Rings of Power BURNS Tom Bombadil on the Altar of Progress

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this led to him having a Cornish accent the building blocks of the character I got a youv I'll give you the key please please I'm begging you rings of power have showcased a new character for season 2 from the same people that called their fans patently evil who have thought a ring could have so much power they should name a show after it and I think the best way to Market season 2 is that it has an all female directing team I'm not about to let a man take credit for a woman's work they're definitely the people to solve the of the first one people are going to fall in love with him and be like I can change him I feel like there's going to be a bit of romance and he's like you can't be with him wow why not he's my ex Lord of the Rings basically the embodiment of masculine values let's get the women to make it stand back Lads yes do get it done and of course all of this is to make up for how they marketed their first season first ever female dwarf to ever truly be seen cinematically if you don't like a show don't watch it so now that season's over let's come out and say it the rings of power was a stinker we have a new add to the cast for season 2 one from an official Source rather than a leak of our first images of Tom Bombadil I figure I should tell you his name because it's not as if you're going to recognize him otherwise although really what else should I expect from the people that turned Hobbits into filthy hungry simpletons with Stage Irish accents who left their own people to die if they had a sprained ankle and of course the first thing people did is compare how he looked to the books as JD Payne and Patrick McKay said it's all about the books for us our slogan is back to the books back to the books back to the books well old Tom Bombadil was a merry fellow I mean I don't know about marry that's the face of somebody that lives in slow oh but he can't be happy all the time maybe not no he could in your promotional images though couldn't he these are the images which you specifically selected in order to showcase the character could have chose a scene where he was having a smile and for anyone that says that comment is bigoted is it when it applies to a bloke I'd love to know it's not acceptable behavior it is um embarrassing because I definitely think he should smile more but it's not just one picture it's all of them he just looks miserable in everything but then we've got a bright blue jacket well I'm color blind I don't even know if that's blue definitely not bright though yellow boots so that's a not green was his girdle and breaches of leather notice how none of the descriptions describe him as looks like a homeless Vagabond the kind of person that looks like he's got an alcohol problem on a street corner and stinks vaguely of piss carries a stick around him at all times because it's the only way he can fend off the rats trying to eat his eyeballs n of that was in the description was it he also had a hat with a feather in it no not going to lie either do we rings of power so wears a hat yes we've nailed that one oh we've made him look like Gandalf and that is one of the problems with modern fantasy as a whole is that this look is fantasy when you look at this scene and then you look at rings of power is there any difference at all because these are made by the same company and it's basically people just wearing raggy bits of cloth these people and this guy could be in the same universe back to the books back to the books back to the books okay but have you tried reading them at any point because all these properties were written with different descriptions they were designed to have their own unique looks and we just haven't given them to them even The Outpost which I think was made for 20 quid and a packet of British cigarettes yes I had to censor that the first time I said it looks different and decided to have someone attractive as their main character which is a refreshing change now if you'll excuse me I need to have sex with my brother cut thank you and all this combined presents a bizarre picture and I don't know why you do it as the article starts for anyone who hasn't read the novels you won't know who this guy is because he was left out of the animated series and the movie trilogy I think for good reason but if you're putting him into season 2 to throw a bone to the people that like the book look he was excluded from those but we're going to give you something we're going to prove that we're going back to the source material by putting him in this one isn't it even more important that he looks like the book descriptions considering they're the only person who knows who he is we put this guy in for the fans so we can piss them off seems to be the message it just comes across as deliberately antagonistic a bit like this article this series will break the tradition of exclusion proves why inclusion is a terrible idea he was excluded for a reason it's because he would be very difficult to do on screen properly if you mess him up in any way shape or form he will come across as cringe and I hate using the word cringe but I don't know any other way to put it do you think that the people that turned Hobbits into filthy hungry simpletons and can't even get him to smile or his clothes correct will manage to do improperly it really seems like they just wanted to get a stand in for Gandalf and like well we've got this guy that was never used in anything else we could have him standing in for gandal he was known for his Jolly songs and flamboyant wardrobe flamboyant wardrobe I tell you this guy's wardrobe is so flamboyant it and make cutie Gat I go dizzy and have to steady himself on the couch and he was described by tolkin as the spirit of the vanishing Oxford and barkshire Countryside the author bristled at the notion that he wrote in allegory but it's clear he saw Bombadil as nature personified is see what I mean about being antagonistic that was a passive aggressive dig oh he bristled to allegory but he writes them it's not talin's fault that you're too thick to understand what he meant when he bristled at allegory he meant that the things in his books weren't related to real life as in Sauron wasn't an allegory for a real life person or the Orcs weren't meant to be a particular group that doesn't mean he wasn't inspired by the world around him you cretans that left JD pay and Patrick McKay to figure out exactly how he might turn up in their show and why yeah but not why how can we cram him into the show and what might his reasons for being in the show be but not should he be in the show in the first place why should he be in the show in the first place what could he possibly bring to the show Peter Jackson explained that he never put them in the movies because his contribution to The Fellowship of the Ring bore little relevance to the overall plot and did nothing to advance the main story he was like we've already got enough to cover we don't have to put him in we're going to keep everything tight com backed and to the point that's not the attitude they're taking with rings of power where it's more like Pokémon we've got to catch them all what this Hobbits in Lord of the Rings well we've got our half foots what there's Gandalf in Lord of the Rings well we've got this mysterious figure we got the tws and we got the elves well he didn't put Tom Bombadil we'll we'll put him in as well they're never asking does this serve the story should he actually be in it no it's a case if he exists we have the rights to it so we have to work out how we can force him into the show how can we put him in not ought we put him in there's a reason why he hasn't been in Prior adaptations it's because he's an anti-d dramatic character it's not the reason that was actually given for why he's not in he's not a character with a particularly strong agenda he observes drama but doesn't really participate in it he doesn't Advance the plot because he does actually engage in the drama as you literally write in your next paragraph sings a song that soothes the trees which are eating them at the time and then he rescues them again so without his interference they all would have died never carried the ring to Mordor and it would be a very different story with Saron winning so it was actually integral to the events playing out and did change the course of history it's just that if you remove those events in him it doesn't really change the emotional beats of the story and so if you're trying to cram a story into a shorter space of time it is something which is very easily removable what is it you like nuts it's not that he doesn't get involved or that he's anti-d dramatic it's just that if you've got so much content to cover he's very easy to ignore almost as if you were covering an entire age only had a few seasons to do it and we're trying to cram it into his fewer episodes as possible it light rings of power really and I just love how you're crapping on him at first he go well you know he's always been excluded before because he doesn't really bring anything but we decided to add him great challenging to integrate dramatically why do you have to integrate him dramatically all the story is as a load of characters acting as that person would put into a scenario and you see how it plays out you don't start from the end and work backwards you don't have something you want to reach and go well how can we get these people with their agendas to get there nor should you be trying to Crowbar in characters going well you know he's very challenging to put in this story but we tried to force him in tolk him himself was hazy on the character's purpose uh I remember those lines the opportunity to interpret and reinterpret and words mean something different rediscovering things we're creating something new you have an opportunity to fill in the gaps and to make your own decisions there's room there's room the mystery and passivity of the character made him all more more intriguing to the show Runners yes because tolkin refused to explain him and so they're like ooh the mystery that leaves room there's room we can insert ourselves in that we can get some of that reflected glory and force ourselves into that position like the Timeless child turning him into a narrative riddle to solve he was mysterious but we couldn't leave him that way sounds like we're going to get an explanation for him something that even talkling didn't want to do he represents something I feel is important though I would not be prepared to analyze the feeling precisely and they're like we will we can do that for you don't worry yes do get it he has no clear dramatic function that would justify his inclusion in a great movie adaptation he's the first thing you will cut if you were adapting a film but we have the advantage of a television show so we're going to find a way to tap into it we will force him in we will get a crowbar and just start kicking him through the door doesn't matter if he won't fit we'll make him fit we will find a way and it's so it's interesting their next paragraph which is an explanation from tolin about of basically the masculine morality of Lord of the Rings in that there is good and evil Beauty and ugliness tyranny against kingship moderated Freedom against compulsion basically traditional English values what what I care about is the the reality of goodness not the perception of it and what I see all over the place is people who care about looking good while doing evil but he says to Bombadil the the question of Rights and Wrongs of power and control become meaningless because you're so old and Powerful you're kind of external to it you don't care about any of those kind of things and that is something that modern fantasy loves because it's left the masculine values of right wrong and Justice and now we're about a gray Zone A mysterious Zone things aren't your fault those villains they're sympathetic you know and that means they may well turn Bombadil into basically the neutral Gray Zone rather than somebody that doesn't care about any of these things they started thinking about well what does he care about how can that be a doorway to drama we know he's a helper he's not going to push you but he will help you are we going to end up in a situation where he cares about something else and that causes him to start helping both sides ooh that moral gray that they all love playing with desperately trying to excuse evil you're pure evil and you're just another man taking credit for a woman's work as let's face it they've already proven that they have no idea what evil actually is for the series The showrunners took the liberty it's a great turn of phrase isn't it in the series Paya McKay took Liberties of giving him a second home back to the books back to the books back to the books he's gone to Rune it used to be green and is now a dead Wasteland I told you he's got the expression of somebody that lives in slow another dead Wasteland 5 square miles the whole of London Town burnt as fuel it's this location where he'll meet up with the halflings wait we calling them halflings now they were half Hots in the first series are you telling me you released an entire PR puff piece where they're getting the characters wrong where they also have a wizard known as a stranger at the end of the first season The Stranger gave off some maj Gandalf signifiers is that confirmation that that's Gandalf considering this is actually in a PR marketing piece that's probably the best confirmation you can have that that's who he is it just depends if they have the rights to him as to whether they can actually say his name rather than just give hints in PR marketing pieces but then when he meets The Stranger he nudges the stranger to get him to protect the natural world he cares about our Tom bomber bill is slightly more interventionist than you've seen the books were only 5 or 10% Tolen literally said that he didn't care about anything which means that him saving the hobbits wasn't actually about them taking the ring somewhere it's just that he happened to be there so he saved them and yet at this they seem to be taking the angle that oh well he can predict everything and he's actually moving these pieces that he does actually have an end goal in mind they did say earlier that he's challenging to integrate dramatically cuz he doesn't have an agenda so their way of crowbar him into the story is just to give him an agenda oh well he's there to protect nature this is what I mean about creating a story by just getting characters putting them into a situation and then having them play out as they naturally would compared to starting at the end and desperately trying to work backwards they couldn't take him as a character put him in the situation and then have him act how he should they had to change his behavior so that they could get him to do what they needed to happen which is why to them every character needs an agenda they can't just be people going around surviving in a world no they all have to have some kind of end goal in mind because that way it's easier to write we'll also explain why all their characters are so one-dimensional it's because they are they only want one thing and so that's what they do all the time most actors who take on a well-known character claimed to be experts in that character in his first interview playing Bombadil he admits he isn't I remember all those videos they made about the first series where they said as they cast the actors they had to look at them and see Lord of the Rings in their eyes well we've dropped all that now and I have no idea mate do no he was a Lord of the Rings novice before signing onto the rings of power I have a feeling he's not the only one of the cast despite previous comments I love movies I love making them and I am a fan of movies even in their own article they've got Jackson explaining why he left the character out and he's talking about Tom Bombadil to see a feathered cap come darting through the trees feathered cap feathered cap feathered cap even put his description into your own article and get it wrong in addition to his prominent role of rings of power they're also making a adventur of Tom Bombadil book that goes alongside it so now we're basically advertising rings of power merch look we may have destroyed him in the series but here's some actual Source material for you his pure and unaffected joy in living things of the world yeah just just look at that Joy on his face face I mean his smile just brings a tear to your eye perhaps Tolen intended Tom to remain forever a light in the darkness of troubled times but ultimately he must remain a delightful igma delightful a light in the darkness a filthy hobo who's been dragged through a field backwards I was really interested to see how they were going to process the character through the prism of their eyes not tolins we're going to make the character how he was in the books no we're going to interpret him through our eyes cuz we're The Talented ones you have an opportunity to fill in the gaps and to make your own decisions there's room there's room you even include the description of him from the books in the article which directly contradicts how you've made him look there are some things where you're like okay maybe they're going to rely on ignorance and like well this is a character no one really knows so we can change his appearance it fine like let's educate them on how wrong we are great yellow boots on thick legs I mean he looks thick but that's about the only descriptive word you're going to give him the big thing was how's he going to talk there are lots of different dialects and accents going throughout the show but I wanted to choose an accent that felt old that was British but like the oldest parts of Britain this led to him having a Cornish accent the building blocks of the character got I'll you key please please I'm begging you please but then we get some warnings about what to avoid but I want to avoid sounding like a pirate oh we don't want o gym lad I guarantee you that's why o o this could end up going very wrong I've got a brand new combine harvester and will you cold as a Quil cold as a quilin oh he's got a t like this he is which is cornage for a frog oh I'm bom I'm from Cornwall I am oh please do it I dare you you're com in mud and mut oh we've been for a good old stag oh good old stag we are good old sag I have been off up the top of the tree I have please this is amazing those were the building blocks of the character I this is going to be great I'll take everything back you've won me over Tom Bombadil had a dialect coach so we could put a Cornish accent together I wore brand new Gators Andy rants this is going to be gold we've got Adar we've got saon but Tom is a sort of curiosity who's singing songs and saying lines with nursery rhymes of children's poems he defies that tonal shift he's a light a monster sea of Darkness I mean hey he really looks like a light in the darkness doesn't he a laugh a minute the light and soul of a party what a cheery fellow with his combine harvester I want the is all land even with these combine arvory do Tom Bombadil brings levity that's just through his accent the Enigma about Tom Bombadil is his accent sorry simply to accept talking as the Lord of the Rings he is block at the start of this article I was worried I was worried that they were going to destroy him as a character and they probably will I was worried that he wouldn't fit into the story and so they were just going to try and Crow Bar him in anyway they probably will but when they call him a light in the dark darkness when they say he's going to be singing songs in a West country accent I think they're bang on because well he may not be a light in the darkness for the story if he speaks like he's from Cornwall I'm going to wet myself so hey even if the story isn't entertaining I'm going to get my money's worth from it from that alone so you've won me over Amazon I am really looking forward to seeing Tom Bombadil sing about his combine harvester but what do you think Amazon's going to do with Tom Bombadil cuz those are just my thoughts but what are yours let me know on the comments below like the video If like the video subscribe more videos like this in the future and I'll will see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Disparu
Views: 139,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lord of the rings, lotr, rings of power, review, amazon, season 2, trailer, teaser, official, Review, finale, amazon prime, breakdown, first impressions, deep dive, reaction, react, the rings of power, reacts, disparu, Silmarillion, history of middle-earth, second age, fellowship of the ring, the two towers, the return of the king, the appendices, J R R Tolkien, Harfoot, galadriel, peter jackson, Aragorn, hobbit, LOTRO, super fans, jd payne, patrick McKay, tom bombadil, tom bombadill
Id: SRLA2yipIpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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