Rise Up + Wake Up + Pray Up Morning Worship Service

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[Music] welcome home re temple registration to join us for in-person worship service is now open read temple has returned to the temple join us for hybrid in-person and online worship service registration is required for all in-person attendance read temple ame covet 19 in-person safety guidelines will be enforced in-person worship service is at 9 30 eastern standard time stream worship service online at 7 15 a.m 9 30 a.m 11 15 a.m and 6 p.m eastern standard time at read temple dot org forward slash watch and by following at read temple ame on our facebook and youtube the following activities will not be provided in person on site until further notice nursery team church children's church sunday school and the bookstore registration is open via event right at readtemple.org forward slash return read temple's marriage enrichment ministry presents preparing for marriage god's way on september 11th through december 11th from 10 am to 12 noon on zoom register at readtemple.org forward slash events be a part of the virtual 12 week premarital counseling course designed for all couples seeking to be married at reed temple or by a minister on staff here at rue temple the class is free but you must purchase the workbook for the class you do not have to be a member to attend this class register today at readtemple.org forward slash events join the movie matinee and discussions via zoom the american lows the american legacy of white supremacy a documentary created by darnley r hodge jr join us on saturday september 25th from 3 p.m to 7 p.m screen the film and be a part of the discussion with director danley r hodge jr register at read temple dot org forward slash events read temple ame soul care ministry presents griefshare each saturday from 10 a.m to 12 noon eastern standard time from september 11th to december 4th of 2021 are you mourning the loss of a loved one let griefshare help you heal for more information visit readtemple.org forward slash events or email men griefshare at readtemple.org or call 301-352-0320 read temple family save the date join us for official board on september 20th at 7 pm eastern standard time via zoom visit read temple dot org forward slash events for more information calling all ministry leaders on saturday september 25th at 10 a.m via zoom join us for this quarter's ministry leaders town hall zoom detail will be emailed to ministry leaders visit readtemple.org forward slash events or email info read temple dot org for more information hey i'm pastor mark whitlock you may have heard about it but the 1500 project is for you in hebrew 1500 means the moment you decide to take a spiritual journey is when you begin to realize your greatness the bible says in second timothy chapter 2 verse 15 study to find yourself approved god gave me a vision that we're going to have 1500 people in worship we want you to be a part of that we want you to grow spiritually we want you to be able to divide the word of god join us on wednesday how do you do it you simply email bible study at readtemple.org let me repeat it bible study at reedtemple.org let's grow in god and grace together the 1500 project let's go [Music] [Applause] i'll tweet them [Music] like me [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning good morning good morning good morning almost caught me drank some coffee and almost lost my mind good morning it is free flow friday it's faster keeps me choking hey man amen amen we was enjoying amazing grace but good morning everybody good morning good morning everybody you know it's free flow friday even though pastor got excited about amazing graves i was trying to sing it yesterday i was and man then i saw mike white singing man that is amazing to me uh i wish i could sing like that i posted some on facebook the other day that it turned my mic off when i started saying as the second church that's done and that is the second church i'm good for about two bars and i'm done listen thank you thank you thank you we want you to share your page amen uh share your page with everybody you know on facebook i see it when you share your page with me it's amazing i love watching you all when you all share your page because i get the notices when you share when you don't share but the important thing is is that we are building the kingdom of heaven together right here and our goal is to bring the word of god to you every morning you know we have this is our devotional moment where it's six o'clock every morning for those of you who are new to us and we get so many new visitors i wish there was a way john and robert that we could recognize our visitors for the first time maybe there is if you're here for the first time you just write into the chat that i'm a first-time visitor we'd love to see you if you're a first-time visitor yeah ftd first-time visitor uh but on free flow friday uh we do it a little different uh we start off with a prayer but then we open up and give you an opportunity to guide the program today the the subject is uh what does unity in the community mean to you it has so many different avenues it's global it's local i mean it's it's national it's local it's church-wide it's family it's friends it it is work-wise so what does unity in the community mean to you i'm gonna have a word of prayer and then the first lady's gonna read the scripture and then we will open it up the question for you i'm gonna tell you what it means for me but uh and the first lady may tell you what it means to her but what we want to know what does unity in the community mean to you because a lot of us come in with different ideas and then i got some good news for you the first lady and i next on another son next time they're going to preach about this subject unity in the community and we're going to pull a lot of information from you as we prepare to preach next sunday so for those of you who are members of read temple who attend reed temple you will have an opportunity maybe to hear some of your thoughts in the sermon that we will preach let's have a word of prayer dear god we know that all things work together for the good for those who love the lord and have been called according to god or your purpose god help us to heal to unify god i'm making a special prayer this morning for our olympic gymnasts our young gymnasts who were preyed on who were victims of a pedophile yeah i am praying god for simone biles who dared to stand out and her colleagues who dared to stand up to say it happened to me and so many of us have been taken advantage of as children as teenagers yet having no courage or having no platform to be heard thank you god for creating an international platform to deal with child abuse that often leads to alcoholism drug addiction human trafficking homelessness mental illness because it occurs at such a young age now god help us to unify our community help us to see the cesspool that exists right in homes in churches schools and at work clean us god from the inside out and we'll be ever so grateful give you the honor the glory and the praise as we come together for what some people meant for evil god you've used it for good in jesus name that the church saved men amen remember what is the scripture this morning uh the scripture is again ephesians 4 ephesians chapter 4 1-6 and i'll be right reading from the new revised standard version and it starts this way and often it is labeled in your in your bibles if you have one of those bibles study bibles that that labels of horrific it is i therefore the prisoner in the lord beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been caught with all humility and gentleness with patience bearing with one another in love making every effort to maintain the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace there is one body and one spirit just as you were called to the one hope of your calling one lord one faith one baptism one god and father of all above all through all and in all amen that's the scripture thank you reverend so as in the in the city of ephesus which was being challenged by people who wanted to divide the church jews wanted to be the prime example gentiles wanted to be respected paul is asking for unity emperor nero as well before emperor claudius sought to uh expel put out jews from the city and then they started persecuting uh christians for sport they would kill them have them slaughtered by gladiators as well as lions tigers and bears oh my and so paul calls for a unity in the community a unity in the church a unity in the family and please know when you hear the word gentile in the scripture please see black people see black people of color see that now my jewish brothers and sisters were olive color a wonderfully wonderful kind of a light light light skinned african-american wonderfully olive in color but when you hear the word gentile normally you're talking about african edenic people yeah there were a few europeans but when you look at that region of the country you will begin to see people of various hues who didn't have the thought black that was a social construct created in america uh later to be used around the world but we didn't have these racial constructs that existed in those days so you will not hear black versus white asian versus brown but everybody was of some type of colors particularly your gentiles so there was not only the racial challenge or the colorism challenge it was also the religious challenge and then there was the economic challenge where some people did okay but other people not so much and so paul was always taking care of the poor because they would come to the church first they were the poor who were unwelcome in jewish synagogues the poor who were unwelcome in other social groups would come to the church not only for food and resources but they would also come for social connection yet in the church particularly in the church of ephesus known as the book of ephesians there was division why do we need these kind of people in the church why do we need this color in the church why do we need these gentiles in the church why do we need these jews in the church why aren't they doing this and so there was a great deal of discord that took place i think you're starting to see where we're going we find the same discord taking place in america today what took place on january the 6th when the insurrection you saw mostly white people who were rebelling against the changes that were taking place in america and the fear of joe biden in the loss of the election without donald trump and so now we see this discord now we see the same discord that is taking place with those who believe their religious right is to wear no mass yet they can infect people they could get people sick and they will use the bible to undergird their thought that god will protect me yet one out of every five americans have lost their lives as a result i'm not so one out of every five americans have been infected because of the failure to follow the mandate to wear a mask and other people will come up with all types of reasons why but science will tell you wear masks social distance don't do that don't do this then of course there's discord there's challenges within the school should we open the school back up should we not should we vaccinate children should we not discord in the church y'all don't know what i'm talking about but there's discord in the church yes there is uh and there's always discord in the church why are we teaching it this way why aren't we teaching it this way why don't you preach this way why don't you preach that way why are we singing this kind of song why do we need christian contemporary verses gospel why aren't we using hymns versus all this bump and grind christian stuff why how we gonna handle a new pastor so when we deal with disunity i could even go further talk about the challenges at home lord have mercy christians divorce 70 percent of the time the divorce rate in the christian community is higher than the divorce rate in a non-christian community separating we still got folk living together and they're still in other words they're auditing a relationship meant to be tied in heaven instead of living in in in it by the laws of god be getting married we have discord we have finding people who are fighting one another because of philosophical sociological psychological religious differences husband fighting wife father fighting children children fighting parents children fighting one another we want and wish for you to answer the question what does what does unity mean in in your mind what is your thought yes reverend we got it lala uh says it's collaboration despite the many various differences among people in respect that's good you gotta respect the other person their opinions um in love uh that that is the bond and with true integrity with christ teaching as the foundation that is such a good summary such a good summary i'm gonna have to write that one down one of the things again in church old school versus new school old ways versus new way what you're doing sitting in my chair what you're doing wearing that outfit lord don't you know how to come to church dress right am i talking to anybody here young people who don't know the hymns young people who don't know the way unity how how how do we come together in the church world what does unity mean to you look at john moody the producer of our program unity is bringing all the differences together to build one diverse and strong community the hinging word for me is diverse yeah because i don't want to dress like you talk like you act like you walk like you in other words i am still who i am although i am in the body of christ hand is not more powerful than the foot the verse fingers are not more powerful than the toes diverse amen my nose is just as necessary as my knees so in other words my body is diverse amen my heart is just as important as my lungs my body is diverse but for some reason we can't come together in the same way god put the human body together because we want to be want to have a feeling of supremacy yes deborah dixon says we must accept who we are as african americans and unified through teaching our children and others who may not understand our heritage that has to come from loving one another through jesus christ as with communities chain as as our communities change drastically in urban america cease killing one another selling poison to our own and respect for where we live and grow amazing how we have gangs crips in the bloods all young black men but for some reason we can't unify and come together come in sharon sharon gold gold says unity in the community means people coming together not necessarily the same gender race and ideas with the hope hope in my mind means the constant expectation that god will deliver with the hope of doing what's right and best for those of the community learning to listen to each other and respect and coming in agreement did you hear what she said learning to listen my marriage got better when i shut up and started listening to my wife and pl applying that what she said shut up and just listen sometimes we listen to speak instead of listening to learn sometimes we listen to respond instead of listening to uh grow i learned a long time ago my wife much smarter than me so i listen hey man listen to learn listen to grow listen to glow let's see the next one suzette suzette uh suzette says discord and lack of unity is a tool that the devil uses to divide and conquer when i grew up black people would nod to say hello and when you pass them not now not so much you're absolutely right we used to say good morning to each other my wife and i make a habit every morning good morning and we're in the same house i've been the same household for 37 years married 39 years dating and which is good morning but the reality is discord in the church says i want to take watch listen to this i want to take the attention off of god and put it on me and the meat could be a one person or could be a group but i want to take the attention off of god and i want to put it on me i want to put it on my group because my my feelings my thoughts are more important than bringing people to christ the church the the the church the bride of christ the church was designed to bring people to christ to deliver people from sin but for some reason we turn it into a social club and when we turn it into a social club it then becomes a place where we have policies that impact just a few amen and if you feel and many of those policies are not written that's why we got a book of discipline by the way but many of those policies are not written and nobody got a policy about where you sit and somebody else sitting in your chair i got a policy about hallelujah about how you how you act no then the challenge is when we do that then we take it off amen the attention off of god and the word of god and we put it on you or that person yes i like what bill brown says yes because we are we are therefore i am i love it it goes right back around to it's a circle i am because we are we are therefore i am i love it i love it let's keep it going that's good allison i pray for the unction yes of the holy spirit to unify comfort and teach my parents offspring so so when we deal with this whole challenge allison of family that's big amen that's why the bible says honor thy father and thy mother and thy days will become long what does that mean if you don't have honor for your mother and father then how can you have honor for god because your mother and father are the physical representations of god they they are the their seed brought you into the life god created the world god created adam and eve and then they began to have offspring blah blah blah blah blah but we kind of honor our mother and father yeah because in honor of my mother and father boom you have to then honor god how do you how do you how do you honor god and dishonor your parents i know you may not like them because we don't get a chance to choose them but we don't have the response we don't have the we don't have the authority to disrespect them to dishonor them and mistreat them we may not agree with them philosophically we may not agree with them psychologically we may not agree with them theologically but we don't have to dishonor them we can disagree without being disagreeable we can disagree without being honored to one another amen that's what i love about what susan says good morning not your head you don't have to stay in somebody's face because they don't agree with you you just thank you amen you have a right to your opinion i have a right to mind now we move on because that one situation does not define the totality of our existence in other words we must not separate by these little things life is much bigger than this small disagreement that we have and so tim before it says open your mind that's where it starts open your mind and reach out to the younger generation try to understand and pray to god for unity not to conform to the world but to be transformed christ-minded together that's unity in the community be now come from this will be transformed by the renewing of your mind you when we start thinking when we start thinking that we want to conform to this world that's when we forget that we are the righteousness of god the righteousness of god means that we have been right with god that we no longer at or are we have to be worried about the wrath of god because our we have been reconciled with god but to be conformed with this world says that i want to be like the world i want to be like the person who is not who is not saved i want to be a part of the world i can be in the world but not of the world when i am transformed i realize that i am the righteousness of god i realize that i've been justified by faith that i have been delivered by the blood of jesus that my life my my life is not limited to this plane but it is but i am a citizen of the kingdom of god so as a citizen of the kingdom of god i take on a different behavior i take on a different walk i take on a different talk i am not impacted or affected by the naysayers and the haters and the and the gospels no no no no no no no no because god has lifted me so not only am i at peace with god but i have the peace of god next uh well for me the the last phrase in um just before you get to verse three that three that's yourself bearing with one another in love talk now and when you think about bearing it means it's a burden yes i mean it's not gonna be easy it's difficult so you have to bear i that's why i love the way paul put it there bearing with each other another in love because when you love somebody you have to put up with their weaknesses talk to me and their foiables their faults their mistakes hello lois brown lois brown home one one of our biggest supporters lois says discord is based on fear right right right unity is the beginning of acknowledging others without fearing them come on talk to me talk to me lois because god did not give us what a spirit of fear what but of power love and a sound mind he's talking to his mentee timothy who was afraid now watch this timothy parents were were uh interracial interdisciplinary couple one was gentile one was jew so so timothy who was a minister and a pastor was raised in a mixed household it was and so that meant that the people in the community knew that he was raised in the mixed household so when he walked in the room people were murmuring people were talking amen who is this new pastor he's all messed up we know about his past i don't know i know y'all ain't never talking about pastor whitlock don't y'all start laughing and so my point is discord is based on fear they didn't they feared timothy and paul was trying to say my mama told me the same thing he said he said son don't get mad at people who fear you and they fear you because they don't know you right don't get upset about that unity is the beginning of acknowledging others without fearing them so paul is telling don't you fear these people pray for these people help these people because you have the power of god yes and then you have you have love for them please hear that you'll always hear that from me love them care for them hold them nurture them right because don't lose your mind by them don't lose your mind don't you allow your mind be not conformed but by renewing of your mind don't lose your mind because people aren't treating you the way you want people to treat you and me and i say this to my wife i say mia people just not as smart as you they're as smart as you they're not as smart as you most people didn't take latin for seven years most people never went to law school at the university of chicago most people didn't go northwestern you gotta understand how smart so i'm saying this please hear that this is one word i want you will achieve unity when you understand your greatness barbara wiley says sometimes the unity occurs after a confrontation occurs and revisit the conversation on a higher level it fails us and pains us to be in discord and not unified that is the antithesis of what god wants for us exactly barbara absolutely hannah jones we can disagree in love absolutely as as as long as your disagreement is not rooted in in my oppression disagreement is not rooted in my oppression and denying my human rights to exist that's a big right so martin luther king would say you can't deny my human rights what i must do is change the policy that was agreed upon by other people where i did not have a right to vote but i must not use violence to get you to change i must use love to get you to check it goes back to love i'm telling you it goes back to love so i don't have to come and attack you because you attack me i don't have to hate you because you hated me in fact what i have to do is love you even more because you can't impress me no no the only person that will be oppressed is you now once you understand that king was dealing with yes come on holy ghost king was dealing with public policy and the public policy for black people did not have an opportunity to vote did not have an opportunity to legislate did not have an opportunity to do it then therefore we must as black lives matter as a civil rights move as the civil rights laws did is protest the policy not the people oh and the people who were elected by what policy that was never fair in the right place king would say in the hegelian method that it was never a policy at all right you see once you understand that is never really a law because the law is unjust then you know that no weapon no policy no look no anger formed against me shall prosper go ahead now let's we're almost done with love today we are dealing with what this unit oh come on holy ghost what does unity mean to you and then lori lori t says god made us uniquely different yes so that we can use our differences to work together for the betterment of all and then uh tc skinner says unity in the community means coming together come on right there in love or in spite of our differences in other words the beloved community i i i think we're like we're starting to see a common thread here and the word is love so you'll hear this at the board what what my vision is for the church and it is and i want you to write into the chat read temple is the beloved community just write it in the chat read temple is the beloved community what does unity mean to me unity means for me a community where everybody is respected everybody is treated well everybody is accepted unity in the community for me means treating people as people wish to be treated and making sure we understand them and they don't bring everything that we want to the table that's it john moody read temple is the beloved community because we know we're a place where uh where people love and people live and people exist so once we understand that once you love people once you respect people then we have an egalitarian community once you understand that we are the beloved community we are a community where we love people even when they disappoint us even when our expectations of them is thwarted we love them amen that's the beloved community for me and we can agree we can uh love our differences absolutely absolutely we're almost finished revving with luck would you please thank you all i see yes thank you we agree temple is the beloved community i see you right now please write it in re temple is the beloved community that's the theme that we will begin to talk about read temple is the beloved community just write it in read temple is the beloved community when you come to read temple you are entering the beloved community a place of love a place of respect a place of honor a place of faith a place of empowerment a place of education yes yes yes yes a place of expansion you hear the five e's so we want to make sure that we know that read temple is the beloved community i'm just saying we've got to work every day to keep it that way please pray for us god we thank you god we praise you we lift you up we acknowledge you above all as we work to become one body united by gentleness patience forbearance with each other in love make us the beloved community that you would have us to be where our differences don't lead to discord rather our differences lead to an appreciation of the beauty that you have created the creation that you thought we couldn't imagine all the differences between us but look what you have created god help us to come together and understand that that's that's how you wanted it to be us to be united in love and so god thank you for reminding us that now let us go out and bring those into this community and be the example you want the church to be the example so give us what we need to go out in the world and say come on in it's good in the community when there's unity there we thank you lord we pray that we will take this teaching with us all day long as we have taught each other from your word because your word is a light unto our path and a lamp unto our feet we thank you lord in the name of jesus the christ who died for us all differences at all because he loved us just that much in the name of jesus we pray amen amen thank you we want to open up the doors of the church thank you thank you thank you for those who have been watching today we've been dealing with what does unity in the community mean to you pray this prayer with me dear lord i know i am a sinner i believe your dad for my sins and right now i turn from my sins amen and open the door of my heart and life i confess you as my personal lord and savior amen if you prayed this prayer that's your process for salvation i want you to type into the screen read temple cares and you will see a sheet that will come up that says salvation prayer and to join we want you to give your life to christ and as you give your life to christ we will be in contact with you if you'd like to join the church we'll be in contact with you and if you need prayer we'll be in contact with you bless you and keep you now it's time for offering we want you and wish for you amen to give to god's church you've been so good you've been so good you've been so good and we thank you and those gifts go to feed people and house people to help our seniors and to help those who are homeless and and and we are excited because we gave a hundred and fifty thousand dollars away for scholarships for our students the important thing is that we're trying to help people and help people grow so please your gift of 50 your gift of 25 your gift of 10. your tithe in advance uh is what we are we're praying for what we're hoping for god to do the bible says when you come before the lord come with a gift come bearing a gift and so we ask that you have been benefited this morning that you too will bear a gift all you have to do is text uh all you have to do is text read temple three three seven one five three three one eight text read temple two eight three three seven one five three three one eight or you may visit our website and go to www.readtemple.org you've been very obedient some of you have mailed it some of you have dropped it off thank you thank you thank you know that god is doing a great thing with it and let me pray for your offering dear god i pray now that you would bless them thank you for everyone that has been uh really supportive of this rise up wake up and prayer thank you god for supporting reed temple thank you god for supporting every member of our church now god bless them in jesus name amen amen thank you for your gifts as we get ready to close this friday know that amen uh we want you to be a part of the 1500 project 1500 in the in the uh hebrew means when you decide to begin your spiritual journey that is the beginning of your greatness when you decide to begin to decide to start your spiritual journey that is the beginning of your greatness we are god gave me a vision that 1500 people will be in bible study god gave me a vision that 1500 people will be in bible study god gave me a vision 1 500 people will be in bible study who have made the decision to start their bit spiritual journey where do i get that from second timothy chapter 2 verse 15 study to show yourself approved this is what we ask you to do do it right now just simply uh send an email to bible study read temple.org bible study at read temple.org and then what's going to happen to you you're going to start getting daily devotions you're going to get the pastor's bible study outline powerpoints you're going to start getting so many different things that i'm going to send you little little words little inspirations you're going to get that uh and it's just going to be an interactive moment every day every day with pastor mark you're going to get these things you're going to get certain things sent to you that you won't even know it's going to happen tools so that you may learn the word of god inspiration so that you may be inspired by the word of god amen and so what we want to do is help strengthen your walk in christ self-strengthen your walk in christ because we are kingdom minded so we want you now to sign up uh to become a participant in the 1500 project at retail and so we have a couple a couple of three other uh announcements this friday that's today 7 30. the women of faith will be on a prayer call at 7 30. now the telephone number has changed a little bit it's 202 926 1167 access code 145 393 now that's a lot to remember so you just go to our website and go to events and you will see this new beautiful flyer for the women of faith prayer call the number has changed so go pick up that number on our website that's friday night then on saturday what the men have invited the women on their third saturday to the man cave the women have been invited in now you know i i pastor has his man cave when he's in his man cave i'll leave him alone but every now and then the men want the women to come in so when you're invited that's your chance to get in there so come on ladies join the third saturday that's tomorrow and from 8 to 9 30. what are they gonna talk about they're gonna they're inviting the proverbs 31 conversation about communication come on y'all tomorrow uh at eight o'clock join come on into the man cave and then finally on monday on monday we have official board if you want to hear what your church has been doing if you want to be a part of the conversation we've opened up the the the zoom meeting we've gotten people who can help us so that everybody can be seen everybody can be heard uh we'll go over the features so you'll know how to raise your hand if you have something you want to say but you must you must you must register so again go to the website and register for the board meeting on monday at seven o'clock everybody's gonna get a chance to participate everybody's gonna get a chance to speak if they choose and so please know that we're improving technology we're gonna do the same thing for bible study note that we love you we love you we love you we look forward to seeing you sunday got good news for you because the first lady and i are going to preach a sermon not this sunday but next week we're going to do it together and we're going to deal with unity in the community amen i'm excited about seeing y'all all know that god loves you now some of you pick up me up on rejoice on the uh rejoice network that's with downloads you can download that app i'll be on the radio this morning at 8 00 a.m and i think i'm on at 8 a.m and 9 o'clock and something like that but i'll be on the radio this morning god bless you god bless you god bless you talk to you on monday [Music] hi [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] is me [Music] is [Applause] is hey
Channel: Reid Temple AME
Views: 112
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: f6jy98D7GHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 58sec (2818 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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