Robert Henderson | 1. Courts of Heaven | Session 1

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[Applause] take step 5 Thank You Man yes she thanks me thank you amen thank you so much bless you thank you so much amen I just want you to know that God took notice of everyone that stood up yeah I think everyone stood up Mary you look at me so Mary said she didn't stand up so it is a great honor to be here with you guys thank you so much for having us and we appreciate a pastor Stephan him Vanessa and them inviting us to this nation I've been in a lot of different places but had never had the privilege of coming to New Zealand and I counted an honor and a privilege to come through this door into this nation and so again thank you guys so much and we just we just really want to pray for God that he would bring breakthrough into our own personal lives because that's the that's the first place we started seeing the court of heaven a teaching have impact was in our own personal life that's what got my attention now and I'll share some of our story here in just a moment but but then we've seen it actually expand and grow into having affected nations because I mean we understand that the same principles that rules our personal lives actually affects Nations okay in other words if it's if it's a true principle of God it probably works on every level okay and so so regardless of what your passion is regardless of where you're what you're needing from God desiring from God whatever you feel like your assignment is I promise you that in the teaching we're going to share that there can be some real secrets and some real mysteries that I think God would unlock for us so let me let me just kind of beget how many of you by the way how many of you have heard teaching on the court of heaven cross here oh wow oh my gosh how many for her my teaching on the court have happened oh my god okay well don't listen if you is that many of you don't hold me accountable if I say something you've already heard okay because what we're gonna do is we're gonna start tonight in over the next two or three days we're going to go on a journey of taking us deeper and deeper and deeper because God just actually does keep unveiling things for us and we keep seeing a greater and greater truths being unveiled and so I couldn't even tell you some stories about that but anyway okay so let me just let me kind of just begin this way I mean we're gonna do an hour session here take a break and have another let me just start this way I kind of give you a little history of how we came into this how we began to understand this whole thing what what happened was Mary and I have been in ministry for I guess 35 years there abouts and it's basically all we've done most of our married life and we've been married for 42 years and the time we weren't in ministry we were actually probably preparing for ministry because that was just a call of God on my life I remember I remember when we were dating our second or third date which we were high school sweethearts and our second or third date I asked her I said what would you think about being in the ministry and she said Oh that'd be fine neither one of us had a clue what we were talking about I just knew I was called of God and I knew I knew I even though I didn't really want to do that then I knew ultimately God would have his way and so in sure enough he did so anyway we've been doing this for quite a while now and we as as pastor Stefan said we have six children five grandchildren at this stage and so we watch God do a lot of different things but here's here's what happened we had seen a lot of different breakthroughs happen in our life over the course you would see we had seen God be faithful we'd seen victories come but we hit about I would guess if I remember correctly about a three-year span where everything seemed to fall pieces everything fell to pieces it seemed like I mean when I say fall to pieces I mean our reputation was attacked and lies were told about us and we were being destroyed our children were making our which were mostly grown at the time our children were making like like I just call them stupid choices and decisions I know yours never do that but I was dead they were doing all of that there was financial issues I mean pretty well you name it that was putting pressure on our marriage there was there was all sorts of things that were going wrong everything was following the pieces the problem was the problem was I couldn't get it stopped it was like before I could get through one crisis another one was upon us it was just it was going it was going from from bad to worse and into worse and to worse and the worst it was just an ongoing thing and we couldn't stop it on any level and I didn't know what was going on because up until this time any chance any you know challenge we'd ever faced we were always able to get through always see breakthrough whatever over the course of our life but we couldn't get through this I mean and again it was it's I won't tell people this I would compare my horror horror story with anybody else's because it was a bad bad time what happened was I was invited to go to South Africa to to teach in a conference and so I checked it out and different things and so I decided I was supposed to go and needed to go so I went to this come this this ministry in South Africa when I get there the lady that leads the ministry she looks at me and she says now before you stand on our platform I want to cleanse your bloodline and I looked at her and I said what's wrong with my bloodline I'm an American what could you possibly be talking about now I said I said what's wrong with my blood bloodline and she said she said to me oh I'm sorry you don't understand she said when you stand on our platform you're gonna be speaking to us many different nations in Africa that will be here and she said she said if there's any legal right in you or in your bloodline the principalities of those powers that you're gonna be challenging they're coming after you and your family now when she said that here's what I said please cleanse my bloodline here's why because my thought was I've got enough problem with demons from America I don't need African ones after me as well and so so they took me into this room and and they had me pray this prayer about opening my bloodline up and and and asking if there was anything in me or in my history that the enemy could believe I knew I do nothing about what I was doing I was just kind of following the path they were creating and as we're saying this as I'm praying this prayer there's a little seer gift her name is Katie no one would know who she is and she suddenly said she said I see that someone in Rob it's bloodline made a covenant with a demon God named per acts not I really did not know what she was speaking of and I don't know anything about that in the natural but but I can't found out later that if this woman sees and perceives things it's really wise to at least check it out and so so late she said this is why I see the people there that are helping with a session they said to Katie what are you talking about she said I see it she said somewhere in his bloodline someone made a covenant with a demon God named per acts they said spell it she said PA r ax will they pull the computer out and they Google per acts and I thought what a spiritual thing to do you Google works in the spirit around so so they googled her axe and went a good with it to my amazement this is what popped up a demon God whose chief characteristic is to suck dry and the moment they said that you probably have this here in the cartoons in America you'll have this you'll have this like his little things sitting on your shoulder or what any in other words it was or it was a revelation it was it was suddenly I just had this revelation and I understood why everything was being devoured why the reputation why the money why the children one of the marriage issues why everything was being devoured why I couldn't do that I had this suddenly I had this understanding that the enemy was claiming a legal right based on a covenant made with some demon God in my history that was giving him the right to devour everything and they led me through a prayer a real simple prayer Lord I I come I I repent I asked I repent for my simple words we'll get more into that I'll repent for myself I you know all the sort of things and I and III renounce every covenant with this demon god I asked for the blood of Jesus to speak in my behalf according to Hebrews 12 24 I prayed this prayer and I am Telling You at that moment at that moment everything that had been devouring us stopped instantly I mean I mean it came to a screeching halt now what happened was we entered into a process of duration whether the process of restoration could not come because we were being devoured the moment the devouring stopped the restoration could start and we walked through this whole period of restoration but the point being was the devouring stop in other words the finances began to the increase to rep the whole issue of reputation being lost our children is one of the big things our children not knowing anything I had done whatsoever all began to snap into divine order I mean they all began to come into the destiny why because I had dealt with a legal right see see because this demon thing that was claiming a legal right it said it owned me and my lineage and the moment I broke that thing the moment I stepped into if you willed the court of heaven the moment I did that then all of a sudden all of the legal rights revoked and and I I could I could come in to the fullness of what Jesus died for me to have that was the beginning stage that wasn't the only thing I mean there's been lots of things after this but that was that was the beginning point okay so so let me let me just kind of continue just I'm gonna give you a good foundation or a good idea of what I'm talking about so so I come home and and our son Adam who they were speaking earlier they'd passed the church in Canton Texas I mean he's got a wonderful church there they took five people and on Easter Sunday had over three hundred and something people there I mean it's just been an amazing thing what what God has done with him there and continue I mean it's a little big town to 3600 people it's a very small place so God's just doing a wonderful thing to him and so but at this stage Adam was an absolute depression I mean complete depression which is completely against his personality in his character that would not be who he is at all but what had happened was I'll just tell you what happened he had gone through a divorce his wife had decided she didn't wanna have anything to do with ministry and so she left taking the two-year-old little girl with her I mean it was a devastating thing anyway the long story short was Adam was devastated and felt like not only had he lost everything his family his child everything but he had also lost the ministry that he knew he was called to from the I mean literally from an early early age and so he's an absolute depression and I have tried to encourage him I've tried to I've tried to you know tell him that God's not through with him I've done everything I knew to do okay but nothing was working nothing and so I belief or two years then I've been praying I've been praying I'd been praying and my prayers at that time was from a battlefield perspective okay a battlefield perspective in other words I was praying and contending with the devil I was binding I was loosening I was loosening I was opening I was shutting everything you could think of in the world I was doing I was I was whispering I was I was shouting I was I was crying whatever I was doing everything there was to do and nothing was moving in fact it was getting worse and worse and worse that was just what was going on I remember after about two years of this one morning I got up in my normal routine I began to pray the moment I began to pray the moment I began to pray I heard the Lord say bring Adam to my courts heard it clear as a bell now you gotta understand I wonder I heard I thought I don't know how to do that I I began to see there was a court I began to have an understanding of it but I thought I I don't have a clue I mean you know we're Romans 8:26 it's when we don't know how to pray as we ought the Holy Spirit helps our weakness okay that's a good thing the Holy Spirit helps our weakness so that we know how to pray for what we should be praying for and so because I heard the Lord that's all well I'm just gonna have to step out and try this and I had enough of an understanding to know that whatever I was gonna do I needed to start with repentance because if the enemy had a legal right it was the way it was going to be removed was through the element of repentance I understood that and so I began and I didn't listen I didn't even know if I could do what I was about to do but here's what I began to do I began to repent in behalf of my son Adam and people say you can do that well according to first John chapter 5 you can verse 14 it said that if you see one sending a sin not unto death you can ask God for life and he will give them life the place of death so the Bible says that we can do stuff in behalf of other people now when I just want to be real clear what I say I was pretending in his behalf I don't mean I was repenting so he could be saved okay now he was already saved but I'm not talking about doing something so that they can have salvation in Jesus here's what I mean intercessors do for others what they cannot do until they can see that's what I was doing I was stepping into a place and I was interceding I was I was actually repenting in behalf of my son and and asking God to give him mercy okay so so I came before the Lord and I said Lord I just repent and I come before your courts I just began the way I'm as I come before your courts I repent in behalf of Adam and I asked that any lie he is believed Lord that I repent in his behalf I asked any failure he has head of the Father or the husband I repent his behalf I'm asking for your mercy I'm asking for your blood to speak in his behalf as his father and as an intercessor I am repenting in behalf of my son Adam and I fell after two years of praying I felt this tremendous shift take place it took about five minutes to do that I felt this tremendous shift take place and then I heard the Lord say these words I mean God was being so gracious he was actually step-by-step showing me what to do when I obeyed him to bring my son Adam into his courts I heard the Lord say this now you repent talking to me I thought what have I done I mean I do enough but what have I done about this and he said you repent this is what he said he said because in your frustration you have spoken negative critical words about Adam and the enemy has taken your words before my courts and said even his own father says this about him and all of a sudden I realized that my words which has had the power of life and death in them my words were being used of the devil to build a case against Adam so I began to repent and I said Lord I'm so now we're repeating with tears and I said I repent and I and I ask that you forgive me for these words that I asked that every word that I have spoken in frustration to Mary about Adam I am asking that those words would be annulled that they would be voided in the spirit round that your blood would speak and I repent and I'm asking for these things to be removed and for any right the enemy is claiming to using these words to be revoked so he has no more right to use this well it took about five minutes I felt another shift and and as I did that I then heard the Lord say now prophesy Adams destiny now I did not realize God was actually leading me step by step through a courtroom activity which I now teach on C because whenever he said prophesy his destiny and we'll get probably into this later on what he was saying was tell me from the books of heaven tell me from the books of heaven what I have written about Adam because you see in Daniel 7 verse 10 the Bible says the court is seated and the books are open the court is seated in the book chauffard well what's in the book Psalms 139 16 tells us that in in the books of heaven all my substance yet informed all my days yet unfashionable and so what is in the book of heaven what is in some of the books of heaven our kingdom destinies and purposes and see and again we'll do this later but but but when when we prophesy when there's real prophetic words that come forth they're always coming out of the book of heaven they're always coming out of a book and so because that's and that's why the court is seized in the books were open so I began if I didn't know all of this I'm just doing what the Holy Spirit tells me so he says prophesy Adams density well on the day Adam was born he was born at home Mary had him at home not because we couldn't get to a hospital long time someone said oh y'all are some of those people yeah we're the kind of had no money that's the kind of people we were so we had we had children at home we had to NAS before at home we didn't have any you know insurance or anything so anyway so and the doctors had told me oh you're fine you can do this anyway so that's what we did so so Adam was born home okay so all the day he was born on the day is born Mary's resting in the bedroom he's been born for a few hours I'm sitting in the living room and it's clear as a bell I'm sitting there not thinking about anything and I hear God say how beautiful upon the mountain of the feet of those that bring good news heard clear is about it was so strong well we took Adam then to be dedicated to very next sunny because I was a firm believer get him to church quick so Mary Mary got it all together we got to the church I pastor lifted Adam up and as he lifted him up here's what he said the first words out of his mouth how beautiful upon the mountain or the feet of those that bring good news I went to brother Walker the pastor I said why did you say that he said because that's what God says about him well I always knew that was that and that is Adams like scripture for his life and for his ministry now so I began with that when God said prophesy says I said Lord you said about Adam how beautiful upon the mountain of the feet of those that bring good news I declare based on your word that Adam shall walk upon high places and declare the word of the Lord he shall bring the good news and he shall have great influence in very high places I began to prophesy that and then other things started coming because God said prophesized destiny okay see now what I didn't realize that guy you got to get this by repenting for Adam and then me repenting I had answered the case that was against him what I was doing now by prophesying his destiny I was presenting a case in his behalf I didn't understand all this then I do now but I was functioning in the court of heaven I was presenting a cases man and as I'm doing that then the Lord says to me now I remember he said now rebuke the spirit of depression now I'd rebuke that spirit up teen jillion times into your period and it had never gone anywhere it never moved one bit but now on the basis of if you will undoing a case and presenting a case now this thing rose up on the inside of me and I said you spirit a depression you will not have my son I declare your powers are broken and they are removed and he is freed to fulfill the will of God I break your powers and I caused you to be removed from him now in Jesus name no you gotta really hey I don't go where around and so this this whole process probably took me 15 minutes 15 minutes and I got up another Wow that was different I thought I feel like something moved I don't know anything but it just like something really happened in these 15 minutes that hasn't happened in two years and so I go on like about a week and a half later Adam my phone starts ringing and it's Adam and I answered that said Adam I said hey Adam he said dad can I talk to you for a second and this is what he said best I remember verbatim I said well sure and he said he said I don't know what happened but a week and a half ago all the depression left me and I'm ready to do the will of God and he began to step back into his destiny and he in a like I said what he's doing now in the hand of God is on him and he's walking he literally went when Adam shares this he shares it from his perspective this is what he says he said I am a product of the court of heaven he said because when my dad I didn't even know we were dealing went into the court of heaven there was instantaneous results instantaneous and well again we'll share how that works in just a moment but this is what I discovered what I had not been able to do in a two-year period on the battlefield I did in 15 minutes in the courtroom see why because I dealt with the legal issue that the enemy was claiming to hold Adam in that condition listened that got my attention that got my attention I thought there's something here there's some kind of a secret here but I don't know anything about and so I began to delve into a begin to or what is this and he began to show me and help me understand and I began to move around and once I actually went back to that place in South Africa and I began to teach them on the court of heaven thinking thinking I'm teaching them what they know and I'm thinking they're just you know kind of tolerating this American boy this kind of catching up here and so so I go back and I teach some when I get through the lady comes to me and here's what she she said you make me feel like a fool I said why and she said because you're giving us language for what we've been doing for 20 years and couldn't explain and that's that's really my gift that my gift somehow or another is to is to be able to see things clearly enough to create language that lets us so often as the body of Christ be able to grab hold of it and so that's what I want to do I'm going to try to give us a language that can help us step fully into this realm now as we as we move through this for a few moments here in this session let me let me I'm going to start off by the way with those testimonies because that lets you know my history of how we got into this now we've seen lots of other things happen since then but those were the beginning things and that's really what grabbed me and said there's something here ok look at what we have to understand is that the court of heaven because I I inadvertently communicated didn't mean to but but communicate some honor that the court of heaven was a method of prang I want you understand the court of heaven is not a method of praying the court of heaven is a spiritual realm it's a spiritual dimension now that scares some people because they think I'm not that spiritual no no don't let it scare you see see when we pray we actually step into a realm of the Spirit we actually step into a dimension of the Spirit let me let me explain to you this way I need for you to get this otherwise you won't fully understand what the court of heaven is because you'll think ok if I can learn certain principles and formulas I can get certain results not necessarily you see you only get results when you do things from a spiritual dimension ok let me explain it helped us to have this foundation ok Jesus said in John chapter 14 and verse 2 in my father's house are many mansions now that's what it says in our English Bible but most other countries most of the languages I find this how does that travel it says are many rooms mansions is not a real good word there because we we go away with the idea that Jesus is in heaven building us a mansion ok but that's really not what he's saying here he said in my father's house are many mansions many rooms if you are many dwelling places David said how lovely are your dwelling places plural and the remember Paul also said he said that we we are seated together with him in heavenly places there's multiples they said there's multiples of places in the spirit realm so you can step in to let me qualify this we use these terms man we were worshipping we were praying and the presence of God came I understand what we're saying and I don't have any problem with that verbage but let me explain this it's not so much that God's presence came as that we stepped where he was it's not so much he came where we are as we stepped where he is in other words as we worship we stepped into a spiritual dimension where he s let me just show you this you got to get this one okay mark John chapter 14 otherwise you won't understand the court of heaven John chapter 14 let me just turn here verse 2 in my father's house are many mansions ok the father's house what is that that's the spirit realm that God dwells in ok God doesn't dwell in bricks and mortals martyr and all that kind of stuff I mean we we have houses we have facilities all that's wonderful we need those but when it says in my father's house he Solomon said when he dedicated the temple he said the heavens of heavens can't contain God how much less this temple I built for him so Solomon was aware God dwells in the spirit dimension so when it says in my father's house I believe it's referring to the dimension of the Spirit ok so in my father's house what are many mansions are many dwelling places within the spirit dimension are many places of residence many places of dwelling many places of God watch this and if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you to myself that where I am there you may be also let me explain this so he said in the father's house in the spirit dimension where God lives and functions there are many dwelling places he said if it were not so I were told you I go to prepare a place we say oh well Jesus went back to heaven to prepare prepared place he's going to come and take us with him you know 2000 plus years later no here watch when he says I go to prepare place here's what he was saying I I am about to leave you I'm gonna die on the cross I'm gonna be put into the grey I'm gonna be resurrected okay that is gonna be me preparing a place for you watch I am going to give you access into that which only the prophets and the priests could have access to in the Old Testament I'm gonna give you access into spiritual dimensions that's only they could function in that's why he says in Acts chapter 2 to that that it was as in the days of Joel that I will pour my spirit upon all flesh your sons and your daughters will prophesy your old men will dream dreams your young men will see visions see what's he saying he's saying I am going to have me a prophetic people and and literally there were these this people will be not just a few hand chosen prophets and priests and kings this people will be a prophetic people who have access in two dimensions of the Spirit that only the Old Testament people had access into see that's what he said I'm going to prepare but I'm about to give you access into realms of the Spirit that normal people have never had access into because that's important that we get this otherwise we relegate things to special people let me know we're all special people see see listen this one of the problems I have with some that teach on the court of heaven they make it sound like you've got to be a special person to do this nothing could be further that from the truth you do not have to be a special person to do this I promise you if you don't you have to be bought by the blood for we enter the holiest of Holies by the blood of Jesus that once that's what makes you qualified to step into this realm of the Spirit because so watch what he says he said I go to prepare a place for you I'm gonna go make the way and watch this I will come again and receive you to myself what does that mean well that's when he's gonna come back and get us and take us ever know when he said I come and receive you to myself he was talking about the day of Pentecost when he would come in the form of the Holy Spirit later in John 14 he said I will not leave you orphans I will come to you I mean you know when the when the Holy Spirit showed up on the day of Pentecost he was Jesus quote-unquote coming back why because the Holy Spirit will only talk of Jesus he come to reveal Jesus he won't talk about himself so when he said I will come I I will come and receive you to myself he's saying look I'm gonna go prepare the way my death might bear on my resurrection is gonna open up spiritual dimensions you haven't been able to get into there now open and I'm gonna come and I'm gonna anoint you with a Holy Spirit to help you step in and function in those spiritual dimensions but watch what he says why he says that where I am there you may be also see what it's not him coming to us it's us stepping into where he is see this is what we do in the court of heaven I'll take you over there just a moment this is what we do in the court of heaven we step into this realm where Jesus is that where he is there we are also okay so damp you kind of grasp this I got up one morning and Mary had been up basically all night from what I you know when I got up which is highly unusual I go to bed before her I get up before her and I just I'm I could tell when I got that something was wrong I said what's wrong she said she said I'm having this pressure and it's pain in my in my abdomen and and I said okay and she said it was so bad last night I thought I was gonna have to wake you up and have you take me to the emergency clinic now when she told me that that made me know how bad it was because she would never do that she would never Deb would she would never even think that way now I would but she wouldn't and and so remember this woman had I had four children at home okay no drugs so so she got she could handle the pain when she's telling me that she almost had to wake me up a hammer I was gonna take a little emergency planning I knew it was bad and so I said I said okay I said well we talked a little bit I said well let me pray for you so I put my hand she's sitting on the sofa by now I put my hand on her side on her abdomen and I began to pray and as I prayed I prayed the very best proud - I pray I mean I prayed everything I proud of me I prayed Lord when you died on the cross I mean of course of heaven when you died on the cross you took away our sicknesses you bore away our pains I release the substance of the person of the Holy Spirit I break everything whatever I prayed everything I knew to pray I mean the very best prayer I knew to pray and when I get through I look at her and I say is any better and she said no and so we talked a little bit longer and I said let me pray again I mean didn't maybe five five minutes later I said let me pray again and this time I don't know why I can't even tell you why but this time when I knelt down the same spot she's sitting in the same spot on the sofa I lay my hand on the same spot and I began to pray basically the same prayer I stepped into a spiritual dimension I don't mean I went into a trance I wasn't in a trance he said what do you mean I mean I detect atmospheres the atmosphere was different I I was I knew I was I knew I mean I still had all my faculties I still I still you know with me is smelling the same smells and feeling the same things and everything the only difference was as I began to pray I knew I was praying from a different place then I was praying for a few minutes before and I began to pray and when I got through praying basically the same prayer I looked at her and she was completely healed what was the difference what was this has happened many times in our life but what was the difference the difference was where I did it from you see where you do something from has everything to do with the results you get see so often we think well we'll just kind of go through the motion and and do this and do this but listen if we can step into a spiritual dimension if we can listen he said that where I am there you may be also if I by faith can just move into that realm with a spirit and began to pray then in that place my prayers will get results they do not get outside that place and the court of heaven is one of those places so they help you understand that we look with me and in Daniel chapter 7 Daniel chapter 7 and I wanted to show you this real quickly here because this is one of the clearest pictures it's actually the clearest picture we have a the court of heaven I mean I'm still we were sitting in the hotel room before and I was looking through some scriptures you know just kind of because I'm in the process of writing another book and I was looking at some scriptures and I started I mean the court of heaven ideas and principles and verbage is throughout all throughout scripture but but this is the clearest picture one of them what here's what you need to understand you read about the throne of God you're actually not just reading about a place of worship you're reading about the court of heaven you're reading about the judicial system of heaven so let me just read this for you in Daniel chapter 7 verse 9 and 10 he said Daniel said I watched okay first of all I mean he is seeing into the unseen realm God is giving him entrance into the unseen realm what I'm just talking to you about I watched was he talked about in the natural know Daniel saying as a natural human being somehow or another I am seeing right now into the realm of the Spirit he said I watched till Thrones were put into place the Ancient of Days was seated his garment was white as snow the hair of his head was like pure wool his throne with a fiery flame its will a burning fire a fiery stream issued and came forth from before him a fiery are a thousand thousands ministered to him ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him and then it says there's the court was seated and the books were opened so Daniel is seeing into this spiritual dimension he's seeing into this realm of the Spirit that that's unseen by natural eyes but he's very real see we as believers we believe this that the seat that the unseen realm controls the seen realm we believe the spirit realm controls a natural realm so if we can step into this round by faith not not having to be in a trance I just really want to he'll get this called not not having to be in a trance not having to have some super prophetic gifting but simply by if I see one of the reasons I believe God has given me understanding and teaching in this is because I am a normal person you cannot be married for 42 years and have six children and five grandchildren and not be a normal person I am normal I love god I seek him with all my heart but I'm normal I like normal things I like natural things I mean it please if you don't believe I'm normal just just ask her she said if you catch your honor on a really honest day she'll tell you really just how normal I am it's because because I am a really normal person a really just just simple guy that that that you know function in the natural realm but I'm also spiritual okay so what I'm saying that for is this you don't have to be some super spiritual person to do this you say well how do you do it here's the way I do it by faith by faith see see why because once I look at what Danny said I look what things look I was what Daniel is describing here that tells me it's real so how do i how do i I attached myself to the unseen realm by faith by faith I step into this place and I began to function there now different people will do it different ways I have a lot of seer friends they're prophetic people they see into the spirit realm I don't see that much I see a little bit I've actually tried to develop that part of the of that gifting and I'll touch that in just a moment but but that's not Mike that's not my primary way so these guys I mean they stay like they see that they see stuff in the heavenly realm and I hate him I hate him I mean she's like how can you do this I don't really hate him but anyway I um he's like he's like I would love to be able to do that but here's what I discovered some of these people I got just tell you some of these people they're seeing angels having encounters in heavenly places I get as much or more results than they do by doing what I do by faith I promise you I do I get we get major breakthroughs by doing stuff by faith by stepping in so I'll use the one you mean Hebrews chapter 5 verse 16 is this strong meat belongs to those who by reason of use have exercised their senses to discern both good and evil so this is what I mean by doing it by faith the Bible says we all have spiritual senses that's not talking about natural senses that's talking about spiritual senses and I will tell you this I believe that we we all obviously have five natural senses that does what it five natural senses empowers us to function in the natural realm I can function in the natural realm because I can see because I can hear because I can feel because I can taste because I can smell I function in the natural realm out of those natural senses if one of them is taken away I become handicapped on whatever level it is taken away I mean something you know if you lose your sight obviously that's a major issue but the bottom line is we function in the natural realm from our natural senses what's the same way in the spiritual realm you function in the spiritual realm by your spiritual senses well I believe that just like there are five natural there's at least by spiritual that you can see into the spirit realm but there are times that in your mind's eye that you begin to see things that you're not conjuring up it's not your imagination it's actually happening my son Adam would tell me my he would tell me when we only first began to understand this he said dad ever since I was a little boy he said when you would start praying I would start seeing something and he said I thought it was my imagination he said but now I know it is actually as you pray it opens up a dimension of the Spirit and I start seeing into that dimension I said that's exactly right because when you pray with somebody that actually has an authority in the realm of the Spirit it will open up a dimension of the Spirit that if you're a seer you'll start seeing on that dimension if they have enough listen if they have an authority to open up a dimension over a nation you'll start seeing on the day on the basis of that date of that nation if their authority is on a personal level you'll see see its is dictated by the realm of authority that someone is carrying in a given situation okay so but the bottom line is we see there's there's an ability I do that just a little just a little and-and-and I evaluate what I'm seeing what I'm feeling okay now one of the primary ways I see is to in dreams I mean that's a major thing for me is I have major dreams I say okay I have to pay attention okay number you we also here we have an ability to hear what does that mean well sometimes people hear all of a voice I've heard all of the voice of God twice in my life twice one time he screamed no at me you don't want God telling you no in an audible voice I did I heard I heard him yell no at me the other time was when I was like a 12 year old boy and I walked around and I heard him call my name I heard an audible voice call my name and it scared me to death I thought it was the devil because it scared me years later I told my dad my dad said Robert that wasn't the devil that was God and he took me to First Samuel Chapter three he said if you don't know how to answer him there's no telling what he would have told you well guess what years later I have a dream and in the dream First Samuel Chapter three is standing open and and the voice in the dream tells me to put my hand on first Samuel 3 and when I do when I do the power of the word went into my hands and I heard the Lord say I heard the Lord say in the dream he said from this point on you will begin to operate in the power of God and I realized that it was probably years later something I would have received potentially if I had known how to respond back in that day so I've heard the audible voice of God a couple of times just only a couple butBut but mostly hearing is is a thought coming you know I mean it's something that I began to there's a there's a thought that comes with such a quickening and such a power that you rise that's the voice of God okay so so we're here okay we we are I believe you can also smell that there's times that I have literally smelt aromas that I realize we're in the natural I believe that that it's possible to taste and the seed that the Lord is good you know all that kind of thing but why should they leave that you can also feel see the the priest in the Old Testament they would put their hands into the breastplate and they would feel the Urim and the Thummim and by feel they could determine what the will of God was if a king was asking what they could tell by feel so you need it for me this is one of the major ways I perceive what's going on in the spirit world is my feel I by feel can tell what's happened I I've done this enough I can tell sometimes when angels are around I can tell when the cloud of witnesses or might be present I can tell I can tell different spiritual movements by feel because I've done it for so long and that's the that is probably the primary way that in hearing that I discern and determine what's going on in the unseen room now the reason I'm telling you this is this is the way I function in the courts of heaven see whenever when I step into the courts and I began to appeal to the courts of heaven about something I am paying attention to what I'm hearing and I'm a pain I'm paying attention to what I'm feeling I'm also paying what you know seeing and all that but I know that the two primary ways I'm going to be able to maneuver in the spirit realm is by what I'm hearing and feeling okay it may be completely different for you but here's the deal you develop it by reason of use do you understand every listen everything God gives you begins in seed form the principle is God he always starts with seed for him you have to grow it up I have to grow it up everything starts in seed form even Jesus coming into the earth began in seed form in Mary's womb everything starts in seed form faith is a seed and by the way when I said if you have faith is a grain of mustard seed he wasn't necessarily talking about size as he was he was potential locked up in that seed see it's the potential that's in your faith it's so powerful something about the size of something there's about the potential locked-up of the seed has potential locked up on the inside of it but the bottom line is everything God does he does was he so everybody's I wish I had I wish I could see in the street I wish I could go to heaven well wonderful maybe you will but watch this probably you're going to have to develop it by reason of use that means here's what that means I'm going to have to stop being spiritually lazy and depending on the pastor to do it for me or depending on the worship team to get me there how about you figure out how to get yourself there how about that where where where where Jesus is there we are also how about we began to exercise ourselves in the realm of the Spirit so that I can step into the mention of the Spirit and I can begin to discern what's going on there I began to the maneuver in the courts of heaven in the unseen world does that make sense so I just wanted to get that laid out early on as we progressed because because the court of heaven is not a method of praying it is a dimension of the Spirit and if I can if I can realize I have the capability to function there I can go there okay so so here in Daniel here in Daniel he said Daniel said I watched until all this stuff came into place and he said to them and the court was seated and the books were opened okay since we're already here let me just deal with this the books were open okay I already touch this this is very very important because in the court of heaven we're gonna get more into a next session but in the court of heaven you it is not the place you bring your need in the court of heaven is where you present purpose I'm just telling you if you want to be effective in the court of heaven learn to come and present purpose from the book now that means you have to be able to prophetically discern what's written in the book if you will about you about your family about the nation so you have to have a prophetic awareness of what's in the book so let's look at eyes 29:1 just let me just get this established for us eyes at chapter 29 and verse 10 it says in verse 10 for the Lord has poured out on you the spirit of deep sleep and it's closed your eyes namely the prophets and it's covered your head namely the seers watch what he says he says now look guys he said the prophets aren't seeing and the seers are not perceiving there's no prophetic revelation he said he said there's a me know when there's no prophetic revelation there's no prophetic function we're in trouble because here's what happened that's the atmosphere that bursts the spirit of religion in other words we're no longer ministering out of the power of the Holy Spirit and the unction the prophetic unction of God now we're just and we're just ministering out of a spirit of religion and that produces nothing so he says here he said your prophets are unable to see and your seers are perceiving well why bow out well maybe the prophets are spending time time praying well could be but listen that's not the problem here let me show you the problem verse 11 the whole vision has become to you like the words of a book that is sealed which men delivered the one who is literate saying read this please and he said I cannot for it sealed in other words he has gifting but he can't read it in verse 12 in the book is delivered the one who is ill illiterate doesn't have any gifting saying read this please and he says I'm not literate now watch he's saying he's saying the reason the prophets can't prophesy is because the books are shut that's the reason see that that's why it's so important that the court is seated it's ready to hear cases but the books are open why because if the books aren't open then there could be no cases presented in the courts because cases presented in the court have to come out of open books and books have to be open before we can prophetically perceive what purpose is see this is a major issue if I can't prophetically perceive what the purpose is then I am I cannot present a legitimate case in the courts of heaven regarding me my family my situation my nation whatever it may be I have to be able to prophetically receive this in the court is not a place where I come and tell God my ideas or even tell him my need it is where I come presenting what he has written about me or what he has said about me in the courts that's what I do in that in that place so we have to be able to prophetically perceive what's written in the book so he said well how do you do that well I have a friend named Chris a Bergland that is in covenant with a guy named Lou Engel and and and he has some he has had some amazing encounters but he was asking God God how can I know what's written in my book and God said to him Chris in a dream God said to him Chris go back and look at all this the significant words you've ever heard from me because those words you heard from me are things that are written in your book now I already knew that I mean I'm a little smarter than Chris no I already knew that already figured this out but see I heard the Lord say I've heard the Lord say to me you will disciple Nations and when I heard it I knew it was God it was the Verte word were so strong he said you will disciple Nations and I said yes and I thought what does that mean because I didn't know now I know this is what I did I know I think this is before I had the court of heaven message I am literally traveling all over the nations releasing this word concerning the courts of heaven I am disciple in Asians in regards to to the court of heaven message and it's unbelievable what's happening across the world with it but here's the issue here's the issue about that I know that's in my book I know that was written about me before time began so here's what I do I come before the Lord and I say Lord you said that I would disciple nations so I present this before your courts and I am saying Lord let me disciple nations based on what's written in my book I asked for vine favor I asked for open doors I asked for the strength the power the grace to travel I asked for all of this to come into place what I'm asking that what you have said about me that the reality of it would be made manifest I am requiring and asking this of you in your course because it's in my book that's how you present a case on behalf of what's in your book you know your thing is gonna be different than mine and in mine is not just disciple nations I've got a lot of other things too that I come and present before the Lord but I understand that's a big piece of what's written in the books of heaven about me so we have to present our case on the basis of purpose now I will tell you this whatever is resisting your purpose in other words if there's a if there's a situation that's trying to stop your purpose or the purpose of your children or whatever it may be from happening you can come before the courts and you can on the basis of your purpose as judgment against that thing that is resisting the purpose of God in your life because I tell people this I say you know if your kids you say wait we know what their purpose is so here's what I do I say I come before the Lord I say about Adam Lord I say I say before you concerning Adam that you said from his book that that how beautiful upon the mountains of the feet of those that bring good news what I've I just don't I've just presented his purpose now Lord judged the spirit of depression maybe it's judge drug addiction judge these friends are running around with in a sense of cutting it up Lord Lord let everything that would fight against the purpose I am asking that on the basis of your purpose in this person they're everything that would resist that person's will your boy over being done that person let that thing be judged and be removed now see now you're presenting in the court asking God to do something connected to the purpose connected to that person or that thing does that make sense see you learn how to maneuver in the court of heaven so that you are coming and presenting your case in order so I just want to challenge you we're gonna go more into this but we come before the court so we begin to say Lord let what's written in the books of heaven about us help me discern this so I can present with a surety that case before you amen would you stand it with me okay so that listen he said well we didn't get very deep no we got plenty of time okay we got plenty of because I wanted to really get this thing established about them about the the spiritual dimensions and that we're gonna step because we're gonna do it together during our sessions here this weekend we're actually gonna step into the courts and you will you will you will feel that atmosphere you will feel that atmosphere and you're like oh this is look I've been here before that's what it's that you'll realize that oh I've been here before I didn't know that's where I was see here's our problem if you don't know where you are then you don't know the proper protocol to use and if you don't know the proper protocol used you might not be able to get the full results that you're actually looking for see I had actually been in the courts before I just didn't know that's where I was because I recognized the realm I just but as I began to understand it it helped me more and more so okay so how many you would like to do is how many of you like to - I have even asked you raise your hand how many you like to give me a million dollars if you're gonna be that easy no seriously to discern what's written in your book just lift your hands father I just want to pray as we would just Lord take a break and close your session I want to ask in Jesus name thank you that you desire to unveil for us what's written in our books because you long for us to come before your courts and to present our purpose before you now I'm asking that we by faith would not consider this to be beyond us that we would step into the realm of the courts of heaven and be able to present before you that which you have written about us before time began and father even as we do that that things would begin to shift and to move into divine order and verdicts would be rendered decisions would be granted Lord thank you for your presence thank you for your presence Jesus if you were standing in his presence here's what I don't care whether you're see or not just by faith by faith just look into the realm of the Spirit right now because what's happening is we're standing before the Lord and here's what I want you to do by faith some of you are seeing others of you just you need to by faith vision envision it there's a door that's standing before you it's the doors of the court of heaven watch this by faith step across the threshold and into that place of the courts of heaven well we this by faith step into the realm of the Spirit that your word calls the court of heaven and we come to posture ourselves before you Lord as God the judge of all the earth and Father even as we come we come to present ourselves right now as living sacrifices before you we would ask that we might be accepted before you Lord as we would stand in your courts Lord we by faith just stand here Lord before God the judge of all the righteous judge thank you for it lord thank you for your presence or Jesus thank you would you just say they say Lord Jesus as we stand before you thank you that your applied has granted the entrance that even when I feel unworthy and even when I feel a righteous your blood Lord Jesus grants me access to come and stand before you and I stand in this holy place I asked Lord that I might present myself as a living sacrifice before you holy and acceptable before you Lord would you let anything that would be displeasing to you unclean before you would you let it be cut away from me and would you let your holiness and your purity possess me in the deepest parts of my heart let the words of my mouth and let the meditations of my heart be acceptable before you as I stand before your courts Lord as I stand in this place would you unveil for me what's written in the books of heaven concerning me and any assignment I would have before you that your name Lord be exalted and that your purpose God be done in Jesus name thank you lord thank you how many can feel that atmosphere that's the courts that's the courts thank you for the privilege thank you that you receive us as your people and that we stand before you Father now I'm just asking over the next sessions and days as we stand in this place you're gonna help us to function here and Lord there's gonna be I would pray great breakthroughs begin to come out for personal lives and for even the nation of New Zealand father that your will might be done in behalf of this nation as we stand in this realm with a spirit for your honor and for your glory in Jesus name Amen amen
Channel: Victory Christian Centre
Views: 384,447
Rating: 4.8308854 out of 5
Id: A-MANcuJwVo
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Length: 60min 32sec (3632 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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