r/MaliciousCompliance - I Told You Where That Tree Would Fall! - #588

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hello and welcome back to the kcc channel i'm rob and today we'll be jumping into some malicious compliance our first story today comes to us from independentokra8577 nah we don't need a professional to fill those trees okay let's jump right in this is the story of how my dad with my consent but against my advice accidentally weaponized a tree i live in the capital of a central european country and recently visited my parents at the countryside they needed me to help deal with some trees they wanted to fell i assumed they wanted to finally make short work of the semi-healthy trees along the driveway that kept branching into the way but no they decided that the row of beaches at the south eastern corner of the property had to go you should know three things here one those trees are really really tall like 15 meters about 50 feet and rather thin two there is an equally high barn just a few meters behind those trees on the neighbor's property to the south it is pretty old but has been renovated time and time again to serve as a storage and party location 3. in front of the trees are compost containers a crooked walnut tree and bushes that my mother planted creating a corridor of only around 7 meters 23 feet for the trees to land in without breaking anything also important my sister also living in a bigger city and not present when these events took place and i are actually co-owners of the house and property as my father transferred ownership to us some years ago well so far those beaches had survived their fair share of storms they'd probably become a problem as they kept growing and since new neighbors on the property bordering on the eastern side are in the process of building a house they'd be their problem as well so i agreed that they had to go however my parents wanted to fell them by themselves meaning my dad would be the one to operate the chainsaw on them he worked as a technician before retiring always did a lot of repair and building work in and around the house but he is past 70 has adopted a rather unhealthy lifestyle after leaving the workforce and his eyesight and motoric skills while still perfectly suited for most kinds of technical operations have deteriorated a bit knowing this i objected and suggested hiring a professional to do the job and sharing the cost i argued that any damage beechwood is pretty heavy or injury that might occur if things went sideways wouldn't be covered by insurance and thus come in quite costly also doing this without even as much as notifying the local authorities might be illegal okay it's the countryside if any regulations of such kind even exist folks here like to interpret them as friendly advice rather than actual law but i digress my parents wouldn't have any of it and even refused to get an estimate from a professional i did some basic research and found out that the costs would probably come in at around 500 to 1 000 euro 600 to 1200 not a small sum but the forester or lumberjack who'd take up the work would be responsible for any damage no dice even after trying to bring my points across several times nah we don't need a professional why should we waste money when we can do it by ourselves they said it will be fine they said literally and while i usually am able to put them off bad ideas by convincing one of them this time both were hell-bent on going for it and once that is the case all hope is basically lost as especially my mother can be the most stubborn as heck at least i know whom i inherited this trait from as a property co-owner i technically could have just forbidden my parents to fell those trees on their own but they're my parents i love them they're adults they live there and keep stuff in order so i refrain from taking this route so i told them that they should go ahead if they really want to but i would not help them with this my mom asked if i would help them cutting it up and carrying the wood once the trees were laying on the ground important aspect i agreed also i begged them to wait for my sister to call them the next day at lunch time since i messaged her about the situation and she wanted to back me up but no next morning i was woken up by my mother calling me to help cutting up the first tree which my father had brought down successfully so i dutifully crawled out of bed and did my part in this little deforestation project tree two and three out of five also were felled without any incidents then came tree four my father apparently had not seen a higher up branch that stretched between the branches of tree five so once the chainsaw had fully severed the stem instead of falling sideways as intended it got caught up swirled around its axis and crashed into the walnut tree which started to bend significantly due to the load now they wanted me to help moving the beach by pushing it to roll along the edge of one of the walnut trees main branches besides me knowing that this wasn't doable as i said a 15 meter high tree is a heavy affair i refused but you said you'd help us once a tree is felled they pleaded i pointed out that i'd only assist once it was laying on the ground and leaning into the walnut tree doesn't quite fit that definition more pleading but now it was my time to be stubborn and rightfully so since there was no way to or machinery to pull the beach away my father decided to cut parts of its lower stem until handling it would be possible multiple laws of physics however intervened after he had cut the second large chunk shifting the center mass of the beach so that it suddenly started to tilt when its branches prevented it from sliding downwards as intended then the walnut tree reacted to the lighter load and shift of balance by springing back knocking the beach into the neighbor's barn like a battering ram the dry wooden wall planks didn't stand a chance and splintered away as the felled tree forced its way into the building creating an impressive hole my parents now stood there dumbfounded my dad slowly scratched his head and tried to realize the situation while my mother slowly started to panic oh no no no what do we do now what if the neighbor calls the police on us i had watched the spectacle from the balcony and couldn't decide whether to be shocked or to descend into uncontrollable laughter closer investigation from outside showed that the tree had crushed a chair a table and also caused a cupboard with party equipment to collapse though my dad had at least reached his goal and freed the beach from the grasp of the walnut tree but there was no way of getting it unstuck from the barn without entering a few hours later the neighbor who knew about my parents plans returned home which is where this story might have taken a very bitter and costly turn but he proved to be a very gracious guy and took the incident which in the worst case could have made the whole barn collapse in stride he first was negatively amazed by what had transpired but after inspection of the barn he didn't deem it to be necessary to involve the insurance or officials and said he would repair the damage by himself if my parents agreed to pay for the materials replacement of the destroyed furniture thanks neighbor and some beer probably a lot of beer for his time which they gladly accepted his bill isn't in yet as he has just began patching up the hole but it will easily be upwards of 2 000 euros roughly 2 400 plus the beer of course still making a professional tree removal look like a really good deal my father offered him to assist with the repairs the neighbor thought about it for the fraction of a second then politely declined i wonder why ps tree five is still standing i have to admit i really enjoy doing things myself there's a lot of jobs that i'll just jump right into but i definitely have a limit there's a point where you have to call in the professionals otherwise you just know things are gonna go wrong in the comments opie was asked what their sister's reaction was and they said a little bit of dismay and a lot of uncontrollable laughter do me a quick favor have a look down below the video if that subscribe button still red it means you're not actually subscribed to the kcc channel please hit that subscribe button for more daily reddit stories our next story today comes to us from the potato fairy 95 xboss accused me of reporting him so i did let's jump right in i worked for his small company for six weeks at the end of 2020 it was landscape architecture he sacked me with no real explanation when i was off sick with kovid i have undiagnosed highly suspected adhd so i wasn't massively surprised it affects my performance but i was surprised by the timing and the fact that it was via email i asked for more clarity i was never rude to him i just told him i wish he'd called me so i could get some feedback he got really mad and proceeded to write a long list of my over-exaggerated and some false shortcomings too slow distracted stuff he never mentioned at the time he then said if you want to take legal action against me let me know i didn't i left it and moved on fast forward to today he just called my mobile from a private number asking how i was i was taken aback as we have had no communication since he said someone has put in a report i'm using unlicensed software was it you because i know we left on bad terms i said i've no idea what you're talking about he made it seem i was devastated he sacked me and would have a good reason to report him no matter what i said he was convinced it was me he even accused my dad who works in i.t i didn't even know he was using unlicensed software i said i feel like you're unfairly accusing me here he raised his voice and shouted why do you always play the victim stop playing the victim probably in reference to the fact that i questioned the way he sacked me it sounded so rehearsed i honestly had to hold back laughter then he said i'm not accusing you but did you do it looking back i believe it was unlicensed we only ever use the student version of autodesk which is illegal when you're running a business this combined with his accusation tells me he is in fact breaking the law i was so pissed off by his accusation i reported him to both autodesk and the bsa he'll have to run an audit and likely face a huge fine he thinks i did it either way so what harm can one more report do yup that's the way to do this one hey i didn't report you but thanks for the idea click our next story today comes to us from stitch converse keep picking me for a random locker search meet my underwear let's jump right in many years ago i worked for an outdoor activity center and playland in the retail department throughout the park there were many different shops that we manned and i absolutely loved working there despite it being hard work for little pay one day i had a run in with a manager who seriously berated me in front of the entire team along with others from different departments i was advised by a manager from a different team to make a formal complaint which i did others came out with similar complaints and said manager was advised to find employment elsewhere but not sacked now unbeknownst to me i triggered the chain of events that would lead to me leaving the company now before the main story there's some background info that is relevant to my malicious compliance there were a few rules in place that were designed to prevent theft including no more than 10 pounds to be allowed on the shop floor which was to be checked before your shift anything over this must be declared to management and left in your locker and all staff had to agree to random locker and pocket searches in the two years i'd worked here had never been picked for a random search there were around several hundred employees so the odds were incredibly slim as soon as our disgraced manager left i suddenly found myself picked at random for a search this involved turning out my pockets removing my shoes and socks and then being escorted to the locker room to empty the contents out nothing was found so i was sent back to the shop floor the following week i was again picked at random for a search which again turned up nothing rumors were soon doing the rounds that i had upset my department's remaining management team after instigating the action against my former manager and they were going to force me out using any means necessary i realized that i needed to act so started job hunting and then began my malicious compliance i started taking a backpack to work filled with 20 pounds in pennies every morning i declared the amount in my locker as required and sure enough after a couple of days i was once again selected for my weekly random search i got paid to watch a security guard and supervisor count 2 000 pennies as expected i passed said surge and off i went this happened a second time with now 30 pounds and pennies and i decided to up my game at the start of the following week i patiently awaited my random search with glee knowing what awaited them the day soon arrived and off i was marched to the lockers ready for their treat i lift out my backpack and pass it to the security guard and supervisor who dive straight in without any gloves oh how they wretched as they discovered what was in there i had several pairs of my period soaked pants waiting in there especially for them they were gingerly laid on the floor beside my bag as they counted my bag of pennies the smell from the pants was unreal they'd been festering in there for days in anticipation once again the search revealed nothing and off to work i went after that i was not picked for another search again i left after a couple more weeks to a new job and keeping in touch with some people i discovered that a new rule was introduced that tried dictating what you could and couldn't take to work with you this soon led to a mass walk out of staff and after a year the place shut down due to unrelated matters willowp that was an interesting yet disgusting way to deal with the situation keep in mind in the future that you would have had grounds for constructive dismissal if you'd put in a claim within six months of leaving and before they actually shut down check out all three ops in the description down below thanks for watching have a wonderful day and we'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Karma Comment Chameleon
Views: 20,145
Rating: 4.9595962 out of 5
Keywords: karma, comment, chameleon, karma comment chameleon, reddit, funny, funny reddit, reddit funny, r/entitledparents, entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled, parents, top posts, reddit top post, best of reddit, comedy, r/, rslash
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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