#RiggingInMaya | Part 7 | Basics | Reverse Foot

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in the previous video we looked at adding some basic controls to the hand joints so to follow that up let's now look at adding more functionality into the foot at present all we can do is real tear and translate the foot as a whole what would be ideal is if we could also give the animator more control over the heel and toe plus let's add in a full foot roll to make walk and run cycles easier to accomplish let's hide the model for now and this I care handle we should have been hidden before really I'm also going to make the joints a little bigger so we can see them better I'm just using the joint display tool which will scale them globally now this is just a visual aid and doesn't physically alter the joints themselves if you follow the arm recreation in the earlier video you probably removed the foot from the I K and FK versions of the leg just as we did with the hands I should have mentioned this before but you actually need to keep those if you want to add controls to the feet with the hand we added the controls onto the base skeleton as they were the same whether the arm was working in eyecare or FK but with the foot we need independent controls as you'll see we can quickly add these joints in first you placate the ankle joint we actually only need the ball-joint as the I can FK ankle joints already exist rename this to match the I care joints adding underscore I care to the end do the same to the end joint but to keep end at the end of the name this makes it easier to find if you need to later on move this so it's parented to the I care ankle joint now we just need to repeat this for the FK skeleton you and we can get rid of that extra ankle joint too I'll just optimize the scene to get rid of any redundant constraint nodes just as we did with the rest of the lake we now need to constrain the bass joints so they follow either the I K or the FK skeletons so select the ball I K and the ball FK and finally the ball joint and go to constrained parent make sure maintain offset is disabled and click apply now repeat this for the end joint [Music] we can now connect the constraint nodes just as we did when we set up the arm [Music] open the node editor and select the left-leg control you if you now select the left-leg ikf case which node in the channel box it will also come in with the control when you add it to the node editor let's open these up to expose the attributes get rid of that shared node we also need the new parent constraint nodes to you and open those [Music] you if I move the IKEA foot you can see the new joints now floating between the I care and FK skeletons and again this is because the weight value is on the constraint are both set to want so it's trying to stay between both skeletons because we already set this up before for the other joints we could just use the same nodes and connect them to the constraints so connect the IKEA case which attribute to the I care weight attributes on both constraint nodes [Music] and then the output excerpt boot to the FK weight attributes you can see now that the joints have snapped to the IKS skeleton if you blend between I care ok they follow nicely just what we needed [Music] you now that setup you can start to think about adding the foot controls let's hide the I care and FK skeletons again [Music] in order to create the basic setup for the ICAO foot we need what's known as a reverse foot and you will see why it's called this later [Music] duplicate the ankle joint let's move that out of the hierarchy because we don't need it to be parented to another joint I'm going to hide the like for now so we can focus just on this we need another joint to act as the heel if we duplicate the end of the foot we will retain the same joint orientation meaning to position it we simply need to move it back you I'll just bring back the model to make sure it's at the back of the foot if you want this to rotate from the base of the heel then move it down to [Music] you now the problem is the hierarchy isn't right you need the heel joint to be parented to the end of the foot let's just change that now that's better as you can see we have the joints we need but when I rotate them they work the wrong way around ideally the heel should be the parent so when you move it the whole foot follows look late this is easily fixed by selecting the heel joint and going to skeleton reroute skeleton which flips the hierarchy for us giving us a reverse fault now we can rotate the heel and the foot follows if we just the end of the foot the ball in the ankle follow which means we can achieve a tiptoe effect and we can rotate the ball to give us the foot before it peels away from the ground let's quickly rename these so they have a underscore rev on the end to indicate their parts of the reverse fault [Music] although let's first remove those unused parent constraint nodes [Music] and we should probably call this heel instead and again we want to keep the end on the end of the name so that's the best reverse foot setup so let's bring back the main skeleton and hide that for now actually it's the ika skeleton we need so for this to work correctly we need two more I care handles but this time we're going to use single chain solvers these are ideal in this situation because they don't rely on a rotation plane like the rotate plane solvers so a more predictable create one solver from the I care ankle to the ICAO ball joint add another from the ball joint to the end joint now they don't do much at the moment because we have to connect them to the reverse fault so make that visible again first parent it to the actual foot control icon so it moves around with it you we now need to parent the new I care handles to the same joint but on the reverse foot so the first goes under the left ball Rev joint and the second under the left ball Rev and joint [Music] and let's rename them too to keep things clear and tidy get rid of that extra underscore in that name [Music] you if we now move the foot control you will see that the bass joints are trying to follow it and the foot ends up pointing towards it if I bring back the bass skeleton it should be a bit clearer [Music] you to make the like work fully we also need to move the original I care handle the one which went from the hip to the ankle this should be parented to the main control there it is so we need to pair up that to the reverse foot ankle joint this means that when the foot is raised onto the ball joint like so the ankle will follow [Music] you now if I rotate the ball again the rest of the like follows as it should [Music] let's hide the ikea skeleton again we don't need it for this stage you as you can see we can now manipulate the reverse foot to help pose the foot we can also rotate it on its heel [Music] before we move on and start to add control attributes we need a few groups adding ideally we need a way to rotate the tool independently of the rest of the rig a present it seems locked because of the I care handles we added there is a way around this though and that's to not rotate the joint directly instead we can move the I care handle to give us the same effect group the I care handle at the end of the foot press insert and snap the pivot back to the ball of the foot we can now rotate the group instead and the toe will rotate freely for us and it doesn't affect the rest of the rig [Music] let's rename this to left to tap I'm going to add GRP to the end to indicate a group we now need two more groups slightly heel joint and group it twice snap both pivots of both groups to the actual heel joint you will need the model for this so make it visible again the idea is that these groups need to lie on either side of the foot press insert and adjust the pivots first move them to the outside of the foot you then move the first pivot to the inside of the foot what we can do now is set these up to give us a four bank so the animator can quickly tilt the foot if needed let's rename these two left bank outer and left bank in you we now have all the base systems in place you can adjust the toe rotate around the heel raise the foot onto the ball and also onto the tips of its toes however this isn't a very intuitive or animate a friendly rig lots could go wrong if they were left to hunt out the groups and joints and animate them directly so that's now adding some simple attributes select the foot control and go to modify add attribute just like when we're adding attributes to the hand it would be nice to have a divider to make the following attributes more relevant to that area let's coalesce controls and set it to be an enum select blue and delete the name and then rename green to a series of dashes maybe 10 it doesn't matter because it's only to make a line let's also lock that and make it on cable now let's add some floor attribute first is Bank which will control the groups we added and allow us to tilt the thought [Music] let's also add a heel twist [Music] a toad [Music] finally a to tap now go to Windows general editors connection editor so we can wire these up [Music] select the foot control and click reload life now select the heel joint and click reload right it looks like the heel will twist around the z axis so connect heel twist on the left to rotate his head on the right simple as that [Music] next select the ball enjoined on the reverse foot and load this into the right again it looks like this will twist around the z-axis so select the toe twist in the left panel and then rotate Zed in the right [Music] for the toe tap we need to use the tool tap group we created earlier so select that and load it into the right panel this time connect the turf tap attribute to rotate X the animator can now use those attributes to animate the foot without the need for selecting groups or joints you we didn't collect the bank attribute because we need to handle this differently open the node editor again [Music] remove everything and bring in the Bank Group's open them up so we can see the attributes to [Music] we don't need that like control we need the foot control instead so let's remove that and bring the foot control in [Music] you're probably wondering how this is going to work we have to Bank Group's for only one bank attribute well ideally we want the one attribute to control both groups to help us do this we are going to use a condition node press tab and begin typing condition selecting it when it appears below [Music] open this up and let's give it a nice name like left foot bank condition what this node will allow us to do is check if a value is positive or negative if it's positive it will control wrong group if it's negative it will control the other first we need to tell it the main value it should use so connect the bank attribute to the first term attribute in the condition node the note will compare the first term value with the second term one and use the operation to give us the output in this instance we need the operation to be greater than so if the first term is greater than the second then the value is true if not it's false plus change Falls to zero for now as the starting value or the value when the foot isn't banking if we set bank to one you can see it's updated in the condition node so because the first term is now greater than the second the node will output the color of true value below so we now need to tell it what value to use but it is true connect the bank attribute to the color if true our attribute now connect the out color our attribute to the bank out rotate Y attribute [Music] you if we test that now you can see that when the bank attribute is a positive value the foot rotates but once it goes below zero nothing happens the only problem is it's now rotating the wrong way but we can fix that by using a reverse node to invert it before it goes to the bank group [Music] you if we try that again that works much better we now need to add the control for the other group you like set Bank 2-1 your instincts are to connect the bank attribute to the color if false attribute on the condition nerd because if the value is true it will use the true value if it's false it will obviously use a false attribute the problem is all you're then saying is that whatever the first term value is it doesn't matter because the true and false values are being output as the same for the first bank group we need to keep false at 0 so if the value is less than 0 then the group does nothing for us to work on the inner group we need to use the next column along but set it up in the opposite way [Music] so if the result is false then use the false attribute if not then use the true one which is set to zero connect bank to color if false G [Music] now connect ecology to the bank in a rotate Y attribute [Music] you okay why is it that working [Music] ah that's it I connected the out color instead let's delete that and this time actually connect out ecology okay that's working now but again the value is inverted okay I get it now we don't actually need the reverse note I just needed to swap the main connections [Music] that's better and much simpler [Music] just connect that back up okay that's what we wanted the foot now banks from side to side just using the one attribute [Music] let's hide the reverse book now [Music] and the model and all those attributes are connected now and working you can bank the foot twist around the heel until and even tap the toe [Music] we could leave the foot here it has some good if basic functionality but with just a little bit more effort you can give the animator so much more what we're going to do next is add a foot roll what this will do is take the foot from being back on the heel [Music] onto the ball of the foot and then up onto the tips of the toes all just with using one attribute [Music] select the footman let's add one more attribute this time call it roll set the minimum to minus 10 and the maximum to 10 [Music] you in the animate menu set go to key set driven keys and open the options click load driver to bring the left leg control into the upper section and select the role attribute now select all the reverse foot joints apart from the ankle and click Lord driven this time select the rotate X attribute as that's the direction we need to rotate it with the rural attribute set to zero click key to star that pers select the heal joint and rotate it back to around 40 the basic position it should be in when back on the heal actually we forgot to set the Royal attribute first so set that to minus ten now rotate the heel again to 40 and click key so the now animates back on to the heel next set roll to five and pause the foot again this time so it's on the ball of the foot and click key finally define the last pose so the foot on the tip of his toes you can straighten out the ball too and click key to start that pose I forgot to set the Royal attribute again so I essentially overrule the middle pose okay let's set royal to ten this time and stall this pose and set rollback to five plug with the toe and then reposed evolved [Music] and set another key so there we now finally have a foot roll working off just one attribute [Music] you the good thing is that it works alongside the other controls too so we can create lots of new poses [Music] the animator now has full control over the foot they can position and pose it using just these attributes [Music] if you find that the foot roll isn't at the correct position perhaps our characters thicker ankles or stiffer shoes then you can easily adjust the keys in the graph editor let's say we need the angle where the foot comes off the ball to be shallower [Music] you we can adjust that here [Music] you - something like that [Music] maybe the heel needs to come back further [Music] you that's right - - value we can adjust that - so you have full flexibility even what's the keys a set maybe are just the tour - you that's the IKEA versions of the controls done let's do a bit of cleanup before we move on as usual locking off and hiding the attributes on the main groups and hiding the reverse fault when it comes to the Africa version of the foot things are much simpler all we essentially need to do is create another control for the ball of the foot you duplicate the ankle FK control and rename it to ball you use a parent constraint to reposition the new controls offset group so it matches that of the ball joint [Music] the control may now be the wrong way around so rotate it and maybe scale it to fit around a foot a little better now freeze the transforms to clean the up all you need to do now is make the control move the ball joint but that's the FK ball joint make sure you constrain it to the right one [Music] just using to the parent constraint [Music] and they're the FK controls are done I told you they were much easier [Music] you we can now also pose the whole leg and foot using FK [Music] you just bring back the main skeleton [Music] you reset those [Music] and let's lock off those offset groups while I'm here [Music] you so that's the arm and leg rate both with controls for the hand and foot in the next video I will be completing this basic rig as I build the spine head jaw and I controls we will explore more complicated facial rigs later on in the series [Music] for now I'm going to repeat everything and create the right arm and leg this will bring us to the correct place where we can continue to work on the spine I hope you've enjoyed this video if you have please let me know in the comments below also let me know if you have any questions and also tell me what future videos you would like to see as always remember to like this tutorial and subscribe to my channel to keep up to date with future videos this is aunt c GI signing off and i will see you on the next one [Music] [Music] you
Channel: antCGi
Views: 32,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rigging, maya, autodesk, maya3d, rigging in maya, utility nodes, connections, rig, node editor, nodes, Leg Rig, Build Controls, Contraints, SDK, Set Driven Keys, 2019, maya 2019, Foot, Foot Rig, Foot Roll, Heel Twist, Toe Tap, Twist, Toes, IK, FK, Condition Node, gamedev, game art, game development, game rig
Id: FfGfV7Lc_34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 41sec (2201 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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