Rion Paige - Judges are "Blown Away" - THE X FACTOR USA 2013
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: The X Factor USA
Views: 61,740,785
Rating: 4.8813992 out of 5
Keywords: Simon Cowell, Paulina Rubio, Kelly Rowland, Demi Lovato, The X Factor USA, The X Factor, X Factor, Long Island, New York, Auditions, Season 3, Online, judges, June 21, Simon, Cowell, Paulina, Rubio, Kelly, Rowland, Demi, Lovato, The X Factor (U.S.), song, sing, performance, usa, singers, television, competition, music, 2013, contestant, fox, live, rion paige, carrie underwood, blown away, cover song, cover
Id: 11oMu365xYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2013
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Finally something not weird, scary or embarrassing out of Florida!
There's another kid I went to school with here in town on there. He's pretty good