RFK Jr Interview: They Are Using FEAR to MANIPULATE You!

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[Applause] I don't have any control over what happens ultimately you know that is in God's hands the only thing I control is this little piece of real estate inside my own shoes there's a couple of things that every demagogue can use to manipulate people and one of those is fear because it disables our capacity for critical thinking there's a 2013 poll that showed that 85% of Americans under 35 said they were proud of the United States of America same po taken last month showed only 18% my initial bias about psychedelic drugs is again colored by me my experience of being in recovery for 40 years I would tell myself at 9:00 in the morning I am never going to do that again and at 4:00 in the afternoon I'd be doing exactly what I said and you know it was like somebody else had stepped into my body and was now you know a new driver in the truck in a true free market you can't make yourself rich without making your neighbors rich and without about enriching your community you show me a polluter I'll show you a fat cat using political clout to escape the discipline of the free market and force the public to pay his production cost we have to be able to weather those difficulties without being crushed in our soul without being ultimately affected by it and that's kind of the objective where we all want to be spiritually where we're indifferent to the personal consequences of everything that we do and that we live our lives for a high purposes the vast majority of people in the audience are entrepreneurs capitalists love to get your views on the environment and capitalism because that's a topic that there's a lot of debate on um first of all thank you so much for having me and thanks for the for the uh for the reception I you know I've been working as an environmental Advocate and attorney for 40 years for my entire career but I started out as a as an attorney for commercial fishermen on the Hudson River and we built that organization we they launched a patrol boat they began these were people who were capitalists they were small business people and they saw their livelihoods being destroyed uh by by uh pollution on the river and these were people who the the Hudson River commercial fishery is the oldest in North America it's 350 years old many of the people I represent came from families that have been fishing the river continuously since Dutch colonial times it's a traditional gear fishery they use the same fishing methods that were taught by the alonquin Indians to the original Dutch settlers of New Amsterdam and then passed down through the generations and uh and there was nothing wrong with their business model but the General Electric Company used political clout in Albany to get permission to illegally dump pcbs into the river rather than properly disposing them and it saved them money it allowed them to out compete the other producers of capacitators and to win in the marketplace but they had distorted the market s s the market signals by cheating the market and these fisherman knew that their problem was not their business model it was that the that the we didn't have corporate we didn't have free market capitalism on the river we had a kind of corporate crony capitalism that was allowing polluters to use political clout to escape the discipline of the free market oh you know one of the things I learned very early on was that uh that good envir we don't have to choose between good environmental policy and good economic policy in 100% of the cases good economic policy is identical to a good Environmental Policy if we want to measure the economy and this is how we ought to be measuring it based upon how it produces jobs and the Dignity of jobs over the generations and how it preserves the value of the assets of our community if on the other hand we want to do what the big polluters often want us to do which is to treat the planet as if it were a business and liquidation convert our natural resources to cash as quickly as possible have a few years of pollution based Prosperity we can generate an instantaneous cash flow and the illusion of a prosperous economy but our children are going to pay for our joy ride and they're going to pay for it with denuded Landscapes poor health huge cleanup cause that are going to amplify over time and they'll never be able to pay environmental injury is deficit spending it's a way of loading the cause of our generation's prosperity onto the backs of our children and um you know my Approach has always been colored by my experience when I worked for 40 years for the commercial fisherman and my and that really kind of colored my worldview about the environment and for if you can go back 35 or 40 years ago and look at speeches that I was giving back then where people would ask me what the most important solution most effective pollution solution to environmental pollution and I always said the same thing it's free market true free market capitalism because a free market a true free market promotes efficiency and efficiency means the elimination of waste and pollution is waste in a a true free market would require us to properly value our natural resources and it's the undervaluation of those resources that cause us to use them re them wastefully or recklessly in a true free market you can't make yourself rich without making your neighbors rich and without enriching your community what polluters do is they make themselves Rich by making everybody else poor they raise standards of living for themselves by lowering quality of life for the rest of us and they do that by escaping the discipline of the free market you show me a polluter I'll show you a subsidy I'll show you a fat cat using political clout to escape the discipline of the free market and force the public to pay his production cost and what I did as an environmental Advocate I really always considered myself a free marketeer that I was going out into the marketplace to catch the cheaters and to bring them to court and say to them we're going to force you to internalize your cost the same way that you internalize your profits because as long as somebody can externalize those costs it distorts the marketplace and none of us gets the advantages of the efficiency the prosperity and the Democracy that true free market capitalism offers our country okay great thank you let me ask my team make sure we uh put a timer up here so we know uh the time if we could because it's not on thank you so I'm GNA I asked uh the audience to submit some questions and I can't ask all of them but one of them was um about psychedelics and let me preface this by saying uh you know that I've been in recovery you've been in recovery for 40 years uh and I I'm the first person in the world to have before and after brain scans of doing IBO gain and 5mo DMT which I did in 2015 in Mexico and we took a film crew and we filmed it and then we did interviews with uh the doctor that did the before and after brain scans and whatnot and I've seen miraculous things happen but I'm also worried about the pharmaceutical Industries like they're doing doing with everything uh co-oping it so what are your thoughts on uh psychedelics cuz my viewpoint on it is in this in the field of recovery depression mental illness things like that yeah I mean my my my initial bias about psychedelic drugs is again colored by my my experience of being in recovery for 40 years and having gone to I go to like nine meetings a week so 12 step meetings uh I've heard a lot of bad stories about people you know involvement with drugs and alcohol and and pharmaceutical drugs my bias is that I I don't think that um in most cases that uh that we can fix things that are wrong inside of us with things that are outside of us with you know all the things that we reach for when we feel discomfort whether it's drugs or alcohol or sex or Reckless Behavior and where particularly people people who are prown to addiction are always looking for things outside of them to fix this you know fill this empty hole that they have inside of them um having said that I had I have seven kids and um my wife in 2012 took her own life and left me with six children and um and so all of those kids were at risk that time and they all ended up doing really wonderful things with their lives and they're in good relationships and they're you know outside now of that that what I would call a risk bubble one of them was worrying to me because he never uh processed his mom's death in a way that uh that I could observe he was he seemed like a happy kid he was always smiling he did get in a lot of fist fights and he was was a um he became a boxer and he won a lot of tournaments and then he became a hockey player and but everything he did did was a little bit of violence though and it made me it made me worried about him and he went to um a couple about five years ago he went he was very self-contained he never talked about what was going on inside of him and he went to uh to Patagonia to run a white to kayak a Whitewater River that I kayaked for many many years every year called the food Leu and he went down there to do it with a friend and he had a 5day wait between the time that the uh that the his kayak trip was going to start and the time that he arrived there and I I had a friend who who I knew a little bit um just an acquaintance down there who I I who had some lamp property down there and I asked this guy to put my son up for a couple of days while he was waiting for his trip to start and that guy the night my son arrived there he had that guy said to him I'm doing an Iowas trip tonight and he said God sent you boys to me because he was doing it with 20 point Indians and he said I was was praying to God that he would send me a grinko to do this with and um so my my my kid ended up doing this and he had this experience where after he drank the haasa they gave them all a bucket and they gave him a sleeping bag and it was kind of in an outdoor place with a fire and after he drank it he felt himself sinking through all the geological strata of the earth and he could look at all of he he told me he could look at all the folds of stone and geology and he had a total understanding of all of the processes that had laid them out for the eons he ended up being propelled out of the other side of the earth and then floating through space for what he experienced as hundreds of years and he would focus on a PL a distant planet and be transported there and on each planet he would have an adventure and at the end of the adventure there would be a lesson a moral lesson that he would learn that he was supposed to remember the last place that the last planet he visited he he came into he his mother was there and she started passing through him in and out of him again and again and every time she did that he felt all these experiences of of forgiveness of Love of understanding of comp apprehension of empathy and compassion and when he came back from that trip he was completely changed he was very open about talking about his feelings he was on a real spiritual Quest um he was very very openly just happy all the time and he the reason I really know that it changed him is he started taking out the garbage and and and and doing the dishes and he's done the dishes constantly without ever being asked since then as he's a 24 yearold kid if if you so you know that's a miracle so um so I had that opened my mind to the possibility that there may be you know something that I didn't understand or that was outside of my kind of bubble of prejudices and then I have a friend who's an ABV seal who had a severe PTSD and he went to Costa Rica and had the same kind of experience and I had a couple of other friends who are in the NFL and they also had severe brain injuries and and depression terrible terrible depression and the same thing happened and then I looked at Michael pollen's documentary which I think is on Netflix right yeah and there's one particularly point in story he goes through each of the psychedelics one a show for each one and I I think the third show was on SOS Simon and there's a kid on that show who had severe OCD like he could not he literally could not go out of his house he had to do all of these rituals all he had to constantly clean his hands he had to walk through the door 10 times or 20 times or 60 times he had to do all these very repetitive rituals and and it it absolutely paralyzed them and destroyed his life and he did one COC iban trip and it and it was completely gone so you know my mind is open to the idea that you know there may be things that I don't know about and that people ought to have the freedom and liberty to experiment with these things I like what you said at the outset which is you know we know the capacity of the pharmaceutical industry to come and capture this if they see that there's money in it and then to turn it into something very very bad and to promote it in ways that it shouldn't be promoted so you know my inclination and I haven't thought this through that much but my inclination would be to um to make this available at least in therapeutic settings and maybe more generally but in ways that would disc discourage the corporate control exploitation of it yeah no ABS absolutely and I mean we we could you know I believe that addiction is a solution to pain and addiction works if you're lonely depressed anxiety ridden in the moment but the problem is it has this thing called consequences that can destroy your life and make your life not work and I think we live in a culture that we have the largest addiction crisis in human history right now uh there's a lot of uh Temptation there's a lot of pain there's a lot of trauma uh I think the last three to four years of the pandemic has created more angst more pain more trauma that will last literally generations and I think millions of lives have been destroyed as a result of it and one of the coping mechanisms is addiction and I think anything that could help with that and I think psychedelics are one one part of that uh is is beneficial if you become president uh what could you do or will you do to fix this issue yeah I mean part of the you know addiction like you say it's a um it's a response to internal pain it's also a response to atomization to loneliness the disconnection to disaffection um and uh you know and we're seeing that's now epidemic in this country where so many of us feel that we're no longer connected to a community it was a poll recently that showed that a there's a 2013 poll that showed that um that when when asked 80 85% of kids of of Americans under 35 said they were proud of the United States of America the same poll taken last month showed only 18% wow so they've they've lost faith in our country they've lost hope for their own future they've lost a connection to community and now you know we're seeing the biggest cause of suicide among black youth today I mean of of death among black youth is suicide um we lost 106,000 kids last year to fentol overdose or to other other opioid overdoses that's double the number of kids that we lost in the 20-year Vietnam War we're really um in a crisis now one of my progam like kind a moonshop program or peace score program to use to use metaphors from my my uncle's Administration will be to start uh to to launch a a a a string of Healing Centers around this country particularly in rural areas where where people will go there and do regenerative farming regen regenerative AG culture grow good food healthy food and learn to live in communities again without screens without cell phones um and I I you know I've looked at these places for 40 years the the the rehab industry in this country is I would say somewhat predatory at this point like you know many many other Industries but I had a relative who was in a lot of trouble and I started looking all over the world for places that had a different model and I found this place in Italy in Tuscany called s Nano and it's a 500 Acre Farm there's 2,000 kids who live there it's absolutely free the only thing they ask you to commit to is to stay there for five years when you go there years I mean listen if the if it's a choice a lot of kids today are on a trajection where they're going to die yeah and you know 5 years is like college and if you can save somebody's life it takes time because you have to reparent the person you have to reorient them to live in a completely different way and um you know they're taking people who are who are criminals who are not only drug addicts but people who are you know headed for prison headed for something very bad they take them and they transform them into good citizens so they um at that place they have it's completely self-supporting um in Italy you can check you can do a check off on your taxes to send $1 approximately $1 on your taxes there's a little check off to San Pagano most of their money comes from their industry so they have one of the best bakeries in Europe and they teach kids traditional baking skills they have a um they have an parel Center where they do B weaving and and uh they have a uh they make uh accessories fashion accessories so they make purses for de la valy for Prada for Gucci for these other big Brands they have a Vineyard 500 acre Vineyard and they make some of the finest wine in Europe they have kennels and they have they have a they have a a wallpaper um Factory that makes this handpainted wallpaper very very traditional with traditional Artisans there's no cell phones allowed there's no screens and the people live together in very very tight kind of Barracks there six girls and the you know my relative was a girl and she was put in with six girls who watched her every move and if she did something selfish if she did something dishonest she was called on it and it taught her a new way of of living in a community and when she came out she became very very successful and not only in her business life but also her social life she was utterly transformed two days ago I went to a place in Salt Lake City called the other side that is modeled on San Pano and they have now Three City Blocks full of buildings they have 300 convicts they take people out of prison or they take people who are facing long sentences and they interview them to see if they're suitable for the program they bring them into that program and they rehabilitate them and they they have to make a two-year commitment um it's absolutely free anybody can walk in the street and take advantage of it they have a they have the biggest moving company in Salt Lake they have the biggest storage company in Salt Lake they have a thrift store that is the size of two Walmarts they have a uh they have a construction firm that is very very successful and they teach the inmates how to be electricians how to be plumbers how all of these skills that they can use in the world and the the guy who who started it uh was facing was facing his fifth term in prison he was facing a 29-year prison sentence and he got um he persuaded the judge to allow him to go to Delany Street which is a Therapeutic Community in San Francisco and they ended up working there for eight years and then uh coming out and starting this place and it was so inspiring going to this place and to the other side and seeing what they done because it's a model that can be reproduced elsewhere instead of you know when I I was in prison for uh the summer of 2001 I was sent to I did a I won a lawsuit against the Navy in Puerto Rico for B bombing the island of vus and um and then I did it the the judge I there was a corrupt judge who would not enforce my injunction and so the the group I was representing 10,000 people on the island and they asked me to do a civil disobedience to go onto the live fire zone while the Navy was bombing and I was arrested they told me well I said how long am I going to be in jail and they said well just probably a day but I ended up being the whole summer in Maximum Security Prison and my my I had a my son my youngest son was born while I was in prison the first time I saw him was on visitor's day but in that prison which is you know federal prison much better than State Prison it there was no I couldn't even go to an AA meeting there was no opportunities for any of the people living there to make their lives better and we need to do that better we need to make sure when people come out of prison they're actually productive so um the the guy who was running this said to me that when he first started trying to place the convicts and businesses in Salt Lake that nobody wanted them because they're ex-cons and but now they have such a good work record and such a good reputation that he a list of hundreds and hundreds of businesses on the wall who and they employ 100% of the people who leave and everybody insult like wants people from this program because they're such responsible workers oh it was inspiring to me to see that you know the transfer of what I saw in s p know happened in this country today the biggest industry in rural areas in our country are prisons and uh you know and and I want to change that and make rehabs and restoration of the feeling of community in this country the skills of living in community to reparent all of these kids who are lost today an entire generation of kids who lost give them the opportunity to go to places where they can um where they can learn to be productive members of society and where they can get inspired again about their lives and regain hope in their lives I love that I love that it's great um so you probably met him backstage uh I don't know if he's out here but we have Andre Norman who's here who spent 14 years in Maximum Security Prison and he became the number three gang leader um he spent two years in solitary confinement and now this guy's like an absolute Angel and just helped so many people and he's uh in charge of a program which currently has 600,000 tablets in prisons in the United States soon to be a million and we have genius Network content we have genius recovery every content from my foundation on those tablets uh 25% of the world's prisoners are in the United States who are the highest incarcerating country in in the world I believe it's between 80 to 90% of everyone that's arrested or thrown in jail or prison uh drugs and alcohol were involved uh 40% of people that are incarcerated um committed a violent crime so that's a separate issue but 60% had not so we are incarcerating a lot of addicts and when someone goes through recovery you know you can take people that were really lying cheating stealing uh doing bad things and they become these incredible compassionate caring humans and so I think there's something to that the whole process of healing and creating that environment so yeah I mean we'll talk more about that so let me uh I have some questions about tyranny and all that but before we get to it um cryptocurrency Bitcoin what are your thoughts on um digital currency yeah I mean I became my H convert I really didn't know anything about cryptocur my kids all you know are entrepreneurial and um are interested in business and they're all in that space so they were you know they had bought and sold cryptocurrencies and talked a lot about it but I was really just on the sideline listening to them and then I saw what happened during the pandemic what happened in Toronto to the or in Ottawa to the strikers oh Children's Health defense which was the organization that I ran started and ran had embedded um in the trucker Convoy in Canada we had a reporter embedded and we were helping them and we were you know uh sending money and publicizing what they were doing and the the truckers in Canada were angry at the mandates and the truckers in Canada are very very diverse group a lot of them are from African descent a lot of of them for Asian Indian Bangladesh uh and then just white um people from all over Canada but it's a very very diverse group and they had started out in BC and Alberta and they had then done collected made a bigger and bigger Convoy coming across the country they wanted to meet with Justin Trudeau and talk to him about the impact of the mandates on their businesses and on their lives and uh prime minister tro would not meet with them and instead the and it was if you look at the videos of this protest in Ottawa it looks like Woodstock you know they had cleanup Crews that were picking up garbage they had Crews that were passing out bottled water to people that were feeding the homeless people and hungry people in Ottawa there was a feel there was music and there was a lot of Joy there was nothing nasty or mean- spirited about it and it was portrayed that way by the by officials government officials and to to a large extent by the the mainstream media uh but what they did in Canada is they used AI they used facial recognition systems and they um and they got the identities of the people who are participating in the protest and they froze their bank accounts and this was shocking to me cuz none of them were charged with the crime they also took $15 million that we had helped raise for them on PayPal and they persuaded PayPal to shut off their money so they couldn't access it and it it occurred to me then that um you know I talked to one of the strikers this they the truckers now they couldn't buy diesel for their for their trucks they couldn't buy food for their kids they couldn't pay their mortgages I talked to one Striker who said he was facing jail time because he had mandatory alimony pay payments to his ex-wife and he could not pay them and it occurred to me then that if you know the transactional freedom is as important as freedom of expression if you have freedom of expression under the First Amendment you can say anything you want about your government without Consequence the government then can shut off Your Capacity to pay your rent to buy food know put you essentially on the sidewalk and paralyze you what does it matter if you have so-called freedom of expression and they don't have to charge you with any crime and I had actually I had seen this happening what's was happening in China where they have what they call programmable currencies which is uh you know in China now they use your face is your credit card so that facial recognition is so so ubiquitous and so refined and sophisticated that when you go to a store to pay you don't use cash you know in many places you don't use any credit card you just use your face to pay and there's you know you have a digital account and on your digital account is other information including your medical information including your social credit score oh if you drop below a certain credit score Your Capacity to use your accounts now ends and they for example they have one system where if and and I'll give you an example if there's a if the government declared a mask day and you're walking around with your mask below your nostrils and that you're seeing on facial recognition system which knows everybody you're going to now lose social credit points or if you're too close to your girlfriend on a you know a social distance day you're you're not even told about it you're going to lose social credit and if you drop below a certain point at some point your your credit your facial credit card stops working except in grocery stores that are within a certain radius of your home so you can't travel you can't buy gas for your car you can't buy an airplane ticket you can't go to a hotel you're essentially under house arrest if the government has the capacity to do that to people um then uh it has the Capac I mean a government that can silence its its critics as a license for any kind of atrocity and it is the top of a very very slippery slope toward totalitarian rule so you know I I was again I was I was struck at that point by how important it was that we have transactional freedom and during that period you may remember this there were a lot of people in the federal government who were saying we got to get rid of paper currency and in fact in Many Nations like in Africa and Australia Etc they were taking away ATM machines they were doing it that on the pretense that paper currency passes germs so we have to get rid of it well if we go to Total digital currency every transaction that you have is not is T is visible to the government the corporations it's taxable it's you know it's it it it it can be monetized for profit by somebody and you can you have no secrets in your life if you you know if you wanted to buy cigarettes or pornography or liquor or whatever you want to do stuff that you don't want to share with the world you know somebody's going to know about that and that's a very very dangerous thing in the democracy and um and so you know I think it's really important that we keep paper currency number one that people have access to bitcoin and other currencies and that uh and that we look very very wearily at Central Bank dig digital currencies which are you know which they're putting in place right now and that is how they did it in China they started with the Central Bank digital currency and then they expanded its reach to become an instrument for social control and to me that's very dangerous wow wow thank you uh tell me something that nobody in the world understands about you uh I I don't know about that I uh you know what as you know one of the things they say in in recovery is that um it's you're as sick as your secrets yep and um you know I understood when I was uh when I was getting sober that I could not afford to have any secrets that doesn't mean that you tell the world everything about yourself but you have to tell somebody there has to be somebody out there who knows everything and so I think there you know I have that I have a number of people in my life who um who you know who literally know everything about me you know and uh and so you know and I think that that's important for all of us you to speak to that I'd like to get your viewpoint on because here you are running for president of the United States you are openly talking about addiction recovery which I think is awesome uh you're more focused on health than anyone else I know that is you know running uh so you're a great role model in that Arena and and you are sick of your secrets I I think that is a it's true it was actually at one of these genius Network annual events in 2015 where I openly just decided I'm just going to share everything I talked about drug addiction sex addiction work addiction you name it and it was one of the most free things that I did but I also had been going to 12 steps for many years and what's the difference between um how you basically um what you share and what you don't there there's secrecy and then there's privacy and there are trusted people I I always caution people not to make like a Facebook confession where you just go and share it needs to be done in when you're ready to do it so um you can't be like an idiot right right right well and some people do they it hurts them yeah you have to make prudent judgments and you know we're not you know uh Jesus said you have to be uh gentle as lamb but clever as snakes and that you know you need to be um you know people God gave us a brain mhm to use it to make good judgments with to make prudent judgments and there's people that you tell everything to and there's people that you tell you know but you don't why right well you you have a lot at risk for disclosure so when did you first start disclosing this to others because I think you know those from the 12-step World always will mention that it's in the fourth step that you find the Cravings in the in the a you know will start to to relieve when you share it with someone Trust I mean I knew I you know one I what kept me I knew that I was an addict from when I was 15 years old I when I started I started the year after my dad got killed I started taking drugs and I progressed very very quickly to um to heroin and I was addicted for 14 years on and off and I always wanted to quit so I I tried to earn as I was basically you know I was uh I was living against conscious at that time I knew that I did not want to be an addict but and I had iron willpower in other parts of my life I gave up candy for Lent when I was 13 and I didn't e candy again till I was in college and I gave up desserts the following year for Lent and I never had a dessert till I was in my freshman year of college when I was doing uh you know playing sports and um and I I wanted to bulk up and but I felt like I could do anything with willpower but somehow this compulsion was utterly impervious to my willower and I I would you know the most to me the most uh demoralizing feature of addiction was my incapacity to keep contracts with myself yeah I would tell myself at 9:00 in the morning I am never going to do that again and at 4:00 in the afternoon I'd be doing exactly what I said and you know it was like somebody else had stepped into my body and was now you know a new driver in the truck was now nothing to do with me and it was uh it was baffling to me just bewildering why can't I control myself um but I tried earnestly sincerely honestly for 14 years to stop and couldn't do it one of the things I never tried was 12 step program because of exactly what you said there was no way given my background and my vulnerabilities that I would step into a room of strangers and start talking about what was happening in my life and then uh you know I came in and uh September of 1983 I was arrested I was in the papers so at that point there was no secret left and I you know it it was the best thing that happened to me because I was able at that point to come in and um you know take advantage of this program but I knew from the beginning that you know if you're an addict you are dishonest you're going to you have to lie you can't you know you can't you cannot I don't think I don't I think it's impossible to be a Dr attic and not lie and um so and I knew that the dishonesty was associated with my addiction and that if I did not become rigorously honest in every aspect of my life um that I was uh I was going to fall back into the addiction and so you know I I put a lot of effort into that and it was you know it was difficult I remember one time I was in court and um you know what it's strange when you're when you when you get I wouldn't say I was a pathological liar but I was habitual you know and and if you ask me where did I get this shirt I would not the first the first thought in my head would not be where did I get this shirt it would be what can I say to put myself at some advantage in this relationship I wasn't thinking you know of the truth and I had to break myself of those Habits by when I caught myself saying something dishonest to tell people right then what I said to you just now is not for truth and the pain of doing that a couple of times was what you know allowed me to to move I remember reading very very early on about um a an obituary at CS Lewis who was a great Theologian who wrote the Narnia books and you know and a brilliant novelist but he wrote this obituary about a friend of his where he described his friend as honest as the daylight and I read that phrase and I was like wow I wish I wish that someday somebody would say that about me and um around that time I was in court I was arguing in front of a federal judge in White Plains and they they he asked me a question I said something that was not true and then I sat down and my opponent got up and it was something that I could have never gotten Exposed on a call it was only slightly an exaggeration but I sat down and it would have no consequence to me it could never have any consequence to me me other than just my conscience eating at me and I sat down and I was like you know wow you know that was not true the next time I got up I said to the judge I just want to say something what I said to you you know was not true and there was like this stun silence in the courtroom cuz nobody had ever heard a lawyer do that before and then it just went on and you know like and but the pain of doing that a couple of times you will get honest you get struck Hest quickly cuz it's so agonizing to give yourself up that got me kind of in a a better habit of um you know of of being on it and right now it's critical you know for my I understand it's critical for my survival so um I'm married to somebody who I don't think has ever told a lot in her life you know and she's an example she's a role model for me but she has no impulse to it's like um she is uh um she just I've never heard her say anything even slightly self-promoting or dishonest or distorted or even exaggeration and she still manages to be very funny and and very interesting wow that's awesome thank you uh so let me my friend Alex mandian uh who's here he sent this over to me via text I don't know maybe a month ago and it's uh when it's a quote from Thomas Jefferson uh when the people fear the their government there's tyrrany when a government fears its people there is Liberty what are your thoughts on that well I think you know there are a couple of what I would call alchemies of demagogy there there are buttons that we all have um that are that were installed in US during the 20,000 generation that human beings were W wandering the African Savannah in little groups warlike groups fighting with other groups defending themselves against you know lions and predators and trying to feed themselves and um and a lot of our our hard wiring was installed during that key evolutionary period and um you know we were following a small a powerful male leader and doing what we were told and you had to have unit cohesion and you had to behave like everybody else because otherwise you you wouldn't we're arguing with the leader all the time you had to do things and we're all have that programming internally and so there there's a couple of things that every demagogue can use to manipulate people and one of those is fear and um because it disables our capacity for critical thinking and during the you know during the actually during the Great Depression even before the war in 1932 Franklin Roosevelt um gave a speech where he he said to the American public the only thing we have to fear is fear itself this is after Wall Street Crash and what he was saying then was that he saw what was happening in Europe which was suffering from the same depression and in Eastern Europe in in in Russia the Soviet Union oh democracy was collapsing everywhere because of the economic pressure and you were seeing the rise of tyrants on the right and tyrants on the left and each one was using fear and the other Alchemy of demagogy which is racism point to minority groups and saying they they did it to you they're dangerous to you so these are all things that were installed in us you know during that multi-million year period and people can come and exploit them today and um and disable our capacity for critical thinking oh what what Roosevelt was saying is um the fear is actually our enemy if we have confidence we can restore American capitalism at that point 30% of the people in this country believe that capitalism had failed and that the answer was communism and 30% believe that capitalism had failed and that the answer was fascism and there was a small minority who still believed you know in democracy and free market capitalism and Roosevelt through his strength of character through his persuasion through his absolute indomitable calmness was able to tell people don't be scared the fear is your enemy because fear is going to be used by demagogues like Father Coughlin at that time or huy long or these other Democrats who were trying to you know drum up anger and fear and and he said you know don't don't that is the enemy if we we stay calm we'll come out of this and he was able to restore American capitalism because of that it's important lesson you know during Co you had both Republican and Democratic governments that were using fear to manipulate people to tell us do this do that and not you know they were they were telling us to do things that they knew and we knew were wrong to allow censorship of critics to allow doctors to be silenced allow people who said they were injured to be silence to ask people who were standing up for the children and saying wait a minute how can you keep kids out of school they they have no vulnerability to covid to shut them up and to silence everybody's silence you know where I was they were giving $1 tickets to Surfers who were out on the ocean and telling them to go home or disease that even then we knew did not spread outdors but it spread you know at home when you're locked up and it was crazy what we were being told to do but everybody was complying because they were using fear and to me you know my party Democratic party I said this you know time and again I said you know Roosevelt told us don't use fear and yet the entire government strategy that time was just to scare the hell out of everybody you remember they had the co death count every day on CNN ticking like a time bomb that it was going to come and get you and everybody was put in this state of you know your neighbor is a biohazard Don't Go Near them and you know you and we were telling our kids putting masks on our kids and telling them not to go to not to smile at their friends not to hug their friends and it was atomizing society and fragmenting it and making it you know and that kind of society is very very easy to manipulate um you know I'll I'll tell you do I can I one another there's a um there was a another one of those alchemies one of those buttons is our our tendency from all those years we spent on the African Savannah to follow a strong leader a a person of authority particularly a male leader who will tell us what to do so there's an experiment called that you know the CIA financed a lot of studies during the 1950s and 1960s and a see to there were mind control studies to figure out how do you manipulate individuals to become a Manchurian Candidate how do you manipulate whole Societies in order to impose foreign control or totalitarian control um the the names of the program the first ones were operation Bluebird operation harded choke um and then the later ones were called MK Naomi MK dri MK Ultra the MK stands for mind control and they were financing hundreds of studies in universities around the country by usually sociologists or psychiatrists or social scientists to do different experiments with psych psychedelic drugs with torture with sensory deprivation with um with you know sound uh deprivation for various forms of um of other psychiatric drugs Etc one of those studies was a uh was a guy called Stanley Milgram who was an associate professor in Yale and um he did a study where he recruited about 60 people from all walks of life students professors blacks whites business people um every kind of American and he would bring them in and put them in a room where they had a dial in front of them and they were told if they turn that dial it would give electric pulse to a person who was tied to the chair in the adjoining room they couldn't see that person and that person was in fact an actor who was a confederate of Dr mgrs when they turned it up he would scream and struggle and plead and beg and cry so and Dr mgraham would say turn it up turn it down turn it up turn it down turn it higher turn it down turn it higher and people who were part of that experiment who this you know the people who were the recruits the subject a lot of them were weeping because they did not want to do it and yet Dr Milgram was there in a lab coat with you know all of these badges on them and stuff so he was this visible figure of authority 60 you can look this up on Wikipedia which you should not believe for other but but on this they're actually telling the truth but if you 67% of the people in that experience sperman turned it up to 250 volts where it was marked potentially lethal the good news is that 33% of the people got up and walked out so there's a there's a Cadre of people who maintain their capacity for critical thinking even when all of these sort of atavistic stimuli are are applied against them to disable that and you know that I think is our aim in a democracy is to try to be part of that group of 33% who can't be manipulated by fear and can't be manipulated by racism or anti-Semitism or you know all of these other alchemies of demagogy were authority figures you know and my father told me a couple of weeks before he died I had a conversation with him where he said to me people in Authority lie and you know that is something that is critical in a democracy for the public to know our our job part of our job in democracy is to question everything know this phrase trust the EXP experts it's not a thing it's a it certainly is not a feature of democracy it's not a feature of Science in science you don't trust the experts never oh I've sued five I've had what over 500 cases and in each one of them there was scientific controversy and there was experts on both sides when I Su Monsanto Monsanto came in with experts from Stanford Harford and Yale my wife who's an actor came to court that day on the last day in their testimony she watched these people and then afterwards and they were so convincing she W walked out and she said why are you even troubling these this poor company to me and I would like wait till tomorrow the next day we had our experts from Harvard Stanford and Yale and the jury gave us two .2 billion they had heard both of them and they had to decide which expert is lying and experts have their own Prejudice they their own biases and their own Ambitions Etc and so it's not you know trusting the experts is not a feature of science it's not a feature of democracy it's a feature of religion and totalitarianism and but it's not something we do well you know we were all told to do it right again and again trust the experts and it's not it's it's something that say should sett Al arms off yeah so I I want to so ask you about the way that I view what has happened during the pandemic was the biggest manipulation mind [ __ ] that's ever I've ever seen in my life and the 66% that's scary when when you that can be manipulated like that which means there's a lot of vulnerability out there and so one of the things that led me into addiction was I was raped and molested as a kid and so I view what Pharma and what a lot of these agencies did was they they raped the population they raped the globe because rape is non-consensual it's penetration without consent and they did it with syringes they did it with drugs they did it with massive manipulation and lots of money behind it and it was just atrocious and I feel so sad for people that aren't in the position that myself and many people here that lost their jobs that don't have a lot of financial resources and the people that ultimately uh whose lives were hurt and destroyed the most were people that were poor and uh and then everyone else you know psychologically there's so many things that happen so if someone wants to get get a vaccine okay if you want to get a vaccine but when it's forced upon you when you're manipulated into it that's a whole another level and so I think there should be a hashtag that's something like farmer rapes or something like that maybe that I don't know but there's a part of me that's like you know I I I really don't want to take the get angry and you know go I mean I I love your approach you're you're you're very uh you're very conscientious about not wanting to you know continue the battles and the fighting between each other and trying to bring people together and that's a that's a tough rope to uh to walk I mean do you internally are you just pissed about this are you just like you know I just I'm going to do what I can do I mean how do you what is your emotional state as you take on battles stronger than anyone that I've seen at least in that department I mean this book the real Anthony fouchy Bill Gates big Pharma and the global war on democracy and public health which sold over a million copies with zero features in Main Street media you've got thousands of reviews almost all five stars it's all cited it's all documented and when I hear people say well he's a c he doesn't know what he's talking about I mean you put more data here not just you but all the top doctors that have been you know just treated so horribly I mean their careers ruined and what do they get for it they're just trying to help people and so um you know I guess my question for you is with this is still happening and is that I mean out of all the reasons that you're you're running for president I mean what are the main ones what would what do you really hope to uh to do um I mean you know one of the reasons that this happened you know one one of the reasons that that inspired me to run was I say this chronic disease epidemic in our country and we have when my uncle was President 6% of Americans had chronic disease and um and today and then by 1986 uh 11.8 had chronic disease I 2006 54% of kids had chronic disease and we don't know what it is today because at that point NIH stop publishing the data they do not want us to see this happening and to me it's it's the biggest thing that's happening right now the the cause of Healthcare in this country the cause of the military you know which was supposed to go down to 200 billion a year after the wall came down 1992 we were promised a peace dividend it's now 1 .3 trillion a year but the cost of Health Care is 4.3 trillion and 93% of that is chronic disease these are new diseases mostly So What by chronic disease there's basically four categories there's obesity when my uncle was President uh 6% of American kids were obese today 42% and 75 five are overweight they didn't American kids did not suddenly become lazy they're being poisoned Mass poison and by something and we're all being lied to about it and then neurological diseases all these diseases that suddenly appeared in the early 90s um ADD ADHD speech a language a ticks tared syndrome narcolepsy ASD autism I none of us ever heard of these diseases when I was a kid I worked at the dead center of the the battle for rights for people with intellectual disabilities my aunt unit Shriver started Special Olympics I was working in it as a hugger and as a coach from when I was eight years old I worked for 200 hours in was for the [ __ ] when I was in high school because that this was part of our family DNA and I never saw a kid with autism full-blown autism the the the cdc's data I say that in my generation today today right now autism in 69y Old Men 1 in 10,000 and in our CH my children's generation 1 in 34 what happened well Congress said to EPA what year did the autism epidemic begin e EPA is a captive agency it's captive by the oil industry the coal industry and the pesticide industry but it's not aped by Pharma because it doesn't regulate Pharma so they actually did a real study and they came back and said 1989 it's a red line that is the year the epidemic started well a lot of other chronic disease epidemic started at that time as well allergies P I had 11 siblings 70 cousins I never knew anybody with a peanut allergy nobody but prior to '89 heard of peanut allergy and now there's epipens in every classroom what happened something happened in 1989 and and then eczema nobody ever heard of eczema when I was a kid now it's everywhere he's all these allergic dises anaphylaxis asthma my brother had asthma he was told by his doctor that there will never be a cure for asthma because it's so rare nobody will ever stop well today one out of every black kids in urban area has asthma um and then the autoimmune disease 120 autoimmune disease that we never heard of you know juvenile diabetes uh uh lupus rheumatoid arthritis cronon's disease all of this stuff that nobody ever heard of and suddenly it's everywhere and why is nobody asking where is it coming from so the Pharma is of course making money on it that 4.3 trillion the 93% of that that goes for $600 epipens Albuterol inhalers an seizure medications insulin syringes they're cashing in on it and and NIH right now instead of doing science and asking the one question they should be asking where is it coming from instead they have changed the purpose of that agency to become an incubator for new pharmaceutical drugs which they keep half of of the Mna vaccine NIH owns half That vaccine they get half the royalties they're making tens of billions of dollars on it and there are six individuals at NIH who have March in rights to the patent who are each collecting $150,000 a year forever from That vaccine and so the these these naturally the merile Ambitions of the individuals and the agency subsumed the regulatory function of those agencies and I'm going to end that and I'm going to go over there during the the the first week I'm going to go over to says uh my first week in office and I'm going to get all of the big wigs from NIH together and I'm going to say you know NIH gives away $42 billion a year and it gives it to 56,000 science were universities all over the country and what they're doing now is mainly developing pharmaceutical drugs to treat the chronic disease epidemic and if anybody tries to study well where is it coming from they get a threat from NIH do not study that and and NIH can bankrupt their college NIH can bankrupt any medical school in the country simply by not giving the 300 billion $300 million a year that that medical skill is getting every year from NIH to study cures cures and treatments for chronic disease oh I'm going to go down there and I'm going to say we're going to give infectious disease a break and Drug development a break and we're going for the next eight years we're going to figure out where is The Chronic why are our kids The Sickest Kids in the world why do we have the highest chronic disease burden of any country in the world why do we have the highest four times highest Healthcare cause in the world and the worst outcomes why are we 79th in the World Behind Mongolia Cuba Nicaragua Costa Rica in healthc care why why why did we have why do we have the highest body count from covid on Earth we had 16% of the covid deaths in this country we only have 4.2% of the global population why well CDC said part of it is just mismanagement the other part is we have the highest chronic disease rate burden and Co was killing people with CDC said the average American who died from chronic disease from covid had 3.8 chronic diseases so they had diabetes they had asthma they had obesity and one more that's why that's what was killing people it was not Co the co pushed him off the cliff but the chronic disease got him to the top of the cliff with one foot over so I'm going to go down there and I'm going to say we're going to identify there's a and I I I'll shut up and I oh we can go a little bit more if you want there's a there's a a famous there's a famous toxicologist in New York named Phil landan and I I have used him on many many cases he's he's a genius and he's very care careful now about hanging out with me because you know the association could hurt his reputation but Phil landrian has done a a series of studies to say yeah something happened in 1989 and what could it be you need to find we know it's not genes genes don't cause epidemics the genes can provide a vulnerability but you need an environmental toxin so what was it what environmental toxins are there that are in the category of suspects that became ubiquitous around 1989 that affected every demographic from Cubans and kisc Miami to Inuit in Alaska and that impact Boys on neurological injuries at a four 4 to1 ratio to girls what is there that could be that and he's come on with about 13 or 14 things that it could possibly be one of those is glyphosate from Roundup that fits that timeline perfectly another is um is atrazine which is another pesticide which is now in 63% of the Water Systems in the country neid pesticides same thing um pfoas and pfas is the forever chemicals that were put around that timeline in all of our furniture and all of our children's pajamas they're flame retardant um uh Wi-Fi radiation from cell phones ultrasound radiation some of these things are to me are not suspects but they're they're they have to be treated as suspects so we can eliminate them um high fructose corn syrup which clearly is part of the explanation for the Obesity and the diabetes epidemic so there's only there's a small universe and we have all the data we need already to figure out who's doing it and what I'll do is I'll go down there and say uh that's what we're going to do and we're going to find out and then the vaccine schedule which went in 1989 we went we went from three vaccines to 79 72 vaccine three vaccines I got as a kid my kids got 72 mandated so and it and the big change here was 1989 so that has to be a suspect too so let's it's probably all them or a large part of them our kids are now swimming around in a toxic soup and they're getting all of these exposures that operate as along the same biological Pathways and they're probably cumulative but let's find out and then let's eliminate them and you can say to me well even if you find out it's high fructose corn Sy by the way if you drink Coca-Cola you should drink Mexican coconut you know stuff at the high fructose but if if let's say we find out it's high fruit CL corn what can you do about it there's million farmers who are tied in that industry there's big industrial BMS like Carill and on Santo and these huge players you can never change it but you can the same way that we did with Roundup we got Roundup taken out of all home gardening because once there's a certain critical mass of science you can get past this threshold in the courts called the dalbert threshold where you're allowed to take that case to a jury if there's about 15 studies that say the same thing you have animal studies bench studies human studies They al at some point the judge will say yeah you can take this case to a jury there's enough well I'm going to create the science and at that point you don't need to change the regulations because the the pl of barar will go out there and and vindicate um that product and get it off the market for that purpose so anyway that's you know the long answer to your question no I well here's here so I've I've studied marketing and promotions U most of my adult life and um use that for business and also now with h genius recovery my Foundation uh trying to get you know CH my my um objective there is to change the global conversation about how people View and treat addicts with compassion instead of judgment and find the best forms of treatment that have efficacy and share it with the world and just earlier today we announced we have a we're going to launch a recovery kit to help people with that and so I think a lot about packaging and you've got so many studies and so much data and so much research in your book the real Anthony fouchy um that I communicated um to Tony from um Sky skyhorse uh the the publisher uh to create like cards and decks of all of the information in a sharable form kind of like an ecol meditation deck or you know tarot cards but with all of this data so that people can take it in sound bites cuz there I'm constantly I don't know how all of this research that you have't here exist and Anthony fouchy is still walking around a free man like when Elon Musk said um arrest Anthony fouchy what is going on and and I'd be curious of you know some of these people that seem like the just ultimate James Bond villains that they just want to watch the world burn and they it it's just crazy to me so how is someone like that who in in Bill Gates I didn't have any idea just how behind I mean i' love for you because here we are a lot of people have probably no idea when they hear me you Bill Gates I met him in 2006 that all things digital I used to admire him I thought he was this incredible businessman and when you see what he's actually doing and what he's funding and there's so much of it that it gets past the point of coincidence I mean this person has an agenda like what are some things I'd love for you to just rattle off um some things about Bill Gates because you you know so much about what he's doing and what he funds yeah I mean one of the things that I do do in this book first of all the the book's been through I think probably about 15 to 20 editions and in the first edition and all of them I have note in the beginning that says if you find a mistake in this book we want to hear about it and we will then change it and subsequent addictions I I don't want to be pushing information that is wrong oh you know people accuse me you know including the government of passing on misinformation my organization has probably the best factchecking uh uh resources in the country we have a team of 3 like 50 350 PhD scientists MD Physicians who are part of our our scientific advisory team and includ including until he died recently Luke moner won the Nobel Prize for discovering the HIV virus in 1983 and none of these people would be part of our team if we were promoting misinformation in fact you know what we now know from the Twitter files is that when they were when the White House was telling Twitter to remove me and Instagram which they did um Facebook actually pushed back and said what he's saying is actually true true it's not misinformation and they had to invent a new term called malformation which is information that is true but it is nevertheless inconvenient for the government and so you know what I invite people to find an error there's 2200 footnotes and there's the new book that I just comes out today I think um on the wuan cover up is 3300 what I never tried to do is to look into Bill Gates head or to Anthony F's head because I don't know what's going on there I don't know why they made these decision I can show these patterns of behavior that were tremendously cynical and self-interest and I can show that they knew or had reason to know the injuries that they were causing the the faults in the science like REM Desir which both gates gates was the one of the owners biggest owners of Gilead and I we can document that fouchi knew that REM Desir was going to kill people that was going to kill more people than it helped and that he he changed the St altered the study outcomes three separate times to make it appear that it was effective and then got that approved as the only treat the only approved treatment for Co and it's probably one of the reasons we had the highest death rate in this country um but I can show that again and again but I don't look into his head and say Here's what he was doing he were thinking because I don't know and I only write things that I can document and so you know what I would urge people to do is read a you know a chapter or two and you know make up your own mind I mean yeah read it or the way we did here is we put with each footnote there's a QR code so that you can on your phone you can look up that study right there while you're reading you don't have to go someplace I think it's the first book that did that and so every study all those 2200 studies that are in there are quotes or whatever while you're reading the book in real time you can go to that study and look at the source document um yeah and it's it is it is amazing and what's even more is just how many copies of this you sold where there was so much attempts to there were no no PR nothing was talking about it and you sold over a million copies I think it's what like a million and a half or something at this point um all right so would you guys like to take a picture with uh with Bobby in a little bit okay we'll do that quickly um so let me let me ask you a couple more things first off I want to give you an opportunity what have I not asked you or anything that you feel would be really useful for entrepreneurs to hear I mean you are uh you're you're running for president I mean this has got to you grew up in a family though I mean this has got to be one of the most stressful things but maybe it's just the environment you grew up in and you're built for this I don't know I mean I have not you know I've been very I felt very peaceful about um this what I'm doing there's not been any time weirdly since I've uh since I I started uh since I launched this campaign that I've said you know I wish I had done this or what the hell heck am I doing I've had that experience with other stuff like when I do like a a you know there's many times when I like in rock climbing or when I do a a white water you know a stretch of sort of of hairy white water there's a lot of times where I've said why am I doing this you know but I've never had one of those moments with is and my wife is happy and you know I think my kids are are happy and proud of me but I what I tried to do is not project about things but just to you know to live one day at a time um to do my best and then to let you know the outcome is in God's hands I had I came out of the environmental movement and I saw a lot of people who were if you're in the environmental movement every victory that you have is temporary and every defeat is permanent you know you destroy extinguish a species you're not getting them back you destroy a sacred piece of land and you know pave it over and it's never coming back and what I watched during those years was a lot of people who were um who were Advocates who were friends of mine who just got soul crushed because they'd give their lives to preserve a creek or resource or a piece of land they'd see it destroyed and they would just withdraw and go into isolation and lose hope and I just said I'm not going to ever let that happen to me I'm going to um I don't have any control over what happens ultimately you know that is in God's hands the only thing I control is this little piece of real estate inside my own shoes that's the only thing I can control and I can get up every day and say reporting for for Duty sir and then go forward and try to keep doing the next right thing you know to put the to make my bed to put the water in the ice tray before I put it in the freezer to you know to put the shopping cart back where the shopping cart is supposed to go to you know to do the just are you going out shopping right now one at a time or is this a secret and that um and as long as I do that you know I can be peaceful and it makes you know to me it gives me power because it makes me because I feel like I cannot be defeated and no matter what kind of blow that I got dealt I get I'm going to get up again and I'm going to fight because I I've detached from the outcomes I don't have expectations I try not to so that I I never have disappointments and that um I think you know it makes me a much more effective advocate for people yeah I mean you you put out a video on Thanksgiving about gratitude that I thought was just absolutely incredible and you know I I never really studied or followed politics that much I would talk to my friends that that did prior to the pandemic happening then I really started it was a giant wakeup call of wow who's really running things um I have no idea who's actually running the country right now I certainly is not Joe Biden but um uh if if not that this would ever happen but if it did if Joe Biden or Donald Trump came to you and asked you for advice what would you tell them I would give them advice i' say you should get out of this [Laughter] [Applause] race that's a great sound bite right there that's really good wow so you know this is you know with all our flaws and the flaws of our founding fathers I still believe the Great American experiment is worth fighting for and you've uh you're taking on one hell of a battle here and what sort of help or support uh do you need the most right now well I mean the biggest the most support we need that right now is financial support um I I have to get on the because I'm not running at a political party I have to get on the ballot in all 50 states and that's uh means a million signatures different configurations of signatures on average it's going to cost us about $14 or $15 a signature so I need to raise $15 million and I you can do that from big donors if you get one big donor and I need that you know um they can give to the super pack but the campaign itself has to do the ballot access and and so the the top donation the maximum donation under federal law is $6,600 and they um and you know I need to raise in $600 increments I need to raise $15 million to do that and then you know people will volunte here um go to kennedy4 comom and you know if you have anything if you have resources uh intellectual resources advice whatever I'd love to hear from you um but mainly right now I need to I need to raise money for our ballot fight okay okay uh I was having lunch with uh today with some of the group and uh a woman had said to me about protection and why have you not been granted uh security protection by the president and this was put in place because your father was assassinated and you still have not gotten it uh is what need and she she had mentioned what can we do to help with that what who do you send an email to what do you do to to to get you protection because you're paying for your own security right now yeah I mean they people can send um you know an email to the White House I you know my as you said the candidate historically the candidates did not get secret service protection until they were until after the conventions um and then when my dad was killed in 68 I was with him at that time they immediately provided Secret Service protection to all the other candidates to George McGovern George Wallace Hubert Humphrey Etc who were running at the same time and then Congress passed a law that said there every candidate is if as long as they're they they exceed a certain metric which I've exceeded for six months um is uh is entitled to Secret Service protection 120 days prior to the general election but in practice the the president can provide it to anybody on request and I'm the first candidate in history who has requested it and not been provided I've had a number of credible um death threats including uh uh three break-ins at my house and you know a guy who showed up uh trying to get to me in the green room prior to his speech in Los Angeles who I you know I I have a security team that spotted him because he had fake US Marshall badges a badge he had fake uh federal ID and then he was carrying a lot of concealed weapons he had two shoulder holsters with full magazines and then he had a lot of weapons in a backpack and including um a laser scope uh pistol that with full magazines a lot of extra magazines uh guns and stuff um my team detained him held him for the police he was trying to find me and uh and the police then arrested him he said that he was he wanted to find me for a job interview uh which which I yeah um so then Jesus uh but my uncle Ted Kennedy when he ran in 1980 he was given Secret Service protection by President Carter and they didn't like each other they really had a lot of personal antipathy toward each other but my Carter gave him Secret Service protection 450 days out and uh uh Obama received it 450 days out I think 30 maybe over 30 candidates have received it before the 120 days Jesse Jackson Mitt Romney almost anybody that you can name received it early so it's standard to provide it early but I think they know that I have to you know one out of every $3 that I raise is going to my security team so I think the White House is playing hard ball and is uh you know has uh has decided that they you know that they're going to try to hurt me financially which is not really in the spirit of democracy cuz I you know um when my father came in became attorney general in 1961 the first day at work he called all of the upper staff of the justice department and he said to them we have one rule that we're never going to politicize this agency at whether you're Republican or Democrat you're treated equally under the law and I don't want to hear any even rumors that people are giving favoritism to somebody you know who's a Democrat and that you know people believe in the institutions of our country because we've consistently had leaders who have respected that and in the last couple of years we've seen this erosion where a lot of the federal enforcement agencies are being politize and I I would say you know that it it um you know poit izing the Secret Service is just is not a good look we're supposed to be the exemplary democracy in the world and to say that if people if you don't like somebody's politics if they're a political threat you're not going to give them protection is not uh you know it's just not good for our democracy yeah okay what um what is the most significant or impactful um life decision you think you've ever made oh I mean you know I I'd have a hard time with that I mean um my marriage is is one um I um I wouldn't say that I had decided to have kids because it just happens you know but um I mean this is one you know running is definitely running in this race is definitely life-changing and how do you handle the criticism and the attacks on you um how how do you process that uh you know I I Pro I just because I I was raised in a millu where we all believe that we would you know that our lives would somehow be consumed in some great controversy and that it would be a privilege for us if we were be to be able to take a an important part in that and you know I've I I think I understood from when I was a kid that if you're going to do anything important with your life that people are going to attack you and that you're going to get criticism you're going to lose friends you're going to lose relationships that there there's going to be um you know there's going to be a hero's journey where you go through these tremendous hardships where you go through the valley of death you feel you're completely alone at some points and that that that's just that's part of if you didn't go through that it would not be very important so I feel like you know whatever I go through is uh is is a privilege to be able to you know to do something that's important and it's just part of it that and and then I also you know I feel tremendously loved by by my wife and by my children and by other my friends who are important to me and I feel like you know everybody else is kind of playing we're all walking through kind of a dream right and that you know life is a dream and that we have to treat it like that we have to treat it we have to ultimately be indifferent to some of the um to some of the defeats that we um that we suffer some of the criticism the injuries the wounds that we suffer we have to get to a place where we're indifferent about it there's a famous um I don't know how famous is but it's a it's a it's a story about a monk who was um who who whose Monastery was invaded by a warlord in China all the other monks fled and that the warlord approached this monk who was meditating and tried to talk to him and he ignored the warlord and finally warlord gets irritated and he says to the monk um he says don't you know that I could run you through with my sword without blinking an eye and the monk says to him don't you know that I could be run through with your sword without blinking an eye and ultimately that's kind of the objective where we all want to be spiritually where we're indifferent to the personal consequences of everything that we do and that we live our lives for higher purposes and you know the in the Buddhist tradition the word Nirvana means um putting out the fire and that means the fire of ambition of pride of of anger of a desire that all of these things that we're supposed to view as just clouds that pass over us and that we take an interest in them but ultimately are you know indifferent and we all go through you know difficulties in our lives and we have to be able to weather those difficulties without being crushed in our soul or without being ultimately affected by it and just focus on what we do you know and the what the choices that we actually get to make that's ultimately the only thing that's important thank you I uh I could we got another evening session but thank you thank you very much Robert F Kennedy Jr everyone and thank you all very much here's his butt oh picture over here let's do a picture we'll do this with the book Thank you thank you
Channel: Joe Polish
Views: 171,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Robert F Kennedy Jr, America, Manipulation, Recovery, State of America, Public Sentiment, Political Insight, Socio-political landscape, Future of America, National issues, Environmental advocacy, Addiction recovery, Entrepreneurship, Capitalism and environment, Psychedelic drugs, US Healthcare, Chronic disease epidemic, Democracy, Free market capitalism, Political influence
Id: zi9d25gnaAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 3sec (5643 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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