it and catch it oh i caught it somehow i just clicked the sky i didn't even catch it bro look how big we are yeah dude what happened we grew like four feet we're so big compared before all right let's go it's our birthday again it's a birthday month all right your girlfriend is here celebrate you got a skateboard it's in the garage all right let's go in the garage skateboard oh nice okay we can ride the skateboard to the skatepark and we can also do some cool tricks all right carl i'm gonna race you let's race okay oh my god this skateboard is broken dude my skateboard is broken i like dancing yeah giant skatepark okay i see it dude you're so lucky my skateboard is like broken i can't even ride it all right the giant skate park we're here oh okay i made it you know what i'm getting off the skateboard and i'm flying like a bird dude let's go oh my god i'm flying so slow right now yeah wait wait i have an idea i'm gonna drink the the soda and i'm gonna fly i'm still flying slow i drink the soda yeah oh dude if you fly on the ground you fly so much faster just go on the ground you fly so much faster oh wait you're beating me bro we are so big bro oh my god oh my god i'm glitched yo you're right i'm so giant open your present oh i got a slingshot try it out i'll do this oh there's like little oh this is like whack-a-mole do you remember yeah this is like whack-a-mole we did this in we did this in chuck e cheese's dude right if chuck cheese is gonna close down though no it's so sad yeah all right we should okay we did it we did all right so that should keep them away for a little while go to the front yard this was the only rat that you didn't like to eat oh no the only the only rat that i yeah yeah yes you're right that i wouldn't eat because it was fun there yeah all right let's go to the pet store what are we gonna get in the pet store a pet of course uh maybe a dog no let's not get a dog dude i'll feed the dogs how do i burn this how do i burn this food i gotta burn this food bro this is like a dragon koala look dude yeah look at the dragon right here i'm standing in front of it it's a dragon there's a dragon dude oh i stepped on poop see this is why i don't like dogs because every time you have to step on poop with dogs cats too no because cats would never poop on your thing they'll never poop stuck on your on his litter box all right come on dude you gotta take a shower you're dirty all right let's go where's the shower shower oh okay i see oh there's someone in the shower and he has a camera he has a camera in the get out of here get out of here dude what are you doing what are you doing you're not inviting my birthday party oh my god there's a vlogger here yeah there's a vlogger you got an active dog go to the pet store to choose one all right i guess we'll have to choose a dog okay if i choose a dog the dog has like cats that's the only way okay let's see what dog are we gonna pick uh okay how about this which one do you want you pick first go here first yeah i told you to go all the way back yeah you messed up i told you you had to touch the yard first um remember where i was standing yeah you have to click there yeah stand there and come back why why i don't know dude it's dumb i don't know it doesn't okay let's pick a dog so which one do you want you pick first do you want the silly dog you want this oh you got that one okay i will get to this one i'll get the black version of your dog okay okay there you go now we both got a dog play with your play with your dog get a free frisbee at the gas station all right let's go get a frisbee for our dog oh dude we need to fly with the dog it's a flying dog dogs are better than cats they can fly uh well i can fly and i'm a cat get a frisbee all right let's go i got a frisbee dude my dog is so excited for the frisbee oh my god i love them boom throw it oh my god look at this it's gonna get the dude my dog is actually gonna wait your dog is lazy just like you oh dude my dog caught the frisbee bro look my dog isn't in the front he doesn't wanna let go of the frisbee that's how much he loves it he's going for it nice dude my dog is crazy he doesn't want to like all the frisbee oh my god you're so dumb your dog is so lazy my wait throw it near the dog don't throw it far your dog is not as good as mine all right let's go to our birthday i can't believe your dog doesn't know how to catch a frisbee your dog is useless it's so funny all right let's go ah dude you don't have to be mean just cause your dog is bad go camping all right let's go camping koala dude this is the first time you've gone camping ever so i'm gonna teach you so you have to go camping you want to go this way right here and then you want to reach this part i guess we have to come up a mountain but i guess we can fly up the mountain and we go here and then we go all the way to the camping ground and then now we put out our tent all right i'm gonna put my tent right here call up put your ten next to mine and then get some wood for the campfire all right let's go get some more doggy i'm glad i have this dog to protect me i got some wood and i to put the wood for the fire dude look you put your turn right next to mine nice oh yeah there you go now we built the fire now we can roast marshmallows and then we can eat the marshmallows like roasted marshmallows with me yeah roast the marshmallows with me it's saying click fire pit yeah click the fire pit to make a fire and then it makes a fire yeah i didn't know time to go to sleep all right i'm gonna go to sleep bye paula oh i didn't finish this bye koala sleep bye when you feel rested wake up pick up your tent all right it's not working no let me see i think i need to go to the backpack i don't know how to get it oh wait wait what are you trying to look for no hold the word hold the word hold the wood in your hand and then click it you're such a dummy like your dog [Music] dummy like your dog your dummy like your dog oh my god time to go swimming oh yeah swim to the other side of the pool you hear a strange scary sound coming from the mountain all right call i'm waiting for you you're you're taking too long all right come on we hear strange sound we gotta go explore and see what it is it's a strange sound it sounds like that koala when he's angry sounds like an angry koala uh lantern's required oh my god it's a dinosaur oh my god oh look look at his toe he has a thorn in his toe let's fix it we gotta click on his toe no we gotta we gotta we gotta fix them yes the thorn is tall so we gotta fix them okay with the lantern on oh we have to get the lantern i need to go in my inventory and get the lantern wait how are you riding the dinosaur no i killed myself in the dinosaur you can ride the dinosaur oh my god you dropped off the map bro i'm riding the dinosaur velociraptor i'm gonna bring the velociraptor to the school and show all my friends he's gonna eat all my friends it's cause it's gonna happen i think ride him outside yeah you have to go get him again you have to go get him you killed him dude i'm gonna i'm gonna uh so bring go get him again and then bring him to the school i'm gonna bring him to the school and drop him off hey guys remember when you made fun of me and you bullied me well meet my friend rex meet my friend rex i think he wants to say hi to you teacher remember when i didn't know that math answer and you gave me uh you you said i got a c well me my friend rex all right let's go i'm 14 years old oh my goodness okay i'm gonna wait for you because you gotta come to my party after we left the dinosaurs at school the table okay let's see what are we going to get for our birthday oh paintball uh membership pass yeah we can go do paintball all right let's fly there koala dude maybe we can verse each other did you get the paintball i didn't get it yeah it did it's straight ahead straight ahead come here oh turn ahead the gun did you get it we don't have it yet oh okay we don't have it yet because we're not at the place all right we are here so let's choose one okay i got the blue one i guess oh okay so you have to come up here and you gotta shoot it and then it opens the thing and then here you gonna shoot that one oh my god yes okay i made it through all right come on carly got this shoot it shoot it shoot it come on you got all right there right there oh yeah you did it okay this one we gotta get all of them all right we're gonna get all of them oh oh oh i did it i did it you cheated you cheated oh my god there's two yeah oh my god it's two enemies all right we gotta be okay i gotta get this guy oh my god oh oh oh oh i got both of them i'm ready i'm running i'm running yes i made it i passed it i passed come on let's go success capture the flag okay i'm gonna be green team all right let's go are you blue team huh oh oh i won i did it i did it did you do it or did they catch you they got you i can't go up you gotta jump to it you gotta jump to it yeah you gotta jump obviously you're the obby noob dude why are you so bad at hobbies all the time come on you can do it i believe in you huh yes all right come on let's do this it's our birthday we can fly to our house yeah but later dude we're already 15 years old wait time to be we'll be 16 right now so it's time to go to high school all right let's go open your presents oh my god you got a car we got a car dude it's time to drive we got oh first we need to get our driver's license all right let's go get a driver's license we gotta learn to drive okay let's go see all right so i will be your uh driver's ed teacher first okay so this is the first quiz okay all right question one when the traffic light turns yellow what should you do uh if possible slow before yeah no no no that's the wrong one what should you do at the stop sign uh stop then proceed when it's safe good job oh dude i did it oh my god well i just got a roblox girlfriend look at her hi roblox girlfriend it's my it's my driving teacher all right let's go let's go she can fly yeah oh dude i'm driving a car i am driving a car dude you robbed my car no dude don't respawn don't worry about it i can drive a car oh my god i hit someone bro i just ran someone over oh my god i hope that doesn't um i hope i don't get a bad grade for that oh god all right let's go all right we're doing pretty good here all right we're doing pretty good all right turn right here and continue the traffic lights they were actually pretty good at driving dude all right let's go philip oh my god i'm on fire oh no no the gas station is on fire oh my god oh my god grab the t oh i gotta save everybody oh my god i gotta save him oh you destroyed me koala the teacher's get the fire extinguisher okay i got it i got it oh my god yes i did it oh it's right here come here grab it and then take out the fire fix the fire so you fix it oh my god dude i almost exploded oh my god paula saved my teacher she's on fire save her oh my god thank you koala you saved the day right here go let's save this part i'm trying to save you dude help me i'm trying all right i think we're good right okay let's go let's head back to the school all right let's go okay so i think that was a success honestly i feel like we passed that test okay your parents had insurance your car should be good as new in no time you got a driver's license oh my god i'm so good i'm so good happy birthday dude you're 16. yeah dude that was easy dude i honestly think i passed i i need to get like a lamborghini now i want my present i hope my parents got lamborghini oh complete the mario tutorial oh start game yeah we're playing mario we are playing mario f to attack after attack oh i can't attack for some reason space the super jump oh that's what i'm doing already oh oh i got hit oh my god oh my god yes i'm doing so good i just i just beat the stage i finished yeah me till did it next stage oh i we only have to do one stage oh text someone oh we can take someone wow all right i just sent a text all right there you go i just sent the text all right there you go follow the arrow time to go to high school oh come on let's have to go to high school let's go oh this is the hard part actually because this is where it gets hard let's learn about science all right let's go to high school martial arts i've never took a martial arts class oh what is this dude i'm so lost learn the moves bow block punch block wait what kick block what i'm so confused wow am i supposed to remember that yeah wait what wait wait go on the mat and wait what oh repeat it how i will perform seven moves and then you repeat them all right we gotta remember this because i don't remember anything yeah me too all right learn these moves we gotta remember this okay block punch block tick block oh my god i already lost it wow okay okay okay i know it okay bow block punch block kick block bow i did it dude what success you can punch oh i did it i did it you can find your friends yeah wait wait don't punch me dude don't be like that oh we're gonna go gymnastics okay this is gonna be even harder i remember this okay let's just do one two three four okay watch carefully one two three oh my god four oh my god i already don't even know i lost you know it no all right i'm just gonna go okay okay okay let me watch it again i don't even know what it was dude i'm just i haven't okay okay i'm performing okay let's see what she does all right summer salt and then somersault twist walk over handsprings somersaults twist hand over walk over assault oh my god i can't remember because you keep talking over me oh this this this this this this and this i don't even know uh how about one of us says it because if both of us both of us are gonna like what happened to you okay walk over handspring assault twist walk handspring walk over assault twist okay okay okay ready i did it i did it walk over handspring somersault twist walk over uh i don't even know i finished uh oh i did it wow i didn't even know i was so confused that was the hardest part there were 17 dude look how big you are yeah that was hard what dude that was really hard all right we are 17 years old oh dude this is the hardest one just click skip trust me this is the one this is the hardest uh thing just spend 30 roblox trust me dude trust me wait what we can good job go to chemistry class yeah yeah skip that one trust me that one is the hardest one to do because you gotta like you gotta like link up the stars to like specific stuff it's like so annoying all right let's go to chemistry class all right we gotta make a volcano so we need baking soda red food coloring and okay the other one all right let's go let's go get this stuff all right let's go okay so grab grab okay come here call grab this red one right here red okay and grab this yellow bottle right here see this yellow bottle standing in front of him grab that how do i grab it just click it and then grab the baking soda right here let's collect it the the one this is baking soda yellow one and the baking soda and then did you grab the right one did you grab the red one here yeah all right let's go all right let's make this so you got to open your inventory so first you do baking soda all right first item done and then red food coloring and then the last one boom and then i created a volcano i did it look at my volcano no it's it's baking soda yeah look read the board but koala right here the board's in front of you oh yeah dude you can tell paul is not very good at school guys he doesn't look at the front board what is happening i did it collect the baking soda on the volcano first yeah i did okay now go to the next thing now go to red food coloring yeah i did all right now go to the last one oh my goodness did you just hit your desk good item yeah did you do it what just skip it just skip it just skip it okay just skip it all right let's skip it all right so hydrogen boom all right now blue alright blue i remembered all right dish soap okay uh let me see uh there's soap um mix okay mix yeast in the water okay that's what it is so now using the water and then now i put the water i put this here oh look oh my goodness science science you know we can actually follow this and create this it makes a huge mess as you can tell all right let's go to the computer class all right now we gotta build a computer uh build a computer oh no this is easy just click on what it says robots okay leg we can get torso legs screwdriver the motors screwdriver again computer uh the iron and the battery all right i made a robot okay oh i do like the stuff just click it just look at the board and click it in order it shouldn't it's not that hard arms screw driver the floor where is it oh yeah it's all here carla yeah i'm a screwdriver again all right let me do this one two three four one two three four all right run let's see if i can do this oh my god this is so hard oh oh my god it's so hard okay turn straight turn straight turn straight run that was easy oh this one gets hard quality watch so this one you gotta you gotta pick what it does and you gotta click run oh so it gets hard all right straight straight no no just click run if you mess up it doesn't matter straight straight right i can't come here again wait what happened oh my god i can't believe it's bugged again yes i did it i did so oh just to skip skip i'm gonna have to keep the whole thing let's just skip this whole class skip this whole class skip task oh dude come on let's go to neighbor let's get a dance partner okay all right guys who wants to be my dance partner i guess i'll pick this girl right here sarah will be my dance partner oh wait you can't ask sarah sarah's my date no it's mine sarah why are you going out with koala are you going out with me explain yourself explain yourself this is not a teen drama tv show you can't go out with two people all right let's go to the school then oh we're gonna dress up we're gonna dress up koala let's go get close okay now we can actually dress up oh that's cool all right dude i think i'm ready to go i'm ready i'm gonna wait for you get you some clothes all right i'm ready wait sarah at least try to wear different clothes come on all right let's go to school my hair is the best yeah i know all right let's go bro sarah's such a cheater dude i can't believe she would do this to us all right let's go all right still gonna run over my robots because we didn't even save it yeah we did it class of 2020. oh my god look at this yo sarah's dancing dude follow your partner's lead what am i following she's doing some crazy moves i cannot do these moves dude oh dance there's a dance thing there's a dance item in your backpack yeah all right oh yeah oh oh oh yeah my real dance part is my cat because sarah just betrayed me dude oh i got it fortnite yes dude this is so hard oh electric shuffle got it got it dude yo sarah's such a good dancer dude roll the dance floor yeah oh we're doing it oh oh oh now you picked a dance orange justin look at me it's sarah bro yo sarah likes me better dude look at us look at us synchronize yeah you're synchronizing too hop and lock dude oh we can we can leave now oh yeah oh we can leave goodbye goodbye let's go sarah we gotta drop off this cheater all right let's go drop off this cheater and start killing everybody i'm gonna drop you off with a dinosaur sarah for cheating on me alright there you go that was fun all right awesome all right sarah stay there okay oh high school graduation oh oh dude this is it koala after all of this we're graduating click to pick up gown oh my god koala we're graduating where is it uh i found it there you go oh dude brad come forward dude it's our high school graduation dude cola coca-cola graduated coca-cola graduated koala we have finally done it after 17 years we were about to graduate preppy gravy you graduated yeah dude nice wait that's what wait they forgot about me wait they forgot about me wait did i graduate wait please guys can i please have one principal please please wait what i didn't graduate what well we pretty much graduated guys we're gonna end the video here we're recording forever if you guys enjoyed smash like button subscribe cause new and i'll see you all in the next one goodbye
Channel: Gravycatman
Views: 8,388,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gravycatman, roblox, gameplay, let's play, no swearing, no cursing, commentary, playthrough, gaming, video games, lets play, funny moments, grumpygravy, roblox roleplay, game, roblox online game, roblox channel, robux, Roblox games, mining simulator, lets play roblox, simulator, treasure hunt, roblox simulator, best pet, cat, pet simulator, roblox biggest, life, life simulator, growing up, roblox growing up, roblox growing old, roblox life simulator, roblox growing simulator
Id: GI1-UdJ40RQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 36sec (1836 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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