Riding Japan's Fastest Shinkansen From Toyko to Osaka 🇯🇵

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today we will be taking one of the fastest trains  in the world that can travel up to 320 km per hour   Japan's notoriously Speedy Shinkansen we've taken  some fast and some interesting trains before like   in Thailand Vietnam Malaysia South Korea Taiwan  and India but Japan seems to be ranking Above   the Rest by being incredibly safe efficient and  timely with an average delay of only 12 seconds   and today we're taking you with us from Tokyo 2  Osaka in only the best this is Japan's Shinkansen we have just arrived at Tokyo Station and  if you've ever been to Japan and especially   Tokyo you will know that the train stations are  absolutely chaotic and busy they are very crowded   and they can be a little bit confusing but at the  same time really organized and quiet as Japanese   people always ask today we are going to take the  bullet train or the shinkansen as you may know it   for the very first time from Tokyo to Osaka it's  going to take about 2 and 1/2 hours and I'm very   very excited to take one of the world's most  fastest trains what I'm less excited about is   trying to navigate this insane train station  I mean it is really confusing there are signs   everywhere H this is going to be a little tough  so I think the first thing we got to do is try   and find a ticket booth we're going to show you  how we booked this train what it costs and what   we're going to eat on this train in a little bit  to take the shinkansen in Japan is one of the   attractions that you need to do I know and it's  one of the most incredibly convenient and super   fast modes of Transport so here has the shinkansen  timetable and this is all the stops that we're   going to our Train's not on the board yet because  we're very very early we're like 2 hours early for   our train because we're too excited but you can  see how many people are passing through this is   only one of the floors here at Tokyo Station  but the signage is amazing so it doesn't matter   if you get confused the signs are really good  and of course Japanese people are so helpful   so you can always ask them for help and the best  part everywhere in Japan is you have the vending   machines and here at these vending machines all  the ones that are blue are cold and all of these   that are red are hot absolutely genius okay I  think we need to go this way my girl there's   a green line and a blue line there's ticket  boots everywhere so it's kind of confusing on   which ticket booth is our ticket booth the best  part about traveling with your significant other   is he tends to carry all the bags thank you I'm  extremely grateful thanks for carrying the bags   this is what it's like traveling through Japan  going up and down stairs with a heavy bag and   my bag and your bag and your fiance's bag this  is us this is us okay it says shinkansen and JR   ticket line so this must be us okay how are we  going to do this it looks like everything is in   Japanese pickup Reserve tickets that must be us so  if you're picking your ticket up manually it may   seem a bit overwhelming and confusing but luckily  when we booked our tickets online we have a pickup   guide because the machines are in Japanese we've  got all the little screenshots here and we've   got a little QR code that we got to scan you could  stand in this line and you might not be guaranteed   a seat so I would highly recommend booking it  online but we'll show you how to do this in a   little bit let's get our ticket first then we  got to press this green button here and it's   all in Japanese so I'm just going to follow this  okay green first okay now I need to scan my QR code there we go and that's it so easy we do have a reserved seat  so I think we're in cart 5 and then we're 9A   and 9B so now that we got our tickets let's get  something to eat on the train we've got a little   bit of time so let's go grab a [Music] snack so  I see over here that they've got Eki Ben sign   which is the bento box that you would normally  buy when you're getting on the train there's so   many options here and look how full this store  is I think people have got the same idea you got   to get your Eki Ben this is kind of an example of  what they look like and they're heated so you can   actually Heat this up they also have other meals  and little cheese and ham little packets that's   so interesting what I love is that they all look  like they're in different shapes and sizes look   how beautiful these boxes are and you can see  what's inside plus the price the this is a steak   lunchbox crab they have beef tongue I think this  one looks the best I might get this one I don't   know what anything is but it looks interesting  I got the designer got my bag oh I made it out   alive this is the Eki Ben that I got it's so cool  you got chopsticks on the side Eki Ben is like a   Bento Box it's pretty much like a Japanese style  lunchbox but the most exciting part is that it's   self-heating you don't heat it in the microwave  you pull a string you wait five or 6 minutes and   it Heats by itself I don't know how that works but  we're going to figure it out I just got this one   because it was really hectic in there and this one  looked the most interesting so I just grabbed and went here's a quick little inside of the  bathroom in the station all of the seats   are heated I don't know if you can see  that plus on this side you've got all   your sprays all your nozzles you even  have have some music just to give you a   bit more privacy in case you get stage  right so what will happen if I press [Music] this so we're going on train 31  1212 platform 18 okay so platform 18 I'm   I think we can do it I've seen that  there's 19 platforms meaning that   there's 19 lines of highspeed  bullet trains that's absolutely insane so this is what the platform looks like  there's a train on this side and on that side   and this is the shinkansen and our train is  here it's Nozomi 31 one that's the name of   our train according to our ticket we're in car 5  which is this one and then we are in seat 9A and   then you can see in this train There are 16  carts that's how long it is this is what the   front of the shinkansen looks like holy moly  it looks super Dynamic kind of scary look at   that elongated nose can you imagine the amount of  bugs that get splattered on this nose that's like   my first thought that I could think of I can't  believe how long this nose is probably one of   the most impressive looking trains I've ever seen  so it has just gone 12 and our train is at 12:12   so we have a few minutes before our train leaves  I think they're currently cleaning the train what   happens is as soon as these gates open you need  to get on really quickly because apparently the   train leaves within 2 minutes of you getting on  it's absolutely insane first of all how long the   train is and how often they come I think that's  what's impressive about the shinkansen here in   Japan even on the platform they have a little  kiosk so you can buy some drinks and you can get   some snacks there's some fish Lobster there's some  chicken all kinds of different snacks and treats here so they've just opened the gates for us and  we're going to be in this train over here these   are reserved cars so it should say here reserved  as it does and I think it's time to get on girl   here we go car five here we go and we are on the  shinkansen look this says oversized baggage area   so this is where we get to put our bag right  here okay so we got this little put this little   flap down so our bag doesn't slide away genius  genius okay so I see seats 18 17 so we are seat 9 And look how much space there is there's even  enough space for this little carry-on bag got   a beautiful view outside my window spacious  seats armrest and we've got a table over here   for some drinks or some snacks for my Bento and  we can even see where the bathroom is where the   bin is emergency SOS quite comfortable  headrest we've even got a coat hanger   on top I've got so much space that I could  put my bag both my bags in front of me and   still be comfortable plus there's even  Wi-Fi on board and there is even some   overhead storage so you can have some empty  space around us even though we're just taking   regular class with a reserved seat it feels  like every class is first class because it   is impeccably clean well lit there's enough  storage space I am so ready for this journey   it's exactly 12:12 and we are already on our way  that is incredibly timely they are on the dot perfect I actually read that the shinkansen  trains are so punctual that in 2019 the average   delay was only 12 seconds long imagine being  delayed for 12 seconds oh thank you very much good idea oh that's much better  now I have a lot more space thank you so we've been on this train for about 15  minutes now and we've already made two stops   we're pretty much going halfway across the  country in only two hours which is already   so impressive plus the timeliness of this train  is just impeccable it is outstanding so now that   you've seen us take that bullet train I think you  may have noticed it might have been a little bit   stressful and confusing plus if you're buying  a ticket on the day waiting in those long lines   just don't cut it but thankfully we bought our  tickets on klook and everything was completely   online and it was super easy to use so that's  why we want to thank shinkansen for sponsoring   this video klook is an experience booking platform  with thousands of destinations worldwide traveling   to a new country for the first time can be very  overwhelming but thankfully with klook you can   book all of your experiences in advance and all in  one place we've been using klook a lot this year   especially for our tours in Japan for example we  simply just searched shinkansen on klook we booked   in advance and once we paid we got a step-by-step  guide on how to receive our tickets from the train   station it was super easy plus klook speaks your  language and your currency they have competitive   prices that can't be beat they also offer regular  discounts flash sales and promos and speaking of   they have a huge flash sale this week only  where you can book all of your experiences   up to 50% off use our code Shev and Dev so you  don't miss out on this opportunity and download   the klook app on your phone for a better booking  experience just click the link below for more [Applause] information wow so we been on this train for  about maybe 30 minutes and I'm already super   super impressed so right now I'm standing in a  bit of a walkway because when you're sitting in   your seat it is so quiet because obviously  all the Japanese people are so polite and considerate so I didn't want to sit in my seat  and make a noise and be inconsiderate to all   the other guests so this train runs at 320 km an  hour making it one of the fastest in the world and   apparently one of the safest in over 57 years of  operation there have been zero incidents and zero   casualties in fact this is one of the safest  modes of Transport in the entire world which   is amazing to think that such a highspeed  train is so safe and since Japan is known   for having many many earthquakes these trains  are also equipped for earthquakes where they   actually have their own power source in case of an  emergency so they are able to come to a complete   stop safely so the first shinkansen was built in  1964 to coincide with the Summer Olympics that   was running and that actually paved the way for  Japan's leading system in trains which is super [Music] interesting let me give you a  quick layout on this side we have two   seats and then on this side there's three  seats we're sitting on this side and it is   incredibly comfortable and quiet to take this  train halfway across the country in only 2 and   1/2 hours and I feel like if you're a traveler  and a train lover Japan is the place to go if   you love trains I also just want to point out  how fast we are going normally when you take a   long haul train you get to see some of the scenery  and see the countryside as you go by but because   we're going so quick you don't even have time to  look out and see everything because everything   is just flashing by in front of you it's a really  unique experience to be traveling on the ground at   this speed also we're busy turning right now  and the g-force actually pushing you to the   side and even when you take off the pressure  pushing you back into your seat is immense okay well in every train that I have been on  on this channel I've had to give you a little   bathroom tour overall pretty neat so here  we go we've got quite an elegantly designed   mirror we've even got another coat hanger here I  must say that it smells divine in here which is   not what I could say for other trains that I've  been on here in Asia we've got a baby sink and   we've got some instructions over here so that  you don't please do not stand on the toilet   how to use the toilet you wouldn't believe  how many people need to actually read this   and then we've got the flush plus we've got all  the Contraptions all the nozzles the sprays the   bidet we've even got an open and close and  you can even adjust the water pressure you   can also call for assistance if you need the  seats up right now so if I press this [Music]   oh my goodness look at that you've even got  an open and closed one so if I push that again absolutely genius then you've got a  diaper disposal that's amazing I'm sure a   lot of moms appreciate that plus a little  seat cleaner so typically in Japan most   toilets are heated so I'm going to give  this one a little test ooh I won't be able   to go to a normal toilet anymore because a  heated seat is the elite seat it's just so comforting it's now time for Shev's snacks and I  think Japan's Elite when it comes to train food   normally train food is not that great but I think  in Japan this looks pretty good and we get to try   an Eki Ben for the very first time I actually  may think that this is not a heated one but   we've got some pork cutlet over a bed of rice I  think this is an omelet then we got some pickled   veggies I actually don't know what what this  is and then we've got some simmered beef with   some veggies some mushrooms is this noodles but if  you know what this is let me know in the comments   very fresh very tasty pickled veggies kind of  sweet and sour and then I'm really curious to know what highly recommend getting an Eki Ben  when you're on the train it's a 10 out of 10 meal and just like that our train  is almost there we are about 5 or   6 minutes away from arriving in Osaka it's  crazy to think that we traveled about 500   km in only 2 and 1/2 hours if we had  to drive here in a car it would have   taken us over 6 hours to get here this is  definitely the best way to travel through Japan and we have arrived in Osaka that was  so seamless and efficient just as I thought   it would be here in Japan we have literally just  got off and the train is about to leave it has   stopped for only 2 minutes so if you're getting  on the train you need to get on really quickly   because it leaves immediately and there it goes  but I'm just looking there's two train tracks on   that side two right next to me and then I think  there's another four or six further on the size   of these train stations is unfathomable when  you're coming to Japan there are trains in all   different directions and you can travel to pretty  much the entire country via train so here you can   actually see the aerodynamic nose shape it kind  of looks like a duck bill design and apparently   it has that shape to overcome the sonic boom  created when the train goes through the tunnel   now that we've got off the train we've checked  into our hotel and we're going to explore the   streets of Osaka but that's going to be in the  next video so please make sure to SUBSCRIBE and   hit the Bell so you get notified when that video  comes out we have also made a first video in Tokyo   so make sure to go and watch that thanks so much  for watching and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Shev and Dev
Views: 267,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: japans shinkansen tokyo osaka, tokyo to osaka travel, bullet train review, first impressions of japan, traveling in japan, first-time shinkansen ride, traveling tips for japan, shinkansen travel, bullet train vlog, bullet train japan, traveling by bullet train, train ride vlog, toyko to osaka, toyko bullet train, japan, tokyo, first time in japan, japan vlog, japan travel guide, things to do in japan, tokyo 2024, tokyo travel, what to do in tokyo, japan train, bullet train
Id: ztSOG5BeNrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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