RLCraft Best Structures! Top 30!

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hey everyone in this video i will be detailing the top 30 structures in all of our lcraft there are hundreds upon hundreds of structures in our l craft ranging from a small rock formation all the way to cities hundreds of blocks long i will describe my rankings better at the end but basically i rank the structures by loot quality for an average rl craft player as you may be able to tell throughout the video i used creative mode a lot in this since i couldn't find some of the rare structures such as the shavaxi monument without further ado let's get right into it first some honorable mentions i feel necessary to include this small campsite is a fairly common structure that contains medical items as well as some miscellaneous early game resources this hobbit's hole which can hold some ingots paper food wood armor and some other convenient early game necessities this floating like dock structure which can be looted for an early to mid game bobble as well as a few miscellaneous items and pet armor to melt for ingots this mini battle tower which holds the potential for some mid-tier enchantment books and golden apples this witch dungeon that has a lot of blaze powder and rabbit's feet for anyone who wants to tame a hippogriff this witch tower which has a redstone two gold one iron one diamond and one emerald block to mine as well as some armored smell for ingots and lastly for the honorable mentions this crater base that has a diamond block more lapis lazuli than you will ever know what to do with saddles food low tier enchanted items flint slime feathers arrows soul sand netherwort bookshelves a few iron ingots and a gas tier in truth it just had a lot of miscellaneous stuff but i don't normally need any of that stuff so i didn't put it in the top 30. but it is a very cool base now on to our top 30. starting off at number 30 on our list is the jungle village this structure is so rare that i couldn't even find the exact distance where one can find it but my guess would be that it can be found once every 330 to 666 jungle chunks since those chunk increments are a common staple of structures around this grade regardless the jungle village has a few lootable chests scattered around the large village the structure seems to always have the same loot so i gathered the notable stuff and put it in this shulker box for you all to see this village also foreshadows something tragic happening to the inhabitants of this village and even the inhabitants of the world of minecraft involving a huge black rock that fell from the sky from the eerie stake the village is currently in it can only be assumed that something terrible did happen to the villagers is this just a tale told by an imaginative mod creator or is it something more number 29 the galleon aka large ship i'm not making this up that's just what its name is this structure has 41 anvils 20 coal blocks some helpful early game equipment in the lower chests and two wither skeleton skulls to loot on deck also for the rest of the video i will continue to not detail everything you get from these structures only the decent loot number 28 the lighthouse this structure has 25 iron blocks to take at the top as well as a few chests with a random loop chance for a few items usually containing food a few iron or gold ingots or a golden apple or two this structure also has villagers and some bookshelves but it is nothing too special besides the iron blocks which gave it its rank at 28. moving down to number 27 the gorgon temple this structure was very hard to rank since the value of a gorgon is kind of tough to determine depending on the player's own set rules for themselves this item can be equal to defeating a final boss or it can be just a get out of jail free card or a method for a new home decoration regardless for those gorgonhead fans out there as well as i couldn't bring myself to rank this structure over the next structure i'm going to talk about the gorgon temple makes it into rank 27 on the best structures in all of our lcraft list moving on down our list at number 26 comes an incredibly interesting structure one of wish that i have found on a few occasions and i can't help but get excited every time i do find it and that structure is none other than the cathedral of madness this structure is riddled with spawners and has a few chests with some instant healing potions but the best loot in the structure lies within its ceiling the ceiling to the structure holds a solid 51 iron blocks this structure overall might not have the best loot but finding one of these is certainly an exciting feeling if you feel like fighting the mobs that spawn in here the mob spawners as well as the zero light level will keep you busy for quite a while giving you quite a bit of xp and some combat training next on number 25 the windmill oasis village this structure gives a lot of xp by mining the wheat some basic loot ranging from a few emeralds medical supplies a lot of wheat and a few ingots but it also has a chance to provide the player with up to two librarian villagers for this reason alone the structured does relatively well on my list since enchantments and xp are a staple necessity to the mod pack at number 24 we have the desert oasis village this structure has about the same level loot as the windmill oasis village but this structure can have up to five librarian villagers for this reason alone this structure is very solid at number 23 we have a blast from the past one of the first structures i have ever found in our railcraft a town marita or marador i just call it a town this structure seemed common in rlcraft version 2.6 but i haven't seen the structure at all recently perhaps it is much more rare in the newer versions of rl crafter i'm just unlucky this structure is really fun to explore and like a kingdom or island city there are villagers all over the place the loot is pretty minimal besides a single house and four wither skeleton skulls but the loot inside the house is at least decent and free wither skeleton skulls without fighting alone makes the structure very solid three wither skeleton skulls can be found under the structure next to another portal after going through some hallways and the fourth skull can be found on the surface on a small bright yellow structure that is hard to miss the nice dilute house is found next to the town church and it contains a few stacks of steak potato sugar cane and some useful early game items such as lapis lazuli and some random enchantment equipment there is also 13 stacks of arrows in total throughout the structure and number 22 we have the pirate cove or in other words the cult island this large structure has three parts to it the first part is the purple-sailed pirate ship that holds a lot of ender pearls and ender eyes some early game equipment and food the ender pearls and eyes alone is very strong but the second part of the structure is a small building next to a wheat farm that houses three enemy spawners inside as well as two spawners outside one spawner in particular is an invoker spawner and as many of you know evokers drop totems of undying you can farm these evokers for plenty of totems of undying and these items are very helpful in our life since you will face deadly situations often there is also stacks of cooked fish in a dispenser on the first floor if anyone wants fish for aquatic treats the third part of the cult island is a large building that houses a few villagers one always being a librarian a guaranteed librarian adds to the structure for sure at number 21 we have a structure that most of you already know about and that structure is none other than the desert temple in our life though desert temples are especially good inside desert temples there is a chance for not only enchantment books golden apples and ingots but also a chance for crafting runes crafting runes can hold recipes for powerful items such as the shock and end talismans this fact alone gives the structure a high rank on my list moving down to our top 20 we start off with the kingdom this structure has 21 gold blocks plenty of glowstone lamps to break for glowstone plenty of villagers to trade with and a few enchantment books defined at the back main structure and some lap as lazuli blocks the brick as well as the structure being one of the more well protected structures in the game it also has some decent loot planning it at the solid rank 20. at number 19 we have a village with a large library this structure is always solid to find as every village with a library has a good amount of enchantment books to loot as well as a chance for a few librarians to be wandering around ready to trade this structure is safe with a waste stone so making a base at one of these is an easy option in an early game as well the enchantment books can be found in four chests inside the library and their quality tends to lean towards the high end number 18 the glowstone shelter the glowstone shelter has eight chests that can hold crafting rooms as well as strong enchantment books this structure also has some netherwart and plenty of glowstone lamps to break overall though the fact that this structure has so many enchantment books and crafting room potential this makes the structure very solid number 17 the desert dungeon this dungeon has more to it than meets the eye this structure not only has five chests on the surface containing some emeralds diamonds gold iron and low-grade enchanted items but it also has two secret rooms one with some more basic loot but the other being a large secret crypt that holds three double chests full of loot the chests are laced with tnt and surrounded by a few spawners so you should break the tnt and spawners first but the loot inside the chests is very nice there are always a few enchanted books in these three chests as well as often some more diamonds and emeralds these reasons alone do not put the structure that high on the list though the real reason is all that stuff as well as you always find a pig and horse spawn egg in this structure this dungeon is the only place i know of to get these rare spawn eggs number 16 the friendly outpost i know that the name is meh i call it the dark oak oasis village in this structure you always find decent enchantment books on the first floor and the top floor of the structure you can walk away with some amazing enchantment books and these structures are fairly common plus the structures are completely safe on top of this when you go far enough away from spawn or zero zero you will find a guaranteed rare end game enchantment book that the librarian will be selling here depending on your world seed this book will always be one of a handful of amazing enchantments advancementing 5 subject mathematics 5 subject history 5 and in vendom 5 being a few examples of potential enchantments that these librarians will always be selling when you go far enough away from 0-0 i would say about 10k blocks or so is safe but it may be a bit further or less as i have not done exact cord testing number 15 the island city or as i like to call it the port city this structure is amazing as it will contain 14 emerald blocks four gold blocks 46 iron blocks and enough wheat xp to get a player to nearly level 50 from zero this structure also has a large amount of librarian villagers and other miscellaneous items useful for an early game character the island city is an amazing structure to find for a new player as well as an end game player since the iron at emeralds can always come in handy if one is low on either number 14 the battle tower in particular the full battle tower not the crumbling variant the best loot battle towers go up from the ground and have a golem mini boss at the top you can cheese the tower by fishing the golem off with a fishing pole or knocking him off with knockback arrows or you can defeat him fair and square with summons a bow or whatever you want really the tower will come crumbling down and the loot will be scattered if you do this though so choosing the tower is much more neat the loot in the chest on the top two stories is always very solid at the very least giving diamonds emeralds blaze powder glowstone mid-tier bobbles and ingots at the best you can get xp tomes netherstars god tier bobbles and god tier enchantment books these towers are a staple of rl craft and are certainly structures to look for number 13 the lycanite dungeon the lycanite dungeon comes in a few color variants ranging from green to purple to red to orange the best structure to find in my opinion being the orange one and the least spectacular one being the green one second place is red and third is purple these dungeons are known for giving great bobbles and sometimes great enchantment books but more importantly these dungeons give soul stones by defeating the bosses that reside within the green lyka knight dungeons tend to give more beast and worm soul stones the purple dungeons tend to get more aberration and undead soul stones the red dungeons get more demon soul stones and the orange dungeons can give you dragon soul stones when you get a soul stone you will right flick it and a soul-bound pet will be given to you to do your bidding and or to ride the dragon mounts being community ranked the strongest and most useful mounts overall though makes the orange lycan knight dungeons in particular the best leica night dungeon structure to look out for in our l craft but the other lycanide dungeons are great to find as well number 12 the end city i particularly do not like the end that much in rl craft since dying to instability can seem a bit random even with ender pearls and warp methods on hand but the end city certainly makes the end worth exploring this structure holds the chance for great enchanted gear that you can disenchant for end game enchantments as well as the chance for enchantment books and a vast amount of shulkers to defeat for shulker shells and shulker hearts choker boxes are incredible items that allow you to potentially carry 27 times more items with you on your adventures and that is an incredible time saver you can also get a dragon's head and an elytra in larger end cities although elijah's are not very practical in our aircraft since your chest is a vital spot it can still be fun to have one for these reasons the end city sits comfortably at rank 12. moving down to number 11 is the doom-like dungeon the doom-like dungeon comes in many variants the underwater doom-like nether doom-like obsidian doom-like stone doom-like wood doom-like and gorgon doom-like dungeon structures all fall into this category at number 11. the gorgon doom-like dungeons can have a vast amount of gorgon spawners and amazing loot in particular if a few shulkers of gorgon heads is not good enough then how about a few xp tomes enchantment books and end game bobbles to top it off you can also sometimes find lycanite mob spawners for potentially a strong beast detainment mount the most alluring potential drop in this dungeon would have to be the fairy ring as well however finding a fairy ring in the doom-like dungeon is very rare in the underwater doom-like structures you can also get vitamin bobbles very easily from elder guardians allowing for dual-wielding two-handed weapons or using a two-handed weapon with a shield but more importantly you can find any lytra and shulker boxes in the underwater doom-like dungeons on occasion which makes the doom-like dungeons better than the end cities for this one reason alone number 10 the roguelike dungeon this dungeon has amazing enchantment books in the bottom floors and mid-game enchanted gear and items on the other floors of the dungeon what's more though is that you can also sometimes find secret rooms in these dungeons if you see any two vertical blocks on the walls of the dungeon try breaking them you may find a room for yourself these rooms can contain a small structure made entirely of emerald blocks the mobs that you defeat will many times drop their armor as well and the armor they drop can have potentially powerful enchantments on them that you can get yourself from disenchanting them protection 4 and unbreaking 3 being incredibly easy to get from this dungeon lastly while the bottom floor of the dungeon has great chest loot it will also have a few place spawners for a nice amount of blaze rods all in all this dungeon is very solid especially for being as common as it is number nine the temple of aerolith this structure is one of the coolest structures in all of our lcraft this structure is one of the rare structures in the game but contains 357 gold blocks and 19 emerald blocks ripe for the taking it is rather easy to just take the blocks and leave but the structure also has wither skeleton spawners blaze spawners and magma cube spawners this structure is one of those structures that no adventurer overlooks and for that reason alone it ranks high on my list at number nine number eight the dragon den while the loot found within a dragon den may not seem as amazing as some other structures on the surface a dragon's den has the potential of providing the player with one of the most sought-after treasures in the entire mod pack a dragon's egg a pet dragon can add a tremendous amount to your play through and the dragons nrl craft are just straight up cool as well you also get six or more stacks of emeralds typically with a fortune 3 pickaxe by mining the walls especially the walls within the smaller dragon dens you can also get a lot of gold enchanted items and sometimes manuscripts from the chest laying around the den for a new player manuscripts can be useful as you can add the pages to your bestiary to get in-depth game information such as how to hatch dragon eggs and other neat mob facts the dragon zen in total gives emeralds a potential for a dragon egg gold and a large amount of dragon scales and or dragon blood as well as dragon bones dragon dens are rightfully one of the most sought after and best structures in our lcraft number seven the palace of aravith this structure only spawns once every 1666 chunks in quote-unquote hot dry and sandy biomes this structure has no chest loop but it does contain 3202 gold blocks and 122 emerald blocks in total this structure is also completely combat free so the loot is just there for the taking surprisingly in the top seven four of the structures are completely safe without enemies but this structure has the largest amount of blocks to loot after mining this fully you may never want to see another gold block again number six the sanctuary of admis this structure similarly to the palace of aravith has no enemies and only wondrous loot spawning only once every 1 66 chunks in a jungle this structure is again insanely rare this structure however is even better than the palace of aravith because the structure gives you villagers and even more emerald blocks for many players gold isn't a concern at all but emeralds are incredibly useful you can loot 312 emerald blocks and 124 iron blocks from the sanctuary of admis number five we have none other than the castle dungeon aka the iv tower dungeon after showing the last two structures i can get why some people would raise an eyebrow at this ranking but the four tower dungeon is insanely amazing for loot potential this dungeon guarantees you get a lot of emeralds from killing mods even without advanced looting 3 but it also has a vast amount of enchantment books and precious materials scattered about the dungeon the enchantment books are normally up to end game standards and the spectral silt you get from the catacombs below the structure can be rather useful for forging some bubbles the dungeon overall has often an xp toner too baubles silver emeralds enchantment books a large amount of xp and on top of this the best loot chest at the top of the structure can simply be looted while on a flying mount if you want some quick and free amazing loot the option is available for you this structure is like a cracked battle tower with a lot of enchantment books and is actually fairly common number 4 the mega battle tower this dungeon is absolutely insane for xp emeralds and loot you can get an amazing bauble relatively commonly here as well the ring of the fairies can be found in the top three loot chests rather often after looting 10 of these structures i ended up with two fairy rings and the structure isn't too uncommon the mega battle tower structures also let you go from level 0 to level 120 just by clearing the dungeon with an education 3 sword this mob grinder is incredibly fun enemies come at you constantly and the top loot is also worth it in total xp tomes rings of regeneration lots of gas tears silver ingots amazing bubbles the potential for a ring of the fairies lots of mop grinding potential and this dungeon is common sign me up number three the forest stronghold taking the coveted crown of the rarest dungeon in the game as far as i know the forest dungeon is the most insane dungeon i have ever looted the loot here is on another level of amazing compared to the other dungeons in the game the dungeon literally has it all after looting one of these myself not even completely mind you i ended up with 65 emerald blocks a dozen silver blocks diamond blocks four xp tomes over a shulker box of totems of undying at least one end game bubble 18 wither skeleton skulls a stack of gas tiers a stack of blaze runs and a shulker box full of enchantment books that i wanted to keep i left at least a dozen enchantment books as well that i didn't want this structure also got me from level 120 to level 164 which is a lot of xp this dungeon is extremely cool with so much to do both in the underground crips and the above ground chambers i have to say i generally enjoyed clearing this insane dungeon and i hope to find this dungeon again on my journeys number two the shavaxy monument a monument named after the mod author himself shavaxi it's gotta be jacked with loot right you would be correct to think that this structure has stacks of dragon and sea serpent scales end game bobbles including the fairy ring and ring of free action enchanted diamond armor and weapons the potential for battle burritos aussie lining and so much more the loot is indeed not always the same as when i looted a second one with commands i did not see the same loot this structure though however amazing has its drawbacks while this structure just gives you amazing loot for free no fighting involved the structure only spawns every 6 66 chunks or every 100 000 blocks or so and only in snowy biomes if you find this structure in survival you should consider yourself incredibly lucky if you do somehow find it though you will certainly be well rewarded number one what structure takes the coveted crown as the best structure in all of our lcraft well the result may surprise you the best structure in all of our lcraft is the ice city like the kingdom island city and town marador the ice city is a large outpost with villagers and buildings this city being the rarest of the four though only spawning every 330 frozen ocean chunks frozen oceans are already rare enough but with enough searching i'm sure you can find this structure too what makes this structure the best in all of our aircraft however will most likely surprise you this structure is good because the villagers here are unique the villagers here are actually broken and a lot of the trades seem to be centered around a quest line that serves no purpose in our life that is besides the point though just a fun fact this structure is always the same so if you find the structure the same thing will happen to you there will always be a single villager selling nether stars for 30 emeralds what is more insane though is that a few villagers will trade obsidian for obsidian and the villager never runs out of the trade you can trade obsidian with the villagers here infinitely now what does that mean exactly you are always trading one obsidian for one obsidian so what's the point the point is that you get xp from trading and you can do this forever in other words infinite xp no glitches no more farms no more grinding no more commands if you just want xp you got xp completely doable in survival thank me later oh and you should probably do this before it is inevitably patched in the unforeseen future sorry not sorry with that i am going to wrap up the top 30 structures in all of our lcraft ranked from 30 to 1. i will say a few things though before ending the video many of rl craft's structure sadly cannot be spawned in the world easily because of them being or hidden in json or cfg files so there are a handful of structures that i as well as the arl craft community still have to discover or decipher on their own maybe they are just like small rock formations we see in the landscape or maybe they are the flying castle laputa despite not knowing all the structures i persevered with my research dove into creative mode to spawn in the hundred or so non-hidden structures in the game file and alongside my pre-existing knowledge of the modpack managed to make this fun video i know that there is footage of some cool structures in the game that i myself have not found and perhaps they don't even actually exist just being structures added by some other mod creators or just being structures that other players added to their own personal modpack but what i do know is that there are a few structures in the files that i do not know how to spawn in and there are a few structures that are hidden as zeros and ones have a wonderful day everyone thanks for watching bye bye i am the xp warrior level up you fools
Channel: Casualty
Views: 413,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best structures in rlcraft, rlcraft best structures, what are the best structures in rlcraft, rlcraft best dungeons, rlcraft best places to loot, rlcraft best places to find, rlcraft best locations, rlcraft top loot spots, what should you look for in rlcraft, rlcraft top structures, structures rlcraft, rlcraft structures, top 30 structures in rlraft, casualty rlcraft, shivaxi monument rlcraft, palace of aeriveth rlcraft, sanctuary of admys rlcraft, rlcraft all structures
Id: nADjkj0oXZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 1sec (1501 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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