Rider Transformation: Becoming The Leader Her Horse Needs. Pt 2

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he's bucked me off a lot of times and constantly becoming super BRAC and then he'll just explode if we're going to get him to see you as the leader more it's going to be more about driving pressure if I could just bring my life up this would be me like being another horse and pinning my ears at him and saying hey you need to step away from this feed or whatever and he's there's nothing there right they need to have a confident leader they need to have a qualified leader and so you're proving to him that you are that by doing the driving pressure yields where he's stepping off that pressure should we get them tacked up now okay yeah that's more more come on come on Phoenix so this is him just poking around and just making me do a lot of work yeah like I'm like exhausted and he's just like let me just have you do a couple things here hey sounds good let me see you do a four quarter yield I know no left leg no left leg okay you kind of give him that room to Y can you feel him moving his high quarters yes yes he's moving his hind so do you remember on the ground all the reasons I talked about moving the front end yes for for him to see you as the leader mhm when when you so there's that so like he didn't do it at all right he just moved his hind quarters around um and then when you're riding him and you're having to keep him going the whole time you're accepting the fine yeah I know okay horrible and so that's giving up your leadership card right off the bat immed immediately by you just having to constantly make him do it he's not choosing to do it yeah um so these are just two things right off the bat that we can work on because overall he's fine it's it's really a matter of him seeing you as the leader more yeah and there's going to be moments where like you say the he's scared of the pond or the jump or something comes up that he does get bigger and we need to have a default kind of recovery strategy and so we're going to practice that too um but I don't want to try to make up a situation you know we're going to make up one but I don't want to try to create one by having you you know do something really hard or whatever um so what we're going to do is you're going to ask him to go from a halt to a trot and we're only going to accept it when he does it with barely any leg you're going to whisper to him with your legs so what I want you to do let me show you okay you're going to whisper to him with your legs I still want the leg queue to be there okay I don't want to like have no leg QE so you're just going to give him a gentle squeeze and ex and you're going to think Trot in your kind of energy riding okay if he doesn't Trot you're going to go touch and then you're going to reset and whenever you reset so this would be true at any gate you would bring him back to wherever you were at when you started right so if you were trotting and you asked him to caner off of a very light que and you had to touch him you would reset back to the Trot and in this case you're at a halt so you would reset back to a halt okay and a halt to trot is to me about the equivalent of energy needed to do a walk to caner okay okay so it's a harder one okay and so instead of just getting him into the walk and then getting him into the Trot we're going to go halt to trot okay Touch One Touch reset okay after you spank him you're going to measure the quality of response did he jump into the Trot right away did he caner or did he not notice you even touched him or did he did he acknowledge it what we're looking for is for him to acknowledge it that would be the right amount of pressure right so when I say we measure it if this was the perfect amount meaning he acknowledged it but he didn't really go anywhere that's kind of what we're looking for because I don't want him to feel like we just spanked him so hard that we made him do it okay okay but I also if we if you touch him that hard and there's no acknowledgement of it the next time you ask and you touch you got to turn the volume up a little bit okay and we're just going to keep doing that until he he uh responds appropriately if you guys are enjoying this video and you would like to see more uh detailed training videos and be able to ask me specific questions about your horse consider joining my patreon page it's only $10 a month you're going to have access to all the videos we do a fun monthly challenge that has a giveaway for the winner um at the end and I think you guys will really enjoy it so we'll leave a link in the description below let's get back to the video and barely barely squeeze and ask him to trot now touch now reset back to a halt okay now squeeze squeeze and touch now relax now reset and I would say he's acknowledging that touch so that's the right amount of pressure life up squeeze and touch now stop life up squeeze touch now reset life up squeeze and that was good we'll take it okay now legs off stay come Circle by me okay legs completely off do not touch him with your legs okay if he breaks down to a walk we're going to stop him and then we're going to ask again for the truck okay so this is called teaching him a go button no legs make sure you're not bumping him accidentally okay now stop him now life up okay life up actually go ahead and turn the other way okay and then squeeze and spank now reset okay life up squeeze and spank easy that was too much s sorry stop him okay and life up life up squeeze very good very do you see how you had Trot with energy now legs off don't touch him with your legs okay we'll Circle yep so first we're we're going to practice teaching him that you mean business when you squeeze yeah then the next thing we got to teach him is to maintain gate but he's going to see you as the leader more already if you don't have to micromanage him just to keep him trotting St now stop life up life up squeeze and spank now stop st life up life up squeeze very good very good so does that feel better already yeah yeah now we're going to switch to maintain gate okay so for maintain gate if he breaks gate you're not going to micromanage him with your legs you're just going to spank him right there spank him so actually I'm going to add another component of this when he breaks gate I want you to turn and you're going to roll back 180° so turn towards the inside you're going to just take one rain inside or outside and you're going to bring it all the way back past your hip and turn 180° and trot out of that okay okay so we're going to ask him to do more work when he breaks gate it than if it was it would be easier just to maintain gate got it yeah okay so if he breaks gate he's going to run into pressure redirect and go okay and go and you got to mean it like just squeeze lightly but you can mean it with your spanker okay got it so we're going to change the game here a little bit okay so these are two separate games we're going to go through this kind of quickly but the first game is anytime you ask him to change speeds you need to ask nicely and if he doesn't go you need to spank and then reset mhm but that's different than expecting him to maintain gate maintain gate is you're already in the gate and then he does breaks out of it but you're like I'm not going to micromanage you so that's the rule you cannot micromanage him while you're trotting around and furthermore you can't try to not micromanage him you have to not micr I loved it when you said that to your daughter I use that all the time okay cuz I can tell when I'm coaching somebody they're like okay I'll try and I'm like they're not going to do it you know what I mean because it's a little thing but for him it's the difference of him seeing you as the leader more or not okay and because there's not like he doesn't come out of the out of the barn out the stable with like immediately challenging you you only are running into problems when you run out of leadership to solve that problem yeah so we're going to we need to do two things we need to increase the level of leadership that you have okay we did that on the ground and then we're going to do that under sadle by things like this okay so these are the proactive steps the the part that's going to be challenging is I'm not going to be here to coach you in every situation that comes up fortunately you're going to have to watch the the patreon page and and and watch and and make good decisions from there yeah um so let's let's focus on this for now so now you're going to ask him to go because we're at a stand still so you're going to bring your life up I'm going to bring my life up and I'm going to and touch reset reset and then ask reset okay and go very nice very nice now you're on maintain gate now and try a small circle around me okay if he breaks gate let him that was a break gate roll back yes and trot spank spank him out of that very good oh I'm like trying to post but is that that's okay right small circle around me okay we're not supposed to be kicking right so yeah you can post oh I can just when you roll back just sit when you roll back no legs on now turn sharp and spank don't kick just spank turn turn turn turn right go right back to your circle around me cuz what you're doing right now is you're telling him that you're serious and you mean business without waiting for it to become a more dramatic thing you're you're holding him accountable with some basic things roll back and now spank good legs are off so he's going to start figuring out that it's more work to break gate than it is just a maintain gate yeah legs are off you could leave this stick in the same hand too okay I know like don't change it and Improvement is when he goes further than he did previously eventually you could also play this game with expecting him to have good energy while he does it yeah he no legs no legs I'm going to go the slowest as possible you can sign him up by even going on a smaller Circle okay like I dare you to break gate yeah right there roll back and spank spank good very good and if he's being pretty good then you can leave him out on a bigger Circle okay going to get a smaller Circle going yeah to make him that that's called signing him up it's making it hard for him to to to not be committed to trotting with some energy but see he made it that time didn't he yeah okay so go ahead and stop there okay stop and then pet him better Bo so he would you agree he tried a little harder that time way harder even when I got small so these exercises is not about Dr training and getting him to move and be through and use his body really well this is about getting into his mind and just getting him to be a little more committed than he was the first time you you went around MH does that make sense yes it does um for sure the the next couple things that you're going to need to do is practice controlling his feet a little bit more um so we're going to work on our four quarter yields okay so what I'd like you to do is you're going to walk a circle actually I want you to trot a circle around me okay and you're going to use your inside rain and inside leg to create a lot of bend on the circle okay then I want you to sit and open up that leg and go into a turn on the hunches okay so I'm doing a tight Circle and I'm inside rain inside leg but then I'm using that outside leg outside leg position one position one okay and then I'm I'm you want me to turn to in to the inside we're trying to get him to yield his shoulder for you okay so just so again this is not jumping training this is just basic horsemanship getting your horse to see you as the leader more okay so so okay so a on inside Bend inside leg nice okay that was good okay so now more bend on the inside inside leg inside leg inside leg and just small circle around me here yep good now sit and O open up that leg open up your right leg the right leg yep so stop open up the right leg okay stop close the open up the right leg open up the right leg close the left leg and hold them there until he moves his front end over there's the hind end there's the front end and stop P him good job very good okay okay so did you feel the difference on those last couple steps when he sat back and pivoted sat back in that yeah okay so this doesn't have this this is one way that you can improve a horse's steering like theoretically a person who's into jumping could practice this a little bit to work on some steering if the horse was kind of pushing through their shoulder or something but the reason I'm having you do it is just a way to to have a few things that are more horsemanship based more psychology based that gets him to see you as the leader more okay okay and so the the part that's going to be the toughest is not him is you holding yourself accountable to not tolerating big ass like you like with your daughter that I've seen you interact with her I I can't see you tolerating having to yell at her to get her to do something right you're like no I'm not going to do that I'm going to ask you and then there's probably consequences if she doesn't you have to be that same way with him okay does that make sense yeah yeah cuz he's sand he's sandbagging you yeah yeah he does he Tex he's testing you and he's he's relying on that much pressure to get results and then the problem is when it takes that much pressure just to get him to walk or Trot around the arena you don't have anything left over if you are in a more difficult situation with jumping or trail riding and running into an obstacle it's already like used up so to speak and it's making him duller to it so if you have a I'm not what so what I'm not saying is he's going to then be perfect in all these other situations you've told me about yeah but what I am saying is he it's more like going to work out well as he's seeing you as the leader more by getting some more of these things working for you you're moving the needle in that direction um so let me just see you try a side do you side pass him normally um so I do try to like I make him side pass over poles like make him go with the pole underneath his belly so I do it okay let's just try it right here okay so I'll just like so you're going to open up that left side and you can open up that rain and then close the left leg and then the same oh I'm going this way sorry go this way okay so oh he wants to go this way so whatever side you're going to side pass away from puts your stick on that side oh yeah yeah for sure so it's the same game here don't bury your leg in him to get him to go if he doesn't go whatever part you feel is more sticky add a touch with the whip okay so we're going to go towards the fence yep so open up that side look that way close this side don't don't don't bury your leg in them okay there you go now touch the shoulder and then reset okay reset now I want you to do that again and I want you to use half the amount of input and expect him to go if he doesn't go at a touch so I'm going to so slow it down and do less first okay less first beautiful beautiful very nice did that feel easier yeah yeah for sure good it was a real whisper yes so change the stick okay and we'll go the other way all right he's already like okay okay very nice very nice very nice on this side so that one that one's pretty easy for him so that's good but that'll be a good thing to keep practicing with him okay um because that was easy I want to give you another one okay so there's another exercise that we do kind of for performance horse training like this is now where it starts a little bit exiting out of foundation training and into more Performance training where I do a counterbend normally I ride a counter Bend to free up their shoulders as an exercise for eventually doing more advanced Maneuvers like lead changes uh setting up for caner departures things like that or lateral Maneuvers like ERS um but for him I'm doing it because it's going to be a you're going to be riding him and controlling his shoulders so what I want you to do is you're going to ride a straight line and you're going to tip his nose off to the the left side and we're going to but then I'm going to ask you to ride him off your left leg to the right okay so you're going to do a right circle around me with his nose to the left if he gets sticky on your left leg you're going to your stick and tap the shoulder and step him over if he does get stuck and he's kind of fighting it fighting it and then he finally steps over you're going to give him a release okay okay so it's not about how many circles you make it's about how light and willing he is to step his shoulder around okay so I'm going to go around to the right yep and tip his nose to the left stick on the right we're going this stick on the left on the left cuz you would tap his left shoulder because the yield here is coming off your left leg position one okay left leg okay and then his nose is going to be to the outside to where the fence L is and at a trot or walk let's drew it at a walk first and but eventually yeah you could do it out a trot okay so I'm going to you said straight line but you said Circle yeah start with a straight line now tip his nose to the left tip his nose to the left okay and then put your left leg forward and ask his shoulders to step over tap him if you lose forward energy on the hip nice he's kind of side passing a little bit more than he's moving his shoulder so get get a little more forward there okay a little more forward forward forward forward and can you see how in order to do this your legs have to be available to cue the yields that you're asking for very good very good and stop there that was good good good um if your legs were tied up keeping him going forward you don't have a leg available to cue to move the shoulder right so this is one of the things that once you get them freed up moving forward you can add just messing with do a counterbend around a jump and then r on the same way but these are things that challenge him um more than just going forward and around again that helps him see you as the leader more okay okay okay let's uh go to the other way and we're going to do it out a trot this time okay and go towards the left okay yep so I'm going to just so it's going to be right leg position one so that leg's going to go forward and you're going to use the stick to hold them accountable to maintain don't get don't let him talk you into using both legs to keep him my leg is not going to be for forward move it's going to be the tap exactly Okay so going so we're gonna get them trotting now there it's going stop reset CU you start kicking yeah life up okay squeeze good now counter Bend right flexion yes very good very good need a super and stop stop that was great okay that was good super good boy he's a good boy he needs to see you as the leader more boils down too so you have to find just some ways to challenge him with that the hard part is I can't like maybe what we could do is ride around a little bit and see if we can run into something um but basically I would encourage you if he hits a threshold when you're riding by the pond or riding out around the farm um if he hits a threshold if he Spooks or leaves where he's going I would bend him around and yield his high quarters if he just stops and looks I would back him up a ways from it okay a ways okay so so now you're saying the threshold that he got scared or stopped was here you're going to back him up a ways especially if it's easy if it feels real easy to back him keep going he wants to back yeah and then there's going to be a point where it starts getting heavier this is where you stop now spanking forward okay okay and then when you get up to this line you're going to ask yourself do you want to try to go further or do you want to stop again okay again that's if he's just stopping right if he's trying to leave let him leave and then do the hind cord to yield somewhere else okay so let's try going from a trot and then I'm going to we're going to pretend he bucked and then I want you to reach down and get his head bent around and do the hind quar yield okay so we're going to trot and okay I'm going to try to the left and then same rules though about getting him to go yeah so I'm going to just halt him I'm going to just try and for AA okay nice I like it and then oh no he bucked okay so I'm gonna reach down Bend him around yield the hind quarters and then you would spank his butt with the stick there you go that's good that's plenty okay this is pretend okay sorry but that's that's what you'd have to do to correct him when he bucks to say you're going to run into a lot more pressure even if you feel like he thought about bucking okay you're going to go no we don't think about that we don't have a naughty thought that would be like your daughter not taking an action on something naughty but saying something like saying something it's like no we're not we're not even going to tolerate that yeah does that even at the smallest measure it's got to be snuffed out yeah exactly because it's it's letting those it's what's happening I in my opinion is you're letting him go on a lot of little things and then it builds up to a big thing at some point yeah but you're being proactive now about him seeing you as the leader more so those big things are going to it's going to take more theoretically to do to bring it to that point then if he does go to that point it's going to be a less of a reaction now so there likely is going to be less of a thing that happens as long as you have him seeing you as a leader on the ground and you're doing these things riding proactively if something were to happen it should be less and it would take even more to bring it there that would be great so those are the that's the the good news but what I can't promise you is that nothing's going to happen like he's probably going to test it at some point and you're just going to have to catch it right away and I'm used to that bend his head around yield his high quarters and you got to yield his high quarters until you feel like okay that was so that's a he mind is back on you when do I cuz I have I'm not as in tune I have to get more in tune with like reading him so when do I release with doing that hind quarters probably after two or three Taps okay and and then release him facing whatever he was kind of protesting okay just release him there and see if he wants to chill out and if he's thinking about you or do you feel like he's still hyperfocused if he's still really focused on whatever was bothering him you're going to redirect him again you're going to do it again you you don't need to wait for him to do anything other than just being focused and then stop and look at again and see if he looks settled and relaxed like he is now or is he like about to do something again okay let's um let's let's go out and we'll just do the walk back and forth here across the arena where the pond and I want you to show me the point where the other day he's or even at a higher gate you might see it come out like when that's the problem higher gate he just wants to get so far off that Rail and then I noticed in this left corner he used to be worse going right you're saying even inside the arena in the arena it's hor I would bet that today it wouldn't happen I know I was like let's find out because today I think he's seeing you as the leader more so let's test it so I want you to do a just do a trot and then let's just show me what happens and we'll we'll go from there so he's just kind of dull and lazy right now feel like I almost want to just get him so he's just kind of dull right now over here and so that's not what you were expecting I mean yeah he he's either dull or but he'll usually just when I Trot up to it he gets head high and Bracy but he didn't do that today right no no so that's that's what I'm saying like there's GNA be things that come up but if he's seeing you as the leader it's G to be more diminished it's actually great he's never gonna not be like lazy you're always going to have to be proactive about maintaining his responsibilities yeah holding him accountable to that because that's in his DNA like that's his his innate disposition yes um but when he gets scared that's now him switching to more acting like a prey animal and that's what I'm saying you can do something about that I mean it's good we're doing it all in this corner too cuz he hates this corner and I mean of course he's not doing I would say he he doesn't hate this corner well I mean you should have been here yesterday I was like he was horrible yesterday any horse can get afraid of of anything it's more about him seeing you as the leader and and you not micromanaging him so that he's got to participate with you you're asking him to be a partner in everything you do versus I'm just going to get on you and make you do these things until he protests enough that it's you coming off yeah that's I really want to make him want to be a partner but yes feel like you followed my instructions very well you you did this great and and the groundwork is really going to be a huge key to this I would say it's probably 70% the riding is less of it um and so I really want you to put effort into warming him up well and getting him to turn loose to side passing and changing directions and all that um under saddle the biggest thing is about you practicing proactively moving his shoulders and not micromanaging them with your legs you're a great you did a fantastic job today thank you I enjoyed that all right pleasure working with you [Music]
Channel: Ryan Rose
Views: 29,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horse, horse training, Horse trainer, Ryan, rose, Ryan Rose, rose horsemanship, horsemanship, English, western, leader, leadership, Jumping horse, Bucks, Lazy
Id: wZBdNb9fRw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 7sec (1567 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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