Robin Sharma: ON How To Release Your Toxic Beliefs & Getting Back To Your Higher Nature

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hello everyone thank you so much for coming back to listen I'm so grateful to have an incredible community like yourselves and I'm so excited to share today's conversation with you today's guest is Robin Sharma widely considered one of the top leadership and personal optimization coaches across the world he's worked with Fortune 100 companies worked with billionaires and sports superstars today he's here to talk about his new book the 5 a.m. Club which is all about owning your morning and elevates in your life for me he's been an inspiration from a distance for potentially over about 10 to 15 years I've been reading his work studying his life and I'm so grateful that I get to sit with him today Robin thank you so much it's really my pleasure and honor to have you in my home Thank You Jay it's it's my pleasure and thank you for your generous words and I have to congratulate you for your amazing success and impact on so many people thank you I'm so grateful for that so I'm so excited to talk about your new book today the 5mm club I love talking about the book because if you're watching at home you're watching your work wherever you are if you like today's conversation I really urge you to go and get the book it's really a life's work put into a very small segment but the question I want to start with today is what was your morning routine before you joined and create - the 5 a.m. Club I don't think I've ever been asked that question and it's a great question I I still got up early I've always studied the great women and men of the world and one thing they had in common they were early risers and so I didn't get up at five o'clock but I was still an early riser Jay I've always had a fire in my belly I've always wanted to serve I've always wanted to optimize myself but really my life transformed when I discovered this 5:00 a.m. routine and as you might know I've been working with billionaires and you know many of the most successful people on the planet for over two decades and one of the things if not the single best thing that I've helped them with is dialing in their morning routine because the way you begin the day sets up the way the Falls and consistently great mornings cascade into amazing days great days build great weeks quarters months and years so I often say that the 5 a.m. club and the 20-20-20 formula what the book is based on is the mother of all routines you get that one habit right and everything else escalates right and specifically why five not four not six not three not seven by five well I hear you the 5:00 a.m. Club I first wrote about it in the monk Chris oldest Ferrari and it just stuck and it just people resonated with it but you're right I mean if you look at the great sages and saints of the world as you know you were a monk they had one thing in common and they understood the pristine hours before the sunrise have a magic - and we live in a world or a lot of people this is right out of the book an addiction to distraction is the death of creative production there are a lot of cyber zombies on the planet there are a lot of people on the planet right now giving the best hours of their finest days to the white screen of attractions and I really think that betraying your genius every single person on the planet has primal genius within them that's scientifically proven we can talk about it I go into it in the book but playing with your phone versus pursuing your monuments of masteries betraying not only yourself I think it's betraying the world and so I really believe and I've experienced it for two decades with my clients getting up at 5 a.m. and running this calibrated 20-20-20 formula that much of the book is about will take any human being to a new level of creativity productivity prosperity and service to humanity let's dive into that 2022 earth as soon as you mention it twice already let's break it down for the audience listening sure so it's it's it's it's simple you get up a five and people go I'm not a morning person you know mom couldn't get up at 5:00 grandpa couldn't get up before the Sun I don't have early rising genes I can't win the battle of the bed here's what the science confirms from University College of London any new skill can be installed with 66 days of practice and so a lot of people can change we all can embrace the 5 a.m. Club and join the club so we start our days well we just don't give it enough time so the first thing is make a commitment for 66 days to install this habit said that intensive completely it's otherwise it's like I want to learn Italian I tried it for 6 days and I'm not fluent I guess I'm not the kind of person who couldn't speak Italian right so now you know what do you do over these 60 days 6 days of habit installation well it's the 20-20-20 formula very quickly I get into it deeply in the book but it's the first 20 minutes the first pocket is called move why because when you sweat first thing in the morning your release BDNF brain-derived neurotrophic factor which increases the processing ability of your brain you release dopamine that's the inspirational neurotransmitter you probably know this Jay you wake up first thing in the morning cortisol your fear hormone is highest workout first thing in the morning you actually increase your metabolic rate and energy as an entrepreneur business builder Empire maker history maker energy is even more valuable than your intellect so that first 20 minute pocket is now 5:20 you're on fire you release serotonin you're happy even if you're cranky I mean what's that worth then the second pocket of the 20-20-20 formula it's all about reflection we live in a world where there are a lot of people who are busy being busy but what's the point of being busy around the wrong things just just imagine getting to the end of the year and if your career last day if your life and you say you know I was incredibly focused but I climbed the wrong mountains mmm so the second 20 minute pocket you can reflect and you can write it but you're you can ground in your values you can meditate you can visualize and we know about epigenetics we can talk about that but as you start visualizing you actually step into the higher version not for yourself and I love writing in a journal I did it before I came here today I wrote at a written prayer if you know serving and making a difference for all your followers from around the world so the second minute the second is you anchor for the second 20 minutes and then the final pocket is all about growth you know the billionaires I work with have one common denominator and that's they're curious and they have a white belt mentality even though there are some of the most famous people in the world and so the sect the final pocket is about reading studying developing your skills and most importantly developing yourself mm-hmm I love how you simplified it into what can be achieved in an hour because it seems manageable it seems realistic and the beautiful thing is that anything that starts working for people they can then stretch that section so I'm sure you've seen that the people that you've worked with sometimes that exercise will grow from 20 to 40 minutes or maybe even more that reflection period grows well have you seen that actually stays tight to that 20 20 20 oh you're absolutely right Jay that you know I call the 20 20 20 formula the minimum viable morning routine it's going to work it's going to give you the energy it's gonna bring on your fire it's gonna help and another thing it's not only gonna allow you exponential creativity and productivity but in the five M Club I say tranquillity is the new luxury mm-hmm so whether you're a homemaker a professional athlete an entrepreneur a pizza builder or maybe that's not the term of art yeah but you do your best work we have our greatest impact and we are most true to our best selves when we're Trank tranquil peaceful and serene and that's another value of joining the 5 a.m. club because those hours before the Sun rises are the most peaceful magical quiet period of the day and if we can anchor in who we truly want to be before we go out into a messy world well we're gonna fundamentally behave differently [Music] the minimal interface makes it easy on my eyes and with no distractions I can fully focus I've just read the Virgin Way by Richard Branson and if you're in any way interested in a business this is a key book for you right now for the holidays blink East has a special offer just for your audience go to blink east comm /j try it free for seven days and save 25% off your new subscription that's blinking be link2cell and you'll also save 25% off but only when you sign up a blink you stock on /j how many of you sell stuff online then you're probably still recovering from that crazy holiday shopping season well I have a way to help you make 2020 a lot less crazy and a lot more successful it's called shipstation shipstation makes managing and 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promo code purpose make shipping stuff easy absolutely because so much of our lives we just get up and we start doing right we start doing before being and that disconnect creates so many challenges but I've got a really interesting question that sparked me when I was researching and reading through your book you've worked with sports superstars billionaires what was their biggest block as a pattern that you saw to the 5mm Cloudland what was the pattern block it's the same block we all have J I believe that potential unexpressed turns to pain and when we are born we're born as children into awe and wonder adults are nothing more than deteriorated children but as we leave the perfection of childhood where were intimate with our gifts and our talents and awe and wonder our parents doing their best say you want to be an astronaut be practical then we go to school we say I want to be a rock star and I want to be an actor and I want to be Jay Shetty when I grow up and they say no no he's a different kind of cut from a different cloth than you and we we we get seduced by the beliefs of the people around us and we go from this on Wonder an intimacy with our glory our primal glory that's that's just the human condition and we start to forget who we truly are and as our dreams start to fall apart and as we lose that connection with our best selves and as we get sad and disappointed and as we failed that's just part of life a lot of us shut down and we don't know how to process through that pain so we we repress it and so the great sports superstars or the billionaires I work with or the you know companies like Starbucks FedEx Nike IBM when I work with their leadership teams what I do is I help them move through that well of blockage within themselves because in the book there's a very disruptive model and it's called before interior empires and just really quickly so many people are talking about mindset would you agree mm-hmm absolutely right everything is mindset mm-hmm if you just dial in your mindset you're gonna go out there and you're gonna change the world well here's here's what that model is about I think mindset is only 25% of the personal mastery equation yeah and here's why it's very important to have a great mindset that's your psychology you want to wire in the beliefs of world class no question but a great psychology with a broken heart or hurtful of pain if you haven't forgiven the Unforgiven if you're stuck in the past you can read the books and go to the courses and get a great mindset you're all on fire but you sabotage yourself because your emotional life is toxic so it's not just mindset there's the second word I'm introducing which is it's going to transform people it's heart set but it's not only purifying your heart set do you want to calibrate your mindset purify your heart set and then it's this other word I'm introducing health set that's the third interior Empire because if you want to change the world don't die right you know so that one of the keys to legendary is longevity and there's a lot of the book on how to how the best in the world the great genius has managed their vitality so they were like in their nineties still rocking their craft so it's mindset heart set health set which is your physical life and here's a key that I think will resonate with you it's the fourth interior empires your soul set yes now some of your listeners from across the planet will go well I'm a business builder or I want creativity productivity why are we talking about soul so well if your ego is running the day you're never gonna go out there and change the world you know a bad day for the ego is an awesome day for the soul so working on your soul sets so you are a Titan of humanity and you're intimate with your highest nature and you're wiring in the great values and you're living for a cause that's bigger than yourself that's what allows you to go out in the world and move through failures and really own your domain so those four interior empires once you work on those you go out in the world and automatically everything you touch is golden because our outer success is always a function of who we are on the inside [Music] life can get complex but online shopping is supposed to be easy so why is it hard to find coupon codes that actually work how frustrating is it applying coupons that are expired thanks to honey it doesn't have to be honey is a free online shopping tool that saves you money online yes you heard that right simply put honey automatically finds the best promo codes applies them to your car imagine you're shopping on one of your favorite sites maybe Target or Best Buy Sephora Macy's eBay Walmart when you check out this little box drops down and all you have to do is click apply coupons wait a few seconds for it to scan for every promo code on the internet and what's the prices drop over the holiday season I ordered a lot of gifts for my friends and family and I can tell you honey has 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on not just settling for mindset yeah because as we all know in our personal experience that that doesn't do the trick and I completely agree with you that something I'm really fascinated by right now is healing people's childhoods like I feel like healing that emotional you know the heart set that you're speaking about being able to give up that baggage that comes from our childhood experiences our our backgrounds where we grew up the types of friends we had in our teens you know all that baggage that's just accruing year upon year and and I really feel like you break that down really well in the book so anyway that the where I want to dive in is around a lot of people listening may be thinking Jay I've been trying to work on my health for a while I've been trying to work on my mindset you know I know I've got emotional stuff to deal with and yeah I'm kind of getting to that salt set right like like you said like I'm not even sure I'm there yet habit formation you talk about the habit formation protocol right you talk about actually building habits and I personally feel that building and breaking habits should have been the first thing we learned at school because it feel it feels like the thing that affects our whole lives I look at any change and it's always about habits walk us through your approach to building and breaking up absolutely and I totally agree with you Jay they teach us history and they teach us arithmetic they teach us geography and they teach us you know whatever other language is in school why don't they teach us before interior empires why don't they teach us you you said something very powerful why don't they teach us how to work through wounds you don't get invited to your birthday party in fifth grade there is a womb there you lose a love when you're 16 there is a wound there you start a business when you're 22 there is trauma there and I think that is in many ways the missing link in leadership and personal mastery and that's really you know I'm passionate about the five am club because I get into that and in the book and I worked for years on the book but it's really 22 years of my my learnings and teaching in the book and that is a missing link because everyone's talking about psychology and people are talking about habits and I'll answer your question of course but what about dealing with trauma you know Carl Jung said we all have this Shadowside I mean we all have this well if repressed pain and anyone who's listening who goes well that's not me it's subconscious so a lot of unless you've done the work you don't even know about it but it's that pain and self-loathing and self-hatred in the 5em Club I say you know we have a magic inside of us the Saints call it the light or God or nature or luminosity and what happens is when you do the work to release your toxic beliefs and move through your pain and how do you do it you just feel it and as you feel through all the toxicity and the hurt and the wounding and the disappointment that's called a human journey what is left as you release it you access your light you access your primal genius you access creativity you're productive because you don't have all this emotional baggage you're caring through the day you've you know I believe that the real art of the real key to success is joy and inner peace like that's why all the lot of the billionaires they have all the things and they're not happy you our nature is joy peace bliss love and when you release that trauma it just shows up because that's who we truly are so yes we should we should teach I wish they were teaching this in school and then our leaders be pure leaders like Nelson Mandela and mother Teresa and mahathma gandhi and I'd love to talk about those heroes you know that last chapter is about that and we all we all can be heroes but on habit installation so the research as I mentioned University College of London says it takes 66 days for any human being to wire any in a habit and we all have a gift called neuroplasticity so we all can do it and then the model I share in the book is called the habit installation protocol and basically it's 22 days called installation excuse-me called destruction to get up early you've got to destroy your old neural patterns and emotional signatures of getting up later that doesn't happen in an instant all change is hard at first messy in the middle gorgeous at the end so that first destruction phases 22 days there's nothing wrong Society says it's hard so it's bad I'm suggesting it's hard so it's good that's what real change is as you would that awareness you can stay with it and get into the second phase which is installation and that's like a house renovation which is messy and that's why change is messy in the middle your old pathways and ways of being are falling apart but you know this because I sent you have a very deep grounding in that middle part you have to in some ways let go of who you were it's called a dark night of the soul so for 22 days it's it's messy in the middle because you're letting go who you were that's not easy and that's why I have an installation you need to have some bravery but that's only 22 days stay with it because then you get to the third phase which is implementation so destruction integration implementation well now we're on the short roads and the neuroplasticity has kicked in and the researchers call it automaticity you will every human being can get to a place Ickx to six days later approximately where it actually gets easier to get up at 5:00 a.m. than to stay in to bed and the point is on it's called automaticity and that's you know we all have that ability we just need to stay with that three-stage process for 66 days yeah and I think that's I advise anyone who's listening right now I just want you to know that with the depths that robbing can go to I'm like torn between trying to help him answer tactical questions I know they're gonna benefit you today and then so there's always two things in my world there's existential questions and circumstantial questions and with Robin you can go and do both so I'm I'm in that middle ground right now of going between tactics and solve tactics and soul so I'm enjoying that because I want people listening to get something really practical or tactical stuff that they can start tomorrow which the book is full of but at the same time you can speak to the solve Robin like you can really go deep you were just speaking about our natural nature right habit change in a much more mature way than just hey start this one with a1 and start this on day two so forgive me if I'm going in between the two but I'm doing it because I'm trying to win for both the audience long term and short term well you know I I wish your audience was in the room here with us because I feel what you just said and I know you want to go deep and yet I know you want people to get the 5 a.m. mat then you want them to get the 20/20 formula and all those rituals and what I would suggest we can touch on more of them as you like if I may I suggest trust your instinct because it's always wiser than your intellect and let's go deep and I think it would be you know your followers let's challenge and push them to the jagged edges because they're smart people absolutely absolutely no I completely agree and and I'm happy to do that happy to do that let's let's go there let's do that I'm all-in let's let's dive into the minds of the few people you mentioned because I think that's a nice place to start it's a nice kind of bridge over to that side you just mentioned Nelson Mandela you mentioned Mother Teresa and Gandhi two of which I have pictures up on my wall behind you mother tres is practically seems is so humble that I can't find a picture of her like it's so hard to find a really good picture of it I can get on my world so speak to me about those three individuals and why you mentioned them when I grew up when I might my father is in his eighties he's been an icon of ability in my life and he retired recently after 54 years as a family physician and he said Robin I said dad why did you stay in the game so long and he said because my patients needed me he's a man of service and he used to share a quote with me from rabindranath tagore and it was Robin when you were born you cried while the world rejoiced he said son live your life in such a way that when you die the world cries while you rejoice now I've seen your work and you're doing an amazing job and some of your posts are you know don't worry so much about likes and I think you're right I think we're in a in a lost world in many ways and I don't think it's about likes and I don't think it's about yachts and I don't think it's about jets and are those things wrong absolutely not were or sensual human beings having a journey but I think there's a different game that the true legends and Titans play and it's about Joe enjoying the journey but it's really about making an impact on humanity and there's not one of your listeners who can't do that whether it's if you work in a coffee shop or you're a teacher or you're a street sweeper we all have a calling on our lives to elevate those around us and so service has been very big to me my life changed on two occasions number one i sat in Mother Teresa's bedroom in Calcutta know now call to Kolkata and it was interesting to me she had nothing but a bed and a table because she was reached a level of maturity where her bliss and joy didn't come from material things it came from love and service two years ago I said I stood in Nelson Mandela's prison cell and my life changed standing there because he was in there for 18 years I stood in the limestone quarry where he chipped away at limestone that they didn't even use to degrade him because he had no purpose I stood in hours where he would shower naked as an elderly statesman while the young guards laughed at him again to torture him in in the 5m Club I a true story where he was asked on Robben Island to dig a grave and J they said get in the grave and he thought of course he was going to die and they urinated on him and yet when he was freed from Robben Island and then he went to Bratton Stein prison in peril South Africa when he was released he actually found the prosecutor who fought for the death penalty and took him to dinner and he actually went to the jailer who kept him in prison for 18 years on Robben Island over a total of 27 years of confinement and he seated him near the front at his inauguration as president of South Africa and he was asked why did you do that and he said because if I didn't I would still be in prison and so why do I mention Nelson Mandela and mother Trey said Martin Luther King jr. it's because the five a.m. club and all these rituals yes be creative it'll help you productivity it'll make you money and that but really in many ways this book is a manifesto about our responsibility to materialize who we are on the inside you know and there's an I would take a bullet Martin Luther King jr. said if you have not found something you die for you're not fit to live I would take a bullet for the fact that every single person on the planet if they run these rituals and they do the work and they stay in the game not only when it's easy but when it's hard they're gonna live gorgeous lives in their own original way so why wait for these heroes to show up work where oh I wish there were more leaders and heroes when we all have it in us to be one of those heroes but most of us aren't doing the right things to manifest our glory mm-hmm thank you so much for sharing that so openly I can only imagine what it felt like to actually be in those spaces and places and kind of absorb that energy definitely is such a powerful thing to do and I recommend that to people if you're inspired by anyone don't get lost in what they look like they're doing now go to the places where they started where they felt their pain where they had their transformation because you can soak in all of that energy and that journey much more deeply than you can by following them on Instagram or Twitter which is only gonna give you such a minimal viewpoint of that person's life but you reminded me of something and I want to ask you about this very closely I was speaking to it to a fortune 100 organization once and I was sharing a story and I was speaking about how when I decided to become a monk it was because of service mm-hmm he was because I wanted to be someone of service to humanity that's what motivated me I felt I want to use my life to give and because the monks I was associated with were giving and generous and serving with everything they had that motivated me and one of the most beautiful thoughts and pieces of wisdom that I got at that time was learn to plant trees under whose shade you do not plan to sit and that when I first heard that for the first time it kind of just like but horribly up my whole being came alive I was like yeah that's what life's about it's about giving without wanting to get back it's about giving without receiving and the crazy thing is so I share this story and then at dinner I'm sitting down with the leadership and one of them says to me he says he said how old were you when you heard that and decided to start living it I said I heard it 18 I started living it at 18 and 3 and 18 and a quarter I tried to start putting in practice straightaway he said you know what he said the first time I started thinking about someone else apart from myself was when I had a child at 32 so what he was sharing with me is that this mentality that we're and you're being an ambassador for of serving humanity giving you know being someone of impact for society that's so alien to us it's actually something that people don't come to even later on in life because it kind of stops at your kids in your family so how are you urging people in every stage of life to kind of go there because it requires it's it's a big like paradigm shift for a lot of Jim Carrey said I wish everyone could be rich and famous to realize there's no joy in that to paraphrase his words yes and you know I look I've seen the best in the best I've had Richard Branson on my my faculty Steve Wozniak Shaquille O'Neal I've worked with real Superstars and a lot of them are just really unhappy people I'm not saying the ones I mentioned but a lot of them are really unhappy people and we'll show you their smiley face but deep inside they're going I'm worth you know three billion and I've got jets and I've got multiple residences but there's there's got to be more and so how I would urge people to embrace the message of being a forceful servant for people is first of all if you're an entrepreneur you have a lot of entrepreneurs who follow you there's no better way than standing for generosity if you want to own your domain you know what made Apple Apple first trillion-dollar company was Steve Jobs wasn't worried about the cash he was worried about the craft someone came from one of my events and said you know Robin you mentioned Steve Jobs I saw him six weeks before he died I went into his den as he was dying and he said I think was just before the release of the iPhone it was like oh you know that little thing we were working on he had a monomaniacal obsession bordering on a possession to birth beauty into the world that would elevate the lives of his customers that's generosity not scarcity so it's great for a business secondly if you want real joy it doesn't come from getting and a lot of the book is about how you've materialized empires in the world but the end of the book when mr. Reilly the billionaire we can talk about the story he's on that friend took vineyard and he shares his eleven letters and he explains uses a word called the magic and if you want to inhabit the magic I've done it at parts of my life I don't know if you have but I've experienced bliss and then it comes and goes but bliss has never come to me from getting Liss and joy and what me me hi csikszentmihalyi who coined the term flow from University of Chicago when we are literally in that moment when we're in our magic that comes from giving it comes from being in the moment when you're writing that book going how can I be an instrument of service and bring on my craft giving like helping someone on the street doing something for your faith you know I'm really in the philanthropy these days that's my joy so that's how I would urge people like if if you want real empire's your real happiness you want real bliss you want to elevate your immune system looking at there's lots of science just go out in the world and give as much value as you possible and radiate possibility and amazing things will unfold in your life absolutely I couldn't agree with you more and thank you for being such a strong ambassador for that message it's it's the message that I genuinely believe everyone needs to hear and hearing it from you from the work that you've done and the incredible career that you have to hear it from you is it's super powerful and for me when you mentioned about feeling bliss or feeling flow state and that coming from giving I've also felt that that intention opens me up to exploring channeling like the ability to feel like things are happening through you not by you right like that's what I really feel flow that's when I really feel my best that's when I really feel bliss when I recognize that this is way beyond me this is not just what I think I have and do and strategically and like technical and this step and that step and that's all good like I'm not against it I'm also strategic but it's when you rent have to tell me if you agree if you feel away if you disagree like I'd love to hear your thoughts on on channeling and and higher higher powers and higher energy in higher perspective are you and when I said let's go deep you you're not try to do that be careful what you wish for I've never been asked about channeling and I'm very happy to answer there's a lot of emerging science saying here's the reality and anyone who wants to dismiss it is denying science which is planet earth is a tiny planet in a galaxy of trillions of planets my friend Deepak Chopra was on my stage at one of my events a few months ago he's a lovely man he just radiates goodness and he took us on a tour de force about cosmology and he's been on a pioneer for so many years and he confirmed the science which is we are all part of an energy source whatever you want to call it God nature life and you're absolutely right Jay your intentions are creative so we could come at it from a cosmic cosmological point of view when you say here's who I want to be you know this morning in my journaling I'm gonna meet Jay I'm so delighted and blessed that he's invited me on his show because he influences so many people how may I serve that intention hopefully is creative so we're very powerful I'll come at it another way which is epigenetics epigenetics as you know stands for the emerging field of science which is you are not your genome the old school said your DNA what you get from mom and dad that's your destiny we're now realizing that epigenetics means our environment our daily rituals like getting up at 5:00 a.m. our thoughts what we eat our peer group etc literally affects the up regulation or down regulation of our genome what does that mean it means if you believe in yourself if you do the work in the journaling if you get up at 5:00 a.m. and do that victory hour and go through the 20-20-20 formula you literally are recalibrating who you will become out in the world so you're absolutely right then you start channeling your intentions and you start stepping into your power like we are awesomely powerful beings most of us have blocked our intimacy with our true power well blocked our intimacy with our true power yeah that's that's really that's for sure that's definitely real I'm just taking that in I think that's a really powerful statement that's a genuinely powerful statement I want everyone to think that through if you're listening right now you're watching right now and and that's that's I guess the biggest challenge with all these rituals all these steps that you're sharing is really to remove that block absolutely greatest to move out of the way we were born into brilliance the Saints and mystics and philosophers have talked about it you know as we go out in the world we take on the beliefs and the emotional patterns of those who influenced us you know and then what happens is we actually forget who we truly are one thing that I think is very important is also build intimacy with mortality because you know sometimes people probably ask you this they ask me this what do you want to be remembered for a while I I'm pretty clear I'll be dust hopefully I'll get to live a long life but I'll be dust and no one will remember me aside from my family you know and so why make it about ego and as we connect with our mortality we realize what life is really about that's a great thing to do from five to six o'clock in the morning like in that second pocket of the 20-20-20 formula right in your journal on the last hour for my last day what do I want said about me and have the discipline to architect your life so each day is a mountain climb towards that Mount Everest mm-hmm I'd love to dive into we're speaking about this identity our own service humanity talking about how these rules and rituals and principles can help us get there quicker stronger more sustainably I'd love to talk about the difference between an identity crafted by service and an identity crafted by wanting to please everyone because I think service today with our with our childlike mentality at an early stage service looks like pleasing everyone it looks like doing the right thing it looks like doing the thing that gets people to say you're great I like you right how what is the difference how have you seen powerplants play the difference between service and actually what is selfishness or ego I would say pleasing comes from fear and a lack of standing in your true power there's a distinction I make him the 5 a.m. Club between fake power big office for example lots of money jets titles that's fake power true power is Mother Teresa Mahatma Gandhi he died with under 10 possessions that's true power he he did not get his power from who he was in the world and by pleasing people he got his power by intimacy with his highest nature that's true power so what's the difference between pleasing and service pleasing comes from scarcity and fear self-loathing and insecurity if they don't like me then I'm not enough well you know any great genius any the great women in men of the world stood alone even if they were an army of one Galileo Coco Chanel Katharine Graham Shakespeare Joe Michele Basquiat if you look at the great producers of the planet they were ridiculed before they were revered you can change the world or you can be liked by everyone you don't get to do both so service comes from here's my vision maybe it's the internet maybe it's Apple maybe it's you know writing a book or a movie here's my vision and even if the world laughs at me I am stuck so strong in my vision to serve to disrupt the field to bring on value and to live my truth that even if they shoot me and take a bullet I will continue at all costs that is a Titan that's a legend but a lot of us have not done the inner excavation and that's why I go back to the for interior Empire that's why the 5 a.m. Club 5 to 6 the victory our doing the protocols that I teach in the book is transformational because the doorway to success doesn't open outward if you get it inward and build that core that war your meets poet self you go out in the world you're powerful I love that you can please everyone or change the world you can't do both you know that's gonna stick with me I like that and I think that's really important for people to remember because we feel that they have to be aligned we feel that both have to come together but it's not always the case and it's actually rarely the case from the examples that you stayed there yeah phenomenal phenomenal and so one of the things for me there is now you've got me going now you've got me and Ray in this is Honore going deep but it's funny a lot of people ask me like I lived as a monk for three years we meditate for four to eight hours a day and a lot of people tell me like what powers did you get you know like what kind of what kind of like mystic powers did you get from meditating for so long and and my answer often especially when I get asked it in that way it's like actually I just learned beautiful processes and meditations to overcome envy ego pride lust you know all those things like for me that's a much greater wealth than being able to make money manifest or fly in the air or you know transport myself like that kind of stuff like you said you were saying fake power and it's almost like in the yogi world like that's the fake power and then tell me a bit about the work that you've done there's a there's a quote that you said I've read this from you I can't remember when I read it probably like six years ago and it it stayed with me for so long you said that well I read it you said you can only take the world as far as you visited internally and I was just like oh when I you know when you read that it was like I was like yes I agree and I'd remind myself that often when I take no matter and I really appreciate you encouragement to me of what I've done so far I'm like yeah but I if I need to take the world further than that I need to go deeper tell me about some of the work that you've done to really go deeper tell me about those moments of pain those those moments where you reflect and you were like Robert you're not you're not you're not living up to what you want to do you're not at that stage yet you've got to go deeper to take the word further Wow I I feel like we need another two hours or another day we should do a day long okay again I would love but so many things I would say the first the first thing is your self-identity determines your impact and your income that's where the real work is you so what have I done what have I gone through well I mean like any human being I've gone through heartbreak and the majority says if you go through heartbreak if you're on your knees because your life is falling apart rush out as quickly as possible what I've discovered Jay is staying as long as possible because difficulty is growth in wolf's clothing and if you Nelson Mandela became Nelson Mandela or you know Steve Jobs became Steve Jobs or Phil Knight created Nike with Bowerman those people became who they were because of their most difficult experiences so the greatest people on the planet have suffered the most suffering is not bad I'm suggesting suffering is awesome the the ego runs from suffering because it's the death of the ego but I believe pain difficult times failure loss is purification and preparation for personal heroism and so I've used heartbreak I've used disappointment I've used difficulty the monk who sold his Ferrari oh that was a self-published book I was ridiculed I have to say even now the 5 a.m. club because there's so many new ideas in it some people are criticizing you and they're not because they're not understanding it because anything new threatens people and so that activated my self-doubt have I missed the mark have I spent four years doing my very best for this book and have have I got it wrong and so all I believe everything that hurts you can strength you and so I've used all the difficult times to make me better in tactically if you want to shift it tactics I'll you know I vacuum why have an acupuncturist I have a spiritual counselor I believe in one of the models of the ten rituals of daily genius is the to massage protocol that's transformational I biohack I get drips or drops or whatever they're called I supplement I meditate it just goes on and on I spend way more time even on my craft that I on my developing myself than I do on my craft and that's what makes my craft better [Music] and I and I couldn't encourage people more that if you have a business if you have a family whatever it's a relationship anything you're trying to grow recognize you have to grow first like if you want to go three steps forward you've got to go three steps deep like it's not gonna come the other way and if you feel like you're just want to push forward the whole time it's it's and it's not working it's probably a good sign that you need to take a step back and go deeper I would say to anyone if you're so many followers across the planet J anyone who is not living an absolute world class you are your own worst enemy but because it's so subconscious if you haven't done the deep inner work we blame it on oh it's the supplier oh it's the market is contracting oh it's a hard time in the global economy the reality is there are people out there at every possible domain of wealth who are doing amazing things if you're not living your dream life are at your absolute best it's because you're in your own way and what is the solution it's working not just on mindset like so many people are talking about mindset heart set health set soul set and getting that you know acupuncture might be the way to do it plus hypnotherapy could be doing it and could be massage and it could all that inner work that a lot of people go oh that's not for me well that's how you move through the blocks of your shadows that are covering your primal genius mmhmm yeah I totally agree I love those for when I when I read those I was like I'm so glad that you covered the fall because you're so right that we which it's it's kind of like our human wiring but we love like the one thing you have to do right like it's like what's the one thing I have to do it's kind of like well no you've got four things to do right like there's not just one thing and I think our minds don't like that at first we struggle with that at first but when you start recognizing that they all actually are connected they're interconnected they're all assisting each other if you get your health set right it's gonna affect your emotional say we get you emotional set right it's gonna affect your soul sir etc like there's such a and and and that's why I do think and I couldn't agree with you more that waking up early just gives you the time and energy to do all of this right like waking up early just gives you that opportunity you're like setting yourself up to be able to put all of this in there's a line in the book which it comes from the Spartan warrior credo sweat more in trading and your bull sweat more in training and you'll bleed less in war yes victories are won before you even step onto the field you look at Kobe Bryant you know for example or Shaq or LeBron or Federer or Serena these people made the moves they made that won them the championship not because of what they did on the championship court it was their sweaty disciplined practice at 5:00 a.m. while the rest of the world was not watching that allowed them to automate world class in times of pressure so you're right 5:00 a.m. getting up at 5:00 am joining the five AM Club giving yourself that time in the quietude when it's the time of least distraction to do the work we're talking about will revolutionize any human life that's why I say it's the mother of all habits that's why I'm so passionate about it and then you say about mindset hearts at health setting soul set here's what I think G and I'd love to know your thoughts but we live in a world now we're actually numb to our heart and were numb to our feelings and were not numb to love I was in the gym early this morning there's a woman she had taken the weights from the weight area and taken them to the cardio area just for herself no one else got to use though not judging just reporting she's numb to feeling empathy for other people who want to work out as I walked to get my coffee this morning I kid you not 656 excuse me 656 this morning a woman was banging on the door of a deli yelling at the employee saying open up because I guess she really wanted her bagel what I'm saying is we're taught to numb out our feelings so we live in our head and that's why so many people are saying everything is a mindset because they're living in their head but great art great architecture great businesses great lives don't just come from the head they come from your heart your feelings your passion your gratitude your your your body your health set and from I'm gonna go I'm gonna go to places people don't talk about yes they come from your soul your soul is just your higher nature before the world taught you not to believe in who you truly are mmm yeah no I agree with you listening to I agree with you I've often said that we're wired for generosity but educated for greed that was shifted the other way but as young children we were wired for generosity there's so many shows of that where we lived through our heart when we're kids and all of a sudden it's like living from here as we grow older this girl's older as well and we start living from here like you're saying like we're like moving out of our heart and into our head as we get older and I think one thing that I've noticed as to why people behave like that when I'm observing and reporting is I feel that people have lived through through their heart and they've been hurt like people have lived through their heart and they've been hurt by people who also were not living through their heart and now to protect themselves people are now living through their head too because they think well if you're on your head I'm gonna through my head - that's that's my perception that's my observation I'd love to hear your thoughts on that and and how we can switch back because I agree with you everything that's incredible in the world comes from my heart everything that we admire but we've stopped that because we're scared of living through a ha well it's it's a dangerous conversation Jay because it's easy for me and you to talk about mindset that's easy that's the status quo mentality mentality right and you know Freudian slips I've got more work to do I need to go I know I'm singing from the same song book it's you didn't get invited to the birthday party your heart gets hurt you needed the attention off your mom and your dad is a little child and they were doing whatever your heart gets hurt you go through life and you don't get into the university you want your heart gets hurt as this happens it's as I was mentioning before it's this it's this steady getting away from who we truly are and you're right so we contract and the contract its trauma creates contraction trauma causes the heart to protect and we then protect ourselves from from being we try to feel safe well that's the way most people are living and that's why we really don't have truly intimate relationships that's why we can't build a team of Picasso's because we're not really loving and open in the workplace that's why we can't create products that are so beautiful we put them out in the world and we create a cult around them because they're so amazing intellectually our mindset we get it and I'm not saying mindset isn't important it's in the model it's 25% of the personal mastery equation but the missing link is heart set and you're absolutely right we don't do it because we're scared Rumi said keep breaking your heart over and over and over until it opens and so the real work of a hero as well as well as a business builder and a legend is working on you're opening up your mind installing that psychology of mass but purifying your heart we can get into tactics so you release the past pain but you also embrace your your gratitude and you stand in love and then you work on the third interior empire your heart your health set because if you are diseased if you there's a line in the book which is energy is more important than even your talent you know you can have great ambitions and great opportunities if you can't execute with fire nothing gets done and then I get back to the fourth interior Empire which is soul said and I think you know entrepreneurs should be talking about salsa and if anyone gets scared it's not religion it's it's about building intimacy with your noble self it's about finding that cause that you'd be willing to take a bullet for that will not only allow you to live a gorgeous lifestyle but serve the world in the process absolutely solo said Roman thank you so much I hope that everyone is listening of watching is thinking what I'm thinking is that problem we have to set a couple of days aside to really dive into so much more of this we've got that we're gonna end unfortunately but I feel like what we've captured today in Maya in my space for me is this energy of getting people to move further and deeper like that's what we've truly captured at the essence of pushing everyone who's listening and watching including myself you know I'm included to pushing us to start living through that deeper space or so set our heart set as opposed to the remaining on the not superficial but remaining on the levels that are above but I'm gonna end as we always do with our final five questions this is our rapid-fire section it's one-word answers three word answers max so I'm gonna ask you them now the first question is the best city to be in when you're writing a book and I knew you wrote this across a few so I wrote the five m-club mostly in Rome well it's a it's a Rome of great it's a place of great beauty and magic beautiful second question the best advice you've ever received mmm Wow I would just say as simple as it sounds [Music] never rest on your laurels and keep learning everyday nice that question the West advice you've ever received the worst what a great question Jay forgive me for pause I just want to be honest and true to you the worst advice I've ever received I'm trying to call out bad advice I think it's it's it's I think it's all about not being true to yourself fourth that's great yeah that's a great answer no being true do so first love that the fourth question is a mentor that has mentored you without someone you ever met someone that you never met that mentored you Nelson Mandela beautiful I love that I thought I was gonna be other but I wanted to check and I love that I love that you said that because I won't be able to recognize you can be mentored by people you never met you don't need to meet all your mentors that that's why being around art shapes you that's why standing in Nelson Mandela's prison cell transforms you that's why reading a book is having a conversation would be out there that's why getting on airplanes and traveling changes your creativity and who you are you just need to get out there and be exposed to genius a genius level ecosystem and that just reorders who you are in the world awesome and fifth and final question you'll wish intention for everyone who's gonna after this go ahead by the 5mm Club read it what's your wish and intention for them well when I would write each day over the four years of this journey I actually visualized my readers connecting with their primal genius and their luminosity as they would turn the pages and that is my prayer that as your followers read it they remember who they are and they stop betraying their power and they and I also wish that they don't put the book down and think it's a magic pill I all 266 day free program the details are at the end of the book so after they finish it they get a free online program where I walk them through and mentor them for 66 days so they install that 5m Club a habit to automaticity but let's just remember please that world class is a process not an event and working on yourself and being Noble and an amazing entrepreneur and creative and a light in the world it's a great way to spend the rest of your life and we need we need to keep doing it until we no longer breathe so my wish is that it all costs all your people when it's easy and hard and they have self-doubt they just continue I love it thank you so much Robin Chavez 5:00 a.m. club on your morning elevate your life this book is not full of words as you just noticed full of energy that has beautiful wishes and intentions for you okay you're gonna make the most of it I know for a fact that waking up early changed my life and I'd love for it to happen to you this is the book that the guide book that's going to show you how thank you so much Robin for being am so grateful to all of you for being here - thank you again Robin thank you so much you're such a gracious person you deserve all your success Jay I think this is just the beginning of your ascent and I thank you for your time it's been beautiful thank you
Channel: Jay Shetty
Views: 130,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jay shetty podcast, robin sharma, robin sharma podcast, jay shetty video, Explore, self development, motivation, motivational video, knowledge, robin sharma interview, Mind, Purpose, Social Media, addiction, book, boyfriend, distractions, girlfriend, grow, habits, how to, inspiration, inspire, inspiring video, jay shetty, jay shetty inspiration, jay shetty motivation, jay shetty videos, on purpose podcast, podcast, relationships, self help, shettyjay, skills, success, uplifting, uplifting videos
Id: 7ozXjIl8M0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 41sec (3761 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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