RK37HC review this is what I think of my tractor..

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welcome back to one man and five acres today I'm going to talk about my tractor my rk37 from Rural King um I've had this for a while I haven't quite had it for two years so I figured I'm gonna do the pros and cons on this tractor um I've been wanting to do a review on this tractor since I've got it I didn't have a YouTube channel at the time I do now so I'm gonna direct you of why I bought the tractor um how it's been and how it's been doing in the year and a half that have had it as of right now I'm sitting inside of it it's 98 degrees outside and it's humid I mean it's humid I feel like I'm in Florida you step outside it takes your breath away um so it's usually not that hot up here um but it is today so anyhow uh I'm gonna do this video on this tractor right now I'm sitting inside of it it is running and the air conditioning is on and it feels good in here so the air conditioning works great so we'll do a little thing on the inside of the tractor and we'll go from there so I'll flip everything around and show you how many hours I've got on this thing and uh I'll show you what I like and what I don't like um but uh I guess the other question would be yeah we'll see at the end of exactly what I'd say if I buy this or I wouldn't buy this so let's flip this tractor this camera around and uh we'll check it out all right stuffed animals granddaughter loves stuffed animals she likes to ride in here with me so they're a must did not come with the tracking so anyhow I have exactly 177 hours on this almost 178. um it is done two regions on me um each time it's done that I have been able to work through it it really doesn't create a problem it comes on for me I'm nine times out of ten I'm running it or I'm mowing with it so the RPM stay up the whole time it does its regen while I'm working it I've never had any problems with that um the first thing I ever had was uh was the the four ways every time I turned the four ways on it would blow a fuse it doesn't do that anymore um I uh called Rule King when I first got it was it was worth in like the first couple of months that I had it that it started doing that and I found that the uh it was blowing the fuse the fuse panel is right down here and um I put a couple of fuses in it it kept popping immediately found out that well you know I could fix this thing myself because I'm you know a mechanic but I was like it's under warranty I'm not doing it I called them they came they actually came to the house and uh found out that it was a socket in the back of the tractor uh was grounding itself out and they replaced it and I have never had anything problems with this at all um I did the 50-hour service myself um I did have a problem finding the uh the filter for it for the uh hydraulic system and this is also a hydrostatic so it all goes through the filter well the filters that they had for this tractor at the time were they weren't available they had changed the size of the the filter and I actually called the guy back that came out from the actual uh the mobile mechanic told him the problem and he knew exactly what it was he mailed me um a filter for it and I put it on but before it got there to it the tractor was down and I went to John Deere and this is the same setup transmission engine and everything throughout this whole tractor is the same and uh so it's the same tractor they use only thing is this is red and theirs is green so it's the same transmission as a John Deere the hydrostat is so they had the filter I put it on got it all fixed the other one came in the mail I've got it for a backup for one that needs to be done again I'll do it at that point in time the function over here um there's a Justin Maynard um he has his own uh YouTube channel um he talks about the Hydraulics going slow um and this one here it does not go slow um it works pretty fast this is just idle this is pretty good for idle if I was to speed this up it moves a lot faster so I'm gonna go ahead and crank it up just to show you that it moves a lot faster than what it would so it does pretty good um a lot of the other stuff does move a little faster but uh this one here I don't have any problems with it at all I think it's because it's hydrostat so I think the pressures and the of the hydraulic system is a little faster I do have a third function valve which they install them right here this little button and that they install it up here at the front there's the top hoses right there as for the third function valve right there um have no problems with that I got the grapple and stuff on there it's a big dog grapple from Rural King it's a seven foot and this tractor runs it with no problem um I I highly recommend a third function valve uh for the little bit of the money that they are at the time um I think it was 750 bucks to have it all installed I had it installed no problem um but I don't have any problems with the speed of the Hydraulics uh yes they could be a little bit faster but uh in the hydrostat I've noticed that they're a lot faster I think it's because it flows a lot more volume on the hydrostatic side of the uh of the tractor so as far as everything in here inside the tractor you know it has a horn here and your turn signals all your lights and stuff here this is where you do your manual regen it has cruise control and it also has an idle up so if you hit the button here everything idles up when you push the pedal it'll line those up even faster your PTO and stuff's here I've never had any problems with any of this stuff everything works flawlessly the only thing I do wish is I'm a little bit bigger guy I have had it to where I've knocked this into neutral in between the uh the shifter for the high low and medium ranges for the hydrostat I was doing a job I kicked this thing into neutral on accident Nina knew it and I was going down a hill and this thing took off to the races it's got really good brakes so let me tell you um I'm a bigger guy I do wish that I had a little bit more room in between here on the seat and the seat doesn't really adjust to my size but I'm bigger than most people so um it's probably perfect for an average type guy the doors I love them when they close they close solid no problems there you got all your controls and stuff I have LED lights in the front and back they're all controlled right here and I have rear wiper blades front wiper blade and I have the washer for washer fluid for front and back it also comes with a really nice radio in it it Bluetooth and syncs up with my phone and I can sit here and talk on the phone if I have a phone call while I'm doing operations it works pretty good all of my heat and stuff is right here it's right there it's real nice and easy to get to their light here does work but it feels very cheap see like right here it's moving you got to kind of push it over and then it comes on it's a little on the cheap side but it works good especially in you know at night if you're in here and doing stuff and I do a lot of things at night at times because I don't have much time um but uh that's pretty much everything on the inside I have really no really not really any complaints with anything other than I do wish I had some more room beside me for the three-point hitch and stuff and everything so um we're gonna go outside and we'll do a walk around and I'll tell everything what I think about outside all right now that I'm outside I use this tractor it is dirty so it gets used um like I said I've only had this about a year and a half year and eight months it hasn't been quite two years yet that I've had this tractor um the seat and everything I I think it's comfortable I really don't have no problems with it it is all the way back I will mention that this has a couple holes here down here in the bottom I don't know if you guys can see that but this is where it was from the factory I removed the bolts and I moved this all that way so the whole seat got moved that way um because I'm six five it gave me a little bit more room for my legs to move around and sit back and it will move back that far and now it's all the way back is where it's at um the seat adjustment I have it all the way up so like I said I'm just a big guy I crush it there's nothing I can do about it the hydraulic speed and stuff right here I've got this cranked all the way up so it goes fast now when you're in transport mode like if you're driving down the road you are to turn this all the way off so it locks the hydraulics on the three-point hitch so it does not fall while you're going down the road um this is the four-door Drive lever right here never had any problems with it when I first got it it was a little stiff but as I've been using it through the times it's gotten real easy to go up and down and it goes in and out real easy PTO was a little stiff to uh putting it in this is the manual part of it and then once you got it in there all you do is hit the button on the dash this I really don't have any problems with when I first got it it was stiff about going in didn't want to go in right away but as I've been using it it's gotten a lot better so there's that on that part and we'll go around to the other side and we'll show you on the inside of the seat over there but uh these tires these are the R14 tires I was very skeptical and bit getting them I was thinking about getting the Industrial Tire on there but uh um I know industrial tires sometimes when you're in the grass it kind of wants to tear it up um it it these right here they don't tear it up it does really good on it great traction highly recommend these tires they're not thin the AG tires are real super thin they look stupid on the tractor they give it they make it very unstable these things here are just as wide as the um commercial Tire and they they do they do they're nice and wide and they're stable they work great I never had any problems with these tires at all the bucket assembly haven't had any problems with that the quick Point hit or the grit the skid steer quick disconnect no problems there at all works great haven't had any problems with everything everybody says their stuff leaks I haven't had any problems with none of my stuff at all um there again it's a tractor it's a small tractor you know I get that people have had some problems they've said they have I have not I did all my own service drained everything out put my own oil in it and everything like that no problems whatsoever everything's dry I will show you some seepage there are some seepage places where they are but it's a tractor you're going to have some sort of seepage it's just the way it is nature of the Beast but no problems whatsoever like I said nothing here nothing to have any problem here's that three point or the third function valve right here they mount them right here this is a great place for it I've only now I will say I have busted this line off and it was and it was more my fault than it was anything it was not the the manufacturers when they put them in there it was not their fault how they did this so that was on me I wasn't paying attention to how I was running the lines but now I know how to run the lines but I did break this fitting off right here I went to I went back to Rural King they carry these fittings obviously it's probably happened before put that new fitting in there I mean granted I had to run to Rural King to go get it and stuff but all in all it was a quick fix really only took 10 minutes and it was done and back up and going there again here's everything here on this side change the oil and everything on it no problems no leaks no nothing everything works great um I kind of don't like this being up against the glass but it always winds up being up against glass I kind of wish it would stay right here and I might put a zip tie on it to keep it there so it's just not on the glass I don't really care for that but it doesn't hurt nothing I have not had the a reason to take off the take this off at all it does have the feet and stuff so when you do you can drop this and pull this all off and it'll stand alone I've never needed to take this off I probably would never will take it off over here you have a lock this right here locks the system out so it won't go just pull it back out and then it rolls again um this right here I've I've seen a couple of people have said something about this right here having a problem I have not had any problems with this however I do wish that this right here was offset along with this I wish this right here was offset this way just a little bit so it rides more closer here and then offset this here to come up a little bit more at an angle here on both sides so it's not right up against your basically it's right up against your butt cheek side your slash your leg and I don't know how many times I've had this where this gets hit and it'll the next thing you know you got to implement falling down this is for your Hydraulics out the rear honestly I haven't used this yet I have um Hydraulics that I can run off of this but I have I just haven't had a reason to hook anything up and go run it yet so I'm not too sure how these work back here if they work good or not so I can't tell you one way or the other eventually I'm going to get a top hydraulic link for my three-point link and um I will I'll be using it for that to adjust uh you know box blade stuff like that wherever I might want it to sit But there again right here down here this is where I move the bolt the bolt was here I unbolted it and then I slid this whole seat assembly backwards and re-bolted it which gave me more room because I'm tall so and then uh the mirrors I love the mirrors they're great because if they get bumped or whatever they move real easy they don't break they just move real nice the adjuster for tighten them UPS right here I leave them a little on the loose side but just enough where they don't go nowhere they work great from the factory it comes with loaded tires a lot of places charge you for that um in a lot of places are starting to move to having loaded tires if you have a bucket on but not all the not all of them do it they charge you for that this has got that rim guard in it so it does not rust out the the rims I'll tell you it works great I do have this on here this Implement I just haven't taken it off I use it I actually use it for pulling potatoes works great for that um there's the LED lights on the back they are super bright um this right here was the first thing that ripped off there it's very cheap it's just plastic Dawn there I'm gonna actually go and get an actual metal one to put on there and uh take care of that this is pretty cheap it's flimsy it's not all that great um everything here is really good easy to work on as far as you know setting everything up getting it hooked up to another other implements I mean it's a three-point hitch they're kind of a pain in the butt they just all are but other than that it's really not that bad this does not have the lever to up and you know make these go up and down but with that being said when I know I'm going to be doing that all I do is open this back window open and I can just reach in there I'm tall enough that I can reach in there and I can manipulate it from right there I can reach it with no problem so if you're tall guy you're gonna it's gonna be easy for you um the fuel tank and everything's right here I do wish the fuel tank was a little bigger um the fuel tank back here I do like it back here but in order to make it bigger they would need a little bit more room I think in the design I think they could go a little bit bigger back here because I'm putting fuel on this thing quite a bit it doesn't help that when it wants to regen it burns more fuel which makes no sense and it's supposed to save fuel it doesn't it's just another way of spending more money and you paying the man that's the way I feel about it but other than that I have no problems with this tractor whatsoever they it does have filters right here to filter the air if you want to bring it in or you can recirculate the air that's inside the cab I will say this that if it's hot like it is today you want to have a recert on on the inside of the cab it makes it a lot cooler in there you start pulling air from the outside it doesn't cool it very well that's a tip if you didn't know that the valve the the vents in there if you close them off it will pull air from the outside if you open them up it'll research recirculate the air that's inside the cab to keep it cool or to keep it hot um I do not like the toolbox that there is the toolbox they put in there it is junk it's crap I've got a couple things in there but all in all that's the cheapest thing that I could find uh you know on air now the tractors went up a little bit since covid and all that good stuff I will say that this tractor here I bought it with the the bucket and I bought it with a a set of forks forklift forks and I bought the grapple for it and the third function valve is all I owe or uh hadn't put on it so that was the extra out the door I paid 36 800 I think it was 890 bucks is what I paid for the whole thing deer wanted almost 45 Grand for that little bit I said nope I checked Kubota pretty much about the same amount of price but I went around that checked and they wanted a lot of money for it now for me everything that I got here including the wiper blades front back I mean this thing the way it looks this is what they come with stock this is just how it comes you know there's really no need for extras I'm sure there's things some people like oh I could use this or that I get it but for all in all this right here I would buy it again with no problem I have no problems buying this again it's a great tractor it's 73 37 horse it's easy to work on it's easy to do services on all in all it's you know it's it's nice I have no problems with it when it runs out of warranty I will take the emission off of it there's a way to do that I'm not going to say how to do it I do know how to do it I'm not going to say because well I I'm just not going to but trust me I'm going to take it off as soon as it runs out of warranty that crap will come off of it so um is there any pros or I should say any cons I don't personally have any I have not had a day's problem with this tractor at all except for that fuse popping other than that this thing has worked flawlessly there are 14 tires I highly recommend them um the only thing that I would probably say that would be a con is when you go to the store it seems like it takes them a while to get their crap together to get the paperwork together to get everything done because I went online at home and got the loan for it and then went there with the the numbers and stuff that they give you for the purchase of it and um it took him a while I was there gosh I was there probably four or five hours just just so they could get it set up in the system to get everything done that was a long process but the guy said the only reason why it was like that was because well they had changed their system over and nobody knew the system I would think that they would train their guys a little bit better so when an up new system comes up they know what to do so they can do that but other than that that's about it that I would say that I don't like about it um everything else it just runs and it works it does exactly what I want it to do I will say that this loader here this thing will lift some stuff now I think I've lifted uh I think it rates it at 2100 pounds lifting capacity I've had 22 on it and it never it never said no and I really didn't get um rear ending it really never got light you know so it didn't really want to lift up and I've had this thing on Hills where I'm lifting some heavy stuff and it does a great job I I I don't try to I don't try to overwork it because I know it even though it can do it doesn't mean I need to do it it's still a tractor it's meant for certain things it's not a you know it's not a it's not a commercial grade piece of equipment like a skid steer or you know something like that that's built to do that this is not built to do that it'll do some work don't get me wrong and it'll probably do the things you want it to do that doesn't necessarily mean that's what you should use it for and you always got to keep that in mind it's still a tractor the business in for a tractor is right here this is the business end of the tractor on tractors this is where it's all at this is where it's made to pull tug all that stuff is back here up front not so much it'll do the things you need it to do but trust me you'll wear it out fast if you if you do just use it you know be smart with it and be wise so but that's uh that's all I can tell you about this tractor at this time if there's anything I didn't touch on let me know but if I had to replace this tractor I wore this tractor out I would definitely buy another one or I would go to tym and buy one it's the same tractor exact same tractor just different color it says RK on it you know the basically RK is just basically paying them to say hey put RK on there on your tractor and make it ours so but uh I mean it's got yamar motor in it everybody uses yamar Motors they always have for a long time on compacts so I mean you're basically if you're if you're a John Deere Guy this is basically what it is the drive chain is a John Deere now not all the John Deere's use the same thing certain models this is the setup certain models this isn't a setup sometimes they have different transmissions in them but they still use a Yanmar motor it just depends so take it for what it is this is still cheaper than any of the major name brands and yamar's been around for years so and they've been building tractors for forever for just about everybody so me personally this is what I'll buy and save my money every time so with that being said I'm gonna cut this video off but I hope that was uh educational for you if there's anything that you need to know or want to know just leave a comment and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can been very busy uh doing Garden work we are picking green beans I will have a uh video coming up of uh canning green beans a lot of people are really interested in how we can so we'll definitely get into that doing green beans I've got Tomatoes already coming on and uh everything else is actually starting to really go so we're gonna end this video but uh yeah if you like these videos hit the like button sharing with your friends subscribe leave a comment we'll talk to you all later bye
Channel: One Man and 5 Acres
Views: 2,801
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Id: AxaTiRe2dWQ
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Length: 27min 35sec (1655 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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