Robert Lustig - What is Metabolic Syndrome Anyway?
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Channel: JumpstartMD
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Keywords: jumpstartmd, weight of the nation, wotn
Id: zx-QrilOoSM
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Length: 58min 41sec (3521 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 01 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Food causes of Metabolic Syndrome (MS). Better yet (MetS).
I feel like he needed to explain the BCAA mechanisms more. He just sort of stated that cornfed beef does this (increases NAFLD) without explaining how and why and whether grassfed beef does it too.
I get that his big bogeyman is sugar, and I agree, but just because kids can eat starch and get healthier (per his study), doesn't mean that adults can too. Especially if adults are already obese and have been for decades.
I've always found it interesting that on page 69 in his book Fat Chance, he says he cannot figure out how to lose the 45 pounds he gained in his residency. Looks like he still cannot figure it out. So, he changes the focus to fructose and "real food," and comments that obesity is not the problem.
He's confusing the issue with too much nuance. For the vast majority of people, cutting out carbohydrates will benefit them and stabilize their weight at a healthy level, and keep them safe from the diseases Lustig speaks of. Notice he says he is not a low carber. Well, obviously.
I may sound like a broken record, but it is carbohydrates. Saying "real food" just gives people an out to continue to eat carbs. Potatoes are "real food." Corn on the cob is "real food." Boiled rice is "real food." Fruit is "real food." Carrots are "real food." Jams and jellies are "real food." Whole wheat bread is considered "real food." Honey is considered "real food." Maple syrup is considered "real food." Low fat milk is considered "real food." Apple juice is considered "real food." Citing "refined" or "processed" or "real food" is just confusing people.
It's "carbs."
Same slides, longer talk. A bit more in depth explanations.
I’m 60 year old male who was obese and eat a SAD diet. I’m 20 BMI or 9-12% body fat measured by popular consumer scales and slightly less using calipers. I am on the outskirts of pre diabetes. I’ve had many labs done this year and the only time I got a great glucose reading 60mg was after limiting carbs and excess ethanol for a few weeks before testing. I have lost the privilege of just quoting sugar, now I have to limit most carbs to test normal glucose ( I have two meters which I know can be 20% up or down but well within range. I can still drink 24oz of whole milk and not spike but I remember to keep track of the carbs. Erythritol and stevia do not spike or change glucose readings, 2.5 carb beers up to 12 also don’t spike but ethanol is one of the foods he mentioned with corn fed fish chicken beef and sugar and complex long chain amino acids. I am bordering on fatty liver disease. I have seen the solution work for me quickly. If fact I can binge I fast 48 before a glucose test and come out great but for the liver ( AST ) to get better it takes a few months of no or trace ethanol and low carbs. My last take away besides sugar ethanol corn fed and chains is adding fiber. I chose either Spinach or chia seeds for net zero carbs or close enough.
I dont know much about mitochondria, but what I do know is that it is the powerhouse of the cell
I graze keto until my body fat or weight ( measured by looking at my abs as the final evaluation ) gets out of my parameter. Then I hit with fasting, mostly the 16/8 ones. I extend the fast if it feels easy. I’m in and put mild keto. Never have been fat adapted yet. But I do find it and area to experience.
First time hearing R. Ludwig speak, and I was impressed with his grounded style. Also this was the first I’ve seen fructose indicted by trial as causing MetS /IR.
Without going back over it again, did he really state/cite 3 and only 3 causes of IR? (fructose, ethanol, & ?) I’m having trouble digesting that degree of simplicity. Surely other causes exist, eg refined carbs, excess fat intake, combined carbs/fat excess, genetics, etc?
Man Lustig sounds pissed, I love it.