r/Maliciouscompliance Karen Yelled at Me, So I Towed Her Car 😂

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welcome to our slash malicious compliance where a thieving karen gets her car towed our next reddit post is from vigilant infidel i work security for a private business campus that has venues that are often rented by outside groups one particularly large hall was rented by a local church group and we stole their tickets at the box office immediately in front of the venue without going into boring detail there was only one way into the hall for the general public but there were numerous exits with cameras everywhere parking is free in all three of our parking decks except in clearly marked reserve spaces which will be important soon while visitors were arriving for the event we got a call from a tenant complaining that a car was parked in one of their 24 7 reserve spaces and they needed moved asap this client pays for those parking spaces and they're constantly using them at all hours of the day even on weekends that's why we have multiple highly visible signs for these parking spaces that warns people that we enforce towing we reviewed the camera footage and we saw the owner of the car was a woman dressed in fine sunday clothes that were an almost painful shade of lime green with a matching hat this would have been enough information to identify her in our large hall but we then noticed that she bypassed the ticket line and made her way to one of the exit doors she stayed there for several minutes and when one of the cleaning staff exited she slipped in behind them as a supervisor on duty i entered the hall and found her in one of the front rows sitting in a group of people she saw me coming in my security uniform and immediately scrunched up her face ma'am can i i just sat down what do you want she was already being defensive and loud which is not a sign of innocence in my experience i'm with campus security and i need to ask what you need to do is leave me alone i'm sitting with my family and we're here to enjoy my nephew's concert there ain't nothing so important that you rent a cop need to be bothering me like this actually it is important if you wouldn't mind coming with me we can talk in the aisle and no you are not kicking me out of here at my own nephew's church concert and with that she started avoiding eye contact with me i should point out that she thinks i'm here because she didn't buy a ticket but i don't care about that i'm trying to tell her to move her car before we tow it because this is her only chance to move it herself i said ma'am i'm not here about how you got inside the hall i'm i don't know what you're talking about but you need to leave me the hell alone at this point it was so comical that i remember getting the biggest smile on my face and telling her that's all i need to hear enjoy your show i left the hall and i had her car towed immediately two hours later she reported that her car was stolen to our security desk the desk officer informed her that she parked in a reserve spot and the security had tried to make contact with her before the show began according to our vlog she loudly demanded to speak to whoever was in charge and that's when i came around the corner to introduce myself the look on her face was priceless and she didn't say another word as i gave her the information about the toe company which was closed by then op what you should have done was refuse to tell her what tow company you guys use until she paid you for the hall ticket our next reddit post is from yeti this isn't my malicious compliance it's my dad's my father started working for a manufacturing company in north carolina starting in 1983. he moved from being a general floor worker up to a maintenance position after going to college in the late 80s and he's now moved up to a salaried senior technician for the entire plant when he first started with the company they provided a lot of benefits dental vision health 401k and paid vacations most of these are no longer offered but because of his time on the job he still receives health and vacation time our family used to go on vacations every year but after my parents divorced we stopped doing that and my father worked year round after he became salaried his hours changed to weekends and holidays so the bulk of his work week was only 24 to 32 hours in total the company recently announced the end of paid vacations for all employees including the legacy ones which is where his malicious compliance comes in every year my dad would request time off for christmas in new year's and he would be told no put the time in his bank which he would dutifully do now with the end of paid vacations he's emptying out his time bank of 240 hours paid per year for 30 years he's not going to work for six years just in time for him to retire at the age of 68. also op clarifies that one of the reasons why he's able to pull this off is because he doesn't work a full 40 hour work week he actually only works 24 hours a week so all those banked hours will go way farther than normal our next reddit post is from hockey fan so about two years ago i was working as an assistant manager at a small business with about 20 to 25 employees overall i had been there for about five and a half years with three of those years at an entry level position and then as the business grew the manager was getting overwhelmed so they created the assistant manager position to put me in it now i was their jack of all trades covering multiple positions when needed i built and maintained their new website i served as the entire it department i got a new phone system installed i replaced a major critical piece of equipment i diy'd minor building updates i did inventory management distributor relationships and more well owner number one was fed up with owner number two's bs owner number one was the responsible one and knew what was going on while owner number two was just along for the ride owner number one said either sell me your half or buy my half well owner number two ended up buying the entire company a few staff quit because of that while the rest of us braced for the coming disaster while we figured out what to do next he also told me to tell the staff that they should no longer bring their concerns to me but instead bring them to the new manager the response she gave me was i don't care about staff concerns they're all replaceable anyways the new manager was someone that she'd freshly hired who had only been there two weeks and no one trusted her yet well i went home that night shared the entire conversation with most of the staff and typed up my two weeks notice and i turned it in the next morning the fallout so in addition to losing me and everything i normally did another three to four people quit over the next month leaving the owner overall with about fifty percent of the normal staff the website hasn't been touched since i left and the old owner still has outdated information up i've gotten multiple questions about where something was or how to do something because no one else knows how to run certain things i know the company has been losing clients because our products have been getting worse overall i would give her a couple of years before she has to either sell the business or close down because i can't imagine it going well for her well boss it's what you asked for if you treat your employees like they're replaceable then you'll have to replace them it's really that simple i cannot understand why companies don't just pay their employees what they're worth because like if your employees leave then your business doesn't work and then the amount of money that you're losing from your failed business is greater than the amount of money that you're losing from paying your employees what they're worth it doesn't make any sense our next reddit post is from cairo snoopy so i was granted a legal name change a few months ago it's a long boring story as to why simply put i hated the unique spelling of my first name and i wanted to ditch my surname i didn't have much trouble updating my name in most places social security driver's license insurance yada yada there were no bumps in the road until i got to the very last thing to update my credit card i use this particular credit card a lot i'm self-employed and i use this card to rack up travel points for flights hotels rental cars etc however if you've ever checked into a hotel or picked up a rental car you'll know the name on the card must match the name on the id so i call the credit card company and i'm told that i have to fill out a certain document and mail that in alongside a copy of a court document fair enough two weeks go by and i hear nothing so i call again they say they haven't received my documents i'm then informed they have a fax number that i can use to send in the documentation so i fax in all the necessary documents using an app on my phone another two weeks go by still nothing i call again and i get the same spiel on the other end of the phone please mail airfax blah blah blah you get the picture i once again did what they asked and another week passes i call again and i'm given the same freaking script i'm starting to get annoyed by this point i have an upcoming trip planned and i need the card to match my id i asked to speak to a manager and they give me some bs about the manager not currently being available so anyways i once again fax in the document in the court order however this time i decided that i was just going to keep hitting send every single time the previous one had shown up as delivered i thought that i'd repeat this process a few times just to make sure they got it after sending this document 25 times the first day i got no response the next day i was sitting on my couch watching football i thought i'd send the facts a few more times by the time i realized how many times i'd hit send i'd sent it over a hundred and thirty times the very next afternoon i got a call from a manager at the credit card company she sounded quite angry over the phone but i just played dumb you guys asked me to fax it in so i faxed it in i got my updated card in the mail three days later okay so this reminds me of a story from my life and i genuinely don't know if this story is going to be remotely entertaining but i'm going to share it because it reminds me of the story okay so there's a couple of things you need to know about me for this story first off i really really hate anything that's like tedious and time consuming and boring so like obviously everyone hates tedious stuff right it's td stuff is boring that's just kind of how it is but my tolerance level for that type of work is really really low and i get frustrated super easily by it secondly which is kind of like the first thing i really hate filling out online forms because it's like okay look it's a cute picture of a cat and then you click on the picture of the cat and then it's like sign up for our website what's your address what's your mother's maiden name how many pubic hairs do you know it's like website come on why do you need to know all this stupid information why do i need to sign up for this account just let me look at the picture of the cat so a lot of times when i'm filling out online forms i get really frustrated and angry and bored and as a result i don't fill out the forms correctly okay so my brother really likes final fantasy xiv and i like final fantasy 14 like a moderate amount years ago my brother and i played final fantasy 14 together so i signed up for an account i went through that whole tedious process of signing up and i you know linked my credit card and i downloaded the game and i played with my brother for a couple of months and then i got kind of bored of it and i stopped so fast forward a few years later my brother was kind of missing the game and he was like hey dabney will you play this game with me because i kind of want to like boot it up again and play some more and i said yeah sure i'm not really super into it but i guess i could play for a bit sure let's do it so i go to log into my old final fantasy account and i've completely forgotten my login information and i go to reset my password and i can't remember like the infinite loop that i was in but i got caught in some sort of like red tape infinite loop that i couldn't escape i think it was that every time i tried to reset the password it's into verification code but the verification code was sent to like an old phone that i didn't have anymore so to get the verification code i had to change my phone number that was associated with the account but i couldn't log in to change my phone number that was associated with the account so i was trapped and i couldn't log in and i spent like an hour just fumbling through their website trying to find like please let me escape it's like dormammu i've come to change my password dormammu i've come to change my password and they just wouldn't let me change my password because it's an infinite torture time loop and you can tell just from me telling the story how frustrated i was getting i was getting really pissed off at this website so my brother's like hey are we playing final fantasy and i said no i can't figure out what my login is and i explain the situation and of course he knows how frustrated i get by this stuff so he's like okay calm down i got this i don't mind helping you because keep in mind he's really really motivated to play final fantasy 14 so he's like i got your back i will call up this this company and i will like pretend to be you and you just be on discord with me that way i can hear you on discord and i'll be on the phone with the guy and you can give me you know information like your credit card number or whatever and that way i'll deal with like all the bureaucracy and red tape for you but you can still give me the information and i said okay great that sounds like a great compromise let's do it so my brother calls up this like service rep at the final fantasy company and he's on a phone call with me on discord so i can hear him talking to the guy who's on speakerphone but the guy on the phone can't hear me only my brother can hear me and the guy's like okay mr dabney let's just verify your account what's your name what's your address blah blah blah and as he's asking the questions i'm of course telling this information to my brother and my brother is relaying it okay so the problem is the guy's like [Laughter] the guy's like okay what's your address and i tell my i tell my brother my address you know one two three main street whatever and my brother relays the information and the guy's like no that's incorrect and so i'm like huh okay let me try my previous address and my brother relays it okay that doesn't work what's my previous address and my brother relays that as well so we'd gone through like three or four different addresses of places where i'd lived and none of them were working so my brother is like man what's the deal like i'm trying really hard to give you the addresses but but it's not working so i don't understand why could you like help me out here like i'm really confused and the guy's like um well let's just say it's not a typical address and at this point i'm like aha i know what happened previous dabney from like five years ago got pissed off about how complicated and convoluted signing up for this website was so he got really angry at the website and he didn't fill out the form correctly so i told my brother to try out one two three fake street because that's the address that i usually use when i sign up for websites that i'm pissed off at so my brother's like okay gosh i'm so stupid try one two three fake street and the guy's like no i'm afraid that's not it either and so i'm like uh and so at this point at this point i'm lost like what could it be what could i put in because 123 fake street is my go-to and then i remembered this isn't just any website that i'm signing up to this is the dormammu infinite time prison hellscape that is square enix the owner of final fantasy 14. so i would have been extra frustrated what would super super frustrated dabney write okay i got it for the street try one two three [ __ ] you street for the town try f [ __ ] you for the state try you and for the country try few [Laughter] and my brother relayed the information and the guy was like yup that's it and i got my account recovered and so the funny thing about this is while this was going on my brother is absolutely cracking up in tears because this is just such a like me thing to do and he's struggling to relay this information as he's giggling and crying laughing and he's mocking me while he's doing it he's like oh my god i'm such an idiot i can't believe i'm so stupid to do this and the guy on the phone is like yeah well i mean i guess you were having a rough day so anyways that's the story of how i finally recovered my password on final fantasy xiv and the ironic thing is at the end of [Laughter] the iron the ironic thing is that at the end of it when i finally got my password recovered uh my brother was like so like now that you know who i am like can you tell me my old password and the guy and the guy was like yeah it was [ __ ] you final fantasy 14. that was our slash malicious compliance and if you like this content check out my podcast where i publish the exact same episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 268,507
Rating: 4.9014382 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, maliciouscompliance, malicious, compliance, r/maliciouscompliance
Id: kyXxa5-IFC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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