Rig Rundown - Blackberry Smoke's Charlie Starr and Paul Jackson

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going on YouTube this is Perry with premier guitar I'm here in Nashville Tennessee at the awesome beautiful famous Ryman Auditorium with my buddies here in blackberry smoke this is Charlie and they're kind enough today to take some time and walk us through some really cool guitars I'm excited to talk about so let's get started what do you say yeah man all right this up first okay this is my number one whoo it's a 56 Les Paul jr. I've had it since 1993 I think I paid eight 150 bucks for it if not much original here it's obviously a reef in you know it says hey y'all in the back hey y'all ridiculous um the pickup is great though this is the is this original pin yeah but with a replacement cover cool have you had to have I mean it's old have you had to have it rewound or anything no and I've only had the guitar rethreaded once since I've owned it and the guy that does fret work and things like that for me is a great guy in Georgia he kind of scolded me for it he said this guitars unplayable how the hell'd you let it get this bad but you know you get used to anything planning everything every night yeah but it's a great guitar it's really resonant it's a it's got that that thing we all love not plugged in and looks like so we had a Bigsby on it at some point I loved it you know I always loved p90 guitars specifically single pickup p90 guitars because it forces you to search for different tones and sounds with your fingers and your hands we're totally volume knobs yeah in different places where you pluck the strings and it's just I don't know there's almost beauty in the simplicity of it yes I don't yeah it definitely makes you focus on technique for sure yeah and a guitars really a player yeah it's beautiful this this one here is one of those new southern rock tribute 59s from Gibson Custom Shop and it's got a little cherry burst a little medallion there that says southern rock tribute and then will I can't say enough about the Gibson Custom Shop because the work they're doing is incredible now this guitar also is very resonant and it's oddly true to specs as far as the 59 58 59 60 burst would be wiring yeah the bumblebee caps and things like that but JD Cymer who we talked about he brought a 60 burst to a show the other day and I played it and I don't get to play us very often you know but it felt very very similar I was like wow what a great job I mean if I were to be able to if I were to have to judge from that one guitar I would say that they really did a good job or hitting home runs at the Custom Shop no is this something they put it to request these pickup servers now these are the custom buckers that it came with and they're great I love them I've got a lot of PAF clones I really like these I mean there's a guy wish those are great obviously yeah I mean there are too many to mention what you guys make him after more making good and this one this is very cool-looking this belonged to guitar player named haggis that was in the band the four horsemen back in the early 90s they were on deaf American records and he told me that he bought this guitar at a guitar shop in Los Angeles Los Angeles called performance guitars and it was just a just a naked tail a body and neck and he had him put a p90 in it and this lipstick tube came later but he found this guy in a neighborhood in Los Angeles that was doing woodworking stuff and for a hundred bucks the guy did this to it no kidding so it was like a parts telly that he took to the guy and he played it on their records and on tour and a friend of mine wound up with it and I bought it from my buddy and it's just it's a cool guitar I'm really cool that's a good look it's a mainly an open G guitar for me it just really likes that tuning it is that is the neck pretty similar to other jellies that you Flanders they are very thin feel and it's ridiculous looks like inve thin yeah it is it is super super little man it's got some weight to it too it's not yeah normally I wouldn't care for a neck like that but it's fine I'm not I'm not really that particular um some people say you're broke your neck profiles are kind of all over the place because this 53 obviously 50 56 56 is way fatter that's my favorite neck profile I guess you could say is that just because I played that guitar more than any guitar own but this is more of a bat here yeah that's a Louisville Slugger half of one so you guys run in different tunings for songs or is it just yeah I do a lot several different different tunings and K pod tunings and things like that and gotcha that one's always been an open G guitar for me it just it likes to live there that's how it feels good yeah I understand that awesome and then as far as gages are you running the same gages on everything or do you change it according to tuning always tends to Tanzer can't they work for everything yeah that's great well cool man um do you have any other guitars want to talk before you yeah before we switched to amps I'll swap alright so it looks like you got a custom guy here yeah this is a Echo Park guitars in Los Angeles California Gabriel curry he's a genius is a true artisan it was really his attention to detail you can tell it was incredible and the the body and neck of this guitar 500 year old mahogany it's like sinker Logs is that what it was I think it I think so he's got the most incredible old growth wood that he works I've ever seen and you know I don't get to spend a lot as a source said you know I'm not sure he'd probably kill me if he deaf if you know I got the trade secret he calls this one the 55 Gold and it's got the Echo Park sort of dearmond filter Truong Hoai everything so this is his own pickup that he mean yeah in house they're the great p90 and then that one it's a great marriage and just really great craftsmanship yeah you can see um so how old is this guitar cuz the checking looks pretty natural isn't a nitro finish that he it's Rosen he stuck it in the cold and the heat and the cold and heat it's brand-new he handed me this guitar three months ago that's cool I like it and that sucks pretty cool too yeah and I'm crazy got a couple of guitars from Gabriel he's just he said he's a pro yeah looks great man very very cool custom and then another good friend that I actually grew up with some sort of he's we didn't live in the same house but he's from my hometown he built a couple of bases for Richard and I didn't know that he was a that he was a luthier I had no idea I knew it was a great guitar player when we were kids he was really great acoustic guitar player a flat picker bluegrass picker and and so then he made me this it's beautiful semi-hollow guy and I love this the pickup mounts match the map match the finish yeah I mean it's just beautiful flame in this know within the humbuckers in a hollow body are you getting a lot of feedback or you know I'm in there anything no well it's it's semi-hollow so it's got a center block it's really really nice again like Gabriel he's a he cares so much about what he's doing and it's yeah and an intern allottee as well it's really a great sounding guitar you can see good-looking guitars all day long it's not like but these guitars are these guys players players so they know so it's just really a beautiful yeah that is a that's a work of art man I mean the inlays and everything or just yeah rad I thought the centerpiece was pretty pretty unique as well a piece of mahogany sure so very neat cool well what do you say we uh let's talk about some pedals and amps okay all right amps on this room Jimmy no it's a a plexi type 68 plexi type 50 watt head it's that look it's no bright cap so it's more like the base circuit and just love that for it's got that thing that plexi thing sure that we all love for a non master volume ants really really loud of course and but it's great then and then this 800 and I've had this old guy for ever and for years and years have played eight hundreds I mean they're 800 so they they sound great it's a one-trick pony but that trick is cool yeah and it was great to have obviously for the for a lot of years to have the master volume because I played a lot of little clubs that I wouldn't be able to use that sure I've always loved the way this amp lives with a p90 guitar sage is such a great marriage and you work the volume knob on the guitar and all of a sudden you're playing a Telecaster yeah really cool so I got and then this 4:12 it's for greenbacks and so I got this tone bone by radio for switching so both heads are running into one cabinet and that will switch this so depending on what guitar you grab you want to be on gotcha and I got a pedal over there a single switch to go back and forth and and then in here is an old hughes & kettner to blow us fear I've had it for a little long time Leslie cabinet simulator since 97 old schools got a 12 X 7 million huh it still works knock wood um yeah so because it's got a tube does it warm up a lot of does it's pretty beefy yeah it's a little noisy too but it's that's okay that's fine noisy scoot lost in the mix yeah awesome stuff man well let's uh let's talk some pedals so just your regular old run-of-the-mill crybaby gotcha this is a bad bob by analog man it's to me it's like a I think it's a 30 DB boost but it's like a rhinoceros all of a sudden when you oh so it does give you some your it's big gotcha you're not playing a rhino and then you turn it on and you're playing a rhino instant rhinoceros that's a Greer Lightspeed it's so transparent I love it it's in it really I don't use it a whole lot it's not doing it so it looks like you I guess it's the volume it they call it well yeah so you're kind of running it almost like a clean boost but which is a little something well it's a little bit of compression for time to time certain guitars or certain parts I mean it's it's I love it it's great um there I could probably leave it on all night and forget that it's even on because it's not doesn't do it doesn't color your tone and also it's really you would even notice it um the only thing you would notice are the good attributes nothing nothing bad an old face 45 which is cool was ah it's just that's it it's great super trim which is really great trim low this is just to operate the hughes & kettner rotors feared rotor sphere oh that's cool now does it do a graduated like a Leslie where it'll kind of yes when you go fast to slow it slowly slows down and here a worldly really that's cool that's really neat the Wampler tape the photo tape echo is great I just got an Echoplex at home a real tape Echoplex I would never be able to bring it on the road you would want to bring yeah this is a really great sounding replica sure yeah I mean do you feel like it's pretty I mean for you know so much gets lots of translation when you're playing it loud to me it's kind of got that shriek you know that tape shriek and you can turn it off and on here the the faux tape real oh I would I don't know why you would ever want to turn it off more tape noises yeah um it's really great and this is just a switch switch the heads back and forth so nothing crazy but you got you got some good stuff to play with if you got to I love it especially that the super trim I'm just love tremolo so much me too I don't play an ant that has a tremolo so sure have you you know obviously amp trim sounds awesome you know especially on our old fenders and stuff do you feel like this is comparable or yes have you tried to a be any other trend pedals I haven't I took a good friend of Mines word for it and I have never been disappointed it's a great sounding I use it on two records ago I used it on tons of songs on the record I'm sure if I wasn't playing an amp that had tremolo do you always keep the mix that low or is it just well here's the thing I make it simple because I'm a DD in with it on the hard setting as opposed to soft if you keep that how should I put it it's user-friendly this way because I can't screw it up guys I'll leave it all the way down it's a nice even tremolo it's fun it's still gotten it's enough if you if you change the setting here I haven't done it and got it five years if you change it here there's way too much travel travel yeah and so I'm like you know what I like it like this boom cool well hey man I really appreciate you taking the time to walk us through all this stuff thank you very much we'll be right back well I'm here with mr. Paul a Jackson he's going to run us through some of his stuff although they have to soundcheck in a second so we don't have too much time so let's get to it tell me about your number one yeah this is my 79 at Les Paul just only thing I did to change pickups out all this is it's all starts takia pearly gates to neve 59 reissues well we're right yeah right right I say take it back I put these knobs on a while back and so did you change spots or anything no no it's alright it's from from what I tell me when I bought it it's all original stuff you see the back of it because it kind of looks like I wanna show these guys it looks like an old bowling alleys things yes'm very cool very good yeah and I just have this this symbol on here for unity oh that's cool yes I put that on it myself all right none nothing crazy important this is tele my buddy Martin Moore made for me where's you Percy out of he's out of uh thanks North Carolina yeah I think Raleigh baby since all him is it uh is it why it's it's yeah I like that it's nice and light it's like it's great it sounds amazingly beautiful and I his buddy he just said Nunley one word he's like who put the pickup said he who's got him Nunley made him maybe you guys will know about Henley yeah and so I just got a comment on these barrels are super fat yeah or those custom is that something no no he got him he bought him from somewhere and put it on like him he'd just put this guitar together for me I got the body you know what I mean I'll do like that he put some some nine millimeter rounds okay just put him in the headstock that's pretty cool yeah so it's a pretty eight you know did all this stuff - he does really great work you know cool-looking relic yeah yeah it's it sounds amazing then you got this gorgeous mother over here yeah then then uh a mini buckers yeah Gibson yeah they're such a great company man I can't say enough about them yeah this is just your regular to think it was 2013 maybe I think that's what they told me all stock all stock came out of the box sounded awesome yeah but it got this pretty cool tuning Thanks yeah Locker locking tuners yeah yeah I think it's very smooth to do like a banjo once I have my other one they kind of mess with me lay there a little Street and then sometimes if they come on tension and yeah the tuning gets all whacked out yeah this is just my main three that I use I have quite a few more but with with all the guitars of Charlie not usually carry around we can't fit them in the box they put them on and then you're running this custom chair yeah it's custom shop 50 you know with these uh I think there's let me look at the back I got some I can't remember what on they're both open open back yeah vintage 30s that's insured it's cool you're sorry awesome so why Orange as opposed to anything else I mean well um we use them before and I just you know venture off I'm always you look at him but I played this I went up to the shop they said come and check some stuff out so I was like alright then they asked me if I tried their custom shop 50 I was like no and they go dude when they let me play through that's like what now I gotta have it yeah alright sell it to me put it in the truck you know that's funny man very very cool so are these matching cabs ours it looks kind of like this the bottom ones a little smaller might be just where I'm standing there yeah now they're the same matching cabs yeah everybody got finished thirties in a minute I guess that just leaves us with pedals and huh yeah you take a look yeah alright cool man this is a pretty pretty simple yeah yeah it's not even crazy but you got some fun stuff on here let's talk about it yeah man I have a face battle here Big Joe stop box they said this to me now plug it else okay it's perfect for what it I need it for it doesn't change my sound you know it's pretty avid pretty transparent let's go and from there where you going I go you know obviously you cry baby standard nonce and then this Leslie simulator picked Ron Acosta I heard this online it's like oh gotta have that and then Wampler Wampler whatever you want to call Wampler yeah yeah a lot of people cuz this is the clean booth yeah this is clean booze in this paint Brad Paisley signature thing it's I dig it just do that tele thing yeah yeah that's all that and in this other compressor you know it's I don't use them all the time I use it for little pieces of songs that's interesting yeah it's even compression because I found it hard to not play with compress it just smoothes you out some yeah I did this with like leads maybe yeah okay for me actually it depends on how I'm feeling I wanted to play this in one night just wanna don't go you know aren't crazy sick because I'm one I want that you know my rig yeah you don't want it to color it into a petal and is that thing run hot enough for you to just get on it oh yeah you can you can work your volume knob just that's what I mainly doing this stuff it's just a tasteless yeah that lift up and pull down the doubles this little dynamic range in the sound yeah yeah cuz I mean sometimes you know with with running humbuckers and single coils and those mini humbuckers Charlie runs primary p90s and they cut through anything so I kind of have to battle that and you got to find where you fit yeah and it's cool you know cuz I don't only guitar the p90 in it because for me my opinion why had the same thing right I mean if you've ever in that yeah that's cool well hey man I got you I'll let you guys get to soundcheck it but I really appreciate you taking the time to exile me the next time we do this again I'll have tons of more stuff okay cool next time we do a rundown with blackberry smoke they're gonna have Cadillacs for pedalboard all this cool stuff so unnecessary great yeah well hey guys thanks so much for watching stay tuned and check out our other rig rundowns review demos and all of our other programs catch you soon don't forget to sign up for PG perks your all-access pass to exclusive gear giveaways and discounts on premier guitar calm
Channel: Premier Guitar
Views: 407,156
Rating: 4.8607221 out of 5
Keywords: Blackberry Smoke (Musical Group), Charlie Starr (Baseball Player), Paul Jackson (Composer), Rig Rundown, Gibson Guitar Corporation (Musical Instrument Company), Gibson Les Paul (Guitar), Gibson Firebird (Guitar), Guitar (Musical Instrument), Guitarist (Profession), Echopark Guitars, Echopark
Id: B682R8rVPLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2015
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