EveryDayMaya:020 dynamicRope intro tip

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so one of the things that comes up all the time is how to do dynamic ropes chains and leashes and things like that so a great way to do that is you by using end hair so i have a little scene here uh with a little boat animation i did and a piling for it to connect to and there's a couple ways you can set up that chain that's that original curve i'm going to kind of cheat a little bit because i know what i want but the important thing is is that when you build your curve you make sure that it's very straight not straight sorry evenly spaced uh cvs along it so what i often will do is hold down x and just um you know make my curve that way and in this case i'm actually going to um i'm going to try and be careful with with it in that i don't lose a lot of that spacing so i'm going to take this and connect it to the front of my boat here all right that should be good um and i'm just looking at those those cvs i want to make sure that they stay relatively evenly spaced if i'm doing a rig i'll build it straight and then put the rig into space into the space that i want it to in this case i'm just going to leave it like this and use it as my dynamic curve so with the curve selected i'm going to go to n here make selected curves dynamic open that option box up and i'm going to reset this just so you see what i set up so you have different output effects um really i'm not going to use paint effects for this so just keep it on nerve curves that'll just make a curve that's dynamic and i don't need to attach to anything and i don't have anything selected anyway um actually let's try that let's see if it actually works i might just do it right off the bat um and i'll hit apply cool so it did create a follicle for me over here this red guy is the follicle it's not in the perfect spot but let's see what that gives us gonna hit play and just let go let's say both ends for the attach here cool all right so first let's take a look at what what's going on here so the follicle is what uh holds your original curve and this is if you're doing like a curve attract you can make the curve kind of like try and goal to that curve you can use this curve but what i'm going to do in this case is just use the dynamic curve so by default you have if you don't have a follicle set up um it'll do both ends and basically what that'll do is just point the curve in between the two so let me hit play and see what we got cool all right i want i don't want to go past my uh my range there so but what you'll see is sometimes you get like a little bit of a strange bending so see how it just falls over here it's kind of got like a soft fall off that becomes that comes from the original settings on the hair system so the hair system what controls the dynamics of the curve so i'm going to go to dynamic properties and under here where it says bend resistance i'm going to put that to zero and watch the difference you can see that that curve now has a nice loop through it and it's just soft between there all right so we hit play again and see we get now the problem is when the boat starts rocking the whole curve moves and it moves my whole entire dynamic curve well i don't want that so what i'm going to do is go back to my follicle here and i'm going to turn off i'm going to turn the point lock to base only oops i guess uh tip only would have been the base cool uh so also not what we want but we get a cool dynamic curve and then i want to connect this part of the curve to the piling over here there's a bunch of different ways you can do this i'm going to do it with a constraint so i'm going to grab a hold of those cvs and go to end constraint transform constraint and that's just a locator that sits there like that and what that should do is hold my curve in place right so now i can ignore my original curve i'll hit play you can see what it does and right now we do have a lot of movement and part of that is from the space scale of the nucleus node and part of it is from the setup of what we're doing with the curve itself so the first thing i'm going to do is go to my nucleus node and under scale attributes i'm going to change my space scale to 0.1 the reason for that is normally it's not meters so this will be at centimeters because i have a very small scene and you can see it immediate difference how that that plays out if i say make this like .01 like decimeters you can see the difference there too and i recently saw youtube where they just said you know play with these settings till you get what you like which isn't a bad thing i don't think i don't mind that too much at all what i'm going to do is grab my hair system now and look at my dynamic properties and maybe i'll set some stuff in here so uh the mask is probably fine i am going to give it just a touch of dampening and see what that does so that looks a little bit better to me uh incidentally while i'm here i can use my presets if i want to save this end hair preset out i can you know save that and so next time i'm working with this i can just go to my presets and i'll have you can't see it it's off the screen but i have the ability to oh can i tear this off i can't turn it off um the ability to re select that and replace my settings all right the last thing i want to do is just give this something to render with so you can render with curves with a number of different renderings render engines in this case i'm just going to put geometry on there so i have the rope profile which is what i used oops for my doc rope and i'm going to make that match so i'm just going to select that select the output curve and do a surfaces extrude and i just go down right right side every single time so tube path component profile total and i'm going to get that curve on there and now i have a nice little dock rope holding my dinghy in place and if i take that dinghy and say you know we'll start here and then maybe on key that and on the way back on that way back i'll just exaggerate that and bring it back a little bit more see if we can stretch that talk rope to its limits oh not quite let's go a little farther you see i do get a little bit of stretch in there you can work on that again with the hair system so if i go in here um you do have what's called a no stretch clip but what that does is it sort of truncates the curve and so you see or how far the curve will go and you see you get this disconnect if it's off screen no problems obviously if it's off screen it's not a problem anyway but uh what's probably better to just pump up your stretch resistance just a little bit let's see what that gives us yeah it's a little bit better i'm still getting stretching but it will be negligible and you shouldn't be able to see what's going on there that boat really wants to get free another thing i want to talk about was um if i take this boat and let's say this was just a center piling with no um no dock attached and we start getting wrapped around that piling obviously that's not great animation let's take it a little bit further all right let's see what that gives us that's horrible animation but what i'm going for here is that you see that the rope goes right through that piling so one last thing i can do is uh select that piling go to ncloth and say create passive collider and what that's going to do is create a relationship between our curve and that piece of geometry so that they now don't penetrate each other or they collide with each other i should say in fact i'm actually really kind of liking this so i'm going to go to my boat here where was it that key is way too fast so let's take that over here and i am scrubbing and that's going to mess up the dynamics and that's just fine uh it doesn't really matter when you render this out you're going to make sure that you bake this anyway and i'll show you how to do that i don't know why i'm getting a huge glitch in the boat there that's weird i'm pretty sure it's just visual yeah it's gotta be but let's just double check i don't have a funky key oh my god do i i see no i don't see any animation excuse me for a second look at this i got nothing it's just a weird glitch um so let me try something i'm gonna let's see what am i in oh looks like i'm in dg let me go to parallel let's go to cereal play this again there we go that's better and incidentally now with caching um you can't you can cache the animation you can't catch the dynamics yet hopefully that'll come soon all right cool so i'm going to turn caching off and i'm going to save this actually let's just incrementally save it oh i don't have it here oh there it is oh that's what you get all right and i want to do is grab that curve and go to my end cache create a new end cache and object it's going to fill most of this in for you automatically you don't have to worry about it i'll just hit apply it's going to go do its thing it's like baking it out but now as you see i can scrub it and i get the animation that i want and you'll notice it does some kind of nice things oh i should probably make that other the rest of the rope dynamic as well all right let's try that so let's take this and add it to our passive collider list i do to see what i'm doing have to go back to that curve go to end cache and either delete or redo the cache so in this case i'm going to delete it and i'm actually going to delete the files off disk you can keep them around if you want to reconnect them later so let me see what that looks like all right it's passing through which is not good uh i did make it rigid didn't i oh maybe i didn't actually do it uh maybe because why is it doing that just i don't think it's because of the history did i get an error no mesh select uh wait really i don't know that to be true but i guess because it's a nerve surface i need to convert it so i'm going to go here and convert nerve to polygons hide my other rope take this one and let's just make it look a little bit better uh quads are good i usually do three and three and i do first span number of isoforms first band number price arms cool now let's take this and there we go that rigid showed up so now it should come on collide with that now you see how it's going through it just a little bit what you can do there is you can actually change the uh collision thickness of your curve so if i go to my curve here open up the headpick i'll go to the hair system and under collisions i can turn on and stuff that's off by default if you're doing like a coiling rope or something like that you would turn that on but i'm going to turn my solver to slide display onto collision thickness and this is i found a little bit buggy so if i just um collect with offset bring that up a little bit sometimes you have to go wreath you know i'm just hitting cranking the uh back button but now you should see that when it collides with that geo it doesn't go through it right well then there's a little bit because i i need a little more curves on there and that's coming from my original curve and how many points it has on it if i give it more points i'll get more edges along there for it to bend i can also do that to my collision object show its collision thickness and actually i can make that just a little thicker and you can change the colors if you have multiple objects in the scene you want to be able to see them colliding that's better and of course you can turn those off so you don't see them anymore oh that's funny not grabbing the hair system one look at that it keeps grabbing it just be aware that you have the right object there we go who boat is this boat all right cool um yeah and then i can go back in grab that curve redo my cache i'm not even going to open it i guess come on now there we go and just let it run and i'm ready to render ship it alright so i hope that was helpful and see you later
Channel: smann|3D
Views: 2,437
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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