Rigatoni Al Segreto - Rigatoni with Secret Sauce - Gino's Rigatoni Al Segreto

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[Music] hello this is chef john from food wishes calm web rigatoni i'll cigarette oh that's right segreto does mean secret which is why i really shouldn't be showing you this recipe but i'm good at anyway because this is just too delicious to keep to myself and if you've never heard of it this was the most closely guarded secret at one of New York City's most famous Italian restaurants which is closed now but went by the name of Gino's and I will provide more details in the blog post but for now we need to get started with this amazing and formerly secret sauce and the first thing you're going to need is some of these one can of san marzano plum tomatoes straight from Italy right accept no substitutes and as you can see this has DOP right on the label which of course stands for our three Italian words that apparently start with do and P and if you compare this with a can of American plum tomatoes it's not even close okay no clear watery juice and this stuff just gorgeous sweet almost seedless tomatoes packed in what appears to be almost a tomato sauce and before we use these we're gonna want to crush them or blend them until pretty smooth and as you can see I'm using one of these stick blenders which while not as fun as crushing with your hands is a lot quicker and what we'll do once that's been accomplished is set it aside and head to the stove where we're gonna cook some onions in olive oil so we will set our pan over medium-high heat and we will add some diced onions to about four or five tablespoons of olive oil along with the traditional giant pinch of salt and we're gonna cook those stirring for about five minutes or so or until they start to turn translucent and I probably should mention if you are familiar with Gino's secret sauce I am using probably twice the onions as called for in the original recipe but that's how I like it and I think the sweetness at the end he goes perfect with the secret ingredient that you're gonna see later but of course having said that all the exact ingredient amounts are up to you you are after all there Marisa Tomei of making it your way but anyway we're gonna go ahead and cook those onions in that olive oil until they lose their whiteness now look a little something like this at which point we will add a couple cloves of crushed garlic and we'll give that a stir and then stop me if you've heard this one before but we're only gonna cook that for about a minute because we don't want to brown the garlic so we'll stir that in and like I said cook that for about 60 seconds or so before adding our next two ingredients a pinch of hot chili flakes as well as our San Marzano tomatoes and as usual anytime we add a can of tomatoes we'll want to rinse that out with a splash of water and we'll toss that in as well and we'll stir all that together and then what we want to do is this comes up to temperature and start simmering is adjust the heat to about I don't know medium to medium-low and we're gonna cook that stirring occasionally for about 45 minutes to an hour okay so compared to a lot of tomato sauces this is gonna be a pretty quick one and fair warning because we're not going to cover this and we're using kind of a wide pan there is gonna be some reduction which is you'll see later is not going to be a problem so we'll go ahead and let that cook and other than give it a stir once in a while there's not a lot to do although I did want to show you one tip here you see that tomato sauce that's kind of caramelized onto the side of the pan believe it or not that's actually how you make tomato paste so whenever you go to give this a stir what we want to do is scrape that into the sauce okay not only will clean up be easier later but that's actually gonna add a lot of flavor and produce a more beautiful color but anyway like I said we're gonna let that cook for about 45 to 60 minutes giving it a stir once in a while and of course like I just said harvesting some free tomato paste and once that's cooked long enough we'll turn our heat down to low and we'll proceed to cook our rigatoni and some boiling salted water and while we wait for our pasta to cook let me go ahead and show you the rest of the ingredients starting with the secret ingredient - the secret sauce some butter oh yeah believe it or not the whole key to this is a half a stick of butter which was hopefully made from the milk of grass-fed cows and it should be nice and cold and as you can see we cut it into cubes and then besides the butter we're gonna need some basil which in the original recipe the leaves are added whole but personally I do like to slice those up before they go in because I'm just not crazy about the mouthfeel of a whole wilted basil leaf and then last but we're gonna need some freshly grated Parmesan cheese the real stuff parmigiano-reggiano and what we're gonna want to do when our pastas about five minutes away from being cooked let's go ahead and stir in about two-thirds of our basil all right we'll save a little bit for the end and we'll go ahead and stir that in at this point whether you're using whole leaves you're gonna slice it up like I did and then once that Basil's in we'll go ahead and add our butter and stir that in and again our Heat's on the lowest setting and those cold chunks of butter are gonna must fly in just like they do when we use them to finish a pan sauce and then as soon as the butter disappears we will do the exact same thing with our cheese and you probably could add it all at once and not have much of a problem but since I still had a minute or two left on my pasta I went ahead and added it in two or three smaller additions and by the way if it looks like we've reduced our tomato sauce too much and it seems too thick that's not going to be an issue because when we add the rigatoni in here there's gonna be a good amount of water that comes with it and once that stirred in we should have the perfect texture or at least what I think the perfect texture is but regardless we'll go ahead and stir in our cheese at which point assuming our pasta is cooked we'll go ahead and transfer that in and as I do you can probably see a little bit of that water I'm talking about and then what we'll do once our sauce has been rigatoni is grab our serving spoon and give it an initial stirring to coat it with the sauce at which point we'd go ahead and add the rest of our basil and give it one last mix until those pieces of pasta are perfectly coated and of course as always we're gonna taste for salt which I did and I added some I just didn't film it I wanted to but muscle-memory got the best of me and I tossed it in before I realized it wasn't filming but anyway you guys know the drill well of course taste and make sure it's seasoned to our liking and once perfect we'll go ahead and spoon that up into some pasta bowls and quite possibly finished with some extra cheese and that's it my rigatoni all segreto is done and while it may look fairly unremarkable the taste of this is anything but well very simple it is just an amazingly delicious sauce and other than how incredibly tasty is what I love about this is nobody's gonna be able to figure out the secret ingredient because butter is not really something someone thinks of when they think of tomato sauce so once your guests get done moaning and groaning and pleasure they're probably gonna ask you something to the effect of what the heck is in here and then you're gonna have to say sorry it's a secret I can't tell you or I guess you could or better yet give them a link to this video but anyway that's it my take on salsa segreto in case you're wondering how I got this recipe I knew a guy who knew a guy who didn't know anything but he knew another guy and that guy knew a guy that knew this recipe which is really all I can say without endangering him so whether you share the secret to the secret sauce or not I still really do hope you give this a try soon so head over to food wishes comm for all the ingredient amounts and more info as usual and as always enjoy [Music]
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 1,637,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rigatoni, Segreto, Secret, Sauce, pasta, sauce, Ginos, chef, john, foodwishes, easy, fast, tomato, butter, basil, entree, dinner, Italian
Id: o1xg1ntqSHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2017
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