Robbie Williams | Nobody Someday | Full Movie

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for the last 10 years I've been doing this and I'm living a dream a supposed dream may thece be with you always everybody sees what I have and wants it when I was a kid I saw what people in my position had and wanted it too I'm struggling to find bits about it that I enjoy it the money is fantastic but that's the only thing that's great about it at the minute and because I've had this dichotomy of looking at and it being well this is the dream you living the dream I think I was I think I'm waiting for me to enjoy it because I'm supposed to be I'm a jig I'm J I'm a satellite of s I'm everybody that I know being known for being wrong and if I'm not mistaken this is my heartbreaking I'm The Man Who thre it all way Destiny is calling telling me be and I don't any going to be going to be nobody I'm the demon that you fear I'm the choker I'm the thief I'm Al some cowboy riding I'm the Indian got to watch my fig boy if I get bigger stick blow but I get richer while they take my picture my soul going to be nobody hello you're right man yeah how are you yeah really good good yeah really good it's impossible to avoid Robbie Williams if you live in Britain the 27-year-old from star on Trent is without a doubt the country's biggest pop star his face stares out from dozens of magaz covers and his songs are instantly familiar I'm thinking of getting the bang back together we started filming together at rehearsals in London for his forthcoming European tour which was being organized by tour manager Andy Frank it's built heavily around Rob and Rob is a sort of changing person at the moment nobody has really seen much of him for the last well really since Christmas so we you know I think everyone's filled with a little bit of trepidation as they're not quite sure how he's going to be that's not negative we're not worried about how he's going to be but I think he's going through a lot of changes at the moment and trying to do that in front of a lot of people and and uh and perform regularly is is difficult you know so it has a lot of effects and basically he's a person that we all want to make as comfortable as possible because if he's happy then the the tour becomes a successful tour stop um on the um the answer lines can they be really shy and can everybody do it I don't know if you're aware or unaware a few of you are a few of you are I've stopped drinking and taking drugs and um so we're going to be in uh I I know a lot of you have been around me before where I've stopped drinking and taking drugs I to see me start again now I don't know if I'm going to keep it up this time but I really want to do you know what I mean I really really want to I don't want to drink or take any drugs again I really don't I want you know that around me in confined spaces when I can't leave say on planes or in tour buses um it's it's increasingly difficult me for me to see you all pissed and see you or doing whatever you do do you know what I mean and um I'm an alcoholic and I'm a drug addict and uh alcoholics and drug addicts want to drink and want to take drugs even though it kills them or upsets them or makes your and my tour [ __ ] hell to be on you know i' I'd like never to do it again but we shall see what happens do you know what I'm saying and that's it basically and even though I said I don't want to be on this tour I love you all I [ __ ] do you're all [ __ ] marvelous I you know honestly I feel so much love when I'm around you all it's just a shame we have to get on stage he's growing up he's finding much more his inner self I think so he wants to make a change which is difficult to do in this business because a lot of people the reason they get into it so that they can have as much drink and drugs and sex as they possibly can you know so um so for somebody to want to turn their back on that while while still putting up with the business is going to be quite difficult for him I think I didn't know very much about Robbie when I was asked to make this film just the usual tabloid gossip and speculation you know the kind of stuff love life eating habits bank balance and so on could a film get beyond that show us the real Robbie we met a couple of times and he told me that nothing's off limits and he had nothing to hide and he wouldn't interf here I was interested in why he wanted to be involved in an honest film about himself there's so much written about me and so much that I'm not in control of and at this point in my life I would say 99% if not 100% this is me at this part of my life and um if people don't like this then I'm [ __ ] you know this is me right now I'm not there's no Airs of Graces this is how I feel this is what I'm about right now I'm a bit boring um and that's okay and I just wanted something out there that goes this is it this is what Robbie is so off to Europe with a boring sober pop star and his traveling circus of 65 people an incredible amount of hard work and dedication goes into putting Robbie on stage in 15 different European cities to every venue 46 tons of stage equipment to be erected and then dismantled a few hours later this might be pop music it's also a big business a successful tour fills venues sells records and keeps the accountant happy Vue for the first gig stock I think whatever juice it is that gets you to get on stage whether it's to be liked whether it's to sing these songs you believe in or whether it's to make a lot of money you know the juice is gone whatever it is and that's the most scary thing so I'm in fear I've got to get up on stage tonight in front of 10,000 people I don't know if I'm just burnt out do I need a big length of time off to come back and enjoy it but I've never enjoyed it I've never enjoyed anything about it I came to a gig that was put in place here must be a year and a half ago two years ago and it was in Sweden and I stood at the back of the gig and look to the audience and went I'm not going on stage I'm going home I can't do that again I think definition of insanity so I've been told is repeating the same thing over and over and expecting to get a different result and that's what I'm sat here in this bedroom with today is I I know that I'm going to get on going to get on stage tonight and I'm not going to enjoy it they're not going to know and the audience okay ladies and gentlemen we're in steden we are in Stockholm let's make this the best darest rock and roll show they'll see this evening okay Alvis grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference thank you very much go out Mighty dick and swall IO I want to see those hands and where the corus comes in I want you all to go bouncy bouncy are you with me hell is gone in there's left for you to feel shake your ass come over here now SC I'm a burnning everything I used to be my start off with staining good song but bored of it all before I die crap strong crap I hate the chorus um she's the one I hate that one it's not my song um and so on and so on you know so I just get on stage and beat myself up every night one in the air hands in the come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on I tra oh all they were really cold they were as cold as the ice rink that we were in Stockholm I think Sweden's only just started by my records and uh there was 10,000 here tonight and I've only sold 40,000 albums you know a lot of them only know rock DJ and Love Supreme Love Supreme went really well but uh I'm on stage in the first five or six numbers I hated and then I asked them all to stand up so they all stood up and then it got a bit better but um I come off stage I'm just sad I'm just sad what you were saying to me earlier about hating it and and you've lost the juice are times when you're on stage when you're actually enjoying yourself when you just forget everything and you just Up Performance no no not at all I can't stand the way I perform you know I one be David bowi and Iggy Pop and I'm more like Norman Wisdom it's like a Tourette Syndrome thing that I've got Tourette Syndrome of pantomim movements that I can't stop myself doing I've created this front from a long time ago that gets up on stage and won't let 10,000 people know that is having a bad time they enjoyed it and they loved it that's the most important thing I've been trying to get clean for 4 years been trying to be sober for 4 years but F and drugs used to work for me when I was 18 19 they were my crutch they gave me the confidence that I needed they gave me the Escape that I needed they filled in all of the blanks you know and it hasn't been like that for 5 years but still there's this underlying thing inside my brain or my b or my conscience conscious that says if you do it this time it will be fine go on just one more hit one line then bed have chicky half a chicky half amazing how it's made to be your friend fancy a chicky half what of that stuff that's going to make me feel like [ __ ] for four days till I have to do it again yeah go then I'll have a cheeky half I only want to get laid if I'm drinking I only can get laid if I'm drinking you know it's a lot easier if you're pissed and uh you know I've I've done a lot of sleeping with a lot of people especially in my teenage years you know and it just seems that everybody I sleep with these days SS the story and you know I do a lot of comparing myself to other people and considering I'm this rock star stroke pop star I don't do half as much as my mates that are normal I can only have any relationship with another human being if I'm sober if I am not sober I cannot let love into my life I cannot have I will not accept somebody coming in and loving me and I wouldn't know how to love them cuz I'm a selfish self-seeking self-pity and fo well we've met him a few times and um it's actually different every time sometimes he nice and friendly and want to hug give give us all hugs and stuff but sometimes just you know you want to stay away from him cuz he's in a bad mood and stuff so we' definitely seen both sides of him yeah but then again well it's very understandable if he wants to be left alone yeah so you guys must be around people all the time the circus had moved to Copenhagen only in Scandinavia would the fans be so thoughtful speak such perfect english' be so open about their feelings that sounds stupid but when he's when he's near I'm I'm totally I'm very insecure I could be very secure but I'm I'm just I just get a feeling in my body that's I cannot get it anywhere else 3 days into the tour and I got another example of how different celebrity lives are people who fancy a kick around go down to the local park that's not really an option for someone as recognizable as Robie Williams when he wants to stretch his legs the pitch has to be booked in advance and transport arranged for him and his security team but even on the outskirts of Copenhagen the paparazzi can sniff a FAL opportunity Paparazzi everywhere I go these days within 15 or 20 minutes from nowhere Paparazzi will appear every time I see him I just want to get a baseball bat and smash the faces in all of the press the tabloids all of the magazines have got to be filled with something and it's my mug that it's filled with most of the time can't cope with it you're on the street and a Paparazzi will come up to me the general public go leave him alone mate don't do that so people know what the paparazzi are about but that same picture they go oh there's rbie shopping there's Robbie coming out of his ass there's Robbie going into the coffee shop there's Robbie going to the bank there's Robbie going to the park oh there's someone Robbie shagged oh and he's done it again the next week look so I don't know I can't go with it I really can't and yeah half of my time is spend wondering how to get out of all this I don't buy the tablets don't read them I don't want to know anything about them anymore okay magazine Hello magazine all of them bastards at them [ __ ] stupid Cy magazines celebrities are hardly ever alone there's always someone on the payel helping to organize things life for example Robbie's Little Helpers include David enoven his manager and Josie Cliff his personal assistant my job it's basically to manage Rob's diary record company commitments his personal commitment so then go to Paris for a day to do the TV in and out on private plane you still want to go in a plane or do you want to go in a helicopter you said no to helicopter no to helicopter and it's a question of making sure that on a week by week basis everyone gets what they want then my sister's birthday there will you go up I might do I don't know there's a fine line between getting on with someone and still doing your job although we're friendly and we are friends you can't you there's always the underlying reason of why you're there and that's because I'm paid to be there and I'm paid to do the job I do but you can never relax too much and think oh this is just a great job and we're mates and I'm hanging out with Robbie Williams because it's not like that because if you think like that then all your plan and your organizational for by the way side something will go wrong and you'll be out on your ear he says his teeth are hurting you have to make a mental note make sure you go to the dentist before we go away again if he wants a housekeeper you interview a housekeeper find them for him the security people we found make sure there's food in his fridge you know just absolutely every element absolutely everything is part of keeping him happy and if he's happy he's working and if he's working the record company happy so you know it's the nature of the business the business being to sell as many records as possible for Robbie's label Emi and I'm very very happy to present you with the first gold record from AER it took quite some while I hope you excuse that it took long at the last count he'd sold 20 million records worldwide which means a lot of people make a good living out of Robbie it's in all their interest that he remains a sober and hardworking pop star they're so [ __ ] great Spain gold Sweden gold Canada gold Hong Kong gold New Zealand Plum times 5 more Rec more more sheep than record do you know what today I really don't feel like a drink I I really don't feel like I could put any cocaine up my nose take any ease or smoke any weed you know I don't want to thankfully you know the compulsion has been removed or the obsession to do all that sort of stuff has been removed today it might be back tomorrow it's stuff like this that makes me drink you know it's stuff like getting off stage and going well I hated that I'm going to drink myself into Oblivion or spend all night up snotting cocaine and then I've got another show tomorrow and you know that whole thing again you know have to keep doing that keep doing that keep doing that it isn't you're right now and if I look at it right now I've got nothing to worry about just dreading getting on stage this evening it's a beautiful day don't let it away it has to be somewhere some part of it that he likes de even though it might be really deep down a locked locked in there you know in a sort of subconscious the way that he's so at ease when he's on stage you've got to think that there's little something in there that's actually having a good time but I know that he does really struggle with it as well and he finds it very difficult and um and so you know I believe him when he says that he that he doesn't like it we got to rock this one to the left to the right 1 2 3 4 we got Stars Direct in our and we're pray it's not too late for some say that we are fors but we've been piing money since the day that we were born got to slow down weow down circles live a life of find ourselves a partner someone to relate to then we slow down we fall down aha we got stars and it's not too late cuz we know we're falling for bra I always felt like the other one out I wanted everybody to like I found that before I could walk I could dance we C and then before I could talk I could sing quite literally you know I wasn't got any better in um but I found that if I did that people smiled and people paid me attention you know and um it also brought a lot of jealousy as well because I could do that and not a lot of other kids could you know be clapped go you than you I enough you think you're up I got taught at an early age if you open the door for people and let ladies through and you say thank you and please it's good manners I sort of carried that on until now trying to be as well mannered as I can be under an over a lot of pressure from a lot of EX come too late I have to think that we were about to get up see the who made my eyes and when we come we always come too late I to think the way we too late get up going going push him up push him up push him up I haven't doubted roby's unhappiness in stockh and to be honest I expected more of the same in Copenhagen but 10,000 screaming blond women seems to have put some lead back in his pencil that was Ace that was really really Ace Ace Ace Ace the ace the audience [ __ ] hates being a pop star no other better job and you know what if a few Paparazzi take your picture so [ __ ] watch you know what I mean what's wrong with that there's nothing wrong with that if you can get on stage and enjoy something like that I was on stage I'm saying [ __ ] H going have to enjoy it now that was amazing [ __ ] amazing I I'm Ace don't tell anyone though how was that it's it's all to do with the crowd cuz Sweden was [ __ ] we had this problem before yes you know once like the crowd getting into gear and you're off you could [ __ ] on stage and they'd [ __ ] love it cross schlongs rock and roll mythology is all about excess and like most people I'd always assumed that being on tour meant leaving behind a trail of vomit in a series of wrecked hotel rooms the know Classic live from Alum on channel five but since he gave up the drink Robbie's got a new kind of recreation the Inner Circle drink mineral water and spend hours playing cards oh he's laid down his seven classic Uno Uno come on somebody go out I don't know what it's called Robb is a multi-million pound business jointly managed by two Veterans of the music industry the Unseen Tim Clark puts deals together and plans R his future with his friend David enoven while Tim's back in the office David goes on the road with Robbie and offers 24 hour support oh yeah oh yeah last night I thought it was going to be difficult and it was a fantastic evening really good evening so yeah I'm happy with it really happy with it and the record's selling well so from all of that point of view it's great and Robert enjoyed himself last night so came off show with great great game baby I'm crazy baby I'm baby I'm my's chea he's a special human being and his ability to show emotion really really touches me it's been a privilege to be part of the sort of nurturing him I suppose it's the best way know the real we haven't really seen the real Rob yet he is emerging and that's what for me is really exciting you know it just started he's 27 years old for God's sake it's it's nothing this could have easily being Rob's last tour he just started into stopping drinking again and was very frightened and didn't know whether you could perform again I have to say if at any time um he and I on a personal level sat down and he actually said to me there I cannot do this anymore I want to stop this we have to stop it it would stop I mean I'm not going to allow allow the boy to be crucified just for the sake of you know making money it like most celebrities Robbie has to buy security he's protected 24 hours a day by a team of EX soldiers all his movement planned with military prision and when he wanted a game of football in Hamburg two members of the team had to do a Wy actually today to uh look prior to robbing everybody else coming to the sports ground to make sure that all the facilities here are are safe and that we know exactly where everything is should we have an injury should there be press should there be fans or any threat to Rob and any other party uh we've moved from the hotel um along the road the main road there are two routes two main routes there and we've timed the journey so that we know uh roughly how long it's going to take what route to take a secondary route as well should we need to move off of that for whatever reason we've got here now uh we obviously we've got the address so we know where we are we're now going to have a look in do a complete 360° look around the area where we're going to be so we know how many exits are in how many exits are out how many buildings are there what facilities the buildings have if there is a manager or groundsman uh where the phone point is what medical facilities they have the efforts worth it in the end because then for instance I'm looking around now I can see for examp example a camera crew photographers or anything like that can easily walk up there take pictures uh it's easy access for the public um but at least we're in a secure enough environment how much distance between the fence and the Hedge over there the the Hedge is right up against the fence but it's you can see right through the the Hedge and then through the fence and stuff like that it's going to be no problem at all for them with a long lens they won't even need a long lens our priority is to protect the the client our job is prevention rather than cure if we're reacting to a situation then to a certain extent we fail because we're not preempting it and we haven't done our background job that's the difference between what we do and and and being a bodyguard and if if the worst came to the worst we had to throw ourselves then we'd have to but uh the situation would be dealt with despite the elaborate security Arrangements Robbie decides he'd quite like the German press to watch him play football I'm not a learner agent you know I'm not the great mind when I learn what my mind is for or what I'm great at then I'm going to be brilliant at it but when I think about politics disease War famine literature poetry um the Arts this big I got no opinion I don't know what to say I was asked to do a review of some records once and I can't review [ __ ] halfway through it I got up and just walked out cuz I was [ __ ] myself that much cuz I didn't have an opinion about anything and I gave a rock and roll of excuse that I was out late last night and I feel a bit sick I'm going [ __ ] home you know but really inside I was just petrified because there were going to find me out of some charlatan that doesn't know anything about music or doesn't have an opinion about music [ __ ] basically I that wrapped up in myself the only opinion I have about anything is about me and it's a [ __ ] terrible opinion the grades that I give myself throughout the day for doing this interview for getting on stage to talking to you to talking to Jos who to talking to that girl last night to talking they're all below average way way below average could do better doesn't mix well with others what are you going doing tonight in ham any plans I'm going to go and have sex with a prostitute I think okay and then uh probably skill some drugs probably some smack and some uh I get myself some method down have some whiskey really easy night in getting ready for tomorrow night what do you think about the weather thank you very much doesn't every band have this yeah the average price of a ticket to a Robbie Williams concert is £30 multiply that by 10,000 people a night and you need well a nerdy guy someone like Tom goet my job on the tour is basically uh I'm the money babysitter these tours make a lot of money they take in a lot of money and they spend a lot of money and my job is to be on site and make sure it doesn't get out of control on the spending side and make sure that we're not being stolen from from on the income side it is a legitimate business that we're in and I think if you had a business that was grossing a few million pounds a week easily you'd want somebody there to make sure that it's being taken care of and being watched over I kind of get off on the responsibility of that but when I look at someone like Andy Franks who has to manage all these people who are forgetting things and he's arranging travel and he has to do so many of these people details in there I just thank God at the end of the day I can put the computer away I can put the money in a safe and know that I'm going to probably make it through the night without anyone calling me you've got um you got 25 minutes I am sweating cuz it's hot in here but do mind they are naked and they leave the door open you know pervert wish that had a different title for my job because everybody thinks I'm they automatically think oh the accountant the nerdy guy at the tour but uh no it's not it's not terribly rock and roll but you know when it boils down to it most of these people are out here to make money Fu [ __ ] I [ __ ] [ __ ] I [ __ ] I [ __ ] I [ __ ] I [ __ ] I [ __ ] I [ __ ] I [ __ ] I [ __ ] ladies gentlemen as it happens I've never slept with a man I've never done anything with a man you know the thought has passed my mind but it always stops at his bits got one just like mine mine's horrible you know so you try everything once in live I'm not discounting it but um it hasn't appealed enough for me to do it yet so if you want to come a make in your hands if you're willing to change the world let love me your energy I see how I when your love sh down on you for World be I can't when your love sh down I decided last night that [ __ ] all this being Ace and being nice and spiritual and all that business I'm 27 and it's not it's not against have a shag so I did and she was an absolute Nutter she yeah was it that one sitting in the bar yeah nice to me bless her she wanted me to be her boyfriend and it's funny cuz the madness that was going through her head I'm like you you know I'm not after a girlfriend don't you no you after a boyfriend yes me why not oh you you don't want a girlfriend especially you you Nutter I didn't say that though and um anyway it's it's Madness that I'm quite attracted to hello everybody sorry sorry you see the wind you died you'd walk with me every day and I'll begin to cry and say please don't that way let me just go off after take care of me what's the bit about name I don't know don't know the chorus yet but you think that's good enough the first see I've just started playing the guitar I was trying to learn Norwegian Wood the other night and it just came out as which is not a Norwegian Wood obviously but it just sounds really nice and it's weird what you what you find when you're um mocking about and um I come up with me first song this is the first real one that I've done that I've written the music to and the work was it's about my nan my nan used to say to me all the time cuz she used to she'd wrap me up in Cotton wool if she could do she couldn't bear me to be out of her sight and couldn't bear me to be playing with the big boys or doing anything dangerous or you know you you going to kill yourself on that bike you know and uh she used to say that she um would come back and look after me when she passed away and um she died a couple of years ago and um I I just missed the whole event you know I just missed it CU it's too much to take on board she was the most amazing woman that killed me with love she got that much love for me when you go through puberty and you know and you're going through that awkward stage and you're resentful and you don't know what you're resentful of you take it out the ones you love you know and I was angry with my n because I could be you know I've really feel her about these last month or so feel her with me you know I just think that it's be fitting that my first song should be about her Liv in heaven but I know they let you out to take care of me and B me the same the whole world knows my name and today would be a wonderful day if I didn't have to get on stage so I haven't a I haven't got the energy B I haven't got the inclination and um we got a three Runner tonight tomorrow night and the night after I'm just [ __ ] I'm I'm in no shape to be getting stage for you and I think got forgot the words but nobody really cares yeah I like to sleep beneath the tree out the universe of w with be it's always been a battle draging myself getting myself on stage and getting through it I know that [ __ ] dreaded fear of they're all going to get bored and then I just shut off do and the energy coming just bouncing off me I don't feel the energy tonight AP from the last couple of songs where they seem to really enjoy themselves I know I just got sad on stage for some reason I got really really sad but carried it off with a plum what a holiday nothing funny left to say sorry I'm really sorry I forgot the second verse the whole words I am shisa yeah yeah yes Rob probie is shy sir I feel deflated now might feel a bit Shad but um I just want to hide you know what I mean want to get in me room and hide that's no good for me so if I go in there alone I need an adult to come with me by the time we reached dust door I thought that everyone was pretty relaxed about having us around but Marv the security guy had a p Lan response to camera I hope you your great so um that was how not to come into a hotel we arrived this morning Rob arrived this afternoon and uh over here there the general manager he's still lurking around have a look behind crummy have a look we just have a look The General and uh he's finally got on film which I think is the only thing he's been interested in um but when the artists arrive at the hotel it's not a good idea for all you budding Hotel managers out there to walk up to him and say do you mind if we do some photos with all these press pigs that are hanging around outside cuz now our artist doesn't want to stay in the hotel which isn't a good sign for us but there is nowhere else to stay so he's going to have to sorry Rob see you later me and my little friend say hello to my little friends that's eight there David [ __ ] what you got T in there blood bloody hell bloody hell what ridiculous car has just been getting what what how much money take taking off here at bat gam David is about 59 quid he kills me at bat gam the only time I can get him at bat gam I can get a pretty girl sitting behind me and he loses his concentration there was that night I was 6 nil up and we were satting the mcer hotel in New York and gwenneth palro walked in and I lost 10 six honestly she just sat across there and I was giving it Uno 20 6 7 36 43 so the crisis the crisis was that um oh steady on leader coming no C No cameras please while the leader's coming hey this is my interview are you doing an interview no not exactly an interview I'm just explaining what no I'll I'll shine come on then explain what we're doing that's not what we're doing I was just saying that I just went out to the side of the stage my first chance to have a little look and um there's four BLS five BLS dressed in black and white cow coats with cowboy hats with some [ __ ] tossa with a video camera saying yeah yeah it's all it's okay we told everybody it's fine we're coming in we're only filming here and they're trying to film the gig so I just told them they're not allowed to do it no it's okay we've spoke to the management I did I not tell you about the BL and the cow outfits are they're all right to film the game that's my mate cowy and his get the guys with the cow outfits back yeah they're okay I think they're trying to milk it they call the other one move on please so St It Stop So anyway so uh they're not here anymore I got to come back if you that was ever so good Alvis grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference that please let's walk that walk walk this way this way I I've been here before and I I last time I was here I what we say my love it's my only desire fire cuz I need give me a cause I'm much better now since what love me I need to rest in arm keep me set from pouring rain give me in the Su Lord I feel the cold feel I'm getting old on my time cuz my soul heals the shame I will grow through this pain did you know this one very good easy when I left take that I was a fully blown alcoholic I was a fully blown drug addict I couldn't go to rehearsals without drinking a bottle of vodka I couldn't leave rehearsals without going and drinking myself stupid each night and then when I left stroke sacked whatever however you see it I didn't know what to do with myself all I can to be I had or I believed I had no other function to being and take that and I wouldn't know or didn't think I had the wherewith all to go out and to carve any career for myself all I had was an ego some money Bott of booze and dealers telephone numbers the amount of drugs that I were taking you just want to eat Comfort foods and I put on about three Stone and I was sweaty all the time and I was unshaven I was miserable I didn't know my eyes for my elbow that year was a pitiful Year my mom used to come down from sto onent to come and see if I was all right and she used to bang on the door and I wouldn't let her in because I didn't want to see her I couldn't face her cuz it'll be off my face and um when we did inevitably meet up it was always everyy tears and everyy crying and me being remorseful and sorry and full of Shame and what's happened to a beautiful baby boy you know and that was when I got together with Dave and Tim you know they saw something in me that I didn't at the time believed in me we' obviously read a lot about him in newspapers and this and that I didn't really know quite what to expect and um in came this guy you had a lot of Charisma very he was very overweight very unhappy sweating and um I kind of um figured I don't know I just figured he was pretty unhappy and looked like a trapped animal trapped in his trapped in his skin really and not knowing where to go Dave's been sober 15 years and I didn't know anything about AA na being clean being sober or wanting to sort your problems out you know I didn't have any problems at the time CU I got cocaine as a person I just felt a huge amount of empathy for what he was going through um you know he'd been very successful and he' blown his life up and I'd done exactly the same you know 15 years before um be very successful and blown my life up you know and it's not a not a pleasant place to be basically when you're in the midst of the explosion as I normally did I go on these Benders and then at 7:00 in the morning I used to get the earliest train still awake and go up to St got Dr to see my mom I used to you know used to knock myself out with a sleeping pill and four can of ler and arrive at the end of the other you know the train station with one shoe off one she on shirt ripped I us to go pass out at me mom's until I was was physically capable to go back to London and do it all again David came up one of those days he followed me up on a train a few hours later and he bought up um this package for a treatment center and laid it on the table in the dinner room and I looked at it and was that scared and that freaked out by the whole thing and I grabbed mom I looked her in the eye and I went mom I'm going to go rehab and um she cried and I cried I made a decision to go he the shame I will grow through this pain Lord I'm doing all I can to be a better man despite Robbie's loveh relationship with his job the tour was going very well every venue was sold out the Europeans were enthusiastic the momentum was halted temporarily as Robbie had to return to London for a few days okay so Robbie's rich and famous but he still has to do furly nor things when his home in London you're never likely to see in King at Ikea but being a pop star doesn't mean you can't go out and buy a selfa a comped of course by security guard and personal assistant good tomorrow sir hello oh look at this one Rob hello hi mate yeah did you withheld your number uh exactly that one sitting on a s I'm just in a I'm in a s place and SL I don't think it's Le what is that actually suede or is that yeah that's come pick you up if you want this is nice does this badly though right it's quite nice Rob nice but that's that Fabric's nice and if you just is this a Pham cushion you just want to fall you just want to fall into it want to go and this is the one you can make in a nail shape you can cut any size you want we can do everything any size you want but that's the biggest one are they 10 weeks weeks for special order what about for Ultra special order Ultra specially quickly well maybe 10 that's over 3 months isn't it you can go to IKEA now B if you want no something like that you want isn't it yep exactly like that choice made brilliant brilliant really nice rug very comfortable went the dentist the next day day and it's this dentist that she's insistent on filling me up for the drugs lashings of nitrous oxygen and adrenaline shot and I said look to I said don't give me that nitrogen because it doesn't suit me and she went BOS well we'll give you a lower dosage and I thought well should I have it cuz if I don't have it I'm going to and anyway I went under and she's got this Orchestra move music going on the back like K and Barra but something else as Lush as that and is big and as I'm going under the strings are going and she's in me mouth and I'm looking out and I'm looking up at this white wall and it's all going nice shapes and God your assistant's gorgeous oh if you got your tits on my shoulder you have yeah that's nice and um and I'm thinking oh I shouldn't be going this is mood altering substance this is a mood altering substance I can't have this and there half of me going take the nitrogen mask off and the other half of me going where can I score a bottle of that stuff from its Ace so you won't see him at Ikea and you won't see him either taking a pack of old clothes to his local ockam shop pop starles are different they don't throw their old stuff out they invite people to bid for it lot two a number one football shirt 950 1,000 is that all for this lovely thing to it's like a b sold pd2 the reason why I do charity work is because it feels natural and I want to do it and there is an element of look I'm being a good lb as well the old charity made you're doing a lot of work for charity and um I cannot not do it I cannot not do it Lot 12 Robbie's lunchbox I'm going to start bidding on this one at2 you know I was reading journalists attacking celebrities for doing charity work it it appalls me the way that people do get attacked because say for example if they were doing it for their own back if they were doing it for their own ends if they were doing it for look at me look how great I am so [ __ ] what so [ __ ] [ __ ] W they're [ __ ] doing it which is more than them miserable journalists bastards that [ __ ] criticize doing whatever you've done [ __ ] lately you do you know what I mean though you sit there you [ __ ] criticize people for doing charity work what the [ __ ] have you put back recently wankers ask yourself that [ __ ] off the auction of Robbie memorabilia raised almost a quarter of a million pounds including 27,000 which an Enthusiast paid for the handwritten lyrics to Angels thanks aot back on T in Germany Robbie and the rest of us were sharing Hotel space with the German Chancellor GH Shredder so you happy with the recommendations no I'm not obviously what's happened is um the prime minister of Germany staying here and he's got the room that I obviously wanted and um I'm come is frany out there yeah frany can you come in and in can you come can you come in and in sorry look right you see I've got me coat on what's up you see I've got me coat on I've had me I've had me coat on now for 20 minutes to tell you why I've had me coat on cuz I'm not [ __ ] staying here why you see this table yeah see this table on me measurements how high have he got to be what he said two foot yeah well look at that look at that look at that I'm going to bend over one of these times while I'm here put me back outs and who's going to sing then who who's going to sing then look at this fire fire in here fire in here oh I'm a burning my hands now I'm a burning me hands no I'm not burning hands I tell you why I'm not burning me hands cold strike sir well it's not [ __ ] go we're in stuck guard go somewhere near stuck guard and get some coal proper coal watch this oh it's a wa oh it's a wafter it's a LOF wafter it's a Loof wafter it's not wating [ __ ] anything because there's no coal in it Anyway come in call this a bathroom call this a b it's a [ __ ] Bean day look at that look at that Mr Williams Mr Williams can we wash your bits Mr Williams wash bit man wash your bits yes we can we can wash your bits Mr Williams that's about [ __ ] all we can do if I about five birds in here they're not going to get in look look at where these chairs are from World of boredom world of boredom look look you sit down you go they're the wrong way around sir that's why well well let's move them see if it's any better okay see if it's any better right there oh yeah see now oh it's made it much better actually I quite quite like it here let's put them back there in case anybody notices yeah i s of pulled a girl in Hamburg she was lovely she was just on planet wherever Planet she was from planet fan apparently she came up in the Liv in she said so Robbie was impressed with me that is why I'm going to his room there was a part of me that didn't want to do it and then there was a part of me that did and my brain and my balls are like a war in faction do you know what I mean they really are no yes no yes no yes no yes oh [ __ ] it all right then so I said to I said I'm going to bed do you want to come and she went yeah I went huh yeah oh oh oh all right then so went to bed and believe it or believe not we didn't have sex we went to sleep kissed did whatever woke up the next day I woke up oh what do I do now I went into the other room packed thinking oh boy come and get me back so I can go there's a girl in my bed and I went back into the room to say goodbye I said I'm going now and she turned to me and we'd hardly spoke all night sent to me and she went Robbie what about us stop today all the L hearts in London go a plane and F away and all the best women are married all the handsome men are gay you feel the Bri are youing your size is everybody okay am I'm not going to let any [ __ ] get on this stage and stop you you having a good time let's go come on get everybody in your room so I got pushed off stage it's okay don't know whether Laugh Smile cry get angry or get sad what I don't want you is you not get sad it's okay I fell off and I bang me kn and it's all right and we got to the end of the show and it was a Nutter and I don't know what happened there you know what I mean I really don't know what happened there whether I offended him with my liamis or whether I've shagged his girlfriend or something all manner of things gam through had when I was on stage but it's okay and I don't want the vibe to be down because I can [ __ ] milk that [ __ ] pity for [ __ ] however long you want me to do you know what I mean I thought somebody pushed me off stage it's okay all right okay cool thank the guy had come through come past the guy on the uh on the on the barrier passed on the stairs that is the stairs the entry and exit point for why why didn't the GU stop him on the stairs going up or anything he's gone past him and then gone past the guy at the bottom of the stairs it did happen really quick but you know that's the point of having insecurity that's the [ __ ] point of having him there I'm so [ __ ] angry it's like it's mad it's mad that that could happen I spoke to the police holding him in custody do you know what he's do you know what he's saying he's saying well it's not Robbie Williams it's somebody else this is not Robbie Williams it's a copy it's not the doctor that's why took him so long to come down he said this guy is mad yeah I'm was so lucky that I landed on someone's head I did I'm UNS skyed I'm on you know my knees bit bruised and my arm hurts a little bit and I got back up on stage and I finished the gig I'm not saying in the [ __ ] true uh Showtime adage of the show must go on but um I couldn't you know I couldn't let him ruin the show for everybody else that was out there cuz in the past somebody you know I've had stuff thrown at me like bottles of hit me in the head and stuff like that and I've just walked off stage and I've not come back on but I didn't that time I stayed on till the end I don't know man it just throws loads of things like is this [ __ ] worth it he could have had a knife then could have had anything I don't want to mope into the self pity of it all or but I'm genuinely scared genuinely scared and it's not just tonight I'm scared do you know what I mean it's huge percentage of my days I'm really [ __ ] scared being physically attacked is definitely on the dam side of celebrity life but by the next morning Robbie seems to be in reasonable Spirits with the break in the schedule he decided to go off and have some fun how did you recogniz have I been recognized here yeah on the slops it's not a question of um what's it like not being recognized cuz you don't I've been on the slope me goggles on on my h I've been in a house that I've been really enjoying her I have no intention whatsoever of going into town and being with a lot of pissed skiers SK going to do a lot of that and I'm really content here I just never really think that oh I've not been stared at a go last day you just find yourself walking down the street at some point you go why do I feel all right yeah because I've been consistently not GED out for a few days so you know she's Tak never show I never these are strange days we're living in today I I I I I hope I live to receive TR I hope I before I tonight I'm going to live to take so come on r i I hope I'm all the far all the I die die die die die all the who's dead who's dead who's dead who's de the incident in stutgart have been traumatic for Robbie and to some extent for everyone else on the team security had been beefed up in Paris but there was still some tension in the air just want to tr you rob with your uh all stage at all apprehensive what about after the other night I've not even thought about it tell you the truth though there 10 minutes to go on and I don't know when I'm sat in the chair to go up through the middle of the uh stage then maybe I might have a momentary lapse in confidence but as it happens I'm okay I'm all right there's an amazing lesson in uh acceptance and tolerance actually through the night and I'm okay you know I still don't know whether I want to do it anymore for a living you know no I I'm not apprehensive up until you asked me and now I feel it's hard you know nervous but it'll be cool I've got a lot of soft heads to land on anyway so the curtain doesn't come down the music's starting we're setting up there going curtain curtain nothing then the curtain does come down 10,000 people go [ __ ] ape [ __ ] and the platform just goes no [ __ ] off not moving half the people were going but uh where is the band what is going on there is by clearly nothing on the stage I'm very sorry about this we'll get this moving as quickly as possible thank you then the house lights go up they put on a nice little bit of dinner Jazz bit of Rene and rata I think it was and um and then they lowered us down for the house lights up and that was probably the biggest [ __ ] up no to man you seen spinal T well that's 10 times better you know you got to laugh otherwise you're going to bloody cry so much for the [ __ ] big intro folks let's be room you ready oh slow where you are don't next I've been dropping beat since back in now we by till scks don't minding it for the kids come I'm going to get my it's going to off my I'm going to give it my it's going to off going all all going all from I didn't so you can't just I'm a feel the heart around I see oh yeah oh oh oh oh you know from the beginning of this tour I've never enjoyed touring before I don't want this St to stop the 79 nice things happening to me though and I just failed to see them for so long I've had my head stuck firmly up my ass no [ __ ] you know it's miserable it's self-pity it's this that the other look at all these people how they want sub Toby self-pity self-pity self-pity you know and I just failed to see all the great bits about my life and uh there are so many and I feel so sick that I haven't seen it before I'm on stage going I'm Ace and there's 13,000 people going we agree what's better than that first time I met Robbie he told me how much he hated going on tour the film could have been called something like The Reluctant pot star an examination of how celebrity and wealth don't necessarily make you happy then he started enjoying himself and obviously we needed a different title he might well become nobody someday but with one gig left in Rotterdam he started to get some job satisfaction AC theage to change I can and the wisd to know the differ W if you're not with the man kick it can I kick it can I kick it me with the FL show KCK it with your too boys getting high and the girls even more so bave your hands if you're not with a man I get yes you can well I got you got we got everybody I got the gift going to stick it in the time to move your body bab back in business can I get a witness every girl every man your he me gra you feel meiss to I don't want to R DJ but make it that feel so nice when call a sty DJ keep me up all break it down singing in the glasses give no head no back iig I'll be polite but when I rock the my got right you got no love then you with the wrong man it's time to move your body if you can't get a butt but your best friend can't Tove your body now I don't want to be baby just tear got you ster you he choking you feelion I don't want to DJ D but makeing me feel so when it going to stop I make stj on most of and nowy but if you're standing here it's all right I don't want TJ we're [ __ ] great me w make it you now it's a difficult time for me as an alcoholic you know it's like there always a reward you reward for finishing the tour and doing well being a good little pop star you know now now is the time that I normally reward myself with about five grams of coke and as much booze as I can stuff down be G it you know and just have to remind myself that um I don't need to do that now you know because it's all going to kick off now it all kicks off around me so everybody that works for me now goes and gets pissed good luck to him I'll see him tomorrow with hovers I go back to the hotel have a cup of tea and play some Uno and that'll for me ladies and gentlemen you have been the best [ __ ] crowd I have ever had you the issue of being cool I'm just not I'm not I'm a pop star I'm not a rock star I think the worst thing that affects me is if anybody says I'm irrelevant I don't mind being on call at all I was going take that that's the band I was in I'm a pop star it's fine by me Sal in my my amazing
Channel: SuperBubbledream
Views: 184,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: robbie williams, documentary, nobody, someday, 2001, 2000, sing when you're winning, rock dj, docu, Documentary Film (TV Genre), tour, backstage, behind the scenes, making of, History, World, Live, concert, Television (Invention), Wonder, Reaction
Id: EPd_T3sU5qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 54sec (5694 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2013
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