'Ripley' Stars Dakota Fanning & Andrew Scott Answer Rapid-Fire Questions | Off the Cuff | Vogue

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hi Vogue I'm Dakota Fanning you have to say who you are oh sorry sorry Hi Vogue I'm Dakota Fanning and this is Andrew Scott and this is off the cuffie do you want to start I'm going to start okay Dakota what are you wearing today no were you not expecting that one I was not expecting that one that thly threw me I am wearing Magda bertr I'm very I love this I'm a big fan of it's beautiful yeah we're both wearing F I know I know I like the coordination we have favorite show you're binge watching right now oh wow I'm watching uh drag race still oh yeah you love drag race I'm so jettied recently that I just keep falling falling asleep and waking up during catwalk so apologize to all the Queens I didn't you go through a Judge Judy moment yeah my forever Valentine although it's different now cuz bird you know the SEC the the is not there we spoke with this yes we spoke that's my binging at the moment Dakota okay best New York spot for coffee do you have one you know I lived here for a long time 7 years and I would just go to lo alom I have never had a cup of coffee oh that's right I tasted it once in a play when I was in play and I've never you just don't like it I love the smell of it yeah you might you probably would like I probably would like but it's like this like why the hell not no um did you do the whle today I didn't do the Wordle today I arrived at 1 I think my world score would have been horrific what was different about preparing for this role than others just the sheer amount of time so it's 8 hours for for those of you who aren't in the now it's a lot of acting I think I'm in probably about 90% I so much if you're looking to see my face look no no further look no further okay Pop Quiz so what we do ones uh go ahead you do it recognize this picture do that's Uptown Girls Ray and Uptown Girls oh wow great there it isay up girl so cute yep okay do you remember which of your characters wore this yeah that's the priest in sure is do you recognize Dakota what this is from uh that's from the Met Ball that's a Rodarte dress from the punk Met Ball hot yeah that's hot what about these moments from the bapst do you recall which fellow Irishman you were posing with that was uh Brandon be no that's po meal there's two oh there's two mhm oh one of them is is one of them Killian this one is Killian and this one's Paulie correct okay New York or la la la uh London or Dublin Dublin morning or night night coffee or tea neither going out or staying in going out y movies or TV shows uh movies uh vintage or modern uh vintage Dairy girls or the Golden Girls oh that's pretty tough but going have to say the da girls of course yeah yeah yeah okay what attracted you to the role how did you approach transforming yourself into it and making it feel unique to you wow well the scripts as you know were completely uh wonderful and we had all the Eight Episodes ready at our disposal right in the beginning which is very unusual very lucky for actors but I love the you know people talk about how monstrous he is how evil he is how Psychopathic he is but I feel like he's quite a vulnerable character I think there's loads of wit in there you know he's not a Natural Born Killer I feel like I'm always defending him I do he's not bloodthirsty and I think what's really interesting is that you just see this person who makes loads of mistakes he's not an expert but he's very talented as other things and I just love loved him as a character and I suppose I apart from the murder I think he would be like a great husband so what about Mar how did it feel bringing Mar to life and what was it like being my rival oh loved it loved every minute of it um it was so great I loved playing Marge I love playing Marge because she doesn't trust Tom from the start and she's really the only character that meets him at the beginning and is still dealing with him at the end it was such a luxury to have such great scenes and I think you and I by the end thought that maybe they actually liked each other like they could be good friends in another life under other circumstances under different circumstances um if Martin and Tom had day jobs what do you think they would be W Tom would probably be very good working like a tourist center like a tourist center no maybe not with people he should work on his own shouldn't he yeah probably maybe just like he'd be a good artist wouldn't he were like he'd be good Gardener he'd be come and do your garden yeah what about Margery I mean she is a riter so she technically does have a day job she fancies herself a riter and a photographer I mean I think I'll stick with that she has a property she believes she believes in that though you know she believes that she I've read her work yeah I've seen the pictures photographies okay did you steal anything from the set no but you did I sto so many things you stole have something for me do you remember yes I do I stillo for you so it's not really stealing it's an active General I was like oh I really like that thing and Andrew was like klepto was like it have appeared and my I was like oh I did oh my God see I've gone see this is what this is why I'm so miscast I've got have I got red I've so red like oh my God I'm going to get in trouble what is your first onset memory so do we think that's from Life what I would have gone with yeah Meo that's we sort of started when we were kids but my first ever job was an ad for porridge and I had to eat porridge which I found disgusting and I remember I with the money I got a bunk bed that had a wardrobe and a desk underneath it you know those bunk beds that you could climb up I didn't have a bunk bed a wardrobe like like thought this is the cool ever was a bit Ricky though I felt like pretty unsafe in it I think it was pretty cheap wasn't a lot of money but that's my first do you remember your first audition my first audition the first thing I ever got was a tie detergent Commercial National Tha DET Commercial National and I auditioned and there was another girl there and and they were just asking us some questions and they asked the girl what she wanted for Christmas and my answer was that I wanted mechanical pencils that is so cute and I got the job and I think they told my mom or told my agent that like that answer was so crazy and unique that like this like we just need to see this person who wants mechanical pencils glorious so I filmed the commercial and then at the end all of the people I don't know from tide or from the directors The Producers the clients whatever they gave me a massive bag of mechanical God that is like core memory right um what's a dream project for you um a dream project for me well something with my sister I'd like to act with my sister think we've got to do it you know we have to what's your process for deciding if a role is right for you it's always about the writing for me I feel like you can't make a great TV show or a great play or a great movie if the script isn't good yeah what's the weirdest or funniest rumor you've heard about yourself a rumor I don't think people care enough it's a rumor baby a rumor it's not a rumor really but I think maybe people imagine that I'm a little bit more serious than I am yeah me too definitely me too yeah do you have that I just feel like think maybe because of like you know do plays or Ser you know like whatever we made it thank you for watching this has been off the [Music] cuff
Channel: Vogue
Views: 198,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew scott, andrew scott dakota fanning, andrew scott interview, andrew scott off the cuff, andrew scott ripley, andrew scott vogue, andrew scott vogue interview, dakota fanning, dakota fanning interview, dakota fanning marge, dakota fanning met ball, dakota fanning met gala, dakota fanning off the cuff, dakota fanning rapid fire questions, dakota fanning ripley, dakota fanning vogue, dakota fanning vogue interview, off the cuff, vogue
Id: nXtvvZpy65Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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