Rise of the Dragons in Ark Primal Chaos! Ark Pooping Ascended Mods!

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wow okay all right it's strong it's going to be really strong maybe it is a little little smidgen too strong but hey they are dragons they do deserve to be at the top of the pecking order what's up guys it's king daddy dmac and welcome welcome back to another episode of Ark survival ascended that's right we're playing here on the PO Ming ascended servers having so much fun doing flips my goodness how's everybody doing today hope you're doing well cuz yes today it's kind of a special day today is in fact the launch of the Primal chaos server that's right so I hope all of you peeps that are interested have headed on over to the Discord remember it is for YouTube members or twitch subscribers so very cool of course we also have other free servers as well you know to cater to anybody so head on over to the Discord anyway today um is also special day on this server because we are going to finally get into the draconic Chronicles mod further I talked about it a little bit last episode but we need to get ourselves a whole bunch of these crazy crystals if we want to be able to make the taming foods for a lot of these other later I guess more ender creatures that or a talent so we're going to be spending a bit of time going through and I guess we just got to we got to we got to farm them we got to farm them that's what all you peeves let me know when I asked last time so it should be pretty cool also one other fun little thing that I wanted to get into if if we can be lucky enough um that is one of my favorite types of shinies is showing up on the server and that of course is the holographic it is a special type oh and I just don't know if we're going to be able to do it what I want to do is instead we might tame this guy but we already have a pretty baller ano so unless this guy is like crazy good I think we'd actually be better off seeing if we can Serv the shiny off of them and transfering them over to our guy now our guy has 154 in the melee so we'll just have to see what this other one's like either way I'd kind of like to get the special things but we need to get this raw shiny Essence and to do that we got to take on what is known as the enrage shinies for you know it's a it's a rare drop and they're kind of like bosses so I'm hoping that we can do that today and maybe just be able to get that special shiny Essence to put on our ano so we'll see how it goes um we also got last episode a fierce that is the special shiny that designates a boost in melee we got that on our Mythic uh beaver and we transformed our very best frog into a burning shiny which gives it that really cool fire type Shenanigans around it it also allows it to do are you going to do it for me I don't know if I can do it in K mode Let's see why is it not doing it it's supposed to do it what the crap all right well there's a special move there wait nope there we go I was pressing the wrong button all right all right uh we got to wait a little bit till it can do it again but um it also gives you resistance to fire so yeah pretty pretty neat little thing can we do it again how long do you got to wait I can't believe I do that I rebind my left control to a uh a different button I guess that moves the special move as well which I totally forgot about so anyway we got a lot on our plate today so let's get it going let's get everybody packed up also been working on the base place a bit the new base place I should say it is coming along I've got tons of new stuff that I got to um you know that I haven't set in yet but I've crafted it's going to be a mega base so it's going to take some time but I'm working on it especially off camera a little little bit each day until it's finished cuz we got to get the crap off of the uh Community spawn Island area that's where we're living that's what that area was supposed to be but what you going to do all right so anyway let's go around let's see if we can find some enrage shinies let's beat up all the dragons and wyverns that we can I think in particular we're supposed to be looking for the uh Crystal iverns I that that's what people are saying so we shall see but uh yes wish me luck guys on our adventures there's also been a couple of cool updates in the draconic dragon mod that may make it way stronger and actually be able to um you know battle against some of these higher tier Primal chaos uh shenanigans that we got going on in the server so that's pretty exciting we'll talk about that more later but guys please remember if you're enjoying this series to show that amazing support by slamming that thumbs up button it helps me out oh so much it really really does and if you're new to the channel or you haven't yet seriously what are you waiting for it is the perfect time to subscribe all right let's see where all these wyverns are hanging out and let's start clobbering them all right first up the shiny finder says that there should be an enrage shiny parasaur somewhere around here so let's see if we can find him is this it that's a beta parasaur where is our enr shiny dude look at oh crap uh uh run run that's a demonic that is absolutely not what we want oh that's the enr shiny crap crap H did we get him did I get him yes we got him we got him all right um that gave us raw shiny Essence all right so we have two now we need one one more and then we should be able to um if if need be get that holographic shiny so that is looking up um also I have been uh cruising around the Redwoods because this seems to be one of the best places to find the crystal wyvern yes yes right there these guys and yes you can see it right there it gave the crystals and I believe it is the crystals we want so I think we need I don't know we need a lot of them there we go I don't know why I wasn't seeing that I was getting them before but these guys are super abundant had I known I would have done this a long time ago but um fair enough fair enough and to make matters even better I think the froggy man is around today so hopefully we can uh get some assistance quite possibly with some of these Dragon tames I am super duper excited so let me keep on harvesting them and if I come across there should be I think the shiny finder said let's let's have a look see I think it said there was at least two more enraged okay right there danger this all right why don't we head on over to that guy right now in fact let's go see if we can scoop that up because that holographic is not going to be around forever all right it says it should be just right down here an enraged Saro I do have to be careful though I do not want to Dismount all right what do we got 620 what kind of okay it's only a beta I think we got oh God that's a shadow oh this could be really bad this could actually be really bad um we got to get off the Griffin we got to get off the Griffin we got to switch over to somebody a little bit more powerful um how should I arrange this all right we're just going to go in with a heavy hitter king daddy Kong let's go if king daddy Kong can't do it nobody can all right let's get back in here let's hope that uh shadow guy didn't already wreck him all right there he is get him get him oh I oh we didn't get him yet we didn't get him yet there we go all right do I have it two beautiful all right back at the base and this is what we're looking to craft it is the shiny spear Bolt the only projectile that can do this if you don't want that I wish it was a little cheaper I feel like should be only one Ry uh shiny raw if you're doing it with the prod cuz that's so much more dangerous but with this boom anything that we shoot with that should and do I have the Harpoon thing on me we can actually extract the shiny off of any Dino we want all right here it is the holographic Mythic um ank and it's only a 620 that's actually good news it's oh that is pretty good attack 106 I don't know what that would translate to I'm going to go ahead and say I think it would be better to just extract it cuz you know we went to all this trouble and fuss to do it so let's do it um let's bring this guy back over to where the new base area is I can show you a couple of the updates not that much I spent most of the day harvesting in crafting but it's a something it's it's a start what's going on down here there's so much nanigans going on there is a bunch of updates a bunch of mods so I don't know it's pretty cool but this is exciting I can't believe we're going to be able to get our ano to be a holographic all right almost back and who are we going to use to battle this guy so I think we get 60 seconds now now to actually defeat him after using the bolt so let's we need to choose someone that we're able to shoot off of but that can also lay down a lot of damage I'm going to go ahead and you know it is not what you'd expect I'd use but I'm going to go ahead I think and use the Frog all right oh so so we've got Bolt loaded let's put this here all right look at that special shiny Dart and dude imagine if we missed I would be so mad all right come on come on come on come on come on come on we got to do it yes and there it is holographic that is so cool let's go ahead you know we could hold on to it we could hold on to it and wait to see if we could get an even better ank cuz while ours is phenomenal I will say we could get a much better one so let me think on it let me think on it for a little bit and we will decide um we're doing pretty good though on the crystal I got five more I'm going to go back to harvesting those for a little while and then froggy man just logged on so why don't we see what he's up too froggy man what's up buddy bro how have you been pretty good man happy birthday oh thank you thank you I didn't even tell the peeps about that but now they know now they know and I got you well here I want to show you something first uhhuh so you want to see you want to see the dragon I got dude you got it okay I want to see it let's see the dragon it's it's huge dude really it's that big oh yeah yeah is that big you ready you see this I'm ready oh my Lord dude oh oh oh that is ridiculous that is so cool it reminds me um of that that one Dragon God from that that one mod but man it is an awesome looking model check well check this out ready and it gets a platform saddle oh my Lord that is naughty dude right where did you even see that I hav't is that the thing that was over by the gorilla that one day yeah no way D I feel miserably so I found a cool one a shiny one right uh-huh and so I didn't know how to tame it so I was like I'll just knock it out and I put the food in there but then it wouldn't eat and then I was like don't tell me it's a passive tame no no so and I thought that's what I thought I was like okay it must be a passive teame so then I put on so I found another dragon and I put on the do not you know the le me alone potion MH and I spent 45 minutes chasing this thing around trying to put food in his butt and did it work realized no because it turns out it it's it's actually a knockout team did you go back to the first one or was that too late no cuz I one got attacked a so I just finished it off but yeah so oh I got your present this looks so good with a platform saddle though I love that one day day put structures on it and it didn't work well I got you two presents I love presents froggy man okay so here's your first one okay cuz I I know that you don't have it just yet oh dude I was just working on getting all the little crystals for him you actually made the potion yep hold on I got something else for you too ready wow uh-huh uh-huh all right here we go that's yours oh where' you go uh let me see UD gone don't worry don't worry sorry I got a thing set up let's see it would be in tribe storage oh yep let's see here uh Pole from tribe storage a moral Raptor yeah I had to breed them like crazy to get it up that high dude this pretty cool in it yep let me let me I got that I got that uh grow up B you're going to love this thing hop on oh oh you're going to want to heal first okay yep I got a healing potion no worries and then look look at the the uh move on the side is he supposed to be like down like this yeah so he has a different stance you can change your stance oh oh yeah I'm seeing okay so um thermal mode whoa dude this is pretty cool um it does a lot AL C wow okay yours is cool looking [Applause] man dude thank you yeah is this the thing that turns into an indom or something no so that's that's the that's the moral Raptor okay the indom is the Rex but uh you got to breed so it by the way they any eggs any eggs so so I I bred the volcanic Raptors to get the eggs for this oh really yeah I mean it took a couple dozen because they kept giving me like level 140s oh dude what's this goat it's eating it it's lunch oh poor goat all right rip dude thank you so much I haven't even there's so many mods we have in this pack that I've not even looked at well yeah I mean I already had all the stuff made made and I was already collecting all the stuff for it anyway so I was like man you know what I'm I'm going to see if I can breed him and get one for dmac for his birthday oh dude you are the best seriously froggy man best friend I could ever have yeah man hey I was trying to do what I can I'll was try to give you something cool I know I'm trying to do the thing and then and then yeah I do the way thing too hey so um I know you want to you want to try to get a dragon yeah I was hoping to I haven't seen one yet on the server yet so I got to go hunt one down but are you going to be able to come with yeah you having so for right now oh perfect all right let me oh you know what I got something for you oh you got something for me yeah I got something for you um let's see here I got some bad luck man you're not going to believe this I like was all excited cuz I get to meet up and record with dmac today and then a road crew pulled up in my house oh what is that that is a crazy looking beat up frog okay well it's only beat up because it was a baby oh it's a Shinobi frog yeah but it's a Mythic one oh I don't have one of these and it should be for me it says imprinted there's been something going on let me get you a saddle I have a saddle for it too yeah it doesn't say I imprinted it I don't think yeah you know it it's the dino pickup mod when it picks them up it it doesn't give you the imprinting the way it's supposed to no all right here's sadle so all you got to do is breed it with any other frog which I I have another one and it will lose its shiny though that's the problem well it dos like got a heart by it I think that's from the better breeding mod um you know what we need to do is get a potion mod that will allow you to put the imprinting on that's what we really need you know I think we have one on here it I don't think it works they they fixed it it doesn't do the glitch like all the other ones no no I think it's called Dino imprinting oh really yeah I think we got imp printing post or something like that I have to look yeah uh none show up for me but maybe I didn't do the Ingram but anyway let's go hunt down dude I want this infernal Dragon so bad well let's go get you one yeah all right froggy there should be a shiny one down here I see it do you I haven't seen it yet yeah he's I see he's right in front of me man oh oh that's crazy looking dude come here little guy all right I hope what are you fighting with oh hello oh he's fighting with something feel like I maybe got to get on something smaller I don't oh no he's he's almost out all right and oh come on come on come on oh he's fighting with a stupid dorph no oh those are the worst I know okay dior's gone okay he's got he's down uh you got an elite hen iton oh crap go go go tame tame oh god oh man the tame helper you're right it doesn't work in it yeah oh I'm trying to get this up no well no so this happened to me like I said this exact same thing oh you got it oh thank goodness that is so cool oh oh that's a wyvern yeah it's a wyvern you got a dragon I got a wyvern oh now the saber comes in all right let me get him scooped up dude it was pretty easy you want to go in too yeah all right yeah I I got the taming St on me all right perfect let me get this guy scooped all right let's go hunt down another one froggy all right sounds good all right froggy there's another one I know I know I mean I'm trying to let me help you you clear the area oh I'm stuck oh my Lord this thing is this is like a giant flying bus I know why are you using that for like you want Precision right now I don't know cuz I can shoot off them all right there's a lot of Badness I'm pulling I'm trying to pull everything towards me oh man every dorph is coming after me in the world yeah yeah well he's almost got this guy all right oh ter birds don't try to drop them here or what are we going to do yeah I think he should drop them here just let let's let me finish clearing the area oh you shot your guy oh did I did my guy go to sleep yep he he went to sleep oh oh okay well I screwed up oh no all right dipl blow's down is is that guy down yeah he's under waterer hurry up though hurry up well we can't wake him up worst spot ever you're going to get it don't worry hey PL there we go got him got him nice I'm going teleport back to base to get get a saddle and meet you back all right sounds good wow froggy these are gorgeous I know man I know it is so cool do you think they're breedable it says they are let me see if we can swap genders on them I know within the mod they have a potion for it but it costs like nope can't can't it cost 100 element do you have 100 element by chance uh I do really yeah I do I do here let me get I'll be right back all right all right all right got the element I do check it out bam oh thank you froggy all right problem I'm going to put it in here craft up the swaero potion I got I got another I have one more dino that I forgot I have oh do you want me to swap yours or mine it's up to you it's up to you you pick anyone you want just because mine's shiny and I don't want it to mess that up I'm going to do it on yours just in case it did oh never mind I got I need grow up paste I don't have any on me a it's all good all right but I'll tell you what I'll make a bunch of eggs froggy and I'll have a bunch waiting for you perfect and then uh you just put my guy in like the tribe storage sure sound good sounds good buddy and thanks for hanging out dude I always have the best time with you I know man meet you too I'm glad I got to see you and and yeah and I'll see you see you soon all right later froggy man it is so good hanging out with the froggy man I'm so happy we got two of them but yes we have loads of eggs now so let's start to hatch these out I don't expect to get a better level um let's pick you up cuz I don't want you doing stuff I'm a little worried if the uh potions are going to work on this guy though to grow him up you know what I'm saying all right we got looks like three of them there no Twins or anything but all amazing levels now one thing about this wyvern it does not have a saddle I don't know that it needs one but you know it's always nice to have a saddle all right so we got all those too let's try the growup shenanigans please work please work and it does work okay that's cool that is super cool all right so no saddle necessary let's find out if the healing potions work on them it does thank goodness all right so it really just seems like there's a couple that don't and it's possible that it's also the wild but we know the gender one the gender swap for sure does not work so good to know what about the food one see how he starving right there let's try that replenishing potion all right that works interesting all right so what does this guy do it is so sick looking all right so flying wise decent flyer don't you like how he wags his whole body it's so silly definitely it like it feels different than a normal wyvern um let's see bite all right it's respectable 1,000 to boot how about the Fire come on get wrecked all right it adds up and there it seems like there's no cool down either this guy does not fly backwards all right is there other moves no C no X so it looks like it's just those there could be more but I'm not seeing any let's see about when we're on the ground does land nicely ooh that's actually not bad it feels like it did way more damage maybe it's because of the proximity or maybe this guy's mate boost Get Wrecked bronos yeah that is not bad come here bro all right let's get a bite too bad oh oh when it's on the ground it's got a tail swing that's with the sea that is pretty cool you know what I'm going to go look up if there's any other moves but there's something else I want to do this mod is traditionally intended to be played with more like vanilla type mods you know not like Primal chaos where there's just insane tears and so forth so it's balanced around playing with vanilla and for vanilla it's pretty dang strong but in Primal chaos it kind of once you get past beta or Alpha you know it's it ends up being not too crazy however the mod author I'm pretty sure I already brought this up uh in the newest update added an I I set where you can boost the power I think it's by 25 times we have not done that yet but I'm kind of curious I'd kind of like to see what that would be like how insane would these creatures be so I'm going to go ahead shut down the server put in that ey and I setting and then let's try this bad boy out all right server has been reset new in eyes have have been put in place I realize in retrospect I probably should have looked at the Dino's stats before the change which I'm sure at some point you actually got to seeing them but I don't remember what they are I can see already big big change holy crap all right look at that look what that potion did for health okay good good good it filled it up um it's the food one let's go ahead get him uh some food to replenishing potion but those stats are treemendous I have a feeling this might be too strong now it might be to that point let's find out you know what it's strong it is insanely strong but I don't think it's going to be so overpowering oh that's cool I don't think it's going to be so overpowering that it's too much and yeah that is awesome definitely probably should have did made this change prior to taming it cuz it's kind of unfair that I'm such a good creature yet I got to tame it is being you know way way less than but I don't know I like it for all the future guys I'm going to leave it at this for all the future guys we are going to have to knock it what what is this guy's t for of course this is after tame um it's still reasonable I don't know that that really went up that much so that's pretty cool now of course I haven't put levels into this guy yet it's going to get a lot stronger oh but it is pretty cool let's find out though with the actual boost the health much more reasonable yeah we're sitting over million which to be quite honest the highest tier Primal chaos guys also have over a million the other thing is I hope it's not going to cost more to tame I hope it's still just that one cuz if it's I I don't know how that works oh but F wow okay all right it's strong it's going to be really strong maybe it is a little little smidgen too strong but hey they are dragons they do deserve to be at the top of the pecking order I just don't know what type of chaos I might have invited onto the server cuz these guys are pretty rampant and remember it's not just the higher tier ones that are so powerful it's going to be all the wyverns all like everything across the mod those little little sand dragons that were you know just nice little cuddly dragons they're going to be beasts most likely now so I don't know we'll we'll see what to expect but hey this this season's about having fun it is about having fun and seeing how far we can push mods and I have to say I think this is a really interesting thing to see a vanilla mod get pushed to a point that uh can actually compete with you know not that there's a competition but you know what I mean can actually run with mods like Primal chaos where there's crazy high you know tears of creatures so I think it should be fun and until there's actual bosses that we have to fight it really doesn't matter how strong guys are but it should add to our fun so anyway other things on this guy we can shoot off of them that's pretty phenomenal that in itself is makes us very useful um it be kind of neat if this guy was actually more like a Griffin in a way and could strafe he feels like he should be able to does it have a dive okay this one does not have a dive oh no I crashed definitely all right we'll be right back this dragon is wyvern I should say is pretty ridiculous I I really like it now the question is how is it going to hold up against some of the bigger things can it can it still be I'm going to let's do some boosts here cuz we have no saddle let's also go ahead and get some uh potions into them boom thank goodness these oh potions work get them is this guy really immune to Fire come on Bight fight all right there we go get waged I wonder what you get when you oh I'm on what's going on with me come on let go let go you know this would be the perfect like wyvern or cre to have a rock harvesting move kind of feel that way I don't know what do you guys think there definitely needs to be some uh flying metal Harvesters all right that just gave normal stuff nothing special from it I just want to see right yeah how sick would it be if it had a move like that or another Tail Wag I don't know it would be neat all right so moving onwards and upwards so we're able handle that guy fine I am going to do more of this though cuz I'm still nervous about it let's try I saw a demonic Dio what do you think do you think this wyver could handle it it definitely puts out the power to be able to absolutely smash this uh you know another creature oh and by the way um basically uh if you want to add this to yours go to the draconic uh what is it Chronicles I always want to say Evolution I don't know why draconic Chronicles Wiki and there they explain what all yeah absolutely whoop them what all the ey and eyes are but I think it's just uh you put in hard code equals one and it will give your guys this much power yeah absolutely oh okay well I totally forgot that we don't get Rider protection though the wyvern should be fine me on the other hand not so much oh look at you this is going to be one of the next ones we do bloodstorm dragon so that's interesting it definitely boosted the stats holy crap by a lot but it's absolutely within range of what we could take out and it doesn't look like the uh cost of taming has gone up any cuz it's not like the level of the creatures going up but everything from this mod only takes one but it's going to be interesting I don't know we shall see some of these guys are going to be pretty strong in the wild so I hope I don't regret the changes let's see dude listen to this guy I'm going to give him a bite come on oh uh yeah that guy's pretty crazy holy crap this is a totally different animal now that guy would have been one shot before look at the strength that it has good Lord good Lord uh I got to make sure I tell all the other server members I made this change cuz they're going to come on being like Oh yeah it's another wimpy Dragon no problem and just get absolutely crushed oh that is so cool and how weird is that did I even Harvest anything I don't even know if I got anything wait what is this oh that's the uh ooh demonic hide that we had not got yet I had not battled an actual demonic before let's get rid of this silly thing boom where is it and boom oh okay I don't want to get in oh I don't want to get in another fight please let's get out of here am my dragon is aggro all right hopefully we'll be fast enough that he'll leave us alone can I boost this guy's movement speed that could be kind of interesting too they're not huge boost let's go up to 150 I don't know we'll try that I want to get this to a clean 5 million oh God all right melee apparently we did drag him but he didn't seem to mind oh God it's hard to bite in the air I can actually see my health going down whereas with the demonics I didn't notice that I'm also seeing it looks like the toror is not that big of an issue does this guy take fire damage dude 79 this thing is crazy strong good God come on I definitely think it's appropriate though for playing on This Server I like it I like it Bravo way more fun all right so that all being said we have I don't know quite possibly one of our strongest new creatures the only thing we got to watch out about is um it doesn't have the rider protection for things that can hit through but that's to be expected is totally to be expected so that is is all fine and good oh it is so cool though and I it's so much better with the movement speed boost and maybe one day they will have that little fly backwards too I'm I'm hoping I always harass mod authors about that always every single one it's like the first thing I say after I try their mod I'm like I wish the wyverns could fly backwards it's just a me thing but anyway oh it is really cool I'm surpris you know what I didn't look up I said I was going to look up and I didn't look up I can oh okay that's actually a projectile I don't like that trees there I did not know that before I thought it was just a smash interesting I thought that was just a tail smash um other cool things I think I've seen a model like this do I remember they had this model in uh one of the pyrea mods it was they instead of being like this size though it was way bigger I kind of like it small like this it's a lot more fun but um I think there was like almost like a uh where you could like like one of his wings would go forward and he'd like scratch or hit or punch I think something like that but I know there's lots of cool things they can do with it but overall I'm I'm quite pleased I really am happy with this this is to be honest with you cooler than I thought it would be so I like that and I love the other little extras the little shiny things that come off this guy and it also has a little bit of a shadow or like a smoke it's pretty neat I like it but yeah we got the infernal wyvern I think is probably I would assume the top tier wyvern cuz I think that other guy was that a sanguin wyvern or is it dragon that might be a wyvern 2o now that I think about it but that will probably be our next one and then we have to build up well froggy did give us the The Taming food for this I still got to finish getting those crystals so that we can look at getting like the polar guy he has and I think there's another one too so lots of cool things to come but I'm so happy it's actually more like endgame type stuff now and it makes it feel more worthwhile cuz before I was like eh do I really want to grind out all that Shenanigans for the the food for a guy that I know is not going to be that strong now oh man is it worth it Absol stinking lutely all right come here on a mythical and and we've only just started leveling this guy up it's going to be strong so I'm going to boost it up as high as I can go um but I think that leaves us with just one more thing um I'm going to do one last check to see if there is any new ankos cuz I did do server restart for this so it is possible there's a new shiny let me see if we can find a higher level one or if we're just going to use our shiny Essence on the ank we have well you want to talk about luck I came across this bad boy Bo I brought him over here I had to come back cuz I forgot the kibble but just as well cuz you know we got to get him tamed somewhere close so this guy is a fierce Ginger and uh it's only a 640 which is only mildly better than the one we had however if you remember the fierce designation means they have an unusual unusually high boost in the melee stat that is what it designates that's what the special shininess of it does well this one is melee of 149 which is only a few points shy of what our current one has this thing is going to be likely insane once it oh crap okay um mistakes were made mistakes were made that's okay that's okay as long as it doesn't take damage um another thing that happened uh when I first brought this guy back uh there is a rock Golem that spawned here I was not aware that they can spawn on herbivore Island oh goodness um all right this guy might kiss us oh no oh no oh no come on okay it might be in run mode it oh we might have locked out all right um let's get a little bit of distance and do a little bit of that on ourselves all right I think we locked out man but anyway yes uh I got to be aware of that because Shadow Rock colums are uh really no tree they absolutely could wipe out our entire base and everything so we at least have to be aware I'm sure it's not that common but it can happen all right come on buddy I'm so happy about this cuz I really wanted to use that shiny thing today I was hoping for like max level one but 640 pretty dang close oh seriously you going to do that thing why it's more annoying than anything it's it's really actually on the ground I know it says it looked like it went up there but it's not up there all right let me uh I got to teleport away and back stupid thing and we're back here you go buddy boom awesome 100% it's really interesting it almost like kind of glows doesn't it such a pretty purple I love it all right Fierce Ginger you are going to breed with our current best one so we can pass over all the best stats let me take care of that real quick and then we'll hatch him all right babies are all hatched so let's go ahead pack up the parents and these are the best two so let's see which one do we like better I'm going to go they're exactly the same level they're pretty much exactly the same let's go ahead pack you up and you will be the one let's see here grow up beautiful this is the one guys let's make it holographic get that Essence and boom Oh ain't she a be ain't she a be let's throw on the saddle awesome and this is now our final Mythic YY I love it and I know we had one that was going to be named today but because that wasn't our final this is our final one it's going to have to wait another day cuz I know there's going to be even more suiting names for our final holographic Ane oh it is just so glorious so help me out guys in the comments but that leads us to it is now that time that's right time to name the dinos for those of you that do not know at the end of every single episode I go through the comments of the previous episode and I pick out all the most awesome is name suggestions that you guys leave in the down there that's right just remember if you want to have a chance of getting your name chosen you got to be a subscriber so smash that subscribe button and yeah just comment down below it is just that easy anyway for today we have our frog which will be known as what is it what is it hottie Hopper love it and Chuck Norris for the beaver we need for next episode a name for our new holographic Mythic anky which is just the creme de Creme of all the coolest ones that we've tamed yet this season all combined into one beautiful and our new infernal wyvern dude it is so sick looking I love it so help me out guys in the comments below anyway on that note thank you all so very much for watching it's been a pleasure as you always do please remember to show that amazing support for the series by Smashing that Thumbs Up Button if you're new to the channel or you haven't yet please do not forget to subscribe for the daily Arc awesomeness and as always guys I'll see you tomorrow thanks again and peace out
Channel: KingDaddyDMAC
Views: 9,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ark: Survival Ascended, Ark: Survival Ascended Mods, Ark: Survival Ascended Modded, Ark Ascended Mods, Ark Primal Chaos Mod, Ark Primal Chaos, Draconic Chronicles, Inferno Wyvern, Pooping Ascended, Pooping Evolved, Ark How To, How To, Guide, Ultimate Guide, Ark Mod, Ark Mods, Ark Modded, Dino Mods, Ark Dragon Mod, Ark Wyvern Mod, Ark QOL Mod, Ark, ASA, Ark Ascended, Ark Survival Ascended, Ark ASA, ARK Episode 1, KingDaddyDmac, Dmac, Dinosaur, Dinosaurs, New Dino, New Creature
Id: d1WqBvyIGOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 13sec (2833 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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