r/kidsarestupid | "i made more money"

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hmm he wasn't expecting that is he gonna swing this back it's gonna hit him in the face I feel like that's what's gonna happen no oh oh there's another kid Oh Oh that's why okay yeah no yeah kid the kids are just stupid aren't they yeah bro my name is Jake and welcome to kids are stupid where you probably guessed it already we're looking at kids being stupid just like that first one there's a lot of stupid kids in this video so enjoy once vs. needs sorting I want vegetables candy bike water air clothes and tablet and I need hippopotamus I meet them okay I need them you see I'm glad this kid's got it down to a team that there were some people putting like oh I need candy and I need a tablet it's like no you don't you need a hippopotamus six-year-old son daddy I found something but I'm not gonna tell you what because you'll tell me to stay away from it don't worry though I'll be fine okay then sounds good update it's some kind of animal egg he's right I did tell him to stay away from it update I went to take a look and it turns out it's just a rock my son insists it's either a snake egg or a dragon egg but no it's definitely a rock he does not have to stay away from it it turns out just on the off chance that it was an actual dragon egg then he's got to stay away from it all right I put $200 on my mother's debit card and my little brother and sister spent it all on roblox oh my god I worked all month bro holy yeah that sucked but why do the kids have access to the debit card and why do they know about that my son was so happy when we finally let him hold the controller I know this is like kids are stupid but you look so happy so it's nice three boys hospitalized after letting black widow bite them to become spider-man aah like as much as everyone wants to become spider-man and that would be so cool the Black Widow it's a black widow that's like the most dangerous one right at least if you're gonna let the black widow bite you just put a bit of uranium there at first you it's gotta be radioactive otherwise it won't work one time I was playing chess on the computer and I tried moving my knight outside of where it can move and I got a pop-up saying illegal move and then I cried for an hour because I thought I was gonna get arrested just a budgeting move it'll be like oh no oh oh the police you to come now you now who special Reed the one would winky face oh my god it's it's now now he's special right that's that's the first word I want a beach trip with my husband and my son the house we rented has three bedrooms last night my husband and I slept in the master but the bed was really uncomfortable I am pregnant and I didn't sleep well so we decided to try the second bedroom tonight my son 8 years old wakes up bright and early as kids do sees the master bedroom empty and assumes that we have abandoned him meanwhile my husband and I are sleeping in the second bedroom I wake up hearing him colfra's a little while later and step out into the hallway to see if he's okay mind you I am only wearing a t-shirt as I just woke up he has some random lady in our living room who is shocked to see me she apologizes saying he said he couldn't find you and leaves quickly she is probably confused in embarrass to find some half-naked woman in her house it turns out he walked all the way onto the beach to look for us house is not beachfront before he checked the other bedroom to be fair to the kid like going out and finding someone because you think you've lost your parents is is kind of smart obviously he's not that smart because he didn't take the bedroom first but he's relatively skating there okay when I was in kindergarten I told my friends and other classmates that I had asthma then they all proceeded to take a couple of steps away and asked if asthma was contagious when I told them no they then proceeded to say that it is then walk away mmm they probably just didn't like you I think that's probably the scenario I played a word explain game with my daughter I had to explain to her feather me every bird has them and sometimes they lose it my daughter poop well she's not wrong the past a steam train the present a car and the future a cow car yeah that's what we want cow cars he's mad because we aren't letting him hang halfway over the side of the boat I'd be mad too come on I just want to hang on the side of the boat please please I want to be a danger my little brother broke the damn front door when he tried to open it how strong is your little brother what did he not just go for the handle or was he trying to punch through there I feel like this is more young people YouTube yo mama jokes yo mama so hot Peter Griffin hot nice great comment great comment the sweepers I love the sweepers they're so good oh it's going around for you it's going around oh there you go it's gonna go out again I just love these this is sparta oh no he's gonna get kicked dead all pushed yeah that works as well and he's stupid in okay they can swim really well they're like baby still how are they swimming so well wait a second you copied the William Osmond YouTube William Osmond says I am the William Osmond YouTube channel okay what does this have so many likes like okay for it likes I was like eight years old it was summer and balls hot so I got a wet cloth to put on my face to cool down I think you can see where I'm going with this when I put it on my face I couldn't breathe since I was panicking and also a I didn't think to take it off my face and discovered waterboarding I'm such a dumbass this is waterboarding require you to like pour more water on top of the already wet cloth I think I think that's what a boy but it's similar I don't know why but I kind of want to try it like that sounds so messed up doesn't it like oh I want to be tortured but I just want to like feel no now that I think about it no I don't I I think that back Super Mario Galaxy 2 was released exactly ten years ago oh wow anyway as a kid I thought that selecting core would actually call our houses number and I was afraid that my parents would yell at me so I never touched those posters for about a year only until I reached world for did I finally select cause oh that's dumb yeah and some I'd probably do but it was released ten years ago and that's the second game Wow he wanted to be a butterfly and a butterfly you will become just you gotta wait there for a few more days just stay there when I was like seven years old I used to play baseball and one time our game got rained out and cancelled my dad told me that we had a makeup game next week and I thought he meant all of us had to play with our mom's makeup boy was i stupid it's like what people pretend it's a fancy dress party and then only one person turns up in fancy dress can you just imagine this guy walking with a full face of makeup ah I bet he look more fabulous than everyone else there my little sister made more money whoo Wow an entrepreneur right there look making $1 into 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 in pieces of dollar I don't know if that's $13 maybe the water cycle il oh we got water storage and ice and snow condensation etc question 1 how does the diagram help you understand the water cycle it doesn't help me understand the water cycle and question two lists one question that you have about something in the diagram what does it mean for someone with that good handwriting I doubt they've learned any of those words like how are they supposed to understand this my sister-in-law thought they were bluffing when they asked for the Clippers when they were born hey they're gonna be nice and cool in so that's a positive when I was five and my older sister was about 30 she gave me a can of whipped cream a day or two before a Christmas party and told me to hide it so no one could get into it before the actual party only she left out the why and just said to hide it I choked it under my dresser and then ate the entire thing because no one could find out if it was gone with and when I was 10 her kids about the same age as me came over when we played hide and seek I decided to take a nap and when I finally woke up and crawled out of my hiding spot I found my entire family in a panic and about to call the cops to report me missing because they hadn't been able to finally feel like two hours I don't see that as being stupid I see that it's like a win-win on the first one he got to eat whipped cream that's pretty epic on the second one he's the best hider there is two hours and he got a nap as well that's it that's win-win-win what is your mommy's name black what does she do work how old is she four I think what is her favorite color pink what is her favorite food hamburgers what is her favorite movie planes how many brothers and sisters does she have no where does she like to take you for fun two planes and what message do you want to send her for Mother's Day I want to go in the car 2009 yeah what does that make her now so her mom he'll be like 15 now Wow I was a really stupid kid my last name is wolf with an E and to me this was how you spelt the animal's name as well I try and correct my teachers spelling when it was ever mentioned I was about ten when I realized opening a package and I look away for two seconds oh okay yeah now I understand why it says keep out of reach of like people three and under because that can happen my six-year-old peeled his peas because he doesn't like the skin Hey gives him someone to do sure and if you want something to do there's more videos on screen which you can click right here if you want I mean they're pretty I think I hope you might enjoy them well videos
Channel: FakeJake
Views: 459,773
Rating: 4.9539027 out of 5
Keywords: FakeJake, reddit, funny reddit, memes, best posts, top posts, business, stories, story, jobs, degree, i made more money, how to make more money, how to invest, how make make money, make money fast
Id: Q4MHgDstkao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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