Ritholtz Wealth Management CEO | Josh Brown | Talks at Google

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[MUSIC PLAYING] [APPLAUSE] JOSH BROWN: Thank you, thank you. SPEAKER: Thank you, Josh. Thank you for coming. JOSH BROWN: What an intro, thank you. SPEAKER: I worked on it a lot. JOSH BROWN: Hi, Google. SPEAKER: All right, well, before we get into further establishing all of these credentials of yours with Twitter and your books and CNBC, if you'll humor me, I hope you'll help me copilot a little infographic here. I don't know if you're familiar with this, but I think it will spark some topics of conversation, maybe some people for Q&A at the end of the show. So what this is, is a visualization for all of the world's markets, OK? And one square here, at the top-- that's $100 billion, OK? That's $100,000 million, right? If my math is correct. All right, so it goes through-- and I don't want to spend too much time on this, but I do want to go through a few things here, because I think it's interesting and it will set up with some good stuff. So here we have silver. World silver is $17 billion. This chart, incidentally, was made by Jeff Desjardins. And I emailed him and we have permission to go through it at this talk, so thank you very much Jeff. And it was made maybe six months ago, but it's still roughly-- JOSH BROWN: Probably hasn't changed that much. SPEAKER: Not too bad, not too much, right. JOSH BROWN: Maybe crypto's a little smaller. SPEAKER: Maybe, or maybe it's about the same, since it's gone up and down. So there's crypto. OK, roughly-- Bitcoin, there, is about $100 billion or so. And you can see it's a certain size. And then as it goes through, this is next to the largest companies in the world. We have Alphabet-- JOSH BROWN: Congratulations on that. SPEAKER: Hey, thanks, we made the list. JOSH BROWN: I always knew you would, by the way. SPEAKER: Next we have 50 richest people. Bezos is in there. I think he just hit $100 billion if I'm not mistaken. JOSH BROWN: Probably most of this audience is in there. SPEAKER: Yeah, a couple of us are in there too, but we're not listed on the chart [INAUDIBLE] JOSH BROWN: Well done. SPEAKER: As it goes down, there's a few things I do want to get to in more depth. But as we go down, we have California's GDP. Remember, every square-- $100 billion. Fed's balance sheet is about $4.5 trillion. And as we move through, here's where I think it gets a little interesting. We have currency and gold. Both of these markets roughly $7, $8 trillion dollars. So just to get the crypto discussion out of the way-- or point out of the way-- I think maybe, in general, the bull case is that these little dots here have room to grow if it's going to be some form of digital gold, right? Even if it's a trillion dollars, people are hoping that that grows. Whether that'll happen-- JOSH BROWN: I am on the other side of that. SPEAKER: OK. JOSH BROWN: So-- SPEAKER: You think-- JOSH BROWN: Let's just go right in-- SPEAKER: Let's go right in. JOSH BROWN: --and break everyone's hearts. SPEAKER: That's great. JOSH BROWN: I bought Bitcoin last summer at about $2,300, and it ran to $19,000 and I didn't sell it because I got that argument. Maybe not what percentage of the gold market should Bitcoin be, but maybe I just thought about it as-- this is going to be a very important network for transactions, and then if the ownership of Bitcoin represents renting a piece of that network, then there would be some value there. And I did believe that, and not because the price went down, but I kept listening to podcasts. And if you listen to enough podcasts, you get so many opinions, and so maybe mine changed a little bit. I know it's a cliché to say you're bullish on blockchain technology but not bullish on Bitcoin, but I actually now think that that's the most rational way to think about it all. And the blueprint for that is the fact that-- what Tim Berners-Lee built and all the protocols that we use for email and for internet connection. They have no inherent value on their own. HTTP is not worth anything. However, it's worth everything, but the real money has been made by companies like Google that built the layer on top that actually makes it usable for the consumer. So if you think about blockchain as just another protocol-- maybe a very powerful protocol-- there's no guarantee that just because Fortune 500 companies start to adopt blockchain, incorporate it into their processes, that that means that a coin, for some reason, has to go up in value. So I think a great example from my world is Vanguard. Vanguard manages, I think, like $4 point something trillion. They're doing millions and millions of transactions every day. Those transactions, at the mutual fund level, require something called reconciliation, which is basically people in an office somewhere pushing paper back and forth or moving numbers around in databases. And if that work can instead be done by a distributed ledger where there is a record of the buys and sells, an outside person can't come in and change the numbers because everyone's got the same record and it's global, then maybe there needs to be less people who are taking basis points in cost in the system. So maybe Vanguard shaves a half a basis point in the cost of running a mutual fund. And that doesn't sound like a lot of money, but it could be billions of dollars. There's no coin. You don't need a coin for any of that to happen. But there's a tremendous corporate cost savings. In the case of Vanguard, the shareholders own it, so it's not really a corporate. But if other corporations start to use blockchain in things like their supply chains-- which they're all now talking about-- that's fantastic, but that does not imply that a digital currency somewhere has to spike in value as a result of distributed ledger technology. So again, I know it's a cliché. I know people are saying that at conferences. But I actually think that the cliché, in this case, is apt. SPEAKER: Got it. So it's safe to-- JOSH BROWN: So sell all your stupid old coins. SPEAKER: So you're saying that though blockchain technology could be as transformative as everyone may be saying, it doesn't mean that if you're holding on to one of these particular coins-- even if it's Bitcoin or Ethereum or Litecoin-- that you're going to get in on that action, necessarily, of the world being-- JOSH BROWN: Right. In other words, the story might be so unglamorous and so unsexy that the only place the benefit of blockchain shows up is in the earnings reports of very boring industrial companies that are moving things across the country and finding ways to keep records in a lower-cost, more efficient way. And no one's going to be partying on a yacht as a result of that. It's not going to be a hot thing. Ooh, I got in on block-- it's like, blockchain enables us to save $10,000 a day in shipping costs at our loading dock. SPEAKER: Got it. JOSH BROWN: You know what I'm saying? There's no rappers talking about that. So I think separating the two is-- it doesn't mean that I think the coins have no value or that-- that's a whole other-- that could be like five hours, we could-- that would sound like a 4:00 AM dorm room conversation. We're not going to go there today. SPEAKER: That's why I said, let's get that out of the way. So I don't want this to be a Bitcoin talk, OK? But-- JOSH BROWN: No, I'll tell you what I think about Ripple. SPEAKER: [LAUGHTER] All right. JOSH BROWN: All right, go ahead. SPEAKER: I was ready for it. OK, no, let's move on. So there's gold, all right? Around $7 trillion. So here we come to the stock markets. And what I find remarkable about this is just how the United States is well over a third of the entire global equities market. That's pretty wild to me. JOSH BROWN: So if you pop this chart 120 years ago, in the year 1900, Great Britain would be 25% of this. United States, I think, would be maybe 15%. Now, Great Britain-- UK stock market-- is 6%, and the United States came from 0%, essentially, to half the world. And there are a lot of implications embedded in that data, but just the fact that we've seen one country go from being so dominant in the world stock markets to shrinking to almost nothing, I think, is remarkable. The other thing about this is that China would be much bigger if the local companies that can be traded only by locals were open to the world. But China's exchanges are not completely open, so there's some interesting nuance to where the data probably comes from. SPEAKER: Got it. What I find interesting is that for a lot of people, they feel like maybe the buck stops here, or with real estate. But there are some other things to get into here. The global money supply, I believe-- this green is from earlier on in the chart. That's physical currency there, and then you have narrow money, broad money. This is all the checking deposits. All the money, basically-- physical and nonphysical-- in the world. Looking at about-- looks like, oh, $90 trillion-- $120 trillion or so. So that's interesting. But as we go here, this is what I wanted to get into. Here's debt, and it doesn't all fit on the screen here, but this is pretty big. $70 trillion-- JOSH BROWN: That's not all sovereign debt. That's consumer debt-- SPEAKER: Totally, it's all debt-- JOSH BROWN: OK, corporate debt-- SPEAKER: --in the world, that's right. But that is an eye-opener. And as I go down, this is the end part of the chart. I freaked out a little bit when I first saw this chart, because-- then I come down here to-- oh, pardon me. There is real estate. This reminds me of "Sim City" when I was in college. I don't know if anyone played that game, but there we have commercial real estate, agriculture real estate, and [INAUDIBLE] JOSH BROWN: See, for me it's more like "Minesweeper." SPEAKER: "Minesweeper," that, too. JOSH BROWN: There are the bombs, in that dead-- sure. SPEAKER: Totally. OK, derivatives-- this is the bananas part, all right? This says, on here-- they don't know exactly how big it is. JOSH BROWN: Say your thing, and then-- I know what you're going to say. Say your thing. SPEAKER: There's a low-end estimate. There's a high-end estimate. And the thing is is you just scroll, and scroll. JOSH BROWN: So let me add in-- SPEAKER: Talk to me, Josh. JOSH BROWN: --a caveat. SPEAKER: All right. JOSH BROWN: That's notional derivatives. SPEAKER: OK. I'm still scrolling. JOSH BROWN: Half of these boxes offset the other half. That's what a derivative is. It's a contract. Both sides are hedging or betting. So notional makes something really big seem bigger than it is. But a lot of the derivatives that are here, there's another derivative in there that is the offsetting bet. So this is not a one-way bet that everyone is making on one particular thing. This is millions and millions of things with insurance companies hedging and investment people playing both sides and banks betting on both sides. So it's probably less scary than the amount of boxes implies. SPEAKER: I look at this as almost the sportsbook at the casino, is that right? It's like I'm betting that the game-- JOSH BROWN: That's fair. SPEAKER: [INAUDIBLE] JOSH BROWN: So probably, the casino-- only for a portion of the people that are playing in these markets. A lot of the people that are playing in these markets, you think about a company like Cargill. It's an agricultural company. They have a lot of risk. If it's a bumper crop, prices will drop. If there's terrible weather, there won't be enough supply. And they've got to use commodity markets to hedge what their exposure is. You think about a bank doing business all over the world, like Citigroup, they've got currency exposure. They have corporate clients all over the world. So a lot of this stuff is really companies offloading risk, rather than trying to take more risk. And then there are speculators in the market. So maybe the casino aspect of it is not quite as pronounced. The one thing the media has done with the term derivatives is they've added a connotation to it. It's kind of a loaded-- ooh, derivatives. That's code for-- SPEAKER: They took us down. JOSH BROWN: That's code for, I don't understand it, so it must be bad, or these somehow represent speculative bets. When in reality, a lot of it is attempting to minimize risks. SPEAKER: Got it. JOSH BROWN: Feel better? SPEAKER: I do a little bit, thank you. JOSH BROWN: That's why I came today. SPEAKER: I did. Thanks for going through that with me and humoring me. Hopefully that was eye-opening for some people. I'm going to move on, now, to you. OK, I hope this isn't too personal of a question, but what dark past or VH1 "Behind the Music" story leads to you becoming the reformed broker? What's reformed? JOSH BROWN: Yeah, so I did the book about it in-- I wrote it in 2011, which was about a year post leaving the brokerage industry. But long story short, I come from this really strange place on the east coast called Long Island. And in the mid-to-late-1990s, every aggressive young male got a Series 7 and became a broker. It's just what you did. If you grew up in Nebraska, you became a football player and you were a Cornhusker. So for whatever reason, what we did was we became stockbrokers. And it was the golden age of being a stockbroker, because it was pre-internet. It was pre-people having access to building their own portfolio. Charles Schwab was out there. Used to call Charles Schwab, and you would pay like $10 to get 15 stock quotes read to you over the phone. It's a true story. So people wanted access to the market, and the only way they could really get it was via a stockbroker. So there was some glamor to being a broker, and there were high-end versions and low-end versions. And I was screwing around in college. Didn't really have any serious passion to do anything. And my dad said, you should talk to my friend from the country club that I play golf with. I think he makes a million dollars a day. Go get a job with him. My dad, he doesn't know anything. So I meet the guy. He hires me 15 minutes later, which should have been a red flag. But I am studying for a Series 7, which is a very low barrier to entry. You need like a 60 IQ to pass the tests-- also should have been a red flag. But I passed it. They handed me a telephone, and they said, call these 500 people today, and I did. And out of the 500 people, 50 people would talk to you. Out of those 50 people, 10 of them would have money and would be interested in hearing from you again. You would call those people back a week later after you mailed them a brochure that had a sailboat on it, and you would sell them Callaway Golf IPO. Snapple is coming public. This is like '96, '97. So I was a cold caller. Not able to sell stocks, but introducing a senior broker. My senior broker had five Porsches, one for each day of the week. And prior to being a broker, he was a bouncer. I mean, when you're 20 or 21, you're like, all right, this is amazing. Everyone's getting rich. The market keeps going up. And there were all these IPOs, and we're getting pieces of them and we're helping people invest. And so I probably was really, really good at it. So nobody quits something they're good at, right? If you're good at something, you keep doing it. And all the nagging thoughts in the back of my head-- am I qualified to be telling people how to invest? I don't think I am, but they're listening to me. So I did it, and then the financial crisis was a wake-up call, because everything I had done for people-- and I did my best. Sell them the right stock, mutual fund, whatever. But then you realize-- you look back and you said, all I really did was sell people investments when I should have been advising them. So that was a great wake-up call. And I met my partner, Barry Ritholtz, because he was the guy writing the blogs. He started when you were posting on GeoCities, back when you would write for 30 minutes and then code for 30 minutes to get it published-- '98, '99. But I met Barry, and Barry was telling the truth. And I said, I could totally do that. So I started the blog 10 years ago. Millions and millions of readers later, I'm still doing it pretty much every day, although not while I'm out here. But on a daily basis, I'm putting stuff out. And I'm like the worst nightmare for traditional Wall Street, because I know where all the bodies are buried, and I've spent much of the last 10 years-- almost daily-- talking about the ways in which traditional stock brokerage, hedge fund, et cetera-- all the pitfalls, all the ways that people spend more than they should. People lose money. People are tricked. People are misdirected into investments that are not in their best interests. And I haven't made a lot of friends south of 14th street in New York, but all over the country, people get what I'm saying and they agree with it. And their enthusiasm for the truths that I've been telling have kept me at it. And now I've broken into the mainstream financial media, which is an even worse nightmare, because all the advertisers are companies that I'm then saying, no, you don't really need that. But they keep booking me, so I keep doing it. SPEAKER: Well, I definitely appreciate the candor you bring to the "Halftime Report." JOSH BROWN: Thank you. SPEAKER: It's an awesome show-- everyone on it-- and I love what you do there. Can you tell me about-- you started to talk about Ritholtz Wealth Management. Who are your customers? How does having a million Twitter followers and this blog you've worked on for so long-- how does that fit into your business? Can you tell me anything else, like assets and management? JOSH BROWN: So we are the strangest version of our type of work. Our friends call it Registered Investment Advisory. Everyone's heard the term RIA. Basically, we're non-brokerage. Were fiduciary only. Managing money for high networth households and small pensions, endowments. And we're very strange in that most RIAs in the country, they look more like barbershops. It's usually a sole practitioner, maybe has a few people-- or she has a few people working for him or her, but they're local. So they're in the office complex that's on Main Street, or they might even have a storefront. And all the customers come because they play golf at the country club where all the other wealthy people in town play, and it's very familial and, you could say, incestuous. And these are relationships that are based on personality stuff and geography. They're not really based on-- this person's a really good investor. I think we've broken that mold. Most of our clients are nowhere near where we're based. We're based in New York. I think our biggest client base is on the west coast-- up from Portland, all the way down to San Diego. And then we've got big pockets of clientele in places like Austin and Chicago. And a lot of clients we've not met, or we meet them six months into the relationship. We're already managing their money. They tend to be more progressive-- a lot of people that work in technology. And what they all have in common is that they're not hung up on having a local office in town. They just want the best people that there are. And if that's a telephone or a relationship on the web, they're OK with that. We bridge the gap by doing content-- so Twitter, blogs. We have 5 of the top 20 independent financial advisor blogs in the country. 24/7 we're putting out our thoughts on markets, economics, the nexus of politics with investing. And our clients know where they can find what our thoughts are at all times. So we've built fans, and fans have become clients, and that is the best way to build a business, I think, in the 21st century. And I think as people here are aware of-- and maybe in finance, it's dawning on the industry-- the scarce resource is not capital. You just showed me a slide. There's more capital out in the world than ever before. The scarce resource is attention. How do you get attention? Well, I'm not pretty enough to get a lot on Instagram. But on the web and on Twitter, you can get attention by being helpful and by saying things that are true. Maybe even things that are uncomfortable but that have to be confronted. When you do a daily investment blog and you're giving people the data that they need to make smart decisions, rather than emotional decisions, you can get a lot of positive attention for putting that stuff out there, not charging for it, not keeping it gated, and not acting like you invented the truth. You're just presenting people-- here's the data. Here's the evidence for why these types of investors do better than those types of investors. So if it's an attention economy and you're out there earning the right type of attention, you can build an amazing brand, and you can build a fan base that become clients of your service. And we started the firm less than five years ago. We were just under $90 million, four people managing it. We're 24 people less than five years later. We just broke $800 million under management, and we've opened offices in Chicago, in Newport Beach, California, Portland, Long Island, Florida. And we're talking to advisors all over the country that want to be part of this movement of evidence-based investing, putting the customer first. And all of this is happening as a result of digital. We don't take out newspaper ads. All of this is because of social media. SPEAKER: I would think that on certain days-- when maybe something big happens in the market, for better or worse-- that it saves a couple of phone calls from happening if people can just go onto these other channels and see exactly what you think. JOSH BROWN: That's such a great point, and this was not intentional. We figured this out along the way. Think about-- if you have a wealth manager and it's a good person, someone you trust. And then on a Tuesday morning, think about an environment-- let's say, 2011. You guys got to pay the bills. SPEAKER: I thought I had this not happen. JOSH BROWN: Think about an environment like 2011, where the standard deviation for the S&P is off the charts-- it's like 40-- and the average annual standard deviation is 20. And 500 point swings in the Dow are happening multiple times a day. And news coming out of Europe is rattling US stock markets. Is Greece going to default on Friday? Stay tuned. I mean, that was what was going on. And people with money at stake-- people with investment capital at risk-- do I have to pay attention to German bund auctions? Is this where we are now? It's not that we have the answers to that stuff. I think we do a really good job with context. If your wealth manager is not in the office that day and you just want to-- you're reading and the app is buzzing on your phone and you're like, this sounds really scary. I hope my gal at x, y, z firm, or I hope my guy at whatever firm is reading the same thing I'm reading, and I hope they have an answer to it. Our clients don't have to wonder if we're on top of this stuff and we're paying attention, because we are constantly linking to sources of information, telling people what not to pay attention to, pointing out people that are being hysterical and trying to scare the public for clicks. Not that we're the police, but we're like-- don't read this guy. He's a nut. He's been doing this every year for 20 years. And that kind of thing-- not just for fans, but for actual clients-- I think that's the future of the industry, and I really think that financial advice is a communications business as much as it is a financial business, right? Because you could give somebody the best portfolio on Earth, but if they can't stick with it, you did nothing for them. And so, so much of what we're doing with content is designed around, let's help people not do the wrong thing at the wrong time. SPEAKER: Awesome. I have to ask you about CNBC. Let's go there. And I have a photo of the "Halftime Report." But the thing is is that I had-- JOSH BROWN: I look jacked in that one. SPEAKER: You do. JOSH BROWN: I don't always-- maybe I'm flexing. The guy on the other side of me played for the Chicago Bears, so he's definitely stronger than me. I'm stronger than Jim, though, I feel like. But Jim was on a submarine for eight years during the Cold War, some weird thing. SPEAKER: Oh, for real? JOSH BROWN: All good people on the network. SPEAKER: I had some other questions prepared, but I mean, I think the thing I have to ask you about-- and here's my next slide-- is Larry. I mean, I guess you were coworkers with this guy until just a few days ago. Larry Kudlow is going to be-- JOSH BROWN: I am next in line, by the way, when he gets fired. SPEAKER: I thought it was Cramer and then you. JOSH BROWN: Cramer and then me. SPEAKER: OK. So Larry Kudlow-- JOSH BROWN: By the way, my partner, Barry Ritholtz, was on "The Larry Kudlow Show" every week for three years heading into the crisis. And Barry was the guy saying, this housing thing is totally unsustainable. All you have to look at is average incomes are doing this, and home prices are doing that. So one of two things can happen. Either average incomes all of a sudden double nationally to justify what home prices have done, or some radical thing happens because an alien ship lands and hands everyone the money that they'll need to make their payments. And neither of those two things happened, so the third thing happened. But Barry was a frequent guest on Larry's show, and I've known Larry for-- I think he's a fantastic guy. We are not on the same side of the political spectrum. I think he's a good guy. And I also think he's probably a better voice than some of the other voices that might get into the White House, so I'm really glad that he got the nod, and I hope he does good work on behalf of America. So that's my take on Larry. SPEAKER: Hope so, too. Yeah. JOSH BROWN: Very nice man, and he loves the country. And even if you don't like his economic policies and you don't agree with tax or tariffs or whatever, he's a good person, and I think he wants what's best for everyone, so. SPEAKER: You're probably the dozenth person that's said that on television about him, too. I mean, he seems liked by all. Everyone says, I don't agree-- not everyone. But everyone who doesn't agree with him says, I have the utmost respect for Larry. JOSH BROWN: Well, listen, he's a free trade, cut tax-- I mean, not everyone agrees with that. But no one that has met him personally-- he doesn't have enemies. He has people that disagree with him on policy. There are legit guys out there that could be in that spot that have enemies because they're bad people. So it's good that it's going to be Larry rather than someone dangerous, I guess, is how I would say it. Now, I disagree with a lot of the economic stuff, but everyone disagrees with everyone, so. SPEAKER: Yeah, there's not a lot of screaming at each other on CNBC. Sometimes, but not too much. It's nice to go to a channel and there's a more rational discourse. I have a few other-- I'll just throw it back to this slide, here. Before we move to the Q&A here in just a little bit, I have a couple other questions here. So who is the life of the party off camera at CNBC? I imagine there's a green room. Everyone's vaping-- someone's got to be. David Faber, who is it? JOSH BROWN: Is that what you-- SPEAKER: Yeah. JOSH BROWN: Vaping what? SPEAKER: Tobacco. It's New York, right? JOSH BROWN: Much more molly than-- no. So Jon Najarian and his brother Pete are two of my favorite people that I've ever met. Both of them were in the NFL briefly. And then they transitioned to the options and futures markets in Chicago, which is where they learned finance. Did very well for themselves. Now they're options specialists. But exactly what they act like on camera, they are off camera. Two of just the nicest, best people I've ever met. And they're a generation or two older than me, and I've learned so much about how to be an entrepreneur, how to do media and be true to yourself. And these guys come on in ponytails. They look like wrestlers. But they are genuine, and that really stands out. And I think that's why fans of CNBC really like them and appreciate what they bring to the table. And similar to Larry, they're people that-- everyone that's met them likes them. So when I look at them and I say, all right, I'm doing media. What is the right way to do it so that I can be taken seriously and be myself and not put on airs or act like I know everything or become pompous because I'm on financial TV? Those guys are really great models for that. SPEAKER: Nice. I think we're going to move to the Q&A portion of the program, if that's all right. This is fun, Josh. JOSH BROWN: OK, what should I ask you? SPEAKER: Well, we're going to open it to the audience. If you'd like to ask me something, but I have to throw this to you if you're going to ask a question. JOSH BROWN: What is that? SPEAKER: This is a microphone inside of a foam Google square. And whoever catches it-- if you want to ask a question, you just hold the microphone. And then when you ask your question, you throw it to the next person. Here it comes. OK, question for-- [LAUGHTER] AUDIENCE: So we talk into this? SPEAKER: Talk into it. AUDIENCE: How are you doing? SPEAKER: It's crazy, I know. JOSH BROWN: Yes, sir, you with the box. [LAUGHTER] AUDIENCE: OK. Kind of an odd question. So I actually do a good amount of investing. I go out and raise capital and match deals and dollars. I spent a lot of time in real estate and look at the market a lot. And my question is, I started a REIT in 2010 when it was obvious that the opportunity was there. Today, it feels like we're much closer to the ceiling than we are the floor, which it kind of feels like in the market as well. And my question-- which I know is a bit of a vague question-- is, what do you do when everything in your gut tells you that the risk isn't there with the reward? Where do you go? How do you identify what the next thing to do is? Or do you just sit on capital, waiting for the next 2010, maybe missing some more of the upside? But what I found was by having capital at that time, I was able to make a lot of money. While everybody was running out of the building, we were running in. JOSH BROWN: Yeah, but you had to have been liquid at that time. AUDIENCE: Correct. JOSH BROWN: You couldn't have been fully invested and then taken advantage of the opportunity. AUDIENCE: Understood, and it's not about, necessarily-- it's not really about knowing the exact ceiling and the exact floor. We happened to do it in 2010, on the real estate market. But what do you do when you start feeling like you're almost there? JOSH BROWN: So real estate is very different than the stock market question, right? Because if you feel that way with real estate and you want to do something to prepare for the down cycle, you need months and years in order to start liquidating properties. You can't just sell. Stock market is different. If you want to be tactful in the stock market-- a portion of our client portfolios are. So our investment beliefs-- just to give you a little bit of background, and then I'll answer your question specifically. Our investment beliefs are that less is more. There are simple answers to complexities. Not every complexity needs to be met with more complexity. Cost matters. After tax returns matter a lot more than what particular investment you buy. So we've got this overarching philosophy of-- let's not go in there and twiddle the knobs every day. Let's let markets do what they do, and let's build durable, rules-based portfolios where the rules are set in advance and we're not using our gut instincts for things like market timing. Now, that works for, let's say, 80% of the client's assets, and then maybe 10% or 20% we'll manage more tactically. That will also be rules-based, but that's going to be a function of trend. And again, we don't have to do this with real estate. We're fortunate. We can do this with zero-cost treasury bond ETFs and near-zero cost equity ETFs. And we can say, in an uptrend we want to be fully invested. In a choppy market, we want to do as little trading as possible so as not to get whipsawed. And in a defined downtrend-- and not a downtrend where I'm like, hey, that looks like a downtrend-- but mathematically defined by the slope of what the index is doing on a monthly, moving average basis, we want to have less exposure. Even if that means there is this cataclysmic event and then the market rebounds and we're forced to buy back and hire as a new uptrend, that's fine. We look at it as insurance. It's not an alpha strategy, what we're doing tactically. But by marrying strategic, long-term investing with a tactical piece-- I talked all about investor behavior. It's not lip service. It's literally-- what we do is manage the psychology of investors. So if what we need to do is limit how much equity exposure they have in a bear market, it's OK if Jack Bogle disagrees. I have to face investors. He doesn't. So it's nice to have a grandiloquent, overarching philosophy of never do anything. Just buy and close your eyes. But I'm in the business 20 years. I know that's not real. So I think we've married the two approaches that we just saw. We just saw the Nobel Prize for economics awarded to-- for the first time ever-- three economists at once. I forget the third guy, but importantly, Bob Shiller-- he wins. His theory's about bubbles and cycles driven by emotion. He wins at the same time as Gene Fama, who says, there are no bubbles, and markets are perfectly efficient at all times. How could they both win and share the same prize? Our portfolio resembles that win. So we say, in the strategic portion of your portfolio, the market's going to be right more than it's wrong. The market is smarter than we are. Just saying the market is mostly efficient is not the same as saying the market's always right. But we want to do as little as possible because, Gene Fama's math backs up the capital asset pricing model and how the markets work. But then part of us realized that there are bubbles and there are cycles and there are emotional moments, and the pendulum does swing too far. So that's why we marry those two approaches. So seeing those two gentlemen step up and win the Nobel Prize together perfectly aligns with how we manage money. It's perfectly intuitive to us. So the answer to your question is yes, you should sell. AUDIENCE: Perfect. I'm out. JOSH BROWN: The answer to your question's, how do you know? You do not know. You will not know. But you have to be willing to say, if I feel this way and I'm not rules-based; and it's real estate, not stocks-- there's no moving average for a building-- you have to be willing to say, I'm willing to forgo some upside, even if it takes three years. Because I think I would have more regret-- and remember, all of this is regret minimisation. What would you regret more, missing the next 20% up and cap rates keep exploding, or seeing a 20% downdraft and having no capital? It sounds like you already know your answer. So you should start to sell right now. AUDIENCE: Perfect. JOSH BROWN: Like, leave the room and just listen. AUDIENCE: I'm out. I'm leaving. JOSH BROWN: All right, throw that box. SPEAKER: All right, who's next? Throw the box. Let's toss it back. All right. AUDIENCE: So you were talking about the housing market earlier. And so we're kind of seeing now the market is getting just super high-- housing, adding the stock market, and with the recent tax cut. And I know that the administration is pushing to roll back a lot of the regulation that was put in place, like Dodd-Frank and all of that kind of stuff. JOSH BROWN: Already in progress, yeah. AUDIENCE: Right. How do you feel? What's your take on that? Do you think that the banks have kind of learned their lesson? Or do you think that greed will take the day again? JOSH BROWN: We'll blow up again, but it doesn't necessarily have to be centered around the banks. We've had plenty of financial crises where the banks were fringe actors. They weren't necessarily in the center of it. If you would've told me-- so September '08, Lehman Brothers becomes the largest bankruptcy in US history. It's like $200 billion or whatever the number is, dwarfing anything that even comes close to that. It makes Enron look like a walk in the park. And then a month later, two months later, December, the Madoff stuff starts to come out. If you had told me in that moment, right-- Bayer, AIG, Washington Mutual, Wachovia, Merrill gets rescued, Lehman doesn't, Madoff, $50 billion Ponzi-- If you had told me that within 10 years we would be rolling back financial regs, I would say, no way. What could possibly be going on that we would be anti-regulatory, like voting in people that want less regulation, right? Well, I'll tell you what could go on. How about a nine-year nonstop rally in stock prices? How about the too big to fail regulations that perversely cause the four biggest banks to get even bigger, right? How about free money all over the world as central banks essentially monetize debt? In Japan, they're not just buying bonds, they're buying stock ETFs. Japanese central bank is buying REITs. Like, how about that? Maybe that could cause the kind of environment where we're saying, we need less regulation, because everything's fine. So the good thing about Dodd-Frank and capital controls and Basel III-- which is like the global agreement on how much leverage banks should take-- the good thing about all that, perversely, is going to become a bad thing. The good thing is that banks have never had better balance sheets, never. They have never been in better shape. You look at leverage ratios, you look at their ability to do pretty much anything they want and return capital to shareholders-- big dividends, big buybacks-- never been better. So, of course, now is a great time to loosen up the regulation. But we have not had a crisis in 10 years, so that's why-- that's the new mode. The other thing that's happened is I think the Republicans have done a really good job at convincing blue collar workers that somehow removing restrictions on payday lenders is good for them. I don't know, it's very odd. But I think what they've been able to say to people is freedom is being infringed upon-- the freedom to drill an oil well in your backyard, the freedom to strip mine Yellowstone Park, our freedoms are over. And it worked. And not every regulation is a good regulation. And Dodd-Frank is-- we call it Frankenstein. It's not [? pretty. ?] It's not perfect. But the fact that they've been able to message the American public, that by allowing those regulations it's hurting them, it resonated. So I'll see you in the next crisis. [LAUGHTER] But the thing is we would have one anyway. I can wheel off 25 crises that have happened. It doesn't matter, high regulation, low regulation, because risk finds a way and everyone's memory is wiped clean relatively quickly. So I don't think we can regulate financial crises out of existence. SPEAKER: OK, next question. You just handed the box, you didn't throw it. But that's OK. AUDIENCE: OK, that's fine. SPEAKER: Let's move along. AUDIENCE: I'll toss it later. Yeah, I'm interested in your take on the companies that don't use advice or news to make bets. They just use mathematics, like Renaissance. And a lot of the people who run those companies, they come from the same places a lot of us come from-- academic, mathematics, and computer science. And as far as I understand, they're the most successful traders on Wall Street. JOSH BROWN: Yes, at the current moment, absolutely. AUDIENCE: And so, but it's interesting, because they don't care whether Steve Jobs dies. They just trade according to formulas. And I'm just curious about what you think about that. JOSH BROWN: Right, so if you walked up to an average person, a savvy person, and you said, in 2011 I know for a fact that Steve Jobs is going to die in 30 days-- buy, sell, or hold Apple? What percentage of people would say buy Apple? AUDIENCE: A few. JOSH BROWN: 10% maybe. Everyone would say, oh no, the magic man. And I would've said that, because I don't know anything. Apple was worth $300 billion when Jobs died. It's worth a trillion dollars now almost. So it's tripled under the chief operating officer as the new CEO. He's created more value than Steve Jobs did. It makes no sense, completely counterintuitive. So an algorithm doesn't care who's the CEO. Now, that's not the same as saying that algorithms won't react to news though. So many of the trading algorithms are-- what they're really doing is scanning headlines and they're looking for things like bomb, White House. And so there was a hacking attack on the "60 Minutes" Twitter account and said a bomb went off at the White House, and the stock market lost like 3% in minutes. Now, that's not humans reacting. It happened too fast. So those are trading algorithms that have specific keywords in their instructions and they were fooled by a hacked Twitter account. So I don't know if machine-trading hedge funds are quite as invincible as they might look at the moment. We're talking about like Renaissance, which is Jim Simons. And it's an amazing story and their returns are insane. No one even comes close. And they don't talk to Wall Street. They don't talk to analysts. They don't attend conferences. They definitely don't watch me on CNBC. They're PhDs running around and codebreakers and nontraditional financial people trying to reverse-engineer what drives markets and figure out micro-profits on a minute-by-minute basis. The thing with that is that it's not novel. One of the best books ever written about investing is "The Money Game." It was written in the 1960s. And there's a chapter with a computer, that all the Wall Street people are in line and they want to put some information into it. Vonnegut wrote "Player Piano" before the-- It's not a new thing. There's just a new version of it. And the reason why they won't be invincible is because anything that's got success, it will attract competition. And so now what you actually have going on is a quant arms race amongst hedge funds. Steve Cohen is hiring quants. Paul Tudor Jones is hiring quants. All of the big hedge funds are loading up their firms with data scientists, data analytics people, and they will nullify each other's edges. Like any other business, competition eventually arrives. So the thing with Renaissance which has made them remarkable is, they didn't invent one algorithm and then live with it. They constantly are coming up with new ways. That's the only answer. It's a tough, arduous process. Most people won't be able to do it. And by the way, if you wanted to give them money, there's no 800 number. They don't want your money. And so they're an amazing success story. There aren't that many other companies that will come along and be able to replicate that. SPEAKER: Speaking of the algorithms real quick, in case there's another question. But I notice a lot with-- JOSH BROWN: Oh, wait. We're all waiting, by the way, on Wall Street for the Google hedge fund that's rumored every six months or so. And you guys probably have more data about consumer activity, business queries. So once the Google hedge fund launches, maybe that'll do even better than Rentech. We'll see. SPEAKER: No comment. JOSH BROWN: No, I know, I know. SPEAKER: [LAUGHS] What I was going to ask about-- when you see after hours, maybe an earnings report for a company happens and it does seem like there may be certain keywords in their report and you see a tick down big time and then it recovers right away, is that basically keywords, algos, dropping it and then real people going in like, don't worry about it? Bye, bye. JOSH BROWN: And just saying it's an algo, that doesn't imply it's a big firm with a really sophisticated-- there are platforms now like Quantopian, and they are trying to democratize the use of data amongst regular investors. So there are people that were-- they call themselves prop traders, they used to call themselves day traders, before that they were the SOES bandits-- but there have always been independent traders trying to build their own edge. And a lot of them have adopted software that allows them to write programs. It doesn't mean they're sophisticated. It doesn't mean they're smart programs or they've done well. But, yeah, there are absolutely moments where you look at a tick down or up in a security and you know it's a machine. You know that's not a person that's gone through even half of a cycle of a thought. So it happens every day. So long-term investors have it easy. They can ignore all of that. SPEAKER: Any other questions? Toss that box, boom. We'll get you next. AUDIENCE: Hi, Mr. Brown. What technology do you see, or what emerging firms do you see if you have names, that you think may come and disrupt these financial markets, especially on the retail side? Like for us, do we by ourselves, invest-- JOSH BROWN: So for do-it-yourself traders? So I think what software you use is going to be a function of how much time and attention you want to put into doing your own trading. So people ask me about Robinhood everywhere I go. It's the app that lets you trade stocks for free. And they've clearly built a big audience amongst millennials and they've opened tons of accounts. Like, no one's making any money from that really, which in this part of the cycle, that's OK. The investors, the people that back things like that, they want to see user growth. They don't really care what a user's worth yet. They figure if you-- remember we taught that, the attention economy? Once we have scale and attention from a lot of people, we'll figure out a way to make money from that. So maybe Robinhood feels pretty revolutionary in that they're allowing young people to open accounts, buy fractional shares. So a share of-- how much is a share of Google right now? $1,200-ish? I own it. I don't look at every tick. So let's say it's $1,200. Can somebody doing their first stock transaction buy 100 shares at $1,200? Probably not. So the fact that they can buy four shares by entering in a dollar amount rather than entering in a share amount-- it sounds weird. That sounds so simple. No one else did it until they came along. They said, why can you buy mutual funds in fractional shares, but not individual stocks? So that feels like somewhat revolutionary. I don't know how profitable it is, but there's stuff like that for the retail investor. And then some of the algorithmic things. Every week there's a new one. I don't know that any of them have built a lot of traction, because there aren't that many do-it-yourself investors who want to spend hours of their day building trading algorithms for themself. I think it's a very small slice of the overall investor universe. So none really come to mind specifically that have captured a big amount of the market, because the market is a narrow market to begin with. SPEAKER: Nice. I think we had one final question up here in the front. We got time for one more. Boom, OK. AUDIENCE: All right, can you hear me? SPEAKER: Yep. AUDIENCE: All right, big fan of "Halftime Report." JOSH BROWN: Thank you, I appreciate it. AUDIENCE: No sweat. So just combining the financial question with the media question-- it's a highly-opinionated show. Do they give you any specific instructions or cadence? Or are you waiting for someone to tap you on the shoulder that said, hey, that comment was out of line? Or any of the suits at NBC kind of give you any frame of reference in terms of what is off limits? JOSH BROWN: Well, CNBC has a really big responsibility, because if people say something on their air and it moves the price of an investment instrument, they want that thing that was said to have been true. And then each individual person that comes on the air, if they're an investor and not just a TV personality, has their own compliance regulations to contend with. So I can't speak for everyone else, but I can tell you that I have to disclose all of my holdings. And during the show they pop it up, Josh owns these things. What they don't want people to do is say one thing but do the other thing. So they don't want people to come on and say, I love Target, and then be shorting the stock after it pops up, for obvious reasons. And I don't think there's a lot of that going on. It would be so counter to your interests if you were doing media on a regular basis to pull off one trade and try to make a couple of percent on it. So I don't think a lot of that's going on. The other thing is we can't talk about stocks that are below a certain market cap. So they don't want us going on talking about a stock trading on the pink sheets that could double based on a mention on TV. So if you watch a show, most of what we're talking about are S&P 100 companies. We really can't move them with our remarks, unless there's news breaking. But that wouldn't be coming from panelists like myself, that would be coming from the reporters. Separating who's a reporter and who's a commenter is important for the audience. Just like when you watch political news or sports news, there are some people who are stating a fact as a reporter, and then there are people who are on the fact. And I think keeping those two things separate in your mind is probably the best thing you can do when you encounter any kind of news program, financial or otherwise. SPEAKER: That was a great question to end on. Thank you. I think we're out of time. Thank you very much to Josh. [APPLAUSE] JOSH BROWN: Thank you so much, everyone. I appreciate it. SPEAKER: I appreciate you coming.
Channel: Talks at Google
Views: 45,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: talks at google, ted talks, inspirational talks, educational talks, CEO, Ritholtz Wealth Management, Josh Brown, CNBCs Halftime Report, understanding wealth management, Backstage Wall Street
Id: geFuim1vtZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 52sec (3112 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 13 2018
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