RLCraft 2.9 Baubles Tier List!!! Secret Baubles Included!

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hey guys welcome to another ro crap video in this video i will be going through all the bobbles and hidden bubbles in our railcraft 2.9 and ranking them from best to worst in a tier list keep in mind that these rankings are made considering many factors examples beings such as how difficult it is to acquire its effect what other baubles it has to compete with whether the bauble thrives in pvp pve early game mid game late game etc as well as a few other things that being said i also have a bit of bias for my favorite baubles but i will try to stay fair for the most part i will go through the baubles in alphabetical order and detail the effects of each baubles how to acquire them what they are reforged with and their usefulness for the average real craft player if any at all also there are timestamps anyways let's just jump right in starting off we have the ankh charm and the og charm grants immunities to most status effects and remember you can check any bobble's effects by hovering over the bobble and pressing shift and or control if applicable and if you want to see how to make a bobble you can hover over the bubble and press r for the recipe or to see what crafting usefulness it has you can press u instead anyways the ank charm is absolutely amazing it's very hard to make as it requires a lot of baubles in order to craft it and those bobbles each are pretty hard to obtain but it's really worth to get it in the end game it only takes up one bobble slot and does the job of a lot of bobbles also quick disclaimer keep in mind that silver armor makes you immune to all debuffs making many of these bobbles such as the ark charm sunglasses teddy bear completely useless in the end game when a player wears a max out of this armor and i i recognize this but for the purpose of this tier list i am going to rank these for a player who does not want to wear a full set of silver armor for that reason s tier for the ankh charm since it's almost a full set of silver armor but in a single bobbles form next up the ank shield this grants partial fire resistance and the same things as the ank charm as well as complete knockback resistance which is really only bad when trying to run away so usually it's a good thing the bobble used to not be able to be reforged for undying quality and hearty secondary quality but now that it can i would put this bobble actually a bit above the ank charm do you need fire resistance when you reach the end game no knockback resistance not really but what the aung shield does allow you to do is you can put this bobble in your off hand and use it as a regular shield and it can be enchanted with all the regular shield enchantments such as natural blocking and power defense and the like when in your off hand you do not have to be blocking and you still get all the normal immunities to debuffs and the undying quality because of this this frees up a bobble slot and that is really amazing obviously you need to be having the shield in your offhand so you can't have like blocks or anything else in your offhand but usually in the endgame you're going to want to shield in your offhand anyways because natural blocking 2 is so great you don't get the secondary bottom quality when holding it in your offhand so you won't get the hearty quality but that isn't too bad the main downside though is that using this shield over a steel or diamond shield will give you less durability the onk shield only has a 1680 durability and 16.2 blocking power while the diamond shield for example has 20 blocking power and 20 560 durability this just means that you don't really want to block with this shield much unless it's a last resort but you still get the natural blocking 2 effect just by having the shield in your offhand empowered defense used to be an enchantment that would make using this shield a really bad thing because you would want to have as much durability as possible but now that empower defense only goes up to two instead of four it isn't really super meta anyways and with mending on this shield you can use it as an offhand shield and that's perfectly fine and this does add a lot to the character because it's a shield that literally is the ankh charm he reforged the bobble and the above bobble the ankh charm with spectral silt the arcing orb or arsing orb is up next this orb grants the player 25 movement speed which is pretty strong on its own but the best ability is the double tap dodge ability that it grants you by double tapping w you dodge forward leaving a small explosion where your dodge originated from and this dodge will be unlocked to you when you're wearing the bobble this will paralyze enemies making them unable to chase you for about 3 seconds you can also double tap the other directions to dodge in that way like double tapping a s or d double tapping s to move backwards is probably the best use for this you can also attack with a blast while the bobble is equipped but the damage of the blast is absolutely terrible and even in golden bookworm armor and wildberry wine further increasing that magic damage your charged attack will only do 60 damage and it takes a long time to charge for max damage but that magic attack can also be considered free damage since man is like an unlimited rechargeable resource especially if you're not using the dragon ring bows are better for ranged attacks though by far the magic attack does not work in our railcraft 2.9 though due to a bug but i assume it will be fixed in the upcoming versions and it did work in 2.9.0 so it it's probably just a small problem anyways that magic attack is pretty bad anyways besides like in the early game but the bubble is hard to make so no players are going to have it in the early game so i would say you don't really need to worry about that magic attack so i'm going to place it in the a tier because speed is just absolutely amazing in our lcraft and having that free dodge to run away from like lost cities enemies that get too close to you with with three seconds of them being paralyzed gives you a lot of time to run away next up the balloon bobble it increases your jump height and negates fall damage you reforge the bobble with spectral silt and it's pretty easy to make it can also be found in many dungeons and miscellaneous structures in the world i don't really have too much to say about this it fits in the b tier it's great in the mid game and you're not going to really want to use it in the end game as there's better bobbles next up the bezoar complete immunity to poison pretty common drop from cave spiders you afford this bottle from spectral silt and it's a component to building the poison stone also a bee bobble it's pretty great since you get it early on from battle towers next up the black dragon scale also fairly simple complete immunity to weather and you afford this bubble with spectral silt it's pretty hard to make though um so i'm gonna put it in the seat here you're never really ever gonna use this bobble you you're probably just going to use it as a component of the mixed dragon scale to make the ankh charm next up the broken heart bobble so this is found in many dungeons and structures around the world the bubble says that it will protect you from lethal damage by destroying your broken heart containers and you need to sleep to get them back but that is actually not the case you see the bobble only works on non-natural heart containers like the ones your bobbles and enchantments give you and only a few types of damage will you actually be saved from this didn't used to be the case the bobble actually used to be pretty good um right now the only example that i have found to be consistent for actually saving your life is fall damage and fall damage is like one of the least of a player's worries and end game rl craft like maybe early on having the bobble equip might get a lucky save uh every now and then but a good player will just catch themselves with a water bucket or fall in leaves etc so i'm actually going to have to put this bobble in the d tier it really does not have a lot of use cases it's reforged with spectral silt so it's not really easy to get it on dying quality next up the cobalt shield it gives you complete immunity to knockback and found in many dungeons and structures around the world similar to the broken heart and the balloon bobble and knock back resistance like i said with the onshield is pretty much always a good thing and only bad when you're trying to run away and like the onk shield you can refer to the bobble for undying quality and you can use this as a regular shield with normal shield enchantments and the shield can be you know reforged uh for athletic quality or punishing quality uh offering your character a bit more utility than you could otherwise get same with the onk shield but you know the main thing is you can enchant the shield if you want the shield has 1008 durability though and 10 blocking power which makes it only about as good as an iron tower shield so i would say if you're gonna use a bobble in the uh in your off hand and to max out the enchantments i would really recommend going for the onk shield instead of the cobalt shield or at least the obsidian shield which we're going to talk about in a little bit but still the bobble's pretty good i'm going to put it in the b tier and your affords this bobble with iron ingots next up the cross necklace this is found in many dungeons and structures around the world just like the previous bobbles and it's very easy to make not quite as easy to make as the balloon bobble but this bobble is a little bit different it's actually very amazing you see mobs have a chance to hit more than one time every second and you will get hit many times every second when surrounded by enemies but when you're wearing this necklace you can only take damage in a small window once every second and this can be a life saver when surrounded by many enemies and some players may not notice this but it does actually stop you from taking a lot of damage the necklace unfortunately does not work against magic attacks like asmodeus rajavarta or amalgalic though so you do have to keep that in mind overall though i'm gonna have to put this necklace at the top of the b tier i i would put this necklace a little bit higher up but the fact of the matter is that it is a necklace so it has a lot of competition for that spot you know you're never really going to be using this over the stone of the sea or the wrath pendant in the end game etc you reforge this bobble with spectral silt next up the dragon's eye it's hard to make but grants full fire resistance the ability to track different ores and toggleable night vision the bobble also makes you immune to hyperthermia so you're never going to need to worry about the heat again you can literally just swim and lava all day and never take damage and lastly the bobble makes you immune to the fiery splat effect that dragons will inflict upon you which is really really annoying it makes fighting dragons a chore you reforge this bobble with uh glowing ingots and it sits comfortably up in the s-tier alright so the emerald necklace and the emerald ring are up next they're both incredibly simple bobbles with no effects and are reforged with emeralds they're still better than nothing but they are reforged with emeralds which you do need desperately in the early game and these are pretty much only going to be useful in the early game for like the undying quality potion rings are also super easy to make and they just require lapis and gold and are a forged with gold which is less valuable so i would actually say potion rings are better than emerald rings but the thing is that the emerald necklace is going into the necklace slot so it's a little bit better than the emerald ring because you can't you don't really get necklaces as easily as like the early game so for that reason i'm gonna put the emerald necklace and the d tier but the emerald ring is going into the f tier next up we have the ender queen's crown this bubble used to be absolutely atrocious but it's actually really good now you see enderman fight for you when you have it equipped which is you know whatever endermen are weak but you also have five percent chance to ignore damage from any attack and a five percent chance to spawn an enderman whenever you're attacked the bobble also makes you immune to hypothermia so you never need to worry about the cold ever again as long as you have your have this bobble in your ender chest then just equip it when you're in cold areas one downside to this bubble is that if you have this bobble equipped you will lose five mana every second that you are touching water or standing in rain if you run out of mana this way you will start taking damage until you get out of the water or seek shelter from the rain the damage that you take is very little compared to in previous versions of our aircraft though so you can still clear underwater dungeons with this crown on with ease as long as you have a means to heal yourself every once in a while and i found that kind of funny um the other downside of this bobble is that you can only wear the bobble on your head though so you are going to have to choose if you either want to wear this bobble or the dragon's eye but once you get the ring of the dragons in the end game this is no longer a problem but you know when exploring cold biomes in search of ice dragons you're not going to need fire protection or heat resistance very much at all so this bobble is really good however i will say that while the dragon's eye is harder to make i would still prefer it over the crown for most content in the game you will only ever want to wear the crown everywhere once you're max in the end game or in the end just so you have like enderman always fighting for you because they're literally just going to be attacking everything but yeah for for those reasons i'm i'm actually going to put this bobble in the a tier it is reforged with glowing ingots next up the phallus claw your attacks now will make an enemy bleed for 15 points of damage when transformed as a phallus or five points of damage otherwise and this is total over the course of a few seconds the ring makes the player do 25 percent more attack damage though which is honestly pretty amazing for nearly all offensive builds where damage is the focus over protection and i often wear this bobble in the end game for damage it's kind of hard to make for a ring bobble and other ring bobbles are super useful in the end game so this bubble will sit at the top of b tier but for an offensive tool it would be s tier therefore i'm going to put it in the a tier and keep in mind that if you have this bobble in the end game and you're fully buffed up with potion effects this is an amazing offensive tool because you know that 25 percent damage increase is invisible so no matter how many potion effects you have it's still going to to be put into effect and you reforge this bobble with glowing ingots next up the forbidden fruit it grants immunity to the hunger status effect and nausea the hunger status effect isn't really a worry but nausea can be annoying and drinking too much wine and game gives the player nausea through inebriation with this bobble you can drink wine without using silver armor in the overworld though the yonk charm also gives you these immunities but if you find this bobble in one of the many dungeons or structures this can drop in this certainly is a good thing these also drop very rarely from husks which are otherwise known as the vanilla desert zombies i'm going to put this in beetier just because that interaction with wine is not bad but it's going to be low b tier you reforge it with spectral silt moving on to the gluttony pendant it's not super easy to make but it makes you eat and drink things very fast which can be incredibly useful in the mid game it also grants you the sinful buff at level 3 for 10 seconds when you eat very useful but it is a necklace which makes it a contested bobble for the end game but keep in mind that this is one of if not the best necklace for pvp but it's not really a first pick for much of anything else besides perhaps an under equipped razorbart or asmodeus fight which is sad because i think it's an incredibly fun necklace that i've used a lot in the past but because of its competition i'm gonna have to just put it in the high b tier next up the miners ring it's found in many dungeons and a few structures around the world it grants a slight haste buff when mining the problem is is that this ring takes up the drop chance of many other better bobbles items and rings this item is not obtainable in many easy to access areas so when you find this ring odds are you will not need the pathetically weak haste buff that it gives you which is even worse than haste one and haste is really only impactful when it is at a high level anyways and two of these miner's rings do not even stack the effect not only this but the ring is a ring and this slot should be reserved for much better rings lastly it can only be reforged with nether stars like this bobble was not even really supposed to be worn so yeah overall this ring is absolutely atrocious and since you need another stars or a forge it good luck getting undying quality and the haste effect is atrocious and the f tier even below the emerald ring because the effect is basically useless next up the mixed color dragon scale i don't really have too much to say about this it's just a combination of a black dragon scale and a bezel and an amble so obviously just better than the both of them um but you don't really get this until the end game and you usually just use it when you're crafting the ankh charm on its own it still does grant immunity to poison and weather so it's not bad at all but you will rarely wear it i'm still going to put it in the b tier right above the bezoar and euroforge it with spectral silt now the obsidian shield it is one of the hardest mid game bobbles to make needing to combine a cobalt shield with an obsidian skull and a crafting table and you would be honestly better just making potions of fire resistance before taking on dragons but the bobble does grant partial fire resistance and full knockback resistance the shield has 1344 durability and has all the same perks as the cobalt shield and the anked shield so i wouldn't say it's super good in a row craft when you have partial fire resistance you might as well not have any fire resistance because fire is super dangerous um from the few sources that you can get hit by it like lava or dragons so i'm sadly gonna have to put this bubble in the high c tier despite it being a really nifty bubble and you might be wondering you know why why is it below the the cobalt shield and that's just because it's harder to make and you're not really gonna feel that much safer with it you're still gonna feel like the shield is pretty brittle but it looks super cool you do have to give it that you reforge it with obsidian obsidian skull only a bit easier to obtain than the shield but also just gives that false sense of security i'm still not very confident taking on dragons with just an obsidian shield on you might as well just make potions of fire resistance they're fairly easy to make once you get to the point of fighting dragons but if you are speedrunning a railcraft and you never find a stage five dragon skull for your dragon's eye then this shield can be a copium tool for fighting ralvard because it will keep you know dispelling your fire resistance but other than that i really don't see the obsidian skull or obsidian shield being meta for just about anything so i'm also going to put it in the high c tier right behind the shield next up the please forgive me for my pronunciation of this but the phytoprostatia amulet i think that's how you say it this amulet honestly is incredibly easy to make and with the scarlet reaver being such a great weapon early on making one of these super quick in the defiled lands is actually not a bad idea if you know you will be there for an extended period of time this necklace protects you from vile spine and the exploding blastom orange fruit that can be found solely in the defiled land biome making it at least more useful than the emerald necklace mining for umbreon ingots needed to reforge this necklace is not too difficult and i'd say it's cheaper than emerald and can be argued to be faster than reforging with emeralds early on for the emerald necklace as well so while the bubble's still not incredibly insane i'd say it's better than the emerald necklace early on since it at least has a little bit of use in the defiled lands because you might be in the defiled lands for uh for a while breeding bookworms if you're into that or trying to get a scarlite reaver moving on to the poison stone it gives you immunity to poison and hunger and it isn't too difficult to make considering this is an end game bubble you're going to be keeping this bubble in just about every single build unless you don't use a melee weapon within venom than viper this bubble makes you do 50 extra damage to all enemies that are poisoned and is one of the most meta items in the game right now the bubble also gives you a 20 chance to poison enemies with every hit so the poison stone is great on its own but when you do combine it with a max enchanted weapon within venom and viper this poisons enemy 100 of the time when your weapon strikes the bauble really starts showing how amazing it is as an offensive bobble making you do just 50 percent extra damage that scales with all your enchantments you reforge this bubble with glowing ingots and this bubble fits firmly up in the s-tier next up the polarizing stone this bobble gives you an optional two abilities the first ability is the repel ability that deflects all arrows that are fired at you making skeletons useless you can draw this effect on or off with the ox key keybind the problem is that by the time you get the glowing ingots to make this bubble skeletons will not really be much of a worry and this repel effect drains your hunger bar fairly fast the second effect is the more practical effect magnet this effect draws in all drops on the floor to your feet so you merely need to crouch every once in a while to pick everything up which is very convenient this can be turned on or off with the polarized stone magnet keybind which can be found and changed in your controls menu this bubble is very convenient for large dungeon crawls and mining blocks for building projects but other than that this bubble honestly is not that great for combat you would rather a tool belt which also fights for the belt bubble slot you reforge this bubble with glowing ingots i'm going to slide it at the top of sea tier now on to the legendary potion rings and we're starting off with quite the interesting one the potion ring of diamond skin this is a secret bobble that can only be obtained from mega battle towers four tower dungeons four strongholds and a few dungeons of that same grade now here is where i will put two disclaimers the first is that all defense granting bobbles in the game right now could be ranked lower because of an invincibility glitch that surrounds ironberries shavaxi the mod author of rl craft knows about this glitch and in the recently released hardcore config he has already fixed this glitch so it is clear to say that in future versions of rl craft this glitch will not exist but right now if you were to eat an iron berry and extend its effect with wine and aural craft version 2.9 and 2.9.1 you would be invincible to all enemies except for lycanite creatures obviously you know that means yes you could go into the lost city's dimension with just eating ironberries not ironberry wine and literally nothing will do harm to you it won't damage your armor it will do nothing and then against lycanite creatures the damage cap of 80 percent is reached so knight creatures will still do damage to you but heavily decreased unfortunately the damage of like rahul vart amalgalic and asmodeus is so high that even with 80 damage resistance from the ironberries you can still take damage if you're not careful but yeah because of the iron berries existing right now in just base 2.9 rl craft it could be argued that all defense giving bobbles are completely useless if one was to take advantage of this glitch but i am going to rank the baubles accordingly to rl craft 2.9.2 even though i don't know when that's going to be out and i'm also going to assume that you the player will not be taking advantage of this invincibility glitch when i do my rankings so i will rank the potion ring and diamond skin and the other defensive bobbles fairly the second disclaimer is that all potion ring effects and a few other bobble effects for that matter can be increased to level three with wild berry wine and the buff time extended forever as long as you keep drinking regular wine this means that all you need is one of each potion ring and a lot of wine and now you have each potion ring effect at level three for the purpose of the tier list i will not consider this in the ranking and i will just rank the baubles for how strong the bubbles are on their own considering you know the effects of the bobble itself but yes at the end of the end game you can technically make all the rings unnecessary by just equipping them on the character drinking wine and taking the ring off and replacing it with another bobble anyways let's get back to the tier list with a potion of diamond skin each diamond skin ring grants the player four armor toughness which can be loosely correlated to about 8 regular armor points of protection but i didn't actually calculate that that just made sense to me when i was using armor set meta defense ranking anyways while that is not a factual conversion rate i'm just saying that armor toughness is good wearing two of the rings grants to player 8 armor toughness and an entire set of masterful dragon armor only offers the player 12 armor toughness for example the armor set then goes on to offer the player 70 through regular armor protection so of course dragon armor is better than just wearing these two rings but the two rings do make you more defensive the rings for that use are fairly strong considering how you can get them very rarely though and in dangerous late mid to end game dungeons i'm gonna have to put the ring towards the top of the b tier though there are even stronger rings coming up all of these potion rings can be reforged with gold and gods next up the potion ring of haste a mid-tier potion ring requiring prismarine to make and can also be found in the same endgame dungeons as the other potion rings but the bauble is pretty useful in the mid game as haste will allow you to mine all blocks and mob spawners faster the difference between ace one and haste two is small though so just wearing one ring will make you feel the difference even without drinking wine which is nice considering how hard the ring falls off in the end game though i don't see you really ever using it there i'm going to have to put it in the seat here next up the potion ring of health boost this is another secret bubble that can be obtained from mega battle towers four tower dungeons four strongholds and other dungeons of that same grade these rings grant the player four hearts or two heart containers each and this alone is incredibly good hitting the max damage reduction cap of 80 is not all that difficult natural blocking 2 resistance 3 from potion affection wine as well as dragon or golem armor with advanced protection and undying quality bubbles will put you over the cap therefore once you hit the max damage reduction more hearts equals more chances of not dying and these rings are your best bet since they extend your life force further etc but yeah if you get these rings luckily in the mid to end game you certainly will be happy it's a great resource i'm gonna put the post ring a health boost in the lowest tier the potion ring of iron skin um this another secret bubble that can be obtained the exact same way as the potion health boost and the potion ring of diamond skin calculating how much these rings protect you isn't quite as simple as i thought but each of these rings gives you one bar of armor a dragon helmet 19 armor protection gives you two bars of armor but an iron chest plate at 15 protection gives you three bars of armor for example because of this i'm unsure exactly as to how good these rings are but from damage testing these rings decrease the amount of damage i took slightly more than the potion rings of diamond skin surprisingly so the potion ring of iron skin is ever so slightly better because of this i'm going to be placing it right above that ring in the b tier next up the potion ring of jump boost you need rabbit's feet to make which you would be better off using to tame a hippogriff in rl craft 2.9 the ring also takes up a valuable spawn chance in end game dungeons where you would much prefer getting a ring of health boost for example the ring only gives a slight jump boost wearing two of them together doesn't make the jump any more impressive the best thing about this ring for the end game is that if you wear two of these rings you can cancel out the stone of greater inertia's insane jump height even when wearing a set of speed increasing armor like silver this insane jump height caused by increased player speed can sometimes be annoying to manage this allows your endgame speed demon character to actually have a normal jump height which is pretty neat i would say most players don't care too much about the insane jump height to sacrifice two ring slots though or you know drink wine enough to keep the jump boost effect on so overall this ring is in the d tier next up the potion ring of magic focus another hidden ring found in the same location as the before mentioned wearing two of these rings is about as good as wearing a full set of golden bookworm armor and if you drink enough wild berry wine you only need one of these rings and you can stay in your normal armor to get max magic damage effects etc the problem is that magic damage in the game is only strong in the early game and then falls off super hard on the end game making it pretty much never needed the arcing orb and the rings of the dragon are two amazing bubbles but you don't need their magic damage to be 50 more the baubles are good for other reasons and besides zero times 1.5 is still zero sorry bad joke but anyways magic sadly isn't very great in nrl craft i wish these rings worked with the magic effects that the equipment forged weapons have then these rings would be much better overall since these rings only give magic damage and no use cases even in the end game since magic right now is really useless there i'll put this ring in the f tier which is very unfortunate if somehow the magic damage did work with equipment for its tools and the like though then the ring would be a tier next up the potion ring of reach you find the secret ring at the same way as the other secret rings but this ring isn't quite as useful wearing the ring merely extends the range of your melee weapon this still is a great resource but not a necessity by any means a normal player's reach is about five to six blocks or so and reach one makes you reach seven blocks reach two makes it eight blocks and reach three makes it nine it looks like nine blocks is the furthest reach a default player can achieve enchantments on a pike with sweeping quality will not extend this effect so with a reach you can just use a one-handed weapon and achieve this insane reach which is fun but not too crazy good unless for like poking mobs underground through a hole in the wall and like a battle tower or like a mob farm so i'm gonna put this into the sea tier next up the potion ring of regeneration not the easiest bubble to make since it requires another star and gas tiers but the ring can also be found in the same dungeons as the other rings and it's certainly useful in mid game now cooked aspen meat or mossy pie also gives the effect and even more potently though so the ring is more for convenience and fighting off small damage over time like temperature damage in the end game your weapons will heal you so much with the right enchantments and like a blood chili plus paleo salad making this ring completely obsolete but in the mid game it isn't bad at all i'm going to put this ring into the b tier next up the potion ring of resistance this ring is super hard to make now as the heart of diamond drops so rarely from stonelings i believe it's like a five percent chance for a stoneling to drop this item and stonelings are fairly uncommon and only spawn under y20. the ring also does not drop in the same dungeons as the other potion rings so your only chance is crafting the ring itself however once you do get the ring the ring gives you a set 15 damage reduction and with two of them it becomes thirty percent resistance used to give you twenty percent per tier but it is fifteen percent in our railcraft which is still super good though what is even better though is that the rings of resistance do stack with the shield of honor in our life 2.9 now so you can get a permanent resistance three buff if you wear all three bubbles at the same time for 45 damage reduction even if you are naked otherwise and you obviously don't need to drink any wine for these effects this is super amazing and really helps the player reach the overall damage reduction cap of 80 in a railcraft with just these three bubbles and undying quality on all seven of your bubbles and let's assume you're also using an offhand shield with undying quality you're already at a clean 69 damage reduction even without wearing armor and that's pretty sweet the ring sadly though being so hard to make makes it just miss out on s tier and food and wine make it unnecessary but it is still a wonderful bubble and is a lazy man's best friend because you know no wine or food etc because of this i'm going to put the potion ring of resistance into the high a tier next up the potion ring of speed super easy to make and it's great for the early and mid game i highly recommend this ring on a speed lets you run away from things and in a railcraft you don't want to fight everything it really is not worth it you should only take on the battles that you want to or fight in a controlled setting in a battle tower if a blight spawns retreat unless you have a foolproof plan of action etc this ring is a solid b tier bubble and is accessible very early on next up the potion ring of strength it's super good and fairly easy to make once you reach the nether and you can also obviously make it without another i can say a player can replace their speed rings with strength rings when it comes time to as the damage they give is very noticeable strength also stacks with the sinful damage effect that pendants give you so the strength buff is always useful overall though this ring sits at top of b tier not as good as the phallus claw for damage but a pretty great mid game utility next up the potion ring of true shot another secret ring acquired the same way as the aforementioned secret rings this ring makes bows do a bit more damage arrows do differing amounts of damage when fired but the increase in base damage seems to always be around 15 to 20 percent more damage per hit which is okay but strength and i just described the potion ring of strength strength gives an increase to base weapon damage by 50 per tier which is a lot more than 50 to 20 percent so it's obviously better because of this while the buff does make bows do more damage and can be fun in like an only bose playthrough or in an elf playthrough i'm gonna still place this ring into the seat here because there are frankly just better rings next up just the regular potion ring it's pretty easy to make easier to make than the emerald ring i'm gonna just slide this ring right into the d tier it's just great early on really nothing too crazy about it well let's move right on to the pride pendant besides the seven spectral silt needed to craft this bubble it is not too hard to craft and the bobble grants the sinful one buff when worn at full health keeping full health and wine abilities are good defense while in combat is not hard but sinful one only increases damage by about 20 base weapon or so it's pretty nice but the wrath pendant gives sinful four which gives you 80 more damage and that's just objectively much better this pride pendant isn't too bad as a mid game bubble but i can argue that the gluttony pendant is better so i'm going to place it below it still in the beat here though like this is a usable bubble now the quivers they all really tell the same tale they hold arrows and supply arrows to you when turned on at the cost of taking up your offhand when your bow is being used not bad for mid game as a bow user at all but it falls off once you hit the end game as switch bows can't use them for swapping arrows and infinity is a great enchantment the bubble also can only be placed in the body slot so you can't use the shield of honor alongside a quiver so they fall off hard in the end game quivers all sit in the d tier with the diamond ones obviously being better and the bolt quivers being even lower as end game crossbows pretty much always are going to use infinity and there are less unique bolts compared to arrows you reforge these with leather next up the ring of enchanted eyes mainly known for being a crafting ingredient for the dragon's eye but the ring on its own gives the player some effects as well the first one is plus one luck and the second one is night vision but it cannot be toggled off like the dragon's eye now the plus one luck can be useful for looting areas with non-pre-generated loot such as lycanite dungeons and the lost cities this luck effect is invisible and does stack with luck potions and all other luck effects i could definitely feel my increased luck while exploring the lost cities with luck three luck on my helm and this ring on for another plus one look it doesn't help too much but for mac's luck it is a necessity besides one of the transformation rings that are coming up that gives you plus two luck it does not stack with itself though so you can only wear one ring if you wear this ring plus the transformation ring i'm going to talk about later then you get plus three luck and that is how you get the max luck in the game which i kind of call it like the looting build but i wouldn't really use this bubble unless you're only looting things and feel like you can sacrifice a bubble slot the ring sits in the b tier now on to the ring of reaction this is one of my favorite baubles as i absolutely despise cobwebs in a railcraft and this ring lets you move freely through them and yes i know there are ways to deal with them but sometimes they're just very annoying when you're like mid-air it takes longer to mine them as well the ring makes you also immune to levitation and slowness which is helpful and not necessary when you have the unk charm though it is hard to make though requiring the ring of overclocking which is rare and can only be found as a drop from ultra and higher enemies in shavaxi monuments and from strays which are the cold vanilla skeletons that shoot the enchanted arrows and you also have to use a shulker heart when crafting the bubble you combine a shulker heart and the ring of overclocking in an anvil and the shulker hearts can only be found in the end from killing shulker boxes and maybe the shavaxi monument either way this is an endgame bubble for sure but i really hate webbing enemies and cobwebs and this is the only way in the game to be immune to the ring of reaction except for when you're flying with like the fairy ring it seems that you also can just move through them but anyways i i told you i had some bias for this list and i don't care uh i really really like this ring um so i'm gonna be placing this ring into the s tier all right next up the ring of overclocking it grants some movement speed and immunity to slowness this movement speed is invisible and stacks with other movement speed effects but honestly the movement speed it gives you is very small and hard to notice once you start increasing your movement speed with buffs and increasing your spread speed in the l menu this ring isn't very good despite movement speed being useful because there are ways to get so much speed in the game that you really won't notice that extra little bit immunity to slowness isn't bad though but the ring is not easy to acquire and is primarily using crafting a ring of reaction so i'm going to place this in the low b tier next up the ring of the dragons now quick disclaimer all of the following transformation rings i'm about to mention starting with the ring of the dragons and ending with the ring of the titans can only be found in the lost cities dimension in chest loot and these rings can all be made into permanent transformation consumables so you don't even need to wear the bubble in your ring slot in the end game it is better to use the transformation item as it will free up a bobble slot and if you die you won't risk going back and not being able to retrieve your transformation ring if you die while transforming the nrl craft 2.9 you will not lose your transformation you can only get your transformation overwritten by wearing another transformation ring or you can remove your transformation entirely with a restoration serum which is not insanely hard to make when you're in the end game these transformations are incredibly powerful for this fact alone but i will not be ranking these transformations instead i will be ranking the bubbles themselves with that out of the way let's continue with the tier list all of these transformation rings grant the player invisible buffs which are fairly powerful the ring and the dragons in particular grants 25 extra health 25 attack damage 50 armor toughness which is absolutely nuts especially if you're wearing golem armor 20 percent increased size full fire resistance the ability to breathe fire with the x-key by default cool wings that you can change to whatever color you want on a color wheel and the ability to fly quickly to the air in exchange for losing some mana over time while in flight you do swim 25 less fast while wearing the ring but i don't think that's a very big deal the ring is every rel crafter's dream bubble and is absurdly amazing in both offense and defense this bubble feels more rare than the other transformation rings though as i almost never seem to find it but once you do find the ring you fear very little this ring sits at the top of the s-tier you reforge all of these transformation rings with glowing ingots next up the ring of the dwarves this ring is rather weird but not terrible actually the ring grants the player an invisible fortune buff that is about in between fortune 1 and 2 in strength and it makes all pickaxes under diamond pickaxes mine just as fast as diamond pickaxes but dragon bone and cincinnati pickaxes still mine faster than these the ring gives you more xp from mining ores like coal and diamond than you otherwise would have allowed you to obtain xp from mining gold iron and other ores that previously didn't give you xp orbs makes you 75 normal size gives you 10 more attack damage 25 percent armor toughness which is solid and 0.25 knockback resistance in exchange though you do lose 25 attack speed 25 health 10 percent movement speed and 25 to reach overall because of these things the ring is only good if you like mining or role-playing as a dwarf the 25 health loss is not worth the 25 armor toughness and 10 attack damage and the mining buffs are nice but mining isn't super useful in our railcraft compared to other methods it certainly is safer than other methods but by the time you can actually explore the lost cities for this ring you won't really need mining for almost anything for these reasons i'm going to have to put the ring in the sea tier next up the ring of the elves this ring grants the player 25 percent less attack damage but it makes you gain attack speed and movement speed while in force and the speed buff is noticeable but not insane the power shot the bow gives you though is no joke allowing for massive damage on your arrow shots this really is useful only for downing dragons in a few shots though and by the time you get this ring you shouldn't be too worried about dragons and losing 25 attack damage with melee weapons is certainly not a good thing this ring sits in the b-tier next up the ring of the phallus this ring makes you 85 the normal size of a player grants you a significant increase to bare-handed damage 50 attack speed 25 percent movement speed 50 swim speed 60 jump height and strength 1 speed 1 and jump boost 4 when drinking milk the downside is that if you are wearing heavy armor you will get a movement speed penalty this penalty is barely felt however and when wearing silver armor it is not a problem at all because of the speed that silver armor gives you this ring is by far more perks and disadvantages and is my personal second favorite transformation behind the dragon's ring and honestly rivals it in many ways the number one way this strength shows its insane strength is through the 50 attack speed buff on its own that doesn't seem super strong but this allows for the fastest burst of dps in the game by far because of this a player utilizing numchucks with calm most swifter slash's fiery edge while wearing the ring of the phallus is like the best pvp melee utility in the game because you're attacking so fast that atomic deconstructor on your weapon is bound to prog relatively soon it was hard for me to even damage tests because the weapon attacked so fast that that the damage dummies and pigs that i was fighting against they just kept being destroyed now the defensive capabilities of this ring are not there and the dragon ring allowing you to fly is absolutely amazing but if you do just consume a potion of wings then you can fly and be a failure the ring of the phallus grants the highest dps potential in the game and i think that that is absolutely phenomenal if the game could actually calculate the damage that this does it would be even better but yeah in pvp the attack speed is absolutely insane this ring sits calmly in the s-tier next up the ring and the fairies absolutely f-tier no okay okay but wow this ring has really really fallen far um it used to be like the best bubble in the game um and now it's almost unusable for like anything besides building the ring grants you if you don't know creative mode flight and this flight does not cost any mana to maintain pretty good but the ring also makes you do 75 percent less damage have 75 percent less hearts and 50 percent less armor 25 percent less armor toughness 25 less movement speed 25 less swim speed 50 percent less reach 25 percent less jump height and minus 0.35 step heights the free flight is hardly worth all these downsides especially since potions of wings exist you know you need to be able to do certain amount of damage against like ralvard and stage three or else you're gonna have a really hard time if you do use the ironberry invincibility glitch then sure you can cheese the lost cities and loot while wearing this ring i guess but you really won't be able to do it in the newer versions of our railcraft but yes this ring does give you the plus two luck so using a ring of the fairies alongside a ring of enchanted eyes and the luck three buff while having you know luck quality on your helmets that is the most luck that you can get in the game as far as i know but you know looting in the lost cities dimension with the ring of the fairies without the invincibility of the ironberries is very very risky and you know the iron berries will not grant invincibility with the upcoming patches but yeah the ring of the ferries for combat and looting is is very very risky the plus two luck that it gives is nice but it just completely gives you downsides besides that extra flight if you are maxed out on damage reduction and potion effects as well as playing super carefully you should still be fine though but i don't really want to risk losing everything over a little bit of extra luck and saving a few potions of flight and or wine but you know ford's use cases in the luck 2 and the flight i'm going to still place it in uh in the seat here next up the ring of the goblins this ring is pretty fun it grants the player 20 movement speed plus one luck just like the ring of enchanted eyes 20 movement speed 10 swim speed 20 jump height makes all creepers ignore you grants you partial fire resistance and explosion resistance makes you 50 the size of normal and allows you to mount aimed wolves now while on the mounted wolf you will gain a regeneration buff and a strength buff but these buffs are fairly minor only being about as good as strength 1 and regeneration 1. the ring also makes you lose 50 base health 25 attack speed and 25 to reach now it is fun riding wolves for sure and it is super smooth to fight on the wolf but this bubble is really only useful in the overworld you can find wolves in the lost cities dimension so it is a fun way to you know ride mounts in the dimension even though you're kind of not supposed to but the wolf will get very slaughtered easily by the dangerous enemies there so it isn't very useful the speed and luck the ring gives you is nice for sure but losing 50 base health and 25 attack speed is really really not good but you know on the bright side you can mount a wolf with this ring and then transform into a titan with the ring of a titans and then you're like this massive titan riding this small wolf and i think that's kind of funny i guess um but yeah i'm going to have to put this ring into the sea tier lastly the ring of the titans the ring grants the player 100 more health and the scales with the overall health that you have it also gives you 100 attack damage 25 movement speed 50 percent more reach 75 jump height 1.4 step height and 75 knockback resistance with the only cost of you sinking in water you trample plants and you lose 50 attack speed now being 300 normal size the ring also makes you that big by the way if you didn't quite catch that being 300 normal size could be considered a downside but the ring also lets you mine in a three by three by three manner which is equivalent to one block normally for your character so you can certainly move around it just might be hard to wrap your head around how the ring's main downside is the fifty percent loss on attack speed like i said but you know brawling in the streets of the lost city's dimension fighting rahovard and asmodius and being an ultimate killing machine having double hearts absolutely absurd and this makes the ring wide a necessity for the strongest defense build in the game um i'm going to place this ring in the solid a tier it would be s tier but you can't really use the ring seamlessly everywhere and honestly it can be annoying just trying to function with the ring if you're not used to it next up the scarlite ring this grants the player a small invisible regeneration buff but the buff is incredibly minor that it might as well not exist sadly it is convenient saving you some bandages in the early and mid game but that is about all it does it isn't super hard to make though and with many players in the defiled lands early on trying to go for the scarlet dagger they can potentially make this ring i'm going to place this right the tippity tip tip tip bottom of the seat here you reforge it with umbrella ingots next up the shield of honor this is honestly such an amazing bubble it takes a bit to make but once you defeat the ender dragon or a tier 5 dragon you're basically in the home stretch in obtaining the bubble this bubble gives you resistance one grants the player 75 explosion resistance gives the player a 10 chance to ignore any headshot attack and makes you completely ignore the damage of every sixth attack your player takes this is really insane what this means is that every time you're hit five times the sixth time you will avoid the attack 100 of the time this bubble is really amazing and should always sit in the chest bubble slot for an m-game character that doesn't like taking damage this bubble sits firmly in the s-tier next up shulker heart grants the player immunity to levitation and can be obtained from defeating shulkers in the end the bubble is mainly used as a crafting component and not worn much and immunity to levitation isn't super useful anyways as no dangerous enemies will wield levitation to a very scary degree um i'm going to place this bubble in a seater next up the sin pendant no effect on its own it's just a crafting component that can be used for crafting the gluttony and pride pendant but it's useful for nothing else it can be obtained in end game dungeons such as leica night dungeons doom-like dungeons and many others and it can be crafted with spectral silt the pendant on its own is basically an emerald necklace that is harder to make and reforged with spectral silt though um so i'm gonna have to put this bubble into the f tier now on to some big boys the stone of greater inertia this bubble is one of the most insane bubbles in the game you can obtain the bubble only from slaying infernal mobs and each enemy in a world has about a 1 in 1 000 chance of being spawned in as an infernal if a normal mob stays alive for 5 minutes in a loaded chunk or so then we'll have a chance of becoming a rare ultra or infernal but the chances are still fairly low that it'll be an infernal when you defeat an infernal mob there is a 1 in 50 to 60 items that drop i forgot the exact amounts maybe it's 54 and one of those 54 is the stone of greater inertia by that logic an average luck player will get one stone of greater inertia after defeating 54 000 enemies in a railcraft so yes the bubble is very hard to obtain if you get this bubble though you will gain 75 fall resistance it also gives you 50 percent knockback resistance 100 speed and 100 jump height the 100 speed is what is absolutely nuts about this bubble and this is double the speed boost that silver armor gives you and the speed boosts of the two sources do stack together the speed that this bubble gives you is hard to fathom it allows you to control all fights you get yourself into and the jump height alongside some extra speed is enough to get you out of many sticky situations this bubble is wonderful as both an offensive tool and a defensive tool and since comfortably in the s tier you reforge this bubble with glowing ingots next up the stone of inertia null this can be only obtained through the same method as the stone of greater inertia this bubble grants the player full full damage resistance full resistance to kinetic energy so you can just slam into buildings at full speed while flying with no downsides and full knockback resistance this bubble doesn't seem too flashy but no fall damage and no kinetic energy is very useful when paired with the ring of the dragons in the end game and even more so useful when you pair it with like silver armor increased speed and the stone of greater inertia which makes you even faster maybe an explorer's risotto while swimming and then you land on ground taking a lot of kinetic energy basically the stone of inertia null is basically like padding yourself it makes you idiot proof and i definitely need that because i i love speed and i love being reckless with speed i would say if you go for the offensive potion of flight route with the fadeless ring you should definitely go for the stone of greater inertia bubble and if you choose the ring of the dragons then the stone of inertia null is your best friend in both of those scenarios you should be wearing silver armor though as the speed of the silver armor makes you want these stone bobbles even more you reforge this bubble also with glowing ingots and it also sits in the s-tier next up the stone of negative gravity this bubble can only be obtained through the same method as the stone of greater inertia and the stone of inertia null this bubble makes the player levitate when held and if you go back and forth to the item in your quick bar it will allow you to fly albeit you know awkwardly at a much slower speed and it's still very dangerous if you don't land like in water you're going to take a lot of fall damage for some reason this i don't know like it doesn't understand that you're flying it still thinks that you're falling um the bubble also allows the player to rise up one block by left-clicking or to go lower when sneaking and left-clicking this on paper seems interesting as you could just scale battle towers and reach high areas without utilizing precious flight potions or even center lost cities dimension however the rising and falling with left clicking in can be a bit awkward mid combat in certain dungeons such as mega battle towers and the fact that you sometimes take fall damage shows this is a very buggy bubble um also when you are not on the ground your speed is very slow and does not scale with your speed so even if you're like a maxed speedy character with a stone of greater inertia you're going to be moving like at a molasses pace in midair still the worst part though is that this bubble does not work in railcraft 2.9 at all it has only worked in rl craft versions 2.8 and prior the bubble is merely an extremely rare bubble that is only semi-useful in the mid game for sniping tower golems while floating in the air freely and that's if it even worked if it did work i would put it like low c tear since i guess it's a very interesting bubble and a collector's piece and it does 100 save you from the void if you have this bobble on you won't be affected by gravity so you won't fall into the void that's probably its best use case because of that i would put it in the seat here but the fact that it does not work at all in our railcraft 2.9 and if you did get this drop in our lcraft 2.9 while you're looking so hard for a stone of greater inertia or stone of inertia null it's going to feel like a massive slap in the face um because of this bubble i'm gonna have to put this at the bottom of the bottom of f tier next up so many players favors bobble the stone of the sea this bubble can be crafted with prismarine crystals glowing ingots and a single neptunian ingot in our upgrade 2.9 what this bubble grants you is 400 base swim speed and infinite respiration while in the water this bubble is the single best bubble for underwater combat and underwater exploration for those reasons the bubble in 2.9 is harder to make than before as the neptunians bubble is the only reliable way to get a neptunian ingot as far as i'm aware and this many loot chests can only be obtained through fishing and through very rare bounties that can be found at bounty boards in villages some larger towns and oasis villages fishing in railcraft 2.9 is rather tedious and finicky in my opinion so i usually stay away from it as it feels like a super orangey time sink even when using an enchanted fishing rod with advanced luck of the scene advanced lore bounty boards i think are fine but i almost never find the bounty giving in the tombs bounty i personally would much rather use an explorer's risotto for water combat in the end game and while underwater dungeons give great rewards you never need the rewards unless you watch shulker boxes without exploring the end the bubble on its own is still phenomenal as fast swimming is amazing so i will place the bubble still in the s tier but it is in the lowest tier since it's harder to acquire and the wrath pendant exists which i would argue is almost always better to use also you can drink contaminated water perfectly fine when having this bubble equipped you reforge this bubble with glowing ingots next up sunglasses this grants you immunity to blindness this bubble is easy to make and is a lifesaver in the mid game against grooves and reapers crews in our lcraft 2.9 if you didn't know are invisible and that makes them hard enough to deal with but now they also inflict blindness you won't want to have something spawn in the darkness around you if you're not wearing this bubble and or are under-equipped for mid-game combat the bubble can be found in some low-tier loot spots as well as high tier loot spots around the world it's not incredibly uncommon if you just play the game you'll definitely find one the bubble is good i'm going to place it in the b tier you reforge the bubble with spectral silt next up the teddy bear the bubble is fairly simple to make getting glowing ingots will take you a little while you won't really get them until the mid game but it does make the player immune to fear and insomnia this bubble had absolutely absurd potential if it made the player immune to the fear in the lost city's dimension you know arguably though this would have made the bauble overpowered and would make the lost city's dimension not very scary and for those reasons i believe that it was made not to work on that fear because of that reason the bubble did lose its end game use case and it threw it down a tear the immunity to fear still works against spectres which can be annoying in the void or in certain dungeons but i don't really consider that enemy one of the more dangerous incredibly scary enemies in the game and the insomnia debuff that reaper's inflict upon you only lasts a minute when you're trying to sleep and it's annoying but i wouldn't really consider it very dangerous this bubble sits in the low b tier moving on to the tool belt this is dirt cheap to make and allows simple swapping between tools and a little extra you know storage for your tools you can make the bill to have more tool slots by adding belt patches at an anvil onto the tool belt the bubble is incredibly convenient all the way to the end game as the keybind to swap tools can be changed to whatever feels comfortable and this not only gives the player a bit more inventory space where the tool is used to reside but also allows simple access to them while only taking up one spot on your nine slot skill bar this bubble sits high in the b tier considering it has next to no downsides and is just plain useful for most players before the end game when you would consider replacing it with an arcing orb anyways you reforged the bobble with leather next up vitamins it allows the player to wield two-handed weapons without getting the mining fatigue debuff so it just makes the player immune to mining fatigue and you know guardians while underwater will also inflict mining fatigue the bubble is dropped from the guardians and can be also found in a few end game dungeons and the shavaxi monument the bubble will not make two-handed weapons do normal damage when something is in your off hand though you will still have to get that invisible damage nerf but you know never getting mining fatigue is certainly convenient this bubble is a necessity for clearing underwater dungeons fast as you can't break spawners with the mining fatigue debuff on this bubble is going to sit into the btr as well next up the wither ring it's a pretty hard to make bubble requiring wither skeleton skull and steel ingots which you get easy in the nether through cincinnati's sight or you can also you know melt down steel locks but this ring has a lot more to it than meets the eye the ring allows the player to inflict wither on opponents with every attack at a 20 chance this is obviously nice for combining it with viper but what is more is that the ring will make you immune to wither from enemies and will make you heal yourself for one heart with every attack you do on an enemy inflicted with wither so if you combine this within venom now you will just always be healing yourself for even more hearts and this healing stacks with all other healing sources in the game works with paleo salad or rejuvenation you know you can also have vampirism and lifesteal on your weapon this wither ring is another wonderful way to get even more leech effect i actually had no idea about this ring before uh researching for this video you know it certainly does have competition since you would prefer not getting one shot in some cases um so you still need to be able to kill the enemy before it might one shot you such as a male glitch so arguably the ring of the health boost is sometimes better if you're at the damage reduction cap and don't need extra healing but yeah this ring is amazing you're afforded with glowing ingots and i'm going to place it up in the high a tier the last bubble on our list is the wrath pendant and we are certainly finishing off strong you can only find this amulet from defeating amalgalic and or from the shavaxi monument and this pendant makes the player do 80 more damage via the sinful iv effect and also grants the player to additional damage these effects scale with enchantments and overall damage leading the player to inflict over double damage to enemies if you were originally inflicting like 1400 1500 damage with attack you can expect to you know inflict up to like 3 300 damage or something damage with numchucks and max enchantments is a bit difficult to predict but i did find that i double dps increase solely through the use of the wrath pendant it is absurd as an offensive weapon and the sinful 4 effect can be extended with wine and kept on your character forever if you'd like if you do remove the wrath pendant but keep the sinful buff with wine in order to wear the stone of the sea bubble you do lose out on the additional plus 2 damage so there are advantages to just always wearing this even when you are in a max wine build either way though the bobble is one of the best offensive utilities in the game competing with the fener springs 50 attack speed buff for this reason this pendant sits comfortably in the s-tier right up next to the other mega amazing bubbles i i really really like this pendant anyways with that i'm going to wrap up i really hope you enjoyed this tearless video i originally was going to rank the baubles from first to worst like i did in my last two list video but i opted not to at the end since there were too many factors to consider for me to feel like i was doing every bubble justice overall though i think i did a pretty good job let me know in the comments what you think another video was really long but i really appreciate it if you watch the whole thing and if not you know i still appreciate you for coming and stopping by but yeah let me know should i just rank some of the baubles higher or lower did i forget to mention something probably a handful of things now i think about it um but anyways i hope you'll have an amazing day thanks again for watching take care of yourselves bye
Channel: Casualty
Views: 226,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rlcraft baubles, rlcraft all baubles, rlcraft which baubles are the best, rlcraft best baubles, rlcraft strongest baubles, rlcraft baubles tier list, rlcraft bauble, rlcraft strongest bauble, which baubles are best in rlcraft, what are the best baubles in rlcraft, all rlcraft baubles, rlcraft 2.9 all new baubles, rlcraft 2.9 baubles tier list, rlcraft all secret baubles, all secret baubles in rlcraft, how to obtain secret potion rings rlcraft, casualty rlcraft, rlcraft secrets
Id: fJexfsrX9D4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 19sec (3559 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 06 2022
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