RIPv2 - Video By Sikandar Shaik || Dual CCIE (RS/SP) # 35012

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[Music] now in this video we'll see we'll be discussing on routing protocol for RIT now intraday take both are IP is not used and even it's not a normal part of the CCNA silver cards but again is one of the basic protocol which was used for implementing the optics so we'll say start with our IP addresses stands for routing information protocol because of one of the LDS protocol which was used for implementing the nanometer be now the beta clicker is the standard protocol open standard which means you can run this protocol on any cisco platform on Cisco devices as well as we can run them on and on Cisco device it's a classic protocol which is not going to carry the serving map information as we discussed in the previous session class this means it's not going to carry the summon map information along with objects and when it is sending any update it is going to send simply send as a broadcast we are out of all interfaces and update the 2.1 interface simply send out of all the remaining interfaces and the metrics in RIT will be happened the metric means metric is a measurement or the unit which is used in deciding the best route so let's take an example I got it out of a nineteen thousand B and then we got some bottles view and then I got four router spy novels here let's add some name tears out of air out of B review some names for the routers here so this will after a a 19-12 of b and they tend you have to see router DF not right now in this scenario if i just take an example if I want to go from A to E from outer here you'll also see there are two possible routes now one of the possible route is I can go by a a B II as one of the first possible route so God and out of a B II that is one possible route here as for the diagram here you can see and as that possible route is I can via HPD so there are two possible route danger I can go from HB or I can go from this route now in case of static routing administrators will decide the best route if a configure the next opposites as be always a route will go from this works but in case of dynamic routing who will decide the best suit the router the router is going to decide with this route with the help of some protocol in my scenario I am going to use our IP protocol routing information protocol and it has its own calculation and it will see the number of opt-ins in the path for deciding the best route so you'll see how many hops we have from these sites there are two possible hops here you can see 1/2 and 2 hops hops nothing but the number of Russell's on the path and then the other route this route is having three hops that is CC router gmw now one other rule is having two hops and other who is having signal so whichever the route is having the least number of half that food will be current as a bit shoot now in this scenario the router is going to decide the best route and you will see the least number of hops there's what we call as metric metric is actually the value which is going to use at for deciding the best route now what is what is there is one more link and I think between the routers a to these let's say there is one building here and now in this scenario if I want to go from A to E there are two plus three possible routes one is a B other one is AD the one which I just ran gentian ad and that doesn't is AAPD so if I am going to come here how many possible hops here here there are two hops and from this route there are two hops and then from the third route I have three months now whenever is outer term across a scenario where not in this there are two points food side so the least is two and there are two possible routes and both our countries as a best route and it is going to do something called load balancing if a router come across the scenario way if it learns about the same destination by a multiple root and here there are three possible routes and not obviously possible route these two are the best routes and both can be the best food so it is - it will do something called load balance so load balancing means using both the routes forwarding one package from here at the pattern from here so in case if a router come across a scenario where it has multiple best route it will do load balancing it supports up to 4 equal parts for your balance ok so by default the number is going to decide the best fruit based on the hop on that's what we discuss just now and we go and it will do load balancing if we come across a scenario where it has multiple multiple best routes and once the major drawback with our IP is maximum Hasan should support only up to 50 which means 1 2 3 the maximum works it supports only up to 50 so sixteenth of hop is unreachable here fiction - grand vegetables so in including my loader I can go up to $15 this means including mine already rooted $16 so if your network size is 16 or less than 16 our IP is more applicable so that is one of the major drawbacks with an RIT it's not applicable for the base big size networks it's only applicable for small scientists administer distance is once 20 as we getting into this administrator it sends more in detail in my next video probably right now I'm not going to discuss this one and it's going to exchange the company coding table for every 30 seconds so if you remember in the previous distance vector protocol it will work based on periodic update so for every 30 seconds it is going to send update to the neighbor router like in my scenario if I just take down here but also a sense an update will also be for every 30 seconds and the next update again toulousain for every 30 seconds or is it 30 seconds for every 30 seconds there is an update so RIT works based on periodic updates that is also one of the major drawbacks in terms of RIT so let's try to understand the next thing so we'll be discussing on our IP tiles just now I discussed that our IP sends periodic of this now what are the different timers or what does it what is the time interval it is going to use for settings update and what is the best route goes on how long it is going to use for using the ordinance hood so by default there are 4 time works in our IP the first time one will be done by time update timer of a timer is something sent for every 30 seconds and by default every level is going to send updates for every 30 seconds the number is tens an update to that update to be thirty seconds and the router P is going to send updates for every thirty seconds every thirty seconds and 30 seconds to routers and then these two topics what happens if there is an infringing so I thought what happens if there is a link for you in that case I am NOT going to diffuse out there right so in case if there is a link failures the router is going to get into invalid triangles 34 seconds it enters into invalid thermal and how long it will be rain for example 180 seconds so which means already 30 seconds has been finished here it is going to wait for 150 more seconds ways in the invalid timer it is going to mark this route as invalid invalid means temporarily not working or temporarily there is no route in the routing table temporarily from working so which is wall to wall as invalid way it is not removing the information but it is marking that particular route as invalid temporarily not working and how long it is going to be invalid for one incident now in between if the route comes up in that case it will go - it will it will receive update and it will start following the traffic from that specific route here so in case if a deciding update comes if the link comes up here and then to start using this route if it gets a reply or update on that particular interval now engage if there is no of this it's wait for maximum of 180 seconds and after that they decide to flush or remove the routing information from from running cables now how long it is going to wait for that it's going to use the complete time one of two body seconds so which means already idea it has used 180 seconds here it's going to wait for 60 more seconds before they decide to flush the information or it moves aloud from the routing table now this is what happens which means if your best route goes down in my scenario this is my best fruit which is having to off if the best fruit fails in due to any reason it's going to start use the alternate route after 240 seconds which means after 240 seconds it will remove this route from the routing table and then it will start using the alternate route or the second edge suit they'll zone up this okay so that's what generally happens if there is a network is stopped now there is one more time where we have we have something called hold on time now hold on time bar is something somewhere around 180 seconds and what happens in the holder timer is in general every router is going to send an update let's say the router be says that if you want to go to this level e you can go from my outer and from mine already just to home and the router theorizes that if you want to go to router c e and i have a have a network you can go with three pumps now wherever this router already Isis this also is not it so I'm going to write that in the routing table it says I am going to wait for the hold on time which means I am going to wait for 180 seconds and in this one is against you here one more neighbors it will try to gather the information from all the neighbors and from this side you are getting two hops from this study I get free off from this ID of 84 Hawks maybe one more Ruby are getting five hops it's going to gather the information from analyze mix on the update from all the neighbors and it's going to select the best one and it is going to write that particular best food in the routing table and then whatever the other routes it is going to ignore so it's going to get all the information in the hold on time so in the hold on time is going to correct information and I'm going to select the best suit and it will ignore the remaining rules that's what happens in the hold on time so both are times generally happens whenever you configure the Riv for the first time or if you have multiple rules is the best food sales then also the router will go into old on time expecting the update from the other other routers and selecting any one from the other route so these are the default items generally used by our IP for sending the updates so which means if your main link fails in my scenario if I assume that this thing goes down then your alternate link will be up automatically somewhere around after 240 seconds or more than that okay that's a default timer it's going to take first for the link to come up it's going to take more than four minutes for the order in link to come up and that is something very huge amount of time it's going to take for convergence now the meaning of convergence means what if your best route goes down this is my best route with two hops right now this will be down how much time it is going to use for the ordinate route to come to forward now that's what you call as convergence time now the convergence time in our IP is very much high when compared with other protocols like pH ORP it hardly takes 15 seconds for the second link to come up in case of OSPF it's going to take just 40 seconds for the alternate link to come up but in the case of our IP it's more than four minutes so which is something a huge convergence time and that also one of the disadvantage with the our IP when compared with other protocols now I got some definitions here with the timer now as I discussed the time taken between the country beauty of this invalid timer that outer wait two years updates it's going to match the particular router unreachable if there is no update is coming during that interval plus I'm on time before that invalid rock is removed from the table and older timers the black serving information and L and routing loop preventing the routing loop salsa so in today's production networks we generally don't use our IP so then is one more version which was interviewed for version 2 which we which we use every and even that is also not huge the major enhancement from version one to version two is there are some additions like the version 2 supports lapses which means it is going to carry the subnet mask information along with updates which means it is going to support your we listen networks also like other protocols like EHR prit EHR genomics PA and also it supports authentication process like authentication is beyond the scope of your CTN exam but authentication is a method where we can configure a password on both the sides and recall this as routing protocol authentication and if the password matches on both the sides then only we will exchange updates if there is a mismatch of the password then will not exchange update we will not configure some routing in between us that's one more enhancement added in the version 2 and there is one more major enhancement is it uses a multicast sensors for identifying the RIT RIT routers on the link with an address for to 2400 9 whereas in the version one it uses a broadcaster this two point five two five five two five five two by five for sending an update whereas it uses multi capitals in person interrupted so these are the major enhancements in the version two apart from that everything is same like the maximum response is 15 and if the metric is hot foam and it support only up to 16 levels so mostly almost all the features are same except some few changes everything is same so periodic update to say initial distance remains the same and the metric remains the same the only difference is now it has become class less and there is no there is no update for a multicast there is no update for a broadcast extend for a multicast and also support some apart from that all the remaining features still remains the same in our devotion to so when we talk about our IP implementations we generally use only our IP version to introduce metals so probably in our next section we'll be getting into more in detail on our IP like how to configure Zarate and how to verify the IP protocol this lass [Music]
Channel: Sikandar Shaik
Views: 65,458
Rating: 4.7934275 out of 5
Keywords: ccna, ccna videos, noa, ccnp, noa videos, cisco, ccie, subnetting, ccna security, bgp, ospf, firewall, ccna subnetting, ipv6, bgp videos, stp, ccna vdieos, ccna free video, ccie certification, ios, iou, virtual, eigrp, cisco virtual lab, iosv, asav, gns3, routing, noa vdieos, noa solutions, zone based firewall, zone pair, zbf, flsm, cisco firewall, cisco security, cisco certifications, wan, ip addressing, netmetric, vlsm, eigrp configuration, vlan, noa, ccnp, noa videos, cisco
Id: cF_OScbIqNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2017
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