Rigging a Seal Using mGear in Maya

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uh i don't know what was the issue with this scaling but like uh you know you can by resetting if you double click reset your tool or just i don't know um sometimes the let's be on and off you see the direction becomes on or off i'll give i should definitely try the tool selection the tool reset i'll try that now actually that's the soft selection is on but it's off now when i do this i keep the soft selection off but when you do modeling you can keep it on so that's one issue you know it works fine we just want to make these boxes and and curves and everything we did available so especially important one not everything so let's say you don't need fingers here at all why yes by the way funnily enough when i deleted the hand it wouldn't build the rig it just said there's an issue with it um so i had to keep i'll have a look at that one too as well but honestly i probably was just delete like maybe clicking on a funny controller or something but i did click i felt like i was clicking on the main one so is this a spring yes where's the handle so i see the handle so it's joined to the um [Music] oh what's it called the the not the root but the the controller like the the little squares on the ground okay oh there i can see okay [Music] the moves [Music] thank you too much oh so annoying these um [Music] these vertices really don't want to move yeah but if i set it over there yeah even if i reset it and have soft selection on that's weird huh so this is what i do i save this as [Music] what version of maya you're on 2018 oh okay i know whatever i do comes back to you might not be able to open it okay i'm prepared that's good so i am going to take the sill [Music] and unbind it [Music] you've got another seal here yeah what is that ah i can't remember honestly i think it might have been the first rake that i made or who knows honestly probably just iterations of me testing things out trying to like combine it in different ways what do you like and [Music] this is did you um on the weekly report did you see that video i posted or did it not um load properly [Music] it almost looks like it uploaded as like an audio file or something oh i could open it oh okay yeah yeah i could double click on that yes i could open it the mouth goes crazy okay so me it's a big god okay that's a proper teeth and eyes just one ball or yeah they're just one ball because i didn't have to do um a pupil or anything oh it's just because it's just like cute black thing just black yeah is it really like that yeah a lot of them are anyway i quite like the look of just like black eyes you have things going on because you you know have something in the mirror because you want to show maybe like just you see just a little whiteness because you want to show the movement okay sure yeah you're right it can make it less like you know we don't we won't be able to find out like which direction the cell is looking at anyway i had a bit of um trouble unwrapping the eyes as well so [Music] a blackness of the eye [Music] i'm just writing that down [Music] to remember hmm i'm sorry it's okay i would like to separate eyes because they must be please and the i kind of like these are spheres aren't they yes yeah so tapa why not topologically they they function well for us as the like i go and say center people on them and then i will take them in a way that's that's better they properly look to [Music] me i should crack both i can't believe i didn't think of separate not separating them stupid [Music] why uh rotating in one bit here okay so then i would i've actually i don't want to do you think it would look cool if they were kind of blue or should i just keep them black and um with their white oh it's all up to you you know do you want not just call them [Music] eyes [Music] and [Music] okay pivots excuse me bless you thank you very much okay um transformation i'm gonna make sure everything is no history and transformation and everything is frozen all good nice and clean okay [Music] i combine the icicles with the body because they're all always together sure we see so we have no time that they grow or disappear or what do we no no not at all [Music] should i or not um i think we'll be okay actually don't listen to anything i say oh my god eva don't ever let's combine these two shift right click combine and call it [Music] the history call it body and put it inside the middle clip set the sill and okay so [Music] we need properties and lower this separation what is that i don't know nothing refreshing separate [Music] we've got plenty of teeth so these are i just match [Music] and these ones [Music] get the history on both lower [Music] is upper [Music] and they are [Music] because you have eyes shader here so i call this so you see you have eyes name here that's why it doesn't get [Music] oh okay so i think we are ready um [Music] i do i [Music] rank in [Music] a a template a quadruple template it looks like a dark so i bring a template oh i didn't see that one or maybe i just didn't know what it was and i stayed far away from it probably this dog that we have has no legs and but it has eyes and paths and everything so this could be a good uh candidate for has chain of spring which is the tail as well so i select the body root and i add a and gear shifter guide manager i add a chain spring to that how many pieces it was five six i think it was five five nice it's in the z direction that's x so it's the section actually it's minus z because it's gonna go to is that way oh god see i always miss those details always and then okay so not chain spring let's call it what tail yeah tail yeah [Music] it's centered so it has no left or right and this is very important right is maybe i like to host it here what is that this spiny eye so it's because tail is part of the spine basically so i select the spine new eye and host it there okay i think we are ready to [Music] carry on bring the cell on make it [Music] transparent and i will delete one arm because we later on [Music] i watched your um i watched your m gear and um advanced skeleton video like 10 times i can like memorize it oh really yeah because i was sure i was just doing something wrong every time i just went back and back and back okay so okay so sorry if they are not perfect but no they are okay so the middle of the body so the first thing that we have to find is the link things [Music] and find the pelvis or the so this is the center i would like the center to be on the center so you see that the center box is on the center so i hold x yeah snap it the pelvis or the body roots is the most important joint so that's gonna be positioned very well i'm gonna find seal skeleton do you have a skeleton guide to look at i have kind of a drawing of one but i should probably look at more of a realistic one honestly that could help they have legs they're yeah they have webbed webbed feet but they didn't want me to do those ones and they didn't want me to mix normalcy alarms either don't ask me remember i did not i did not come up with this character so the the the kind of root is somewhere down the body which is nice and it comes the tail structures i give the tail moving slightly high up and then how do you um how are you snapping it to the axis again are you just pressing j axis x oh x what like you mean here yeah like when yeah so you look look at this one so when i hold x it's snapped to the to the grid okay so if i hold x then you see it gets snapped to the green right got it uh v snap to the point and c snap to the curve oh got you okay cool um [Music] okay so now let's go for the upper [Music] body what is that so that's the arm i just want to move that away so i have understanding of the neck [Music] which comes here [Music] the end of spine so which will be somewhere around here nick [Music] do you like rigging or do you hate it uh it's a mixed feeling you know so this should be um so through the process i i like smart solutions yeah you know when a tool does things smart because we are at the end of the day if we were supposed to go through and and program things and stuff we would we would have gone [Music] uh programming or computer science and which is still very fun to do to work you know yeah but we have chosen to be artists so that if a tool would be a dumb tool the artist would suffer true so if i find something that makes my life easier fast and quick i definitely go for that yeah i like houdini because it just gets job done with few notes few few decisions few actions feel smart way of handling things yeah i like i i'm so scared of it but i'm going to put in some practice for sure yes yes uh okay so i would delete and i hear as well why is the spine root like all the way over yeah don't worry it generates everything needed in the middle yeah so this neck head rotation i think it should be [Music] okay so i kept that tip of neck [Music] and ear [Music] end of the head [Music] i will go [Music] what part of the process you enjoyed most i i like modeling i think the most surprisingly you've been through everything that's [Music] what you're good at i don't know about that but i can get better for sure because i understand it more [Music] that's quite fun i enjoy it we'll have to see about animating well animating should be something that you will enjoy [Music] okay so the center for the i go is here uh we kind of kind of nailed it effortless we don't know how he does it but he keeps on doing it that's perfect so okay uh the center of the so the i should look at so you see that's why i ask you to rotate that right so you know you just like to rotate it now you find the direction that looks you know that that line should go through the pupil exactly yeah you're right that can actually give you an idea of what it's actually looking at not just an empty void [Music] okay so i think uh but it's just just too far away i like to bring it closer to the space maybe here and this is also like for uh the eyeliner yeah what is that this is the eye look okay so you select both eyes with that and then you move them together like slightly forward that's my eye so let's go for the jaw so this is mouth which is for you very important yeah very important so you have uh lip up upper lip lower lip and the jaw okay so let's so the jar root for the cc um let me find a seal head [Music] still skull [Music] so the jaw root is somewhere so if there would be eye here the jaw root is somewhere like oh no somewhere around so that's the jaw skeleton so he sits like somewhere around here so that's the root for the jaw that like helps me open the mouth if i am right yeah i think so okay and that's my jaw that's my lower lip upper lip nice perfect so that's naked upper body let's do the arm so there's a shoulder inside the body here and then that shoulder is [Music] looking like that [Music] and it comes for upper arm or the locator which is [Music] i would like to keep it within the body yeah i was wondering about the the you know the shoulder root like the red box the one that does that need to be completely in the in line with the axis or can it move further to the left like it doesn't matter if it's not joined to this no it doesn't matter okay i just want to get rid of select one of these leg fronts oh oh no i want delete yeah food like france probably you have deleted this one uh giving you the error so right so you know i just looked at the names so this is this is clearly says this is part of the lake so i'm not deleting it but foods can go because it doesn't have any claw or food or similar you know appendages right okay that makes sense hey um [Music] [Music] [Music] let me [Music] [Music] okay let's build this up i hope that works fine for me i hope so too [Music] oh sorry before building this up uh don't forget symmetries eyes needs duplicates oh yeah sorry i forgot about that too um um needs symmetry [Music] let's see if everything is i think [Music] so um [Music] before going through and just fixing the the size of what we have let's test it out so i've got like you know nice movement here and on the tail i'm sure it's okay but what made me worry was the the mouth and everything so now the mouth should oh yeah you see oh okay the mouth is functioning because you're not actually rotating at all you're just pulling it down [Music] scrub and put it down and it just does what it's supposed to do perfect so let's uh do a terrible skinning first and test out the skinning if it works i select all so i select this and press down key arrow that selects everything so everything and then the body and do a very quick skinning like selected joints closest to stance yeah just a dirty so then this should i'm gonna [Music] my skin waiting here as well um show me the joints and i'm gonna buy the top oh there's my jaw is it hidden or no not hidden but is it so that's the jar joint but it's been positioned not as i was expecting it's not too late like i start skinning yeah delete the brick go back to the guides find the jar [Music] like the position here but here seems to be yeah it doesn't seem to like it does it i i want to put it down this one says mouth lip low this is lower lip oh okay sorry don't be sorry it's a very easy mistake this is lower lip so upper lip okay lower lip but where the jaw is supposed to be [Music] maybe just i think i remember just putting it there but maybe that's not right i remember just putting it um down there i think i keep it so if this would be jaw skeleton it should be the beginning of the jaw this should be the end of the jaw but we'll see we'll see let's build it up see how it does the job for us okay i [Music] so that skeleton is in the right place oh yeah [Music] and the jar is also so this is where this handle gets positioned so which [Music] oh [Music] that's fine for us at the moment isn't it okay let's do a bit of a quick scanning the deformers down shift body and breaking click on the skinny so i just do a bit of quick um [Music] weight mapping as well i would go paint skin with map select this influencer in the [Music] i say select all the joints that [Music] this is gonna influence [Music] do you think um skin weights um painting is best to do with a tablet yes of course yeah did you get the tablet at the end of the day or are you still oh yeah it's been shipped i've always had a tablet but my cord was broken so and during lockdown they were not really delivering anything and never arrived but it's finally on the way so i say that you get all of mom maybe that's too much so first thing first i say that everything here would be oh where's my skin waiting i'm sorry right now to select and yeah so i select all of this area say go zero [Music] gives me an error [Music] not no influence object okay i know this is influence object everywhere here zero idiot i have selected that's this one ago zero the top one what about this one this one oh i should have sorry not this one this influence mouse teeth low zero mouth to sleep let's jump and that's my sleep up i say zero to you as one [Music] however i select all the lower part [Music] honestly i can probably try to figure out i don't want you to have to do any more work because it's good that's fine it's fine i just want to get [Music] let this behave for me i feel so bad so hold ctrl shift and keep adding the area that i want this point to take care of that and say that hey you this joint grab more of these areas and hey you george grab nothing which is nothing nice and now the other way around so if i go and select [Music] and make sure that i select everything here around including upper jaw and everything nice and neat hey hey you get a lot of that [Music] you get a lot of these and you get this influence gets none of that which is nice okay so let's go back to the paint i'm gonna click outside go back to the painted skin way tool this influencer are [Music] not too much [Music] just get proper distance the smoothness smooth out however the top parts so this is what i do i just select the jaw i select everything [Music] all the joints here in the world and lock them select the joint and unlock lips and mouth and join everything okay you are recording this aren't you yes okay good i'm learning a lot so i don't want to forget anyway okay so that's the jaw but the jaw is not supposed to move inside the mouth so i am gonna delete that and it is not supposed to touch the front parts you see it says blah blah blah you know undo those parts so that's a very nasty error you don't want to see that yeah undo that [Music] it is not supposed to [Music] thing on the top part that's all [Music] and the small thing would be up i saw that error i undo until it goes away teeth interior what is that joint where is it mouth teeth interior yeah that's weird oh yeah i don't know all right smooth out this one as well [Music] i select and release the neck as well [Music] is that [Music] things if i smooth out let's say here [Music] oh [Music] smooth [Music] um [Music] anyway let's test it out so far [Music] i'm gonna apply a very quick solution that you do at the end of the work when everything is done and that's delta you've heard of that you see how it fixes everything so this is not not nice oh i'm so happy yeah so now what you do with the teeth simply just scrub so you have this teeth joint or something which is either that one that's joined here that's i think we should assign it to the lead into this one okay we'll give it so let's see how these ones these joints move [Music] i give it to that joint so select the joint select the teeth [Music] say um constraints okay this is a trick yeah i put the teeth into a group um group feet but it's so this is teeth lower group and then i select the joint and then select the group and then parent constraints so okay and what happens so the teeth moves with the joints however the teeth itself when i click it is not constant so i can grab it and animate it right right that was not the right thing we did i think i'm gonna try this now if this joint is gonna drive the lower teeth and constraints it doesn't matter both of them do the same thing because the teeth is so much in the body yeah but what you can do um you can later on like push back a lot of these areas and make like a good hole inside okay [Music] to make it look better yeah so what i do i go back i think that's the right that i assign it to here that's the parent for the upper teeth i put it in a group [Music] and that one's gonna get the upper teeth trained as a parent okay and that one oops the teeth moves and the animators have this uh capability to grab that teeth and like kind of readjust them they adjust that the way it should look like that's so scary so but you know the skinning is terrible at the moment i just did you know a very quick skinning with delta mush which you turn that off like that what i did you turned the envelope of your delta much off yeah and then you can get the skinny because yes because you don't want to keep it on yeah no you will you want to keep it on but you will keep it on so you want to see your errors first yeah get the errors solved and taken care of and then come back and then turn the delta mush on so that was for the teeth and the skin let's see for the body see look you see the let me turn the delta mush on so we see it in a nice way so this is like how you see how the the middle body like is so organic and nice right about the arms so it needs a lot of like skinning here yeah [Music] um string is here it works [Music] i want to turn that off okay so that's for the um so you know how to get the things done for that let's say [Music] colors need to be taken out as i we were talking about yeah [Music] that out [Music] and make it like thinner so you know just be you know treat it like a [Music] like an animated like what think of an animator what an animator will enjoy so they don't want to see a cluttered rig [Music] so yeah okay uh that's for now but what you should do for the eyes so you see that both eyes are not like this but this is the eye look [Music] controller [Music] i guess it's hard to tell when the eyes aren't really textured yeah um no no the eyes is not moving i'm just asking for the um oh okay the eye joints these ones are not supposed to move any parts of the body right so when i was selecting the joints i should have not selected these two i could go when when you select these ones you can go and select the eye ones and make sure that they are not getting used in the rigging process or you can keep it so but like very so they they move the surrounding of very gently not like this stupid movement so they just shouldn't be in the very center what do you mean i mean i mean skinning wise oh okay so like if you go to the skinning [Music] and if you select this like i so this i should basically let's say if i go to the select [Music] it should move nothing let me select the influence it should move nothing right except probably probably uh if i select is edge loop or [Music] my edge loops are quite funny by the way it was a bit of a nightmare i'm sure you can tell oh geez look at that it was a long process me and marco had great fun um yeah oh what should i do so let me just do it quickly in a terrible way i get inside and i select whatever is around the eye [Music] the points that should move slightly with that right [Music] select the influence and say hey you joined move these points just a bit okay then i can you see that it just moves them and i can also smooth that out so now this eye joint is i you know yeah does a bit of gentle movement around so it should not do anything over there just but like if you focus on hair on here there's a nice gentle movement around that area which yeah natural so you skin that that way um for how to move the eyeball is that this is the eye controller or [Music] that's the controller i which judge we have i joined an eye or virgin so i joined so i joined so again for the eyes put the eye in a group so this is i left and i make it a group so i say g i left group i joined select the group and constraints parents i just want to um add something for that we would be able to distinguish it um i add lamb birds with a ramp 2d ramp on it and this lamp gonna be [Music] oh we have a uv issue here okay so i make it [Music] once white but i select that joint in the middle contour right click to faces to faces shift dots and expand the area and add a blackness here so just did it like a wizard [Music] did i know it was fast just did that to um to make this faster so now you see yeah i see so it works so so that's how you uh attach the eye so and if you keep if you don't if you keep a bit of like weight mapping around the eye you see that like you know kind of very organic movement of the skin around the eye as well oh i undo that for you [Music] oh any other issue well if you mind we talked about the the shading later on oh you are no of course you've done it if you go please if you go through and watch the video that is just recorded is it okay if i share this with other students who are written yeah yeah yeah that's totally fine if you go through the the wreaking process and make sure that the creature is rigged based on our discussions properly and nicely and send me back the rig once it's finalized with a proper skinning with everything attached and inside the mouth fixed and everything then happy days yes then then we discuss the uh the the texturing and shading okay oh thank you so much for saying seriously i appreciate it so much i feel so much better now oh awesome thank you okay stop
Channel: Hossein Najafi
Views: 216
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: y0NWN61oXEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 58sec (3478 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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