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look Milo we can choose a roll I'm going to be an adult and I'm going to be the SWAT team officer look I have such a big weapon this will really help to keep us safe what the chip that's such a cool roll I'm going to be an adult as well and I'm going to choose the medic that's awesome come on Milo we got to get in the moving truck this is what will take us to exactly where we need to be all right here we go oh wow Milo look hey we're in a cool new area this must be the house that we are moving into wow this is our new house yes it's lovely this is amazing look we can totally live here and hey Milo there's a pet it's a little kitty cat oh come here kitty cat and yeah she's coming over to me he just scratched me oh no poor Milo you look so scratched up Milo we can grab different things around the house to get energy and Milo look there's breaking news live in 3 minutes and 51 seconds H we could explore but hey don't run upstairs before me I'm up here in the blue room and it's looking pretty amazing hey I want to be in the Blue Room hey look it even has my name above this bed that must mean it's totally meant to be mine a chip what the wao it just went dark Milo oh it's getting pretty late hey we should probably take a seat at this table dinner's about to be here hey the cat's sitting here as well oh look the cat's here he's probably going to scratch you again Milo I don't think the cat likes Birds no we're friends now oh Milo the cat's coming over to me I hope it doesn't scratch me either hey he's orange just like like you yeah he is yeah I bet me and this cat are going to be total good friends yeah probably a he looks hungry I wish we had some food to give him yeah let me see if I can make some Milo there's an oven here and oh what I need to buy things from the store hey look there's recipes I bet I can make something oh Milo did you hear that there's a knock at the door chip did you order any food uh no Milo I didn't order any food that's really weird okay uh let's open the door hello is anybody there um it's a pizza deliv guy oh hi pizza guy oh look he's come with pizzas that must be so nice one of our neighbors must have totally ordered this for us that's so sweet of them they're so welcoming I'm really excited to eat this scrumptious Pizza yeah me too hey look I just grabbed a slice and wo I can eat it to heal my energy I'm feeling really really nourished after that meal this pizza is tasting pretty good yeah it totally is wow this neighborhood is so good Milo our first day is going so well and we've moved into this house already and oh Milo the power just went out oh no what's going on oh chip did you turn the lights out no I didn't Milo did you no it wasn't me hey our house is buy oh no this is bad but wait Milo the television's still running oh this is the only room with light and oh Milo the breaking news I totally forgot about that it's going to happen in 10 more seconds I guess we better sit and watch it I hope it's really good breaking news Milo the whole neighborhood's power is out maybe the news will have something to do with that yeah probably oh look Milo it's a static screen the cable television must be down come on oh look we got a signal it's an emergency broadcast oh no these aren't good Milo The Purge has begun villains are on the loose Milo this is terrible wait there villains in our new neighborhood oh look Milo they're attacking our neighbor's car that poor guy looks so scared I'm pretty much going to cry wo Milo they're very dangerous we need to keep doors locked and windows closed and who's that on the car he looks terrifying oh Milo it's their leader Scary Larry oh no this is terrible Milo I don't know how safe we are we only just moved here so we don't know the area very well we better get upstairs now I hope this is all some prank or something CH we should probably go to sleep look we can totally sleep see this is way nicer than I thought and there's some light outside that's actually really weird I wonder where that's coming from yeah turn the lights off yeah and look there's nothing in the drawers except oh I got a cookie yay score got a cookie no fair I'm just going to keep it Milo in case you need it I might be able to give it to you yeah I guess so but I've got an apple ready for me an Apple H that's so healthy only cool kids eat cookies yeah that was a pretty good sleep if you ask me uh Milo I hear noises something's happening wait what's going on sh can you see anyone out there no I don't something's happening in uh Milo the na house it looks like it just collapsed oh no oh and there's a crashed car outside oh this is bad come on come on why can't we escape this room I want to go check this out mommy out of the door this is really freaky Milo it just went dark this is bad and Hey Hey look it's morning oh this is good I think morning time is really nice and reassuring wait Milo look this is not good there are broken windows in the pink room someone must have broken into our house oh no we need to board up these Windows right now nobody should be able to break into our house again look there are boards on the floor we should be able to grab these and go to every single room in the house to board them up I'm going to do all the upstairs ones if you want to do the downstairs ones good idea Milo doing the downstairs rooms is very important that is where anybody that wants to get us will have to break in from all right Milo I'm boarding up the front window this one sees everything in the street so it's very important we block this up all right I'm doing so well Milo how many windows have you bought it up I've done three and I'm trying to go really quickly three Milo you've only done three I've done so many well one of them was a big window thank you very much Milo I've done the biggest windows in the house okay come on we got to do this quicker we need to get every single window before the time runs out but I'm trying my best okay Milo I guess that is all you can do but come on come on we need to get this window too I want to see if I can board up the door but if I can't we're just going to have to stand guard oh I totally can okay I got the door as well Milo do you need help getting the upstairs Windows yeah I'm just doing the blue room now oh mil Lord that's where we sleep come on we got to get this one well I didn't know I had to get it oh Milo come on we just have a couple more windows we need to board up all right oh no this one is not properly sealed okay I'll do this one and this one as well hey this is looking pretty good I think we got everything yeah me too Milo come on let's just do a couple more just to be sure and wa Milo the attic since when did the attic open I don't not but I want to get up there hey it says we did a great job protecting the house this should totally hold them back I bet we'll be fine yeah I'm not worried we can sleep well tonight H it's too high to enter the attic but maybe there's a ladder somewhere yeah let's have a look around oh wow we did an amazing job protecting the house and H I got a basement key Milo is there a basement in this house I don't even know I haven't seen one H wao Milo it's over here and look there's weird smoke coming from under the door that is not good at all look there's a bunch of DRS over here hey I got an apple wow that's pretty good and Chip I'm going to have a look in here as well uh look in where oh the basement Milo it says we need to get more pizza look this pizza is left over but it won't last very long we need to grab this pizza before it expires okay fine I'm going to sit and eat my pizza yeah me too Milo and look the cat's back as well wow we really make one happy family wonder if the kitty cat wants Pizza as well maybe but wo mil Lord the pizza just flew into my mouth that's crazy I've never seen that before that was really really weird yeah it was oh no Milo the power it just went out again this is bad I thought we were over this why does this keep happening every night and why is it so light outside waa this is a very bright window and Milo there are guys outside oh no these are the guys from the TV they're the ones rubbing people's houses CH are they going to come get us oh no I don't know Milo we just have to hope that these boards are going to be enough to keep them away from us come on let's get up to our rooms and go to bed yeah nothing's better than a good night's sleep yeah I just hope we can sleep with this horribly bright light outside all right well I'm having a good old nap over here I'm feeling very sleepy right now hey it's going really dark W Milo I heard a Breakin noise oh no Milo there were rubbers in the house quick we need to take them out right nowly chip sh them oh no Milo ow ow ow they're hurting me this is bad hey look I'm going to take them out Milo I need help he's behind you I can't do anything okay Milo I think I got one and we got both of them this is great look Milo we got money from that hey now we've got lots of dollars maybe we can even go to the store yeah I hope so oh that fighting made me tired but hey Milo look it's the next day and I have $30 from fighting off those robbers let's go hey that was really scary though I don't want to sleep in that room anymore neither do I come on Milo we better go outside we can't use the doors but Milo this window was destroyed there's glass all over the floor they smashed my thr it oh no I can't believe this happened that that must be how they got inside a those freaks are really trying to be mean to us yeah they totally are this is terrible Milo look it says you discovered this broken window and oh no the basement door was left open chff did you leave it open no Milo I didn't open it at all well that means someone must be down there oh no Milo I think it's a bad guy we need to hide right now H I'm going to hide in the kitchen closet oh I came me too oh look okay Milo we're going to be safe here I just know it okay I'll keep a look out I don't know if anybody's coming but I feel the footsteps I'm sure somebody's here Milo it's Scary Larry the leader of the purge why is he in our house oh no Milo he's coming up the basement stairs we need to be very very quiet so he doesn't hear us all right I'll try not to scream very loud but I'm terrified right now my sh he's walking out into the living room this is bad CH he's holding a big macaroni stick no my that's a golden crowbar this is bad hey look he's going upstairs maybe if we keep hiding we'll be safe yeah let's stay right here yeah I do not want to move from this spot we could be in a lot of danger if we do I can hear him stomping up the stairs quick we need to run to the basement right now all right let's go as fast as we can Milo come on we got to get to the basement all right I'm running down and hey look there's a bunch of stuff in here look there's so many things we can get a cool Pitchfork oh wow that'll come in handy and look there's a rocket and an app hey look we can get so many things Milo even the kitty cat is down here hey kitty cat there's even a wizard hat I don't think I want that it looks like Scary Larry might like it hey what do we meant to do how do we get out of here I don't know but do you want any weapons uh Milo I think I have all the weapons I need but wa what is that hey there's a wrench oh no we left the basement door open a chip is someone going to come down here I don't know Milo If Scary Larry comes down here that could be very very bad oh no oh what's that noise they're trying to break in Milo we need to defend the basement we can be brave yeah totally Milo we can don't worry I totally got him I'm reloading right now oh no don't let him get the kitty cat chippy's really punching me okay I got him Milo all right boom and I can grab the money from him as well come on Milo there are more people coming quick sh it don't worry Milo I am oh wow he's attacking you no Milo don't let him get you w that really hurt but hey chip we make a really good team yeah and we're getting money from this as well maybe we'll be able to pay for repairs to this house and oh no there's more of them coming what how there's so many all right come on Milo we can take him out we can take him out ow he just hurt me Milo this is bad stop hurting my brother oh Milo the villain dropped a lock let's grab it and see what we can do with this chip there's another one oh he's hiding me oh no Milo don't worry I'll defend you come on stay back get away from my brother couch that really hot that time I'm going to need to eat some apples Milo I'm going to try using this padlock to lock up the basement I do not want them to be able to get to us in here anymore oh CH hey look this beds oh yeah look my there is it says we might have to spend the night down here well I guess we can because it's very scary upstairs wo Milo it just got dark really really quick yeah and I do not really have that much heal to be honest oh no Milo this is bad wait I hear really freaky things what's going on a chip if more guys come down here I'm going to cry no Milo don't cry that'll just let them know we're in here okay I don't hear anything okay I think we might be safe oh yeah boy chip and Miler survived the night yeah we totally did wow good job now what where do we go from here we're stuck inside the basement and there are crazy guys outside and I don't really want to go back upstairs but hey there's a lot of here oh yeah there is H Milo it says we need to head out of the basement oh gosh there's only one way we can do that and that's by going up here and hey okay it seems all right up here but Milo the front door was broken open a probably scary lry oh no Milo we don't have any supplies anymore we need to go to the grocery store and get as many as we possibly can W it's all foggy out here and all of our neighbors houses have been destroyed Milo look they've laid claim to our area they've put up signs everywhere this is bad the neighborhood is destroyed and and there's ice on the road oh no ice is very slippery Milo do not touch it or else you will get very hurt I promise I won't touch it I'll be really careful good idea Milo I'll be really careful too okay we just have to jump over the ice like this and all right come on we can do this we have to get to the grocery store and hey we made it Milo chip this place looks really freaky wo Milo we need to buy as many things as we can get hey I wonder if I can afford this hey look I think I can I have 70 bucks but oh no I don't have any more H maybe I can buy more money using Roblox chip I'm gonna buy a teddy bear a teddy bear that's a great idea Milo okay I'm just going to get 20 more I think I really want to buy a cookie I actually changed my mind I bought a medic kit because I'm very responsible wa Milo that's a great idea okay I don't know what's going on right now but I think we need to get back I don't think we'll be able to defend ourselves from this store yeah I think we should go back right a second yeah come on let's do this Milo we got this just be careful you don't slip on the ice okay Milo if you do we could totally be finished well I'm really good at ice skating so I'd probably be fine uh yeah maybe Milo but oh no oh this is terrible we got to get inside now and Chip look at this sign I bet there's criminals put it here yeah they're trying to scare us out of our own house but it won't work we need to get home right now CH is telling me to lock the doors but I don't know how to oh no this could be really bad oh we just need to stay safe okay okay let's go upstairs I guess yeah come on upstairs is where we've been the safest so far we've managed to survive up here thus far but I don't know if we'll be able to keep surviving okay we're ordering more pizza for dinner that sounds pretty good yeah I'm sick of eating cookies and apples it's way too sweet we need some Savory food some scrumptious Pizza is on the way oh this is good I think we definitely need pizza after the crazy days we've been having K this is a crazy neighborhood I wish we hadn't moved here at all I didn't know things were going to be this insane when you buy your first has yeah no I thought it would be nice I thought we could have a bunch of furniture and have our friends over but this is just insane yeah I don't really like it at all but ship we've got it now wo Milo someone's at the door we should probably answer this one I bet it's the pizza guy hiy Pizza Guy thanks for the pizza uh Milo wait he's covering his face he must have brought a lot of pizza yummy all right you can just put the pizza down on the table Mr Pizza Man uh Mr Pizza Man oh no that's not a pizza man Milo it's a an evil robber oh he just turned out light off oh no they must have cut the power qu Milo defend ourselves oh gosh I got to use my crowbar again don't worry Milo I have a weapon I'll be able to fire it at him we need to defeat the pizza guy I hate the pizza guy come here come on Milo don't let him get you wao he's spinning in circles that's insane oh Milo I'm reloading quick he seems to be sliding on the floor maybe if we get up high he won't be able to reach us CH he's sping me really hard oh Milo he's is confused quick this is our opportunity to get a bunch of damage on him oh get him get him oh no Milo it looks like he's doing a lot of damage stay save I don't want to lose you I keep I'm running as fast as I can oh Milo I just sat down and took him down from the couch hey we totally did it oh yeah boy we got that pizza gun we taught him a lesson oh that was scary but Milo we're still alone in the house and it's still really dark and scary I think we need to get to bed we can't see in the nighttime tomorrow we're going to get out of here and go back to where we came from I don't like this neighborhood at all chip do you have any snacks I'm really low energy yeah but I don't know how to give it to you Milo maybe a good sleep will be exactly what you need yeah sounds good to me I'm very exhausted oh me too Milo hey I bet we can actually fight back Milo maybe they shouldn't kick us out of this neighborhood we should still try and get away though I do not want to be here forever what if they get stronger or or Scary Larry comes back well if he comes back I'm going to shout at him no Milo oh no Milo he is not back but there are people in our house come on we got to take them out really quick that really crazy chip get that oh come on we got this Milo wao we did it Milo and look we got money hey look I can heal you don't move Milo I'm about to heal you real well oh wait Milo I'm super healing you your health went from low to high oh yeah boy Milo is healed now I can heal you again Milo I want to get your health up to very high that way you'll be as safe as possible yeah oh chip that was terrifying Ling oh no I'm all out of charges for my superheal wait Milo do you hear that there's an alarm I didn't know we had an alarm system it sounds like it's coming from outside we need to go there and be very careful okay well I guess we can open the door oh Milo the alarm is coming from the blocky M it's being robbed not the blocky M oh no it's scary lry Oh no you're right Milo he's terrifying hey he probably sees us he's going to come towards our house Milo this is bad oh and I I think he's holding an energy drink oh no he's going to have a bunch of energy and uh-oh Milo he's coming for us we need to escape Now find the sewer where's the sewer is that out on the street oh run chip okay sewer are normally along the road I don't think there's anything that way and Scary Larry is that way so wait a minute Milo look it's in the middle of the road here is the sewer let's go down this thing and see if we can find safety in there get down there I hope the sewer will protect us even if it's stinky yeah the smell so bad ew this is horrible come on Milo we got to go now oh it smells so bad and the sewer is flooded what how did it get flooded probably because it's been raining I bet there's a lot of drainage to be totally coming down here wait how do we get through this I don't know I think we're cornered oh no this is bad this is really bad what the sewer drained Milo we need to keep going a bunch of platforms just surface but when it floods again soon they will go back underwater we don't have a lot of time all right we're going to do us as fast as we can yeah we totally can W Milo we're doing such a good job jumping across this don't fall in that would be really really bad yeah scary L you probably come get me exactly if we fell in we wouldn't be able to get out and hey look there's a toolbox here uh wait Milo something's wrong something's very wrong oh no the whole server was down this is not good Milo oh no it tried to reboot to get rid of the glitch but it failed oh no it something's bypass the firewalls I think there's a virus chip what's over here there's a tool kit yeah what is this hey look there's lights shining on it but Milo something very bad is happening do you think Scary Larry could have something to do with this Milo we need to run oh no it's dark I can barely see hey Scary Larry take that oh thanks for the healing Milo yeah that's a right I totally got you bro he jumped up to his own platform come on we got to take him down hello my name is Scary Larry Milo he's talking to us a he's such a freak and up until now you've been playing easy mode luckily for you that's about to change what does that mean I don't want easy mode to go into hard mode oh no time to die no Thanksgiving lry oh no he's summoning evil fighters to try and get us minions rise it's time to purge why would he say that nobody should be purging us all right Milo I managed to get one but we got to get this other one too chip you got to sh them I am Milo don't worry boom we got that one and we need to get this guy as well hey take that scary Larry's minions and oh no he's coming down here to help them himself this is a piece of cake if we just keep getting these glasss oh no he's going to handle us Milo he's charging towards you do not let him reach you with his attack y we got to keep judging him yeah we do oh no Milo he's targeting you yeah well I'm really fast oh no Milo he's targeting me now this is bad we got to run and hey Scary Larry take this he's such a dumb Dum ah oh my God he's launching towards me am I crazy or is he getting quicker he is getting quicker chip oh goodness he's taking turns he attacks you and then he attacks me yeah well we got to keep moving around the circle we can take advantage of that Milo oh no you walked right in his way yeah ex that was not very smart of me hey look Milo he's dizzy from all that spinning let's turn the key on his back he lost one of his Hearts if we do this again we'll take down Scary Larry what up what turtle are going to destroy this freak yeah we totally will hey he retreated up to his platform he's probably scared of us what's a rose without some Thorns what does that mean I think he's going crazy but wow oh that's what he means he's sending Thorns for us Milo Dodge the red circles that is where the spikes appear you have to remember where the circles go exactly Milo good point in oh no they're back wao that almost threw me off he's summoning even more Thorns this is terrible hey there's no roses around here yeah only Thorns Scary Larry totally lied to us yeah he's a li a liar pants on fire oh no Milo he's just running what is he doing he runs like a widow you're making me extremely angry Milo we're upsetting him Milo this is good he would totally get upset by being taken down if we can destroy him then he'll be really really angry and we'll win um chip you got a medic uh yeah I think I do okay Milo I'm healing you right now but no I have no charges left oh chip this is super bad oh this is really bad ow I just lost a bunch of energy Milo avoid his attacks yeah I'm trying but I'm very low energy Milo you keep running into them oh no this is horrible quickly get us back get us back okay we totally did he only has one heart left this is perfect I think we'll totally be able to get him all right let's do it he's looking really weak now Milo this is a great sign okay we got to jump around uh-oh don't step on the red circles that's where the Thorns come through okay I'm going to be careful the more red circles in an area the more Thorns will appear yeah that's right Milo he got you come on avoid the Thorns Milo I don't want to lose you I'm totally freaking out chip if I die you have to avenge me oh no Milo don't talk like that you're not going to die we're totally both going to make it a chip I didn't know about that oh avoid his attacks Milo he's spinning really fast don't let him get to you Milo oh no CH you have to avenge me oh no don't don't worry Milo I totally will take that Scary Larry and this and this and oh no he keeps trying to go exactly where he thinks I will walk I'm not going to let you just take out my brother Milo like that we moved here together and we thought we were going to have a good life but instead we're running away from you and your evil minion henchmen no way Scary Larry that's not what this is going to be instead I'm going to destroy you did you get him chip oh my goodness I think I did and look he dropped a golden Crobot Milo I can't believe I lost you a chip at least you destroyed Scary Larry yeah I guess I did it Milo I defeated Scary Larry and saved the town let's go someone lowered a ladder it looks really safe I'm just going to climb up this thing and see where it takes me this will probably take me out of the sewer I bet Oh yay we won and we got the good ending hooray that was amazing Milo we did it let's go
Channel: Chip and Milo
Views: 378,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, minecraft, milo and chip, chip and milo, cashblox, nicoblox, omzblox, koryandfriends, heresjohny, ROBLOX BREAK IN (Story), roblox break in chapter 2, scary roblox, roblox story, break in cash and nico roblox, can you escape in roblox
Id: 6ItBUoKGPi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 56sec (1496 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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