Rip Coaches The Squat - Starting Strength Seminar

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I'll be watching for all the things in the lifter under the bar that you have been coached on today good stand up a little better at the top day there you go good note to hip drive out of the hole note what initiates the movement out of the bottom of the squat good bracket looks pretty good tiny little bit more knee forward earlier rebound bounce yeah you're gonna think boying that actually helps believe it or not good it actually Hill yep straight up out of the bottom up up hard like that see how that improved hips now see that time he that wasn't as good is number three last one hips drive them up straight up see him try to lift his chest now what happened when he tried to lift his chip what happened to the bar speed when he tried to lift his chest it cratered didn't stay in the hips okay let's go this this is a universal observation if you try to lift your chest up out of them out of the squat the bar speed will collapse good excellent good good fine young man nice set of squats over here fix his wrists that's right they seldom stay fixed if the problem is over extension you can't hardly you have to beat on these people like with tools you don't have to follow him down you better stay in your hips drive your ass get your hands away from the bar it's your hands away from the bar now you're just relaxing at the bottom of that you know tight that's the best one of the set of five that's the best one of the set okay what you do different what it was this far below parallel you got to reset what you think is deep cuz you're giving up pounds let's go narrow your stance about a inch at the heels good let's see if that makes that feel a little more comfortable good you like that better okay two more big bounce out of the hole plan your bounce on the way down good okay now there's other things to worry about but you're looking straight at the floor and your third your cervical spine is in this position here you'd rather have your chin up so that your neck is in a more neutral position okay your brother doesn't have to be a chiropractor here in Wichita Falls does he now he's a pain in the ass all right back over here remember me telling you about your knees out too much let them come forward saying that we're doing just fine who you've got right to the bottom and then they jammed out just keep them forward much better much better last one I got a little crooked on that last one all right you guys contrary to popular opinion your knees are not supposed to be shoved out so much that they are outside the plane of your foot the knee is a hinge joint it operates in one I mean theoretically it operates in one plane okay you don't go here when your toes are pointed like that it's not good use of the quadriceps it's not as strong a position and will it will eventually bother your knees quite a bit so everything gets operates in a nice straight line like a like a pair of scissors okay let's go looks pretty good yet stay in the hip don't lift the chest stay with your ass stay right there just like that good just like that you feel the difference between rep number four and number five it's a subtle difference to see it there's not much difference but you can feel the difference good let's go excellent [Music] good set very nice
Channel: Starting Strength
Views: 196,414
Rating: 4.9307127 out of 5
Keywords: Starting Strength, Seminar, squat, coach
Id: luiN9E3x768
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 27 2018
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