Rigg Your Materials with Blender

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foreign [Music] you have six bones to control the location rotation and scale of your facial expressions or just images and you have one bone to control which image you're using so if I can change that to zero that means I'm not using an image one I'm using the mouth one two three four five and six I can also do that for the eyes I can add in two eyebrows so you can see in a matter of seconds I've been able to change the facial expression of this robot I can change the scale I can also change the rotation I can change the location to now if we go back to shading let's take a look at the note tree it seems pretty complex but it's really not you take the value that you're using to control which mouth or which image you're using you compare it when the value is one image one will be shown when the value is 2 image 2 will be shown and so on and to control the location rotation and scale of your images to do that you just use three drivers or four in this case one and two to control the location on the X and Y of your image and one for the scale and one for the rotation after you do that you get a functioning face rig that you can use to rig your characters and today we're gonna go over how you can make it so after making a new blend file delete the light and the camera you don't need those and we're gonna use the default Cube as our face so go to UV editing click on the front face and click on all the faces select a to select all the faces go to U project from view bonds so all the faces are now stacked at the same place click tab go to shading and we're gonna add our images so image texture click open go to face and add mouth one so after adding the image as you can see it shows on the font and the back face so let's first control the location rotation and scale of this image to do that click Ctrl T if you're using node Wrangler it will add a UV coordinate texture coordinates and a mapping node as you can see when I scale this doesn't scale of Center so to fix that add a math node vectromath set it to subtract and subtract 0.5 and duplicate it on Ctrl d and set it to add and add 0.5 after your mapping so now when you scale it it scales of the center of the image and also when you rotate it and drove dates correctly set this back to zero and make the scale real small let's say four as you can see the image gets repeated and this because you have set this to repeat set it to a clip so we'll have only one love you scale it you get this so set this to one and add the rest of your images we need to duplicate this so it duplicates the settings add map to and also add mouth three now if I connect this hold alt connect this In Here Also connect it in here grab this and move it over here you can see mouth one mouth two and mouth three are all controlled by a single mapping node so after adding your Mouse images let's add the eyes so select all this shift d to duplicate grab on the y-axis connect this with alt and right mouth dragging let's change this to i1 so i1 I2 and i3 so this this and this after that we need to go back to layout click shift a add a single bone you want to check in front and check the axes so you can see the axis of your bone you need to go tab to edit mode grab this bone and move it on the z-axis scale it and also want to duplicate it you want to name this bone mouth let's name this I dot l duplicate it grab it on the UI let's name this I dot R duplicate the mouse to and let's name this Pro so this one will have the custom properties let's add two custom properties first one let's call it the love shape and we want the value to be an integer so zero mean normal one from mouth one two for mouth two and three for mouth three let's click ok add a new property go to property settings set it to integer let's call this I shape set this value to be 3 2. click on OK one two go back to object mode and let's go back to shading now we're going to use these bones and just move them in front of the face like so and we're gonna use these bonds control the eyes and the mouth so let's disconnect this move this over here and the first thing we're gonna do is we are going to control the location control the location as you can see I can control this control this control them both you'll need a combine XYZ and you want to take this bone let's see what's axis we want we want the Z axis and the y-axis so go back to shading I'm going to add a math node and in this math node or let's just add a value note so I value let's call this Mouse is that and you wanna right click add the driver you want to use the Armature you want to use the mouth bone and you want the Z location and you want it in the local space so now if I click on my Armature control tab and I move this it will move foreign and the x is connected anyway duplicate this also duplicate the copy the driver and you want to paste the driver connect this driver to the Y and go click on edit driver instead of using the Z we'll use Dy no go back to hose mode and when you move it up the mouth moves down so you need the negative value so click on this instead of plus use the star and you want to multiply it by negative one so now we go back to pose mode up for up down for down and the left and right they just work so now if you want to change the location of your mouth nobody has their mouth in front of there in the middle of their face so let's add a math node and you want to add a zero let's just add to the to this value so the mouth right here would be nice so this will also gets connected to the three images of the mouth so now as you can see the location control does work and now let's add a rotation control let's just Ctrl G or Ctrl J and let's name this a mouth location so now after you can successfully control the location of your images now we're gonna go over how you can control the rotation so what we're gonna do first is duplicate this mapping node and add it before the subtract and connect this location to this location [Music] and now let's set this to zero now when you rotate it will rotate on its current axis so when this was connected in here and you want to rotate it it will rotate on its original Pivot Point now when you do this gets a new Pivot Point and the center of your image so now let's control the rotation drag this and click on value and you wanna copy your driver copy a driver paste driver and now you want to edit your driver click edit driver instead of the location we want the rotation on the x-axis so as you can see the x-axis the one we want to rotate on so the rotation on the X and you also want a combine XYZ on control this to reduce it and connect it to the rotation so now if I click Ctrl tab to go to pose mode I rotate this bone tool change the rotation of my image the location work but the scale skill doesn't work so to make these kill lock duplicate your value and duplicate or copy or driver paste your driver and you wanna edit your driver keeps quitting instead of the rotation we'll take the average scale are connected to a math node set it to add I'm going to take this connected to the scale now this value is multiplied by negative so remove this this value is also multiplied by negative but it works so that negative was in its rightful place so this value control the Baseline scale of your image and when you scale the bone scales with it so now let's group this call it Mouse rotation and kale foreign so now after you can successfully control the location rotation and scale of your object or your image you want to go control tab to go to object mode and now we want to control which image are we showing so to do that go to your Armature and go to the property we just added and right click click copy as a new driver go back to shading to your object and add a value node right click and call paste driver so the value is now zero so I'm setting to a zero in here so let's get a compare node we can't compare integers but we'll compare it as a float set this to zero or let's just set it to 0.5 foreign connect it to a mix node or add a mix node connect this to the second value connect this to the factor and make this black so and the value is compared to 0.5 it will give us the second image and when the value is compared to 1.5 it will give us a second image and when the value is compared to 2.5 so 2.5 2.5 it will give us the third image so now it will so now this two image two images are connected but it gives us the first image why because we are setting it to zero so once you have zero change this to one change this to two and three so the reason the number three isn't working so let's go back so the third one is going to be 3.5 this one could be 2.5 this one is going to be 1.5 so now it should work so number three is the image three number two is the image two number one is the image one and zero there's no image so the mouth is working go back to shading let's just make this readable move this over here grab these two move them over here let me just move this move this I'm going to group these values so Ctrl G then tab to get out get this over here and I want to grab all these images and these images will be connected to a mixed nodes like so and the mixed nodes are controlled by this value so let's do this this now we've added three reroutes let's do this so now it's more readable and we're just gonna duplicate this grab it over here Ctrl J let's call this now control and we want to duplicate it foreign we will just take this grab our image one make this over here connect this over here I want to delete this add your image to connect this and also connect it right here delete your image three and add your I connect the I to the eye and let's preview this now let's copy our driver a one driver that let's call this mouth shape on a copy driver or you just can do it by going to the Armature and your R shape your eye shape driver and you can paste it right here so you can place a driver and now the eye shape is controlling the eyes so you can see so let's go for eye shape too and to control the location of your eye we're just gonna keep copying drivers so let's first take the the Z One let's go copy driver let's face the driver right here go to edit driver and instead of the mouth we'll use the eye left so now when this bundles it will move with it and now we'll say it's not in the position of the eye we'll fix this I suggest copy this driver paste the driver go edit driver instead of reset I'm taking the i d y now let's see it's inverted so just like before on a multiply by negative one and now it should work over the I it's just add two math nodes set to add and you want to name this to I location and let's get it in the right location so add and subtract to the location will change the baseline location so now it's connected to the Bone let's see it moves with it and we'll do this for the rotation two so let's just copy the rotation driver for this copy driver and paste driver and you want to go edit driver instead of the mouth we'll use the IL and let's see now that rotates correctly and you want to go back let's name this first so instead of mouse we use I l grab this over here and we'll copy this scale driver so copy driver Mac to your eye and click page driver you want to go edit your driver instead of the mouth we'll use the high left so now the I left scale gets killed with the uh with the I scale I like it inverted like this and when the kill is Big the eye will get small and the scale is smaller line will get big you can multiply it by a negative value if you like this value control the default scale so if you make the default skill small you'll have to scale this to get let's kill you on let's kiss add one let's add two it's at 0.5 let's actually subtract 0.5 now [Music] point one seem to be good so now to get the second eye we are going to duplicate this whole thing and let's preview this and let's change this to the second eye so you can just remove the negative value and it will move automatically it will mirror its location [Music] you only need to mirror one and because I didn't mirror the bonds they're not perfect so let's do some more driver copying so the location driver let's call this the why so so let's go copy driver go to this and paste driver and go to edit driver instead of I left we'll use IR so now remove just paste the driver again go to other driver and use IR and let's see if it works doesn't work because I didn't edit the driver and change these yet going to be why and now it should work but it's inverted like always so multiply by negative one to revert it and I don't know if this is a word so now let's control the rotation is just as simple as copia driver and paste the driver add it to the driver and use IR and now let's see it works and for the scale we'll paste the same driver and let's edit the driver instead of location we'll use the average scale and multiplied by one so let's remove that and now if you add a mix node mix and I will set it to add and we'll have both of your eyes so now the I2 is not controlled by the by this value where is it the eye shape changes one eye and it leaves the other eye so let's fix this go back take this and let's name it I okay you can name stuff if you want copy a driver go back and paste the driver this driver doesn't need any change so now if you go back to edit mode rotate the size you scale then you can also grab them now let's add another mix node connect this to this and connect the mouse I want the mouse to be up top so let's preview this and connect it to this it's connected to the emission so now after you made your Armature which can control the eyes the mouth also the eye shapes and the mouth shape this default cube is looking really good so now you want to change the shape of your bones you will want to go back to object mode and create a simple shape like this one select your Armature go to pose mode select your bones you want to go to object property or bone property and you want to select your plane or shape and while you're selecting your shape you need to control alt and click on it so it will be applied to all the bonds you can change its rotation while clicking Alt you can change its scale let's make it this big you can also change the color of your bonds by going to where is its Bond groups so add three go to the first one make it blue control these scale I did not change the second driver so let's change that go to the second driver scale driver edit driver instead of wire left because I write now and you scale this pawn and the one I get killed when I scale this one Each Bond controls h i so now the tutorial is finished thank you all for watching if you like this type of content don't forget to like the video and subscribe see you on the next one
Channel: Aaws 3D
Views: 930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 49sec (1969 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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