Rim to Rim: The Grandest Hike on Earth

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Oh you see that Canyon way on the cross they would have a white spot on it okay that's that's across the river already cross the river by then that's the North Kaibab trail we're going to go way up there canyon up to see where they see some of the white rock way off in the distance up there we take another Canyon about that point go left Grand Canyon the Grand Canyon this has got to be one of the better views along the south kaibab here this big ridge just splits the canyon heading on down toward the river see the ridge kind of the first cool stopping turnaround viewpoint on the south kaibab we're almost there right I am all alone here it's skeleton point should I be nervous there's our first look at the river skeleton point leads us to this great section of switchbacks that's going to drop us down to the tanto plateau Tonto Plateau here's the tip-off emergency phone I guess the concept here is if someone's in trouble because we're way back down here now here's a phone where you can tip off the Rangers there is a lot to see at the Grand Canyon but I think the inner gorge is just amazing those trees in the shade there are phantom ranch where we're headed huzzah that's a Silver Bridge there Phantom Ranch and black bridge hello hello this is cool look at the way the trail abruptly changes color when we shift into a different layer down down down we go I'm gonna say about another 600 feet to the river and today we will be staying on the south kaibab check it out there's a tunnel let's go inside black bridge and the river all right Phantom Ranch pretty much at the very bottom of the canyon right now and this is just a little slice of heaven let me tell you well here we are at the Phantom Ranch tenable store enjoying a little cool lemonade and also we've been nailing off our Grand Canyon postcards the immune us mail and the bottom of the Grand Canyon tradition you have to do it say goodbye to phantom back on the trail we go north cut that trail about 6,000 vertical feet to go well this has been kind of pleasant here basically just working our way in now the shade alongside Bright Angel Creek here hello oh it's starting to feel like a long way yeah we're getting out of here you can see a peak of the rim up there getting out of here person and just for another seven more miles let's go all right South Rim where we came from on the horizon there and now north rim still a long way away oh my gosh apparently phone service is out right now this is kind of um the point in the journey where you start wondering just what the hell you were thinking we have ribbon Falls which sadly is not on the agenda today cottonwood camp good place to take a break well time to move on get back on the road say goodbye to cutting wood camp north cut a trail I believe you're headed somewhere up there cuz Roaring Springs comes right out of the rock there and look at that Redwall could that be the Rin up there in view I don't know some fall colors for us you enjoy are we not just walking ah what else all you guys are catchy yeah I'm gonna go with ya and now what looks like more climbing San Francisco Peaks well we're getting close getting very close alright looks like we're gonna make it out always a good thing well I can't hardly believe we started over there ended up over here that was an amazing hike don't think my photos are really gonna do it justice but I hope you get a chance to come out here yourself someday see it for yourself with your own eyes that's it andis signing out time for dinner
Channel: Andy Lewicky
Views: 134,102
Rating: 4.9171171 out of 5
Keywords: rim to rim, grand canyon, arizona, south to north, kaibab trail, yaki point, bright angel point, phantom ranch, Canyon, Tourism, Park, National, Hiking, Trail, Nature
Id: Kp6prA6updk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2012
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