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we might be getting a classic Roblox themed event very soon new leaks have been found suggesting that we're getting some kind of event called the classic featuring a lot of old Roblox there hasn't been much found yet but there's a lot to take in from the little that we have so let's take a look at every leak from the classic so far these leaks originate from the Twin Atlas events Group which developed the 2023 Innovation Award Show game first of all we've got a logo which is actually a lot more notable than you would think the logo itself is pretty cool and features a lot of those old school bright colors and a reflection that kind of reminds me of that weird old visual glitch what I find the most interesting though is the usage of the old full Roblox logo which is very notable for multiple reasons first of all it signifies that we're getting some kind of classic themed which is awesome but secondly and more importantly it's old Roblox branding being used which is something Roblox is pretty strict on Roblox is pretty tight when it comes to companies or more official Outlets using their branding and anything old is extremely rarely used the old Roblox logo being used by a group that made an event is significant because they must have needed clearance to do so just think about how often Roblox media Outlets Brands and other companies Post Old Roblox stuff or use their old branding it's almost never if this isn't some big event we're at least getting something notable that's classic Roblox themed next up we've got these assets one of a ticket and another of a blue version of the old Roblox r logo and a company comping 2D Graphics seeing tick in another old logo from a group that makes events is once again a big deal because they must have had clearance to do so tix being present makes me think that these will be some kind of in-game currency scavenger hunt token or something along those lines the white Roblox r logo is title token icon so I'm assuming it'll either be a scavenger hunt item or some form of currency the blue r logo is also very reminiscent of the Roblox logo that appeared on the hunt portals last up we've got this in-game screenshot which has a lot of things to talk about first up we can see what appears to be a Lobby in the background along with some of the UI both of which being classic themed there's the old Skybox the studs The Happy Home the old toolbox pretty much everything on the map in GUI looks old school and it's beautiful in the background you can also see what appears to be portals similar to that from the hunt which signifies that we're likely getting another Dev hunt there doesn't appear to be as many portals as the hunt head though so maybe we're getting a Dev hunt on a much smaller scale maybe there'll be portals to original mini games or something like that but I assume there'll be portals to other games based on the last event then we've got this little item popup thing here which is unfortunately very reminiscent of the Hunt's prize menu and format it's full of placeholder stuff right now but you can definitely tell there's a top prize section then a bottom paid for Section just like last time last time we had the gold track and now we've got the bling it part which I assume will'll be PID paid for but who knows maybe they'll be free again it appears that there's only five unlockable prizes but hopefully less portals is a sign that less needs to be done to get them that's it when it comes to the leaks for now but there's still a lot to take from it it looks like Roblox may be following in the footsteps of fortnite by doing their own classic themed event but obviously a little different we appear to be getting a classic Roblox themed version of The Hunt but with less games I don't know what games will participate or what the prizes are like but hopefully they're actually old school items and games to fit the overall theme we'll probably start seeing more leaks in the coming days but for now it appears that we're getting a classic themed Dev hunt called the classic do you think Roblox is giving us an old Roblox event or is this something else comment what you think and leave a like down below
Channel: greenlegocats123
Views: 89,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, the classic, the classic roblox, roblox the classic, roblox the classic event, the classic event, roblox events, new roblox events, roblox event leaks, the classic leaks, roblox the classic leaks, the classic roblox leaks, leaked, cowcow, greenlegocats123, green lego cats, roblox the classic event leaked, roblox classic event, roblox og
Id: re2vrKSP4EY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 49sec (229 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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