r/NuclearRevenge REVENGE ON MY RACIST BEST FRIEND! - Reddit Stories

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I came out of my worst experience in life to  find out that my girlfriend had been cheating   on me while I needed her the most. In the wake  of my heartbreak, I did something I will never   forget in my life. Something I didn't know  I would ever do. It was the most satisfying   thing. Without it, I don't know if I would  have been able to get over our break up. Growing up, I had a lot of issues that I  dealt with in my body. My parents and my   older brother were the strongest  support in my life at that time,   mostly because I did not have any other friends.  I could not have had them. When I was a teenager,   I had not attended a day of high school. We  gave up on formal education while I was still   in middle school, when my state got so bad, I  had to completely stay in all-day. The doctors   were even surprised that I could make it that  long in school. They thought the chaotic and   inconsiderate environment would be too much for me  to cope with but my parents were my cheerleaders. I have to deal with high blood pressure, asthma  and ulcer for a very substantial period of my   childhood. The blood pressure developed much  later. It was mostly due to the fact that I've   been insomniac for as long as I can remember.  And then trying to juggle school and other of   my interests. Unfortunately for me, I have  a fixation problem. I picked up an interest,   stayed on it for too long and neglected feeding  or sleeping for as long p did not break down. I have to deal with a whole lot more  problems during cold weather and the   winter season. The doctors said  I could easily develop pneumonia,   which I think I already did but I was taking  medication for another disease which caused   my contrition to get categorically worse. If you  are wondering how I managed to still be alone as   a young kid with all these illnesses some adults  have never gone through, it beats me too. If you   are confused as to how someone as sick as me  could bag a girlfriend, here's the full story. We met in the hospital. I hope it doesn't sound  cliché but we did. We were both admitted to the   same hospital. Her, for a less serious case  and me for a life-threatening issue. We had   the same nurse and because of the state of the  hospital, only a curtain separated us both.   During that time, we started talking and we became  friends. We shared contacts and she promised that   when she got discharged, she would keep coming  back to check on me. When she got discharged,   she kept her promise to bring snacks and flowers  and comics that I told her that I loved reading. At that time I was actually fixated on  drawing comic book characters. Or at least,   mimicking their art style. She  came with sketch pads for me and   felt pens to shade with. My parents soon  got used to seeing her around. Sometimes,   my nurse will tell them that I needed something  and they would go home and buy it and come to   find out that my friend had already gotten it  for me. This made them start calling her Ally   like the political word were two states  are allies, though her name is Alison. At around this time, I was 23.  I was no longer a teenager,   I had gone through homeschool and I had  graduated. I had a car, a truck, actually,   and I had a driver's license. Apart from  reading comics, some of my other hobbies   or obsessions were drawing and painting somi  pretty much had a life. With looks, I wasn't   doing so bad actually. I had long brunette hair  that was needing trimming all the time. I was   already developing a face full of beards. From  sideburns to to mustaches and then under the chin. The doctors and my mother kind of attributed  my quick recovery to my new found friendship   with Ally. They concluded that it was because I  quickly wanted to get out of there to hang out   with her that my vitals started looking  better. Later, when they discharged me,   the first thing I did was to go out  with Ally. And to thank her for all   her assistance during my admission, my  parents invited her to dinner sometime. Since Ally had such a good reputation with my  parents and she was kind of my only female friend,   I struck a deep friendship with her. Not too long  after, we started dating. My life was pretty much   normal for a while after that. We spent time  in cinemas, in restaurants and sometimes, just   casual walks because it was good for both of us.  I even drew and painted pictures of her for fun. In the meantime, I was also making money out  of my skill. I was so proud of myself that I   fixated on something worthwhile like art and not  something useless like a particular color or a   particular shape. I made money drawing the pets,  children, and family of clients my parents picked   up for me. At first, it was just their friends  who just wanted to be nice but after I opened   myself up to social media, many more people  started seeing my talent. I started getting   orders even from other states. I did not know  half the people who used to reach out to me. In the meantime, Ally worked in a department  shop as a cashier and she was also a freelance   voice over artist. Having money was never  the reason that brought us together,   it never even came up in the picture.  I thought I found a simple girl who did   not care for the luxurious things in the  world but soon, Ally started acting weird. One day she suggested that we go to a new  fancy restaurant. I really wanted to please   her so I agreed that we did. It was a once in  a while thing. I knew we could not keep up the   lifestyle of visiting expensive places and fancy  restaurants so I just agreed with it. We ended   up going and really enjoying the experience.  I knew I spent a lot on that date. Far more   than I usually would on a meal talkless of two  plates, but it was an experience. I loved it. Another part of dating Ally was how energetic  I felt around her. My relationship with her   strengthened me. I can say that whenever she  was around I would feel my body literally   getting stronger. That means if I was  having a bad day and I went to meet her,   she would end up rubbing off her high, bubbly  energy on me. Sweet got to the point where it   was like my heart drug. She was a new obsession  that I was not expecting. My mind kind of fixated   on how if she was not around I could not  be enjoying the experience I was having. Everyone noticed this. My parents, me, and Ally.  Of course we all knew that it was unhealthy for   me but nobody wanted to say anything. After we  broke up, I actually needed to go for therapy   to get my mind together. During the time we were  still together, I was having the time of my life. Did I get to meet Ally's friends? Sure. I met  tons of them. But I still preferred it when I   was out with her alone. I hated to be caught  up in the midst of them. Don't get me wrong,   they were very good people but I wanted my  Ally alone. My Ally time. And soon,even her   friends started seeing it as a red flag. They  told her that it was an unhealthy obsession,   which I think it was. But I never stopped  her from hanging out with her friends. It didn't become toxic. I didn't hit her, I  did not think I owned her, I did not stop her   from hanging out with her girls. Although,  I got jealous when she was talking to boys,   I only told her nicely what it did not me  and it made her blush. We stayed with each   other for a little over a year. Even  though I was of legal age to leave my   parent's apartments and start living on my  own, even if I was of legal age to let my   drawing and painting business become my  official source of income or at least,   get another job. Even though I could do many  things, I did not want to take any of the risks.   My parents too were not ready to say goodbye  to their sickly son that quickly. The truth   was that I still needed them to do some things  for me before I had one of those spells again. Then the time came again. I had another  very bad incident. It started because of   my intense insomnia. Soon my system could.not  handle it anymore. I was having severe pains   in my chest and I found out that my  blood pressure had really spiked. I   could not eat. I did not want to and also  because if I put anything in my mouth,   I would throw up. I got some medications  to take as prescribed by the doctors in   a general hospital. The more I took  them, the worse my condition became. My body was now forcing me to rest by frequent  faintings. I was restricted to my bed. The nurse   came over everyday to give me shots and  lastly, I was put on a drip. My condition   did not improve even with the medications.  Soon, they had to take me off them because it   increased my chest pains and general weakness.  Then I was referred later to a cardiologist. The only time I was sleeping was  after the nurse came over to give   me my injections. But I would sleep with  frequent disturbances. During that time,   Ally was not as frequent in my house as she had  been when I was admitted in the hospital. Unlike   at that time, she was not bringing any flowers  or getting well soon cards or even just stopping   to check on me. I mostly spoke on the phone  and she would get to know how I was feeling. One time I woke up from a spell that got me  unconscious for a bit. Ally was right beside   my bed. I was glad to see her when I woke  up but I thought I was hallucinating because   the drugs even affected how I was thinking that  period. Sometimes when I woke up I would think I   was still dreaming. All the times when I had said  something before and I woke up again I forget what   I said. I forget that I had not eaten, I would  think that I had eaten. I forgot some details. I did not go out for a while and I think it  was also affecting my mood. So when I saw   Ally there I started to talk to her like  I was talking to my subconscious. And she   was answering. She said sorry for not being  present all the time but she also has a life   that she was dealing with. I knew she was afraid  of being my obsession with her so her excuse was   that she saw this period as the best time for  me to get over my fixation on her. Her exact   words were that I'd conquer this little issue  just like I had done other ones in the past. During that time, only my family was there for  me. Even my brother who moved out and worked   in another state had to come back because  of my little issue. It was definitely not   a little issue. That period ended up being  the darkest period of my life. I felt wasted.   I was getting older and I could not even  fend for my parents. All I was doing was   being a burden to my parents and now, my  girlfriend did not even want me anymore. Just the same way my mind helped me recover  quickly the last time, this time around,   my mind was the reason it was taking so long for  my medicine forto kick in. I wanted to give up. I   had never lived a normal life since I was born.  I was not like the other kids. I had no life,   really. That period of my life really left  me depressed and it was even worse when I   could not even count one real friend  that was with me during that period. I ended up wallowing in my terror instead of  actually looking forward to getting well. I   started talking about what would happen if I died.  I spoke like I had no hope. And I didn't, really.   My folks were not the religious type so I did not  even have any faith to hold on to for that time.   Everyone wanted me to think positively but I could  not tell how I would miraculously just start that. Then gradually, I could stand up and get  around for myself. I could eat but only   things like custard and yogurt were appealing  to me. When I was almost self dependent,   Ally came to see me again. She was not the  cheerful, bubbly Ally that I missed and   really needed to see. She did not impart any good  emotion to me, in fact, she made me feel worse. As a good girlfriend, she said, she had  come to tell me the truth that I needed   to hear. She was no longer in love with  me and it was not because of the sickness,   she assured me. It was because my life and  hers don't mix. She told me that she wanted   someone who was more intentional about  their future than I was. It was in the   middle of the conversation that I figured out  that she was now seeing someone. So I asked. First, she denied it but later on, she gave in  and talked about how he's much more manlier than   I and she felt better with him. More secured,  safer and more loved. So that meant that while   I was struggling with my healthz my girlfriend  was going to see another guy. Funny how my first   guess was actually correct. It was Ben, the rich  dude that had a sports car. Even if I did not know   anything about the dudes it was that he always  drove that Sports Car everywhere. So annoying. After Ally left, I got into my pick up van  and left for his house. He lived alone in   a big rented home. The pickup truck was  parked just outside his building and I   just ran into it. After three successive  hits, I turned around without assessing   the extent of the damage I had done. As for  Ally, I never spoke to her again after that.   That incident forced me to get a better life  and now I'm even much better odd than Ben.  Some friendships are built to last forever, it  doesn't matter how early or late in life you   meet them, sometimes you just know that  they're built to last. Other times, you   think that a friend will last forever, but they  just end up being the one to break your heart. I am a 22 year old black-american female,   and my now ex best friend, Sam  is a 22 year old white female. Sam and I have known each other since  before we were born. Our mothers met at   the antenatal clinic because they were  dressed similarly and were both new to   town. Coincidentally, they also lived in the  same neighborhood and took walks together,   cooked together and did a lot  of other things with each other. Sam and I were both three months apart,  with her being older and me being obviously   younger. The age dynamic played no part  in our life, however, as I grew up in a   household that prioritized speaking up for  rights. I was quick to speak and was very   outspoken about things I didn't like. Sam was more on the quiet side,   being the one to calm me down when  things seemed to be getting out of hand. Even as a young preschooler, I understood  injustice pretty well enough to speak up on   it. I was scrawny but I didn't let the bigger  kids push me or any of my friends around.  As I grew, I began to recognize passive-aggressive  racially charged situations, and while I was one   to call people out on it, Sam chose to  “stay out of it” because she didn't know   much on the subject and liked to stay out  of things that wasn't any of her business. Now that I think about it, that was a very  weird response, seeing as she was best friends   with a black person. Still, I was not  one to need anyone to fight my battles,   as I fought them and other  people’s own pretty well. Sam’s parents were my second parents.  They were there for me when my father   battled Cancer and my mother stayed with him  in the hospital. They were there physically   and emotionally when I started failing classes  due to undiagnosed dyslexia and they even took   me to get it checked out for a proper diagnosis. Where my parents were a little more strong handed   with raising me(and I don't blame them, because  they were black parents with a black child,   living in a predominantly white area),  Sam’s parents were a little kinder. I saw Sam as an extension of her  parents, so even while she was out   with her other friends and had zero  idea of the things I went through,   her parents were kind to me, and  so she was kind to me as well. The summer before our Freshman year of high  school, my mother switched from her office   job to become a hairdresser, opening  up her town place barely a block away   from where we lived. The main reason  was so that she could keep an eye on   my recovering father and me. She also loved  hairdressing, so it was no big deal for her. Almost automatically, she became mine  and Sam’s permanent hair dresser,   making us promise to let her try  new styles out with our hair. Now,   I've got good hair. A full head of  coily 4c hair that's as long as the   middle of my back when stretched out. Sam had long dirty blonde hair that   was almost always in a ponytail,  but still it was healthy hair. Whenever I didn't have my hair stretched or  braided to school and took my afro instead,   I would get stares. After a while, I started  to notice that my classmates would scoot away   from me, giggle and laugh when I passed by.  It went on for a few weeks until the school   nurse called me in to check for lice, because  apparently there was a rumor that I had lice.  Let me clarify again that I was the only  completely black student at school. The   only other person was a mixed race  Japanese girl. I had no idea she was   mixed race until her father came to pick  her up one time in elementary school. As someone who never let things go, I  investigated the case to find out who   had been spreading those rumors about  me. It turned out to me by best friend,   Sam. When I confronted her, she swore that it  was just a joke she had told that was taken   out of context. I obviously believed  her because she was my best friend. We started to really drift  apart in sophomore year,   when I joined the Journalism club. I became  friends with a different group of kids and we   got along really well together. I even got  closer to the club’s head, who was a class   above me and also played basketball. We went on  a few dates together before becoming official. I told Sam during a sleepover,  but begged her not to tell anyone,   as it was still under wraps. By the end of  the week, the entire school knew my little   “secret”. My new boyfriend was fine with  it, but it made me incredibly uncomfortable   that my own best friend wouldn't  know how to keep a secret from me. Again I confronted Sam and she brushed it  off, saying everyone already knew anyways   and it was not as much of a secret  as I thought it was. At that moment,   I knew that I had to either stop telling  Sam really important things, or find a way   to change her. Stupidly I decided that the  latter would be easier, because not only was   she my only childhood friend, she was my best  friend for pete's sake. There had to be a way. My boyfriend and I were together for nearly  8 months, and we broke up after I wrote an   article on black hair and its significance for  the school’s newly launched online magazine.  A lot of the comments from other POC students  supported the article, but the majority   thought that it was too aggressive and somehow  felt threatened by it. One of them, who was Sam. It caused a huge discourse among  the journalism team on whether to   keep the article up or take it down,  and when I pushed for it to stay up,   it caused a fight between my boyfriend and  I. We argued for a whole week, and then he   broke up with me for being too stubborn and  dramatic about something so simple. He also   wanted to get me kicked off the team, but  the teacher who headed the club refused it. I was heartbroken and spoke to my best friend  about it, and despite being comforting and   doing all the things like watching sappy movies  with me and eating copious amounts of junk food,   she also let me know just how much she hated  that I was dating him. In the moment it felt   good to hear her say it, because I  assumed that she missed me. However,   in retrospect I think she meant  it in a completely different way. I didn't get with anyone until senior year,   when it was time to choose colleges. Sam and I  had always wanted to go to California together,   so we applied to the same universities.  After we got our admission, we started   registrations together. During the whole  orientation process, I met a cute second   year foreign exchange student who had the nicest  French accent and incredibly soft, fluffy hair. We got along as friends pretty well, and although  I fell really hard for him, I wanted to take it   slow. I desperately wanted to tell Sam, but I  had my reservations based on past experiences.   During the time that I wondered  whether or not to tell her,   she let me know that she was in a  relationship and needed my advice. Something about her asking me softened my  heart and I exchanged information about   my new crush. She encouraged me to go for it and  get together with him, which I did. For a while,   school seemed to be going well, my  relationship with my best friend was   smooth sailing and I had a hot french boyfriend  who wanted to be seen everywhere with me.  We were together for about 7 months before  my 20th birthday rolled around. My boyfriend   intended to surprise me with a trip to France,  but being the person I was, it was very hard to   let anything get past my nose. He decided to tell  Sam instead. After all, she was my best friend. From his side of the story, Sam was against  taking me to Paris, saying something about   not being sure if I would fit in. He also  mentioned that most of the things she said,   she said them suggestively, as if trying to make  it seem like he was the one thinking or saying it. I was of course pleasantly oblivious  while all of this was happening,   simply satisfied that my best friends and my  boyfriend were getting along. They even had   an inside joke between themselves and that  just gladdened me even more. I don’t know   why but I didn’t think that Sam would ever  do anything to sabotage my relationship. About two weeks to my birthday, Sam started  to tell me about how she didn’t trust my   boyfriend and that she felt like he was  just “joking around” with our relationship.   She also “found” his old twitter with  some racist tweets and showed it to me,   making me promise never to  tell him that I had found it. This was where I started to get suspicious of  Sam, because my boyfriend still used the same   twitter from over 8 years ago, and most  of what he tweeted were gaming shitposts.   I was very confused about who to believe, so I  expressed my feelings to another friend of mine. They told me to confront my boyfriend  about the accusations that Sam brought   forward and see what he said. The way  he defended himself would let me know   whether he was being honest or not. I took her  advice, and just a few days till my birthday,   I spoke to my boyfriend about how I felt  and the things that Sam had told me. He was very red in the face as he explained that  Sam had actually been trying to move on to him.   This was where he spilled the surprise that he  had for my birthday and how Sam had discouraged   him against it, saying that I didn't know how to  act in public settings and that I was too loud. What broke my heart was knowing that these  were things that Sam could actually do. I'd   deliberately blinded myself all these years  because I believed that she would change,   but hearing my boyfriend talk, I  realized that I had been fooling myself. Still I wanted to hear from the Horse's  mouth and set up a meeting with them both,   asking them to be honest or I would never  speak to them again. That was when Sam   went on a long rant about how u didn't  deserve someone like him because girls   like me ended up pregnant at 15 and girls like  her were the ones who got with boys lil him. She said many other things that  I would like not to recall,   but they were mostly racially charged  and it was so sad seeing all the hatred   on her face. Sadness turned to anger when she  started admitting to some really shitty things   that she had done without my knowledge,  and I made it a point to get back at her. After the huge confrontation, it was like a  film had been removed from my eyes. I began   to see that Sam really wasn't a good person.  She did drugs recreationally, skipped classes,   and messed around with professors. She also  had a few cases of assault and drunk driving   to her name, but because she had money, she  was able to silence the people she had hurt. I spent an entire weekend compiling  evidence on all the bullshit that   she had been involved in, which  was well over a year’s worth,   and I sent them to the school and  her parents. Anonymously, of course. She was kicked out of the school and taken to a  smaller, more compact rehabilitation center in   a desert in Utah, where she was diagnosed  with Nymphomania, alcohol and drug abuse,   as well as some other behavioral issues  and would be watched all the time. Did I feel bad after? Yes, I felt absolutely  horrible that I did something so life-changing   to get back at the girl who was supposed  to be my best friend for being racist to me   and attempting to steal my boyfriend.  But in order to justify my actions,   I always tell myself that if I didn't do  it, maybe she would have gone too far. I'm 22 now and just graduated from  college. My boyfriend and I are   still together and we're taking a year to  travel around Europe. Sam got out of the   rehab center about a year ago and started  attending community college close to home.
Channel: Storytime
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Id: Zj9pwpg4sYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 13sec (1453 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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