RISTalks: Sh Mokhtar Maghraoui - "Part 1 - Neither Wealth Nor Family Will Avail, Only A Sound Heart"

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Salam alaikum our lorry avocado miss villa la vela allah azza wa raja'na hunt for de Senado la vela me a little amulet van had a voyeur God in Harlem abyss Aurora o allah o allah sayidina Morgana habib allah he karate - Allah he was Irene Ameer Abdullah a pirate or Saudi Palomino a brothel in Halloween well he died even though he was hobby he and Lorelei Amin Dada veer in a lesson in illa rahmatan llama gentleman home alarm actually an bizarre arena after Masami apollo bin ali the clip ya allah please unveil our inner sites and please open the channels of hearing into our hearts Allah Muhammad Allah says in the Quran in the favela kinetically man can allahu allahu allah says a larger load means in that indeed is a reminder for the one who has a heart for the one who has a heart i eat a heart that is living a heart is a heart that is aware and not sick and not dead for Allah so Genesis a fella BAC Ruffolo Ravi at acuña l'homme coluan Kolubara Aluna be ha ha ha so in the heart and a bizarre when ur him time and Pulu boon Latifah sued or why do they not ponder on earth do they not have hearts with which they comprehend and ears with which to hear or is it that it is not the eyes that go blind but the hearts inside the chests that go blind there is a heart that sees there is a heart that does not see a lost man what Allah says to us also well amou and ilaha at the moment he and Lucy come forever over well the Maha for inhaling do know that a loss of Hamid Allah knows what lies inside of you beware and you know that is oft-forgiving opted for bearing this ayah is indicating the despite the fact as we know that Allah Allah Allah who knows inside of us what we Harbor inside of us is frequently ugly do now that is oft-forgiving of forbearing that is despite what he knows of us inside of us that's why the ayah ends with walamu an Omaha our foreign heli baraja women Maya Alamo mafia Sina min oppa him I mean Dennis fathom allahu ala moana forum Halim says he subhana WA Ta'ala he also reminds us through the tongue of our Father ibrahim alayhis salam ala rasulina salat wa salam in his beautiful prayer drown that allah sparked allah told us about him or on whether to zeny yama Bethune young Millian Somalian whenever noon in lemon at Allah when at Allah be alban saline yaha please do not cause me to be despised and rejected on that day when all will be resurrected the day when nothing and no one will be of any avail and any benefit to anyone except the one who comes to Allah comes to Allah with a bulb that is silly coming to Allah with a hull with a heart that is sailing we go to Allah we move to Allah we go to Allah not physically we go to allah not sensually we go to allah not externally we move in phases in our hearts to a loss of habitat ibrahim alaih-is-salaam the same one Allah tells us about him when he wanted to leave the habits and vices and the low drives and suggestions of the people and the environments around him he said in NIDA he born in Larabee I am going to my lord of course moving from Iraq to Palestine is not the going to the Lord for Allah subhana WA Ta'ala is not in time and is not in space he is the creator of both space and time span atala in his Eibon Elaraby i am going to my lord within me the change within me in navaja boon in R&B and allah tells us in the Quran that he did come to Allah a surgeon with his heart Salim in the mention Ibrahim if JA errababu be Alvin's rich as I spoke to us Matala but knew hell is lon he says to us and of those who were in line of nooh alehissalaam was Ibrahim as he came to his Lord with a calm that is same sell him from Salima to be safe to be secure to be free to be liberated from that which is ugly that which is stain that which is displeasing to Allah and Allah that which is low that which is base the characteristics inside view and inside of me that are ugly they are removed they are changed it's a motion forward when the heart changes in character that's how it moves forward that's how it goes to a lost man with allah when salallahu alaihe wa alaa yoosef your syllabus asks about islam femur allah muhammad and others what is Islam e rasool allah he replies on the lauralee you are early he was so happy in sullen and istanbul and you sleep bookallil areas soldier and consequently analyst level Emunah mainly sanika where dick said he saw a llama in your area psycho seldom replying to the question of what is Islam this is what Islam is really about the essence of Islam is in this text and other texts similar to this one when he answered so Lamar they were all so happy you seldom what means Islam is when your heart your heart is in loving surrender to Allah has searched your heart not on the tank or your hands or your senses or your external activity that sounds and looks like acceptable and commendable and worthy but for I can perform acts externally and say words externally that would be legal and beautiful but my color is ugly that is not the Islam and consequently and consequently your relationship to the world and in this example he says and that Muslims are safe from your tongue and if Muslims are not safe from your tongue than others obviously are not safe either they mention Muslim to lead us to the fact that if we don't do that with one another then we are not going to be able to do that with those who are strangers to us that people are safe from my tongue and from my hands connotative my power whatever power I have social power political power financial military power monetary power psychological tao religious power spiritual power and yes lemon nasa will assign accordingly that is islam said it's a la la la you are you cypress emblem he also said Subhan Allah and this beautiful hadith related by the Nawab irani for instance and others when he says a la la la you are you seldom in the light Nia 10 la G verily allah subhanaw taala has vessels on earth Vasily Arab be a container er abyss of hanok so hanok without any insinuation that is anthropomorphic military Tala and anaconda when kuvira immolate ana anat until hardware Ania tor become a Louisville law rebellious son he and the vessels of your Lord on earth are the hearts of his righteous servants the hearts the column in which God can be without any I repeat anthropomorphic insinuation beyond space and time and beyond any description intellectual ideological philosophical or even spiritual in the Sioux and delicate weenie subhanahu wa'ta'ala Cuvier bodies you want to find good look into your heart however is your heart ready to receive the blueberry buddies son he is my pal rectified is my rectified so that God can be in my pal and I don't have to look for God and say I not find God elsewhere for I did not know what I am I did not know myself I did not cleanse myself so I could not see him because our selves are the lenses through which we see the world through which we see everything if the lens is disturbed if the lens is broken if the lens has perturbation I'm sorry has protrusions then the objects would not be seen the way they are and neither is a knowable and if my help is not clean then it will not be able to conceive and to perceive of the divine and the most beloved of those hearts to God and to people who are good are the hearts that are most of us softest softest ileana they're not stiff they change they can be really molded they can be transformed they are not stiff they receive light they absorb light light and they get affected by light and they change to the better easily not with difficulty and hardships our most transparent they're not think they're not dense they're not heavy a dense object does not receive light well and does not reflect light well the nor of Allah Azza WA JAL is received by a heart that is transparent it is received it is recognized and it changes any helps change others for it reflects light my heart the changes of my heart some of us do work and we need to do work and we focus in our world in our life on the external only on the legalistic aspects of life only I'm not saying that it is not important but I'm saying only and that's a deficiency and sometimes completely rejected in the divine balance one of the greatest scholars of our Ummah in the past one of the greatest masters and teachers of law and of spirituality a so fond of spirituality as he was known when he was the mufti of Baghdad in both humbly and Sheffey in the lab as well as sultanu l-awliya as he was known to those who drew nearer to Alonzo del CID of the other al-jilani when he said I can never forget these words and I want to memorize them and I want to have them come to my column often to remind me in this beautiful way certainly of the essence of the Quran and the essence of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam in teaching to hidden lap when he says Radha Ohia to him metal movement Alera Phil Allen Berube he may not be a soldier well and you see the ANBU who lrb dunya and continues to say in the Arrakis epr mean worker Uddin poor occuring were sued rudin masa harina what happened work unbuckle Arbor Hellman mccallion when I am in Beatty wood Rudy when I at the Howard one hired at here the ultimate drive and objective of the resolve of the him--as of a knowing movement and who knows the divine is to seek to be nearer to the gate of nearness of his Lords of Han wa taala or her Lord and that in this world before the ear after the heart sees God be let us be in Milan Turkey without any Africa morphic insinuation in this dunya the heart reaches the divine before IIRIRA is as he continues to say why do I see you standing and sitting that is in Nevada in activity in work intellectual verges spiritual I see you do work standing and sitting kneeling and laying prostrate spending sleepless nights and undergoing hardships in work in Nevada in doing things why your heart is yet to move from where it is like a treadmill somebody running on a treadmill running and running and running and sweating and getting very tired but ultimately having traversed no distance has gone nowhere and sometimes falls dead and has achieved nothing why do I see you going and going and working and doing and kneeling and prostrating yourself and standing up and sitting down and sleepless nights while you're old has not changed heart has not changed I'm still the ignorant person that used to be twenty five years ago I'm still the restless person I used to be I'm still the unfor bearing person I used to be I'm still the unforgiving person I used to be I'm still the restless impatient person I used to be I'm still the angry person I used to be I'm still the hesitant person I used to be I'm still the even deluded person I used to be I'm still the ostentatious muraii person I used to be I'm still the more adjust self conceited person I used to be I'm still the one in Amer then attached to leadership and power I used to be I'm still in love with wealth as I used to be I still fight for these with tooth but as I used to be I did not change inside inside I'm still primitive when I am in baking Rudy and your heart is still to exit to leave the house of awareness of its own being I I am I am that excessive obsessive awareness of I am linear Hodgman beta mu Judy mean beta should be would you be build Rudy honey the veil between me my god when I met Helen hardly habits that I developed because the way I was brought up the culture in which I lived the friends and the companionship that I hand with and round I still have habits that are mine and there are mine and I did not change them I did not improve and therefore I have gone nowhere like the one running on a treadmill oh slope said he liked a lot Anna the first step to the pure or stop see Palladino lag Madonna Kanaka theorem in a DAB be sincerely truthful or truthfully sincere in your desire in your quest for your Lord first of all seek Him autumn of Malik autumn minimal ayat Luba for many of us are not aware that we need to seek we need to desire we need to want we need to love him we need to find we need to move at a LeMat love second ah stock fidella capelin be sincere and truthful not just in the way we said in the way we feel it was dope feel that abhi Malik was the who was dope I even said Bella be mean Malak and then be also truthful in asking from your Lord I want to reach you my lord I want my auntie V cleanse I have asked you to cleanse my body no one reaches the divine without the divine means are necessary but never sufficient I need him Gnawa Saladin Illinois bejeweled a OBL me Bobby Dhaka E or the karate Bobby Rohan Yeti ma hua Solomon muscle in be a solid idea Pemberton Minos of Hannah Montana no one reaches allah acceptable a soldier I need to be truthful in asking Allah as religion instead of relying only relying with my Kulp on my means and my efforts he said o Salafi Wahabi Mahad rocket ethnic and kathira minute ab and that would suffice you against much of your budget spending energy and intelligently not effectively if there were soon in my own in parody male in sync in my lords of Hana Hana less efforts will be fruitful but when the calm is not there much efforts are not fruitful and he continues to say about Allah or look at this beautiful metaphor ooh or by that I will dude Academy in Arabic one Donna critical in helping be morality lousy with no heat boxer casa da da de da de da de kefir water bill became law now a free water we can be cut the belly back and break the egg of your awareness of your being with the beam of your sadaqa of your sincerity of your truthful sincerity imagine this a fledgling inside the egg before it breaks to come to this world it has to break with the beak the egg so we are embryos spiritually we are in this world you and I we are like embryos we want to discover the higher dimensions of a logic of allah's creation and of being first I have to be born I have to break from the egg and that egg is my constant selfish obstinate obsessive awareness of I and I have I want I agree I disagree and so on and then when we break from that I then we still find the world the creation then he says the next thing demolish the walls they are walls that hinder you against your total freedom walls of what of revista Khalil helping with a udb him the walls that define my obsessive awareness and reliance in mindful but not externally very creative thing or opiate will help people be prepared to whom Finn nephew what better well there is you with Lulu and so on to be too aware of the creation as concerning harm and benefit honor and a basement in nobleman tanda basement there are all means don't be obsessed by them don't be veiled by them there are in the power of the divine see him see by being too aware of those I'm unable to see him so there are walls he said demolish those walls with the shovels of sincerity and tell here of Allah as Odin until he does not only to say naina in the law still hid in multi language Danny well hidden which Danny is when all attachments in my pal are removed except Allah subhana WA Ta'ala I am free where hidden where hidden had nothing else but the divine and everything else is dependent upon the divine and not only say that but learn to feel that and live that my dear sisters and brothers demolish the walls with a glass until heed and then when you do that you are freer but there is still a cage you find yourself now in a cage he said break the cage now and what is that cage al Abu Khalil AHA I seek the worldly things of this world and I seek them with the deepest emotions inside of me with the deepest sincerest intense inside of me they own my heart and my heart supposed to be for him into him the hidden man Michael in her best before Allah alone and I find myself obsessively addicted and jailed in the jail of wanting things so he says break of the bars of that cage with the hand of abstinence be a diesel addict Afiya learn to abstain learn to make choices learn to give up certain legitimate pleasures even in order to grow and to become a bird with two strong winds and then he says rahim allah allah then you can fly with your heart now freely until you land at the shores of the sea of nearness to your lord allah mainly - away fear ibaka baffi allah i am weak please change my weakness into strength in your satisfaction which I need Islam among to her boy and let Islam loving surrender to you be the alternate search and aim of my heart and of my life aluminum in Maciek allah ar-rahman al assad a lake Vasudha battle cry a lake was a long sandy Mubarak ala Sayyidina Omar Lana Hamid in Taibbi power in ameen rustling Mohammed al-ameen assalamualaikum warahmatullah
Channel: rismultimedia
Views: 21,296
Rating: 4.9499998 out of 5
Keywords: ris, islam, ristalks, 'ris, talks', muhammad, inspiration, motivation, toronto, reviving the islamic spirit, conference, convention, islamic conference, youth
Id: EIa-sxaOREg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 57sec (1857 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2013
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