r/NuclearRevenge HOW A NERD RUINED MY LIFE! - Reddit Stories

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My Neighbors Finally Got to  See the “Real Side” of Me.  If nothing, what I am sure of at this moment is  that this would be the last time my neighbors   would ever try to come after me or make me appear  stuoid. This scenario that I am about to explain   to you would teach them not to come after me ever  again. To be honest, I do not feel super proud of   what I did but it definitely had to be done and  you would see why I say so in a few moments. They   pushed me to the wall and got what they deserved. Before giving a run-through of what happened,   let me begin by telling you a bit about myself  and how I found myself in this circus of a town.  My name is David. Not that it matters to the  point I’m about to make but I choose to tell   you either way. I am David. David Quinn. A  35-year-old man who very much cherishes his   time of quietude and serenity. When I am  not at work, I prefer to immerse my days   in the pages of books, sometimes tending to  my mini garden of tomatoes, spinach, Basil,   and Parsley. I was a simple person. I liked the  simple things in life. But as fate would have it,   the neighborhood I so happened to find myself in  was everything but quiet or peaceful. There was   always some kind of event or the other going on –  events that they would expect me to be a part of.   If you are wondering why I chose a neighborhood  that does not reflect my key values, well, you can   blame that on my boss and the company I work for. A few days before Christmas last year,   my department head called me into his office  and told me that the higher-ups have requested   a meeting with me. And while I went on ahead to  the meeting in fear of being retrenched from my   construction company, I was told that I was a  perfect fit for the new opening in New Havens.   This move was effective immediately and I was to  resume after the holidays. Of course, the thought   of having to uproot my life from Las Vegas to the  other side of the world was upsetting, it came   with a 100% raise in salary and accommodation  for 2 years. A good deal, so I took it.  If only I knew that the neighborhood would be a  nightmare. This was because of one family. One I   grew to loathe as time passed. The McAllister  family, my rowdy neighbors. The neighborhood   was already unsettling because they had a meeting  almost every other week, almost like I had stepped   into a family-knitted type of neighborhood. It  was hard, but having the McAllister family as my   neighbors? Now, that was simply revolting to me.  Their disregard for peace and their boisterous   antics continually disrupted the already shaky  peaceful harmony of our community. Nights that   should be filled with calm and rest are tainted  by their raucous parties and blaring music.  If you are one for books, like I am, you would  find out that their very existence personifies   chaos and disruption. They firmly and consciously  established themselves as the proverbial neighbors   from hell. It was worse for me because my  house was built just right beside theirs.  I believe their actions were intentional because  they carried an apparent lack of concern for the   peace and well-being of others. In every case  seeming like an atmosphere of pandemonium,   you can be sure that the McAllisters always found  a way to be in that mix-up. It seems as though   their weekends are perpetually transformed into  wild festivals, with booming music reverberating   through the walls and infiltrating every corner  of our once-tranquil street. Laughter and shouting   echo very late into the night – sometimes till  daybreak, while the surrounding neighbors are left   longing for rest restlessly on their mattresses.  One particularly frustrating instance involving   the McAllisters unfolded on a balmy summer  evening. The night was a bit breezy and it was   just what any sane-minded person needed to rest  from the day. I guess as you must have deduced by   now, my neighbors were far from being sane-minded.  Every hope that anyone on that street had to rest   in silence was shattered by the McAllisters'  all-night rage. You would think it was planned   because as the moon ascended into the sky, so  did the volume of their music and party. It   increased with every passing hour of the night.  The blaring music reverberated through the walls   of the whole neighborhood. And it was worse for  me once again, because, it was easier for their   noise to infiltrate every nook and cranny of my  humble abode. I was just next door. Sleep became   an elusive dream and I just wondered through the  night what would make them stop the shenanigans.   I wondered if it was because they thought I  acted like I was better than them. I mean,   I had heard them say it countless times, not like  they were trying to keep their words hushed. If   they were keen to listen to their words, people  from five houses away would have heard them.  To be honest, I did not understand why they  would have thought that way. Since I moved in,   I had been at my utmost best. I paid a greeting  to them when I had settled to familiarize myself   with them. But that was it. Right there and  then on our first meeting, they had invited   me to a party they would be hosting the next  day but I had humbly declined telling them I   had a couple of books to catch up on. Of course,  the books were a rouse. I was done with the last   novel I had unread. But a party scene…in a new  neighborhood? Yeah, that is not really my thing.   Reminds me of the one party my roommate bullied  me into attending in my first year in college.  I was the best neighbor since day one. I  couldn’t understand what made them feel   the way they felt towards me. So that night, I  thought of their words again as the music kept   on blaring non-stop. I thought of going over to  their house to ask them nicely to tune down the   volume like I did the first time they had a  party. But I knew that was just going to get   on my nerves. The first time, I went over to  their door. Thrice. And each time the music   was turned down when I was by the door but as  soon as I got back to my room, it was back up,   like an intentional act. Yet, I didn’t call the cops.  I was new and I didn’t be that neighbor. But  maybe I should have at that point in time.  The McAllisters’ inconsiderate behavior extends  far beyond their noisy mode of conduct. They   routinely disregard the basic rules of civility,  parking their vehicles haphazardly and without   regard for the convenience and safety of others.  They just always found a way to be on the wrong   side of everything. Whether it is driveways being  blocked or general road access being impeded, they   were game. And the worst part of it is that they  never seemed to see the wrong in what they did.  If anyone needed evidence of how disruptive  they could be to even themselves, one needs   just to check their neglected front yard.  Like every other building on that street,   the front yard was once a picturesque space, like  the other well-maintained gardens. Theirs had   deteriorated into an eyesore that marred the  aesthetic appeal of the entire neighborhood.  The once-pristine lawn had transformed  into an overgrown tangle of weeds and   unruly grass. Neglected flower beds, once  bursting with vibrant colors, now lay barren   and desolate. Trash and debris were scattered  haphazardly, further accentuating the neglect   that had befallen their once-charming residence. The McAllisters' disregard for community standards   became painfully evident as the neglected  yard served as a constant reminder of their   indifference. The surrounding neighbors, who took  pride in their meticulously manicured gardens,   found themselves disheartened by the  unsightly view that greeted them each day.  I didn’t make efforts to address the situation  amicably, but I was aware that community members   approached the McAllisters with polite requests  to attend to the upkeep of their yard. I did not   and I could not have because I had overheard them  speak rudely with other well-meaning neighbors who   had taken their time to talk to them about the  state of their surroundings and the impact it   has on the whole community. Their responses  ranged from nonchalant shrugs to outright   dismissiveness. It seemed they had little  regard for the impression they were making on   the neighborhood or the impact their neglectful  behavior had on the sense of community we all   cherished. And to be honest, I was less concerned  about how they managed their front yard. It was,   in truth, theirs to do as they see fit.  But where I draw the line is when this   disgust begins to seep into my property. The parents were bad, but their kids? Well,   I guess, the apple really doesn’t fall  too far from the truth. In this case,   the apple takes a step further in being  more of a devilish impediment than the tree.  As I said, tending to my garden was one of  the simple things in life that I enjoyed   and would do even if I was not getting  anything in return. The simple bliss of   tilling the soft soil and nurturing a tiny  seed until maturity till it was suitable to   harvest. It gave me joy. And for some twisted  reason in the head of my neighbors, I was not   expected to derive as much joy as I did from it. As the seasons changed, I kept to my business,   finding solace and joy in tending to my  meticulously pruned garden. Each flower,   carefully nurtured, was a testament to my love  for the fine things of life - nature's beauty.   It was a sanctuary where I could escape the  chaos of the world – specifically that which   the McAllisters created – and find serenity. Then came the McAllisters. Jack McAllister.  As I stared down at what used to be the location  of my garden. From my view, it had been shattered   beyond recognition when the McAllisters,  in their ongoing display of disregard,   carelessly trespassed upon my cherished  sanctuary. I knew I had to make them feel   this pain that I felt. I knew it. How am I sure they were the ones?  Who else could it be? Which other family in the  neighborhood had a distaste for anything good and   buttered up a vendetta against me for declining  to be in attendance at a mindless raging party   when I newly moved in? But it wasn’t all about  my thoughts. I had proof of their atrocity.  That very moment, as I stood above my squashed  tomatoes, relishing in the delicate aroma of my   herbs, my heart sank as I observed the remnants  of their recklessness. The Trampled flowerbeds,   snapped branches, and crushed petals. It was  evident that the McAllisters, in their lack of   care and respect, had unknowingly, or perhaps  knowingly, caused irreparable damage to my   beloved garden. But this time, it was their dog. As I began to examine what could be salvaged from   my already destroyed garden, I began to notice  paws. Dog paws. Recent dog paws. Thankfully,   we had a bit of a downpour that day so it  wasn’t much of a task to trace the paws and   you could guess where it led to. Nex Door. Upon  second observation, I notice that this dog had   battled with a mouse in my absence, killing and  leaving it right in my garden. Which family had   a knack for lack of civility, human disregard,  and a likelihood to leave trash overflowing?   You guessed right. My hellish neighbors. Enraged and devastated, I confronted the   McAllisters, hoping to find some explanation  or remorse for their actions especially for not   keeping an animal they took ownership of out of my  yard. However, my words were met with dismissive   shrugs and a nonchalant attitude. They seemed  oblivious to the time and effort I had invested   in cultivating my garden, blind to the beauty and  tranquility that it had provided to both myself   and the neighborhood. I. Was. Pissed.  And one thing was clear, I needed  to make them feel the heat. Perhaps,   become better persons and tend to keep their place  in order. The sight of my once-flourishing flowers   reduced to a scene of devastation ignited a fire  within me. I knew what I had to do. Obviously,   they were uninterested in peaceful resolutions  or the well-being of the community. They needed   to learn the weight of their actions,  and it was up to me to ensure they did.  Each step I took was carefully planned, aimed  at teaching the McAllisters a lesson they would   not soon forget. The time for subtle hints and  peaceful negotiations had passed; it was now   time for them to face the consequences of their  actions. They knew me to be easygoing and quiet.   I have countlessly heard them say those words when  they think I am out of hearing bounds – sometimes,   I think they forget I live just next door to them.  But they do not know that I have a past record of   mischief. Of course, nothing more than usual  pranks but for them, it would be pranks with   an edge of revenge in it. With a mischievous  glint in my eye, I executed a series of pranks   designed to disrupt their everyday lives. I began with the mail subscription prank   I had read about on my daily feed of Dr.  Banks’ newsletter. And like he prank Dr.,   it was a stroke of genius. The McAllisters found  themselves inundated with an array of bizarre   items that defied explanation. Quirky magazines,  catalogs filled with eccentric products,   and even a monthly delivery of novelty socks left  them perplexed. They scoured their mailbox daily,   growing increasingly bewildered by the  onslaught of unexpected deliveries. Of course,   this cost me a couple of my hard-earned money so  I switched it up. They weren’t worthy of my money.  I decided the best prank on them would be feeding  them with an excess of what they seemed to enjoy   till it gets distasteful in their mouths. And as I predicted, it was this prank that   truly rattled them to their core. Imagine getting  anonymous invitations to an extravagant party held   at your own residence on random weekdays  and weeknights. It sent shockwaves through   their lives. The McAllisters were thrust into a  whirlwind of chaos as uninvited guests poured in,   filling their once-controlled space with a sea  of strangers. They struggled to regain control,   desperately attempting to salvage their  disrupted evening, all the while cursing   the unknown prankster who had upended their world.  Yet, they couldn’t send them away. They were the   party people. They couldn’t not be so they swore  at the prankster underneath their breaths. But   this was not all. Every time the party came to a  drowning close, and they thought they could get a   good number of hours in bed before the daily  activities, came the dreaded awkward alarm.   The piercing, high-pitched sound tore through  the McAllisters' dreams, shattering the peace of   their slumber. Disoriented and bleary-eyed, they  stumbled through their home, desperately searching   for the source of the unwelcome wake-up  call. Which, of course, they never found.  Did my pranks work? Well, it’s been three months since   my last prank on the McAllister and although I  have heard them point the fingers in my direction,   they had no concrete evidence to pin me down.  All they had were suspicions. But I had peace.   Sanity had returned to the neighborhood and  I could have my nights of peaceful slumber. Have you ever had one of those parties when  a nerdy kid hacks the computer and shares a   couple of embarrassing videos of people in the  party so that everyone can see? If you haven't   then you're lucky because my experience  led me into some serious investigation   and apart from the discipline he got from  the school authorities, I also gave him a   good thing to think about by smashing his  laptop and phone when he was not looking. Firstly, when this hacker kid started with  his tricks was during our school dance. He   hijacked the connection and somehow, the  music went off completely. All the dancing   stopped. Our DJ who was momentarily  fraternizing has to rush back to his   stand to find out what happened. A roar of  annoyance started in this student body. We   all thought it was a minor issue until  the project started displayi g images. The first slide introduced the person behind  the whole situation as the Hacker Kid. He   had his own symbol, which was a mask,  and he started by displaying a video   containing many slides of pictures that could end  people. Multiple photographs of a particular girl   who was cheating on her boyfriend by kissing  another boy, was the first to be exposed.   Her boyfriend quickly walked out of the dance  with his girlfriend hot on his heels, begging. Then next was the undeniable video of a guy  picking lockers and stealing items from them. The   school recently had an issue with missing items  that were kept in their lockers. There was no   security camera on our hallways because the school  was too broke to afford that. They did say that an   investigation was ongoing and we students should  be on the lookout for suspicious behavior also. The last one was a gang of boys doing drugs in  the school car park. The school staff around for   the dance immediately identified these boys  and dragged them out of the party initkdbg   the one who picked lockers. They would  spend the rest of the term meeting with   police people and so more until they could  no longer continue with their education. Well that was it for the whole dance.  The Hacker Kid thanked us for watching   his slides and signed out. After that, the  music came back on. But what just happened   was too dramatic for people to carry on like  nothing happened. Apart from whispers about   the people who were exposed, the question  on my mind was who was this hacker kid? He   seemed to be a total stalker. How did he  get those pics and videos? I felt unsafe. My friends only cared about the dudes  that were busted. They were amongst the   coolest boys in our class. Continuing  school would definitely not be the same   without them. And more importantly one of  us, Bolivia, began to fidget because she   too did drugs and we were not sure that  the boys in question would not snitch. And if they didn't snitch, that's fine  but could we trust this Hacker dude? He   was anonymous. He had immunity for that and  again, why did he not snitch Bolivia and all   the other people who dealt but we're not in  the video. Did he have some pictures he was   saving to use later? Or did he know and was  waiting for pictures to prove it. Either way,   Bolivia had to stop dealing in school.  Her friends were there to help her. I monitored her closely but I was even more  occupied with figuring out who this hacker   kid is. The school authorities had a PTA meeting  with no definite resolution because some parents   thought it was okay for the hacker to go about  reporting students the way he did because he   needed it was the only way for him to do the  right things without being identified. These   parents were paranoid that thieves and  drug users were in their child's school.   They endorsed the anonymous method of the hacker  because his safety was provided by the school—say   he reported personally and they got to find  out who—would not persist after school hours. The school thought it to be an unethical  method. A person who could hack a school   dance laptop could hack into the school system.  Their files were unsafe. Confidentiality was at   stake. Everything was wrong. It threw the school  into a frenzy to secure everything and everywhere   they kept data. While the other set of parents  were equally against the hacker because he was   creating chaos in the school by discarding the  need for privacy. Their concerns were about the   first girl who was “innocently” kissing a  boy. Nobody needed to know her business. The debate between the parents and school  management continued. While in the meantime,   school students were becoming more and  more cautious. Even bullying was reduced.   The hallways were full of well-behaved  kids and it was all thanks to the hacker. Some people continued to say that all the hacker  came to do was to instill order in the premises   but that idea did not last for long. Since the  school sites and computers doubled up security,   the hacker took to social media and text  messaging. I don't know how he got the   phone number of school students and staff, he  probably hacked all that information before   the dance. Anyway, the rest of the things  he shared were dirty and vile. Videos of   people making out in the toilet, videos  of bullies pissing on another student,   an audio recording of a male  teacher's voice we recognized,   flirting with a female student. And by flirting,  I mean using extremely inappropriate language. Shit got real. More and more PTA meetings were  being held. Some parents from the “privacy”   side joined the paranoid guardians. The  school management was now torn between   the two. First of all, they had to fire the  teacher involved. They did not come out to   thank the hacker officially although he saved  them further embarrassment if for instance,   a student got pregnant by a teacher. Or bullying  got to the point of suicide or bodily harm. Next, the school wanted to ban the use of  phones in its premises but nobody would   allow for that. There was nothing to do but  catch the hacker before he caused any more   damage. And what was the damage really? Was  it fair that any of this was going on without   the school and parent's knowledge? No. But  the school.management decided only to send   him home for a two-week suspension if found.  There was a reward for whoever found him out. So the real search began. I had a headstart  because I started since the school dance.   We had three names outlined. It had to be  someone with access to the school's media   equipment. Had to be a computer genius too and he  had to be good with video editing. The last point   really didn't help but the first two helped us  outline three names and the investigation began. Others were running after a kid who had a camera  and a bubbling photography career up his sleeve.   They suspected anyone who had those videos  and pictures to be someone who had a camera   and took random pictures for fun. Which was  a stupid suspicion because whoever took the   pictures clearly did not need skill to do  that. Any phone could take those pictures. At this point, Bolivia was seriously battling  withdrawal. She had not used a hard drug ever   since and it was really affecting  her mental health. We also tried to   make sure she never was alone. Anyway, this  Hacker Kid continued to post and send videos,   clips, audios and pictures to the  school. It was clear that he already   had a collection of those before the  first day he decided to release them. There was so much in his store already. About  almost everybody, including times our principal   put her hand in her clothes to handle an itch.  A full week later, the Hacker released a video   about me. It wasn't just any video. I sent  that particular one to my boyfriend and it   was so cringe. He asked for it and I sent  it to him. That video was so confidential. But how did it get out? My boyfriend  lost the phone he was using at that   time to the locked thief. And that was  the only device that had the video apart   from mine. So that meant that the locker  thief was somehow connected to the hacker. We firstly went over to the locker thief. His name  is Psalm. He was already suspended at that time so   we went to his house. He said that when he was  suspended, they asked him to drop everything he   had stolen and soon after he dropped the things  he still had with him, the school reported them   missing. Apparently they kept the news private  because it would be charged to the school. That was about it. Our chase  had landed us nowhere. The   locker thief's stolen goods were  stolen again by the Hacker kid.   And the three names we outlined were  ruled out because after questioning,   there was no way it would be them. We still had  a little hope to catch the hacker because if we   just asked the school authorities where they  kept the stolen goods before it was taken,   we could have our guy. Depending on who had access  to that room or who was there when it was taken. My boyfriend accompanied me to the principal's  secretary. She said he had no idea stuff was even   recovered. We left, asking her to find out from  the principal when she got back. After school,   we came back to the office to find  out the conclusion. To our shock,   the principal herself said that  she was not aware that there was   any recovery. They had spent time asking  the school staff and none was aware also. She asked us which student told us this and  we gave Psalm out. He was playing tricks on   us and we needed to get to the bottom  of it. I was facing some serious shame   in school because that video leaked.  And I wasn't going to take it easy on   Psalm. His mother was called to bring him to  school where me and my boyfriend were there   to categorically attest that we heard Psalm  say to us that he returned the stolen items. My boyfriend was brought in first and  then me. We gave similar stories although   that did not hold enough water. Whatever  Psalm was doing, it was either because he   was protecting the Hacker kid or he was the  hacker himself. When we were told to leave,   I had the time to find out. I went out and got  to his house where I sneaked in. I ransacked   his room until I found a locked chest.  After giggling to myself that the lock   picker had a locked chest in his room, I tried  different combinations but it didn't open. I started to break the chest but I wasn't sure who  would hear so I took the chest with me home and   called my boyfriend. He knew who we could take  it to to jack the locks. I felt so we did that   immediately we had the time to. Right in our  present, the man skillfully opened the locks,   boasting that there was no lock  or safe that he could not open. We found out a lot about that chest. It was  not just where he had kept stolen items but   a camcorder which I believe he owned was in.  Evidence that he was both the Hacker kid and   the locker thief. It all made sense because this  needy Psalm kid was very skilled with computers.   And he was a bullied kid to so it could make  sense that he knew when wwnd where bullies did   their thing after school. But why would Psalm  want to cast himself as the locker thief? The   full video revealed that he was the one who  dropped the camera and went to the locker,   then went back to the camera to pick it  up after he was done picking the locker. I asked my boyfriend what we do and he took the  lead. We send out the video with a new account   and called it tthe hacker kid's new account.  After that, we waited. It was all we could do. The next minute everyone was talking about Psalm  online. It worked, out plan to cast Psalm was in   view. But the question still remained why  he snitched himself. I was afraid to sleep   alone that night so I stayed with my boyfriend  until morning. In the morning, we dressed up and   went to school. Psalm had another meeting  with his mother and the school principal. The mother believed that he was right to  be a hacker if that was what he needed   to do to express his feelings. Psalm was a  bullied kid and the school authorities did   nothing. She also posed that they  were robbed last night because his   room was a mess but Psalm reported  that nothing was stolen. Of course,   he would not tell what really was stolen because  he knew he could not. His mother was already   paying the school back through her nose for  all the items the locker thief ran away with. So finally, Psalm confessed that  he was indeed the hacker. And the   thief. He said he only did both because  it was the only thing that have him power   within the four walls of the school.  There were many other things he said   but he was forced to bring the videos  he had put up on social media down. Then he apologized to the school in  our next assembly for digging into our   private matters and causing us to walk on  eggshells in school. That was it from him   for a while. We heard that his suspension  was extended but he was not expelled only   because the school did not give him a safe  learning environment in the first place. Anyway, when the whole matter died down and  nobody was talking about it again. It was like   everyone had forgotten that the reason they  were unhappy in the first place was because   of the hacker. Relationships, friendships  and self esteem had broken. I saw the girl   who kissed another guy. She had no friends  again. It was like we all learned to live with   the problems the hacker caused when in fact,  his suspension was not enough a punishment. I took my time to process what had happened  and returned the chest to his room. Whatever   he wanted to do with the stolen gadgets were  his business. After duplicating all files,   I smashed his camcorder, smashed the laptop  and desktip in his room and left again. He   never could tell who out of the hundreds  of people that he hurt was in charge of   destroying his gadgets but it served him right  for putting all those relationships in jeopardy,   destroying people's images and making  people have inferiority complex.
Channel: Storytime
Views: 13,800
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Keywords: storytime, r/, r/nuclearrevenge, r/nuclear revenge, nuclear revenge, nuclearrevenge, reddit nuclear revenge, Storytime nuclear revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash nuclearrevenge, nuclear revenge reddit, top posts reddit, nuclear revenge stories, nuclear revenge video, r/ nuclearrevenge, r/ nuclear revenge Storytime, Storytime r/nuclearrevenge, funny reddit stories, nuclearrevenge posts
Id: WLwP5EY767s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 0sec (1740 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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