r/maliciouscompliance | Karen Army Sergeant FORGED Paperwork, gets caught!

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hey everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel today we've got some malicious compliance stories and our first story of the day is by 360 entertainment karen the sergeant so this story takes place sometime after the kramer and kevin the soldier with the exception of a few key players the story is unrelated but it still took place at fort hood yes the famous fort hood it's now 2008 and i've been assigned to be the armorer for our brigades unit hhc stands for headquarters and headquarters company basically it's the platoon that runs the regular day-to-day stuff such as troop management ordering new supplies of a various nature and of course equipment management at least that's how i saw it as an armorer i basically look after the various weapons and sensitive equipment an army unit might have i'd have been working at this unit for a few months and quickly acclimated we had an awesome command team amazing sergeants and the troops were all pretty amazing at their duties i was one of the only lower enlisted mps in the unit due to my arm's room schooling but in general it was not that big of a deal to see a specialist in charge of a section quite literally worth a couple hundred thousand to a million dollars in equipment it took me a while but i had built up a decent standing with several of the higher ups through a positive work ethic and my get it done mentality as for my fellow lore enlisted well back then i was a bit of a partier and was more or less welcomed with open arms i had a good couple of months there before she walked in for the sake of the story i'll not refer to her by my special nickname instead she'll simply be called karen you'll learn why in a bit now karen was originally from brazil and spoke with a very strong accent which was kind of endearing she had also recently reclassed she was originally a forklift operator but the promotion points for that mos were too high so she transferred to supply initially she came off as intelligent yet friendly i had even formed what i thought was a strong friendship at this point before she was promoted we'd regularly hang out after hours we'd go to lunch get groceries study for boards and even have the occasional movie night throughout all of this i had slowly developed a crush on her but i'll admit she intimidated me professionally and i believed she was out of my league probably a good thing with what eventually happened so after she routinely won several soldier of the month boards winning everyone over in the process she was sent to a promotion board as usual she wowed everyone with her knowledge it was later announced that she won the board and we went out to celebrate that night with dinner and clubbing a month or so later she was promoted to sergeant and was made the ncoic of our supply office basically she was a manager initially things were good she didn't overstep her bounds and remained professional all around then she started sticking her feet in the pool it started small first getting on another soldier for not doing his best at pt to be fair the guy was known to weasel his way out of pt so a sergeant didn't see an issue with karen making him run an extra mile also the guy was a bit of a creeper to most of the females in and around our brigade including karen i'm assuming she wanted some light payback she then started outright abusing her authority anyone lower ranking than her she'd speak in a condescending attitude to even going so far to pepper her dictation with various insults when soldiers outside of her office brought this up to their chains of command they were initially ignored since she was fairly well liked around our company and they simply couldn't believe these rumors eventually my buddy jb as well as another sergeant who i'll refer to as uncle sam were brought in for my old line unit despite jb's misgivings from the kramer saga he was actually one of the single most competent supply clerks i've ever met he really knew his stuff same with uncle sam he was one of the best nbc guys nuclear biological chemical in the brigade as a whole but with jb's reputation outside of those that knew him he wasn't well thought of in a lot of remarks of course karen was aware of this and took full advantage every time jb would try to instruct her on how to do some important paperwork karen would just order him to do it her usual excuse was because i'm the sergeant that's why so jb got stuck doing all of the dirty work and karen got all of the credit of course karen got praised for her work ethic and professionalism outside of the hhc but everyone slowly learned that karen wasn't as up to snuff as she made herself out to be yet her arrogance continued to grow during all of this karen had formed a relationship with another female in the unit she was the command sergeant major's driver so for this story i'll refer to her as wheels i don't have a problem with lgbt i even experimented at one point but being gay in the military was a huge no-no back then and subject to separation under the uniformed code of military justice ucmj basically don't ask don't tell wheels had a lot of bad luck with relationships i won't go into details and simply state she sure knew how to pick them her relationship with karen was no different out in the open they'd regularly flirt for all the sea even in front of senior leadership but behind closed doors they were super toxic for each other our company leadership was pretty lenient we all knew who was with who more or less and everyone respected the don't ask don't tell orders more or less if you could pull your own weight without letting personal drama get involved no one cared of course karen openly flaunted this her ego had began to grow around this time i'd become a regular target of hers as i was the armorer i technically fell under her and after me and her had a disagreement over how she'd been treating people she began to treat me rather harshly i began to receive write-ups for the littlest things examples include multiple write-ups for not shaving usually right after i'd had a 24-hour shift and no access to a razor getting written up for having a dirty uniform after i had been working under a truck for motor pool monday vehicle maintenance being drunk on duty this was a saturday morning but she tried to write it in such a way to make it sound like we had official business going on those were just a few examples and after a while my counseling packet started to look like the leather-bound edition of war and peace any time anyone asked about me my work ethic was slammed and i was made out to be a lazy oaf even sergeants who'd previously worked with me began to believe karen's stories but there were a few who had my back it wasn't long before karen began to overreach her limits though uncle sam began to feel her wrath as she began to try and bad-mouth him but his seniority and reputation around the brigade as a whole kept him afloat eventually it got so bad that he refused to work with her and put in a complaint with our first sergeant and commander our first sergeant whom i dubbed the shield i talked about him before didn't want any infighting within his company and more or less told them to play nice she then started butting heads with another nco our chaplain's assistant who was a whole rank above her the chaplain's assistant who i'll refer to as the paladin had become a close friend of mine after i'd started seeking counseling with him and our chaplain he was originally an infantryman with two tours under his belt and the chaplain was formerly special forces believe it or not both of them were two of the calmest people i'd ever met but at the same time they were the last two you'd want to mess with professionally and privately they were two of my biggest supporters back then outside of jb and mamasaurus the other two became a circuit family to a lot of us even bringing us home-cooked meals on occasion during one of my sessions with the chaplain karen came barging into the main office she began to demand the chaplain release me so i could stop wasting her time her and the paladin began to have an increasingly loud dispute over this which ended with the paladin telling karen she could either leave his office through the door or the window in the next 10 seconds karen ran off to the shield to report the threat the paladin and chaplin each stated their side of the events and karen was verbally reprimanded after the reprimanding karen counseled me for wasting her time and tried to bar me from the chaplain's office but was again reprimanded these were the first negative remarks karen had ever received in her career up to this point and they did not sit well with her this is the part where the malicious compliance came in while collecting my keys one day karen asked to take a look at some of the paperwork i really didn't think anything of it and opened my arms room up for business when she returned the paperwork i took a look at it and noticed that it was missing several important stamps upon further investigation i found that her name had been added to all the important paperwork you see when you work in an arms room you need at the minimum several levels of security clearance as well as company orders and a bunch of other important paperwork when i asked her about it she said it's none of your business she had forged government documents when i further informed her of the trouble she could get in i was further told you're not the nco i am now get back to work so that's what i did about a month and a half later i was on leave and home in washington state for my little brother's wedding about three days into my leave i had received a text message from my then platoon sergeant who i'll refer to as big sis stating not to give karen my pin i didn't think anything of it at first then i received a very angry call from karen it went roughly like this hello is that how you answer the phone when i call sorry sergeant how can i help you i need the pin code to the arms room i can't give that to you it's against federal regulations then you need to come back asap that's not gonna happen either then i'll have your rank she then hung up on me having an idea of what happened i called big sis and asked her what happened stifling a giggle big sis told me she'd tell me when i got back and to enjoy my vacation i proceeded to receive three more phone calls from karen each more threatening than the last i returned 13 days after the call and got an earful from both big sis and the paladin apparently while i was on leave the shield wanted to get some serious weapons cleaning done and had karen open up the arms room since she did not have a pin for the alarm the mps were notified they asked her for the paperwork and she provided the documentation she had rewritten they quickly pointed out all of the issues i had pointed out almost two months earlier she got reamed by the shield and tried to pass the blame on me for not informing her of the issues the shield informed her that this was all on her despite the seriousness of it all she had only received a negative counseling this was her first official one in her mind it was all my fault after i got back she doubled down her efforts to ruin my career and what little reputation i had left but she got what she deserved in the end i'll share that in a later post so let me ask you guys in this story do you think it's a case of the power getting to their head or do you think it's something else let me know in the comments down below what you think and our final story of the day is by mr pepper you want to cancel your reservation okay about a decade ago when i was fresh out of high school i got a summer job working at a lakeside boat rental slash bait and tackle shop my boss joe not his real name inherited the shop from his father and took a massive amount of pride in keeping the family business going still he wasn't one to give into ball and clearly took it personally when a customer complained about anything to do with the shop he loved so much our lake was a pretty popular trophy fishing destination due to how large the local mackinac trout got bossman wanted to reward people who planned ahead by never charging summer pricing approximately 150 dollars more per day on reservations naturally this resulted in our boats getting booked out weeks in advance the catch was we did require a completely refundable 100 security deposit we said in case of damages but it was mostly to guarantee they returned the boat of course every year many people took issue with this policy in the three years i saw this happen dozens of times boss had his malicious compliance down to an exact science when a customer would refuse to pay the security deposit joe would state the deposit is non-negotiable almost always the customer would then declare they're canceling their reservation they'll never do business here again generally recite the whole karen manifesto joe would cheerfully agree feed their paperwork into the shredder and send them off you see dear raider of the three marinas on the lake we were the only ones that rented out boats the other two only rented out space for boats to dock they'd never ask about our competitors so joe never had any reason to inform them without fail within the hour the customer would be back having realized that they couldn't get a boat elsewhere usually at this point business would be picking up meaning i'd be loudly answering questions about boat rentals for other guests and the customers fishing buddies or antsy kids would be pushing them to get the boat already grudgingly they'd ask for their boat joe would fake concern and tell them that unfortunately all the boats have been reserved for weeks so we're usually unable to accommodate walk-in rental requests as luck would have it we had a cancellation earlier today since they don't have a reservation however we have to charge the summer holiday pricing oh and just for your information we require a completely refundable 100 security deposit for all rentals i hope that's all right with you this is completely on the customer's fault if they can see the price and they know that there's a 100 security deposit attached to it if all that is known and advertised when they book it they shouldn't be complaining when they pull up now if you arrived and that's when they told you there's a 100 security deposit required that's a little bit different and a little bit more predatory but still to be clear in the end it still is a refundable 100 security deposit you're going to get the money back either way it's just if it sprung up on you after you had already booked after all that time it's a little different that said i doubt that that's how it happens and it's just clueless customers in the end the customers play themselves but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you have a favorite story of the day let me know which one and why in the comments down below if you enjoyed the video please consider giving it a like and subscribe if you haven't and turn on notifications so you'll never miss an upcoming video from the story time channel every little thing that you do helps the channel grow that much more so no matter what you did thank you for supporting me right here on the story time channel i hope you all have a wonderful day and i'll see you all next time right here
Channel: Storytime
Views: 55,574
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Keywords: storytime, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: hNj8jj8L9sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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