#RiggingInMaya | Part 12 | Intermediate | Face Rig - Joints & Controls

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hello and welcome to video 12 in my reading Amaya series you now have a full body rig complete with stretchy limbs all this guy is missing now is the ability to emote yes we can open his jaw and manipulate it we can also make him look around with a lookout control we added earlier we can even animate his eyelids to make him wink and blink if needed but that's about all he can do well can do this too but it looks a bit weird what we need to do is add a series of joints and controls around the face and around his lips and what these will do these will allow us to deform the mesh and give us facial expressions which will allow him to talk okay so when I originally recorded this video it ended up being about two hours long so I decided along with the help of you subscribers to split this into two in this video we will focus on creating the base joints and controls and in the next video we will investigate creating the systems which will drive the joints and we will also look at painting the skin waves I also want to add that this is going to be a joint based rig I will be doing a separate video demonstrating how to build a blend shape based facial rig next now before we dive in I just wanted to mention that you can now download all the source files for each parts of this rigging in my series from Mike you brush page you can find a link in the description below while you're there why don't you grab some of the other tutorials models or rigs I have an offer most are free but if you would like to help contribute to these videos all donations are welcome alternatively if you enjoy these videos why not simply treat me to a coffee as a way of saying thank you just head to coffee calm /and cgi supporters now get exclusive rewards and early access to videos not to mention a private invitation to my very own discard channel right let's dive in let's first have a look at the joint we already have I'll just hide the main model for now too so in addition to his face we also need to add in control so he can pose his tongue to okay let's bring back the model so there we have the main jaw and head joints we need a joint to start us off and this needs to be one which is orientated to the world so something like the head joint will do duplicate at the head and move out of the hierarchy let's delete everything beneath it too this is going to be the route joint for the lips so we need it to be inside the head so roughly there now duplicate this and move it to the actual lip geometry only move it forwards for now parent that to the first joint I'm now going to move this up slightly so it sits on the upper lip and just inside it the idea is that the route joint will be the wand which controls the main rotation of the outer joint this will give us more of an arc in its movement let's rename this to mouth or / middle and add root on the end to indicate what type of joint it is and we can call the tip mouth or / middle I'm going to duplicate that now and then rotate it down to where the lower lip is we need to keep the root joints in the same place so rotating is the easiest way to move the tip for now and let's change the upper in the names to lower you I'll just move this up here so they're together you create another copy next unreal tear at this so it's just above the corner of the mouth this time the tip joint is too far away from the model so we can move that in if I disable actuary adjoints we get a clearer picture of where the joints are sitting so we can see they are sitting nicely on the surface of the model let's enable that again we can rename this now but let's first add an L underscore to the front because these joints are for the left side of the mouth and change the middle to corner you create another copy now and rotate down so we can control the lower corner again disable x-ray joints so you can see where the tip joint is okay so maybe move both of these in a little and change the name to lower instead of upper you as you can see we can rotate the route joints and the tip joints which will be the ones that skin to the model will move around the face rather than move away from it which is what would happen if we just use transforms I'm going to duplicate one of the central joints again and rotate this so the tip is between the middle and corner joints try to keep it on an actual edgeloop if possible just move the tip in slightly to so let's duplicate this and move it down for the lower lip you just move that corner joint into you we need to rename these now so add el underscore again you and let's change that outer we also need the upper back in so we know where this joint is you we can quickly rename the lower one too but this time change upper to lower so that's the main joints done and you can vary the amount you use depending on what you need the mouth to do you could just use the middle and corner joints if you needed it to be simplified let's move all these up here I'm going to turn on the rotational axes because we need to fix those next I'm going to hide the main model for now so we can see the joints a bit clearer you actually before I do this let's double check how the other joints are set up so it looks like why is pointing down the bone select the new joints and go to skeleton orient joint and open the options thinking about it we might just stick with his head pointing down the bone but the orientations do still need to be fixed so we need Z as a primary axis and we need the x-axis to point to the side so towards the world's x-axis okay we have a warning and this is because we rotated some of the joints so we have rotation values on them this is easily fixed we can just go to freeze transforms you see rotation values on the route joints let's just apply that to remove those values that's done select the route joints again and open the Orient joint tool and click apply there that worked I'm just going to press the down arrow on the keyboard which will pick walk down the hierarchy and select the tip joints for me these need to match the orientation of the route joints so I'll select orient joint to world and click apply that's better said pointing forwards looks good those are the men lip joints will come back to the ones for the right side later duplicate the head joints again and move it out of the hierarchy and again delete everything underneath it move this one out and up to the tip of the nose this will allow you to move the new around just rename it to nose duplicate that and move it out to the left nostril you about there should be good before we rename it I'm just going to copy it and move the new one up I know this needs to sit on the surface so I'm going to disable x-ray joints again that's better okay better rename these before I lose track of what they are this is a left nostril we can call this one left squint carrete another copy and move it out to the side this needs to be up on the top of the cheek so these will give us the ability to raise the cheeks so you can squint and sneer you actually the first one should be called sneer because it's closer to the nose so when you sneer you can raise this area ok let's create an another joint now and we'll use this to control the cheek we will be able to pull this out to puff out the cheek area and push it in too so the cheeks can be sucked in let's rename that one next let's create a few joints so we can adjust his eyebrows and all we are doing from now on is duplicating the existing joints and moving them into position so one for the inner brow you remove this one to the outer brow you and rename that you and another for the middle of his eyebrow just to give us more flexibility finally let's add one in the of the brow - I'll set this to zero so it's exactly central this will be separate from main eyebrow controls but will allow you to raise and lower this area for more emphasis let's just call this one brow so those are the main joints added for the middle and the left side of his face we have the cheek and the brow in now too we can always add another control to the corner of the eye if we wanted but I think what we have here will be fine for this rig next parent all the main joints to the head joint but leave the mouth joints for now you they all move nicely with a head now we need to treat the lips differently select just the upper root joints and parent those to the head to those will now move with the head as you would expect with the lower joints those need to be parented to the jaw instead this is so when the mouth opens these joints follow let's create the right side of the mouth now okay we'll just find those mouth joints now in the outliner go to skeleton mirror joints and open the options if we click apply now you will see the joints are mirrored across the wrong axis we need to change mirror across to Y Z what we also need to do is tell it to rename the new joints for us in search for put el underscore and in replace with put our underscore oh and obviously laughs joints not in the middle one click apply and that's mirrored for us let's do the lower corner joint next that's done nice and easy don't worry about the rotational axes at this point we'll we'll come back to those let's do the upper joints now and those are done too we can now go through and repeat this for all the other left-side joints to fill out the right but so out these rotational axes next as you can see they are all over the place but we ideally want the lip joints to be all the same go to skeleton orient joint and open the options we can turn off orient joint to world select the route joints for the right-hand side of the lips and click apply these are wrong because I forgot to set them up so we need Zed pointing down the bone just like the left side and the secondary axis should be set to X there we go much better we can then use Orient joint to world to correct the tip joints - okay those are fixed unlike the limbs we want the joints on both sides of the face to be oriented the same way let's look at the rest of the face now I'll turn on rotational axes for these so we can see what they are doing the right side have flipped but this was done with the mirror joint tool so one option would be to just go through and he was orient joint to world again to reset them let's just do the nostril too you we can leave these joints as they are the animator will be able to just select the controls and pull these around to get the poses they want whereas with the lips we added the route joints so they can rotate around the face now what I like to do is maybe go a step further and instead of joints like the cheek being orientated to the world changing it so it's aligned with the cheek geometry instead so I'm going to do is duplicate the cheek joint and try to move it out so it's in line with the head joint see if we can see it from the top view okay she's the cheek joint it doesn't matter really we only want a rough approximation next parents it back to the cheek joint and open up the Orient joint tool again let's set this up first just the same as we had before with Zed pointing down the bone and X pointing to the side and click apply now the cheek joint is pointing towards a new one which is now updated its orientation we can now move this end joint out to get the orientation we need so that looks better all we need to do is fix the orientation again now it's aligned with the cheek it moves in a much more natural way we could maybe just tweak this a little more and when we're happy to still eat Lian joint with a cheek done we can look at the other joints get the joint and move it out and parent it back to the main joint again just tweak its a little you fix the orientation and delete the unjoin so it's quite easy really Broner using exactly the same process you we now need to update the orientation outside so let's delete those joints for now you if we use a Mira junk tool even though we fix the orientations on the left side they won't be correct on the mirrored joint as you can see let's try another approach select the left side joints on the face duplicate these and move them out along the z-axis parent each one back to its original joint you now go through and use the mirror joint tool again to mirror each of these because we also have these extra joints now all correctly aligned we can use the Orient joint tool to get the exact orientations we need so they're the orientation is fixed and is the same as a left-hand side so it's not inverted or flipped I can now go through the rest and press G to repeat the last action now we're happy with those we can simply go in and delete those extra joints you the cheeks are now perfectly aligned with the cheek geometry so the animator can move them around and pull them out in alignment with the model the same can be said of the other joints like the eyebrows the orientations make much more sense this way let's turn x-ray joints back on you and turn off the rotational axes now the joints are set up you unpick walk up to the joints and turn them off there too so that's the joints we need all added and aligned correctly so let's now look at adding some controls for this tutorial I'm going to use my old favorite a NURBS circle but feel free to use whatever shape you want so I'll create that and scale it down to this control needs an offset group so press ctrl + J to group it we need to move it to the lower lip joints position so use a quick parent constraint on the group to move it and delete that now the control isn't orientated correctly so I'm going to hold J which will snap the rotation of the units to 15 and make it face a lip joint instead I'll shrink it to I'll also move it out too so it's easier to see and to select let's freeze the transforms now to clean it up and now we need to move the pivot back to the joint so press insert I'll hide the models so we can get to the joint just hold V and it will snap to the joint just like that we can move that around now and it will eventually control the joint let's rename these so I'll just use the joint name here and add underscore control to the end and I'll copy that and use it for the group name but add offset to the end that's one control done duplicate the offset group and use another temporary pair of constraint to snap it to the upper lip joint and rename that one so this is all we're going to do for each joint so I'll speed things up here you make sure to also change the controls colors to represent each side use the same color as the body to keep things consistent you like I said earlier I'm just using the same icon for each part of the face but feel free to use my unique controls so it's easier to differentiate between different parts of the face you all done finally just closed these select all the new offset groups and parent them to the head control this way they all move with the head as you would expect perfect so the joints and controls mover the head control you so the idea is that the animator can grab these and pull them around to get different mouth shapes you the problem is at the moment the lower lips don't follow as the jar moves to get round they simply parent all the lower lip offset groups to the jar control instead but this may change later that's better all the lip controls now move individually but it would make life easier for the animator if there was a global control to move them all at the same time - so let's add one duplicate the conquer control simply because it would be nice to use the four arrows to represent the controls we need delete everything beneath it let's give this an offset group - and sent to the pivot we need to move it up now actually I'll fix at orientation first okay now I can move it up using the offset group and scale it down try and get it in the middle of the mouth move out to the side you okay that's about right so freeze the transforms to clean up the scale okay looks like the scale is locked this is because we duplicated an existing control okay so open the channel control editor we need to scroll to scale and move those over we also need to do the same under the locked tab that's better now we can freeze the transforms actually we need to do the rotations too because we rotated the control earlier you let's rename this to mouth control and rename the group to now we have a global control for the lips let's make another for the eyebrows duplicate the mouth control offset group and move it up besides the eyebrows you rename that to left brow control and rename the group - we also need one for the opposite side so create another copy we still have transform values on the offset group which is good because it means all we need to do is invert the translate x value to move it over to the right just update the names now too you and let's also update the colors so the left needs to be read and the right needs to be green next pair in the new control groups to the head control and now parent the left brow control offset groups to the new left brow controls so we can now move the brow as a whole if we need to and we also have control over the individual sections we should also play at the right side too parroting those to the right brow control I'm going to leave the lip controls for now at the moment we have them parented to the head and a lower controls to the jaw so we need to approach this differently but we will explore that in the next video you so that's all the head joints and controls ready to be wired up actually I might just reduce the size of these lip controls they are a bit big you okay that's better so I think now is probably a sensible time for us to break this video in to so remember what we're gonna do in the next video is finish working on this face rig as we add the systems which are going to allow the controls to then drive the joints we will also investigate adding extra controls into the face and we'll also attach the joints to the skin and paint the skin weights so I hope you've enjoyed this video if you have please let me know in the comments below also let me know if you have any questions and tell me what videos you would like to see in the future remember to download the source files from my cube brush page so you can follow along and why not say thanks and earn exclusive rewards with a small donation via my coffee page as always remember to like this tutorial subscribe to my channel and hit that notification bell to keep up to date with future videos this is aunt c GI signing off and i will see you on the next one [Music] you
Channel: antCGi
Views: 65,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rigging, maya, autodesk, maya3d, rigging in maya, rig, 2019, maya 2019, gamedev, game art, game development, game rig, face, face rig, maya face rig, joint rig, controls, nurbs, rotational axes, facial rig, orient joint, game face rig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 56sec (2216 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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