Rivian Build Quality In 2024 - Major Improvements Since Launch Of R1 Product Line!

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it's been over a year since we did a full build quality analysis with one of the most compelling brands in the EV space and that is rivan we did initial build quality inspections on the rivan r1t and the r1s which we have here today and I got to say things have changed a lot with rivan and a lot for the better I promised you guys in 2024 we're going to be doing reoccurring build quality analysis on vehicles that we've actually already done to see how companies have either improved or gotten worse as far as panel gaps fit and finish paint issues paint defects and everything like that so I'm very excited to bring to you guys today a 2024 rivan r1s quad motor welcome back to another out of speec detailing video here from Clear detailing in Northern Colorado let's jump into [Music] it now I think it's important on this channel that we do these reoccurring build quality videos if not every year or something a little bit longer to see how these cars are actually being built the EV space changes so much so rapidly and so quickly and one company that has impressed me honestly the most has been rivan now early rivan we went through a few different cycles of the rivan brand now when they first came out I was completely and absolutely Blown Away away with how they put these trucks together trucks and SUVs together with a package that felt like it was a handbuilt um very well put together vehicle that was unbelievably solid then what I saw throughout working on these vehicles last year alone I think I detailed over 20 rivan here at the shop you know that's spending 40 plus hours this far away from the paint and panel gaps and fit and finish so I feel like I'm uniquely qualified to be able to kind of scrutinize these vehicles and show them in a little bit detailed light if you will now once rivian started ramping production what I was seeing was a lot of things that we were seeing with Tesla and honestly still see with Tesla of high production volume slapping Vehicles together and having panels not even close to aligned and stuff everywhere it honestly started to feel like quite a bit of a mess so early trucks unbelievable production ramp they really started to take a big nose dive in my personal opinion but as of late ran is getting these dialed in I think they took a lot of criticism from videos like mine as well as customers picking up their vehicles complaining about panel gaps and fit and finish now I know a lot of you may say the panel Gap thing is just far overblown nobody cares I'm telling you people do care these videos really spark a lot of interest in in folks and it also gives them something to look at when they go pick up their vehicle to make sure we don't have panels touching taking paint off of vehicles making sure doors close and latches that don't fall off your brand new $120,000 cyber Tru things like that I've been on the rivan forums and the Facebook pages of Tesla and rivan and lucid and people really do care about panel gaps fit and finish and how wellb built their vehicle is so before further Ado what we're going to be doing today is taking this r1s through a full exterior build quality analysis I actually have a new meter that measures the panel gaps here so I can show you in a more comprehensive way what the discrepancies are between the passenger side the driver side or panels that are maybe not aligned perfectly it really helps but I got to tell you guys rivan has listened to the people and I just love that I love their philosophy behind how they they go through they take constructive criticism they get some bumps and bruises and they fix it that is the way you become a successful auto manufacturer so big props rivan for changing a lot on their vehicles listening to annoying folks like me and customers I got to tell you I've had so many of these customers have small little discrepancies they book a service appointment gets fixed they're happy as can be and I think that's a great thing we're also going to jump in inside today talk a little bit more about the fit and finish in there a lot about the materials I have more and more experience with these inside I'll give some critiques in some areas that I'd like to see in maybe an up upcoming facelift of the r1t and r1s but share a lot of the really good we're also going to be taking a paint meter to this vehicle and just seeing how rivan's doing as far as their paint um Quality making sure that it is consistent throughout the vehicle and not having 7 Ms on one panel and 2 Ms on another we'll get into all that we're not going to be doing a scratch look through here this vehicle has 2500 M on it it is a customer delivered vehicle so do keep that in mind throughout this but let's get started with exterior fit and finish jumping into it here so first off again this is a quad motor r1s with the ocean Coast interior and 21in roadway Wheels I absolutely love this spec rivan knocks it out of the park with their colors I think they have such a unique color lineup very different than the likes of something like Audi with a different shade of black gray and silver and white it just it's so cool and this is limestone really one of my favorites here now with these build quality analysis videos one thing that I've done is I wanted to quantify you know in person panels may look different than they come through on camera so I purchased one of these little tools now this is a panel fitment guide you'll see a bunch of little dashes and numbers on here essentially what I'm going to do here is you put this little tool in here and you're going to get a measurement on there the nice thing with this is I can measure here and then measure down here and see if there's any tolerance differences to figure out how these are actually put together now again like I said I have a lot of experience with rivan here at the shop spending hours and hours and hours staring at these things so I do feel like I am very uniquely qualified to be able to look at these cars and scrutinize them with a very detailed and trained eye and I will share with you some things that I've seen change over time some issues that may arise as the car ages a little bit as seals get broken in as your front trunk moves up and down often there's some definite things that I think still need to be dialed in but man you guys are going to be blown away with difference is especially if you go back and watch the early builds of these trucks so let's just start up here on the hood now alignment here is not absolutely perfect as you can see my finger kind of Dives down there but I would say that's definitely acceptable and looks quite nice now here I can already see that the hood is sunken down just ever so slightly and that's really one of the issues that I see a lot with rivan my brother-in-law John actually took delivery of a rivan blue r1s his came in and I was like dude can I please do a build quality video on this it looks absolutely perfect sure no problem and then a month and a half later he brought it in to actually do the detail when we were going to do a video and his hood had completely sunk like the Gap here it was perfectly flush and then all of a sudden sunk and I asked him what the heck happened to you know the whole front trunk assembly and he said well I was parked on somewhat of an incline I opened it one day went to close it and it wouldn't latch now one of the issues that I see with these is that this is such a huge heavy piece and you basically have two Pistons pushing them up I believe they're hydraulic over here and they may start to push at slightly different side or pressures on each side and speed and it kind of starts to contort this entire Hood they also have a ton of issues latching up here now as of recently it's seems to be getting better but again this 2500 m one I'm already seeing the hood is starting to sink and I do expect that to get worse and worse over time so let's take a measurement of here we're at 5 1/2 mm and up here we're pushing right at six so honestly pretty darn good throughout that now moving around here to the front I am seeing that this Rubber seal is kind of poking down here very odd from what I've seen on all rivan this has not been extremely common what I am glad to see though is the alignment here it definitely looks better it's not perfect but it's definitely better than early ones now as you can see there that Gap is almost 8 1/2 mm I would say that is far far too big for a panel gap on a vehicle let's measure this side over here yep 8 and 1 half as well so that to me seems a little large especially when you look down here at the charge port you can see how thick this gap down here all the way is let's measure up in this area again so right at a little under 5 1/2 mm back here we're a little bit more at 6 mm and then you come up here and you are at about 9 and 1/2 nearly 10 mm this Gap is quite large that's a pinky finger for reference there I don't really love that that definitely screams to me this whole Hood assembly needs an alignment on here what is interesting though is this looks pretty decent in here and it's also very flush so that side has sunken down this side has created a gap bigger here but it's nice and flush all the way through this particular Fender and Hood area very very interesting stuff now charge ports on the rivan I've seen a ton of issues now with this of course being being powered let me see probably need to unlock it proximity um the key is in my pocket here so I'm going to unlock this okay so I'm curious to see if this one has the rivan wiggle it sure does that to me is not the greatest and I've complained about this multiple times I've shown customers this and we've actually had one fall off a vehicle before um so this me definitely doesn't scream quality or build quality in any regard let's close this up here nice actuation inside but I'm definitely noticing very tight gapping here this looks fantastic all the way through nice and flush and then definitely a little bit larger over here so to put that into perspective we're got to flip this over right at about 5 millim and then here 2 and a half millimet so that Gap there is double the thickness up here and you can see how different all of this is in this particular area same with here so that's about 3 mm so I'd like to see some adjustment here now my personal preference there's nothing wrong with a charge port that you have to push in and open completely mechanical instead of electronic it's my personal opinion you may totally disagree now here sorry about the light it's kind of blinding right now but you can see this Rubber seal on this side is doing the same exact thing thing on this side it should not look like that whatsoever now the front end of the rivan one of my favorite front ends on any vehicle it's very very pronounced that it is a rivan I love that they're carrying this over to R2 and R3 and r3x and all of those let's shut off the lights here nice responsive key speaking of the key you notice we have a new key on here with some white emblems on there and this is nice this is something that has been listening to their customers about we've seen Keys come up from aftermarket in the aftermarket world making them white it's a little bit easier to find a little bit easier to see one thing that I love here though is how perfect all of this is on the hood this basically Arch so many trucks and R1 s's I've seen have not been perfect this side though I'm noticing a little bit of difference notice here how tight this is and then very much opens up so again I think this hood needs some serious adjustment one of my biggest complaints about this of course is when you pop this open you only have one tie down here in the center so it gives a lot of vibration I've had one that I was driving down the road very windy day 85 mph down the highway and the hood latch actually popped open and I think if they would come in here have a latch maybe in this area same over here it would solve a lot of those issues so it's one of those things I really think they need to improve on now front trunk Plastics they have massively gotten dialed in a lot of these I've opened them up from brand new vehicles and these weren't even sort of attached now this one you can see little bit of movement in there I think that's completely fine I just don't want to come in here with a brand new vehicle that the customer literally brought from the rivan service center here and have none of these even clipped in that's definitely not a good look one thing that I think I can actually put my name on that rivan listened to me about is this particular panel now in early early rivan there was essentially a cut here so this was three separate pieces and this was held in by One Clip here now with them making this entire piece it doesn't turn anymore maybe Max can throw in a little clip in that in our early build quality videos there was one clip here when I would clean in here you would touch it it would Spin and all of a sudden you'd shut it and you just have this panel hanging out like this really really looked terrible but again talking about the struts here you can see you have two massive Pistons over here likely hydraulic of course and those if they start to move pressure at different angles I think that's how these hoods are buckling let's see here definitely a little bit of movement not even close to as bad as Something Like the Model S and model X those things are like literal kites so let's close this this down their actuation on here has gotten so so much better honestly one of the areas on the rivan that I've never had complaints about was this particular situation down here so where the tow hooks are where the fog lights are this whole gloss back every single time these are nearly perfectly put together I've never really seen issues down in this particular area so good props to rivan there now moving down the side to the driver side front fender here this has always been an area of issue for rivan and no exception here but things have gotten a lot better if you'll notice this body line definitely does not run straight here it seems to me like this needs to get pushed in and definitely the fender hanging out a little bit more than the hood what I'm glad to see though look at this line all the way down so let's take some measurements here let's go right in the middle so little under 3 1/2 mm 3 and 1/2 mm 3 and 1/2 mm that is perfectly straight but again remember this is sitting up and a little bit down and then look down here the door is actually sticking out a little in this particular area now again I know this is nitpicky but I think a lot of people do pay attention to this I really never think you should have a Leading Edge of the backwards panel sticking out I'd rather have it sucked in more like this can catch Rock rocks there it's also bad for wind noise anything like that is going to create noise and vibrations in there and I really don't think that's a good situation A pillars on the rivan have changed tremendously in early days we could actually see these clips in here they look like dense but obviously outward dense they were like basically little Hills on this thing they have absolutely dialed this in and I'm so so happy to see that look at the alignment here on this a pillar to the whole door panel assembly looks absolutely fantastic nothing sticking out all the rubber seals look perfect in here one area I have seen to be an issue on these is this up here this one does not seem to have that issue a lot of times these are sticking up a little bit they can actually cause quite a bit of noise whistling when you're driving down the road in the wind and there's been some serious Flex in these this one feels extremely nice the alignment here looking quite good I will say this gap's definitely a little bit bigger so that's around 5 mm there then down here we're looking right at four so not perfectly aligned but I would say more than acceptable this area is an area I talk about all the time on vehicles every manufacturer struggles getting these aligned up so basically the doors are a solid metal piece and typically they have a little Ridge here that the piano black or whatever trim Chrome matte black or glass black in this situation they snap onto there and kind of sit there on basically a pinch weld now a lot of the times they're very wonky this has gotten so much better on rivan I used to see them kind of popped up in this area feels really really good now the alignment here pretty spot on not much to complain about looks fantastic now rivan has had quite a few issues with door handles in my impression they've had some paint issues with them where they're literally a completely different color completely different metallic now for example it may have been on a red Canyon one where it's more of a red orange paint and then the handles looked bright orange like not even close I do see a little bit of difference you guys aren't going to be able to see it on camera here this is definitely more yellow than up here very very interesting and it's something that I see quite a bit but the alignment all the way through here how flush that sits fantastic let's look at the back one here same thing I would say it's a little bit crooked back here if I'm being Ultra nitpicky seems like it needs to come back up but honestly really no complaints now front door to rear door alignment this is perfection so happy with that tight panel Gap let's get you a little measurement on here under 2 1/2 mm here 3 and 1/2 so not perfect that's a perfect example of how your eyes can trick you if I'm standing right here it looks perfect all the way down but it's actually not when we measure it now I do see this door sticking out ever so slightly again being quite nitpicky now this has been an area where rivan struggled a little bit with this Gap so that's right at 5 mm you'll see on the other side what I'm talking about with that and this here 5 mm love that looks nice and flush looks even that's an area that I've kind of pushed them on and trying to improve this area has never been perfect down here look at the alignment love that same down here nice and flush this is what I'm talking about rivan is really really getting these things dialed in now again this one's not perfect but as you can see like this Gap here how it doesn't perfectly line up on that body line that is so so nitpicky but we do need to point that out make sure you guys know and understand that up here along the gloss back amazing this all looks wow I mean the panel the amount of panels that are going together here so you have a door you have a full structural Fender here you have a plastic piece that goes in another plastic piece on the door an aluminum rail an aluminum rail another one it looks literally perfect all the way through that gapping is fantastic through there what's also fantastic is this this yet again these doors fit perfectly flush here let's get you a little measurement as I can do it upside down 3 and 1/2 3 and 1/2 maybe slightly over 3 and 1/2 that looks phenomenal nice and flush in there nice tight gapping so we have three and 1/2 here 2 and 1/2 up here I think that's perfectly acceptable another area rivan's really struggled in the past but have much improved is this plastic rear fender plastic this used to well it still does it definitely moves here you can see not clipped in they need to add a clip in here the nice thing though is this is sitting much more flush I've seen these be really really far out of alignment and I think this one may be a little bit as well as I continue to move it if I push it back in ah looks good there but definitely like to see little things like that get tightened up but this just looking at it here so so much better yet again another area rivan has struggled on but gotten really really nice is down here I have seen gaps down here that are literally I can almost stick a finger in where the bumper is sticking out this is how it should look now up here you can see it's slightly diving down getting a little bit of Gap in here but it's much better than having this huge open Gap in that particular area even look here how the bumper aligns this is really nice fit and finish you can just tell they are really starting to get these dialed in and really really working on making sure their cars are going out quite nice yet again let's talk about another area rivian has struggled with and one area they're still struggling with this rear cap now we have had some press vehicles to where the gapping here was horrible like probably a quarter inch this was sitting down now what you will notice here is this cap is basically made out of plastic and to me it looks like it kind of shrinks and deforms with heat and cooling so up here this is perfectly flush as I move down here you can see that is a huge gap there it's I don't know a/4 inch maybe so yeah about 1 and 1/2 mm I don't know what that is you guys will definitely let me know but it definitely seems off but these little horns as we've called them this looks better it's definitely not perfect as you can see but much better than I've seen in the past so that's very very good you can see this one here looks even better what's not good is those little plastic pieces up there so this has basically sorry it's hard to film up here it's very very tall but you can see this is sticking up now the customer actually pointed this out when he picked up the car rivan's response to this was well you see our glass roof here or the whole roof line has this ever so gradual slope the problem with these is these plastic inserts here are actually flat so they all stick up like that to me that's one of those things if you guys know it's not right you need to fix it that to me is unacceptable or need to add another clip and bend that thing in to where it fits properly cuz that's definitely not perfect now back here rear tailgate again with this cap has somewhat been a mess to where they sit too low I've seen rivan that come in brand new fresh off the lot and they have paint missing here because this panel is contacting that paint that panel same on this side I've seen it now a few things going on with this particular one so let's look here very very flush gapping you can see this lines up very very nice let's take some measurements that's probably 2 mm in my personal opinion probably a little too tight I like to see really tight tolerances my thought though this is going to move over time and that may make contact so I'll definitely let my customer know that this in here right at 2 and 1/2 so definitely a little bit more gapping and then this lower trunk piece is actually sticking out and it's sticking in there definitely not perfect but definite Improvement over time now let's measure over here 5 1/2 mm down there this one's a little hard to do just under 5 1/2 mm I would say nears makes no difference 4 and 1/2 on this side and 5 and 1/2 down there so definitely a little bit of adjustment needed but not terribly bad now the light bar here holy Gap this thing is pretty massive when we're getting into 8 and 1/2 probably almost 9 mm there in all honesty little too thick in my personal opinion now this side is barely six so definitely 3 mm off between that light bar I'm not sure exactly why these are always so off I mean to me you would think they would go in in the same exact position but it seems to me the light bars push this way and then this tail light looks like it's perfectly lined up there let's look at this one this tail lights looks like it's slightly inset so some very weird weird stuff going on there but let's open this up maybe sometimes these are very unresponsive and they just kind of die here we go or they go to sleep why are you not opening okay I don't know what's going on there okay um sure so keep moving on here let's see if this will drop down one of my only complaints back here is that that should be power powered on these 80 plus th000 rigs it should be like a Range Rover I just this actuation and that bounce to me that should be dampened or at least powered open power close my friend Nick has a BMW X5 plugin hybrid that is fully um opens automatically and then closes automatically just think it's one of those things that'd be nice to have let's see if this button works now will it actually close now it's opening that was a little strange so one thing I do notice with rivan is they fall asleep quite often when I'm working on them and they become completely unresponsive there's times where I'll sit here and you guys have probably all seen this with the Fisker ocean the rivian's not quite as bad it's been getting better but I'll sit here I'm hitting unlock it's still not unlocking there it goes that to me is one of those things it's a little ridiculous like it should unlock on the first try now Tesla has this problem too phone key is an absolute disaster half the time but I'm just saying if you have a physical key fob this should definitely get dialed a little bit more nice lock there so you see the car actually fell asleep there and I have this all the time when I go to open this when I go to unlock it when I go to undo the front trunk even if the car is unlocked it takes time for those to open it does get quite annoying and I think your experience you know you know you leave this thing in the garage you're carrying something heavy you're trying to open this and the car is just not on and you're like okay that's a little frustrating for sure let's take some measurements up here and we'll compare it to the other side so right at about 5 and 1/2 there very tight tolerance in this area like that's got to be under 2 mm but then down here we're 6 and 1/2 so 4 mm difference from here to here definitely would like to see that dialed in slightly more let's check over here quite a large gap here I can't even get in there that's probably 7 and 1/2 in that particular area and this is quite a bit bigger at yeah 4 mm there so still little little incremental things but I got to say looking at this truly in person this really looks nice and you don't really notice the difference up here all that much I would say on this particular side yeah this definitely looks tight it actually looks like it's sitting underneath the silver piece if I'm standing back here so would like to see that dialed in but not too terribly bad now the silver aluminum trim they've definitely worked on that I've touched these before and it just sounded so plasticky and so cheap now I do know most people don't go around knocking on these things but I'm one of those weirdos that do that feels extremely solid now now way way better good Improvement there now one thing I do want to point out is this aluminum trim is not sitting flush in this particular area you can see a large gap and it's touching up here I'd like to see that pushed in can definitely feel it with my finger definitely not perfect but what is perfect look at the alignment here fantastic door sitting perfectly flush in that particular area even down here the tolerances are getting so much better what I do see on this though little bit bigger Gap up here compared to down here so let's take a little measurement so that's right at 4 mm that's got to be 1 and 1/2 to or 2 and 1/2 millim probably so very very tight but again look at this particular area this that normally is sitting I've seen these things sitting like this half the time and you have this huge gap this still sits good I just still think they need a clip there and as you can see a little bit of Gap there not too terribly bad though down here this area looks perfect now there are some clips in here as you can see I just moved that and now it actually looks perfect where it kind of Clicks in like that that to me needs to get fixed I've had these sticking out like a/4 in so I think that definitely should get worked on but this one now looks good after I finagled it again down here fantastic really really happy with that up up here let's see if I can see anything on here and I'm immediately drawn to this massive Gap over here look at this bad boy that is 8 mm maybe 8 and 1/2 and then I come up here and that is nothing so the other side way better this to me is traditional rivan of what I've seen in the past and I really don't like it this should be equal with this should also be equal with the door you can see if I'm standing right over it look at the difference there of where that actually starts so that whole piece needs to slide back I don't know how to do that but what I do know how to fix is this particular area so this plastic molding you can definitely see sticking out like substantially there's one screw under there unbolt it push that in tighten it fixes that so I will be doing that on this particular rivan just for my customer cuz I'm OCD like that it's just unbolting a screw couple threads you don't even take it all the way out push that in boom perfect nice back to normal now here I'm noticing this rear door sticking out a little bit uh that's being a little bit nitpicky but again up here looks perfect that rear door right there sticking out ever so slightly so I'd like to see that improved um I do know this particular vehicle did have one of the doors or maybe two of them realigned so they may be seeing why the tolerances are better here but again going back to it they seem to be fixing this stuff quite a bit now I want you to look at this light right here may be hard to see it may have to come over here this is the traditional rivan Dent right here they all have this I've had multiple customers point that out to me they're like my brand new car has got a dent in it and I'm like they all have that I don't know what happens in this particular area can really see right there that Ripple very very odd they all seem to have that on R1 s's I'm not sure why that's just one of those quirks and features maybe as Doug deiro would say but yeah definitely a little bit odd door handles look fantastic here in here really really impressive stuff now this Gap looks fantastic except for it definitely looks bigger up here than down here but nice and flush let me take some measurements on this cuz this is kind kind of tripping my eyes out 4 mm o definitely not perfect yeah so it's weird I'm looking at it at this angle and then I move to this angle and that Gap looks huge that looks really tight but you can see definitely by using our measurement tool that's not perfect so my thoughts on the r1s here actually before I do that let's talk about the roof glass up here they have made serious improvements you can see how flesh that sunroof is has not been like that in the past let's look back here perfectly flesh perfectly flush perfectly flush nailed the glass pumped with that and that has not been the case in the past so very very impressive stuff also love that rivan has basically three accessory rails up there I still have yet to see anybody um other than on photos have three bars on their rivan I think it's just so cool but I got to tell you guys although this one isn't perfect I would say this is within reasonable expectations of a new vehicle my Tesla Model 3 over here absolute disaster compared to this I've had every single door on that one aligned multiple times my trunk Lids weird on it it's just it's really really frustrating on those vehicles but I got to say I have to give huge Kudos here to rivan for actually going in and really trying to improve their vehicles they're not perfect yet this is still a young company trying to get this figured out but I want to give them Kudos and want to give them credit for listening to folks and actually fixing things and actually trying to make their vehicles go in and be well put together now I have to also give a shout out to rivan service I've had multiple customers they watch these videos they bring their brand new rivian in and they go hey if you wouldn't mind will you go through and inspect my vehicle if you would see anything that's alarming let me know we've done some videos on those Vehicles a white r1t comes to mind that like every single panel to me needed adjustment he took it in he showed them the video they fixed all of it didn't cost him a thing they went in they fixed it and he's happy as can be and I've heard nothing but good experiences from from rivan service so huge kudos to them so now exterior much much improvement one thing that hasn't changed much is the interior and that's a very very good thing rivan from day one in my personal opinion has had one of the best interiors in any EV on the entire Market probably let alone the entire car market it's rugged it's luxurious has really unique materials really unique design and most importantly with wears incredibly well so let's jump inside and talk about some really nice things about the inside and some improvements that I would like to see we're not going to spend too much time inside here you guys have all seen rivan and you know we've done build quality analysis videos on them they are incredible they're really really impressive now a few things I want to point out this is from earlier videos one of the biggest being the wood and the little cracks as I called them that they had so in this particular area from what I understand rivan is actually doing this on purpose to give some relief to the wood now my personal opinion I don't like the wood now I'm a detailer what annoys me is anytime I need to clean this area up here this area down here is this grabs a microfiber towel and then it starts leaving lint and then you wipe it again and it leaves more lint I can already see some hanging out here this is on every single rivan that I see because this is an open pour it's a nightmare I've also had quite a few customers ask me now how do I get chips out of these how do I recolor it because they have had some issues with that so my personal opinion although I think the wood looks cool functionally for me I personally would go for the vegan Dash or the vegan material there instead of the wood it's my personal opinion and then let's move on now one area I have seen an issue in the past with rivan is this so This dashboard here is obviously one piece when it comes to here this metal area seems to look like it gets kind of pushed up and then you have a giant section here this particular one looks fantastic and I hope to see that on um Vehicles as they get you know more and more produced that that's not an issue but I've definitely seen it to where this is pinching and it pushes the dash up leaves a very weird Gap the interior on this to me is almost Perfection other than the wood and this this material this kind of anodized Chrome look maybe a dark Chrome you'd call it absolute freaking nightmare to clean it streaks it shows finger prints it's like having a cyber Tru that you're touching all the time believe me people touch this area all the time it's on all the high contact area points you have it here I've also had customers who wear rings of course and this just gets absolutely beat to all heck there with the Rings it's a basically plastic material I believe and then they put like this chrome coating over it very similar to this this is actually not metal this is plastic you can literally see it here with the aluminum finish over it so I think those areas could get improved over time personally don't love that I also don't love that these areas down here they can pop out a little bit and they become a little bit sharp so few little nitpicks there one thing that I see often on rivan is this now let me move this seat up and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about in the forums you see a lot of folks complaining about this kind of Buckle in the seat and they go I cannot believe rivan gave me my car like this it looks terrible what happens is they get in they kind of angle the seat position up a little bit and this is basically a hinge joint so if I move this back down goes to absolutely perfect again now I don't have this issue because I want the seat as low as possible as flat as possible and the seat kind of Rak up a little bit I like that more performance driving oriented seating style it's my personal preference there but yeah I definitely think that's an area that's quite funny to hear people complain about but I do understand that it definitely doesn't look good if your seat goes in that angle one area that I absolutely hate more than anything on this particular vehicle is the side Sills now want you to notice here all of these rocks that go in here they are almost impossible to get out except I found a way now AR rivan is an off-road vehicle you're meant to go on adventur out in the mountains and have rocks and dirt and grit and then they go and make an area that has this huge basically area that just catches absolutely everything the amount of Pebbles that I see in here when I'm detailing these cars is truly unbelievable now the only way to get them out instead of just shoving them down there farther so you can't see them is you have to take this plastic panel out now this one we'll see if I need to do it basically this Center section pops out there's four bolts on the back of this pull it off vacuum out all of that wipe it down with the towel put it back on that would drive me nuts as a rivan owner because I'm one of those guys going and backing my car every week this just gets absolutely beat to heck every time you jump in here your foot goes in that area right there and it's really really frustrating to deal with and I definitely have had a lot of customers go oh you left a pebble right there why couldn't you get that out the only other way to get that out is literally to take a plastic pry tool try and pop them out so so frustrating but the interior on this I have to say the use of materials is second to none the design language Second To None I I think rivan knocked it out of the park even the back seat looks fantastic here now another one of those funny things if you have a rivan r1s here and I've seen this on the forums a lot you notice how the seat is kind of straight up right now well that's the natural position it goes into the first time problem with that is when you put this down now you have the weirdest angle on your armrest ever so the only way to fix that is to put the seat back to where it should sit but if you have somebody sitting in the third row and need more space up here you have to sit like this and then this is your armrest area that to me it should just be able to click in right there but it doesn't it just Falls so I think that should be one thing that needs to get fixed on upcoming Vehicles also this second row I've complained about it enough not going to touch on it in this it's very very annoying to deal with especially one-handed especially if you have kids in your arms and you're trying to do this and you're having to shove that back and now it's here and then you have to go here and then now you have to tilt the seat back it's just it's not optimized for families in my personal opinion the second row needs some refinement there but materials Blown Away with them I have to tell you guys about the vegan leather in this personally hate the word vegan leather it's an absolute annoyance to me this is a synthetic leather material now my personal opinion as a professional detailer much prefer this over leather so much easier to clean and in my personal opinion rivan makes the best vegan leather out of any manufacturer out there my friend Kyle Connor of course that runs the out of speec reviews channel has a forest edge interior on his r1t he beats the crap out of that thing he's constantly on road trips hauling just flying down the road eating his Starburst having his very sugary Starbucks drink spilling it all over the interior and while he does get it very dirty and kind of lets it go too long I come in here clean it and it literally comes back to brand new he also has three huge dogs that he'll put in the back of his R1 T their nails don't scratch this it's truly impressive how much development went into these seats and they really really make a difference very very impressed with the material one thing I do want to gripe about and one thing that I'd like to see and this is a personal opinion if you disagree that's fine I just want to give my personal opinion here when I opt for an ocean Coast interior which would be my preference I don't want a white headliner yes it does make it brighter and Airy to me it's just too bright and it doesn't match right I would much rather have the Black Mountain all black headliner and I also think it's weird if you get a green one you get a green headliner it's like a lot of green it's like you're literally sitting in a forest inside it's just to me I wish they would leave all black headliner or give you maybe an option even put 500 bucks on there to swap a white headliner in there I know it would make manufacturing more complicated but I wish that they would give you the option the other thing I'd wish they'd give you the option in is the airbag cover the really only reason I maybe wouldn't get ocean Coast is the headliner and that I think it looks so tacky it's so bright in your eyes when you're driving down the road just put a black one there and of course the forest edge has a green one so I think it's just one of those things now one of my least favorite materials in here we definitely need to talk about and that is this it is fingerprint Heaven look over here and you can see how nasty it looks the other side's even worse maybe you can see it there kind of hard to reach over there can go to the passenger side it is is a pain in the butt now I have a lot of customers of course that are married that wear rings on their left hand unlike me on my right hand they wear metal rings this area gets hammered all the time so it's like rivan decided let's put the most complicated to clean material in the highest impact areas possible where you close your door where you rest your hand and use the buttons here and then in the center console where your hand naturally lays that to me a little annoying I do aesthetically like the look but I have yet to see a customer's rivan come in and that be completely fingerprint free look at this side it's nasty it's literally like having a cybertruck and you're in the interior it it is a pain in the butt to clean now one other area I'd like to see improved is the cup holder here that rattles all the time and this one is especially loose here so i' like to see that in improved I personally I don't love all the space down here I like a cockpit feel more or less so I'd like to just have a deep center console there that I can store whatever it's not flying over the sides there my personal opinion but really really impressive interior here by rivan just the materials everywhere I mean I love that you even have nice materials down here not super cheap plastic this to me makes a lot of sense to have plastic again this particular area drives me nuts as a professional detailer but it's just it's so rugged it's so luxurious and it's minimalistic but it's also not in ways like just the way they've done the compass yellow accents here you have a little coat hook typc little anodized accents even the yellow accents up there on the door handles I mean or the grab handles they have absolutely nailed the interior I I really those are very nitpicky things this drives me nuts they need to fix that but very very impressive stuff lastly that we've gone through the exterior fit and finish the interior fit and finish and materials I want to talk about the paint so for the detailing nerds this is your time now this is of course a paint meter if you've watched these videos before you may have seen this what this does is basically sends a signal from the metal tip of this down to the metal and shoots a measurement back this measures basically your primer your base coat your color coat your clear coat and what I look for here is consistency I also look for the amount of paint so for example when I'm measuring this I'm measuring it in Ms now we are measuring door panel gaps in millimeters this is Ms completely different so for example 4 MLS is roughly the thickness of a sheet of printer paper so that's you have to consider that is your primer your base coat color coat clear coat very very thin if you think about it paper thin if you would will so let's just take some measurements here I'm anxious to see this over time 6.38 M 565 and six so getting a little bit better now what I've traditionally seen on rivan is like 4 Ms down here and this area just has a ginormous amount of paint like seven sometimes 8 Ms it's crazy I don't know why this area is painted so much more but this one definitely seems a little bit better now typically as a professional detailer what I like to see is between 4 to 6 Ms but also have consistency so I don't want to see you know four Ms here and 8 Ms here not that that's what that number is but just want to quickly go around here and get a little bit better idea of their paint consistency yeah definitely still a little all over the place um for sure one area that they've always struggled getting a lot of paint on for whatever reason is up here I mean I've seen these in like low two areas that's 3.13 that to me is a little too low and 3.08 so still struggling there rivan got to have more paint on these now it's not as bad as lucid's paint with like literally 2 Ms of paint to where I'm worried about breathing on it and paint not being there so yeah so same thing going on as normal kind of all over the place here but I'm just kind of reading these in my head I'm just curious now up here what I want to show you we have clear bra on the whole front end of this that's going to read 12.63 MLS so I would say again not the most consistent paint but I do want to give some Kudos here their paint has gotten a lot better and what I mean by that is how they finish the paint now early rivan it was really really funny they would have these sanding spots all over them so essentially those sanding spots would come from a dust nib now a dust nib honestly there's not any on here so that's why I'm explaining this to you rivan would come in and they would get little dirt particles in them and essentially it' create this little pimple on the paint and what they would do to get rid of those so that it didn't look like a pimple they'd come in with a little sander about this large quickly zap it and then polish it out the funny thing is they weren't polishing them so a lot of the times like on Kyle's rivy and r1t before he wrapped it it had these like polka dots all over it of these dry sanding spots where it had the dust nibs on there they went in and sanded it and to me it was just like that's one of those things guys you cannot do and I got to say as of recently they fixed a lot of that this has no paint nibs on it I've already walked around this car doesn't have sanding marks on it so Kudos ridan very very impressive with getting your paint a little bit more dialed in still like to see consistency throughout a panel be a little bit better but I think that is something that they can still get improved they've improved so much on these vehicles and yeah I mean to me it's it's really one of the most compelling Vehicles out there like this is often now compared to the Kia ev9 so I'm in kind of the market as of right now for a three row SUV we have three golden retrievers now are id4 my two model 3s don't really cut it for hauling them around so I either want to get an r1s or an ev9 those are kind of in my price range and I got to say I love the ev9 but it doesn't even come close to the interior of the r1s but on the flip side ev9 is way bigger but this to me just feels like a more premium a more sorted vehicle and on top of that I don't have to go deal with AIA dealership I'd much rather deal with rivan their service people are truly impressive like we've had a lot between my customers between Kyle Kyle may get some special treatment here and there yes I do understand that but even talking with my customers they're thrilled with it the way they fix things the diagnosing of vehicles and getting vehic vehicles in now they have had some problems in the past I will tell you this especially here in Colorado where we have a ton of rivan getting quite booked out so I've had customers that are like my hood is literally touching my Fender and they can't get me in for two 2 and a/ half months so that's not ideal but it has been getting better again these are growing pains of a new company but I have to give them credit where credits due here they made a phenomenal first product and they've iterated it and iterated it and made it better and better so I'm very very impressed with that I think they still have a little ways to go on getting these totally dialed in but in my personal opinion totally acceptable with how this is delivered I would maybe have a few panels adjusted and I would have no issues taking it in rivan service and having them adjusted so big shout out to rivan keep working on it I'm very anxious to see their next product lineup in a few years R2 R3 curious to see because those are going to be more mass Market than their Flagship R1 product so thanks so much for joining us on another out of speec detailing video we'll see you in the next one soon [Music] bye-bye
Channel: Out of Spec Detailing
Views: 23,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wash, detail, clean, protect, drive, car, truck, ev, suv, asmr
Id: aOvNDv2ZHQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 13sec (3313 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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