Rig Rundown: Brent Mason [2021]

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[Music] with an impossibly thin proprietary coating excess maximizes string life repels corrosive elements and projects a rich lasting tone excess the coated string that safeguards your sound [Music] do [Music] wow awesome hey y'all this is john bolinger with premier guitar and i'm with brent mason so brent thanks so much for joining us good to be here man yeah so um just a little back story brent pretty much every every guitar player in nashville had to learn all of brent's stuff because before they could get any work at all hey you've how many god i can't even imagine how i get a percentage off you should you basically taught like all of us to play back in the day man does that make me older than most people no there's the irony all right i think i'm younger but you look younger than me so figure that out it's cause you just got you just got great yeah yeah well man okay this okay this guitar uh this is one we all know you for and uh it's been on hundreds if not thousands of obsessions and give us a little backstory on this thing well man i bought this thing i i probably give different dates 83 84. yeah you said 82. my time uh you know frames are off yeah right but i think it was 83 when you're playing with john kelly yeah don kelly and i went to hugley's music out in east what it was there in east nashville yeah and we bought two two telecasters hanging on the wall he bought this one and i bought uh another uh like a white one and we went out to the gigs to play and we were playing together at the stagecoach lounge and uh i said hey man i kind of could i play that one which was this one yeah he goes yeah yeah man go ahead you go you know because he like trades them in every yeah two weeks or yeah i didn't care yeah cause i said i i think i like this one take that one i'll take this one this yeah that's where i got it so it was like i don't know 300 bucks or something hanging on the wall right and what what year is this guitar this is actually 67. in late winter this was birthed yeah by a fender and i always called it a 68 when they took it apart it said november 67 or so it probably went out to the you know the stores or whatever on right the next year but uh 67. well with those days are gone of buying a 67 tele for 300 if anybody's got a 67 tele you want to sell me you can't even add a zero to it it's still a good bargain right yeah yeah no kidding got in that crazy yeah so yeah that's what it was i mean uh and of course it has been uh modified a few times yeah tell us tell a little bit about joe glazer uh way back there was a there was a guitar player from uh virginia his name was sid hudson he had a three p pickup system or he had three pickups and i always thought it was a cool thing right and i and i really thought it was the best thing for me practically because i couldn't afford more than one guitar at the time it's like i wanted a les paul in a 335 or a strat and a telly but i had to trade one in to get the other i said well you know what i'm just going to make one do it all right hopefully and that's that's how this came about you know i put the baby humbucking and then yeah is that out of a les pauls yeah out of like a deluxe i guess seymour duncan stack uh vintage stack here and the hot stack here okay you know he put him uh we've switched this one out a couple of times i had the 5 2 in there and now it's the vintage stack which just stayed in there you know permanently fixture yeah uh volume controls this that's basically you know it's still a three-way so three-way in the middle is the volume the volume for the middle hot stack yeah that's great so you can kind of do you find yourself like kind of feathering it in a little bit with the other yeah you know basically that's what i do with it rather than full on it doesn't it you know it's close to a strat so yeah but it's it's not quite there so i found it more effective just to use it as a kind of eq right uh you know thing so i just kind of bleed it into where it just kind of takes out the the offensive high-end stuff sure you know yeah so it's like [Music] it just kind of rolls [Music] [Music] now that's you know sort of a strat out of things it's it's close but yeah it's a little hollow i think yeah but i love the way you just you know this this pickup has lost a little of its umph over the years oh really yeah i think i can see do that yeah but i really it didn't bother me it just kind of you know it just gave it another uh dimension as far as the tonality it goes when i start to roll it in it helps yeah so yeah i love the way i use it full-on that much that time i got about five strats now oh yeah yeah all right i can afford at least a few yeah yeah with it well that tone of that in between you just put a little bit with your bridge it's such a yeah that's like that's kind of it's the joe glazer wiring yeah dang you know so and speaking of joe glazer he did the bee bender as well right right yeah yeah so this but this is the old style bee bender which is uh it goes through the body it all comes through the back all right just do that the newer ones are much more uh easier to work with they just kind of wrap around the saddle right which hook in works perfectly into uh the your new signature [Music] oh it's so great [Music] these are always like it looks like they have some kind of neurological disease and when you get when you're sitting on a chair it really gets it's like you're going you got to really like size your strap down right so you can just do it really quick uh because i've got it set pretty uh stiff the uh sure because i mean uh i know there's guys that have really playful you know where but you have to stand like a statue or it'll go right yeah yeah yeah so i got mine set up pretty stiff so it looks a little you know got to muscle that a little bit sure now how okay so fender just came out last year with your with your new signature which yeah yeah we got to hear that thing yeah it's a little heavier than this one but it sounds great yeah we reviewed it and god man i ended up taking to a few club dates and playing it the ashwood the southern ash is hard to get now or any kind of wood i think right right is hard to uh get so they really they they did their best to just grabbed it yeah let's see what's that i'm sorry oh they did their best to just cop everything you did on on your original um [Music] so you got a little i still do the bleeding thing yeah yeah frog pickup sounds great [Music] so [Music] that's but it's pretty you know it sounds like a 335 [Laughter] [Music] god great [Music] yeah it sounds like george benson until that last band yeah out of the danny gap yeah right right that's uh so now on your original one um it has like it's not like a rattle can or a car paint that you put on it when did you yeah it's a it's a like a car it's a car primer yeah that's on it yeah did they do that on this one as well use the same kind of paint you know it's just like a satin coating you know fit light paint satin yeah finish now but they i mean they didn't go to that to that exterior right that extreme yeah it sounds great though man yeah it's like it's not it's a good sound they totally caught them there's there's things i like about it the front pickup better oh really it's got a little clarity kind of thing yeah [Music] awesome no brett you're you're uh you're a thumb picker but you do you do you what do you do your nails to make them cut do you do you beautiful yeah yeah so beautiful uh super glue do you really yeah super glue and plastic my wife where's she's out there she's somewhere there she is that beautiful woman it's hard to find these uh real thick nails plastic and they just stopped making them you can't find they're all thin my wife bought every nail that's that or these kind in the universe so nobody can get in at this point besides her yeah you've got every one right you bought everyone don't you remember i bought some more last week from that same woman yeah there's this woman that has like thousands oh really so i just i snuck a big box up in my closet really there was a nail hoarder out there and you bought all of uh all that it are like this is huh and they don't make a mistake she's a male expert all right so what what's the brand do you remember [Music] all the nails are gonna be gone so you so you just cut them and literally super glue them yeah but you leave this one off well you know a lot of people ask me that it's it i use this for like real percussive kind [Music] see how it pops uh so it's got that uh [Music] little reed jerry reed thing [Music] anyway that's that's why because i kind of pop them i kind of come under the finger you know yeah you really do like almost like a bass player [Music] you know even you know [Music] that's great and more aggressive oh yeah yeah and the thumb pick what is what is that thumb pick it's a blue one oh it's uh these are uh i get these from dunlop uh who who carries them now they were hirco uh just you know the same mxr dunlop guys got him you can order them there i've had this one for years i noticed a lot of steel guitar players use these too yeah every time i see a steel guitar he's got a blue pick yeah so i've been using those for years and uh they're i don't know they just feel good to me they're not too big and cumbersome right do they are the right gauge they're not too heavy and not too flimsy or light you know and so the blue is the gauge is that yeah yeah okay uh yeah i think it's it's like sort of medium light or medium i think it's just medium yeah hex something i don't know yeah i wish i had mark you should have i could have studied up on this job yeah you're doing the thumb picking if you've done a lot yeah that's great how you pronounce that dunlop yeah dude love i think that's right so done lab okay with that so so basically you're carrying two guitars this to this gig this is a last time we did a rig run down it was in the studio but tonight you're playing at third lindsley so you're doing your yeah your club set right and just got number one and you're sitting yeah yeah or something tonight or uh or something else i just brought this one because i wanted to you know show it off a little bit yeah it's great hearing the it's kind of cool hearing the differences if that one breaks i'll play this one sure sure but that is you know uh while i'm speaking of that it's great to travel you know now with something like this right because i hate to take that on on a plane or travel with it anymore right it's like it being that it's not you know uh coated or anything or lacquered or anything the downfall of that is the wood's falling off sure you know oh yeah will there be any more wood left on it yeah so i don't want to you know scathe it up any more than it is yeah you you've beaten that when i travel or do a you know a clinic or something or just travel with it i'll grab you know this this is a great one but sure you know sure so what strings are you running uh these are these are dionario and i got the nyxl's on here they're balanced tension though tens of tension great strings lasts forever right they seem to last forever how long how do you change them everybody goes uh don't you probably change your strings twice a day or not twice a day or two twice a week or three times i go now sometimes they go a month without changing them they just can't believe that wow no they just they stay pristine and nice you know yes uh i've always used them and uh you know like i use the yeah the uh ny excels is what i use i'll put 12s on my gretch 6120 wow well but then i put a uh unwa i don't use the wound on the third string on the gretch yeah but otherwise it's 12 and then i put a 17 on the third uh you know like you might go to 11's on on the 335 but most of them are just pretty much tens yeah you know dia dario tens yeah ny excels balance tension balance tension yeah okay that covers guitars let's talk about these amps you've got oh okay well these amps i've had a long time uh the twin i had two uh blackface twins and one of them was lost in the nashville flood oh yeah you know a terrible thing that happened you know i'm sure everybody remembers that sure it was a you know scary terrible thing but this one is i'm using this as a backup right now uh just in case you know these old ones could you know just die on you in the middle of a show right yeah right so i'm not running them stereo or anything although i could but i'm using this great super reverb this was somebody i i just said hair this super reverb this i can't remember who just said you want this thing i said yeah i always love super reverbs i love the blackface ones so this is a blue face it's like early 70s right so i i took it to jeff heim and i said jeff can you make this sound like a black face and make it just that much louder than everybody else's you know he goes yeah man i could do that and he did his magic on it and it brought it to life so that's what i'm using it's it's great it's punchy yeah but it's got that fender-ish you know uh nice tone vintage tone and uh i like the uh the way it's it's it's it's a to carry oh right you know you gotta roll it on a cart or something or if you've got car that you have to worry about sure then they could just cuss at you for a year but i love the way it stands up it just oh yeah i got a great deluxe that i use but it won't carry in a place like this yeah so this thing just has all the kind of tones i like you know it's close because i do you know i want to go clean on some things and i want to go you know dirty rock it out a little bit sure and then stay clean and pristine so that's why i count on a lot of the pedals you know on this this that's the perfect segue let's talk about your pedal board starting yeah and this is some i rig them up all the time at home i got all kinds i got mid-sized little ones and uh i just got this this is basically simple to the eye you know i'm seeing them they're all in perspective there and uh you know this equalizer this ge boss equalizer is just guitar friendly eq i always like this key i think i was back when i was playing the stagecoach days i had one of these really let's let's hear that thing a little bit like how would you well it's i use it very subtly but yeah it looks like so you can add a little uh a second here first you got to turn it on it's very subtle and very subtle [Music] you got you know you can that's the if you want to kind of scoop it out sure you got the you know it's got the 800 400 1k3 you know so it's guitar a lot of frequencies good frequencies and you know the crappy nasally stuff you can pull out but yeah the 200's always nice [Music] and of course got 100 there where the humans can't hear well but you know 200 could get kind of boxy a little bit [Music] really wakes it up yeah it wakes up let's see what uh i'm trying to figure out what [Music] you know so that's a little crunch on the hot wire but [Music] so it adds a little oh of course the tens always give you a little more low end right right you know i think that rolling out that 200 just yeah it's almost like that just makes everything else cut that much more too yeah well i i actually edged the 200 up a little bit but you don't need a lot oh really is that what i took i took 800 out oh okay that's that's it yeah god it sounds great any noise issues with with that no no not that i uh i'm aware of i can't hear any high noise in here anyway [Music] no noise that's great so you go from the eq and into the poplar yeah it's important the sequence you put the pedals and all that yeah most new pedals are all true bypass now so sure uh going to the ego uh whopper compressor yeah let's hear that thing yeah it's a so it's got uh the tone should be set here i roll the tone count totally counterclockwise i don't know why i think it just that's my preference [Laughter] when the blend has a clean blend and a compression blend that's what's cool about it oh there's a lot of times when you use the other compressors as soon as you kick it in all that airy high weight i can't say it all that airy high-end goes away right it's like it like loses high-end so the blend adds the clean sound in with the compression which was a cool thing yes you see it in distortions a lot or sure that's where you can add blend the clean in this uh gives you back that high end the natural you know you don't want to lose any of that natural tone with it kicking in [Music] that's a lot of compression [Music] see it's still got the area here top there so now that's quite a bit of compression for me okay the sustain's way up sorry i usually don't use that much squeeze yeah so [Music] yeah it's great so okay and sometimes i just use a little touch of it to where it's not so squeezy yeah but um yeah so okay that's great so it goes from the from the compressor into this distortion pedals oh is that what is that yeah i was just trying this i don't i'm not too familiar with that when i just the euphoria [Music] this one's a little thicker the bb preamp [Music] a little more like a tweed kind of a yeah that sounds great and of course mine hot wire which i use for just a it's a two channel thing one side is more of a crunch rhythm kind of a thing [Music] i haven't set him yet so i got to kind of get him sad that's a trouble man you you got to settle these things you're kicking in and go oh okay you're in the middle of a solo and you can't break away to yeah it's like i want to reach down there so bad that's just a little bit you know you can add more sure that's also has it also has a blend on it as well so you know that's a cool thing so that's the that's the right side of your that's all better [Music] [Music] and of course [Music] [Music] [Music] you know so you got yeah that's great there's there's a lot of that that hot wired pedal that's all over town yeah yeah everybody everybody want one of those okay so okay you used after the hot wired you go well i got i just got these fender pedals and they're pretty cool yeah it's that's the reason i'm putting distortions before the volume pedal yeah so the eq compression the sorcerer pedals pre-volume pedal okay and then after the volume pedal then you put your uh even though they're set here they're still before set them up you know even though it looks like they're after after the volume pedal tremolos any kind of effects you know yeah these are the new fingers this tree tray verb or tree verb is so sweet yeah [Music] sweet sound yeah that's a great and the verb i'm using the verb out of it because the the super verb on channel one has no super verb or reverb at all and you're not even super it's just nothing it's just a good tone yeah but i mean i use the verb out of this yeah it's cool it has a 63 uh plate i mean 63 65 type reverb switch or a plate oh okay i got on the 63 right now yeah it sounds great see how sweet that oh yeah major seven sound beautiful yeah yeah you go please don't kill the killer whale [Music] yeah yeah yeah that's great all right okay so uh please don't please don't yeah that's great so that's the trey verb and then after that is it the memory man okay so we got the the verb and uh the tremolo is off then then uh i was just trying this fender center oh okay that's a compressor distortion and i thought that was pretty cool i just stuck that in there yeah so you got [Music] i got it it's just a little bit of crunch like like it's taxing an amp a little yeah like a lower water jam [Music] and that's called the pretty cool what's it called the fender come come puglis uh i don't know if that can compute something subject something somebody in the comments tell us something fender compulsory computers yeah that sounds right yeah yeah sure right there's a confusion okay but it it's a compressor the compressor is pretty cool right there usually i never put it i'm using it yeah anyway a great pedal yeah i like that you can really see those lights too up there that yeah yeah kind of handy that's that's nice yeah if you're in a dark club and you can't really see where everything's uh going yeah and then you're and then the memory man yeah i've been using that for years i just i like it you know it's got the tap stuff in it yeah that's correct uh you know what's cool about these deluxe memory man electro harmonics the gain switch another it sounds very natural as you want to drive an amp a little bit [Music] i'll try to [Music] give you a little bump if you're kind of playing clean but you want a little bump for the solo you know yeah [Music] where do you usually keep it do you usually keep it on or do you just switch between the divisions [Music] you know you can yeah it's just really easy to tap and it's all set right there it's got a fat delay sound it's got a nice a little bit of a depth rate kind of smooth analog chorus chorus ish yeah it [Music] so when you're playing do you tweak it at all or uh yeah that's beautiful uh i can't it's what ask that question when you're playing uh do you do you tweet between these different sounds or just kind of set it and forget it well i kind of have it set on a normal kind of thing yeah because otherwise i'd be messing with it all the time right you know that's what i don't need to be doing because i have i'm always a perfectionist with effect i'm always leaning down sure yeah every time i see myself on a show where it was uh half the time going on right right and i'm going why do i do that it's like you know it's like where'd it go yeah yeah so i usually have a set you know kind of a for the song or whatever and really all i have to do is just click the yeah on or off or tap tap tempo thing yeah and that's about it and then and then this a b box well that's that's just it's just what it is it's like if you want to use uh you know turn use two amps together or turn one off use the other use the one on the b a you know that's what i've kind of got although i'm not really using it right now right so this like i said the twin is just sort of a backup in case this one goes what year is that twin dude that that's a 65 twin pretty sure yeah yeah yeah it's the real deal yeah it sounds good and in that super you're in the first channel yeah and i've always ran it in in the uh vibrato channel yeah until just like a week ago i i stuck it in that it just kind of you're like whoa yeah i kind of filled in you know it fattened up and started pushing a little better so i thought why didn't i know that why didn't i do you think he modded it or is that just the way it might have been something he'd done because i'm gonna have to ask you a good question jeff might have minded because there's like a i've seen a mod where you kind of make them marshally i guess yeah maybe that's maybe that's what he did yeah it sounds amazing whatever it is i should know this but i'll have to call jeff what'd you do to miami i love it yeah usually it's like what'd you do to my app that sucks now it's it's great yeah it's great i love it i just found this out four years later well that's great well yeah well anyways it's working for now yeah next year i'll probably have you know be plugging in the other side or something right so who knows it's just you know how musicians are oh we get bored with one sound it's a moving target and then we go back to what we started with yeah yeah right right well but i mean i bet from the beginning you're pretty much a telly into a fender amp so yeah it's not that far from where you started you know no matter where you go yeah i mean blackface basements uh you know showmans yeah deluxe reverbs are great with telly's yeah and these yeah they're all all good amps yeah all the tweed ones are great always fender makes some good stuff you know that's why they're around right right you know forever yeah and they kind of make they kind of make the right amp for every scenario you know like yeah like a little princeton for a little you know little gig like something bigger it's i love that and it's crazy how this super is louder than your twin it looks like i know it's crazy isn't it because you're only running it on three prime yeah he's getting a good credit uh yeah yeah he's a good plug this you're welcome jeff yeah oh he's okay yeah yeah yeah right so anyway yeah well brent it's great seeing you great hearing you play man it's just mind blowing seriously here you do your thing thanks yeah thanks man check it out thanks so much
Channel: Premier Guitar
Views: 68,773
Rating: 4.9356499 out of 5
Keywords: guitar, guitars, guitarist, demo, guitar player, tone, electric guitar, fender, fender guitar, gibson, gibson guitar, gibson les paul, rig, guitar gear, pedalboard, pedals, guitar effects, guitar pedals, premier guitar, 90s country, country music, country, country guitar, fender telecaster, fender tele, telecaster, brent mason, brent mason telecaster, wampler, wampler pedals, guitar pedal, pedal demo, playing guitar, tele, brent mason guitar, super reverb, ehx, electro-harmonix
Id: YhS8bCs12N8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 17sec (2237 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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