Roblox’s most famous BANNED players…

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right the most evil beings on roblox that get permanently banned they get sent to ban land we're gonna be going to all the band lands it's like uh it's a mythical place it's kind of like roblox yeah that that's that's the kind of the only honest comparison i can think of oh my god this guy les congerda this was the first roblox youtuber ever he got permanently banned i don't know why this was him i made a hate account on him because i i think i was jealous of him yeah he made this roblox this was such a so popular 15 years ago too he just put captions and a bunch of mario sound effects and that yeah see this was a peak comedy back then this was innovating this guy is a superstar in my eyes and um i i hated him oh he uploaded something bad and you got permanently banned for that i've done so much worse i have done way way worse back in the day and i never got deleted all right here's a statement he's he mentioned some other stuff how he started putting inappropriate stuff his videos then they got strikes for it i don't regret a single thing i really don't and that's how youtubers should uh respond to the drama yes i saw the account this is my account i hate fluskajoda um i can't remember why i hated them maybe i just wanted to make people mad yeah i made this in 2008. oh he he had an online dating scandal and i remember i was messaging people about it look i i said this guy i most likely won't ever be on this account again so message my main account little did i know i would come back here i also made a hate account stop dude it's doing this every single time i change the page stop i think that i think the other account i made got banned i probably said something horrible let's just let's just uh forgive me i've i've forgiven myself all right there's a good chance i wouldn't be doing roblox youtube without this guy so uh let me pay salute there sorry for the hate account i made on you of all this guy oh i got a story about this guy miked this was actually a legendary player he had a game called uh sorry these are all really old players um okay here it is this he he had the first game to reach a million visits he was a big celebrity and um i have some receipts for this yeah and i'm glad you're gone by the way miked i'm glad you're deleted you know why because i have this clip from 2011 i was so excited to finally beat you and you know what happened you ignored me here's me asking you questions and you miked you did not answer this is this is real this is a real clip from 2011 me playing his game this other guy stealth pilot came in who's another roblox celebrity neither of them would acknowledge my existence look i killed still look how excited that was yeah good ris good riddance mike r.i.p bozo what'd he get banned for oh he got hacked oopsie he got hacked because a hacker was so mad that he didn't respond to me in 2011. yeah yeah yeah yeah dancing on your gravy yeah yeah i think this says a lot more about me that and this is all real i'm not i'm not kidding these are all interactions i've had or lack thereof interactions that made me the monster i am today i've been playing roblox since 2008 so i have some tea i have some receipts but yes this this clip is dated yeah 2011. this is when it was uh modified and accessed in 20 11 years later i've been holding that grudge for over a decade what other band lands do we have this is off to a good start all right who's in here uh she's a bunch of hackers or old hackers i think yeah that guy was a hacker there's a hacker in the lobby i don't even think they're hackers i think that was just a rumor i think they were like famous developers that got banned what else we got this guy is even a person stop please i didn't know that would happen this place is too dangerous for me oh my god jared valdez too i remember this guy he's still around uh basically i think this guy would just steal people's games and then get really popular with it and like make click bait he was like the first click baiter on roblox nobody would hate him nowadays but back then there there wasn't really that much click bait he would make stuff like this and people hated it people hated them so much people hated them way too much i hated them way too much look so many old videos oh i hate jared valdez too jared valdez who copies lots of games everybody hated him he says he's gonna stop copying games and he's so sorry people really did people really didn't like this guy jared bell does hate video another copied game by jared valdez my thoughts about this yeah let's watch you let's watch your video with 18 views from 10 years ago me pooping on jared valdez people who hated this guy so much hello youtubers we're almost a minute into this video oh my god this is the jared valdez stan he's he's defending him he got banned because he had a lot of place visits and you people got mad yeah i didn't hate him i just hit i hated his success i was jealous like people there's angry mobs after him i'm not even kidding this is what this video is you suck go away this guy was such a villain it's not all about you jared get a life this reporting you copy the game you stole it angry mobs he's like a normal guy now like look at him now he's like featured on books and he's successful just doing well in life as he always did and people were just mad at his success like me i was i was really upset that he was successful all right we're at visit known band players it's like uh i guess this is band land but not scary ha ha ha ha flush cajorda oh ha ha sonic this stole my thumbnails this guy would do some weird stuff on his channel this guy would do some really weird stuff roblox actually abandoned that's insane that roblox fandom did he steal my thumbnails i don't know i i know he did something cringe i know he did like really inappropriate content uh like really uncomfortable stuff that i want to talk about all right no he just did really weird stuff with his fans babe uh yeah he's banned from irl i don't want to talk about that yeah quackity's band understandable he did do that to himself completely like i'm pretty sure he actively tries to speed run bands on uh on roblox oh wait this guy this guy would get me all the admin commands and roblox has deleted his accounts and games so many times he'd probably be a millionaire irl if roblox didn't ban him like a lot of my most popular admin videos are at his game like like this one poor guy but i don't know maybe i don't know no a poor guy he's nice to me double box i think this guy was a a roblox youtuber who scammed one of his fans like he was just gonna quit youtube so he decided to scam one of his fans like a lot of money legendary yeah a legendary this guy had a legendary exit on youtube just scanned one of his fans out of a ton of irl money 11 million robux from a 14 year old the 14 year old fan just trusted him like because it's his favorite youtuber or something so just lent him 11 mil for a video and he never got it back pretty pretty epic rich band players well dude this guy was so rich look at him dude you're right you're telling me a hot babe got deleted oh my god i fell to my knees when i heard the news i don't know any of these people who's this guy just just like a random guy everyone else has a name this is the unknown soldier this guy represents all of you who get banned i i reference this every single video i talk about a band but i still have the most legendary band when i went into a game with the roblox account and uh just started spamming um i'm sorry i had like a cheat program that let me spam really fast i only got a two-week ban and that was on my main account so some of these people got permanently banned for way less than i did i'm at a controversial users game they put coral in here i miss you coral well i'm on here he has been terminated twice for unknown reasons oh i know the reasons la rubia misled users and i think they would win a sparkline fedora if they beat his game oh i i think i do that that sounds like something i've done that that that car you know what that sounds exactly like something i've done i can't quite put my finger on it though whatever
Channel: Flamingo
Views: 6,651,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Family, friendly
Id: 3BD1LwHmpHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 07 2022
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