PHILIPPIANS 2:19-24, Timothy, he too has the "Mind of Chris!" (Young folks can serve the Lord also)!

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philippians chapter 2 beginning at verse number 19. i started out calling our bible studies evening meditations and for half of you are better they are just that time to get into the word of god each evening but more and more of you listen or watch in the mornings what i'm leading up to saying i'm recording this on uh a morning a fall morning a beautiful fall morning here in tunnel hill georgia doesn't matter morning or evening the word of god is exhilarating challenging and inspired any time of the day or night we will look in this lesson a young man named timothy you don't normally associate timothy with the uh city of philippi or the book of philippians but he is integrally he is essentially involved he is fundamentally involved with that church and with that ministry uh these verses and again it's 19 verse 19 through verse 24 are going to emphasize this young man let me tell you what i think paul is doing let this mind be in you which was also in christ jesus have lowliness of mind as did our lord and then paul says i live by that code i'm trying to be humble as jesus humbled himself even to death for the sake of his father paul said i bumble myself in any day my head could be removed beheaded for the sake of the same lord god in heaven jesus died for souls paul is willing to die for all i'm saying let this mind be in you which was in christ jesus and paul said that's the mind i want that's the mind i have or strive to have now in tonight's paragraph paul says watch this i think it's beautiful and timothy young timothy has that mind also the mind of jesus paul said i want it i'm i'm working i'm striving to have it in timothy young timothy my preacher boy young timothy is doing the same and then in tomorrow night's lesson i'll declare we're going to find somebody else who is modeling living aspiring to the mind of christ philippians has got a lot to say about our mind about our thinking i doubt we'll live right if we don't think right might be something to ponder there paul in jail 800 plus miles away from the philippians and he writes these words verse 19. i trust in the lord jesus to send timothy shortly unto you timothy currently is with paul but timothy has been in philippi the philippians know him and love him and paul cannot be there pastor right now he is incarcerated he is imprisoned but timothy's not in jail paul can send timothy to love him to encourage them to be their pastor to help them grow towards spiritual maturity to help them work out the little bit of differences and divisions that apparently or in the church and to help them combat the false doctrine that if it is not already there it is on the way teachers who do not believe and about jesus to be the son of god i trust to send timothy shortly unto you that verb trust it it uses the verb el pizzo it it it is the word uh i hope i hope not a casual hope not a if things go lucky hope no no no i hope in the lord i i am trusting this is god's will i hope to send to mothers that's timothy his name means honoring god oh what a name honoring god well i'd like to live up to that name honoring god would you i'm going to send him to you shortly and then paul adds this that i also may be of good comfort when i know your state paul says boy i i i mean i have to declare it i hate to paul says i'm a little bit uneasy about you i i don't have complete peace there is a man who has come from philippi all the way to rome i mean over a month's journey his name is epaphroditus we will meet him quite soon and uh epaphroditus has told paul some things about the church good and bad he has mentioned the great strengths of the church and there were many and he's also mentioned some weaknesses of the church though they were few paul says i've got to send him i've got to hear i've got to know i got to know how you all are doing and i'm going to send timothy that i also that i also may be of good comfort when i know your estate when i know how you're doing the the words of good comfort you succeed it means well sold when my soul it is is at ease that y'all are doing all right jesus said the shepherd of the sheep he said a man that's a hireling he just watches the sheep for money jesus said when the wolf comes that man will run he he he will not subject himself to danger to protect his sheep he's out of there paul's not a hireling paul is a real shepherd he's a godly pastor he's got to know how his flock is doing and once he knows he said then my soul will be at peace my soul be that i may be of good comfort well sold s-o-u-l sold we generally teach that the soul involves your mind your will and your emotions paul's mind is a little bit uh it's just a little bit disturbed i got to know how they're doing timothy i've got to know if they're still growing in the lord his emotions and i don't want to use the word worry but he's he's anxious he's careful he in in that sense he can't get a full night's rape because until he knows how the philippians are faring how they're growing and progressing in the lord that i may be of good comfort when i know your state timothy will go timothy will preach to you then after a while timothy will come back and tell me how you're doing then i will know your state to know your state strange in greek that is simply a preposition p-e-r-i perry let me show you what it means that i will know how things are doing around you that i will know about are there any enemies around you have you all taken in into your fellowship people you should not have are you loving and in one mind and loneliness of my the things that concern you the things that are around you i gotta know i gotta know and then paul says something about timothy that ought to be a challenge to every christian listening everybody in class today for i have no man like-minded who will naturally care for your state i don't have anybody else i can sin who will so love you so nurture you and so care for the things it's perry again for the things that are around you in a spiritual sense to the glory of god i have no man like-minded paul said timothy and i are like-minded let me give you that word isos it is spelled i-s-o-s in greek iso iso means equal completely equal this is iso succos paul just said timothy is equal sold to me we're on the same wavelength we have the same goals and aspirations we share the same fears for y'all spiritually timothy's got my heart beat timothy knows my desires i have no man like-minded what a challenge you know what i would enjoy believing class that you all and this preacher are like-minded equal sold what in the world does that mean equal soul in our love for that book equal soul and dedication to the prayers we've been praying at the end of each class equal sold like-minded in wanting to finish the course without quitting without selling out the lord jesus christ paul said i don't have anybody else like-minded who will naturally genuinely with ease it is his disposition it is his it is his band in life it is his goal it is his desire to care for your state and think of that i've got nobody else i can sin like timothy there's pretty good reason to believe paul has others by him as he writes philippians there are other christians and some of them are great christians and uh and yet not putting down any of these people i don't have anybody like timothy i've got to word this carefully but i know the thought the lord just laid on my heart am i talking to a christian today who wants to excel in his faith ah let me word it let me try to word it but am i talking to somebody today who wants to be the best for jesus you possibly i'm not talking to anybody that spiritually wants to win a purple heart in this spiritual battle in which we are engaged i have no man like mine did paul one day said this i can't explain it but i know he said he said it in first corinthians 15 and he's talking about the disciples the 12 disciples he said i have labored more abundantly than they all and paul is not vain as he says it i have labored more abundantly than they are we're not in the contest don't don't miss ourselves i'd like to have it said about brother bagwell oh among god's people he sure was a hard worker i'd like to have it said about you class members oh she she sure excelled in her love for the bible he sure excelled in his prayer life and some of you do i've got nobody that no man like-minded it literally means it's ook heist not a one nobody like timothy who will naturally care for your state i want to illustrate i should have i should have made plans but um i i i didn't plan like i wanted to and like i should have i i will just do this i want to give you that word who will care for your state i want you to imagine that piece of paper is timothy's heart timothy's mind timothy's passion and his love for the philippians that well i don't have anybody that will naturally care for your state it is literally and i'm not stretching it is the would be the new testament word for worry i don't have anybody that'll worry for you worry about you like i do the naturally care for your state it comes from meridzo it is a group it means this and this is what worry does to your heart it'll tear off a little piece of your heart and throw it away when peter said be careful for nothing he uses this word this is what worry will do you'll be reading your bible in some little worry your fear will come and it'll tear that uh it just rips it just rips your heart to pieces it will demand paul says i've got nobody who will sacrifice their heart for you like timothy i've got nobody who will lay aside his supper who will forget his night's sleep i've got nobody who will labor uh 15 hours a day tirelessly nobody he's willing to be torn asunder for your sake that is really really good pastoring i've got nobody who'll care if you've got somebody who loves you if you've got somebody who cares for you i'm gonna put it this way if you've got somebody that worries about your spiritual growth yours but you are a very blessed individual a preacher my pastor does would you say hallelujah then well my sunday school teacher if i'm not there he or she will call and check them say glory to god that somebody cares for you that much and by the way in a in a sense we all have got somebody who cares for us his name is jesus he's our mediator he's our intercessor he is right now at the right oh i'm getting to feeling good he's at the right hand of the throne of god praying for you and praying for me that our faith will not fail that we will finish the course that we will that will not be tainted by the sin of the world and that we'll be drawn together in one mind and one of john 17. our lord lord's prayed that i don't have anybody who'll naturally care for you like timothy if you do you're blessed and we all as christians are blessed psalm 121 though israel will sleep though israel will slumber he that watches over israel will never slumber he will never i've got a savior who didn't sleep last night he watched over me he prayed for me he's loving me right now while i'm trying to teach this lesson verse 21 i don't have anybody that'll care for you like like timothy will for all seek their own and not the things that are jesus christ paul said i've seen a lot of workers for the lord lately and they're seeking their own things they're not seeking the things of christ oh what an indictment or what a shame paul wouldn't have said it were it not true and if you want to go back you can go back and watch the lesson if you go back in your mind to philippians 1 paul said i'm in jail he said there's a lot of preaching going on here in rome and i'm thankful for it but he said some are preaching christ of strife and envy in order to belittle me and to mock me and to make fun of me and then remember paul said i don't care i don't care that about christ is being preached hallelujah i'll rejoice and i'll glorify god in the paul said there are a lot of people seeking their own and not seeking the things of christ if i'm teaching this lesson today so that somebody will say oh wow oh wow oh wow what a teacher i'm seeking my own things but if i'm teaching this lesson so that we'll learn to know jesus better and love him more and worship him more diligently so that we'll fall down and say i want the mind you had in me i want to have lowliness of my if i'm doing it for jesus sake there will be reward hallelujah paul said i'm sending timothy he's unselfish i'm sending timothy he's got a humble mind he's got a submissive mind he's got an obedient mind he's got a mind that thinks right and uh he'll take care but i don't have anybody everybody is seeking their own their own reputation their own salary padding their own petting their own wallets if you oh what a verse all seek their own not the things that are of jesus christ reminds me i told you the other day about the preacher he's in heaven he said lord folks are talking about me because i love you folks are talking about me because i took a stand for you folks are talking about me because i preach that old book right there lord let's just do this i propose it let's see if you'll go along with let's trade reputations lord let them say anything about me they want to say lord you take care of my reputation you defend me i'm going to keep serving you you handle anything they say about and lord i'll take care of your i'll defend you i'll praise you i'll glorify you i'll rebuke anybody that blasphemes your name all seek their own not the things of christ's that old preacher was seeking the things of christ verse 22 still about timothy but you know the proof of timothy you know timothy you know the proof of timothy oh my for the third lesson in a row i'm about to say here here are paul and james on the same page yet again you know the proof of timothy y'all know about timothy say yeah we've heard of timothy well timothy has backed up his faith with w-o-r-k-s works you know the proof of timothy the word proof they're dokimos or it's the doki moss family it means uh having been put to the test and found to be genuine for those of you that take notes let me write that again you know the proof of timothy you've seen his life you've seen his works you've seen the fruit he's produced you know the proof dokimos having taken the test and passed it to the glory of god we've seen timothy under pressure and he didn't break we've seen timothy when he was when he was being threatened and he stood true to god we've seen timothy when he was lonely and yet he leaned on the holy spirit for communion and fellowship you know the proof you know the proof of timothy that as a son with the father he hath served with me in the gospel as a son with the father now timothy is not paul's literal physical bully for as we know paul had no children not a hint not a thread of evidence in scripture but timothy is his son i need an amen in the faith that means paul was instrumental i believe in winning timothy to christ and in that sense paul has become timothy's spiritual father uh let me let me read that again you know the proof of him you've seen that he's real and genuine like a son with the father and the word therefore son just a few seconds on it's technon and it means this a boy that needs to be shaped up every now and then a boy that will need some fine tuning a boy that will need the rough edges smoothed off it's not huios jesus is the whias of god the son of god he needs no fine tuning he needs no rough he has no rough edges technon timothy is a son to me i've taught him i've groomed him i've had to rebuke him a few times we've had to get on our knees and pray over some tough situation he is a son i am the father to the glory i i'm getting to be an older preacher now i've got some sons in the faith who are preaching standing in pulpits and and serving god and i love them and i appreciate them and and if i had to just lovingly and kindly say a word of correct i wouldn't hesitate a minute like a son to the by the way if you've got somebody that loves you enough to correct you you better not get mad about it you better not get all huffy you better not act like somebody's knocked a chip off you you better accept that discipline you better accept that instruction in a spirit of sweetness that's what you better do uh you know the proof of him like a son with his daddy he hath served with me in the gospel that's the due loss dulos is the noun that's the new lost verb like a slave he has served with me in the gospel timothy you remember those times we didn't have any food we went two or three days without idiot that slave slaves don't get food he has served with me and the god timothy remember that time we were threatening our lives and you had to stay up all one night and i'd stay up the next night because yeah yeah at slaves that uh uh freed men shouldn't live like that was like he has served with me in the god timothy timothy do you remember the times it was cold we didn't have a good enough jacket and at the time so they were yes yeah like a slave it's slaves that don't have enough clothing he has served with me he's gone through the hard time ought to be a servant of god i really believe based on the frequency of the word usage paul would rather be known as a servant of jesus a slave of jesus than even an apostle of the lord jesus though he was indeed a first class apostle of the he has served with me we all often think about christian service we think about elijah and elisha elijah and elisha and we think oh my oh elisha he got called and he cut loose preacher there is bible evidence that when elisha became elijah's servant all he did for the longest time it says king james he poured water on elijah's hand he washed his hands for him elijah's elisha bathed elijah's feet for him he cooked his supper for him over an open fire over charcoal he he he did lowly menial every day to and gradually he was promoted gradually he was promoted and one day the mantle fell on him in what a prophet what a preacher we start little and we grow bigger if you start big you'll end up you'll get humiliated you'll grow little if you start little that's the way it is with god he'll increase you he'll develop you he will grow you let me say one more thing about timothy can't you see how close paul is to timothy how how one-minded they are paul was paul was going to a city called lystra and he's only going first missionary journey he's only going there because he's been run out of every city he'd preach a person or two get saved they'd run him off the enemy the enemies of the god they'd run him out of town run him out and lystra they stoned him to death they stoned him to death picked up rocks and stoned him can you imagine the pain the bleeding the agony the bruises the swelling the scars stone it supposing he was dead god raised him up god got him up lystra he suffered relentlessly at lystra looked like lester was a total defeat and yet now i've got to tell you something guess where timothy's from guess where paul found in the city of lister here's my point and i've got to make it quickly time he suffered some of his greatest pain at lystra and god brought to him one of his greatest blessings out of lystra no pain no gain out of buffeting's they stoned him to death god can bring blessings here's timothy and he's saved and he's got a good reputation in the church that has formed at lystra and paul he'll be a tremendous helper to you the rest of your place of greatest pain became one of the places of greatest blessing god can turn your valley into a mountain peak god can turn your seeming defeat in the glorious victory what was it joseph said to his brothers y'all meant it for evil god turned it into good paul and timothy verse 23 him therefore i hope to send to you presently timothy will be it's 820 miles so that's pretty accurate from rome to philippi you figure 20 miles a day when you're walking it's over a month's journey well over i'm going to send him he had to be in pretty good shape to make the trip and i'm going to send him presently as soon as i shall see how it will go with me what does paul mean there as soon as i shall see how it will go with me paul said i'll be sending timothy it's quite soon i'll be sending him presently but my trial is at hand and i may have to wait to see what happens to me we learned last night paul is keenly aware they can put him to death they can behead him they would not stone him that you cannot stone to death a roman citizen not legally you you cannot burn at the stake a roman set to the form of capital punishment you cannot crucify roman citizen not legally but the way they executed their set beheading paul knows he could be headed any day we covered that last lesson but paul said i gotta wait i gotta see if they execute me i'll need timothy to bury my body if they execute me i'll need timothy to set some things in order here uh in rome before he can come but he's coming as soon as possible as soon as i find out how it will go with me but then look at our last verse look at verse 24 but i trust now he changes from the i hope verb to the i believe verb i think it's a fuller deeper verb i believe in the lord in god's time in god's way in god's will i believe i trust in the lord that i also myself shall come shortly let me tell you what paul just hoped for let me tell you what paul just tried he's trusting that he might be released from prison and paul says if i get out i'm coming to see you also but preacher bagwell you told us yesterday and you read it right off the lips of paul that uh that he felt like he was going to be poured out that he was going to die he is ready to die at any minute and he is in imminent danger of that very fact remember something paul wrote i believe it's first corinthians 15 i die daily i have no doubt paul was ready to die for jesus every morning the sun came up i die daily i know that can mean god herself but i think paul went further now i'm willing to die any day for jesus sake it'll be enough pouring out my lifeblood as an act of worship on the faith of the philippians you remember but now paul is a little more optimistic uh he's coming and i'll tell you what i'm sort of hoping i'm sort of trusting in the lord that i myself will be on the way to oh i see something i've got to close but i say something i'll share it with you very quickly every christian life to some degree you may not want to say amen is one of ups and downs our christian lives are a little bit like roller coasters and if you're in class today saying brother babe well i don't ever have any down times you just have a poor memory that's what you have you do have some discouraging times ups and downs ups and downs paul has had some down times in this jail i suspect i'll be dead tomorrow i suspect they'll come now he's got a little uptime i don't know then again god might intervene i might get out of here i might be set free and get to go and see your dear philippians oh i love you get to see you again if the apostle paul had ups and downs you can be sure mike bagwell's gonna have ups and downs but let me show you something this is beautiful we do have ups and downs in our christian life now watch my finger we do have ups and downs in our christian life everybody's got them you're just absolutely not being honest if you don't admit we have ups and downs and ups and downs but did you notice as i wiggled across the screen as i scrolled across the screen the ups and downs got higher and higher and higher and higher and higher and my downs now right here are higher than my ups were back here we have our ups and downs but it's on an upward incline it's on an upward uh upgradation we're having our ups and downs but we're growing in maturity we're growing in the lord as we do hallelujah i may i may be set free and i may get to see you real soon if we are reading the history books right paul was released from his first roman imprisonment he did get to go free probably saw the philippians but it wasn't long he's preaching everywhere preaching preaching preaching preaching preaching winning souls and eventually the long arm of rome arrest him again and then that time he's put in a dungeon and eventually decapitated murdered martyred beheaded by nero we believe that insane roman emperor by nero beheaded for the cause of the lord jesus christ my this lesson to me that's just my opinion has been chock full of nuggets of helpful advice when it comes to living for the lord i want us to pray i want us to pray uh i'm going to use a different prayer today i'm going to use a prayer i found the lord brought to mind in luke 1 38. it's a prayer the virgin mary prayed we're not too far from christmas now it's a prayer the virgin mary prayed when she found out she was going to bear the messiah she was going to be the mother of the humanity of our lord mary said behold the servant of the lord i'm a handmaid of the lord be it unto me according to thy word god be it unto me according to thy word lord be it unto me according to thy will be it unto me according to that that's what i want to pray how long has it been since you prayed about any issue lord be it unto me according to thy word being be unto me according to thy perfect plan and god's word is his perfect plan that's what we're going to pray lord i don't know what the class members are facing some of them may have relatively minor problems some of them may have some earth-shaking problems some of them may have health problems some of them may have financial problems some of them may have marital problems some may have emotional problems some may have church problems some may have job but lord whatever we're facing whatever we're going to be it unto us according to that deliverance according to thy word strengthen us to be a good testament according to thy word be it unto me according to thy word dear lord in jesus name mary prayed it in jesus name amen i yet do not know what i'll be preaching in the revival that starts sunday morning this is uncharacteristic normally i've got to live you know what i'm going to pray soon as this meditation soon is our class lord be it unto me according to thy word show me from thy word what you want me to preach next week up yonder in tennessee and lord to help me to be obey be it unto me according to thy word take your grandchildren lord be it unto me according to thy will thy word for the little grandchild be it unto me according to this situation in america oh god be it be according to thy word in jesus name amen did you learn do you feel like spiritually you've profited by the lesson if so you know this i always enjoy hearing from you don't pass that prayer off lightly lord be it unto me according to the lord i think you've led what you want me to do be it unto me according to thy word that's great praying
Channel: Dr. Mike Bagwell
Views: 223
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: JxLVs3c--Io
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 21sec (2181 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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