Robert Plant MTV Guest VJ 1988

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hi you're watching MTV Music Television I'm Carolyne Heldman with me here at on Robert Plant weekend got some videos coming up this hour from dire straits and sting and yes and here's our am with this one goes out to the one I love hi there it's Robert Plant weekend Robert Plant is here and we're talking about a lot of things your new album just came out this past weekend's in know it right here and you might be able to take a look at it there it is how'd you come up with the title it was supposed to be called something else first it was gonna be called the Summer of Love and you know you guys here keep on how many Summer of Love segments we started thinking as we made the record we became more and more happy and more up the whole experience was one of those kind of almost a Zen experience we had such a good time making the record and now and then seemed to be appropriate in many ways it was a pun it's sort of an island back to my period of thoughts and thinking about the world in the 60s and 70s it seemed an appropriate title for a new phase of my career really yeah it's good it's nice to have you back anyway and it's not yet it's also nice to be back with a bit of a smile too I mean the album is very positive it's got a lot of punch to it and the title makes it so that you can't take it too seriously right okay well you're gonna be here for a few hours anyway were playing some videos that you chose and this is one of them Pat Benatar yeah you liked this video a lot goodbye I think she's a funky lady I think she's great well let's take a look here's Pat Benatar with sex as a weapon robber plants here and we're hanging out one of the things that you've said recently in a lot of interviews is how you really like bands like REM and the DBS the DBS do you like to hüsker dü the DBS and the cure to this an English band who I like a lot I think I think America's got a lot of great music to offer and I know that I only know a little bit about it and I'm only exposed to an amount of it however in Britain we have radio that begins nightly to about 8 o'clock at night that really does take quite a good look at alternative American Music College yeah yeah college radio but I mean they college radio is the kind of medium in which Urich's by which you're exposed to originally say to REM but I mean there's music coming out of the gutter all over the place even out of that trash can the guy just fell oh but yeah I guess it's a stuff that you you're not normally exposed to right in normal listening time well this isn't equivalent at all to your experience when you I mean that's kind of a you know I mean college radio these bands just with background sir this isn't exactly this isn't at all what Led Zeppelin was doing you know I mean you guys were very it was very mainstream then yeah but what happened was it didn't begin as mainstream you see I mean there wasn't such a thing as mainstream because when I first came to the United States I found that there was the FM radio was what they call underground radio so you could hear everything from Prokofiev to Bill Haley to Led Zeppelin to kaleidoscope but it wasn't the whole actual structure of what you heard in the way that the mechanics of it didn't come about in the same way so you could hear anything right absolutely any any kind of music at all we know now they became mainstream he became a lot more structured as time went on and we what we gonna say that we've still got played a lot yeah thank God - okay so here Robert Plant Pixum who score do you could be the one tear Robert Plant weekend picking some tunes we've got a Led Zeppelin song coming up speaking of Led Zeppelin you can't really say enough how it's just you're just a linear legend now Robert yeah yeah of course I am I know when I walked in I was in the legend now just become a legend when the lights go on Hey okay here I am a legend do you feel you have something to live up to what it would it must've feel like to be you why don't you come back home with me like that I mean how's it feel to be me well I go through all the usual things that people go through you know I just get wake up and realized that stairway to heaven came in one of those kind of strange moments so did Kashmir I studied a million other songs and I don't think the elevation to anything is I mean it's a particularly American got lovely eyes thank you you too it's a particularly American affectation to make myself or page or even John Paul Jones if he's not selling double glazing somewhere legend Anna I doesn't have any effect I don't know anybody else really okay there's so many Led Zeppelin shall we say ripoffs these days do you think that those people in a way are paying homage to you don't you think that's sort of a tribute in some ways in some way it's nothing they want the books I basically I think that there's a big hole there and nobody's filled it yet and everybody's been talking about this reunion for a month upon month year upon year upon year and really the most wonderful thing about the reunion is the fact that it isn't happening because it maintains some of this war that you've just been talking about it allows other artists to pay for their houses in stuff like that which tamizha may be one way of doing it I don't know and also it allows me to make really good albums with everybody go well we'll give him a bit of exposure here because who knows you know he might be back with page next weeks alright you're ready to keep him in the public eye no and Zen is the good new album which just came out this week and right here some classic Zeppelin it's a whole lot of lovin Robert Plant weekend oh his Robert Plant on MTV and heart will be with us right after this her plans is here and up next we have a video from heart and an Wilson and a couple of interviews has said that she dreams of doing a duet with you of what and animals in have hard dreams of doing a duet with you that's what she said to me before um I think she's great I think she's really talented I think she's a great drummer and I think and I think she wants to do I'd love to talk about would you ever do a duet with a woman yeah oh well sometimes it's all safe and clean you know that I don't I don't mind well I mean I'm open to office really mm-hmm I haven't been here for such a long time I'm really quite through I feel like a little boy again and so any offers that are reasonable I might consider you like the bangles I read that somewhere mmm well I'll ride the bangles for a much different reason because I think that they're much more the kind of they give me the recollections of girls singers and girl music from the early 60s and I really like that kind of great melodic harmony thing and they're very pretty girls they're very cute I was fortunate enough to meet them at the BPI Awards last year in London and that's what they were very very nice young lady mm-hmm well getting back to heart anywhere I'm sure they're nice and ladies - absolutely here's there's the girl from heart - Aerosmith and my new video from the new album it's called heaven knows autonomous I promised I wouldn't say anything derogatory about anybody I told my manager he told me that any reason he manages me because he wants the lawsuits that are gonna come up because he wants a bit of adrenaline pumping around his bed so I'm not gonna talk about yeah and and I'll talk about them for you okay no but just think of the lawsuits that you can have I mean not to mention the lawsuits against you you have no your ID David I'm not even gonna mention it haha that was heaven knows it's the brand new album from now on Zen it's the brand new single and video from Mountain which is Robert Plant's brand new solo album which has just got last week and that one was shot in Morocco you you shot it in Morocco you have an affinity for Morocco yeah well I ever since I first started going there uh a few years ago I found out it was so close to Europe and so close to in them within three hours of flying so I guess from New York you get to say Phoenix Arizona or something at the same time but the culture difference the remarkable people and the difference within the country from the north of Morocco you go over the Hindu Kush SAS up edit you go over the high atlas mountains and down into the southern parts of Morocco to score and the people are stunning absolutely remarkable people and these are the people that you see mainly on the video the people from Zagora and blue women and the blue men and they're from a tribe called the Tuareg tribe and the Touareg men wear makeup and they wear these blue robes and they still carry knives in sort of scabbards like that and they drive you know Oh Buicks they don't ride camels but they're mean guys and there are a lot of the Arabs don't like them too much because they're like the real McCoy guys they really are quite daunting characters and to work amongst those people and to take them in involved in the video their sense of humor comes across it was just a great great experience the right way to do it it's a great video he's very bright um and back into more videos on Robert Plant weekend right here for noir with say you will we must panic because we can't spend more than two minutes talking about anything yeah go away we're here on Robert Plant weekend with Robert Plant's the real genuine article and the new album nouns end you said this one you said this album has a rather sixties ish feel to it yeah well in its conception in the in the natural recording of it we used lots of jangly guitars and what's happened is that when we started mixing this thing we started mixing the guitars out we started removing that bangles birds DB's type of guitar I'm pushing it out of the way I'm bringing the keyboards up a bit more in a way would be nice to remix a few tracks years later on and bring in this summer of love guitars again just as you would like to change the photograph one album over to Lucy right here some of it yeah you're frowning just a bit your hair looks a little dark just look a little yet a little dark I had to turn it down some people have highlights because of my decided compromise with the business I decided to darken it anyway the band I must tell you how about the band of guitarists it's Doug Boyle he's 25 oh he will be 25 when we start touring he's a great little player and he's never played the more than about two or three hundred people in one room and his life before he's back okay gone sorry I'm oh yeah keyboard players Phil Johnson he's quite a he's quite an entrepreneur musically he's a great player he's a great motivator and he kinda in a way I think has renovated my career he's me so much punch he's told me to stop denouncing my past and really get on with sort of re reoffending myself for the past so that you hear songs like tall cool one and white clean meat and songs like that where it's it's me back in 1973 if you like yeah the intention is like Physical Graffiti time drummer is Chris Blackwell great talent great drummer really good he multi-instrumentalist it's got a better voice than David he really is very good and the bass player on the album Phil scrag very tasty bass player he's he's not coming on the road with us but we've got this handsome hunk called Charlie Jones who's some people say is my son but I don't remember uh-huh another lawsuit in the works now he's mom copy that yeah hey well now and then it's a great album hope I hope you've gotten it so far and right here Depeche Mode you picked this band you like them so never let me down again let's take a look we're here with the Robert Plant on Robert Plant weekend and we have been showing this weekend the song remains the same the movie what yeah what do you think of the movie I think John Paul Jones will be in in any second they're surprised a double blazingly now what do you think of it as a rock and roll that's easy I think it was great you know I mean it was a little bit on the on the kind of gentle side of what it was like really I think it was almost affected and it was almost like a kind of play in a way but I guess looking at it now I mean the closes a little strange the flared trousers actually got 10,000 pairs of those from landlubbers they gave me a lifetime supply of jeans I wouldn't even dream aware and I know I kind of give them away but maybe I can give them to you know it's like a Dalek revival I can perhaps get into the mission or somebody could auction one yeah but I think was alright I quite enjoyed I've quite enjoy it now because it's cute and yet really it wasn't cute mmm but now I guess would time having taken its course I look at it miss okay you only would you ever act would you ever be yeah I wouldn't have a bad chest I don't know maybe I would mm-hmm acting I find it very hard to try and I find this alright although I haven't done it for a couple of years but I find the idea of actually taking on somebody else's personality of character a little hello too much like hard work yeah yeah you never alone with a schizophrenic but being an actor must be hell you don't think you do that at all on stage anyway you don't think it's sort of a it's all you it is every man your knees gonna be Tory - we're gonna be talked about that later baby don't want to slag anybody else here um I'm not here to do that right here Faith No More which we care a lot you pay yeah yeah yeah go for a chaps hope you mean it hello Robert Plant's here on Robert Plant weekend we're just having some fun and this is going to be especially fun it's a game and we're gonna what I'm gonna do is I want to just mention a bunch of names and I want your instant reaction okay you sure this is alright for people out there I think so yeah we can always edit it you know whatever you see on here now is probably gonna be edited anyway kids probably not um oh I might run away okay so instant reaction it can be one word or phrase okay ready REM use Madonna Oh whatever II first came here mmm okay Bruce Springsteen uh blue-collar the cult John Paul Jones Michael Jackson John Paul Jones Def Leppard uh Sheffield the honey drippers Saturday afternoon Whitesnake my first group is according kingsnakes when I was 15 Mick Jaggar one of the best great sing a great song one mission UK Oh John Paul Jones Led Zeppelin John Paul Jones Prince the best the King the Prince here he is boys and girls we're here with Robert Plant and we've got a video coming up from the honey drippers which is a band you were in at one point or another yep rockin at midnight that's coming up and um so stick around aye we're back Robert Plant's here on Robert Plant weekend you're gonna be touring with your new band and starting May 11th I uh yeah we start in Canada and we come down may 11th to Rochester upstate what do you do would have so many people a lot of people think that oh you're back but you haven't really been gone no no I've been working constantly the last year I did in the United States was October I finished about October 85 the year of my babe I was totally disillusioned with my progress very sad and very dejected and basically a very let down by the weather the band the performing it was very complacent so I fired everybody all say goodbye it would be a more tactful thing to do win it Dave and and moved along and study creating this whole new thing I've been working with loads of different people the guy who writes all the Grace Jones stuff I've written three songs with him I got Dave Stewart from the Rhythmics put me under a guy called Robert crash who I've written two songs with on the new album he used to have a group an early punk band called Robert crash and psychotic tanks so there's been I've been playing in writing instrumentals I've written some film music for surfing movies and stuff like that some real wacky stuff yeah and and then slowly this band came into being and - until such time as about three or four months ago we started doing gigs in England under a pseudonym and fan of love a band of joy fan of joy yeah love to joy and the Banerjee was the group I was in before Led Zeppelin until Bonzo and I were in the band until about 1990 something we know that and use that name and went out and played around Britain it was great because people knew who it was but it was like he won't be playing here tonight this is a seaside town in December right nobody comes here but it was fact it was a good way to get worked into the set until we're ready to go now well it's great Robert Plant brand new album nouns and just out and read here honey drippers this is an old one kind of yeah 1949 this is great I think rocking at midnight
Channel: Mark Zep
Views: 55,764
Rating: 4.9157305 out of 5
Keywords: Robert Plant, Now & Zen, Interview, 1988, MTV, Led Zeppelin, Heaven Knows, Ship of Fools
Id: qpjWWRN3jOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2015
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