Rob Peters - The Joy of Leadership - Philippians 2:19-30

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well let's take our Bibles and turn to the book of Philippians today I want to look at Philippians chapter 2 I didn't know that we were having 9 marks this weekend and I certainly didn't know that 9 marks was focusing on leadership but the Lord impressed upon my heart to look at Philippians chapter 2 verses 19 through 30 we'll make our way through as much of this passage as we can as we execute the passage understand what the Bible's teaching us and then we'll make a little bit of application that I hope would be practical for you one of the things I was thinking as I was putting my message together today was if I could go back 25 years ago and sit where you were sitting today what would I want to know and some of these things are related to leadership that I want to share with you Mark Twain wrote years ago few things are more annoying than a good example and I would say there are a few things that are more powerful than a good example and and I thank God in my own life that I had a wonderful example in pastors who led my churches that I attended I had dr. Jean Mims was my pastor growing up who later went to LifeWay and helped to lead that ministry and then when I went to Southwestern Seminary I worked at First Baptist Dallas and I got to see dr. Criswell and dr. Hawkins lead that ministry as I worked for dr. Hawkins during those seminary years all throughout my life and minister to this very day I have those that still mentor me in ministry and I look at them and realize boy I am still a work in progress and that God wants to grow and encourage me and he never stops in that journey as long as I am on this earth and I'm so thankful for those powerful examples that God has given to me probably the most powerful example of a person that God ever let me cross paths with was a man by the name of dr. John Stott now he's a generation gone by and many of you may or may not know of him but I was praying one day when I was a seminary student God would you cross my path with this man that has written such influential books as dr. staat has basic Christianity was one of those early books that I read in spiritual formation class that just really shaped my heart I I remember taking the book of Acts as a study in seminary and I read his acts commentary the spirit the church in the world and then of course the cross of Christ just a monumental work every Easter I reread the cross of Christ remembering what it is that Christ has done for me upon the cross and when I finally got to meet John and answer to prayer someone introduced me to him and began to build a relationship with him he began to give me some unusual access to him and it was just one of those answered prayers in life that is just such a sweet thing to have been able to have enjoyed to learn that he wrote more than 50 books never took a pound of profit from those books but he started the langham trust in order to give library resources to majority world pastors that he would go and preach in their pulpits in places you and I had never heard of there nowhere of prominence but that he recognized the impact of their ministry in those places I remember the last time that I walked into his flat francis whitehead his famed assistant answered the door walked me through the winding hallways sat me down in this study and honestly it was just surreal to sit again with dr. staat in his home to talk election propitiation post-modernism which was the project I was working on for a lecture I was doing somewhere and I was updating his work in my lecture he had written the idea that there was a mission that the church had in the modern world and I was trying to say what's the mission in the postmodern world how do we articulate that and he was helping me to shape and form my arguments and it was just a very surreal experience but while there I noticed something that in his study there was something that had never been there before it was a cot and there was a blanket in a pillow and I asked Tyler who now is serving the North America but I asked Tyler I said Tyler are you expecting guess what's going on here and he motioned me to the kitchen where he was putting the cups up from teatime and he said well dr. staat had just gotten back from Africa and he was so moved while there that he came home he sold his bed he gave the money to missions and he now slept in a cot where he found himself more restless through the night praying and interceding for people that he knew were on the majority world in the majority world context serving as pastors and missionaries and boy you talk about a humble man that just exemplified what Christ ministry and work was about and my heart was moved and and and I hope in some way I was transformed when I heard that dr. staat had died I made my way to college Church in Chicago where's North American funeral was held Tim Keller was doing the service da Carson was there Billy Graham representatives just friends from across the event a local Christianity all over North America were gathered there and I remember sitting there behind the front row just thank God thank you thank you for the privilege of this fine example you see there's nothing really more powerful than a wonderful example and you live and work and study among wonderful examples as I look at the roster of professors in leadership their mental capacities their spiritual experiences their heart for missions their exegetical understanding what what a treasure you have and I hope today you you really understand the treasure that you have I thank God for all of those examples in my life but there's a theme that runs across all of their lives certainly in dr. staat it was this idea that that he had a heart a heart for God a heart for people a heart for missions I understood that he was a man of unbelievable discipline he had habits that really challenged me study habits personal discipline habits sacrificial habits and certainly if there was anyone that was honorable it was dr. staat and I've seen that honorable nature and so many of the other leaders that I have had the privilege of interacting with over the years just stalwarts in the Christian faith and I think as we turn to Philippians chapter 2 Paul had these kinds of things in mind he certainly had spiritual leadership in mind he describes for us Timothy and ape afroditi s-- and in some ways he reveals his own heart by what he talks about that he sees in these young men and that he prioritizes for their ministry as he recognized he was sitting in a prison cell and could not go and lead these churches and minister to these people and so what he was doing was raising up leaders and sending them out and equipping them with what we have today is the Word of God is saying here are the priorities here's the plans these are the things that God wants you to do is your own mission for him and I would say to you that these words are incredibly relevant for us today because there is a desperate need for leadership it was Howard Hendricks at DTS that said to us often when we would go over and hear him preach at Dallas Theological Seminary that the greatest crisis in the world today is the crisis of leadership and the greatest crisis of leadership is a crisis of character but Christ sends forth his leaders filled with christ-like priorities and character out into the world to lead with clarity and conviction and listen the world needs leaders who are convicted and filled with Christ's likeness the church desperately needs leaders who have a clear direction who have God's vision who can organize and lead people to be on mission for God and certainly the communities that many of you serve like the community that I serve in there is just such great challenge in front of us where we need Christian leaders to step out of the context of the church and into the context of society and solve the problems of society with the answers that God gives us in his word and then of course very close to home for all of us or our families the Bible teaches us that we are to lead our families well for you husbands and fathers to have the courage and conviction to lead for mothers to lead with love and now hopefully you're already sitting there asking yourself then what is a Christian leader what exactly does that look like and I'll propose one definition and you certainly will have opportunity to explore this throughout the weekend with nine marks being here but I would say to you that a Christian leader is someone who is God called and God equipped someone who is a servant who uses their natural gifts and their spiritual gifts to move people on to God's agenda to move people in a god-given direction and this is brought out beginning in verse 19 of chapter 2 notice what the Bible says but I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you shortly so that I also may be encouraged when I learn of your condition for I have no one else of kindred spirit who will genuinely be concerned for your welfare for they all seek after their own interest not those of Christ Jesus but you know of his proven worth that he served with me in the furtherance of the gospel like a child serving his father therefore I hope to send him immediately as soon as I see how things go with me and I trust in the Lord that I myself also will be coming shortly now notice he shifts from Timothy to app afroditi snow tiss what he says about him in verse 25 but I thought it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus my brother and fellow worker and fellow soldier who is also your messenger and minister to my knee because he was longing for you all and was distressed because you had heard that he was sick for indeed he was sick to the point of death but God had mercy on him and not only him but also on me so that I would not have sorrow upon sorrow therefore I have sent him all the more eagerly so that when you see him again you may rejoice and I may be less concerned about you and notice how he says to receive this servant receive him then in the Lord with all joy and hold men like him in high regard because he came close to death for the work of Christ risking his life to complete that which was deficient in your service to me now what we've just read is a New Testament leadership ladder we have three men serving at three different levels on the early church's leadership ladder you have the Apostle Paul who is a kingdom leader sitting in jail writing the scriptures you have Timothy who was the understudy the pastor elder you have a path road itís the lay leader and of course it's so easy in the context of the story of Philippians to skip right over this passage of scripture for one of my favorite verses is in Philippians chapter 2 5 through 11 the incarnation of Christ the glory of the gospel what God has done to accomplish salvation through the death the burial the resurrection exaltation of Jesus Christ exactly the message dr. Aiken preached on the last time he was at Calvary this summer and then the personal appeal of Philippians chapter 3 I remember sitting in a seminary chapel service at Southwestern and hearing Philippians 3 preached for the first time and when I heard that Paul's longing was to know Christ it resonated in my heart but that was the biblical definition of what I was pursuing in my own personal journey but in between these two mountaintops Paul does not descend off the mountaintop he simply says if Christ is going to be exalted it's the glorious God who has descended to die on the cross and rise again and people are going to come to know Christ here's what it's going to take it's going to take spiritual leaders with passion and purpose to get behind the call of God to do the ministry that God has called them to and Paul outlines his thoughts around the heart the habits and the honor of a spiritual leader now look with me in verse 19 there's so much here I can't do justice to it all for in every verse there are monumental lessons on display if you will but spend time in this passage of screwed but look at the heart of a spiritual leader in verses 19 through 24 he describes Paul describes four burdens on the heart of a spiritual leader number one they're concerned for others spiritual leaders are concerned for others in verse 19 Paul reveals his plan to send Timothy back to Philip I because of his concern for them he says I hope that Timothy is able to encourage you but notice it's not Timothy that he has his hope in he has his hope in the Lord for God was working through Timothy's life that he was a man of God and just like Paul had sent Timothy to Corinth and just like he had sent Timothy to Thessalonica now he's sending Timothy to give the hope of God to the people of God in that church and he says in verse 19 the reason he wants to do this is he wants them to be encouraged now that's an unusual word used only here in the New Testaments the only time in the New Testament that word is used it's used in Greek days when the Greek language was commonly used was on Hellenistic gravestones it's the idea of may it be well with your soul I was seeing craving on the Hellenistic tombstones may it be well with your soul and Paul knew that this was the concern that Timothy had for those that he was preaching to and encouraging he knew that that he had a kindred spirit this was his concern and in verse 20 he says no one else is it's like this of kindred spirit no one else's same sould like I am I've trained Timothy he's well trained I've equipped Timothy he's well equipped he is a young spiritual leader he has been tested in Lystra he has been battle-hardened in corinth and now paul says this is my true child in the faith and he sends timothy because he was notice the words genuinely concerned for their soul the word genuinely is used positively here in the Bible most of the time it's used negatively Jesus uses it negatively when he says be anxious for nothing when he tells us to not worry about tomorrow but Paul uses it here positively to indicate an orientation towards others that he is concerned about the souls of others he he is sending Timothy back to check on the spiritual condition of the people and to encourage them spiritually and he says Timothy isn't gonna be worried about himself he's gonna be worried about others now listen students in our church culture today unfortunately there is a celebrity-driven culture it causes many to fall into a cult following of many Christian leaders and those Christian leaders are in it for fame for their own glory for their own advancement but faithful spiritual leaders do not lead out of vain concede or selfish ambition faithful spiritual leaders understand them that leadership is not about who they are but about how God desires to work through them and the lives of other people and the leader must be willing to lead at great cost to themselves and for the benefit of others you see leadership is not about privileges and opportunities it is about responsibility and faithfulness to the call of God in your life and Paul's varied life would be the illustration of this when he says it's his daily concern for the church that grinds against him he says shipwrecked me beat me stoned me leave me for dead Whitney but here's my great concern my great concern is for the church and listen faithful spiritual leaders share that concern for others notice what verse 21 says for there is a second burden on the heart of a spiritual leader spiritual leaders safeguard the interest of Jesus Christ seeking after the interest of Jesus Christ verse 21 says setae oh is the word we know it from Matthew 6:33 seek first the kingdom of God but here the Bible says that that Timothy is a man that is seeking first the interest of Jesus Christ Paul himself taught Timothy in first Timothy 1:14 to guard the treasure that has been entrusted to him guard the treasure for this is the Christ we preach we don't preach Christ like was said in Philippians chapter 1 verse 15 out of envy or out of strife no no that's not the motivation that's not the burden on the heart of a spiritual leader no we seek Christ we seek his glory we seek his interest and yet again today you would have to say that there are people in their ministries who seek glory for themselves they place their brand development alongside and perhaps even at times above God's when you say well I commit today to never do so but young friends let me tell you that the flesh is a deceitful foe and that selfish motives can easily worm their way into our own life and leadership and selfish ambition and vain conceit in a verse that God spoke to me very powerfully in those early days of my ministry these things do cause confusion and disorder and Distortion like James 3 says you see Paul says in no place where these preachers in Philippi heretical nor were they apostate but what they had become was selfish not spiritual and the leader must must guard their heart look at verse 22 there's a third burden on the heart of a spiritual leader a spiritual leader seeks to be reliable proven worth examined tested and the character is proven to be true you see spiritual leaders are examined and proven it was a few years earlier in Paul's Minister that he had lost a young man named John Mark who having said his hand to the plow turned back and obviously here Paul was describing Timothy as someone different for he had served in the toughest of places he had served in the worldly secular center of Corinth and he was called by Paul and first Corinthians 4:17 a faithful minister you see timid Timothy had been tested and tried and he was found to be true and you will be tested you will be tested in ministry and you will have to in those moments say he who is in me is greater than he was in the world in those moments say God I am going to be loyal and faithful to your calling and you will have to overcome disappointments and you will have to face discouragement and you will have to remain resilient and you'll have to deal with Church bullies and yet keep the love of God on the throne of your heart as you do so you'll have to face all kinds of distractions and yet remain incredibly focused upon what God has called you to in the Ministry of the local church or of global missions and in those moments it will be one of the most soul-searching one of the most revealing experiences that you ever have in your spiritual journey your heart your motives your priorities your struggles your issues your weaknesses your hidden sins will all show themselves in the church that you serve and if they're not manifest in the church they will certainly be manifest at your home where your children and your spouse see you on display there you see leading imperfect people on to the mission of God against the forces of this dark world will reveal your character and your competencies just as much as they will also reveal your struggles and your weaknesses and you will and those moments either come face to face with your weaknesses your knee to grow and you will be willing to humbly grow and mature or the people you were trying to lead will talk about you behind your back while your weaknesses hold you back and you will wonder why Paul is developing the burdens of a spiritual leader concern for others guarding the ministry entrusted to them reliability here's the 4th verse 22 also spiritual leaders advance the gospel for the furtherance of the gospel Paul says Paul was sending Timothy because he was a key leader in the strategic advancement of the gospel but he wasn't sending him immediately because Paul needed him where he was probably in Rome where Paul was in prison he needed him there for strategic purposes you see Paul was interested in the church in Philippi but what he was most interested in was the work of God's advance in the kingdom of God Paul himself hoped to come but until then he was going to send epaphroditus then sent him and they then go himself because his goal was not joy and comfort and ease and encouragement his first priority was the advancement of the gospel what is going to advance the kingdom of God in the way that God has designed it to advance so he sends Timothy in due time his spiritual son verse 22 says to advance the gospel concern for others safeguarding the gospel reliability the advance of the gospel here students are the burdens on the heart of a spiritual leader now Paul shifts his focus next he shifts his focus from Timothy to a pastor Titus he comes to verse 25 and he begins to talk about Epaphroditus and he talks about the habits that are part of the makeup and the leadership practice of this lay leader within the church he describes this in verse 25 is he calls him a brother of fellow work or a soldier a messenger and a minister to my knee so here this lay leader described in five words all in verse 25 in a very condensed way describes for us these habits of a spiritual leader notice each one of these my brother what's he saying what is the character trait of a brother well family loyalty is usually the highest trait he's saying that spiritual leaders are loyal a Delfin is the word it's a relationship word he's saying we're in the same spiritual family I have a living example of this in front of me in my home I have a 16 year old daughter who's driving for the first time I have a son who's 12 who loves to play with a six year old brother six year old brother one day will be much larger than my older son my middle son will be when they're full-grown but right now the 12 year old can manhandle pretty regularly my youngest son and one of my great joys one of my wife's great consternation is to watch the two boys on the trampoline in the backyard mimicking WWF wrestling moves as they body slam and headlock one another and I think the thing that I broke up last was but daddy John had me in a headlock and all I could do was bite him and kick him you know daddy in that special place and I said yes son I understand and I had to deal with brothers and discipline them but can I tell you when the neighborhood bully comes around what happens to those two brothers the bully picks on one of those boys and the other will fight to the death to rescue his brother you talk about a love and a loyalty there is an unbreakable loyalty there and Paul saying this young leader in the church is loyal like few others he has toiled beside me he has worked in the fields and he's worked with a love and he's worked with a faithfulness and a spirit leader has to know how to be loyal in that kind of way for we do play on the team it's called the family of God but there are some people in God's family who haven't learned yet how to play well with others but one of the things it's most important that God seems to uniquely bless and the plurality of leadership that he puts on display in the church is a good team chemistry where there is interdependence upon one another and you strive together towards similar goals look at the next word he's my fellow worker I would circle the work or part of that he emphasizes again the partnership that he has with this man but he is a worker the word he uses is that common laborer who is working with the Lord who's out in the Lord's harvest field they're working together they don't give up they don't give in that they labor beside one another that they don't take credit and give blame they honor those who are working beside them in the church and I want you to take special note that the Bible says that ministries work some people sit back and let ministry come to them and they are passive in the work of the ministry others go out and seek the ministry they make the most of every opportunity that God gives them they're out in the community and they labor tirelessly working working long working faithfully and this is what Paul commends if afroditi is for notice the next phrase spiritual leaders are courageous their soldier what's the primary characteristic of a soldier they're courageous it took courage for Epaphroditus to walk into that Roman prison it took courage for him to identify with the Apostle Paul it took courage for him to enter into the arena and it will take courage for you to serve faithfully in the places where the Lord sends you you see the spiritual leaders day will be filled with complexity and diversity and conflict and disappointment and competition and stress and management and communication and leadership and risk and all kinds of things that will come at you in that moment and you must not cower in those moments in fear you must hear the clarion call of God and have conviction in your heart to say this is the post upon which the Lord is stationed me and we'll be faithful there is it any wonder that Moses may be the greatest servant leader in the Old Testament is calling out to Joshua and the moment he passes the mantle of leadership to him and he says be strong and courageous and look carefully at how many times he says be strong and be courageous notice what he says next your messenger it's the word apostle the one who carries a message beep afroditi s-- had a special relationship to his home church they asked him to be the messenger and spiritual leaders are always messengers for we carry good news we are simply messengers and the good news must be quick upon our lips as we communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ or others but we also as leaders communicate regularly with others giving direction and organization to the Ministry of the church and the church must be able to do that from its leadership they must be able to communicate clearly with their members it builds trust like few other things ever do notice the final word spiritual leaders care it's the word we get liturgical out of he's the minister the one who cares that meets spiritual needs he was distressed about the people while he was dying himself in Rome but his concern was on others is that not the heart of Jesus Christ himself he cared for us i sat down with a well-known pastor over a decade ago in a restaurant spent two hours with him hearing his frustrations about the church that he led I shared with him the burdens of my heart and here's what he said to me he said Rob you have to get to a place where you just don't care anymore the saddest words I've ever heard I have a pastor's mouth see if you don't care go sell grave plots but when you care you care for God's message you care for God's name you care for God's ministry you care for God's people there is no task like the task God calls us to as he calls us into places of spiritual leadership in the world it is the single greatest privilege that you could possibly ever have to care for the body of Jesus Christ and this is the privilege that we have when we preach the gospel and take up the mantle of spiritual leadership so we must be loyal and hardworking and courageous we must communicate and we must care and God is with those who do now I'll leave you to yourself to study verses 28 through 30 he speaks of the honor of the spiritual leader he says receive the spiritual leader respect the spiritual leader and risk with the spiritual leader what I want to do is I close this simply give you a few practical tools and resources as I leave you this morning I want to say three things to you number one spiritual leadership is built on trust I'm gonna ask them to put a slide above that you can look at that I think in some ways unpacks how Trust is developed for a spiritual leader this is something I use with my staff and with churches that I work with is we're helping spiritual leadership to gain the buy-in of pastors who are seeking to serve faithfully it comes down to two things Trust is built on the back of character and competence under the category of character you have to recognize the heart's intent and the integrity of the person under intent are you caring are you humble are you open when it comes to integrity are you honest are you fair are you authentic but you understand this you deal with the character side of things you can't miss the competence side of things under competence there's this issue of capability and results capability do you have the skills and the knowledge the experience and friends that is a privilege that you have in this very day to grow in but also results Jesus calls us to be faithful stewards of what he entrusts to us what about your reputation and the reputation you give others about the god you serve credibility and even your performance of your duties are you the faithful servant who discharges your duties in a way that pleases your commanding officer Trust will lie at the heart of living out the burdens the calling and establishing the habits and ministry that will determine whether you're an honorable leader or not so much will rest upon the issue of trust the second thing that I want to leave you with today is this that spiritual leadership has developed one level at a time there's a leadership ladder that we use at our church that I teach to others that I share with others that we'll put up on the screen in front of you and it talks about how you lead yourself that's the first level of leadership how you lead others how you lead teams how you lead divisions hey leave the church and high Liddy lead in the kingdom there are a lot of people they want to jump right to the top of that list they never learned to lead themselves they never learned to lead others but they want to become a kingdom leader or a church leader in a moment but can I assure you there are no shortcuts in leadership development there's no shortcut in competency or in character this is one of those places where you get to touch every base and if you don't at some point you'll be called out you have to master all the skills you have to learn all the lessons because if you don't you'll frustrate yourself and you'll frustrate others around you and you'll struggle personally to to fulfill the duties that God has given to you you know the reality is this most pastors spend more time in a week executing scriptures for a sermon they preach then they'll spend time in a year thinking about the leadership that they give to a church and so the church remains where it is because a pastor hasn't spent time with God determining where it needs to go where they need to grow how they need to lead your president has written about this kind of leadership in a Bible Dictionary the bakers evangelical dictionary of biblical theology he's written an article on being an overseer and I've put a world word cloud together for you that kind of takes that word overseer at the center and then spreads around it the various roles that as an overseer you will be responsible for if you lead in a local church the idea of course comes to us from Peter Peter and first Peter 5 cap tur five verses one through three talks to us about being an elder a wise teacher he talks to us about being a shepherd a caring pastor and then he talks to us about being an overseer that administrator that leader that communicator that vision caster that organizer the one who is the steward proven faithful with what God has entrusted to him it is right that we consider the role of the overseer and it is right for a seminary to establish a leadership part of their school to say hey we want to produce spiritual leaders because much of the effectiveness of your ministry will land at the very feet of your leadership that you give in the ministries that you undertake here's the final thing that I'll share with you today a spiritual leadership requires a coherent plan for progress you see the people you will lead the people you will speak to the people you will teach the people you pastor looking for some handlebars to hang on to the things you're giving them which you try to give direction to the church and over the years of pastoring three churches I've discovered a little bit of a process it goes like this it begins with discovering there's a slide that goes with this discovering you always start with discovering listening listening looking learning looking deeply and carefully into the realities of the ministry what is God saying how is God at work beyond that the convergence where does God want the ministry to be based and usually it's at the convergence of a leaders passion a Church's calling and a community's need and there is a sweet space of ministry that God lets us serve from the pyramid says you simply frame up what you're doing to where you go and where are we going why are we going there how are we going to get there what does it look like when we get there these are questions the leader the the pastor especially and only can answer the path the key question is this will you have the Great Commission at the heart of it you better coming out of this seminary you better have evangelism and discipleship at the heart of it and that is the discipleship and evangelism pathway that has to be your heartbeat as you lead people the ladder you've seen it the leadership ladder and finally the launch to use all the tools that God has given you through all of your experiences to lead there's a man that I'm going to show you a picture of his name's Peter Olin oppo he's the general secretary of the Kenyan Baptist Convention he's a friend of this seminary dr. Ewart knows him well he was visiting with me the last time he was in the United States it was really fun because he shared with me and my son's fifth grade school classroom how to kill a lion now how many of you all have killed a lion before okay I don't see any hands in the room so Peter was telling us that he had killed two lions before and here's how you kill a lion you should have seen these fifth-grade boys in this classroom listening to this man at big 6-3 Masai tribe so you wear your sword across your chest you get a club in your hand and you you put it under the Lions throat you put a sword and a knife in your other hand and and and you put it on the Lions nose I said it sounds to me a little bit like Deacons meeting I got two of my deacons here and they're wonderful people and he said in that moment you must stand firm you must have courage in your heart and you must rely upon all of the training that you have you see there's a roaring lion out there that's seeking to destroy and God is calling you to be a spiritual leader who stands up and gives direction and follows the call of God the conviction of the Holy Spirit there are Lions to be slain but listen he who is in US is greater than he was in the world would you pray with me her father in heaven thank you for these challenges today from Paul's very pen as he was leading and training young men in the ministry what a privilege it is Lord to be called to this thing called ministry and today we pray as we recommit ourselves to this calling of Christian leadership to the character of Christ likeness to the care of your people into the courage that you want to put in our heart to follow hard after you god help each one of us to be faithful spiritual leaders it's in Jesus name we pray amen
Channel: Southeastern Seminary
Views: 1,024
Rating: 4.1999998 out of 5
Keywords: Southeastern, Baptist, Theological, Seminary, Chapel, Message, Jesus, Preaching, God, Book, North Carolina, Wake Forest, Gospel, False Teaching, False spirits, Spirit, Danny, expository, Great Commission, Truth, Grace, Love, Discerning, Training, Education
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 11sec (2471 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2017
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