Road Rage....Season 1 Ep 24

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[Music] [Music] welcome to the one million mile road trip today a short video explains something that happened to us the other day uh we had pulled up to the alabama state rest area just south of the tennessee line and um we were gonna dump our tanks and they have a dump station and um the uh there was a motorhome right in front of us so we went ahead and uh pulled as close as we could behind the motorhome because there was a um several trucks needed to get in so we pulled up and behind us several trucks pulled up right behind us and were able to get in real easily and it wasn't any problem at all and then all of a sudden this truck pulls behind us got by us completely and started honking the horn real loud honking his horn and waving his arms so you know i just held my arms like what's the problem well he got out of his truck young black male dreadlocks it was a full 18-wheeler he got out of his truck and bekin began to call me every name in the book use the n-word even though i'm completely white uh call me talked to me like i was a dog told me to move my rv i told him i couldn't move i couldn't back it up had a jeep on the back and uh we were pulling forward and we couldn't i was i was trapped and um he told me to move it and uh in after it got started uh he he said i got a gun and i will cap your behind so um he finally moved his truck on down to um the parking lot and i got out the other he cussed out the other rv or two um i pulled the rv up and i began to dump as i did the park ranger came out the ranger that's a security guard came out and he said uh you having problems we had people coming in saying that the they were afraid this guy was going to try to take you out of your rv so he went down there and contacted the guy and the guy said he didn't know what we were talking about but we called the police call the sheriff around the country call the sheriff and uh just as we were calling the sheriff the trucker pulled away now i went ahead and made a report with the sheriff i was fortunate enough to get the truck's number and i'm thinking about including in this video and the tag number so uh what i did was contact the actual company and it was a lease company and he said he was going to take care of but you know we don't know if he ever did so i you know i was in police work for over 33 years and he looked like to me that he was on some type of narcotics probably methamphetamine he was wild uh i mean he called me everything in the book and uh i was civil as best i could with him and uh i really felt like that he if he could have he would have damaged our rv or try to pull us out of it which that would have been a mistake on his part um so uh what i did was i complained to the federal authorities on trucking and i will include that in this video on how you do that what form you fill out and uh basically you're allowed to submit this and they in it road rage is an incident on there and they do attempt to uh resolve these conflicts now this guy needs to be taken off the road he's gonna end up killing somebody or he's gonna end up getting himself hurt because he was absolutely a lunatic and uh but i'm gonna include that on how that you make these reports but what i would suggest you do like i do do not get out of your vehicle no matter what uh use safety measures whatever safety measures you deem necessary to carry with you to protect yourself and to report this to the federal authorities on the transportation board uh it's a part of d.o.t and try to get the tag number of the truck and the truck numbers because this is crazy he could have actually um one of these days he's gonna tangle the wrong person and it's not gonna be a good time they're gonna take some type of if he takes aggressive action i mean he was screaming to the top of his lungs it was it was very well to say it was not a pretty sight and i was really concerned for my wife he was calling her everything in the book and i just didn't let it get personal to me i tried to just hang on here the sheriff get here and we'll see what we can do so i'll include that in this and let's hope that it never happens to you you just fill out this form and it's pretty self-explanatory and you just submit it i would recommend that you don't include your address and phone number just your name it's very simple to do i took care of it in under about five minutes and it's well worth it getting the real road rage guy off the road [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i finally found some eyes that see me from the inside nothing left to hide not even from myself oh
Channel: 1MillionMileRoadTrip
Views: 405
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: road rage, rving, full time rving, rv life, rv, full time rv, rv living, full time rv living, rving full time, camping, rv travel, travel trailer, travel vlog, living in an rv, travel, road rage america, semi truck road rage usa, 18 wheeler, semi truck, american trucks, truck accident, trucker
Id: SdLF65mLp7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 49sec (409 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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